How to develop artistic abilities in children. Games and game exercises for the development of artistry in preschool children


Usually the baby begins to show the ability to any occupation at the age of 4-5 years. True, it also happens that extraordinary talent can already be seen at. Take a close look at your baby: observing him will help you determine what activities he likes best. The main thing - having understood what the child has a tendency to, keep in mind that coercion only increases rejection. Your favorite activity should bring pleasure and joy.

The artistic abilities of the child, as a rule, appear already in 2-3 years. You will notice that the baby's favorite activities are, applique, modeling. Watch him: the child notices more colors than his peers, distinguishes their shades, pays attention to details, objects in the background.

Does your kid love to sing? Take a closer look at him so as not to miss the musical talent of the child. In addition to being able to play music heard only once, the baby is also able to move rhythmically. He is not out of tune when he sings, he is interested in musical instruments. Some of these children enjoy imitating famous performers.

your baby with early age He enjoys listening and flipping through books, he learned early, quickly remembers and loves to recite poetry. Watch him: maybe your future actor is growing or. They have a rich imagination and a large vocabulary. The child likes to compose stories, he is good at expressing his emotions and imitating the heroes of fairy tales or cartoons.

Note that children who are intellectually gifted have great knowledge in different areas or in any one. They like to read encyclopedias, they are capable of deep analysis, they are able to critically relate to facts. As a rule, such children quickly learn new material and easy to learn. Perhaps you can recognize the future scientist in your child who is interested in numbers; easily concentrated; likes to count everything; play boardgames; take apart toys to see their device. He likes to collect puzzles, solve puzzles and puzzles.

Sports talent distinguishes a child from his peers with dexterity, good coordination of movements and physical form. If your kid loves to run, compete with friends, mastered the bike early, he just seethes with energy, keep in mind that this does not mean at all that he is not given intelligence. It’s just that the most interesting thing for him is to play sports, to get satisfaction from physical fatigue.

Helpful advice

If you have doubts about any inclinations of the child, seek the advice of a psychologist. It will help determine the propensity for certain activities using specially designed tests.


  • determination of the child's abilities

Every parent wants their child to grow up successful and talented. To achieve the goal, it is necessary to develop the abilities of children. Fortunately, there are many methods for developing children's talents, giftedness and abilities.


It is important that the child gets the joy of doing what he loves and does not lose interest. Therefore, do not press on child. Do not be overly assertive when rewarding for certain achievements.

The development of a child's talents is positively influenced by acquaintance with labor activity parents. Let him take part in it.

The development of abilities in a child occurs due to the development of various sense organs. Invite your child to paint more often, sculpt with plasticine, etc. Materials with a surface of different textures should be available to the child. This stimulates the development of perception of sensations.

Listen to music together, read, communicate, participate in socially useful activities. This contributes to the harmonious formation of personality.

The child should have access to reference books and encyclopedias with information appropriate to his age.

Criticism negatively affects the development of abilities in a child. The kid feels constant appreciation, so he is afraid to prove himself. Never criticize a son or daughter.

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  • development of children's talent

The makings of talent in man are laid down by nature. The task of adults is to identify the child's abilities and develop them. It happens in the process creative development and upbringing. Parents, developing abilities in their child, can be sure that in life he realizes himself and will definitely find something to his liking.


Often parents in their own unrealized talents want their child to do this or that kind of art only because they didn’t succeed at one time. Don't force your child to do things they don't like. Let him choose what interests him. Your child has no less talents than you, they are just different.

In each kid, you need to see what makes him different from others, what he can do much better than the rest. If the child behaves passively and fulfills only your desires, you can seek help from a psychologist. He will test the child and determine priorities in one or more areas of activity.

An important point in revealing a child's ability is praise. Praise the baby at every opportunity, tell him that he is doing well. Even if something doesn't work out, help him. The child has capabilities, but he still has very little experience. Often, parents with one phrase “unskillful” discourage the child’s interest in the lesson. It is absolutely impossible to do this, as this can cause the development of children's complexes. And what the child did not succeed this time, he will not repeat, fearing your disapproval.

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Every baby has unique abilities, genetically and naturally. To identify and develop them is the task of parents. The sooner you understand what the child has a penchant for, the more likely it is that he will grow up successful and will do what he loves.


Most often, children are happy to demonstrate their abilities themselves. If he is closed and unsociable, shows no interest in either dancing, or singing, or drawing, it is worth turning to, which will help to liberate him and see his inclinations to one or another occupation.

If you want to reveal abilities, you should not force a child to realize your dreams if they are not to his liking and beyond his strength. Even if you did not have time to realize yourself in any creative direction in, it does not matter. There are many courses and clubs for adults. You must distance yourself from own desires and keep a close eye on the child. And coercion to something can only scare the baby away.

Don't be afraid to overload your child. The more various kinds classes, topics. Invite your child to try himself in theatrical productions, and sports, drawing and music. Go to trial classes in various clubs, talk to teachers and coaches, ask them to evaluate your child with a trained eye. Those hobbies that the child will not like will be weeded out over time. The main thing is to constantly be interested in whether the baby has a desire to continue classes. It is necessary to encourage interest and initiative, but in no case punish for unwillingness to attend the circle.

If we talk about rewards, then you need to constantly praise the child. This greatly inspires him to further develop his abilities and skills. Praise sincerely and wholeheartedly. Even if in a creative impulse he depicted a picture on the wallpaper, got dirty or tore his sneakers while chasing the ball, do not scold him. His paintings will be far from ideal, and his poems will consist of two unrhymed lines. You should not expect any super achievements from the little man without special skills from the first day of classes. After all, your task is not to raise a child prodigy to the envy of other parents, thereby depriving him of his childhood, but to identify and gradually develop his abilities.

The right hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for creative activity, begins to develop earlier and more actively than the logical left. Thus, you should not try to raise a great mathematician from the cradle, but you still need to do a little counting. It is better to develop creative abilities and strengthen the connection of the hemispheres of the child's brain, offer him to do the usual things (eat, brush his teeth, draw) with the other hand. Thus, when the time comes to develop the logical abilities of the baby, everything will be given to him faster and easier.

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Talent is called the natural ability of a person to any kind of activity. If abilities are revealed at an early age, parents do not have the right to ignore them and must contribute to their development. How to strike a balance and not overdo it in the development of talent in a child?

You will need

  • - additional classes;
  • - strict daily routine;
  • - the desire to develop your child;
  • - cash investments;


Encourage interest in the work that he does. Never humiliate his abilities in the eyes of relatives or peers. If a child has done something (written a poem, molded a figurine from plasticine, scored a decisive goal in a yard football match, sang a song), praise him and tell others about his achievements. Let him see that his successes are interesting and significant not only for him.

Give the child to a circle or section if he has the ability to do something. After all, only in favorable talent can truly. Circles and sections are good just because they provide such conditions. He will have a mentor and an environment of like-minded peers.

Find a teacher for individual lessons with your child. For example, if the baby has shown the ability to sing, invite a master whom you yourself truly appreciate. It is also necessary to give the child to the circle with an eye on who teaches in this. There are cases when teachers "suppress" the child's abilities with their own bad taste or limited culture.

Remember that some of the happiest people are those who consciously do what they love all their lives. Make your child happy, help to figure out what his giftedness is. After all, people without talent simply do not exist. The main thing is not to overdo it in your zeal to instill in your child a love for some business. The freedom of the child should not be suppressed by many hours of music, dance, sports, etc. Remember that even from your favorite business you can get tired.

Help your child understand that abilities are only part of the overall process. Necessary and important, but not the main one. Because talent is given by nature, but only the person himself can maintain it in himself. Organize the child's daily routine in such a way that developmental activities become a natural part of it and do not injure the child. Develop self-discipline in your child so that he does it himself, without unnecessary reminders.

Give your child enough free time. After all, one talent is not enough. You also need free thinking, not bound by stereotypes, an open mind. Encourage these qualities in your baby, engage in educational games with him, stimulate his imagination and independence of judgment.

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It is best to avoid frequent use of expressions like “you are talented, so you have to practice every day” when communicating with your child. This will help control your child's self-esteem.

Helpful advice

Let your child choose their own activities. Do not rush to write him out of the circle, which he attends with pleasure, even if, according to the teacher, he does not have much time in business. Perhaps his talent will be revealed later. The main thing is that classes are fun.

Most often, the problem of determining the child's inclinations confronts parents when they choose an institution where their son or daughter will study. Send the baby to a specialized kindergarten or a regular one, choose an art school, enroll the child in a "music school" or in a circle in English? Therefore, it is so important to understand what the child has tendencies to.


Geniuses appear extremely rarely. Usually a child is born only with the inclinations (for example, a flexible musculoskeletal system is a good deposit for gymnastics or dancing), which, under the strict guidance of adults, turn into abilities. Therefore, it is important that the child can try himself in all areas. After all, if you have never composed poetry with your baby, how can you understand if he has the ability to do this?

At age, the process of identifying inclinations falls on the shoulders of his closest relatives, who spend all the time with him - moms, dads, grandmothers, possibly nannies. In this situation, only observation will help you. Study the results of the baby's creative activity, discuss it with friends who have the same, watch what games your baby chooses - whether he prefers to run or play with words. The main thing is that a child at this age has a choice of what to play, what kind of creative activity to engage in: draw, drive a ball or sing along to a fashionable singer.

The older the child becomes, the more time he spends outside the home, not under the supervision of loved ones. To determine the inclinations of a child at an older age, it is better to resort to the help of teachers and child psychologists. It is they who will be able to offer him comprehensive tests that will evaluate his intellectual, academic, leadership, motor and creative abilities, as well as his possible potential. The kid will be asked a series of questions, offered to draw a fantastic animal, repeat the movement, and based on his answers, they will tell you in which area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity he is more likely to succeed.

However, not all abilities can be identified using tests. Therefore, it would be nice for parents to keep a special diary in which they would describe the development of their baby, indicate the games that give him the greatest pleasure, mark the discoveries made by the baby, store his drawings and crafts. With complete information and the support of a teacher, you will not lose sight of your child's tendencies.

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Tip 7: How to help your child realize their abilities

People are born with their own individual abilities. Whether a person is able to realize himself directly depends on his sense of his own value and significance. You need to start realizing your abilities from childhood. And parents should help their child and create an environment conducive to the development of talents, independence and responsibility.


Do not do the child's work for the child - let him learn to find solutions on his own in accordance with his individual abilities. Very often, parents seek to teach the baby, to suggest how to do this or that task. As a result, they immediately put it in a certain framework. Let the child think, and he will most likely find the actual solution.

Encourage your child's independence. Leave it to yourself, and watch for yourself. If the child is bored, do not rush to entertain him with some kind of entertainment - let him come up with a game on his own. So your child will learn to fantasize, invent, invent.

Every parent wants his child to be able to realize himself in this life, to find a job to his liking, to become successful person. Many make every effort for this, from infancy developing the baby, leading him to mugs, finding the best teachers and tutors. In order for this approach to bring maximum benefit, it is necessary to identify the child's abilities as early as possible and purposefully develop them. To do this, moms and dads should know what tendencies children have and at what age they are determined. This is what we'll talk about today.

Abilities, inclinations and inclinations

Every child is born with certain characteristics of the body and nervous system. One has an excellent ear for music, the body of another is very flexible and light, the third has been distinguished by non-standard thinking since infancy. Such genetic prerequisites are called inclinations.

Children intuitively feel in what activity they manage to achieve high results most easily. They enthusiastically master this area, give it a clear preference. This selectivity in the choice of occupations is called "inclination". You can usually notice them at the age of 4-5 years.

Based on the inclinations and inclinations, with the right training and upbringing of the child, abilities are formed. They help a person to easily achieve success in a particular professional activity. However, if the baby was born in adverse conditions, his talents may never appear. Children's abilities preschool age it is important to notice and support in time. It is unlikely that Mozart would have achieved such outstanding results if there were not a single musical instrument in his house.

Makings of an artist

The creative abilities of children are manifested earlier than others. Future artists from 3-5 years old:

  • for a long time and with pleasure they are engaged in drawing, modeling, appliqué;
  • convey through the material used the characteristic features of an object or character;
  • they do not need templates, they discover new techniques and techniques without prompting;
  • notice the beauty around them, admire the rainbow, sparkling snow, enjoy looking at paintings in museums;
  • they make crafts of an applied nature, which can be used to decorate the interior of a room or use to create stylish look(beads, bracelets).

It is important to introduce such kids to joint creativity, to arrange home exhibitions. Be sure to visit the Museum of Fine Arts, show your child reproductions of famous paintings. Draw his attention to how, with the help of certain colors or strokes, the artist achieved the desired effect.

musical gift

Sometimes its manifestations can be seen in one year old baby. Future composers and performers:

  • emotionally react to music, move to the beat;
  • recognize the song by the first notes;
  • easily reproduce the heard melody;
  • compose simple songs themselves;
  • love to play with musical instruments.

If your child exhibits these qualities, introduce him to classical music. Go to a concert together, to the opera, watch a children's ballet. Purchase musical toys. When the baby grows up, install music creation programs on the computer. And, of course, take your child to a music school.

Artistic Data

Many great actors in early childhood enjoyed reading poetry, perched on a stool. This path is close to your baby if he:

  • likes to perform in front of the public;
  • very emotional;
  • gesticulates expressively;
  • imitates favorite characters, parodies their movements, behavior, voice;
  • talking about something, trying to evoke a certain reaction in the listener.

Creative abilities are manifested brightly in only 10-15% of cases. Perhaps your child is trying out different areas. The task of parents is to take care of acquaintance with classical music, modeling and drawing, staging home performances, visiting the theater of the young spectator - all this should be present in the complex.

Literary ability

A writer needs not only a good imagination, a sense of language, a creative mindset, but also life experience. Therefore, literary talent manifests itself rather late. This can happen in adolescence or adulthood. However, some prerequisites can already be seen in preschoolers. These include:

  • love for books
  • the ability to retell the plot in a fascinating and logical way;
  • large vocabulary;
  • interest in writing their own stories, poems;
  • rich fantasy.

Encourage your child to try to make up a fairy tale on their own, read interesting books together, play games with words and rhymes. Even if a great poet does not come out of the child, these classes will play a role in the Russian language lessons.

It is important for parents to pay special attention to the development creativity It is during this period that you can teach them to think in an original way, freely express themselves through different types activities. IN school years learning comes to the fore and to life in society.

Sports inclinations

Famous dancers, gymnasts, swimmers and figure skaters took their first steps towards their career at the age of 4-5 years. You should think about choosing a sports section if your baby:

  • very mobile;
  • has good coordination, flexibility, strength, agility, endurance;
  • not afraid to fall or get a bruise, conquering the next structure on the playground;
  • likes to play sports games, participate in competitions;
  • able to show enviable perseverance, learning to skate or jump rope.

Technical inclinations

You can notice them in the older to school age. Such children:

  • prefer to play with cars and constructors;
  • assemble new models from available parts;
  • often draw transport and equipment;
  • trying to "fix" something on their own;
  • like to help their father with repairs;
  • disassemble toys and appliances to understand how they are made.

The development of abilities in toddlers sometimes requires sacrifice. This is exactly the case. To protect home appliances from a young researcher, purchase a children's workshop, present a broken phone and enroll your child in a technical circle from grade 1.

Mathematical Talents

The obvious inclinations of the child to a particular science become apparent in the middle or high school. Psychologists warn against labeling too early, dividing children into "humanists" and "techies". However, evidence of a child's mathematical ability may include:

  • interest in calculations and measurements;
  • easy perception and memorization of signs, symbols;
  • solving problems that are difficult for his age, examples;
  • the ability to navigate the clock and calendar before school;
  • love for tasks for logic and ingenuity, puzzles;
  • the ability to compare objects, classify them according to various criteria.

It is worth instilling in mathematics, regardless of his inclinations. At school, this subject is considered one of the main ones. Games that develop logic, abstract thinking, as well as introduce numbers and geometric shapes will help prepare the baby for mastering formulas and theorems. On sale you can find many books with interesting tasks of this type.

Intellectual abilities

Inclinations towards history, physics, biology or chemistry usually appear in adolescence. The child’s possible talent for science is evidenced by:

  • curiosity;
  • excellent memory;
  • interest in learning;
  • observation;
  • the ability to concentrate on intellectual pursuits for a long time;
  • attempts to put their own experiments, experiments;
  • love for reading encyclopedias;
  • Passion for puzzles, riddles for intelligence and logic.

The child's abilities are just beginning to take shape, so it is important to direct their development in the right direction. The future scientist needs not only deep knowledge in a certain area, but also the ability to work creatively with information, formulate problematic tasks, and independently find their solution.

For activity, invite your child to solve interesting tasks that require a thorough analysis of the situation and flexibility of thinking. Play games that develop voluntary attention, teach you how to make predictions, and come up with effective strategies.

The makings of a leader

Organizational abilities of the child become evident in middle school age. Before that, we can talk about them conditionally, since children are just learning to communicate, interact with the team, make friends. A real leader is not the one who wants to be the first and command everyone. This is a person who is ready to take responsibility for other people, inspire them and lead them.

You can talk about the presence of leadership inclinations in a baby if he:

  • independent;
  • quickly adapts to an unfamiliar situation;
  • confidently communicates with a stranger, both with a child and with an adult;
  • is popular with peers;
  • likes to lead others;
  • can captivate friends with their favorite game;
  • knows how to convince without using his fists;
  • interested in the feelings and motives of the behavior of people around.

Parents of such children should be given the opportunity to make their own decisions, to make a choice. The leader must understand from childhood what a mistake is fraught with and how it can be corrected. Entrust the baby with responsible tasks, praise for the initiative. In a conflict situation, look for a compromise together. Be sure to instill in your son or daughter the right moral values. After all, he has to become an example for others.

We are looking for talents

The development of abilities in preschool children is not an easy task. Often kids are interested in a little of everything. It is important that mom and dad share any activities of the baby, draw, sing, solve riddles or run after the ball with him. This gives the little man self-confidence and a desire to experiment.

In the first place at this age comes the development of creative abilities in children. The ability to create something new, to think outside the box will definitely come in handy in the future for an artist, a scientist, and the head of a company.

The child's abilities with respect for them will be the key to his successful future. There are no children without talents. It is important for parents to abandon their stereotypes and accept the baby as he is. Then he will open up and be able to grow up a happy person.

You sleep and see your daughter prima Bolshoi Theater, and the son - the triumphant of the Olympics? Your dreams can come true if you recognize the child's abilities in a timely manner! At what age can the future Mozart appear in a baby? And how to make early development abilities brought impressive results in the future?

Finding the beginnings of a great talent in a child is only half the battle. The most important thing is to find a way to develop the child's abilities, so as not to discourage him from learning!

It is impossible to name the exact year, day and hour when abilities begin to awaken in a child. As the psychologist of the highest category, writer Larisa Solovieva notes, childhood- plastic. And what happens to one toddler in a year old can happen to another at 3 years old, and at 5.

Therefore, age cannot in any way indicate a talented child - a baby can famously drum on the keys of a musical instrument for a year, but this does not at all indicate that the crumbs have musical abilities.

To gain secret knowledge about your baby's apparent abilities, from the very first days, keep a close eye on him. At the same time, if a one-year-old toddler speaks well, runs briskly and sings songs, do not rush to write him down as a genius. Psychologists define this condition as high rate child development. And they advise parents to continue to observe the manifestations of abilities in a son or daughter - carefully, but without fanaticism.

When you spot talent, don't scare it away

No matter how proud you are of your little miracle, be more restrained. You should not hang the baby's art on all the walls, put it "on a stool" in front of every random guest. The task of parents is not to sing laudatory odes to the baby, but to guide him competently and accurately, thereby stimulating the child's abilities for further development.

If your little one is overly active and shows champion qualities, do not decide for him what kind of sport he should do. Over time, his tendencies will show themselves. But if you are trying to speed up this process, give the crumbs suggestive objects: a soccer ball, a stick, small skis. Especially for girls, you can get a gymnastic ribbon. And watch which of the subjects and sports your son or daughter will "make friends" with the most. Well, then - draw your own conclusions!

Another example: if the baby has scribbled several albums and even wallpapers, do not rush to scold him. On the contrary, encourage his hobby: buy paints, felt-tip pens, pencils different types. Let the child choose the “tool” that is more convenient for him and draw further. And, if a two-year-old toddler sings songs endlessly, portrays superheroes, watch the little artist and listen to him. Let once a week he arranges home concerts. Perhaps this will become a rehearsal for a performance on the big stage.

The first sign of a child's talent at any age is the speed with which he can complete various tasks. When a boy or girl quickly grasps information and does something ahead of their peers, giftedness is obvious.

The second sign of the presence of giftedness in a child in one area or another is the involvement in this matter that the baby demonstrates regularly. Simply put - the child must clearly like what he excels at.

Detailed analysis

The most dangerous thing they can do loving mom and dad, trying to develop the child's abilities - to hang on a gifted child "a drama club, a photo circle." Or all the methods combined at once ... Psychologists often encounter a phenomenon: a three-year-old kid is engaged in English, French, drawing, singing, fencing, but - at the same time, his mother feeds him from a spoon. It is clear that such an approach harms the child himself, whose talents must be developed consistently and in accordance with age.

If your little one is active in a variety of areas, but does not stand out specifically in anything, special diagnostics can help determine the “main” abilities of the child. You can go through it in state leisure centers, and in private psychological consultations. The procedure for identifying the inclinations of the baby includes:

  • detailed consultation with parents and the child;
  • step-by-step testing of the baby;
  • analysis and interpretation of the obtained results;
  • creation of an individual scheme for the development of the child based on the results of testing (depending on the availability of certain abilities).

The consultation also reveals how much the level of development of your crumbs exceeds the norm or corresponds to it.

To diagnose the abilities of a child under the age of 3 years, the so-called projective methods, using various drawings, games and exercises, reproducing stories from fairy tales. The game creates absolutely organic conditions for revealing the potential of the child.

The development of abilities in children is a routine matter

So, your baby has shown certain abilities. Great! The next step, more precisely, the steps, must be sent to the section or studio of the desired profile. Because recognizing a child's talent is only half the battle. The most important thing is to properly develop children's giftedness. And only a wise and professional mentor is able to cope with this - a coach, teacher, choreographer.

Sometimes children of two or three years of age are put on skates, put behind a musical instrument. Such an early involvement of the baby in a specific case is permissible if not parental ambitions are at the forefront, but the child’s visible need for this activity.

A coach and mentor is also needed in order for the child to form the correct self-esteem. After all, often gifted boys and girls solve tasks differently than others. And educators and teachers rarely meet with a bang a manifestation of originality. Their reaction can "extinguish" the baby's self-esteem and partly even slow down the development of the child's abilities. But the support and faith of the person "leading", on the contrary, significantly advance the cause. In addition, it is the mentor who will help develop the main thing for the development of the child's abilities and talent - motivation!

Support Group

So, if you managed to recognize the child's abilities and find a wise mentor in a timely manner, it's almost a bag. It remains for parents to support the gifted offspring in everything. Be on the lookout: at one point the child will rebel and get tired of doing "his life." Here it is important to prepare in advance in order to be able to distinguish whether it is a whim or a “complete finish”.

But monitoring a child should not be confused with total control! From a very tender age, it is useful to accustom the baby to independence. Start with the proverbial spoon, which your baby should be able to hold while eating by the age of two. And gradually teach your child to plan their affairs. The last skill can be developed from the age of three or four: let the little one come up with his own action plan every day. And in the future you will not have to stand over his soul, constantly reminding him of something.

How to open the child's abilities "at home"?

How to recognize abilities in a child - applied advice from the world's leading psychologists:

Alice Paul Torrance's "six circles" method - diagnostics of intellectual abilities and figurative thinking The child has. The kid is given an A4 sheet with circles of the same size (4.5 cm in diameter) drawn on it in two rows - three in each. The little ones are offered to beautifully draw and color the circles so that some objects or even plots turn out of them. Further, children's creations should be evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • productivity- the number of circles that the child managed to reshape into images;
  • elaboration of the image- completeness and variety of details of the depicted objects;
  • originality- unusual images;
  • drawing quality- Accuracy, use of color in drawing and coloring.

The higher these indicators, the more obvious the child's abilities.

How to develop a child's abilities: a view from across the ocean

Questions of children's talents have been of interest to scientists from all countries and continents for a long time and intently. The American psychologist Howard Gardner wrote the book Frames of the Mind in the early 1980s. Where he identified seven types of talent, intelligence:

Type of talent What are the children doing
Verbal-linguisticThey read well from an early age, write intuitively without errors, easily find a common language with other children. Fields of activity: journalism, writing, teaching, law.
DigitalEasily perform mathematical operations, solve logical tasks; are fond of programming and computer technology. Field of activity: engineering.
SpatialThey think in images, fantasize a lot, like to draw, sculpt, have a vivid imagination. Fields of activity: architecture, design, painting.
PhysicalThey prefer learning and theories physical exercise, practical action and manipulation. Fields of activity: sports, construction professions.
personalThey perceive what is happening at the level of emotions with which they are rich beyond measure. Very intuitive. Occupation: Acting.
interpersonalThey love and know how to communicate with people of all ages. Fields of activity: politics, trade.
Environment TalentThey are able to observe and study nature, flora and fauna. Fields of activity: biology, botany, gardening, training.

Talented child: work for the result

In order for the development of the child's abilities to bring its grandiose fruits as a result, it is important that these are precisely his talents! And not "buried in the ground" aspirations of one of the parents. If a mother dreamed of flying under the dome of the circus, you should not give her plump daughter, who loves to sculpt from plasticine, to acrobats. And if dad dreamed of a career as a hockey player, you can’t drag a kid with an absolute ear for music to the rink.

But praise is very useful and effective for the development of children's abilities. Only if it's correct. Praise your son or daughter not for their abilities, but for their efforts and achievements. And also - for the efforts, activity and activity. Then the result will not keep you waiting.

Adults have no right to bet on a child's talent, like on a racehorse! You can’t invest serious money in the “big future” of your offspring, and look forward to dividends. A child is not a business project. And all, without exception, boys and girls have the right to a reckless childhood.

Every parent dreams that his child would grow up to be a successful person, that in life he would do what he loves, achieving high results in his activities. This is possible if the natural abilities of the child are identified and developed in a timely manner. Child psychologists argue that all children are talented in their own way, and it is necessary to reveal these talents precisely at preschool age, since the choice of a specialized school, class and university depends on this. So, how to determine the ability of a child?

  • Observation is one of the simplest ways to study children's abilities. By observing the various areas of children's activities, parents can identify those to which the baby gives the greatest preference.
  • A game. Child psychology defines gaming activity as the main occupation for the child. Children tend to choose those games for which they have an inclination, which means they have abilities. Moreover, not only developing, but also any other games are indicative.
  • Help of specialists (psychologists, teachers). Exist child development centers , who specialize in determining children's abilities during a comprehensive examination. A comprehensive examination includes the establishment of the degree intellectual development, evaluation of potential opportunities and the study of creativity.
  • Testing. The testing procedure can be carried out not only by professional psychologists, but also by the parents themselves. So, questionnaires are used to determine intellectual and technical abilities, and special test exercises are used to determine musical or dancing abilities.

Ability Type Characteristics of the activity and development of the baby
Artistic Many children love to draw, but children with artistic abilities convey in their drawings the most characteristic features of objects or people. Moreover, the child draws not only what he can do or what he was shown, but everything that he sees around him. His drawings are colorful and depend on the mood.
Artistic The kid without hesitation speaks to an adult audience, he is very emotional and seeks to imitate artists or cartoon characters.
Musical The child is able to easily memorize melodies and reproduce them, he can compose his simplest motives.
Literary He often fantasizes, and his fantasies are logical and have an ending. The child has a rich vocabulary, he emotionally retells what he has read or seen. He learns to read quite early.
intellectual The kid has an excellent memory, he is very observant, interested in everything, learns easily, tries to find the answer to any question.
Sports A very active and purposeful child with excellent coordination and dexterity. He is constantly on the move.
Technical Favorite games are constructors and cars. Actively interested in household appliances, tools. Often tries to fix broken toys or other items.
Communication and leadership The child quite easily adapts to new conditions for himself, easily communicates with both his peers and adults, in most situations he maintains self-confidence.

This table will help parents wondering how to determine the ability of a child. , interpret the results of their observations of the baby.

Unfortunately, in our schools there is no special division into classes for children with different abilities. Some separation is observed only after the 9th grade, and even then only in the field of mathematics - children who have mathematical abilities can continue to study in specialized classes with in-depth study of this subject.

Therefore, the main task of developing the child's abilities is assigned to parents, who are assisted by numerous circles, sections, art and music schools, centers aesthetic development and much more.

As the child grows up, the psychophysiological state of the child changes, and development does not always proceed evenly. It is very important for parents to be able to correctly assess the level of development of the child at certain stages of his life.

Three years is the sensorimotor stage child development, a new social step, symbolizing the transition of the baby to the younger preschool age. Child psychologists call this period the "crisis of three years." It manifests itself in increased independence and separation from adults. By what criteria can one evaluate the skills of a three-year-old child?

At the age of three, a child's sociability can change dramatically, both positively and negatively. Despite this, the baby should be able to:

  • pronounce words clearly
  • say your age and name,
  • give answers to simple questions
  • speak in sentences of 5-6 words,
  • have a vocabulary of at least 250 words,
  • tell different stories, poems, fairy tales.

With age, the baby improves coordination of movements and flexibility. Basic motor skills of a child of three years:

  • jumping on one leg
  • the ability to lean in different directions without falling,
  • the ability to stand on one leg for at least 5 seconds,
  • ability to step back.

In addition, the baby should already be able to:

  • twist and unscrew the cap on a bottle or jar,
  • use scissors,
  • draw clear geometric figures(circles and squares).

social skills

Communication skills with peers and adults are essential for a child's development. At the age of three, the baby should demonstrate a wide range of positive and negative emotions, express affection for acquaintances, and show the first friendly affection for peers.

Intellectual Skills

Three-year-old children are often called "why-why" because their characteristic inquisitiveness and curiosity force them to ask adults hundreds of questions. Children want to get as much knowledge as possible about the world around them, and parents should help them with this.

At the age of three, children should be able to:

  • recognize and name primary colors,
  • recognize numbers up to five,
  • be able to count
  • be able to sort objects according to different criteria, for example, according to shape and color,
  • recognize yourself and loved ones in photographs,
  • solve simple riddles.

To develop intellectual skills, parents can use educational games and toys, educational films and cartoons

Parents should encourage the independence of children in every possible way. The more independent the child is, the easier it will adapt to kindergarten. In addition, self-reliance contributes to increased self-confidence and self-confidence.

Three year olds should:

  • eat on your own
  • dress and undress independently
  • wash your face, wash your hands, brush your teeth, comb your hair, use a handkerchief,
  • clean up toys
  • go potty.

If suddenly, while reading the lists of skills and abilities, you realize that your three-year-old baby is not yet able to do something, do not be discouraged. All children are different, someone knows how to do everything by their third birthday, and someone will learn by 3 years and 10 months. But he will certainly learn, especially if there are loving and supportive parents nearby.

Any competent psychologist will tell you that every person initially has some kind of talent, and you yourself have no doubt that your priceless treasure must have some kind of gift.

And this is absolutely true: all children are very talented, each has exceptional abilities, but it is the task of parents to notice them in time, and then develop and direct them in the right creative direction.

Talent or ambition of parents?

Every adult has certain lofty aspirations, but not all of them have found realization in life, so it is not uncommon for parents to try to embody them through their child, sometimes without even realizing it. How to be in this case? A wise parent will never impose his point of view own child, but, on the contrary, will make every effort to identify the interests of his own child and try to help him realize them.

How to discover talent?

You just need to observe the child, and then analyze his behavior: what is he interested in, what does he manage to do better than others? Maybe he draws wonderful plot pictures or deftly jumps through a rope? Then, perhaps, it is worth recording it in an art studio or a sports section.

When is parental support important?

If you notice such abilities in your child, then at this moment it is very important to support him: do not spare praise for success, support him in difficult moments. Such participation is extremely necessary for him - he will understand that his parents believe in him, and this will give him maximum confidence in his abilities. Do not be too upset if one day your child tells you that he no longer wants to do what he used to really like. Do not scold him, try to understand the reasons for such a change in mood. Perhaps this is just fatigue, or perhaps interest has been completely exhausted.

If this is not just a whim, but a conscious decision, then there is no need to aggravate the situation, but try to choose an adjacent field of activity. It is better to interest the child again than to do something that does not have a soul.

Communication with the child comes first

Active, but unobtrusive participation in the life of your child, the constant manifestation of interest in his affairs will allow the child to understand his importance and significance in the life of his family, and you will be able to notice all the disturbing moments in his life in time.

Self-reliance is important

No need to follow the child on the heels and constantly monitor him. It is much more effective to teach him to plan his own time and keep track of his affairs. Constant repeated reminders to do something are unlikely to achieve the goal, but communication on an equal footing, trust will bring positive results - the child will definitely appreciate your attitude and will be sincerely grateful to you.

We are looking for talents

Musical ability

Your toddler has musical ability if he:

  • loves to listen to music;
  • easily remembers the rhythm and the melody itself;
  • plays musical instruments with special feeling and emotions;
  • and also, perhaps, himself composes music.

Technical ability

The presence of technical abilities is signaled by:

  • the child's keen interest in various mechanisms;
  • reverent love for designers, device parts;
  • the ability to repair faulty appliances;
  • desire to draw interesting drawings;
  • special interest in technical literature.

Scientific interest

Your child has a scientist if he:

  • able to clearly and correctly express their own and other people's thoughts;
  • makes generalizations;
  • perceives abstract concepts;
  • he likes to read popular science articles and books;
  • he is constantly trying to give his explanation of various realities;
  • does not get upset if his inventions are not appreciated by adults, and after a while he tries to figure it out again in order to eliminate the shortcomings and bring his idea to perfection.

Outstanding intelligence

The presence of outstanding intelligence in your child is reported by his abilities:

  • reason consistently;
  • ease of perception;
  • excellent memory;
  • the presence of common sense, and sometimes too sober calculation;
  • observation;
  • the ability to quickly respond to new things in his life.

Talent for sports

Your child has a talent for sports if he:

  • overly energetic and constantly on the move;
  • he is not afraid of bumps and bruises;
  • he is the winner in various fights;
  • you think he has an endless battery somewhere because he never gets tired.

Artistic ability

Artistic ability takes place if the child:

  • expresses his thoughts with drawings;
  • reverently refers to works of art;
  • constantly sculpts, draws, draws, tries to make such crafts that can be found practical use- decorate the interior or clothes.

literary talent

Your child perfectly retells the plot of the work, fantasizes about a real event, creating an unusual story out of it, and the characters in his stories are humanized and interesting, he likes to retire to write his opuses - he probably has manifestations of literary talent.

Summing up

Do not, under any circumstances, doubt your child! This is the most serious mistake that adults make, and comparison with peers who do something better than your child makes him very upset and completely discourages the desire and desire to do something. Your sincere faith in him and support will help him move mountains! And your main task is to help the child find and discover his talent.
