What is laser resurfacing. Opinions of cosmetologists about the procedure

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Fractional laser treatment of the skin is a safe, non-invasive method for solving many cosmetic problems using new generation devices. Laser rejuvenation improves complexion, eliminates pigmentation, removes wrinkles, scars, is used as a resurfacing of the epidermis and increases tissue healing after plastic surgery.

In contact with

Laser exposure transforms the skin using a beam of light directed from an erbium laser (ProFractional), the most innovative device in cosmetology, and is an alternative to surgery. There is a natural regeneration of the skin.

The laser accurately controls the depth of impact on the epidermis, is emitted in a fraction of a second and evaporates surface tissues with its energy, creating microchannels in the skin, and promoting the production of new elastin and collagen by fibroblasts. Grinding of tissues takes place under the influence of high temperatures of the laser, scattered by several microbeams in the form of a grating.

Under the action of the laser, cells awaken, unnecessary ones die off and working cells begin to work actively, restoring the area affected by the beam, actively synthesizing collagen and elastin.

Before the session, in order to avoid pain, the skin is lubricated with a special anesthetic gel, there may be a slight tingling in the area of ​​​​the rays.

The effect of the procedure is determined by the professionalism of the cosmetologist who performed the fractional treatment. An experienced doctor will always select the best individual option for each skin. The combined use of several types of rejuvenation is considered the most effective, which contributes to the simultaneous renewal of cells in the surface and deep layers.

There are two types of procedures: ablative - the laser affects only the upper layers of the skin, and fractional non-ablative rejuvenation - the deep layers of the epidermis are affected.

The benefits of laser resurfacing include:

  1. Treatment of a large area of ​​skin in one procedure with minimal damage without anesthesia (face, neck, décolleté, abdomen, hands).
  2. Rapid rehabilitation and persistent pronounced effect after one session
  3. Minimal risk of complicated reactions and predictable lasting effect.
  4. Suitable for all skin types, but requires an individual approach.
  5. Possibility of repeated procedures.

After fractional exposure:

  • the skin is rejuvenated (the color is leveled, wrinkles, dark circles under the eyes, crow's feet disappear, the oval of the face becomes tightened, sagging of the skin is prevented (tightening occurs);
  • scars after (post-acne), increased pigmentation (whitening occurs), spider veins, stretch marks and melasma disappear, pores narrow;
  • the rate of skin aging is reduced not only on the face, but also on the neck, chest, and hands.

A session of fractional laser exposure lasts from 20 minutes to 2 hours. The skin is updated within six months, from the moment of the session. The effect lasts up to 5 years. After the session, tingling of the skin and slight redness may be present for 3 days. In the recovery period, you will need to follow all the appointments of the beautician.

Table 1. Duration of the laser procedure

2 weeks before the procedure, you can not do cleaning, chemical peeling, bathe and sunbathe.

Indications and contraindications

  • wrinkles of various depths, loss of elasticity and turgor, sharp photoaging, sagging of the skin;
  • enlarged pores, scars, scars, post-acne, stretch marks and stretch marks;
  • dark circles around the eyes;
  • age spots, dilated capillaries;
  • irregularities in texture and color;
  • papillomas, moles, warts (for their removal).

Contraindications to rejuvenation must be taken into account. You can not do laser sessions with:

  • diabetes mellitus, immune, systemic diseases, complicated hypertension, ischemic heart disease, varicose veins at the site of the intended area of ​​application of the rays;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • tendency to colloid scars and violations of the repair of the skin;
  • herpes;
  • inflammatory phenomena on the skin (acute acne), infections, allergies, psoriasis and dermatosis;
  • vitiligo, benign and malignant tumors;
  • tan a month before the event, chemical peeling in 2 weeks;
  • epilepsy and mental illness;
  • taking medications with a photosensitizing effect (sulfonamides, fluoroquinolones).

Side effects after laser exposure are rare, sometimes purple spots, itching, herpes (in carriers of the virus), and a slight burn may appear. Then oral administration of desensitizing drugs (Diazolin, Dimedrol), and external ointments is used.

Photos taken before and after the sessions speak for themselves, show the result and the safety of the method. A visible effect is noted after the first procedure. The face and skin is fresh and prettier before the eyes.

Photo 1, 2. Skin tightening, reduction of wrinkles (crow's feet, nasolabial triangle, sagging cheeks, bags under the eyes)

Photo 3, 4. Disappearance of hyperpigmentation (skin lightening), simultaneous smoothing of small wrinkles (forehead, eyelids, folds near the nose).

Photo 5. Brightening and rejuvenation of the décolleté area.

Photo 6. Treatment of scars and acne with fractional rejuvenation.

What is the price of rejuvenation

It is impossible to independently determine the cost of the procedure, since it depends on the area of ​​laser exposure, calculated in square centimeters, and the deep impact of the beam on different layers of the epidermis. Some clinics provide their clients with price lists per square meter. cm.

Table 2. Approximate prices for fractional laser facial skin rejuvenation

Area of ​​influence 1 session, rub. 3 or more sessions, at a discount, rub.
Skin on the face 10 000 7 000
Eyelids, face, 1/3 neck 13 500 9 900
Eyelids above and below 3 000 2 000
crow's feet 3 000 2 000
Whiskey 3 600 3 000
cheekbones 3 600 3 000
Crease between the eyebrows 3 600 3 000
Nose 3 600 3 000
Nasolabial triangle 3 600 3 000
Chin 3 600 3 000
Cheeks 7 000 5 000
Neck 8 000 6 000
Neckline 8 400 7 000
Stomach 14 000 11 900
Back 10 000 8 000
Breast 8 000 6 000
Face, eyelids, neck 18 000 21 800

The table shows that the more procedures, the lower the cost of one session.

To achieve the best result, sessions are carried out in courses calculated by a professional cosmetologist.

Care and rehabilitation after rejuvenation

After the session, there is a slight soreness, slight swelling and redness of the affected area. This is a normal reaction of the epidermis to renewal. If it is impossible to endure such discomfort, you can take 1 tablet of Analgin, Nise, Paracetamol in combination with desensitizing agents.

Symptoms on the face disappear after a few days (each individually). And when exposed to a laser on the body, they can be present for up to 2 weeks.

What to follow after the procedure:

  • It is recommended to lubricate the skin big amount Bepanthen ointment or apply Panthenol spray.
  • It is recommended to limit the drinking regime, take a complex of vitamins (especially E and A), as well as apply masks with hyaluron.
  • It is strictly forbidden to go out into the bright sun, and before going outside, you need to apply protective creams with a large UV counteracting factor.
  • Washing is only recommended boiled water 9 or ozonized), use moisturizing creams. Rehabilitation can take from 2 weeks to a month.
  • Sometimes a network of small scars may remain on the skin after the procedure. Over time, they will become less noticeable.
  • Foundation can be applied to the skin after 1 month. Peels and scrubs are prohibited. The same applies to trips to the bathhouse and pools.
  • It is best to listen to your doctor.

Fractional laser facial rejuvenation: reviews

The procedure of laser fractions on the skin receives positive feedback from cosmetologists and patients. We are pleased with the effective durability of the effect, which is comparable to plastic interventions, but less traumatic and affordable.

Alina S., 37 years old:

I learned about laser rejuvenation from a friend and decided to have the procedure. For many years in a row I had enlarged pores, torn acne scars and an uneven complexion, in addition, age spots began to appear on my forehead after the birth of a child. Three procedures helped me. The recovery period passed without complications. She did everything the beautician said. Now I enjoy my reflection in the mirror. The self-doubt is gone. Beloved man says that I look 25 years old.

Irina, 40 years old:

I have been a cosmetologist for over 10 years. I want to note laser surgery as a panacea for many skin problems in patients. During procedures and to reduce side effects Much depends on the apparatus and professionalism of the specialist. It is necessary to choose the correct depth of the beam, then the rehabilitation will be quick and easy.

Julia 48 years old:

My husband stopped paying attention to me, and the look of a tired woman in the mirror did not please me (wrinkles, dark circles, wide pores). From the Internet I learned about the possibility of laser rejuvenation and turned to a clinic in my city. Now, a year later, I enjoy every day. Thanks to the skillful actions of the beautician, my wrinkles were smoothed out, my face was rejuvenated and tightened. I survived all the unpleasant moments of the recovery period, and now I am happy with the result. Everything was fine in the family. I recommend the laser to everyone! Rejuvenate, and let you all be great!
Fractional laser rejuvenation is a new word in cosmetology. Choose the right clinics. Stay attractive and don't be afraid to change for the better!

About what is fractional facial skin rejuvenation in the video:

Laser rejuvenation is a non-surgical method used in cosmetology. Its essence is a kind of tissue polishing when heated, which is created using a laser beam. As a result, the skin becomes toned and elastic, age-related changes are eliminated. Next, we will tell you what laser facial rejuvenation is, what are the pros and cons of this method and who can use it.

What is the essence of the procedure

A laser is a special device whose action is aimed at converting energy into a high-intensity radiation stream. Such technologies are involved in many areas of our life. The laser has received special distribution in medicine and cosmetology. So, laser peeling is considered one of the most effective ways of rejuvenation.

The essence of the procedure is the impact on the skin of the face with a laser. The beam penetrates the epidermis to a depth of no more than 1 mm. At the same time, it destroys old cells, which leads to the formation of new ones.

The procedure is carried out different types lasers. Among them are CO2, erbium and neodymium. The difference between them lies in the length of the waves used, the depth of penetration and the way the impact is implemented.

Types of laser rejuvenation

The main types of procedures for the return of youth with a laser:

  1. Laser resurfacing is the simplest method of exposure that is applicable at home. Grinding is carried out using a sapphire or erbium laser machine.
  2. Laser biorevitalization - laser pulses act on the upper layer of the dermis and "burn" it. In this case, the laser is combined with the use of hyaluronic acid.
  3. Fractional exposure - the laser beam is divided into microbeams, thereby a "grid" of radiation is superimposed on the face. As a result, there are many foci of exposure, but the tissues around them remain intact. Due to this, the skin recovers very quickly.
  4. Laser dermabrasion - not only a beam of rays is used, but also energy that produces microscopic explosions with tissue evaporation.

In addition, the laser method of rejuvenation is divided into superficial, median and deep. Superficial peeling is used to treat the top layer of the skin. With its help, the relief is smoothed, age spots are removed. This method is used to influence sensitive areas - the skin around the eyes, near the lips, on the neck and in the décolleté. The effect is achieved by grinding or fractional exposure.

Median peeling is used to remove keratinized areas of the basal (lower) layer of the epidermis. For this, more intensive fractional exposure and laser dermabrasion are used.

Deep laser rejuvenation implies a serious impact on problem areas. In this way, stretch marks and scars are smoothed, papillomas and warts are removed, the relief and complexion are evened out, age spots disappear.

The type to be applied depends on the significance of the cosmetic defect. Middle and superficial laser peels are applied under local anesthesia, deep exposure - under general anesthesia with a mandatory stay in the hospital.

In addition, there are ablative and non-ablative methods of laser exposure. The ablative method is used at the first signs of skin aging, when elasticity is lost and small wrinkles appear. This is a shallow way of rejuvenation, stimulating the formation of new cells.

The non-ablative method implies a deeper effect. It is used for irreversible aging. The beam is then deepened by 5 mm. This allows you to use the processes of regeneration in the layers of the epidermis and stimulate the production of collagen.

Pros and cons of the procedure

Laser rejuvenation has the following disadvantages:

  • not all wrinkles are smoothed out in this way;
  • the duration of the procedure for serious skin defects - scars are processed three times with an interval of at least six months;
  • soreness of the procedure;
  • the impossibility of carrying out the procedure in the presence of damage to the skin;
  • long-term skin recovery;
  • prohibition of exposure to sunlight after the procedure;
  • many people endure a strong effect on the skin with a laser;
  • high cost of the service.

Advantages of laser exposure:

  • efficiency - a noticeable result is visible immediately;
  • versatility - the method is suitable for all skin types;
  • safety - the risk of problems in the implementation of all recommendations is minimized;
  • no surgical intervention required.

It is worth noting separately the fractional method, as it has additional advantages. When using it, the skin is practically not damaged and is quickly restored. In one session, a fairly large area of ​​​​the epidermis is processed by the fractional method. In addition, the method is absolutely safe to use.

Indications and contraindications

Laser rejuvenation is indicated in the presence of age-related changes in the skin of the face. These can be nasolabial wrinkles, crow's feet, a change in the shape of the face, etc. In addition, laser peeling is used to eliminate age spots and scars.

You need to understand that laser rejuvenation is a radical method of correction. Its use is recommended when other methods of influence do not give the desired effect. If there is an alternative way to solve the problem, a competent cosmetologist will recommend using it.

Contraindications to the use of the laser method of rejuvenation:

  • oncological diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • exacerbation of cardiovascular pathologies;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • SARS, acute respiratory infections;
  • the presence of infection, herpes or rash at the site of the intended treatment;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • mental disorders;
  • vegetovascular dystonia, hypertension and hypotension;
  • age up to 18 and after 60 years;
  • fresh tan.

Laser exposure is not carried out within two weeks after chemical peeling.

How is the procedure carried out

Laser rejuvenation is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. Cleansing. Scrubs and exfoliators are applied to the face.
  2. Anesthesia. An anesthetic composition is applied to the surface of the skin. This may cause a slight tingling sensation.
  3. Treatment. The beautician treats the face or individual zones with a laser. If necessary, the neck area is affected, as well as the décolleté area.
  4. Mitigation. The skin of the face is treated with a softening solution.
  5. Consultation. The beautician talks about further skin care and contraindications.

A laser rejuvenation session lasts about an hour. Of course, the larger the area of ​​​​skin to be treated, the longer the procedure will be.

For more information about laser rejuvenation, see the video:

Care after the procedure

Immediately after the end of the laser exposure, there may be noticeable pain in the areas of rejuvenation. At the same time, various ointments and other painkillers do not help.

3-4 hours after the procedure, the skin may turn red, slight swelling may occur. This is especially noticeable in the area of ​​​​the eyelids and nose. The next day, the situation worsened.

Don't panic. All these signs indicate that the body is trying to recover from such an aggressive external influence. You can help him by excluding salted and canned foods from the diet. In this case, you should drink water (or herbal teas) in large quantities (at least 2 liters per day).

During the second day after the procedure, liquid will begin to be released on the treated areas, which hardens and becomes a crust. This protective layer cannot be torn off. Otherwise, there is a risk of infection or scarring. Over time, the crust will fall off on its own.

The real recovery of the skin occurs only a week after the procedure. The crust softens, puffiness disappears. However, within a month, the skin will have a pinkish tint.

Alas, side effects are inevitable. In this difficult period for the skin, the use of therapeutic and protective creams is recommended.

In addition, you can help the skin like this:

Recovery will take about a month. All this time, the skin needs protection from exposure to sunlight (products with SPF protection 30 and above) and vitamin complexes. Diet is also important. The diet must include a large number of vegetables and liquids.

It is forbidden to use scrubbing agents or peels during the recovery period. It is recommended to moisturize the skin as much as possible and wash with boiled water.

The result of laser rejuvenation

Exposure to the skin of the face with a laser brings many positive effects:

  • wrinkles are smoothed;
  • stretch marks become invisible;
  • improves the structure of the epidermis;
  • skin color is evened out;
  • pores are narrowed;
  • pigment spots are eliminated;
  • scars are smoothed out;
  • the couperose vascular network disappears.

Each situation is considered by the beautician individually. Based on the characteristics of the skin and problems, the actual method of laser exposure is selected.

A positive result is visible after the first session, when the recovery period is over. The required number of sessions is determined by the specialist.

If you have already taken advantage of the possibility of laser rejuvenation, share your feedback about the procedure in the comments.

Laser rejuvenation refers to non-surgical cosmetic methods. One example is fractional technology, which is used to eliminate age-related changes in the skin.

In fact, this is the grinding of tissues with significant heating created by a laser beam. The result is photorejuvenation. Laser resurfacing is also used.

Details and essence of the procedure

Fractional laser treatment and conventional laser resurfacing lead to photorejuvenation, in which the first method is more effective. But complications are also possible, which are more serious.

Clinical picture

What Doctors Say About Wrinkles

Doctor of Medical Sciences, plastic surgeon Morozov E.A.:

doing plastic surgery for many years. Many famous personalities who wanted to look younger have passed through me. Currently, plastic surgery is losing its relevance. science does not stand still, more and more new methods for rejuvenating the body appear, and some of them are quite effective. If you do not want or do not have the opportunity to resort to plastic surgery, I will recommend an equally effective, but most budget-friendly alternative.

For more than 1 year on the European market there is a miracle drug for skin rejuvenation NOVASKIN, which can be obtained FOR FREE. In terms of efficiency, it is several times superior to Botox injections, not to mention all sorts of creams. It is easy to use and you will see the most important effect of it instantly. It is no exaggeration to say that fine and deep wrinkles and bags under the eyes disappear almost immediately. Thanks to the intracellular effect, the skin is completely restored, regenerated, the changes are simply colossal.

Learn more>>

The fractional method performs laser rejuvenation of the facial skin with a grid of rays (with scattered directionality).

Types of lasers used:

The differences between them are in the wavelength (each species has its own), the method of implementing the impact and the depth of penetration. Facial rejuvenation, reviews of which are controversial, do not allow us to highlight the full advantage of any of the devices.

Laser facial rejuvenation is performed by a small device with photocells on its surface. They regulate the penetration of the beam under the skin. The specialist quickly processes the areas without delay, as the beam can cause burns. Consider the following pros and cons of using the device.

Over time, human skin loses elasticity, acquires wrinkles and age spots. These and other signs of aging upset both women and men. The latest technologies used against wilting are laser beams that burn the keratinized layers, devoid of elasticity.

The body activates the production of collagen, elastin in the layers closest to the surface. Only the treated areas are regenerated, the rest remain as they were. The result is observed in the form of rejuvenation, the disappearance of small and medium wrinkles, the facial contour is restored.

Laser devices of the latest developments can perform a facelift in the chin area.

About the consequences of fractional laser treatment

Immediately upon completion of the hardware treatment, the person will experience significant pain in the facial area. Ointments for pain relief and other similar means do not help. After 3 hours and earlier, redness occurs, swelling is likely. This is mainly noticeable on the upper eyelids, around the eyes and in the nose area. The situation gets worse the next day.

The body will try to recover as quickly as possible, which is why the swelling zone will take on significant dimensions.

During the second day, discharge begins on the treated surface, ending in the formation of a crust. By evening, it hardens, turning into a hard protective layer. It must not be torn off to avoid infection or scarring.

Over time, the crust will fall off. The real restoration of the cover will begin only after a week, when the crust softens, puffiness disappears. Over the next month, the face will have a pink tint. During this period, therapeutic and protective creams are necessary for use. Cosmetologists recommend repeating the procedure after three or six months.

Good sides of the procedure, benefits

Despite the pain, people resort to this procedure, as it is non-surgical. A good effect is observed in the elimination of "crow's feet" - wrinkles in the corners of the eyes, as well as acne scars, rosacea.

But deep wrinkles, scars, as the consequences of using a laser, cannot be treated. Cosmetologists need to improve their skills for a long time in order to prevent marriage in their work. And patients - to be interested in their qualifications before rejuvenation.

How to avoid complications

Row side effects during the procedure of fractional laser treatment is inevitable. To mitigate the consequences and prevent the development of complications, it is recommended to take the following measures.

The list of contraindications is as follows:

Rules for care after the procedure

After laser correction, it is required to provide the face with gentle care conditions.

These are the following measures:

The rehabilitation period lasts from two weeks to a month. Vitamins and fresh air will help speed up normalization. The presence of consequences and their form depend on the skill of the cosmetologist and the instruments used for the procedure.

What devices and devices are used

Cosmetic clinics and salons use various devices for the implementation of laser rejuvenation procedures.

Devices differ in efficiency:

Most of these devices are made in Europe. They are purchased online and in specialized stores. To carry out self-treatment of the skin with similar preparations, you can rent it. But professional equipment costs at least 50,000 rubles.

According to the design and principle of operation, they distinguish Various types appliances. For example, the surface of a part of the device is pressed close to the skin or the dermis is treated at a distance.

The Palomar device, for example, is used by Moscow treatment salons. Reviews suggest that the elimination of nasolabial folds is successful. Side effects disappear after a few months. It also leaves scars. The repeat procedure is problematic. Beauticians speak of devices as requiring skill and experience. Proper selection of the depth of penetration of the rays should not leave scars.

Ablative and non-ablative methods

The ablative method is applied at the first manifestations of aging, loss of elasticity and small wrinkles. This shallow and gentle method stimulates the development of new cells. When exposed to a specific area, improvements are visible immediately. The fractional laser removes small areas of the surface.

Penetration is carried out one and a half millimeters deep. In the upper layer, regeneration begins, the integuments are leveled, the oval of the face improves.

Non-ablative method - a deeper action, used for irreversible aging. In the layers of the epidermis, renewal processes are activated due to heat shock, collagen is actively produced, and a membrane frame is being built. The upper areas of the skin are not affected, the beam is deepened by 5 mm.

Laser non-ablative facial skin rejuvenation, reviews of which were received from patients, indicate that they chose both methods. A greater effect is achieved if the ablative method is added. The combination of procedures creates a successful result.

Types of laser peeling

Laser facial rejuvenation: what is it? In addition to fractional treatment, resurfacing can achieve the effect of a facelift, which is analogous to cosmetic surgery. The following types of laser peeling are known.

Superficial, processing deformations of the skin, its upper layer - the epidermis. The relief is smoothed out immediately, and age spots also disappear. Laser facials are also intended for sensitive areas around the lips, eyes, neck and décolleté. This type includes fractional exposure and grinding. Despite the fact that the procedure is traumatic, people choose it because of the possibility of avoiding surgery.

Median peeling removes keratinized areas of the lower layer of the epidermis, called the basal. Deep rejuvenation of the face is carried out by acting on problem areas. The skin of the neck and hands is also subject to processing.

The goal is to smooth stretch marks and scars, some of which are removed. For example, formed as a result of acne (acne). They also eliminate neoplasms: papillomas, warts. The complexion is evened out as age spots disappear.

The procedure - facial laser according to the method of medium peeling is carried out by the fractional method, and it is also laser dermabrasion. The latter method is characterized by the use of not only a beam of rays, but also energy that produces microscopic explosions with tissue evaporation. Resurfacing is done with CO2 and erbium lasers.

Deep peeling is called lifting without surgery. The Palomar device is used, as well as RF rejuvenation. In the first device, the microprocessor controls the operation, and there are also various nozzles and a cooling device. The whole complex creates a dense grid of rays. RF allows you to penetrate deep into the skin with radio frequency energy. The areas are heated by the point method.

Both devices form compacted collagen, which will serve as the framework of the epidermis. In addition, regeneration processes are launched, which constitutes facial rejuvenation with a laser. These devices provide significant safety and low trauma. Relief wrinkles are smoothed, the skin around the eyes is rejuvenated, the complexion becomes even.

An advantage is also considered the effect of increasing indicators of skin improvement over six months. On the CO2 apparatus, the procedure can only be carried out by a very qualified specialist, since this is essentially a laser scalpel.

The procedure for facial rejuvenation with a laser using median, superficial methods requires local anesthesia, and deep peeling- General anesthesia and hospitalization.

The type of treatment depends on the significance of the cosmetic defect.

What is laser facial rejuvenation through biorevitalization? Hyaluronic acid acts on the deepest layers of the skin. As a result, significant scars and wrinkles are eliminated. The method activates the body's reserves.

Acid enters the basal layer by means of a laser, that is, without injections. Previously, the structure of the substance is changed from high molecular weight (polymeric) to low molecular weight. The chains of molecules become shorter and easily penetrate the surface of the skin. Then the laser again turns the acid into a polymer that retains moisture in the cells. A tightening effect appears.

For such procedures, a low-intensity cold infrared laser is used. Hyaluronic acid evenly fills the skin layers without heating them. After that, there is no side effect of peeling or fear of ultraviolet radiation. Biorevitalization is allowed in any season. Pre-make hot compress and light exfoliation. Then a mixture of acid and collagen is applied.

Laser facial procedures, reviews of which do not indicate pain, quickly renew the skin. Flabbiness, dryness, stretch marks, scars, excessive tanning and other defects can be corrected. In the presence of personal intolerance (allergy) to hyaluronic acid, oncological manifestations, as well as pregnancy, the procedure is not prescribed.

Modern cosmetology offers many ways to prolong the youthfulness of the face. One of the most popular treatments is laser skin resurfacing. By choosing this method, among others cosmetic procedures, it is worth understanding what it is. It will not be superfluous to study in detail the pros and cons, as well as see the results: photos before and after.

We begin to understand the issue of laser facial rejuvenation, what it is, the pros and cons. Before and after the procedure, the skin of the face looks completely different. Manipulations on the skin of the face using a laser start the natural process of cell rejuvenation in the deep layers of the dermis.

The basis of this method is the thermal effect on the skin. Each patient is individually selected temperature and depth of exposure to the beam. The consequence of this impact is the death of obsolete skin cells, microscopic wounds are formed, which are forced to "tighten" the remaining viable cells.

Laser rejuvenation - mechanism of action.

Thus, the very process of self-rejuvenation of the skin is launched. Increases the production of collagen and elastin. The results of the procedure are noticeable immediately after its completion, but to obtain desired result it is necessary to carry out a course of procedures.

Benefits of laser rejuvenation

While studying the question of what is laser facial rejuvenation, you need to carefully read the pros and cons of this method. It may happen that the result before the procedure is better than after it.

The advantages of laser rejuvenation are as follows:

  • A good alternative to surgery;
  • Minimum recovery period. Compared to plastic surgery, it is reduced significantly;
  • No pain or discomfort during the procedure. Before it begins, the patient's face is covered with a special anesthetic composition;
  • Elimination of cosmetic defects. With the help of a laser, you can get rid of warts and moles, as well as make invisible scars that have appeared from injuries or operations.


There are few negative points in laser rejuvenation, but they still exist:

  • lesser, in duration, effect, compared with plastic surgery. After an average of 5 years, the procedure must be repeated;
  • with sufficiently deep wrinkles, the laser, most likely, will not cope;
  • price. Considering that one procedure cannot be dispensed with, but you have to do a course, then the final cost can hit your pocket hard.

Indications for laser resurfacing

It is worth considering laser rejuvenation as an option to correct appearance by eliminating age-related changes.

Procedure shown if present:

  • wrinkles, both deep and not too deep;
  • moles, warts;
  • vascular patterns on the skin of the face;
  • age spots;
  • enlarged pores, blackheads and acne.


The idea to carry out laser correction should be abandoned if:

  • pregnancy or lactation;
  • the presence of chronic diseases;
  • tendency to high/low blood pressure;
  • mental deviations;
  • sensitive skin;
  • oncological diseases;
  • heart diseases;
  • skin diseases such as psoriasis, dermatitis, etc.

Side effects

Despite all the delights that this cosmetic procedure, it is characterized by certain side effects.

Side effects include:

  • skin redness;
  • after about 2 weeks, the separation of dead cells will begin, the result of this process may be peeling of the skin;
  • development of dermatitis;
  • the formation of scars or fine mesh on the treated areas of the skin;
  • burns;
  • hyper/hypopigmentation.

Types of procedure

Depending on the apparatus used in a given situation, there are several types of laser facial rejuvenation. Each of them has its pros and cons. In order to make a choice, you need to know what each of them is, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with the images before and after.

Depending on the device and the action that it has, the following types are distinguished:

  • Carbon dioxide (CO2). The most affordable, most processing intensive machine. After its application, the skin looks the most smooth and elastic. It helps to get rid of moles, warts, fine wrinkles. Sometimes helps in the fight against skin cancer (in the initial stages).

    Thermal CO2 rejuvenation activates living cells and eliminates dead cells

  • Erbium. Not as intense, but more accurate than a carbon laser. The chance of manifestation of a hypopigmentation with it is less. Suitable for rejuvenation of the skin around the eyes, as well as for the fight against fine wrinkles.

    The erbium laser gently, gently and selectively acts on the superficial skin layers.

  • diode laser. The most modern device. Warms up the deep layers of the skin, thereby starting the process of synthesis of elastin fibers.

    Diode laser removes superficial age spots and small vascular formations

  • Fraxel. A device based on a gas laser with a wide spectrum of action. It helps in skin rejuvenation. Stimulates cells to self-renewal.

    Returns youthfulness, freshness and health to the skin, eliminates pigmentation, evens out the texture and color of the skin

Which of all the types of lasers is the best? Each provides the proper result depending on the condition of the skin and individual physiological characteristics.

Ablative resurfacing

This procedure is aimed at eliminating small visible skin imperfections. Such as facial wrinkles, age spots, acne scars or chicken pox. The ablative laser removes the top layer of the skin, due to which the process of skin restoration starts, the skin is rejuvenated. After healing, she looks younger.

Ablative resurfacing eliminates wrinkles, age spots, slows down skin aging

Properly carried out procedure has a number of advantages, such as:

  • slowing down the aging process of the skin. The laser removes the upper layer of the dermis, as a result of which new cells begin to actively multiply. As a result, the skin becomes young and toned.
  • improvement of skin relief. With this exposure, the skin of the face is leveled, the scars go away.
  • improvement in complexion. Age spots and freckles will leave the skin of the face after this procedure.
  • pore narrowing. This is the result of skin rejuvenation.

Among other things, this method of laser exposure has its drawbacks:

  • painful sensations. Despite the use of analgesics during this procedure, discomfort is felt. In some cases, even deep anesthesia is recommended.
  • long process of rehabilitation. After such a hard impact on the skin, it will take longer to recover. The recovery period can last up to 1 month.
  • contraindications. You need to carefully read them in order to avoid possible consequences.

Non-ablative facelift

The non-ablative type of exposure is aimed at working with deeper layers of the skin than the ablative type. During all the manipulations, an electric current is applied to the deep layers of the epidermis, the cells are heated to a certain temperature and collagen fibers are compressed. They form spirals that make up a dense frame.

After the procedure, the skin is tightened, wrinkles are smoothed out and become invisible.

Among the advantages of this procedure are:

  • the absence of any bruises or scars after the procedure;
  • complete painlessness;
  • compatibility with any type of skin.

There are also disadvantages:

  • potential harm to internal organs. The time of this procedure is minimal, despite this, experts do not guarantee harmlessness;
  • the possibility of redness, swelling and hyperpigmentation;
  • rather high price.

Fractional laser resurfacing

The essence of this process is similar to ablative resurfacing, only the effect occurs on the deeper layers of the skin. And the exposure temperature is slightly higher than when grinding. For a more gentle action during fractional rejuvenation, one laser beam is divided into several small ones.

Fractional laser eliminates stretch marks, smoothes wrinkles, improves skin elasticity

To prevent burns, the laser is moved quickly enough. It acts pointwise, the remaining skin cells begin to actively multiply in order to cover the micro-damages left during such rejuvenation.

Positive sides:

  • versatility - the method is suitable for all skin types;
  • painlessness;
  • minimal consequences - the development of hyper / hypopigmentation is practically excluded;
  • in one session, you can process a fairly large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin.


  • strong effect on the skin of the face;
  • the effect of the procedure is not immediately visible;
  • the cost of this type of rejuvenation is quite high.

Biorevitalization with laser

This method is aimed at enriching the subcutaneous layers of the epidermis with hyaluronic acid. Instead of injection, this technique involves delivering acid to the layers in need by means of a laser. Under its influence, the pores expand and a specially applied gel enters the lower layers of the skin, replenishing the supply of the necessary acid.

Biorevitalization with a laser restores the structure without subcutaneous injections

After the procedure, the elasticity of the skin increases, fine mimic wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin looks younger.

The advantage of this technique is a quick result, which is noticeable after 1 session and a long-term effect. There are also disadvantages: metabolic processes are accelerated only in the upper layer of the skin, unlike injections, laser biorevitalization is less effective.

Rejuvenation of the skin around the eyes

The skin around the eyes shows signs of aging first. During the procedure, laser beams penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin, stimulating the increased production of essential substances, such as elastin. It helps to tighten the skin on the eyelids and under the eyes.

Laser rejuvenation eliminates mimic and age wrinkles, improves tone, fills the skin with radiance

The procedure helps to get rid of dark circles under the eyes.

There are a lot of advantages of such an intervention, the main ones include:

  • skin type doesn't matter;
  • very short rehabilitation period (up to 1 week);
  • the effect is achieved from 1 procedure;
  • the absence of any risks, whether it be infection or skin burns.

Preparation for the procedure

After it became clear what laser facial rejuvenation is, all the pros and cons of this procedure were considered, photos before and after laser correction were studied, a positive decision was made on whether to do it or not, this step, it remains only to prepare the skin for subsequent procedures. Serious preparation is not required, but there are a few basic points that must be observed.

The preparation process for laser rejuvenation is as follows:

  • a week before laser facial rejuvenation, it is not recommended to clean it.
  • Avoid tanning beds and use sunscreen when out in the sun.
  • For 2 days you can not use decorative cosmetics. On the day of the procedure, the face must be clean.
  • must pass general analyzes to identify or eliminate inflammatory processes in organism.

Stages of laser rejuvenation

The procedure for laser rejuvenation is carried out in the following order:

  1. A special anesthetic cream is applied to the treated skin surface.
  2. After setting up the laser for a particular patient, they proceed directly to the rejuvenation procedure. It lasts from 30 to 60 minutes.
  3. Upon completion, a soothing cream is applied to the treated areas.

The order of laser rejuvenation in the clinic

It should be noted that upon completion, small red dots and slight swelling may appear on the face. Therefore, you need to take care of the way to return home in advance.

Vascular laser

This laser is designed to remove spider veins and asterisks from the skin. This type of device necessarily has a cooling system, which eliminates the risk of burns.

After laser exposure, the vascular network becomes invisible

The principle of its operation is to influence problem areas with not one, but two laser beams at once. One creates a specific target for the other. When exposed to rays on the vascular pattern, hemoglobin is heated, resulting in the sealing of the vessel and its disappearance from the skin.

neodymium laser

The difference between this laser and the rest lies in the radiation power and the depth of penetration into the skin. It helps to effectively deal with all sorts of scars, scars and vascular patterns.

Neodymium laser is used in hair removal.

Neodymium laser effectively eliminates scars, scars and cut marks

Due to its ability to affect the blood vessels, it helps to permanently get rid of unwanted hairs. The principle of its work is to seal the vessels that feed the hair follicle. Without the supply of vital substances, the follicle dies, and the hair no longer grows.

The effectiveness of the procedure

Laser facial rejuvenation helps:

  • eliminate fine wrinkles and make deep ones less noticeable;
  • improve complexion, eliminate age spots;
  • straighten the oval of the face.

Depending on the general condition of the skin, the signs of aging visible on it and the age of the patient, the frequency of such procedures is set in each case individually.

The average statistical indicators indicate the following frequency of manipulations with the laser: 3-4 sessions of procedures are performed with an interval of 1-2 months. After achieving the desired effect, 1 session per year is sufficient for prevention.

Skin care after the procedure

It is not enough to know about what laser facial rejuvenation is, all its pros and cons. You also need to know how to properly care for the skin before and after the procedures. To avoid side effects, you need to provide the skin proper care after the procedures.

After laser treatment, proper skin care is essential
  • for the prevention of purulent diseases, it is recommended to undergo a course of antibiotic therapy;
  • before the onset of skin healing, ointments containing dexpanthenol should be used. For example: "bepantol", "D - Panthenol", etc.;
  • on the day of the procedure, it is desirable to exclude the sauna and pool;
  • it is recommended to wash your face with boiled or ozone-enriched water;
  • until the skin acquires its normal shade, it is recommended not to use scrubs and gel peels;
  • to speed up healing, it is advisable to drink a course of strengthening vitamins.

Possible complications of rehabilitation

If you neglect skin care tips, then after a course of laser rejuvenation, unpleasant consequences may occur. For example, such as the formation of ulcers or the death of the skin.

Before agreeing to the procedure, you should also check the licenses for the implementation of this activity and for the equipment that will be manipulated. Otherwise, the risk of serious complications is also high.

Opinions of cosmetologists about the procedure

Cosmetologists pay attention to: ablative resurfacing method effectively copes with age spots, scars and acne scars. During grinding, the upper layer of the epidermis is burned out, and in its place, after a while, a new one is regenerated - without scars and increased pigmentation.

A feature of the procedure is that immediately after it, redness and slight swelling form on the skin, itching is possible. But after about 2 weeks, the face will acquire the desired healthy look.

Laser rejuvenation is a modern non-contact technique for correcting age-related skin changes

To prolong the anti-aging effect, you should pay enough attention to skin care: enjoy cosmetics from natural ingredients, do not forget about a balanced diet with a sufficient amount of vitamins and nutrients, follow the lifestyle.

The question of what laser facial rejuvenation is is revealed, its pros and cons are considered, before and after photos are compared. Based on the foregoing, it is possible to determine the expected effect in relation to the possible risks and decide on the need for the procedure.

Video about laser facial rejuvenation

What is laser rejuvenation and how the laser affects the skin can be found in the video clip:

Video about laser removal capillaries and vessels:

Prolonging youth is the dream of any representative of the weaker sex. And thermotherapy is the most radical and most effective way getting rid of age-related changes in appearance. We suggest considering what laser facial rejuvenation is, its prices in different cities of Russia and Ukraine, as well as the pros and cons of this procedure for the skin.

The principle of operation of laser therapy

Laser cosmetology is the toughest way to get rid of wrinkles and age spots. The impact on the dermis is carried out using an energy generator beam, the doctor determines its optimal temperature and depth, after which the processing of the epidermis begins. Because of high temperature skin cells burn out, thereby provoking the body to completely renew the cover. Such rejuvenation has a lot of contraindications and side effects, but helps with:

  1. Deep nasolabial wrinkles;
  2. age spots;
  3. Demodicosis;
  4. Acne, pimples and acne.

Types of therapy

With the help of a laser, a multi-level effect is performed on the skin, we propose to consider in detail its types:

Video: DOT laser rejuvenation

Contraindications and complications

Laser rejuvenation or Elos hair removal on the fotona device is a very serious step, because the thermal effect is a great stress for the body. The procedure has very serious consequences, especially if contraindications are neglected. To whom it is forbidden perform photorejuvenation:

  1. Pregnant, lactating;
  2. cancer patients;
  3. Girls with blood diseases, poor fluid clotting, clogging of blood vessels;
  4. Diabetics (both insulin dependent and not);
  5. People with mental disabilities;
  6. Adolescents under 16 and adults over 60 (in the first case, the skin structure may be disturbed, in the second, recovery processes are very slow);
  7. Hypertension and hypotension, as well as patients with vegetative-vascular dystonia, intolerance to thermal exposure, allergies.

Photo - Removal of age spots

More than one women's forum claims that, despite good feedback and impressive photos of the face after the procedure, laser rejuvenation is often accompanied by consequences and harms the body. These are swelling, pain (especially in the first three days), intolerance to sunlight in the first week, a high probability of infection, herpes (according to unofficial data, it appears in 80% of cases after therapy) and much more. Also, anesthesia is not always well tolerated by the body, then dizziness or even migraines can be observed for several days.

Modern medicine has made good breakthroughs in the field of accelerating regeneration. Doctors prescribe special preparations that help the skin fight external irritants, as well as disinfect the dermis and minimize the likelihood of a crust on the face.

Important! If you are really sure that only this procedure will help solve your problems, then agree. But if an alternative is possible, a more gentle treatment is desirable.

Photo - Rejuvenation of old skin

DOT (dot) is great way to become much younger in a short period of time, but it has quite serious consequences, and is not cheap. If you have undergone a laser rejuvenation procedure, be sure to write your opinion in the comments and share your experience with readers.
