How Russian pensioners are being deceived. How to protect your grandparents from scammers How scammers act with pensioners

The other day, news appeared in the media: a 76-year-old pensioner from Novokuznetsk transferred 50 thousand rubles to scammers. to save her son, whom she does not have. This case is not isolated. Police statistics state that more than 200,000 elderly people become victims of fraud every year. Moreover, according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in 40% of cases, older people are caught because of excessive gullibility. Four main ways of deceiving pensioners have been identified.

Method 1. "I know your son ..."

Deceiving gullible pensioners, scammers often use a fail-safe trick - they pronounce the names of the children or grandchildren of a potential victim. Elderly people, having heard familiar names, instantly lose their vigilance and are ready to believe uninvited guests. The most common legends are: “your son/grandson is in trouble”, “your son/grandson asked you to put money in the bank”.

A resident of the city of Kemerovo Alexander Degtyarev's phone rang. An unfamiliar number flashed on the board. An alien male voice on the other end of the wire groaned: “Dad, I need money, I hit a man.” Then another person picked up the phone: “I am a major of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, your son hit a man in a white Kia Rio.” Further, the speaker named the car number and make of the car, which completely coincided with the real data. The worried father called his son on his mobile, his wife picked up the phone. She replied that she and her husband were visiting a friend's birthday without a car.

Craftsmen try to deceive gullible pensioners when they go to the bank to withdraw money or, conversely, to deposit money into the account.

A resident of Moscow born in 1924 went to the bank to withdraw money. A woman approached her, convinced her grandmother that she was working with her son, named him by name, and announced the impending default. The woman constantly pretended to be talking on the phone with her son. Allegedly, he asks to shift to another bank. By some miracle, the woman convinced her grandmother to withdraw all her savings and give it to her along with her passport and passbooks. Thus, the family lost 680 thousand rubles.

As the head of the Moscow Police Union Mikhail Pashkin said, these crimes can be qualified under Article No. 159 “Fraud”. It is punishable by up to two years if the crime is committed by one person, up to five years - by a group of persons by prior agreement. Mikhail Pashkin urges to explain to parents and grandmothers that a motorist who knocked down a person does not need money, but a good lawyer. And he will not carry out any monetary transactions through third parties.

Method 2. Pure water fraud

The most common tap water is an endless source of inspiration for all sorts of scammers. Those who want to “check its quality”, sell “miracle filters”, and install economical meters are knocking on the door of the old people. At best, communicating with such dealers can cost stolen money, at worst, lives.

The apartment of a resident of St. Petersburg, Sergei Kulikov, received a call. The interlocutor introduced himself as an employee of Vodokanal and explained that drinking water was being cleaned in the area and it was necessary to take a sample of water from the tap for analysis. An hour later, unknown people appeared on the threshold, whom the owners let into the apartment. They opened the tap, poured water into a container and said that the quality did not meet the standards. Then the young people took out a bottle of water, which was supposedly purified with a filter, and gave it to the owners for a sample. The couple woke up in an apartment without money, gold, appliances and electronics.

As a practicing lawyer, a specialist in criminal law, Dmitry Antipchenko, said, such a crime is in fact “robbery by a group of persons by prior agreement” and qualifies under Article No. 162 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Punishment for such amateur performance is severe - up to 10 years in prison. If suddenly a person, for some reason, did not wake up after exposure to the drug, the action of the robbers can be regarded under Article No. 105 “Murder”.

Another way to deceive citizens, connected with the purification of tap water, spread throughout Russia last year. Well-dressed young people come to the apartments of the elderly and sell "miracle filters" at a price of several tens of thousands of rubles, the real cost of which does not exceed 4 thousand rubles.

Three young people knocked at the apartment of an elderly Muscovite Galina Ukatova. They introduced themselves as experts on the quality of drinking water, offered to conduct tests and showed her a device that detects harmful impurities in water. When the device was lowered into a glass of tap water, the liquid turned black, while the water brought by the young people remained clear. The woman was offered to solve this problem with the help of a filter for 60 thousand rubles. The scammers offered to pay this amount to the woman in installments, about which they concluded an appropriate agreement. When the pensioner realized that she had been deceived, it was already too late: the company said that dismantling the filter would cost another 7 thousand rubles.

Method 3. Deception treatment

Hungry for profit malefactors, "press" pensioners on the most sick - on health. Elderly people are frequent guests at doctors, and scammers skillfully use this.

Early in the morning, Moscow resident Sergei Nikolaev received a phone call from unknown people. Interlocutors introduced themselves as employees pension fund and reported that the Moscow government is allocating money for the treatment of several hundred pensioners, whose names were randomly selected by the computer. He hit that lucky number. Now the man will be served free of charge for five years at the Parapharmaceutical Center medical institution. The caller explained that only 12 such directions were allocated for the entire Central Autonomous Okrug of Moscow. Therefore, it was necessary to decide immediately, otherwise the right to treatment would be given to others. Sergei Nikolaev, of course, agreed. Later, the “attending cardiologist” called the man and invited him to an appointment. Without tests and cardiogram, she prescribed the patient a medicine that the courier was supposed to bring. A little later, a man appeared on the doorstep with a contract, a referral, and Alginat Antox. Before concluding the contract, he asked to pay 19 thousand rubles. on account of an incomprehensible tax that the medical center must pay. The man changed his mind in time, refused and escorted the unwanted guest out.

According to lawyer Dmitry Antipchenko, this act can be qualified under the article under the article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Preparation for a crime and attempted crime." But in this case it is problematic to punish the dealers - criminal liability comes for preparing only for grave and especially grave crimes. “Tell parents that free services are provided equally to privileged categories of citizens and no one is singled out. And then, as practice shows, in order to get something free, you have to walk around officials, hand in certificates, stand in lines,” he said.

Method 4. Deception on the face

Sellers of cosmetics are also on the alert. They take advantage of the desire of many ladies in their 70s to look 50.

In one day, Elena Bykova, a resident of Novosibirsk, was forced to give up all her savings by dealers in “elite” cosmetics. On the street, a respectable lady approached a woman and offered to visit a trial procedure in a beauty salon that opened around the corner. Elena had free time, and she decided: why not try. The "Salon" was a basement with minimal cosmetic repairs, shelves hung on the walls, lined with cosmetics of an unknown brand. Elena was seated in a chair, washed her face with tonic, then began to smear her face with unknown compounds. “This is a new development of the company, smell the smell. Pearl extract softens the skin, smoothes wrinkles, ”the beautician babbled. She massaged the woman's hair, face, her voice was even, melodic. Two hours later, Elena Bykova found herself on the street with a suitcase of cosmetics in her hands and without 30 thousand rubles. on the map. How the employees of the "salon" managed to convince her to give such money for an incomprehensible product - the woman still does not remember. Although before that she did not suffer from memory lapses.

As the head Mikhail Pashkin said, it is practically impossible to prove anything in this case. If the contract is drawn up correctly, it is problematic to prove the fact of hypnosis. Perfume and beauty products cannot be returned or exchanged by law. So getting your money back is next to impossible.

The only way to protect parents and grandparents from various kinds of scammers is to conduct explanatory work with them. Convince elderly loved ones that there are a lot of scammers in the modern world and you should not believe everyone in a row. Make it a rule - parents should definitely call you before making financial or other serious decisions.

A few years ago, Russia drafted a bill that toughens penalties for financial scams against older people. The deputies proposed classifying the deception of the elderly as a serious crime, considering the figure of 2.5 thousand rubles as significant damage, and increasing the maximum term of imprisonment for causing damage to a pensioner on a large scale to 10 years. However, the law has not yet gained force.

As you know, anyone can fall for the bait of scammers. Regardless of education and social status. However, statistics still show that most often the victims of lovers of easy money are pensioners who are too gullible due to their age. Anews has chosen some of the most common ways of "divorcing" older people and advises you to tell your older relatives about them.

The test results are ready, look for 100 thousand rubles

It is no secret that many pensioners regularly visit clinics and hospitals. And sometimes not because they get sick, but for preventive purposes. This is exactly what scammers fall for.

Their scheme is quite simple. The pensioner receives a call on his mobile or home phone, introduces himself as an employee of the polyclinic and is informed that the results of tests / examinations were allegedly received this morning.

Then the scammers act according to the circumstances. If a pensioner really recently took tests at a clinic, the alignment is ideal. A person is told that his life is in danger: if you do not start treatment today with drugs, which are very few in the city, there will be no chance of survival. The cost is declared. For example, 300 thousand rubles for a course of treatment, options are possible.

Further, scammers can clarify whether the pensioner holds cash and whether he has a bank account. If the money is at home, the criminals offer to send a courier with the “necessary medicines” and pay on the spot. At the same time, it is often specified with whom the “patient” lives. If with relatives, they may offer to meet on the street. If old man agrees and lets fake doctors into the house, most often they sell him cheap vitamins or dietary supplements under the guise of medicine.

If the pensioner keeps the savings in the bank, the pensioner is offered to urgently go there, withdraw money, meet at the entrance with the “courier doctor” and transfer the necessary amount to him.

What do we have to do.

© Valery Sharifulin/TASS

You never need to panic. No need to say how much is at home, and give your address. It is best to say that you do not intend to buy anything now, they say, decide on a purchase after consulting with your doctor and children. You can add that your son works in law enforcement.

If you nevertheless let slip about the savings, but have not yet met with scammers, you should immediately call your relatives and tell them about the situation that has arisen.

open social security

Imagine such an episode. The doorbell rings, there is a voice behind the door: “Social security for such and such a district, open it.” Hearing the name of a familiar organization, the pensioner opens the door, and then the performance begins.

A person who identified himself as a social worker reports that only today the Ministry of Health, together with the Department social protection(organization options are possible) holds a campaign for pensioners and offers to acquire an amazing device that cures almost all diseases. And all this, one might say, for some 20 thousand rubles. Moreover, the usual cost of the device, according to the pseudo-social worker, is 150 thousand.

Further, the uninvited guest talks about the advantages of the device, listing all the diseases that, in principle, any elderly person can suffer from, and strongly recommends buying the device. Often scammers promise to return the money if the device is not to their liking for any reason.

Yielding to persuasion, the pensioner buys a device that turns out to be a useless trifle from a Chinese online store, the price of which is 300 rubles.

What do we have to do.

Remember that employees of state institutions are not involved in the sale of either medicines or medical devices. Do not be persuaded, stop the conversation as soon as it comes to money.

In no case do not tell where valuables are stored at home. If the guest nevertheless entered the apartment, do not take your eyes off him and try to send him out as soon as possible, saying that your relatives are about to come. Better yet, don't let strangers into the house at all.

You are entitled to a refund for purchased drugs

Another scam related to the health of the elderly. The pensioner receives a call ostensibly from social security, the Central Bank or the prosecutor's office and is told that under the new law, all older people who have ever bought dietary supplements (and, as you know, a lot of people bought them) are entitled to compensation from the state. The caller says this is because nutritional supplements have been found to be ineffective and retirees are the affected party. As a rule, the amount of compensation can vary from 200 thousand to a million rubles.

© ITAR-TASS/Interpress/archive photo

The happy pensioner literally melts from what he hears. And this is where the divorce begins. In order to receive money, an elderly person is asked to pay a state duty of approximately 10%. And they immediately provide clear instructions: go to an ATM or a bank branch and transfer money to such and such an account. After the transfer, the phones from which the scammers called, of course, stop answering.

What do we have to do.

Inform the caller that you decide all financial matters at the family council with the children and hang up. In no case do not transfer money and do not provide your bank card number, and even more so the pin and cvc code.

There is a payment from the state for you, say the card number

This fraudulent scheme is quite simple, it does not involve trips to the bank and transfers to someone's account. A person is simply called allegedly from the Pension Fund and told the good news that, they say, he is entitled to a one-time increase in pension payments from the state. And they add that you don’t need to go anywhere, just tell the card number, and the money will be transferred to you.

When an elderly person calls the card number, the caller begins to actively speak his teeth and, using complex terms, demands that he also be given passport data, a pension certificate number (for the sake of order - this is how it should be) and at the end - the cvc code of the card. And then he adds that now a code will come to the phone, which will also need to be reported in order to complete the transfer of compensation. As soon as a person fulfills all the instructions, a certain amount is debited from the card. Often - all available means.

What do we have to do

The same as in the previous case.

You have been credited with an extra pension, you need to make a reconciliation

This case of fraud is reminiscent of shock therapy. They call the pensioner and tell him in a stern voice that last year his pension was mistakenly increased and extra money was added. The pensioner is nervous, asks how this could happen. He is no less strictly answered that now he urgently needs to check exactly how much extra money was transferred to him and demand to tell the card number. Any objections of a dumbfounded pensioner are suppressed something like this: if we do not conduct an audit, you will be fined.

If an elderly person reports the card number, followed by other data, the goal of the scammers, of course, is achieved: money is debited from the card, notes Anews.

What do we have to do.

Remember: neither the Pension Fund, nor the Social Insurance Fund, nor any other department is engaged in the accrual of compensation or recalculations "over the phone" and does not call people to collect personal information.

From this article you will learn:

    Why are older people so often lied to?

    How are older people being scammed over the phone?

    Employees of which organizations most often pretend to be scammers to deceive the elderly

    How to recognize a scammer

    What older people should do to avoid being deceived

Everyone knows the saying: "Old, that small." And indeed it is. Elderly people, like children, are very trusting, sometimes even naive. This is used by scammers who, without a twinge of conscience, rob defenseless old people. Despite the abundance of information about fraud cases, tens of thousands of people become victims of scams every year. old age who voluntarily give all their savings to the scoundrels. In this article we will talk about how the elderly are deceived, we will analyze different kinds fraud and ways to protect against them.

How old people are scammed on the phone

In order to deceive the elderly, scammers have developed many methods. Let's just reveal several schemes on which they operate.

An “employee” of the Pension Fund calls the home phone of an elderly person, addresses by name and patronymic and reports good news. Allegedly, he is entitled to a monthly increase in his pension. The PF will transfer it to the Sberbank card. The citizen is recommended to urgently issue a new card and indicate in the application mobile phone(for convenience of recalculation). The next day, the “happy” pensioner tells the scammers the number of the issued bank card.

Elderly people are also deceived like this: a person calls a pensioner and, introducing himself as a relative, says that he is in trouble, and tearfully asks him to help - send money by courier. After a while, a "messenger" arrives and takes the money. The amount of "help" was very different, some elderly people gave several hundred thousand rubles.

When asked why they did not recognize the voice own son(grandson, granddaughter, etc.), all the injured elderly answered: the connection was very poor (interference was deliberately created), and the strongest excitement from the news received had an effect. Fraudsters without a twinge of conscience deceive the elderly, playing on their kindred feelings.

This is probably one of the oldest patterns. The police claim that now this is how deceiving older people is quite rare. Such telephone scammers have ceased to be trusted. But still, you should not lose vigilance. As they say, everything new is a well-forgotten old.

It is very common for older people to be scammed with "winnings" in the lottery. "Lucky" is informed that he won the car. For joy, he may not even realize that he has not bought any lottery tickets for a long time. He does not see clearly even after the "organizing committee of the lottery" offers him to pay tax on someone's personal account.

When older people who have already been deceived are deceived, this is the most inhuman kind of fraud. The victim of scammers is called by a “district police officer” and “warns” about the appearance of a criminal group that deceives the elderly. The victim reports that he has already fallen for their hook. Then the “district officer” asks to assist the investigation and help to catch the criminals “on live bait”. To do this, you need to give bait to swindlers - money (which, of course, will return to the owner) - and not tell anyone about this operation, so as not to frighten off the villains.

Then his "old acquaintances" scammers call the elderly man and again demand money. He gives them "bait". After this “operation”, the swindlers, along with the money and the “district policeman”, disappear without a trace.

How “medical workers” deceive the elderly

Often, scammers speculate on the desire of older people to receive medical treatment and improve their health. This is how “medical workers” deceive older people: a person calls, introduces himself as an employee of a polyclinic and reports that the results of tests have been received, which showed that the elderly person is seriously ill. A variety of diagnoses are called, many scammers “diagnose” even deadly diseases without remorse. The calling "doctor" offers the pensioner to undergo an examination and treatment or buy "miraculous" medicines (prices, of course, are fabulous).

Having agreed on a meeting, the "doctor" comes to an elderly person's home and conducts a "physical examination". Then he advertises a miracle cure "for all diseases" and persuades him to buy. At best, it will be just a dietary supplement, but it also happened that older people bought from such “doctors” drugs that were hazardous to health and should not be taken.

Prices for "miraculous" drugs depend on the "conscientiousness" of swindlers who deceive the elderly, often reaching several hundred thousand rubles. Old people, wanting to improve their failing health, give all their savings to the scoundrels.

"Health workers" can sell not only pills and potions, but also "miraculous" medical devices.

Some older people are sure that expensive treatment will restore lost health. But someone does not have money for expensive medicines and clinics, and someone simply cannot come to terms with the fact that the forces are leaving. And then a “savior angel” appears in the form of a pleasant-looking middle-aged woman and offers to buy a unique device, developed using secret technologies at a former military factory, capable of curing all diseases and restoring youth.

She displays colorful brochures with pictures. The device blinks invitingly with multi-colored bulbs and makes soft sounds. Under this hum and wink, the uninvited guest announces that the company she represents, under a joint program with the government of the country specifically for pensioners in your area, is only now implementing this miracle of medical technology for low prices. Whereas its real value, for example, is over thirty thousand rubles.

The approval and support of the Government of the country for the ongoing action and its soon completion have a magical effect on the elderly. Almost 85% of pensioners agree to become owners of a “miracle device”. And, parting with the accumulated money, they become “happy” owners of a useless (at best) trinket made in China.

How “social workers” deceive older people

The following scheme, according to which the elderly are deceived, is very often used by scammers. Fraudsters pose as employees of the social security and report that the pensioner has been accrued an annual payment or compensation. But you can get it only after paying a certain fee. Having got the money, the scammers instantly disappear "in the fog."

Or they will find out from the pensioner the bank card number and access code in order to transfer the due subsidy to it. Naturally, after that, the money from the card "disappears" in an unknown direction.

Fraudsters often deceive older people in the following simple but reliable way. They come to their home, introduce themselves as employees of the social service and report that they have brought extraordinary financial assistance. But when paying "quite by accident" it turns out that only large bills remain. Pensioners gladly agree to exchange them. As a result, instead of real money, fakes are received.

Fraudsters often deceive older people, pretending to be social security workers, because this is an almost fail-safe way to get into a pensioner's apartment. And to distract and talk to the old people is generally a trifling matter for them. After the visits of such “social security workers”, the elderly discover the loss of money and valuables.

Posing as employees of social security, scammers take away passports from elderly people under the pretext of urgently replacing it with a new one. They collect huge loans in various banks in the name of the passport holder and draw up real estate transactions, as a result of which an old man may lose their home.

How old people are deceived by offering water filters

A scheme to deceive the elderly, very similar to that used by "health workers", was used by members of a criminal gang that sold "miracle filters" to purify water to the elderly. Only they did not call pensioners on the phone, but came to their homes and played a real performance. With the help of simple technical and chemical methods, they showed the old people how the water flowing from the tap turns black. In this way they were convinced that it was dangerous to drink such water. Therefore, it is simply vital to purchase and install a water filter that costs only some 60 thousand rubles.

Elderly people gave money, and if there was not enough cash, they entered into loan agreements.

The police could not stop the activities of this criminal group for a long time, since their actions were assessed as “aggressive marketing”, and not as fraud. According to this scheme, scammers often deceive older people by selling other goods (medical devices, plastic windows etc.).

How else to deceive gullible older people

There are several other types of scammers who, without a twinge of conscience, deceive the elderly.


These scammers deceive the elderly, pretending to be psychics, promising to get rid of diseases and improve fate. Now such "services" are often advertised on television. After watching such programs, pensioners themselves call the "healers". Often scammers spend their magical rituals by phone. The cost of one session can reach up to 50 thousand rubles. And you can deceive and rob naive old people for a very long time, if you convince them that a lot of time is needed to achieve a positive result.

apartment thieves

This category of scammers acts arrogantly and unceremoniously. They enter the apartment, posing as social workers or sellers of various "wonderful" goods (filters, medicines, etc.). One of the swindlers "serves" and distracts an elderly person, the second searches the apartment. He takes all valuables and money, after which both leave. After such visits, pensioners do not immediately discover the loss.

"Distant relative"

These swindlers deceive their victims right on the street, in front of all honest people. They come up to an elderly person, pretend to be happy at the meeting and report with a happy smile on their faces that they are his second cousins. At the moment, they need a small amount of money, which their beloved uncle probably has. Then they express confidence that he will definitely help them in a kindred way. Having received the money, they hastily move away from the dumbfounded "relative".

How to protect older people from scammers

Now about the main thing. How to protect your own old people from scammers who deceive the elderly? Explain to them that you do not need to unconditionally trust a person, even if he appears to be an employee of reputable organizations (the prosecutor's office, clinics, ministries of health, etc.).

    Representatives of government agencies never call to report any news (unless, of course, you yourself leave a request and your phone number for feedback).

    If the caller calls you by name and patronymic and knows your address, marital status and other information, this does not mean at all that he is official. Such data can be obtained in various ways.

    If you believed the caller, then for insurance, ask his name, surname and position. Call the organization back and make sure that he is not deceiving you.

    Never buy medicines and medical devices from people who introduce themselves medical workers, even if these products are equipped with instructions and quality certificates and are sold at a tempting discount. Remember that all these documents can be easily forged, and the price of such drugs in pharmacies is several times lower and discounts for pensioners are guaranteed there.

    If you are told over the phone that you are ill and need to be hospitalized urgently, do not make any hasty decisions. Call people you trust completely and tell them about the phone call, ask for advice. It does not take a lot of time.

    If the phone calls you close person(son, grandson, granddaughter, etc.), says that he is in trouble, and asks to send money through a courier, do not rush to do this. Call the caller back, and if he does not pick up, dial other relatives.

    Do not open the door to strangers and do not let them into the apartment. If, nevertheless, they opened, ask the person who came for his last name, first name, place of work and position held. Then call the organization he represents and inquire about him.

    In order for a pensioner to receive social payments, the PF will never require him to transfer money to any account. Don't forget about it.

    Do not share your bank account details (such as the access code for your credit card) with anyone, even employees sitting in a bank branch.

    Tell all your elderly relatives about the various ways of fraud, about how the elderly are deceived. Convince the need to call you immediately in all suspicious cases. Be with them always in touch and provide them with help and support.

Elderly people are rarely able to continue working, so when they reach retirement age prefer to immediately apply to the PF branch to receive a monthly payment represented by a pension.

Various adjustments are regularly made to the pension system, so older people cannot understand the rules for calculating this payment. This leads to the fact that pensioners are often deceived by Pension Fund employees when calculating pensions.

Pension Fund employees can use various tricks and methods to mislead pensioners. This makes it possible to incorrectly calculate the pension, so citizens receive insignificant payments.

The main methods of deception include:

  • Loss of important documents. During the calculation of pensions, PF specialists must use the information that was transmitted to this institution by employers in the course of the work of a citizen. But often the information in the PF differs significantly from reality. Usually, fund employees justify themselves by saying that some documentation was lost, and it is impossible to restore it. This leads to a significant reduction in pensions. At the same time, it is impossible to find official documents in archives or other similar institutions.
  • Use of the unfavorable period for calculation. Service specialists always convince pensioners that the most profitable period of work is used for the calculation. He is represented by 60 months of total experience. But in practice, it turns out that a period is used that is not the most beneficial for the recipient of the pension. This allows you to charge a much smaller payment than the amount to which the citizen is entitled.
  • . From 2019, it is planned to significantly increase the age at which people will be able to retire. The increase is planned for five years for both sexes. In fact, it is planned to gradually introduce these changes, but even now people, when visiting the Pension Fund, are denied a pension, although they are just turning 55 or 60 years old. In addition, the state itself deceives the population, because due to the low life expectancy after the introduced changes, many people simply will not live to the established age. Citizens are dissatisfied with the introduced changes, as they are beneficial not for people, but for officials.
  • Ridiculous excuses for the loss of information are found. Often, citizens are faced with the fact that significant data on work is lost in different periods of time. Usually, PF employees attribute this to viruses in the software or the inability to contact certain companies.

What are the mistakes of deceived citizens?

Mistakes of citizens in the FIU

The main mistake of people is their gullibility. They are confident that such a large organization as the PF will not deceive citizens. Therefore, people do not save job certificates and contacts of former employers.

Another mistake is that people do not even try to defend their rights, therefore they agree with the pension that is incorrectly calculated by the PF employees, although they can dispute the amount.

You can find out how the amount of the pension for disabled pensioners is recalculated on a non-declared basis.

How to prevent cheating

To get a really correct payment, recommendations are taken into account:

  • even during work, a citizen must keep contacts of former employers, as well as certificates of earnings for each year of work;
  • if the PF employees cannot find any certificates or other documents, then you can try to find them yourself with the help of archives or other institutions;
  • if the pension is incorrectly calculated, then an independent recalculation is made, after which the amount of the payment is disputed in court.

If a citizen defends his rights, this can lead to a significant increase in pensions. You should not trust PF workers who are interested in reducing payments to the population.

In judicial practice, there are many examples when people won court cases against the PF.

The errors of the pension system and the PFR are discussed in this video:

Police statistics state that tens of thousands of elderly people become victims of fraud every year. It would seem that pensioners are the most experienced, many times beaten by life, our fellow citizens, who have experienced both voucher privatization and MMM "lure". Moreover, the media have repeatedly described ways to "take money" from this particular category of the population. And yet, one of our grandparents, moms or dads will definitely step on the well-known rake.

Psychologists of the Ministry of Internal Affairs argue that this is not due to senile, to put it mildly, clouding or inability to adapt to rapidly changing realities. Yes, maybe with a computer or, say, an iPhone, not every pensioner is "on you". But not everyone needs it. But, unlike many younger people, they retained their sensitivity and compassion for others, their readiness to help. And painful responsibility for their loved ones. Which is what the villains use.

The police talk about three main ways to deceive pensioners, which, however, can be divided into subspecies - it all depends on the imagination of the scammers.

"Grandma, save - they'll put you in jail!"

The scheme of this scam, it would seem, is beaten: a sms arrives on the mobile phone with a request to immediately transfer a tidy sum to the indicated number. Like, "I got into trouble, it's very urgent, I'll explain later." As an option: an alleged “friend” or “oper” calls on the home phone and reports that the son or grandson got into an accident or a drunken fight, and in order not to initiate a criminal case, money is urgently needed. The subscriber is offered to prepare money and transfer it to a person who introduces himself in such and such a way. The courier can come home or appoint a time somewhere.

As a rule, scammers carefully prepare for such an "operation". They make acquaintances in the house management or management company, find out the addresses and phone numbers of older people, whether they have children and grandchildren, what their names are, and how often they communicate. If necessary, they will follow the "objects" of interest for a couple of days. The ideal victim is a pensioner with an average income, who lives separately from younger relatives, but takes care of them. Let's say, a grandmother or grandfather who loves to pamper their grandchildren with some gifts.

The scammers put on a real show, given their personal circumstances. If a beloved grandson has a car, then he can "make a fatal collision." If a guy or girl likes to hang out at nightclubs, then a "drunken fight" can happen. Now telephone scammers have a new "chip": they can demand payment for an urgent and sudden operation of a loved one, on which his life depends. But such a scam also requires preparation - you need to know that there is a relative who may need medical help.

However, there are scammers who do not bother with a long reconnaissance. They stupidly dial any combination of numbers and act, as they say, according to the situation. These people, of course, are very good natural psychologists, who also have artistic ability. It is clear that the client is not always lucky, but with a certain perseverance, at least one out of a hundred calls turns out to be successful. It is curious that prisoners usually use this "poke method", organizing scams directly from places of deprivation of liberty.

The sums for "non-initiation of a criminal case" or "urgent oncological" operation, requested by swindlers, reach up to one million rubles. The old people in a panic take out the hidden "coffin" money, empty their accounts, even manage to sell apartments.

The police advise in such cases, after all, not to panic, but to try to get through to relatives who are allegedly in trouble, their friends or colleagues. It is necessary that a close person, and not a stranger, ask for help, if it is really needed. Maybe, in order to avoid such situations, it makes sense for young family members to discuss a possible algorithm of actions with pensioners. There are funny stories too. Once, scammers, calling at random, ran into the head of one of the capital's police departments. The police colonel played along with the swindlers, invited them to his house, allegedly for money, and caught them red-handed.

"Heal in a new way"

The second way to "divorce" older people is to impose on them medicines that are not needed in principle. Here, too, not without serious intelligence. Of course, without corruption among the medical staff, this is impossible.

Calling pensioners is a person who has a good command of medical terminology. He introduces himself as a doctor of the polyclinic where the subscriber is served, addresses by name and patronymic and demonstrates full awareness of the state of health. And he reports that he urgently needs to undergo a course of treatment with new drugs. As a rule, dietary supplements are “pushed” to a pensioner, less often - some kind of fake with re-glued labels.

"Course of treatment" can be delayed for six months - a year. From time to time, the "doctor" will very convincingly explain to the patient that he should continue taking the miracle pills, otherwise the effect of the previous procedures will disappear. Moreover, communication can take place not only by phone, but also in the office, where a person comes for a "medicine" or, say, for a "consultation". Last year, the police uncovered four groups of swindlers in Moscow.

On average, such a "treatment" can cost an unfortunate person from 0.5 million to 2-3 million rubles. But here the danger is not even that the elderly are being cynically robbed. Victims of swindlers, hoping for a new remedy, stop treatment and finally ruin their health. By themselves, bioactive supplements may be harmless, but they are not able to cure a specific disease. Therefore, the police are advised to discuss new "medical technologies" with their own, proven doctors.

"Open, security!"

The third way to deceive older people does not require them to have children, grandchildren, or any relatives at all. Quite the contrary, lonely old people become victims. under the guise social workers, scammers come to their homes and offer free household help to bring-take to the clinic, buy something, renew their pension or rent. But you never know what a pensioner needs - even just to chat.

There may be two options. The first is a banal but quick robbery. Several scammers enter the apartment with a question. While one of them is talking to a pensioner, the other is rummaging through secluded places in search of money and valuables. Usually, middle-aged women skillfully play the role of social security workers. Pensioners are advised not to open the door, despite the magic word "social security". Your best bet is to call your local government and find out if someone was sent to a specific address or not. Is there even such an employee?

Much more dangerous is another option - "black realtors". They rub their trust in a lonely person and trick him into giving him a living space, at worst, registering someone in his apartment. As a rule, after such a "deal" with real estate, these old people do not live long. Again, "black realtors" - good organized groups who have connections with the police, local administration, and notary offices.
