Looking for a 12 year old boyfriend. How to confess love to a girl

Relationships between boys and girls begin in adolescence. First love, first date and kiss - everyone will have all this. Only for this you need to find a guy or a girl. But how to do this if there is no one in mind? Sometimes the desire to meet with someone takes place, but there are no "candidates". How to find a boyfriend at 12? Where to apply? What dating methods can be used? About all this - further.

old friends

Most girls now have many friends by their teenage years. And it's the boys. Among them, you can choose a pair for yourself. Take a closer look, who gives you signs of attention? Who do you like the most? Once you have the answers to these questions, take action. All it takes is an offer to meet. Or make it so that the friend himself suggested.

This is how you can answer the question of how to find a guy at 12 years old. The downside to doing this is that you could get rejected and lose a friend. Therefore, often people who are in the "friend zone" stay there. In addition, having a relationship can ruin your friendships. As practice shows, parting between people rarely ends in friendship.


How to find a boyfriend at 12? To understand this, it is necessary to analyze the ways of communication. modern teenagers. Where do they most and most of all have dialogues? That's right, on the internet. It is here that at any age you can find a soul mate. Perhaps this is the most common scenario.

A variety of social networks and dating sites perfectly help to cope with the task. Compose a profile, post your photo and go in search of a guy. Usually this is helped by searching on the site using filters. Just do not forget to indicate in the column "goal" the search for relationships (love). Very good method which is in demand.

So finding a guy 12-13 years old is not very difficult. Indeed, on the Internet, you can lie a little about your age and even some habits. People communicate more freely online than online. real life. Therefore, you should not think that virtual communication cannot develop into real relationships. For teenagers who don't want to spoil friendships with people they already know, the Internet is the best way out. Here, even the most shy girl can find a mate.

But if you choose a specific place to search the network: chat rooms, dating sites, forums, social networks, then it is better to pay attention to the last point. And exclude specialized dating services altogether: older teenagers - 15-16 years old - often sit here.


Where can I find a guy 12 years old? In principle, if you do not want to search on the Internet, you can try to look for a soul mate at school. Take a look at the boys in 6th grade. It can be a student from your class or from a parallel. It doesn't matter, the main thing is that you like each other.

If you know for sure that someone liked it, act. Don't be afraid to take the first step and ask to date. In principle, there is nothing difficult in this. If you are embarrassed to start a dialogue in person, do it on the Internet through social networks.

public places

How to find a boyfriend at 12? All you really need to do is meet new people. You can do this in in public places. Feel free to look at people and make new acquaintances. The main thing - do not immediately offer a relationship. Usually so young teenagers you need to meet at least a few times and walk together. If you feel that you are comfortable around the boy, you can invite him to meet. There is nothing difficult in this.

That's all. Now it’s clear how to find a guy at 12 years old. In principle, the methods are no different from ordinary dating at an older age. The main thing - do not be shy and do not be afraid to show your sympathy to people.

Dating a guy you like can be intimidating, especially if you're young, inexperienced, and your peers are watching your every move. Be confident in yourself, and don't let anxiety get the better of you. If you decide to get to know each other better, be prepared to confess your feelings and make a decision. young man, whatever it may be.


Part 1

Preparing for the meeting

    Behave naturally. Whenever you are talking to a young person, be yourself. Changing in character, attitudes and interests, that is, pretending to be someone else for the sake of another person, is fundamentally wrong. Otherwise, after a while, the guy is likely to be disappointed in you. It is unlikely that you want to build a relationship with a person who does not like you for who you are.

    Every morning put in extra effort to get yourself in order. While being in a relationship with a person of the opposite sex is about more than just good looks, there's nothing wrong with looking your best to get the attention of the young man you like. Choose items of clothing that you feel confident in, while keeping your personal style in mind.

    Don't lose faith. Remind yourself often that you have many wonderful qualities, that you are unique and worthy of love. Don't tell yourself that you won't succeed if you haven't tried to get close yet. Be confident and walk with your head held high. Accept yourself for who you are and reassure yourself that you can build strong relationships.

    Chat with big amount people to meet a guy. In adolescence, it is easiest to meet a guy at school, at school and extracurricular activities. In addition, you can meet new people your age in public places where teenagers often spend time. Leave the walls of your house and start connecting with people more. You never know where and when you will meet a young man that you like.

    Part 2

    Acquaintance with a young man
    1. Introduce yourself and chat with the young man on general topics. The first conversation will surely cause you fear and nervous tension. Introduce yourself confidently and try to start a conversation.

      Keep talking. You can not limit yourself to just talking with a young man. It takes a lot of effort to keep relationships strong. Therefore, look for opportunities to communicate with a young man. Do this as often as possible.

      Get to know his friends. In some cases, to win a guy's heart, you need to make friends with his friends. Make an effort to get to know his friends. Thanks to this, the young man will see that you are interested not only in him, but in his whole life. Each person chooses his friends according to his interests. So get to know the friends of the guy you like. Among other things, this way you can find new friends.

      Get to know the guy better by asking him questions. Find out what his hobbies and interests are. Ask questions about his family and pets. However, remember the sense of tact. Avoid inappropriate questions. If a young person is not ready to discuss a certain topic or answer a certain question, do not push. It takes time to gain trust. If you show respect for the privacy of a young man, after a while he will begin to trust you.

      Tell us about yourself. You do not want your conversations to look like an interrogation, so be sure to answer all the questions that the young man asks you. He, just like you, needs to get to know you better. He will be able to see if you have something in common, like hobbies and interests.

      • Talk about what is important to you or what interests you. This does not mean that you need to share your most intimate thoughts with him. Tell us about those personal qualities that you consider necessary to reveal. For example, tell him why you chose your hobby or the sport you do. In addition, you can tell a funny story to defuse the situation.
    2. Become his friend. One of the most simple ways To know a person better is to become his friend. You will have more opportunities to communicate with him if you become his friend, and not just a classmate.

    Part 3

    1. Give him sincere compliments. Although a person may feel embarrassed when he is praised for something, it is still pleasant for all people to hear compliments addressed to them. Don't be afraid to say something nice to him from time to time. However, be sincere when you do so. Insincere praise can destroy the trust between you.

      • Make compliments related to the appearance of the young man, as well as his inner world. Tell him that you like his shirt. If he has a great sense of humor and you always laugh in his company, be sure to tell him about it.

The question of how to find a boyfriend at 11 worries many girls. Some of them want to find a good friend, others are sincerely trying to find a soul mate. Of course, early relationship parents do not approve. But what's wrong with going to a museum together, eating ice cream, or listening to music?

Relations with guys at 11, 12 and 13 years old are the most beautiful. In this amazing period of youth, everything happens for the first time - the first love, a joint walk under the arm and a long-awaited kiss. How can you deprive yourself of the charms of a young relationship? Given the rapid development of Internet technologies, finding a guy at the age of 11 is quite simple.

At such a young age, classic dating sites should be avoided. You don't want to meet a pervert, or worse, a pedophile, do you? The best choice is Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Instagram, etc.

Detailed instructions: how to find a guy at 12?

  1. Registration in one or more in social networks.
  2. Competently filling out all the points of a personal profile - do not forget to tell a little about yourself, about your hobbies and hobbies. Particular attention should be paid to literacy - it is better to check the text several times than to show yourself in an unfavorable light.
  3. We fill the profile with interesting high-quality photos. Photos should be different - at home, on the street, in a cafe. You can decorate the finished photo using Photoshop or a ready-made editor online.
  4. We follow the video and audio content of the profile. No violent videos or trendy swearing music.
  5. We play interesting applications, for example, spin the bottle. There you can definitely find a guy at 13 years old.
  6. We join interesting communities.
  7. Active search - do not be shy! Do you need a decent guy? In this case, you should not wait for someone to write something, but be interested in the guys you like yourself. Do not be upset if your friend request was rejected. So this is not your person.

Many girls complex about the fact that all the girlfriends already have boyfriends, but they don’t. Don't worry, everything will come with time. It is much better to direct the extra energy into your studies or your favorite hobby.

If you definitely decided to find a guy at the age of 14, we recommend that you often visit those places where the best guys in your city live, for example, in a sports club or at parties. Pay attention to interesting guys playing sports. We guarantee that girlfriends will be jealous when they find out that it is your boyfriend who does parkour or boxing.

How to find a boyfriend at 15?

Everyone knows that girls grow up earlier, respectively, look older. That is why many girls of 15 years old can easily get into the coolest club. Before you go to the party, you need to prepare a stunning outfit and make high-quality makeup. It is advisable to go to the club with girlfriends. At the party, do not be shy, behave naturally and naturally. Smart guys will surely pay attention to you. It is also quite easy to find a guy at the age of 15 in a store, on the street, on vacation.

How to find and seduce a guy at 14?

  • We learn to shoot with our eyes and smile sincerely. If you catch an interested look, smile back. We guarantee that the guy will be the first to get acquainted.
  • Ask something like what time it is.
  • Ask for help. Men love to feel like heroes. Let them help a beautiful girl.

Love for all ages. Do not miss your chance, perhaps it is your destiny!

It is very easy to get acquainted with guys, the main thing is not to be shy. Find some hobbies for yourself. This will definitely help you in the future when communicating with your new friend. Acquaintance with guys aged 10-13 is best based on common interests. After all, as they say, the same hobbies bring people together. First of all, pay attention to the boys who surround you in your Everyday life. For example, at school, in the yard, in the circle where you go. Incidentally, the latter is the most the best way find the boy. Here you and common interests and see you almost every day. Moreover, an important plus in your direction will be that you can always help each other.

For starters, you just ask yourself: “What kind of guy should be at 10-13 years old? And what fits under your understanding of a “normal guy”? Here, I think, guys over 15 years old will definitely not suit you. Nothing good will come of it if he is older. Boys have very different views on friendship with a girl, and the older he is, the more difficult it will be for you with him. Do not forget that you are not yet as mature as you think. And the main goal of your acquaintance is friendship, communication, joint walks and helping each other in anything. So, at this age, it is best to start with friendly relations between you and the boy. By the way, and younger than 10-13 (depending on how old you are) this moment), look for a guy is also not worth it. Remember that girls at this age develop much faster than boys. Therefore, it will simply not be interesting for you to communicate, as you will have a completely different perception of the world. So, let's still return to the question that you should ask yourself. Let's think together, and so, a normal guy is, first of all, a smart, "cool" (for you and your girlfriends), active and sociable boy and at the same time, always modest. You don't need arrogant guys at your age. In general, if your answer is just that, then you should look for a friend, starting from these qualities of his character.

As I said at the beginning, try to look for a guy based on the similarities between your common interests with him. It brings together and helps to have a very entertaining time. After all, you have one thing in common, for the sake of which you both learn this or that type of hobby. If you do not have the opportunity to attend any circles. Don't be upset. Direct your search for a guy in a slightly different way - visit as often as possible school discos and other events that your school lives on. Thus, you will get to know the guys from your parallel as best as possible, whom you did not even notice at all before. And as they say: if you don't know, you won't understand. So, take a closer look, suddenly among them there will be your prince. You just haven't noticed it yet. If you are one hundred percent sure that school boys are not your thing at all and your main desire is to find a boy who is not related to your school life. Then you should look for a guy in completely different places. For example, take a girlfriend with you and go for a walk with her to the sports ground or to the beach. Join the guys to play something (volleyball, tennis, maybe even football) and the conversation will start on its own, you won’t even notice how you have new friend And besides, not alone. It remains only to choose the one that suits your taste. Your boys of the same age will definitely appreciate what an active, sociable and cheerful person you are. And most importantly, in this situation, never be afraid, just give and ask the boy, for example, his name and whether it is possible to join the game.

Also, you can use the Internet. By the way, in our time, the Internet is overflowing with various sites designed specifically for dating, where you can find a guy exactly according to your age category. Also, do not forget to register on various social networks (for example, VKontakte). Be sure that there you will meet a lot of single guys who will absolutely not mind chatting with you. Swap phone numbers and don't forget to make appointments in real life. More guys, more choices. Do not forget about it. You want to find yourself best guy. Therefore, do not be afraid to touch the boys, while there is such an opportunity, use it. Guys, by the way, are more receptive to the desire of a girl to meet. Therefore, you should not worry about the fact that something might not work out for you. The main thing is to be yourself, behave naturally and openly. Always come to the meeting with a smile and good mood. Remember your age requires it. Tell as much as possible about yourself and find out from the guy about him, this will help both of you get to know each other better.

Summing up everything written above, I will say that meeting guys at the age of 10-13 is not so problematic, such an acquaintance can even develop into a relationship. The main thing is to be able to express yourself from the positive side, so that he would be interested in you. But here you should not forget the fact that you still have a long way to go. Why rush things before the time given to you. If sooner or later you like yourself, the guy will like you, he himself will find a reason to get to know you, so take your time. Everything has its time. Here I have no doubt that in your question regarding dating a guy, everyone will advise you to study. And you seriously study until you have time to say goodbye to childhood. More than once you will love and be loved. But no matter how it was and whatever you decide, I hope you, in any case and age, will find a good boy.

Through friends or relatives. So immediately send a text or private message to your entire contact list asking you to go blind with someone you don't know yet. Perhaps not everyone will respond to such a request, but some of her friends will definitely have a neighbor, classmate or classmate, or maybe an older brother who would also like to. Exchange phone numbers with him and offer to meet with the same. Who knows, perhaps in this way you will begin to communicate with the person who will become the most dear to you in the world. Or at least ask him to accompany you somewhere as your.

Take it to be sure best girlfriend and go where you will be provided with increased male attention. To a disco, a nightclub, a bar, a concert, a park where roller skaters or firemen hang out, and even a training ground if you have a dog. Auto parts stores, building materials stores and other "male" points are also suitable. Feel free to start a conversation with the guy you like first: today you won’t surprise anyone with the fact that a girl takes the initiative. And remember, it will be easier to meet and form relationships if you have common interests, such as a love of motorcycles, rock music or animals.

It used to be that sitting at home, you won’t find a boyfriend for yourself. However, everything changed with the advent of the Internet and dating sites in our lives. Now you can pick up a companion without getting up from the couch and just clicking the mouse. Register on the most popular sites for finding a soul mate, fill out the form and post your photos. Now you can wait for you to Mailbox Letters from gentlemen will fall ... or look for these gentlemen on your own. However, you need to be more careful with such acquaintances: there is always a risk of running into inadequate personalities, so it is better not to rush with close communication.


how to find a boyfriend. Have you ever felt that your relationships with guys always follow almost the same scenario, and not at all the way you would like? Actually it is not. Practice shows that most guys are rather shy, and such behavior on your part can only cause him a negative reaction. Moreover, the better this guy is as a person, the more naturally he is shy. And vice versa.

Helpful advice

So, girls who are promising in all respects, young people, as a rule, are taken apart even before they come of age. Even at school, several girls compete for the love of such a guy - these are recognized leaders, born "alpha", who will be accompanied by unsurpassed success with women all their lives. Women gravitate towards leaders, which is why university professors, as a rule, can always count on an affair with a student. If you want to be guaranteed to find a life partner - become a professor!

