How to get rid of grease stains on clothes. Methods for removing fresh and old grease stains from fabric

Even the most careful person is not immune from the appearance of a greasy stain on his clothes, especially when there is a child in the house. If you cannot remove the stain, do not get upset ahead of time, because there are many different effective methods themselves.

How to remove grease stains from clothes

Often the appearance of stains on clothes is the reason for parting with this thing. This is done by those who do not know that greasy marks are much easier to remove than stains, for example, from coffee, wine, ink or berries. Therefore, do not rush to conclusions and throw away your favorite sweater or jeans, it is better to listen to useful recommendations.

Of course, it is easiest to deal with stains immediately after they appear, as they say, in hot pursuit. If they become obsolete, this will greatly complicate the task, however, even in this case, do not despair.

If we talk about the principles of dealing with stains, then the main one is timeliness, and the following actions can be attributed to the important elements of the process of removing greasy traces:

  • calmness and hope to save a thing;
  • the use of not only chemicals, but also improvised ones;
  • the correct choice of means in accordance with the nature of the pollution;
  • determination of the level of obsolescence;
  • considering the quality of the fabric and colors.

Folk ways to remove stains

In the household goods market, you can find special stain removers, but people are used to inventing, experimenting, using various improvised means.

The most popular of them is dishwashing liquid or gel. The removal method is as follows:

  • On a dry cloth with a greasy stain, apply the product and leave for 25-30 minutes (or longer).
  • Soak for several hours in hot water (the temperature must be acceptable for the texture of the material).
  • Wash in the machine or by hand, the stain will disappear.
Ammonia It is also an effective tool that can remove greasy marks on clothes. If the stain is fresh, then just a few drops of ammonia will help, which are applied to the stain. Then this place should be wiped with a clean sponge or soft cloth.

Before using ammonia, you need to apply it on the wrong side of the fabric for 15-20 minutes, then rinse. If the fabric has not undergone changes, you can safely take to removing the stain.

A mixture of soda and salt(1:1) sprinkle on the stain moistened with water for at least 30 minutes. After that, wash with soap and be sure to rinse thoroughly.

Vinegar mixed with water applied to a greasy trace for 15 minutes. Already during this time it will be noticeable how the stain dissolves and almost disappears. Subsequent washing will help get rid of unpleasant pollution.

Factory stain removers

The chemical industry produces great amount various means, which can easily cope with greasy stains, here are some of the most popular:
  • Frau Schmidt- designed to remove any stains, including oily ones. It contains bile soap, which is a catalyst for dissolving fat. Its advantage is that it is not harmful to the skin of the hands.
  • Vanish- contains zeolite enzymes that can break down fat. It is added to the wash or applied directly to the stain, which will disappear, and the thing washed with this agent will acquire its former brightness.
  • "Ecover"- it contains only vegetable and mineral substances, therefore it belongs to environmentally friendly preparations. Stains from grease and other types of dirt are removed without adverse health consequences.
  • Amway Pre Wash- instant action. After spraying it, the stain dissolves and disappears before our eyes. This tool does not contain harmful chemical components, therefore it is absolutely harmless to the skin of the hands and is not dangerous when inhaled.

Ways to remove fresh grease stains

To all the above means, you can add a few that are effective only in non-running cases. It is important to notice the appearance of the stain in a timely manner and immediately begin to act.

Shampoo for oily hair rub into the contaminated place and after half an hour wash by hand or in the car.

Powdered absorbents: baby powder, potato or corn starch, refined chalk. Moisten the stain a little, apply powder on it, put a piece of clean cloth on the stain and press it. After a few minutes, wash and the stain will disappear.

Laundry soap contains alkaline components that dissolve fat well. Soak stained clothing in soapy water, leave overnight, then launder and rinse well. There will be no trace left of the stain.

How to remove old grease stain?

To combat advanced fat contamination, you can use, in addition to those listed above, the following factory products:
  • Sarma Active- contains active ingredients that can dissolve and bring the thing into perfect condition. It must be applied to the stain, left for 20-25 minutes, then washed.
  • "Antipyatin"- this tool can be in different forms: spray, powder, soap. It is used as an enhancer, adding to laundry detergent during soaking or washing.
  • "Udalix Ultra"- This universal remedy will help to cope with the most neglected stains. It must be added during the soaking period. The effect will not keep you waiting.
  • "Minute"- perfectly copes with cleaning old stains on jackets, down jackets, eliminates the trip to dry cleaning. 15 minutes after application, the spots disappear. Next, you need to wash and rinse. If the thing is not washable, you should clean the problem area with a sponge. After the procedure, ventilate well in the open air due to an unpleasant odor.
There are also several ways with the help of funds that are always found on the farm.

Ammonia with turpentine is among the most effective. The main condition is to carry out the process in a room with good ventilation, best of all in the fresh air. Apply a mixture (1:1) on the stain for approximately 35-40 minutes, then wash with washing powder and rinse well.

Petrol able to dissolve not only fat, but also oil paint. You also need to be careful with him and do not carry out the procedure indoors. To do this, you can use a gasoline lighter. Apply gasoline to the stain, after 20 minutes wash the place where it was, and then thoroughly rinse the item completely with the addition of a rinse to get rid of the lingering smell.

Glycerol applied to the place with a stain of grease for about 45 minutes, after which you need to wipe with a piece of dry cloth. Then wash in the machine.

Before using the above methods, place a fabric under the stain, cover with another layer of fabric on top and iron with a warm iron. Thus, under the influence of heat, the stain "refreshes" and is easier to remove.

Fighting grease stains on colored clothes

Perhaps the most reliable means for colored clothes will be factory remedy specially designed for this. On the package will be given detailed instructions applications.

Also suitable for colored clothes laundry soap , which need to intensively rub the contaminated area, then leave for a long soak. After, as usual, wash and rinse well.

You can also use the above ammonia, but you need to add acetone And denatured alcohol. This method is applicable only to fabrics with a strong color.

The same ammonia, diluted with water with the addition of salt, will help. This concentration will not harm colored clothes or spoil the coloring.

When removing stains from colored items, a caution must be observed: before the procedure, it is necessary to test the fabric for color fastness. Only those products that do not leave clarified marks should be used.

How to remove grease stains from jeans, suede, leather and delicate fabrics?

For greasy stains jeans many of the existing methods are suitable, except for those that corrode the paint. Otherwise, a light spot will appear instead of a fat one, which will also not look aesthetically pleasing. Dishwashing liquid, gasoline, Vanish, Antipyatin are suitable.

There is also one good old folk method based on the use of grated raw potatoes. After a half-hour "lotion" of potato gruel, take a slice of stale black bread and clean the contaminated area. After the procedure, wash and be pleasantly surprised at the result.

To remove grease stains from suede clothes the market offers ready-made products, but you can also cope on your own, using funds that the hostess will always have at hand.

So, the first method is to treat the stain with a mixture of starch and gasoline. After 30-35 minutes, you need to comb the suede villi with a vacuum cleaner with a nozzle in the form of a small brush.

Another way: crush the chalk, combine it with ammonia, bring to the consistency of sour cream. Apply the mixture to the stain, allow to dry, then clean the area with a soft bristled brush.

Leather clothes requires special care. As for the removal of greasy stains, many of the listed products can be used, in particular, gasoline, turpentine, chalk, alcohol, as well as formalin, acetone and kerosene.

Before processing leather clothing, it is necessary to carry out preparatory steps:

  • prepare a clean piece soft tissue from cotton;
  • moisten it with water;
  • wipe the surface of the skin;
  • let dry well;
  • start processing the stained area.

Do not dry the leather product near hot batteries, otherwise the leather may be deformed. In order not to harm, before starting stain removal, it is necessary to make a test by applying the selected agent to the hidden area.

To remove old greasy traces, it is best to take formalin (half a glass), soap chips (1 tablespoon), ammonia solution (1 tablespoon). Apply the resulting mixture for 1.5-2 hours. Then wipe and remove the remaining agent with a clean soft cloth and warm water.

Get rid of greasy marks light thin fabrics Tooth powder will help, which is applied to the problem area for 2-3.5 hours. Then you need to shake it off and iron it with a warm iron, and then wash it in the way for delicate things.

From the surface silks And wool grease stains are removed with the following composition: glycerin (20 g), ammonia (10 g) and water (250 ml). After applying the product, wait for the stain to disappear and rinse.

Old fat with delicate fabric removed with warm glycerin. Then wipe with a cloth soaked in gasoline and wash, adding a little stain remover to the water.

Before removing difficult stains, you need to warm them up with steam. This can be done over a kettle or an iron with a steamer. After such a procedure, the efficiency of removing grease stains will be significantly improved.

Removing grease stains (video)

This video shows you how to use water, baking soda and hydrogen peroxide to remove a stain that didn't come off with a normal wash.

A greasy stain on clothes is not a sentence. There are many options to fix it. The easiest way, but more expensive, is to use special factory tools. But improvised materials can be no less effective. It is very important to have patience - if it does not work the first time, you need to repeat the procedure.

What a shame when greasy spot turned out to be on your favorite jeans, and even worse - on a silk blouse or evening dress. What to do? Say goodbye to your favorite things? Take it to the dry cleaners? The first case is very cruel. The second is expensive, long and unpredictable.

Maybe by ourselves try? May be! We will tell you how to effectively remove grease stains. The method of removal will depend on how long ago you put a greasy stain on your clothes, and with what exactly. But remember: the sooner you get started, the better!

As you know, oil stains- These are the most difficult stains to remove during normal washing.
They tend to easily penetrate fabrics and are difficult to remove with conventional detergents.
Usually when using household chemicals, which can remove grease stains, we lose the uniformity of the color of the fabric. Which is also extremely unpleasant and practically makes things unusable.

One more problem is that most detergents are too aggressive and cause irreparable harm to the environment and human health.

For this reason, some people they look for old recipes of our grandmothers and use them with pleasure. All "grandmother's recipes" are environmentally friendly and almost always very effective.

1. Turpentine and lemon juice
Grease stains from machine oil are excellently removed with turpentine and lemon juice. These two products are means deep cleaning tissues and can eliminate complex oily compounds.

+ Juice of 1 lemon,
1 tablespoon of turpentine (10 ml),
1 liter hot water.

How to use
Mix lemon juice with turpentine and pour this mixture into hot water. Soak clothes for one hour and rinse as usual.

2. Talc
Talc is an excellent adsorbent powder that effectively removes grease stains. Recommended even for fine fabrics such as silk, as removing stains with talcum powder does not damage the fabric.
The disadvantage of this method is that it only works effectively on fresh stains when the talcum powder can dry out the stain.

+ talc,
+ brush.
What should you do?
As soon as a greasy stain is planted, immediately sprinkle it with talc or baby powder, sprinkle a lot and leave the talc to act for several hours.
After this time, shake off the talcum powder with a brush and send the item to the wash in washing machine at the temperature recommended for washing.

3. Absorbent paper.
When the stain is too big, you can use the previous trick by padding it with a paper towel.

+ talc,
+ paper towel,
+ iron.

How to use
Sprinkle the stain with talcum powder, cover with a paper towel, iron the towel for a few minutes.
This trick will help the talc absorb fat more efficiently.
Do not forget to shake off the talcum powder with a brush, and immediately send the clothes to the wash.

4. Salt
If you suddenly put a stain on a velvet jacket, or even worse - a skirt, then you can use ordinary salt as an absorbent.

+ salt,
+ brush.

How to use
Sprinkle salt on the stain - as soon as possible - after you have put the grease stain on your clothes.
Leave for an hour, then scrub with a brush and wash by hand.

5. Alcohol
The use of alcohol to remove stains from clothing is very effective method.
But before use, be sure to check in an inconspicuous area whether the fabric is compatible with this chemical compound.

+ alcohol,
+ hot water.

How to use
Moisten the stain liberally with alcohol. Then soak the item in hot water for 1 hour. After an hour, wash the clothes in the washing machine as you normally would.

6. Vinegar
This multifunctional product is just a magic wand in the household. Among other things, vinegar is one of the the best means to remove grease stains.

+ ½ cup vinegar (125 ml)
+ 2 cups of hot water (500 ml).

What should you do?
Wet the stain liberally with vinegar. Then fill the item with 2 cups of hot water.
Let stand for an hour and rinse.

7. Dishwashing liquid and baking soda
This simple trick will make it easier to remove stubborn stains. It will take some time, but your clothes will be like new.

+ 1 tablespoon of dishwashing liquid (10 ml),
+ lubricant solvent (e.g. WD-40),
+ 1 tablespoon of baking soda (10 g),
+ toothbrush,
+ piece of cardboard
+ cotton swabs.

How to use
Place cardboard under the stain and dampen the stain liberally with solvent.
Then distribute with cotton swab solvent all over the stain and sprinkle baking soda on top.
Use a toothbrush to brush the stain until clumps start to form.
After that, pour the stain with dishwashing detergent and once again thoroughly clean everything with a brush. Wash the item in the washing machine.

Now you know how to get rid of grease stains.

After the holiday, there were surprises in the form of greasy pollution? Don't know how to remove a grease stain? Use the tips that housewives have used for decades and let things delight you with their cleanliness.


Before you start working with cleansers, prepare everything you may need in the process:

  1. Contaminated clothing should be cleaned of dust and dirt, if possible. Use a brush for this.
  2. Prepare a cotton pad or a piece of cloth with which you will apply the product.
  3. Dilute the solution to remove impurities. It is recommended that you first try a weak solution, and if it does not work, make the concentration stronger.
  4. Be sure to test the fabric reaction on an inconspicuous area of ​​the garment. If the material is not deformed, the composition can be used.

Grease stains are removed faster if the treatment is carried out from the inside out. In this case, a sheet of paper or cotton cloth folded several times should be placed under the stain.

Spot treatment should be done from the edges to the center - then it will not blur.

fresh spot

Of course, it is easier to remove the stain, while the fat has not yet had time to soak into the fabric. Remember the most effective means for the ambulance.

Laundry soap

They can remove stains from almost any type of fabric. Such a tool works well only if the pollution has not had time to properly soak into the material. As soon as possible, you need to lather the thing with a bar of unrefined brown soap (at least 72%) and leave it for 12 hours (it is better to wrap it in cellophane). Then wash in the usual way.

Sugar and laundry soap

This express method requires only 15 minutes of waiting time. It is necessary to lather the stained area and sprinkle sugar on top, then rub with a brush. After a quarter of an hour, you can wash as usual. So you can remove dirt from cotton trousers or shirts.


This method has been widely used for a very long time on all materials, including knitwear. Immediately after the appearance of a stain of fat on clothes, you need to sprinkle it liberally with salt, rub it in a little and brush it off. If the contamination could not be removed, then repeat until it disappears completely. Wash and dry according to the type of fabric.

Chalk powder

With light natural fabric(cotton, linen, silk, chiffon) to remove fat with this tool is not difficult. It is enough to sprinkle the stained area with dry powder and set aside for 2-3 hours. Sweep away the remaining chalk with a damp cloth and wash the product.

Tooth powder, talcum powder, baking soda, baby powder

On light-colored woolen clothes, you can use toothpowder to remove grease at home:

  • put clothes on a flat surface (preferably on an ironing board);
  • sprinkle contamination with powder, put paper (blotting paper or tracing paper) on top;
  • iron with a warm iron, put oppression on top (several books will do);
  • leave it overnight, and in the morning remove the books, remove the paper and wash with the appropriate type of fabric.


Can be used on any fabric that can be ironed with a warm iron. On the front and back sides of the clothes, place blotting paper in place of the stain, spread the resulting “sandwich” on a flat surface and run it several times with a non-hot iron. If the fat is not all left on the blotter, then repeat several times.

bread crumb

Attach a crumb of white bread to the contamination, wait until the fat is completely absorbed into it. Remove bread and wash in warm soapy water. So oily stains from velvet leave well.

Ammonia solution

Ammonia can remove many contaminants at home, including greasy stains. It works best on light fabrics of artificial origin. Pour a teaspoon of ammonia into a glass of water, treat the contaminated area with a swab, put a clean cloth on top and iron on medium heat. All fat should remain on the cotton.

mustard powder

You can remove fat in this way from colored and dark linen tablecloths. Add water to mustard powder until creamy. Cover the stained area with the mixture and soak for 30 minutes. After the time has elapsed, wash with warm water.


If the stained product cannot be washed, then starch will help to remove the stain. Rub it into the area of ​​contamination and wait about 10 minutes, then sweep away the remaining powder. If the stain does not come off, repeat the steps.

Salt and alcohol

If the product cannot be washed (upholstery of upholstered furniture, for example), then table salt can be used. Sprinkle it on an oily stain and rub in, changing the salt periodically until it disappears. Moisten a cotton or gauze swab with alcohol and, after cleaning the contaminated area, dry the cloth.


So you can remove a greasy stain from any clothes (trousers, sweaters, blouses), regardless of the fabric. Apply undiluted product to the stained area, rub and wait a few minutes, pour boiling water over and wash the item.

Shaving foam

It will be easiest for bachelors to remove a greasy stain in the following way:

  • apply shaving foam to clothing;
  • rub a little
  • wait about 5 minutes and throw in the washing machine.

Shampoo for oily hair

Apply a little shampoo directly to the stained area, rub it into the fabric, wait about an hour, wash in warm water. The method is good for clothes made of wool, silk, chiffon.

How to remove old pollution

If you are dealing with old grease stains, then most likely you will have to use aggressive products. It is important to remember that acetone, turpentine, benzene, alcohol and gasoline are poisonous flammable substances. This also applies to store products that contain these substances.

Before you start working with such compositions, be sure to open the windows so that there is fresh air in the room.

Keep poisonous substances tightly closed and out of the reach of children.


To remove an old greasy stain, you need to soak a cloth or blotter with gasoline, put it under the soiled product, treat the contaminated area with a swab dipped in gasoline from the edges to the center from above. So you can clean knitwear, cotton, linen in dark colors.


Dissolve 150 ml of salt in a liter of hot water, dip the soiled product into the resulting solution, wait for the fabric to be cleaned (you can rub it a little) and wash it as usual. At home, this great way fabric cleaning.

Turpentine and ammonia

Combine equal amounts of turpentine and ammonia, apply with a cotton swab to the old soiled area and soak for several hours. After removing the fat, wash the product as usual.


So you can remove old stains of fat, both from knitwear, and from silk and other delicate fabrics. Apply a couple of drops of the composition to the contaminated area, wait about half an hour, wipe the area with a clean cotton swab or gauze.


Soak the sawdust in gasoline until it is absorbed, then pour it directly onto the old stain and wait until the gasoline dries. Brush off the sawdust and wash the thing.


To remove an old greasy stain, you need to heat a solution of starch in water and apply to the stain, wait for the fat to absorb into it and sweep away the residue.

Baking soda and dishwashing liquid or powder and water

Mix the ingredients to the consistency of toothpaste, apply it on the old stained place, rub it with a brush (you can use a toothbrush), wait 10 minutes, rinse when washing.


Combine vinegar with water in equal proportions, soak clothes in the resulting solution for 15 minutes, wash.

Coca Cola

You can remove a greasy stain with a sweet soda like Sprite or Cok-Cola. Immerse the part of the clothes in need of cleaning, wait 2-3 hours, wash the item.

As you can see, getting rid of such contaminants is not difficult if you know how to use some improvised means. Remove stubborn stains easily.

Hair fixation spray

Surprisingly, this remedy works well. Spray the varnish on the contaminated area of ​​clothing and leave for 30 minutes to act. Then wash the item in the washing machine. If the stain is not completely removed the first time, repeat the procedure.


It is used to remove gasoline and engine oil stains from clothing. Apply to the grease stain, wait 30 minutes and wash the garment in cold water.

Aloe vera infusion

Immerse the clothes in a basin of cold water and pour the infusion over the contaminated area. Rub the stain with your hands for 3 minutes, and then wash the item in the usual way.

Means Lestoil

Works great on stubborn greasy and oily stains. Pour some onto the stain and leave to act for 30 minutes. After that, wash the product in cold water.

Every housewife will sooner or later face the problem of removing stains. Food, candle wax or cosmetics. All this can be on the clothes of even the most accurate people. Do not panic ahead of time, the thing can still be saved. Many women know how to remove a greasy stain on clothes and are happy to share their secrets. But before proceeding with the removal of sewage, you should learn a few rules, without which even the best stain remover cannot cope.

Preparing clothes for stain removal

As soon as you notice a flaw, do not pour anything on it, first do a few manipulations:

  • determine the degree of pollution and the time of its receipt;
  • read the washing instructions (symbols on the clothing label);
  • remove dust from the stain with a soft brush (dry, then wet);
  • lay the outfit face down on a clean cloth, preferably cotton;
  • check the expiration date and instructions for use of the stain remover;
  • test the product in an inconspicuous area;
  • do not rub the stain, blot it with a dry cloth.

But a few rules during the procedure itself:

  • ingrained impurities are removed only from the wrong side;
  • do not immediately take on too aggressive substances;
  • delicate fabrics require special attention to the choice of means;
  • do not use 2 stain removers at the same time, such actions can aggravate the situation;
  • application is made from the edges of the stain to the middle with a swab or soft cloth;
  • to prevent stains, treat the edges of the stain with talc, starch or gasoline.

Important: The sooner you notice the stain, the more chances you have to get rid of it.

How to recognize a grease stain

Greasy contaminants do not have clear boundaries. Damaged tissue has more dark shade as opposed to the thing itself. Impurity becomes lighter depending on the elapsed time. They can penetrate deep enough and appear on the wrong side. Easily soluble stains are obtained by contact with clothing:

  • wax;
  • butter and vegetable oils;
  • animal fat.

The cause of poorly soluble contaminants are:

  • dye;
  • resins.

How to remove grease stains at home

How to remove grease stains on clothes? To answer this question, we had to collect all the ways to solve this problem by housewives with experience and highlight the best ones. Since the types of sewage are different, the degree of tissue damage is different. The edges of the divorces are more or less pronounced. Accordingly, such stains can come off easily or after several washes.

Removal of new grease stains

In almost any house there is a stain remover, but if it is not there, and it is desirable to wash greasy sewage “in fresh footsteps”, you will have to remember grandmother's recipes.

Method 1: rub in a circular motion fine salt (but not “extra”) to the place of contamination, periodically changing it, then soak the damaged item in cool water with the addition of laundry soap. Salt analogs are:

  • starch;
  • talc;
  • mustard powder;
  • baby powder;
  • dentifrice;
  • shaving foam (this method was invented by inveterate bachelors).

Method 2: Pour warm water over the stain, add salt and soda in a 1:1 ratio. Leave on for 40 minutes, then rinse under running water.

Method 3: Apply dishwashing detergent to the contaminated area and leave for a short period of time, rinse. An analogue of the proposed component is the usual laundry soap.

Method 4: a mixture of ammonia and salt is applied to the divorce, after the end of the reaction, the item is washed off with the addition of powder. Some dilute ammonia with alcohol (50 g of alcohol for 5-6 drops of ammonia) or turpentine (in proportions 1:1). The procedure is carried out according to the same principle.

Method 5: in the question of how to remove fat from clothes, not only chemical methods are used, but also more loyal ones. To do this, iron the area, after placing a cotton, light fabric on both sides of the stain. We change the shred as it gets dirty. Ironing mode select suitable for the type fabrics.

Removal of old grease stains

If the stain is old, but you only discovered it now, the following options will come to the rescue:

Option 1: glycerin is heated in water or a microwave oven to a temperature not exceeding 40 g. It is applied for a while, then cleaned off with refined gasoline.

Option 2: slurry of starch and water. After applying such a mixture, a crust forms, which is easily removed with refined gasoline.

Option 3: applying laundry soap and ammonia in equal proportions with the addition of turpentine. The stain is perfectly removed if the mixture is soaked on clothes for several hours. Ammonium chloride can be replaced with hydrogen peroxide.

Option 4: soak dry sawdust in gasoline and apply gruel to the dirt. After drying, remove the sawdust and wash the item.

Option 5: dilute vinegar with water in equal proportions and leave on the surface of the dress for 15 minutes.

Option 6: thermal treatment. Divorces are removed using steam (for example, from a kettle or iron).

Now you know how to remove grease stains at home, which means you can save your favorite things.

How to get rid of fat the easy way

To facilitate the process of removing dirt, you should purchase a stain remover in advance. But how to choose the right one? The rating of the best means to combat fat on clothes will help us with this:

  1. Frau Schmidt. Manufacturer Austria.
  2. Vanish. Russian manufacturer.
  3. Ecover - Belgium.
  4. Amway Pre Wash.

Products have an average price category and are highly efficient. Cheaper means, but at the same time less sparing include:

  1. Sarma Active.
  2. Stain remover minute.
  3. Antipyatin.
  4. Edelstar stain remover.
  5. Udalix Ultra.

You can also prepare a homemade stain remover from the above products. Pour it into a special bottle. It is advisable to use a sprayer for this. And leave in a dark cool place, away from children. Shake the vial before each use.

Features of removing stains on white and colored clothes

Cleaning white clothes is different from how greasy stains are washed off on colored clothes. When choosing to purchase stain removers, the task is simplified. After all, the packaging indicates what things it is intended for. But if homemade recipes are used, it is important to know the components that are not allowed to remove dirt on white and colored things.

What can not be used to remove grease stains on colored clothes:

  • hot water (temperature should not exceed 30 gr.);
  • chlorine;
  • aggressive alkalis and acids;
  • acetone;
  • petrol;
  • kerosene.

What can not be used to remove a greasy stain on white:

  • chlorine;
  • household chemicals for colored linen.

Delicate fabrics and winter items. How not to damage the structure of matter

Knowing how to remove a grease stain is not enough, because you need to save a thing for later wear. Here are a few rules that will allow you to do this:

  • for silk, the use of acetone and vinegar is not permissible;
  • for nylon and nylon, solvents like gasoline are not suitable;
  • wool cannot be treated with lye;
  • before using peroxide, the thing must be thoroughly washed;
  • hot water makes the stain more resistant to removal.

What stains do not wash off

Probably everything can be cleaned up. However, there are contaminants that not everyone can get rid of. This is due to the age of the stain and the peculiarities of the structure of the tissue. Persistent substances that are not always amenable to excretion include:

  • fuel oil;
  • ballpoint pen paste;
  • rust;
  • grass;
  • some fruits (banana, cherry, apple, pomegranate);

If you can’t clean the stain yourself, a professional dry cleaner will come to the rescue. Of course, this procedure is not the cheapest, and sometimes the prices go off scale to such an extent that it is easier to buy new clothes. However, everyone has a favorite thing that is not so easy to part with. Specialists providing such services have tools that you cannot find in an ordinary store, and even more so you cannot cook it yourself, which is reflected in the price. Perhaps the above tips will prevent serious financial waste.

A problem familiar to most of us is how to quickly remove a greasy stain from clothes at home so as not to damage your favorite clothes.

After solemn feasts, we often find on our favorite things - jeans, a T-shirt, a dress, and sometimes on a down jacket either suede shoes such nasty stains. It is not easy to remove a stubborn greasy stain, but it is definitely worth a try.

To date, there are effective and easy recommendations on how to remove a greasy stain from clothes at home.

The ability to easily remove a greasy stain from clothes depends, first of all, on the age of the stain and the fabric on which the greasy stain has formed.

The easiest way to remove a greasy stain with denim and knitwear, which most often just need to be washed with the usual detergent for ordinary washing of clothes, and the stain should be washed off.

In order to remove a greasy stain from suede and outerwear- for example, sheepskin coats, as well as nubuck, it is necessary to use dry cleaning.

If you find a stain from fatty foods on your clothes, you must immediately act and try to remove it. It is much more difficult to remove an old stain from clothes, so do not put off cleaning in a "long" box.

Remove grease stains from clothes using a stain remover

For starters, you can use popular stain removers that can get rid of fresh grease stains on clothes. Also note - do not use too concentrated a solution of the product, so as not to spoil the fabric.

It is important to test how the agent will behave on this type of fabric: distribute a little stain remover on the lapels of the clothes. If the fabric has not deteriorated, then you can safely use this stain remover to remove greasy stains.

Take a small piece of any white cloth or tissue paper and spread the stain remover around the edges of the stain, then you can begin to clean the grease stain from the clothes.

It must be remembered that it is necessary to carefully remove a greasy stain from colored fabrics, because they can lose color during cleaning and become unusable.

How can you get fresh grease stains out of clothes?

Getting rid of a fresh grease stain on clothes is easiest if only a few hours have passed from the time when it appeared on clothes. To do this, it is enough to use detergent and gently wash the stain. It is important to carry out this cleaning before machine washing.

If the stain has not been cleaned off after this procedure, do not put the thing to wash - you will aggravate the situation even more, because after washing it will become much more difficult to get rid of grease stains.

We offer you options for simple and simple tips than to remove a fresh grease stain before washing - use them to clean clothes from grease stains yourself.


To get rid of and remove a fresh greasy stain on clothes at home, take a degreaser. To do this, wet the stain with water, and spread the degreaser on the stain, lightly rub the grease stain and leave for a while.

After all this, rinse with clean water - the stain will certainly be cleaned off. Otherwise, you need to repeat the steps, and only after that, things can be washed.

kitchen salt

A common and easy way to get rid of stains on clothes is to apply regular salt, rub in lightly, and then scrub off the salt. If the fresh oily stain has not disappeared, repeat the procedure with salt again.

This advice on how to remove a greasy stain from clothes using ordinary salt is also effective on knitwear.

A great tip to get rid of stains on clothes is using chalk, linen, chiffon, silk and cotton. It is enough to sprinkle the greasy stain with chalk powder and leave for a while, then shake and lightly clean from the remnants of chalk and greasy stain, as it was not. After that, things can be washed, as always.

ammonium chloride

Ammonia is the best way to get rid of a greasy stain on synthetic clothes. To do this, you need to make a solution of ammonia in the amount of one spoon and about half a glass of water.

Using a cotton pad, treat the stain on your clothes with a ready-made solution with ammonia. Then iron the treated spot through the paper.


Strange as it may seem, but toothpaste helps to remove greasy stains on clothes. To do this, take toothpaste and apply it on the stain, leaving it for several hours, then wash the clothes.

Talc or baby powder

The easiest way to remove a greasy stain from wool clothes is with the help of talc or starch. To do this, sprinkle the resulting greasy stain with one of the above-mentioned products, attach tracing paper or paper.

After that, you need to iron the paper with an iron and attach it with something heavy, leaving it like that for about half a day - then remove the paper.

How to remove an old greasy stain after washing

It is much more difficult to remove an old and stubborn greasy stain and here you have to try. We are offering to you useful advice how to get old grease stains out of your clothes.

Laundry soap

Laundry soap, which is familiar to all of us, can remove many impurities, and stains on clothes are no exception. It is enough to take laundry soap, wash the stain well and leave for about an hour, then rinse with clean water.

It may not be possible to remove a stubborn greasy stain the first time, so the steps must be repeated until it is washed off.


You can get rid of old stains on clothes with acetone, gasoline, or nail polish remover. To do this, take one cotton pad soaked in the above agent, and place it under the stain, and blot it with another cotton pad on top.

The stain should disappear, after which the clothes must be washed. This method will help remove stubborn greasy stains from any clothes. It is important to remember that it is necessary to apply this procedure on colored things in dark shades.


Glycerin will help you to remove the old greasy stain from thin types of fabrics. To do this, apply a few drops to the stain and leave for about an hour, then blot with a damp cloth.

You can also prepare a solution of ammonia, glycerin and water in equal proportions. Apply the prepared solution to the oily stain, leave for a while and rinse.


Another useful way to get old grease stains out of clothes is to use a solution of equal parts vinegar and water. Soak the clothing stain in this solution for a couple of hours, then rinse.

hot starch

A great way to get grease stains out of clothes at home is to apply heated cornstarch to the stain before placing a tissue underneath and on top of the stain. It is necessary to get wet and wait for a while until the starch absorbs the fat, and then shake off the remaining starch.

You can easily and quickly remove a greasy stain from clothes at home if you know a few useful secrets. Our recommendations and tips will certainly help you get rid of greasy stains on clothes without any problems.
