How and when to do laser hair removal. Basic course: what you need to know about laser hair removal

Laser hair removal - the right way to achieve permanent results in hair removal. This will require no more than seven procedures. If you properly prepare for the process, you can get rid of unwanted hair quite quickly and avoid unpleasant consequences from the laser.

How does laser hair removal work?

The laser sends a concentrated beam of light to the skin. It burns unwanted vegetation. The dark pigment of the hair helps to recognize it. As a result, the hair is destroyed: first, its growth stops, and then completely stops. After a while, the remnants of the burnt root are pushed out of the skin. new hair no longer appears from this follicle.
1) the condition of the hair before the procedure; 2) the laser affects the hair; 3) after a few days, the destroyed hair is removed from the skin; 4) skin after laser: smooth and even

However, the laser beam cannot affect all vegetation at once, it acts selectively, recognizing only hairs that are at a certain stage of development.

Any hair that grows on our body goes through three stages:

  • anagen (growth phase, lasts from 2 to 3 years depending on the area of ​​the body);
  • catagen (death phase, duration approximately 2 weeks);
  • telogen (rest phase, takes 3 months).

Anagen: hair actively grows and develops; catagen: the hair follicle leaves its bed and moves towards the surface of the skin; telogen: hair stops growing and dies

The bad news is that the laser beam only affects hair in the anagen phase. This means that no more than 70–75% of all vegetation is available to the laser at any time, and it is this amount that is in the growth stage. Therefore, subsequent sessions of the procedure are required to "catch" those hairs that were not available to the laser during the first session.

Skin care after laser hair removal

If you trusted a good specialist or performed the procedure yourself in compliance with all the instructions, then you can return to your normal life almost immediately after epilation. It is only important to pay special attention to the treated area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. Check out this post-laser care plan.

In the first hours after the laser

Right after laser hair removal you need to cool the skin. The easiest way is ice. Wrap ice cubes clean soft cloth and apply to the skin.
Be sure to wrap the ice in a cloth or thick disposable pad before applying to the skin.

Discomfort or burning sensation can also be relieved with a paracetamol tablet.

If you need to apply makeup to the laser treated area, do it with very light touches. Excess friction can increase the chance of scarring.

Sometimes after the laser, swelling appears around the follicles, which look like large tubercles. goose bumps. They should be treated as gently as possible. Do not rub in soothing cream. If a crust forms, do not peel it off, let it fall off on its own. Apply a thin layer of aloe vera ointment to the laser treated area to keep it moist. Repeat several times a day. Do not shave the damaged area while swelling and flaking persist.

1 day later

Avoid hot showers and baths for the first 24 hours after laser hair removal.

2 days later

Only after 48 hours can deodorant and perfume be used again. Whitening creams are also banned for two days. Give up fitness and intense physical activity for the first couple of days after laser hair removal: sweating, changes in body temperature and vasodilation do not contribute to skin healing.
After laser hair removal on the face, use make-up products with an SPF filter: additional protection is needed for the skin between laser sessions

3 days later

Do not swim in chlorinated water for three days after waxing. Do not wear coarse fabrics, avoid any strong rubbing of the skin.

1 week after laser hair removal

Don't plan on going to the beach right after laser hair removal. Wait a week before you can show off your smooth skin. This is important because the skin after epilation is especially sensitive, and ultraviolet rays can cause irritation and burns. Be sure to use sunscreen, especially in the first seven days after the laser.

Do not pluck your hair after laser hair removal. Many women want to see the perfect result right away, and they resort to tweezers. But dying hairs should fall out on their own. And after plucking, an open pore can become an environment for infection.

After 2 weeks

After 10-14 days, the laser-treated hair should completely disappear. A soft skin scrub will help to facilitate their extraction from the pores. Do not use scrubs with acids, but homemade sugar or coffee composition will work. It can be used 2 weeks after laser hair removal.

After 3 weeks

For the first weeks after laser hair removal, use sunscreen with a high SPF of 30 or higher.

Precautions When Using Laser Hair Removal

As attractive as the laser is, this hair removal method has a few important caveats. Laser hair removal is not for everyone. For some, this type of devegetation carries significant health risks.

The laser is contraindicated:

  • pregnant women;
  • nursing mothers;
  • owners of dark skin;
  • proponents of tanning;
  • suffering from diabetes;
  • having cancer.

Be sure to consult your doctor before laser hair removal if you are at risk.
If you are pregnant, do not decide on laser hair removal on your own, consult a specialist

Thanks to innovative cosmetic procedures, you can easily and effectively get rid of almost any external flaw. Yes, remove body hair. razor today is almost the same as doing a manicure with a chainsaw. The problem of excess vegetation is successfully solved by laser hair removal, and without the daily routine and unpleasant consequences such as peeling, blackheads, ingrown hairs and skin irritation.
To learn more about this procedure, we turned to the head of the Moscow studios , Delight Laser and Epilaserman Alena Kaigorodova.
This salon uses the latest lasers with Iplaser technology. With them, the procedure is as comfortable as possible, and the devices themselves are suitable for almost all skin types.
An experienced cosmetologist told how to prepare for laser hair removal and how not to become a victim of fraud by unscrupulous clinics.

1. How does laser hair removal work?

In order for the light energy of the laser to act on the hair, there must be special substances in the body that would attract this energy, absorb it and carry out a physicochemical reaction. The main absorbent substance required for laser hair removal is melanin. It is he who gives color to hair and skin.

Melanin has 3 fractions: eumelanin, responsible for dark shades, pheomelanin, which is responsible for light shades, and neuromelanin, which is located in brain structures. Ultimately, the predominance of one or another fraction will determine the final shade of hair color. Only eumelanin has light-absorbing abilities. The remaining fractions reflect light, so epilation blonde hair, be it light fluff, blond or gray hair, is impossible. For such people, laser hair removal is a waste of time and money. They are usually advised to turn to other types of hair removal: depilation or electrolysis.

When light energy is absorbed by hair shafts containing melanin, various reactions occur in the subcutaneous tissues, the main of which is thermal. The hair is heated to a high temperature, which leads to the destruction of the follicle. Therefore, the process of light hair removal is called thermolysis (thermo - temperature, lysis - destruction), and from a scientific point of view, photo and laser hair removal is correctly called photothermolysis (light-thermal destruction). With photothermolysis, the hair is heated up to 70-80 degrees Celsius. All cells of the hair follicle, including the cells of the hair papilla, die, so hair growth does not resume for a long time.

But, unfortunately, the structure of the follicle is restorable, so it is impossible to permanently remove the hair.
You also need to understand that there are different phases of hair life: a growth stage, an intermediate stage, and a resting stage. Only those hairs that are in the growth phase can be removed with laser hair removal, as they are saturated with melanin. From 20% to 90% of the epilation zone is in the growth phase, therefore, after about 2 weeks, the loss occurs in patches. The transition from the sleep phase to the growth phase takes 21-28 days, which determines the interval between procedures for a maximum of 30-31 days.

But it happens that due to individual characteristics, the transition takes more than a month. In this case, a month after the procedure, you need to navigate by the hairs that have appeared: if they are, then the transition has occurred and you can work.

Often after 3-5 sessions, the follicle tries to replenish the lost bulbs and activates their maturation. This reaction is natural, it is called "paradoxical growth." But this quickly passes with subsequent procedures. The main thing is to calm down, do not panic and just continue the course.

2. What is the best technology in terms of price/quality ratio?

To date, there are dozens of lasers from different manufacturers. But they can all be reduced to several types: alexandrite, diode, neodymium, Elos, AFT, IPL and IPLASER.
We only use lasers with the IPLASER system, as they are safe, effective and painless. Our masters are qualified doctors, as it is important to assess the risk and possibility of laser hair removal individually for each client.

3. Which parts of the body can be removed with a laser, and which parts cannot?

With the help of a laser, hair can be removed on any part of the body, even on the labia in women, in the nose or in the ears. The exception is the eyes. Since the skin around the eyes is very thin, in order to avoid the risk of any damage and consequences, we do not epilate the hair under the eyebrows, but we can between and above.

4. How many treatments are required for complete hair removal?

This is an individual question. There are many scammers on the market who promise to do this in 6, 5 or even 4 sessions, but this is a ploy to attract customers, nothing more. Yes, there are rare exceptions when girls lost their hair in 4 sessions, but the probability of such a result is about 0.5%. More realistic figures - 6-10 sessions. This is on average. This means that sometimes there are 12. We honestly warn clients about this so that they are mentally prepared.

In addition, when the master tells you the exact number of sessions that you need, this should alert you. In life, no specialist can say exactly how many sessions you will need for complete hair removal. One thing is the color, thickness and density of the hair. Yes, we can consider them and evaluate the complexity of the case. But there are factors such as hormones and heredity, and no one can predict their behavior. And even if you pass a bunch of expensive tests, there is no guarantee that in six months the readings will not change. As is hair growth.

5. How to care for the skin between sessions?

What not to do before laser hair removal:

  • depilate the selected area (wax / sugaring / electric epilator) less than 30 days before the session. Because during depilation, the hair is removed along with the follicle, and we simply will not have anything to act on;
  • sunbathe 7 days before the procedure;
  • use peelings, scrubs three days before the session.

What to do after laser hair removal:

  • avoid being in the sun or in a solarium for 7-10 days. If you are planning a seaside holiday, you can use sunscreen (minimum SPF50) and apply it every 3-4 hours to all areas of the body that have been exposed to light. If possible, try to protect the treated areas from direct rays;
  • in the interval between procedures, exclude any alternative methods of hair removal and depilation, except for shaving;
  • waiting for hair loss from 10 to 21 days. We don't rip them out. You can only help them fall off with a washcloth or scrub.

Special cosmetics and care is not needed.
Like any cosmetic procedure, laser hair removal has contraindications. This:

  • acute allergic reactions of the skin, in particular an allergic reaction to light - photodermatosis;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases (eczema, psoriasis, lichen planus, ichthyosis, atopic dermatitis, lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, bullous dermatoses, collagenosis, vasculitis, dyschromia);
  • ischemic heart disease and hypertension;
  • herpes in the acute stage;
  • dangerous varicose veins (anticoagulants should be stopped a month in advance);
  • any benign and malignant neoplasms;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding (lactation);
  • moles, nevi, pigment and birthmarks, papillomas, we simply bypass, retreating from them by 2-3 mm;
  • if you have recently had injections of botulinum toxin.

After Botox, Dysport, Xeomin, Relatox, various dermafillers and biorevitalizants based on hyaluronic acid, epilation in the injection zones can only be done after 2 months. This is due to the fact that any type of energy accelerates the breakdown of administered drugs. But in other areas, you can do hair removal as usual.

6. Is laser hair removal a painful procedure?

Depends on the laser. On Alexandrite, for example, cases of burns are not uncommon. With our laser, the maximum that you will feel is a slight tingling or a feeling of warmth. There was a case when a client was indignant at the painlessness of the procedure, worried that there would be no effect.
Unfortunately, many girls come to us with burn marks and scars after visiting other clinics. However, it is important to understand what to do so that the client does not feel anything at all until no technology allows.

7. Is there a risk of ingrown hairs, folliculitis or skin cancer?

There is no risk of ingrown hairs. Moreover, the laser eliminates them. If the hair is not too deep, then the light reaches it, the hair dies and gradually the skin pushes it to the surface. Depending on the neglect of the case, these ingrown hairs can go away for a period of 1 to 8 months.

Before the procedure, you need to shave the selected area. This recommendation is rarely given, because most lasers need to grow hair up to 3-5 mm. For ours, this is not necessary, which is certainly more comfortable in everyday life.

If the client wants to remove the hair above the lip or on the arms and has not touched it before, then the master can remove the hair himself before epilation using an electric trimmer.
Well, the most important thing is not to read horror stories, but to tune in a positive way.

9. Is it true that laser hair removal is permanent?

Regular procedures are needed. Since the hairs on our body are in different phases of growth, we can only affect those that are in active. Therefore, a full course of laser hair removal can take up to six months, until all the hairs wake up one by one and we “light up” them during the period of active growth.

10. Are there any restrictions for girls with skin features: pigmentation, vitiligo or albinism?

Yes, there are restrictions. As it was said, removing light hair with laser hair removal is impossible. Also a difficult case is red hair (Scandinavian skin phototype). They are taken, but with a probability of 50 to 50. There were cases when the hair left no worse than dark hair, and it happened that the laser did not work.

It is important to determine the nature of the features of the skin. At the household level, it is quite simple to determine whether laser hair removal is harmful or not: imagine whether heating the skin in a problem area will be harmful? If you don’t see anything good in this, then most likely you shouldn’t do hair removal.

Pigmentation, as a rule, we bypass the handle. In any case, it is better to consult a dermatologist.

11. What should you beware of when choosing a salon?

First of all, I would like to open my eyes to what methods of fraud there are in this area.

First, the laser. Now many salons are buying cheap Chinese diodes, which are ineffective. Very often in such salons it is prohibitive low prices for procedures, for example, 200 rubles for upper lip. If this is not a promotion, but a regular price, then you should be wary.

Secondly, in lasers there is a part (a lamp or a handle as a whole) that needs to be changed. For example, in our laser, the handle needs to be changed every 600-700 thousand flashes, since the lamp power drops, and with it the result of the procedure. But many unscrupulous salons neglect this and shine with "empty" lamps. The effect is the same as at home under a light bulb.
Particularly cunning salons do the first 1-2 sessions on a normal laser so that the client sees the effect, and then, at 3-4 sessions, they can make an “empty” handle. As a result, a person is convinced that the point is in his features, and not in the flaws of the equipment, because at first there was an effect.

Thirdly, unscrupulous salons carry out procedures, despite clear signs that laser hair removal is not suitable for the client. Once a girl came to us with a request to rid her of the hair on her arms. She went to an expensive clinic for 1.5 years and did not get any effect. At the first glance, everything became clear: she had white translucent hair. When we said that, in principle, no laser can take such hair, she was shocked, she said that she could already buy a car for the money she left in that clinic.

Or one more case. A very swarthy man came with black hair on his back, belly and chest. The master noticed that they were already growing bristles and asked what they had done before. The client said that he had already gone to the laser. The master suggested that, probably, there was 1 session at the most, because the hair grew quite thickly. But the man admitted that he had already done 15 sessions on Alexandrite in an expensive clinic. Most likely, in order not to burn the skin (Alexandrite can only remove hair on the skin up to the 4th phototype), they removed the power to the maximum, but it was not enough to burn the hair. As a result, the man started our course from scratch. After the first session, the effect was immediately visible, about 99% of the hair that was in the active stage was gone.

Here's what no salon will tell you:

1. Laser hair removal does not permanently remove hair. Only for 12 months, in rare cases up to 5 years. We can say that forever, but subject to supporting procedures. After some time, some hairs will still wake up.

2. Laser hair removal does not happen completely without pain - there will still be unpleasant sensations. The difference is only in strength: from tingling, as in electrophoresis, to burns.

3. Some lasers can cause hair to grow back darker than it was before. Our specialists have recently encountered such an effect. The girls who, after visiting other salons, instead of a fluff on their hips, began to grow dark hair. My colleagues in the shop told me that after Alexandrite, unfortunately, sometimes this happens.

4. Before epilating the whole body, try the laser on a small area of ​​skin. For example, we conduct a free test drive - this is when you can do one armpit, see what happens in 2-3 weeks, and if the result suits you, then come to us for a serious procedure. And further. Some clients say that you need to find a laser that is right for you. So try different ones. We hope that the Soft laser salon will become your “own” place.

Nature has covered individual parts of the human body with a thicker hairline that performs certain functions - it protects against sweat, shock, dust, cold, and insects.

However, ideas about the beauty of the human body, which have changed throughout the existence of mankind, have made popular two procedures that allow you to artificially get rid of hair - epilation and depilation.

These procedures are armed with several methods. How to prepare for one of them - laser hair removal - will be discussed in this article.

Did you know? Attempts to use the laser in dermatology began in the 1960s. Commercial laser procedures hair removal became available in the world in the 90s of the last century.

Laser hair removal is a method in which hair follicles are destroyed by a special device - a laser. As a result, hair growth noticeably slows down or stops growing completely. To remove hair by 90-100%, you should spend several sessions of exposure to laser radiation.

Today, this method is the most popular among those that allow you to forget about unwanted hair for a long time. Laser hair removal has a number of advantages. It is safe and virtually painless. With it, the skin is not damaged, which means that strong irritations do not appear on the skin. You do not need to specifically grow your hair before laser hair removal, as required, for example, by sugaring or waxing.

However, it should be said that complications after the procedure still happen. They appear in the form of burns, folliculitis, allergic reactions, hyperpigmentation, eye damage, exacerbation of herpes.

This method of hair removal can be done by people aged 18+. There are prescriptions for what hair should be for laser hair removal. The method is suitable for people with natural hair color: from light blond to dark.

The darker the hair, the better it is removed. Very light and gray - the laser can not be removed. They contain too little melanin necessary for laser exposure.

This method is used on different areas of the human body: on the face, arms, legs, back, armpits and bikini.

Like any other form of hair removal, laser hair removal procedures require preparatory phase. Proper preparation for laser hair removal is a guarantee that the procedure will be successful, without pain and with high efficiency.

Did you know? The laser affects the hair pigment - melanin. When heated, it destroys neighboring cells of the hair growth zone, as well as blood vessels that feed the hair follicle.

How to prepare for laser hair removal

The first thing that needs to be done before laser hair removal in preparation for the procedure is is to consult a dermatologist. The specialist will help determine if you have contraindications to this method, and will give recommendations regarding your specific skin type and hairline.

The following are the requirements for the preparatory phase for laser hair removal and standard recommendations.

Do not sunbathe in direct sunlight

A trip to the beauty salon for laser hair removal should be planned in advance. That is why a month before visiting the institution, it is necessary to stop exposing the skin to ultraviolet rays and the use of self-tanning creams.

Many prefer going to the salon in winter or autumn. If the procedure is carried out during periods of active sun and the areas that are planned to be epilated cannot be hidden under clothing, then before each exit from the house, it is worth applying sunscreen with an SPF level of at least 15.

Did you know? During epilation, the laser beam penetrates the skin by 4 mm.

If there is a tan, its intensity must be reduced - this will take time. You can shorten the wait by exfoliating your skin regularly with a scrub and washcloth.

Avoid all hair removal procedures other than shaving

If you are used to removing hair with other methods of hair removal and depilation, then they should be stopped two to four weeks before going to the salon - they can significantly impair the effectiveness of laser hair removal.

The only method that can be used to get rid of hair is shaving. From this recommendation, the following one smoothly follows, related to the question of whether it is necessary to shave before laser hair removal.

The fact is that it is not only possible, but necessary, to use a razor before the procedure, otherwise the procedure may cause discomfort, pain, will not have a very long result. Therefore, the answer to the question of whether it is necessary to shave off the hair before laser hair removal will be in the affirmative. When consulting before the procedure, the specialists of the salon will tell you how to do it correctly and in what time frame.

Thoroughly shave the desired areas of the body

Before the procedure, the area where laser hair removal is planned must be shaved. For comfortable implementation of laser hair removal, the length of the hair on the epilated area should be at least 1-2 mm. If the hair is longer than 5 mm, the procedure may be painful. When they do not protrude above the surface of the skin at all, the laser will not take them.

In different salons where this procedure is carried out, different recommended terms are announced for how many days to shave the hair in the epilation area. Some advise to use a razor for 6-8 hours, others - 1-2 days before the scheduled procedure.

Since the hair on the human body grows differently - somewhere it grows faster, somewhere slower, the recommendations on the timing of shaving for each zone will differ.

So, preparation before and armpits will require shaving these areas three to four days before going to the salon. At the same time, it is more important to grow hair not in length, but in their number, so that as much of their percentage as possible is visible to the laser above the skin.

The recommended hair length in the bikini area is at least five and no longer than seven millimeters. With proper preparation for the procedure in the armpit and bikini area, it is possible to remove hair with laser hair removal in three to five procedures, which are carried out at intervals of 1.5-2 months.

Epilation of "deep bikini" is carried out on the pubis, inner thighs, labia, in the intergluteal region. However, you should be aware that not every salon undertakes hair removal in all these areas. Often the concept of "deep bikini" includes only laser treatment of the pubis and skin inside the thigh. Therefore, we advise you to specify in which areas they use the laser before deciding on this procedure and when choosing a salon.

The first procedure is best done on the area classic bikini to find out how painfully your body will react to laser exposure. The second or third time, you can already use the deep bikini area.

Many ladies are interested in the question of how to prepare for deep bikini laser hair removal. The pubis and perineum should be carefully shaved three to four days before the scheduled procedure. It is also necessary to calculate that the time of going to the salon does not coincide with the onset of menstruation and last days cycle. After all, as you know, it is on these days that pain intensifies in women.

The day before the session, you should stop using this area. cosmetics– they can cause burns.

Preparation for laser hair removal and shaving of the legs is best done a week before the procedure.

Important! If a series of laser hair removal sessions is planned, then they should be done at intervals of 25-40 days. Only 10-25% of the hair will be removed in one session. On average, four to eight sessions are required to achieve maximum results.

Getting rid of facial hair is feasible in four to eight treatments. And in order to prepare for laser hair removal on the face, on the day of hair removal, you should not apply Foundation, powder. It is better to completely abandon the use of cosmetics, especially alcohol-containing ones.

Do not use cosmetics containing alcohol

Three days before the session, the use of cosmetics containing alcohol, such as lotions, tonics, deodorants, should be interrupted.

It is also forbidden to use alcohol-containing preparations on the day of hair removal.

Limit your medication

Two weeks before going to the salon, you need to stop taking antibiotics, especially with tetracycline in the composition.

Important! When taking any other medicines, especially hormonal, you need to consult a doctor.

So let's recap. On the day of your laser hair removal procedure, your body should be:

  • with slightly regrown hair: 1-5 mm - this is how long the hair should be;
  • as light as possible, without tanning;
  • without alcohol-containing cosmetics.

Video how to prepare for laser hair removal talk in the salon

Contraindications to the procedure

Laser hair removal has a number of contraindications. It is strictly forbidden to conduct it to such categories of people:

  • with immune diseases;
  • with oncological diseases;
  • with acute forms of herpes;
  • with infectious diseases;
  • with individual intolerance;
  • pregnant women;
  • diabetics;
  • persons under the age of 18.

It is also not recommended for people who have light, gray or red hair in the area where hair removal is planned. People with dark skin and fresh tan (up to two weeks) should not go under the laser. A doctor's consultation will be required in the presence of skin diseases and injuries (burns, abrasions, scratches), SARS and influenza, numerous birthmarks, varicose veins, allergies in the acute stage.

For those who have no contraindications to the procedure, it is necessary to carefully prepare for it so that it is as comfortable, effective and maintains a long-term effect as possible. With proper preparation and conduct, with the help of several sessions, you can get rid of hair for six years or more. 80% of hair can disappear forever. Everything will depend on the specific organism and individual hair growth rates, as well as on the type and power of the laser used for hair removal.

Among the methods of dealing with unwanted vegetation on the body, it is most reasonable to turn to hair removal.

The idea of ​​hair removal is the complete destruction of the follicle. Removal methods unwanted vegetation in our time, quite a lot:, electrolysis, photoepilation.

This article will discuss another such method that allows you to forever forget about inconvenient hair - this is laser treatment of problem areas.

Laser hair removal - what is it, how is it done and what is the preparation for the session and post-procedural care, which is better: photoepilation or laser hair removal and what are their differences, how much does this method of hair removal last, reviews about the procedure, pros and cons, as well as a photo before and after and approximate prices - we will talk about this later.

The essence of this procedure is the directed destruction of the follicle, in which each hair originates, with a laser. The beam is perfectly captured by melanin.

After some time, the vegetation treated in this way falls out, and its reappearance becomes impossible.


By choosing this method of getting rid of unwanted hairline, you can count on absolute getting rid of this problem.

However, in order to achieve an absolute result, it is necessary to go through a set of measures. Those who visited the treatment room for the first time, there is a noticeable improvement to the naked eye: most of the hair disappears, and the rest, albeit slowly, but continue to grow.

Therefore, you will have to go through several sessions, the number of which will depend on the removal area, as well as the content of male hormones in the patient.

We bring to your attention the results of laser hair removal, photos before and after the procedure:

How many sessions do you need

The standard number of repetitions is from 3 to 8. But those visitors to the clinic, whose androgen levels are noticeably higher than the average value, need to return up to two times a year.

Regarding the frequency of operations, there are two approaches:

  • The first one implies that each new procedure carried out at the beginning of the rapid growth phase.

    At this stage, the hair has the best contact with the bulb, which increases the chances of removal without a trace on the first attempt. Therefore, it is more profitable to coincide with epilation for this period.

    For areas adjacent to the ears and eyebrows, its duration will be 4 - 8 weeks, legs and places - 4 months, and the head area covered with hair - no more than 8 years. With this in mind, you can achieve the effect faster.

  • If it is not possible to adapt to this period, then a visit to a specialist occurs once a month. After six months from the last session, if necessary, the procedure is repeated.

We invite you to take a look and see what wonderful results can be achieved using this dermabrasion method.

If you have a desire to find out how you can whiten your skin, smooth out wrinkles and remove spider veins using the photorejuvenation procedure, then this information can be found on our website.

How to awaken the resources hidden in your body with the help of cryosauna, and what are its indications and contraindications you will learn.

Since ancient times, women have tried in every possible way to get rid of unwanted hair. Beautiful and smooth skin- the dream of every woman and girl. Over time, new methods and various procedures began to appear. All of them were painful to some extent, but none of them gave a 100% result. Until they thought of using a laser for these purposes.

The essence of laser hair removal

So what is laser hair removal? This is a beam of light energy that penetrates into the deep layers of the epidermis and destroys the hair follicle. The same laser system can be effective on dark skin and dark hair and completely useless on a light type of hair and skin. Therefore, there are different types of lasers. The master in the salon will choose the appropriate one and conduct a test.

Why is laser hair removal so good? With its help, you can get rid of unwanted hair in a relatively short time, in some cases forever, but more often for a long period of time, and also significantly slow down their growth. On different treated surfaces, the effectiveness of the procedure may vary. You may need a different number of treatments for, say, the armpits and the bikini area. The maximum effect, on average, can be achieved in a course of 7-10 procedures. The procedure itself takes from 20 minutes to an hour, it depends on the size of the treated area.

Choose a reputable clinic for laser hair removal, such as Doctor Laser. In this case, the procedure will be carried out by a competent specialist using high-quality equipment. Read more at You will definitely be satisfied with the result.



Of course, there are contraindications for using this method of hair removal. There are not many of them:

Diseases of the endocrine system;

Acute or chronic diseases or neoplasms on the skin;


Allergic reaction after the first procedure;

Pregnancy and age up to 16 years.

Preparing for laser hair removal

Preparation for the procedure is quite simple. 1.5 -2 months before the start of the procedure, you need to stop all manipulations to remove hair from the root. Use only good old shaving, because the laser only affects the hair follicle in the active growth phase. The procedures are repeated as the follicles move from the “sleeping” phase to the active one, once every 6-8 weeks. Before epilation, shave the treated area no later than 12 hours. The master should see the hair on the surface, but, in order to avoid burns, its length should not be more than 1-3 mm. The procedure is painless. All people have a different sensitivity threshold, and for those who do not tolerate pain well, there are special creams based on lidocaine, or lidocaine spray. It is also allowed to take an anesthetic drug 30 minutes before the procedure.

Procedure results

After epilation, some redness may occur on the treated surface, which will pass very quickly.

1 session of laser hair removal eliminates approximately 10-30% of hair. It may immediately seem that the hair grows even more intensively, but this is not so. The damaged follicle is pushed outward, and after 10-14 days it will simply fall out without outside help. For several days, you need to treat the treated surface delicately, do not use aggressive alcohol-containing substances, and cancel visiting the sauna and pool. Depending on the type of laser, you may have to refrain from sunbathing for up to 3 weeks. Although some modern systems allow you to go to the beach directly from the salon. This question must be asked to the master.

The only significant disadvantage of laser hair removal is its price. But is beauty worth it?
