Treatment and recovery after cerebral ischemic stroke: effective approaches and methods. How to treat a brain stroke with drugs and folk remedies How to treat a stroke at home

Today, cerebrovascular accidents, leading to serious consequences in the form of hemorrhagic or ischemic strokes, have become an urgent problem not only for the elderly, but also for the relatively young population. In Russia, an average of 400-450 thousand cases are registered annually. At the same time, up to 35% of patients die in the acute period, and another 15% in the next 12 months. In our country, the mortality rate from this disease is one of the highest in the world, which is associated with late access to doctors or insufficient medical measures.

About 30% of people with the consequences of this disease require treatment and rehabilitation almost constantly for the rest of their lives, about 20% become disabled with the impossibility of independent movement and maintenance, and only about 8% of people fully and without consequences are restored.
In connection with such deplorable statistics, it is important to know everything about the disease and its treatment, methods of recognition in the early stages, alarming symptoms and methods of prevention.

Often, at the beginning of a vascular catastrophe, typical for this disease, doctors have several hours to help the patient and prevent serious complications and tragic consequences. Therefore, it is important to disseminate knowledge about the disease, its signs and first aid methods.

What is a stroke

Stroke It is customary to call a pathology in which blood circulation is disturbed in a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe brain, which is responsible for certain functions of the body, higher nervous activity, sensory organs, and the motor sphere. Prolonged disruption of blood flow to this site leads to the death of nerve cells and the formation of a site of necrosis (death). The larger the zone, the less favorable the prognosis for life and recovery, further health and rehabilitation.

Based on the mechanisms of circulatory disorders in the area of ​​the vascular network of the brain, two fundamentally different types can be distinguished:

  • hemorrhagic;
  • ischemic.

With hemorrhagic, the cause of cell death is hemorrhage in a certain area and malnutrition in this area.

In ischemic, due to blockage or spasm of blood vessels, the access of oxygen to the cells is sharply blocked. Tissues of all tissues of the body are the most sensitive to hypoxia, they begin to die progressively - from the center of damage to the periphery. If the development of the pathological process is not limited in time and blood circulation in the tissue is not restored, this threatens the patient with death or severe disability due to damage to the vital centers of the brain.

What happens with a stroke, is it possible to stop the process?

Often, problems begin long before the development of pathology, and against the background of existing chronic diseases (arterial hypertension, stress, vascular abnormalities, atherosclerosis), transient acute conditions develop according to the type of transient ischemic attacks (TIA).

TIA is a short-term episode of bleeding of the brain, which occurs due to vasospasm. The condition is called a harbinger or marker of a future attack.

More often, ischemic stroke develops, the treatment of which should be started as soon as possible, since it depends on whether it will be possible to minimize or almost completely eliminate the consequences of a vascular catastrophe.

It is for this species that prevention is most relevant against the background of existing provoking factors, unfavorable heredity, in the presence of a high degree of risk. In this regard, preventive treatment comes to the fore, even at the stage of threat, in the formation of stroke (acute blood flow disorders), in the detection of TIA (transient ischemic attacks).

How to treat the threat of a stroke?

Today doctors have modern effective medicines used when a person has risk factors or a real threat of a disease - both hemorrhagic and ischemic.

Let's start with how to defeat a hemorrhagic type disease by preventing it in the bud. Let's consider the reasons.

  • Arterial hypertension- the most common cause of rupture of blood vessels with the formation of hemorrhages, therefore, constant monitoring by a cardiologist, daily monitoring of pressure and the use of stabilizing drugs (pharmacological group of antihypertensive drugs) are necessary. It is important to choose the right basic therapy for daily intake, and always have first aid on hand in case of a hypertensive crisis, against which the risk increases. It should be noted that the group of antihypertensive drugs includes dozens of drugs with different mechanisms of action, differing in the severity of the therapeutic effect and adverse reactions. Only a doctor should select drugs for the scheme!
  • Changes in the vascular walls in atherosclerosis- this is another cause of the hemorrhagic type of disease. In this case, only a doctor can determine how to treat the threat of a cerebral stroke in order to prevent even a slight increase in pressure (during excitement or stress) from rupturing a vessel in the area of ​​atherosclerotic plaque against the background of even a slight increase in pressure. This formation literally “corrodes” the tissues, making the vascular wall very thin.

Today, various drugs from the groups of statins, antispasmodics, nootropics are used to combat atherosclerosis, their intake is combined with a special diet, exercise, and physiotherapy. Timely drug prophylaxis can significantly delay and practically minimize the risk of an attack.

With the threat of ischemic stroke, treatment in the preventive stage will be somewhat different. There can be several reasons for the development of pathology.

  • Prolonged spasm and narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels against the background of atherosclerosis is a common cause of the problem. The preventive measures here are similar to those given above.
  • The disease developed as a result of thickening of the blood and a violation of coagulation properties with a tendency to thrombosis. In this scenario, the indications for treatment will be different - the use of thrombolytics, antiplatelet agents and drugs to maintain the vascular wall, which is also involved in triggering the processes of thrombus formation in pathology.

In severe situations, with a high threat of an attack, injection treatment is prescribed (intravenously, intramuscularly), and for the purpose of long-term prevention, drug based on acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) in cardiological dosages.

For both types, non-drug prevention is also important, consisting in the rejection of bad habits, adherence to the principles of proper nutrition, inclusion in the routine of dosed physical activity. It is also important to reduce stressful influences and lead in general healthy lifestyle life.

How and how to treat a stroke of the brain: first aid

If stroke is suspected, it is forbidden to attempt self-treatment of the patient through certain actions or the use of drugs. It is necessary to immediately call the ambulance team with the obligatory indication to the dispatcher of data and symptoms suspicious of the disease.

Usually in such a situation, an emergency hospitalization is carried out, the count goes on for minutes. During this period, a qualified doctor can eliminate life-threatening and health-threatening symptoms and prevent threatening consequences. If the diagnosis is confirmed, the decision is made based on the type of pathological process (ischemic or hemorrhagic type). An accurate diagnosis can be made by an immediate CT or MRI, blood tests, and additional studies.

Treatment tactics may differ for different types of pathology.

With hemorrhagic type neurosurgeons and doctors of the intensive care unit (reanimation and intensive care unit) are involved.

  • With a rupture of the vessel and bleeding, an intracranial hematoma is formed, leading to edema and compression of the brain. This can lead to wedging of the brain stem (location of the vascular and respiratory centers) in the region of the foramen magnum (place, area of ​​​​junction of the spinal cord and brain) and stop respiratory and cardiac activity. With large hematomas, sometimes only an operation with trepanation of the skull, removal of the hematoma and ligation of the bleeding vessel can save a person.
  • With small hematomas, doctors decide according to the situation how to act with a particular patient. Usually in this situation, diuretics (diuretics) are used to reduce the volume of cerebrospinal fluid surrounding the skull: powerful medications activate the kidneys and remove fluid from the body. Hemostatic therapy is also shown to stop bleeding from a ruptured vessel in combination with blood substitutes, which help normalize blood counts and improve tissue nutrition. Supplement therapy with nootropic drugs that optimize blood supply to intact areas. The patient is constantly monitored to eliminate the risk of rebleeding and increasing the size of the hematoma.

The process is somewhat different with ischemic type diseases.

Usually they are dealt with by neurologists and doctors of the intensive care unit. Antispasmodic drugs are used, antihypertensive drugs, if the spasm occurs against the background of a hypertensive crisis, as well as diuretics, blood substitutes that improve oxygen flow to tissues, and nootropics.

In the presence of blood clots in the vessels, therapy is supplemented with thrombolytics, which contribute to the dissolution of the thrombus formed in the affected vessel, antiplatelet agents, which improve blood flow and normalize blood flow. After the removal of the thrombus from the lumen of the vessel, medications are prescribed that improve the supply of oxygen to the brain tissues, vitamin and energy components that normalize metabolism. Needed nootropics, sedatives and anxiolytics, as well as symptomatic agents that eliminate risk factors for a recurrent attack.

In some cases, they resort to surgical intervention - the removal of a blood clot.

How to cure a stroke: rehabilitation

Even if all medical measures were taken as early as possible and were effective, certain consequences of the disease may remain, which must be systematically eliminated over several months or years.

In the absence of competent restorative treatment and rehabilitation, progressive changes in the affected area are possible with the development of irreversible consequences, partial or complete disability. These include:

  • speech disorders;
  • paralysis or paresis (partial paralysis);
  • mental disorders;
  • cognitive impairment and decreased intelligence.

In this regard, the question of how to treat the consequences of a stroke is no less important than therapy in the acute phase.

Methods of treatment and rehabilitation are divided into:

  • medical;
  • non-drug.

Among the latter, the social and psychological rehabilitation of the patient after an attack is important, especially in the formation of irreversible consequences and resulting disability.

In the early and subsequent stages of rehabilitation, physiotherapeutic methods are also used that contribute to a full recovery, subject to a complex effect and compliance with the duration of physiotherapy courses:

  • magnetotherapy is used to normalize blood flow, the state of the vascular wall and blood fluidity, against the background of treatment, the general condition and sleep improve, headaches and tinnitus decrease, blood pressure stabilizes;
  • procedures that contribute to the restoration of motor functions;
  • electrical muscle stimulation during post-stroke rehabilitation (especially with the use of feedback), started in the early period, favorably affects the condition of the muscles and subsequently promotes rapid recovery, especially in combination with physiotherapy exercises and other methods of physiotherapy (electrophoresis, darsonval, etc.).

How a stroke is treated in the recovery stage, the doctor decides, based on the severity of the initial condition and the dynamics of the recovery of indicators. Usually, the medication continues to be taken, which was mentioned earlier, with the abolition of diuretics and the addition of therapy with drugs that improve the nutrition and activity of neurons (cells).

Means with antioxidant and anti-stress effects that protect the brain from hypoxia, radical radicals and toxic metabolic products, B vitamins, and neuroprotectors are needed. Symptomatic therapy is carried out, depending on which areas are affected and which body functions are impaired.

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Many people in the world die from a stroke of the brain, fall into a coma. What to do if a person has had this disease? How to cure a stroke of the brain, in what ways to eliminate the consequences and what is prevention? Learn more about this, because without rehabilitation after a stroke, a relapse is possible.

Treatment of a brain stroke

How to treat a cerebellar stroke? First, doctors try different ways eliminate the consequences of a sudden circulatory deficit in the brain area. Alas, often in patients there is a violation of the musculoskeletal system. To help them, therapeutic exercises, treatment in a sanatorium, water procedures, exercise equipment, massagers can be used. Special drugs are required to improve cerebral circulation. Secondly, the prevention of a relapse is carried out.


This is a disease in which there is a violation of the flow of blood to the brain, damage to nerve cells due to a lack of blood supply. Treatment of ischemic stroke in the acute period should be carried out only in a hospital setting. The outcome of the disease largely depends on how quickly a person was taken to the hospital. In people who have had a lacunar attack, treatment after a stroke includes basic and differentiated therapy. The first is always carried out, regardless of the causes of the disease, the second is determined by its nature. Treatment includes:

  • taking vasoactive, antimicrobial drugs;
  • the use of adrenoblockers, ACE inhibitors, diuretics;
  • antihypertensive therapy;
  • correction of metabolic disorders;
  • therapeutic gymnastics.


A very severe type of stroke, which is characterized by rupture of blood vessels and hemorrhage in the brain. It develops in a matter of minutes: it is necessary to take measures, it is necessary to treat quickly. Otherwise, the forecasts are unfavorable - up to 75% of people remain disabled. Doctors suggest treating such a stroke in the following ways:

  • surgical treatment;
  • intravenous administration of stem cells;
  • neuroprotection;
  • taking antioxidants, vasoactive drugs, osmotic diuretics, calcium preparations;
  • antifibrinolytic therapy;
  • inhalation of oxygen with alcohol vapor;
  • physiotherapy exercises;
  • physiotherapy.


It is a necrosis of brain tissue due to a thrombus or narrowing of a small vessel. The nutrition of the brain during a microstroke does not worsen, the tissues do not undergo necrotic changes. To restore blood flow, doctors use: anticoagulants, thrombolytics, neuroprotectors, vasoactive drugs, antiplatelet agents. For recovery, the patient needs breathing exercises, physiotherapy, diet, physiotherapy. Additional treatment can be folk remedies.

Medicines for stroke

The disease is specific, there is simply no cure for it. There are drugs after a stroke that help reduce the consequences, treat complications. If the attack is just beginning, doctors use drugs to reduce blood clotting (thrombolytics), reduce swelling of the brain. When the patient's condition stabilizes, they are treated with drugs that improve the condition. It can be antispasmodic, hypotensive, vasotonic, decongestants. Excellent results are obtained by treatment with oxygen, antioxidants.

Vasoactive drugs

Complete treatment for stroke is impossible without taking this group of drugs. Vasoactive drugs are needed to increase blood supply to the ischemic area. One remedy is always prescribed: a combination of several does not heal and does not bring results. What is used for a stroke:

  1. Cavinton. When it enters the bloodstream, the drug immediately moves to the brain, heals the affected areas, acting on the blood vessels, increasing blood circulation. As a result, metabolic processes are improved. Cavinton is sold in the form of tablets, solutions for injection.
  2. Vinpocetine. Expands the vessels of the brain, improves the properties of blood, promotes the delivery of oxygen to the affected areas. Does not change blood pressure, does not increase heart rate. It is administered intravenously.

Antiplatelet agents

They are used to reduce blood viscosity, improve its movement through the vessels, and normalize the blood supply to the brain. As a rule, they are prescribed if the patient has already had ischemic attacks. Antiplatelet agents are prescribed in the first hours of an attack. The list of standard stroke treatments includes:

  1. . The medicine for stroke treats by improving microcirculation, inhibiting the formation of blood clots, lowering blood pressure, and opening non-functioning vascular collaterals.
  2. Aspirin. Thanks to him, the ability of blood to dissolve fibrin strands increases, thins the blood. Assign 160-325 mg / day in the first 2 days after the onset of the main symptoms of the disease.

Blood clotting drugs

Anticoagulants are necessary in most cases, because they prevent venous thromboembolism, prevent the appearance of fibrin threads, and help stop the growth of blood clots that have arisen. There are direct (quick impact) and indirect (long-term). The first group includes Heparin, the second - Sinkumar, Neodicumarin. More about them:

  1. Heparin. An agent that inhibits the process of blood coagulation, blocking the biosynthesis of thrombin. Its reception significantly helps to improve coronary blood flow, activate the fibrinolytic properties of blood. Heparin acts for a short time, its action lasts no more than 5 hours. More effective when administered intravenously.
  2. Sincumar. After taking, it begins to act after 1-2 days, has the property of accumulation. On the first day, a dosage of 8-16 mg is prescribed, on the second - 4-12 mg, on the third - 6 mg. Take once.

Medications to improve cerebral circulation

This group of drugs is aimed at dilating the vessels of the brain. After their application, blood flow to neurons is normalized, hypoxia of brain cells is eliminated, and metabolic processes are activated. In stroke, calcium antagonists (Kordipin, Odalat, Plendil, Anipamil, Kalan and others) are successfully used. All of them have a systemic effect on the body, so they are prescribed after examining the patient.

Post-stroke care

Above, you learned how to treat stroke medications. After the patient is discharged from the hospital, he needs the help of his family, especially if the movement disorder persists, paralysis occurs. Bedridden patients need to do massage every 3-4 hours, provide a complex of exercise therapy. You may have to feed him, help him go to the toilet. Post-stroke care tips:

  1. Every 2-3 hours, a person who has had a stroke should be turned to prevent bedsores.
  2. It is important to wipe the skin with disinfectant solutions every day.
  3. It is necessary to take measures to prevent skin diseases.
  4. In the room in which the patient lies, it is necessary to maintain a cool temperature.
  5. Feed by raising your head or sitting comfortably.
  6. Monitor the work of the intestines, if necessary, do enemas.
  7. If salivation is observed from the paralyzed half of the mouth, you need to make sure that the face is dry, lubricate the skin with a protective cream.
  8. At the first signs of vein thrombosis (edema appears on the paralyzed side), pneumonia (severe pain in the side, fever), you need to call a doctor.

How to treat a stroke at home

After the hospital walls, the patient must follow all the doctor's instructions, adhere to a special diet, and do acupuncture. He may experience convulsions, pain, dizziness, and each symptom will have to be treated separately, for example, by methods traditional medicine. All this does not involve the abolition of prescribed drugs. How to treat a cerebral stroke with folk remedies?

You can use some medicinal herbs. Check out a few recipes:

  1. Take dried Maryin root (2 tsp), add boiling water (200 g) to it. Leave for 5 hours, so that everything is infused. Drink daily 2 tbsp. spoons 3 times.
  2. Mix 50 g of crushed Japanese Sophora, white mistletoe, add half a liter of vodka, leave for a month.
  3. Collect pine cones in the summer, grind them, pour vodka. Store in a dark place, start using after 14 days. Drink every morning 1 tbsp. spoon 6-7 months.


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A stroke is a pathological process in which blood vessels are clogged with blood clots. With a disease that affects the brain, there is a decrease in the quality of life of the patient. Treatment of a stroke at home requires the use of a whole range of specific measures.

After an attack of a stroke, the patient is recommended howling a lifestyle and adhering to certain rules. The patient must strictly adhere to the regimen of the day. The duration of sleep after a stroke is at least 7 hours. After arriving home, the patient should take the medicines prescribed by the doctor in accordance with the schedule.

The patient needs regular walks in the fresh air. For their provision, it is recommended to use a wheelchair. If there is no opportunity to walk the patient, then you need to regularly ventilate the room and carry out wet cleaning.

To speed up the process of treating the pathological process, a diet is used. Alcoholic beverages are strictly prohibited. The patient must stop smoking. Do not leave the patient alone for a long time. If the patient has problems with speech, then it is recommended to talk with him, talking about family problems. The patient needs to receive positive emotions, so they turn on his favorite television programs or music.

During the treatment of a stroke at home, the patient is recommended to strictly adhere to certain rules, which will speed up this process.

Taking medication

It is recommended to treat a stroke with the use of medications that are prescribed by a doctor. the selection of drugs is carried out by a specialist in accordance with the individual characteristics of the patient and the severity of the pathological process.

If a person is diagnosed with an ischemic stroke, then it is recommended to take medications, the action of which is aimed at thinning the blood. To provide quick recovery use is recommended: Phenilin, Thrombo ASS, Cardiomagnyl, Dicoumarin.

If a person is diagnosed with a hemorrhagic stroke, then the use of drugs in this group is not recommended.

In order to increase vascular tone, it is necessary to take Cinnarizine or Cavinton. To strengthen cerebral circulation, experts advise the use of Askorutin, vitamins of groups B and C. The doctor recommends the use of drugs that ensure cell resistance to oxygen starvation. Therapy of the pathological process is carried out with Cerebrolysin, Aminalon, Glycine forte.

Drug therapy is characterized by a high level of effectiveness and allows you to restore lost functions. An important condition in this case is the use of drugs in courses, the duration of which is determined by the doctor.

Patient nutrition

Home recovery period requires adherence to the rules of rational nutrition. The patient should consume salt in minimal quantities. After an attack of a stroke, it is not recommended to eat spicy and fatty foods. The patient is forbidden to eat fried food.

In the pathological process, it is important to observe the drinking regimen. The amount of fluid you drink per day is determined by the doctor in accordance with the characteristics of the course of the pathological process. Patients are advised to drink juices from berries and fruits. Avoid carbonated drinks and coffee. Flour products are not recommended after a stroke.

The patient is advised to eat vegetables and fruits daily. Their number should be at least 400 grams per day. it is recommended to eat boiled and stewed food. After a stroke, it is recommended to use products that include a large number of potassium: apricot juice, dried apricots, prunes, boiled jacket potatoes, raisins, etc.

The diet should consist of low-fat sour-milk drinks, which include a minimum amount of sugar. Patients are advised to consume cottage cheese. You need to eat buckwheat, oatmeal, wheat porridge, which are cooked on the water. Patients should eat lean fish.

If a person is being treated, then he needs to adhere to the rules of fractional nutrition. Meals are taken 6 times a day, but portions should be minimal.

Diet therapy provides an opportunity to lower blood cholesterol levels and remove salt from the body. It also provides the body with vitamins and minerals. Thanks to this, blood circulation is restored, and nerve cells are renewed.

Folk remedies

In the recovery period after a stroke, the use of traditional medicine is recommended, which are characterized not only by efficiency, but also by a high level of safety. This makes it possible to use them for the treatment of a wide range of patients. Medicines are prepared on the basis of:

There are a large number of traditional medicine, which allows the patient to choose the most appropriate option for himself. Despite the safety of drugs before using certain of them, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Therapeutic gymnastics - video

With a stroke, patients have limited mobility, the restoration of which is carried out with the help of therapeutic exercises. If a bedridden patient is diagnosed with paralysis, then they are recommended to perform passive exercises. Their implementation is carried out with the help of relatives and friends. Manipulations should be performed in such a way that the patient bends the upper and lower limbs in the joints.

The actions of relatives should be directed to the study of joints, fingers, muscles, etc. Daily gymnastics will help restore blood circulation, ensure muscle tone. When performing passive gymnastics, the possibility of pressure sores and ulcers is eliminated.

After a person learns to sit, he is recommended to start performing. The patient is recommended independent execution tilts and turns of the body. Gymnastics consists in waving your arms. The patient must bend and unbend his fingers, develop his hands, turn his head.

At the next stage, they move on to developing the lower body. A person should put his feet on the floor and try to feel them. Further, the exercises become more complicated and consist in the tension of the toes. A person must learn to stand and walk. To speed up this, massage and rubbing are used simultaneously.

With numbness of the limbs and loss of coordination, it is recommended to perform exercises in a standing position. In the morning and evening, it is recommended to perform a simple exercise. The patient should perform torso tilts and leg swings. Exercises should be directed to the development of the joints.

If the patient is diagnosed, then massage will improve blood circulation in the brain. patients are advised to massage the collar area and head. Initially, light stroking is carried out. At the next stage, they adhere more tightly to the epithelial integument. The manipulation should be carried out with smooth movements.

For a long time, the procedure is prohibited. Massaging of paralyzed limbs is carried out from the bottom up. To ensure the high efficiency of the procedure and eliminate the possibility of complications, it is recommended to perform massage by a highly qualified specialist.

Stroke is a severe pathological process that leads to severe consequences. After stopping the attack, the patient is discharged from the hospital. Restoration at home requires the use of traditional drugs, traditional medicine, gymnastics, diet therapy, physiotherapy exercises. The selection of the complex should be carried out by the doctor in accordance with the severity of the pathology and the individual characteristics of the patient.

A friend has a second stroke, skewed to the left side, pulling her leg. Perhaps someone knows some effective way to quickly recover after a stroke.

We have already tested this method repeatedly on friends, relatives and my father. It helps even with paralysis after a stroke in diabetics (doctors do not treat this).

You need to make a tincture (200 g per half liter of vodka) of barberry root, you can already buy it in pharmacies as a choleretic. Or in the markets.

Insist 2 weeks, drink 1 tablespoon three times a day.

Many say that doctors forbade drinking vodka, but the choice is yours.

On TV there was a program about how a man after a stroke could not even swallow, let alone move, but after taking medicine from pine cones, just a couple of months later, doctors recognized him as healthy.

The medicine is done like this: 5-6 cones are placed in a half-liter jar and filled with vodka. You need to take 3 times a day for a tablespoon.

The worst thing is not the stroke itself, but its consequences. Scientists have found that special substances can stop the death of brain cells after a stroke - tannins, which are found not only in grape seeds, but also spruce cones.

If the issue is just quickly, then contact the doctors. Firstly, strokes are different: cerebral hemorrhage, or vice versa with blockage of blood vessels, as a result we get oxygen starvation. Hemorrhage is treated surgically (you can’t do without doctors). Treatment of blockage in a quick way, again the way to the doctors.

Medicines have been tested. But there is one thing, but! Any such medicine has a long list of contraindications. My father, for example, complained that such drugs greatly oppressed him (he felt bad). Therefore, when they offered to undergo a second course of treatment in a year, he refused (he took the prescription, but did not buy it at the pharmacy). By that time, he began to use the dietary supplements of the Amrita company, and which, according to him, help him and he feels good.

In the classic version, a stroke is a sharp violation of cerebral circulation, loss of consciousness is possible. Translation from the Latin word "insulto" means "jumping, jumping", in the common people - "strike".

The main thing is not to hesitate for a second! If you notice the slightest symptoms of a stroke, call an ambulance and take measures to ease the stroke!

First aid

If a stroke occurs, treatment begins immediately, before the arrival of an ambulance doctor:

  • the patient is laid on a bed, sofa, bench, a high pillow is placed under the head so that the position of the head to the body creates an angle of 30 degrees;
  • open a window, a window leaf, doors that there was an access of fresh air;
  • remove, unbutton clothes that restrict blood circulation;
  • blood pressure is measured: if it is high, they give the victim the medicines that he took before, warm the legs (dip them in hot water);
  • if vomiting begins, lay the patient's head on its side, make sure that he does not suffocate with vomit.

You should not ask an ambulance doctor how to treat a stroke - you must insist that the patient be immediately hospitalized, despite the age and desire of the patient. For the first 2 weeks, a person who has had a stroke must be in the hospital. If the condition is serious - the intensive care unit.

The human brain is capable of self-healing. It creates new connections between the preserved healthy cells, new information chains are formed. This ability is called neuroplasticity. This gives strength to the patient, together with relatives under the guidance of medical personnel, to wage a stubborn struggle for life without losing optimism.

Due to a violation of cerebral circulation, a pathological focus is formed, surrounded by weakened living cells. Timely, correctly carried out actions can activate these weak cells, replace the dead ones with them.

Even in the event that a sudden brain disorder was at the level of a microstroke, and the patient restored all functions within a month, the task of how to cure a stroke is still present. A person has diseases that provoked a stroke.

As soon as possible, a complete examination is carried out in the hospital. Computed and magnetic resonance imaging will show the cause and nature of the stroke, the severity of brain tissue damage. Obligatory examination and further observation by a neurologist, electrocardiogram of the heart, ultrasound dopplerography of blood vessels.

If the cause of the lesion is a blood clot that clogs the vessel, an urgent medical treatment for a stroke is possible. A technique called thrombolysis allows the clot to dissolve. Through the catheter, an enzyme is injected directly into the problem area, which dissolves the clot, and the person feels relieved.

But such an operation is possible only if no more than 3 hours have passed since the impact and there are no other diseases that can cause bleeding.

At the first stages, the treatment meets the main directions: support for breathing, control of cardiac activity, pain relief.

The most common cause of a brain breakdown is hypertension, but at the beginning of treatment, blood pressure does not drop sharply, this can worsen the patient's condition. The pressure is reduced by 15-20% of the original, ensuring that the systolic indicators do not exceed 180-200 millimeters of mercury, diastolic - 110.

If heart failure progresses, glycosides are prescribed. With convulsive syndrome, anticonvulsants are administered. The patient may have cerebral edema and intracranial pressure.

The standard of care for stroke also includes monitoring the condition of the intestines and Bladder. During the acute period and the subsequent recovery period, nootropics and antioxidants are prescribed.

The Greek words "noos" and "tropos" are translated as "thinking" and "direction". Nootropic drugs affect the metabolism of neurons, increase the resistance of brain cells to aggressive influences. Among the most commonly used trental, eufillin, heparin, cavinton, fraxiparin.

Stroke treatment consists not only in the selection of the right medicines, but also contains many other elements to restore and strengthen the body.

A person who has had a stroke often has disorders of the motor apparatus (arms, legs), speech, and memory loss. The consequences of stroke treatment require a long and patient.

Therapeutic gymnastics is assigned to a still lying patient, he should strive to make as many muscle groups move as possible. Speech therapists deal with speech disorders.

Relatives and friendly acquaintances are involved in the rehabilitation period. Depending on financial capabilities, patients undergo rehabilitation in sanatoriums in Russia and abroad, for example, in the Israeli Chaim Sheba Hospital.

Be sure to engage in self-healing based on existing techniques developed by occupational therapists (ergo - work, treatment), Strelnikova (based on breathing), and other specialists. Of great importance in rehabilitation after a stroke is massage, one of the main effective methods movement recovery.

IN Lately Acupuncture for stroke is receiving increasing attention. While this method is related medical workers not unambiguous.

Researchers at the Pennsylvania Medical School followed 711 patients and came to the disappointing conclusion that the percentage of patients who received clear positive results was too low.

But Chinese scientists consider the study itself weak: there are too few patients and there is no evidence base for a qualified procedure. Chinese doctors are in favor of a large-scale exhaustive study.

In the meantime, patients who have such a material opportunity travel to China to undergo qualified acupuncture there.

And yet, there are methods for defeating a stroke. Probably, everyone can name from their close or distant acquaintances those who defeated a terrible illness and returned to full-fledged activity. Today, a positive example is Boris Moiseev, who again took the stage after a stroke.

If the patient did not die in the first 3-4 weeks, then 3 recovery periods open before him: early (up to 6 months), late (6-12 months) and residual or passive (after a year).

During this period, although a slow but sure recovery of functions continues. There remains hope for the return of lost functions and hard work to prevent relapse.

In the passive period, the intake of vitamin-mineral complexes, antioxidants is relevant. Mandatory control of blood pressure, cholesterol levels in the blood, a positive psycho-emotional state, prevention of depressive explosions. The usual medicinal herbs, soothing teas, infusions will help here.

It is obligatory to give up bad habits: smoking, taking alcoholic beverages, drugs. Maintaining a diet that protects against “bad” cholesterol, eating fresh fruits and vegetables. Walking, gymnastics, movement. That is a healthy lifestyle.

One of the serious diseases that often occur as a result of hypertension, as well as atherosclerosis of the cerebral vessels, is a stroke. Treatment of this disease, subject to its success, can prolong the vital activity of a person. The danger of a stroke lies in the high probability negative consequences, because Quite often, the result is a person's disability.

Among the elderly, stroke is the most frequently reported cause of death.

A stroke is characterized by an acute violation of the blood circulation of the cerebral cortex, which results in damage and death of nerve cells.

Stroke is a series of other pathological conditions, among which:

  • Hemorrhage in the brain;
  • brain infarction;
  • Subarachnoid hemorrhage.

They not only differ in origin, but each of them is treated according to a different scheme.

A feature of ischemic stroke is a violation of the blood supply to certain areas in the cerebral cortex due to blockage of the artery by a thrombus or atherosclerotic plaque.

A hemorrhagic stroke occurs when an artery ruptures and bleeds. The cause of this type of disease is a rupture in an enlarged section of the artery due to a congenital pathology of the vessel, called an aneurysm, or a rupture of the artery, the background for which may be high blood pressure.

First aid

How are strokes treated?

To treat and prevent complications of cerebral infarction, it is necessary to restore the patency of the arteries as soon as possible, that is, to get rid of the blood clot. With a brain hemorrhage, the primary goal is to stop the bleeding and remove clotted blood (hematoma) from the brain tissue.

With a transient ischemic attack, a doctor may prescribe symptomatic treatment, such as drugs to lower blood pressure and strengthen blood vessels. Further treatment is aimed at:

  • restoration of damaged nervous tissue;
  • rehabilitation, that is, treatment of the consequences of a stroke (restoration of mental abilities, speech, coordination, etc.);
  • treatment of diseases that provoked a stroke.

After a course of urgent treatment, the patient should be re-examined and learn how to prevent re-hemorrhage or cerebral infarction. 15% of strokes are recurrent vascular accidents, and after them, most patients cannot be saved.

Treatment with folk remedies

It is best to start such a treatment under the supervision of a phytotherapist, and if you want to choose a treatment yourself, at least consult with him by showing him the recipes you have found.

  1. The most famous means for resorption of scars and seals are mountain wax (mummy) and propolis. Shilajit should be taken for two weeks at 0.2 grams twice a day - before breakfast and before dinner. On the fifteenth day, the mummy is canceled and they begin to drink 20% propolis tincture: 30 drops with milk, three times a day before meals. On the 31st day they start taking mummy again, and after two weeks - propolis.
  2. Sage infusion will help to restore speech faster. Pour a tablespoon of herbs 200-250 ml of boiling water, bring to a boil, and immediately remove from heat. Insist half an hour. You need to drink the drug for a month at least 8-10 times a day without connection with meals. Within a few weeks, there will be an improvement.
  3. All citrus fruits are very useful for the vascular system affected by a stroke. Pass through a meat grinder half a lemon and an orange, add two tablespoons of honey, mix well and put in the refrigerator. Eat a tablespoon of delicious medicine twice a day with tea.
  4. Lemon is also used for paresis of the limbs. For the mixture, you need two peeled fruits, 2.5 small garlic heads and enough honey to make a not very liquid mixture. Take on an empty stomach 1-2 times a day.

Affordable and safe remedy to restore health - pine cones. The phytoncides contained in them strengthen the immune system, and tannins “know how” to stop the death of brain cells affected by a stroke. From pine cones, you can prepare an alcohol tincture or decoction.

  • Tincture. Grind 5 young pine cones with seeds, pour alcohol or vodka, leave to infuse for 2 weeks in a dark place, but not in the refrigerator, remembering to shake every day. Strain, take a teaspoon after meals.
  • Decoction. If the doctor has not allowed alcohol-based medicines, a decoction can be prepared from pine cones. Pour five finely chopped cones with half a liter of hot water, bring to a boil, boil for 5 minutes over low heat. Infuse for an hour and a half, drink a quarter cup from 1 to 3 times a day after meals.
  • To make a balm for paresis, pine needles are used in combination with bay leaves. Powder both ingredients. Take a teaspoon of pine needle powder and six teaspoons of ground bay leaf. Mix herbs with 12 teaspoons of butter. Store the ointment in the refrigerator and rub the “naughty” arm or leg with it several times a day.

Mumiyo in the treatment of stroke with folk remedies

Mumiye promotes the resorption of blood clots and restores damaged cells. Therefore, mumiyo is widely used in the treatment of stroke with folk remedies.

Dilute 5 g of mumiyo in 150 ml of aloe juice. Take 1 tsp. 2 times a day before breakfast and at night. The course of treatment is 10 days, then a break of 4 days and a new course. (HLS 2011, No. 22, p. 7)

How to treat a stroke with pollen

Flower pollen stimulates the growth and restoration of damaged tissue, strengthens capillaries and blood vessels, reduces cholesterol. Pollen is taken in 1 tsp. 3 times a day before meals. (HLS 2011, No. 22, p. 7)

Alternative treatment of stroke with lofant tincture

Tibetan Lofant is a unique plant with a huge healing power, is a strong biostimulator. It has no side effects, so it can be used for a long time.

50 g of dried flowers or 200 g of fresh ones are poured into 500 ml of good vodka, infused for 3 weeks in a dark place, shaking 2 times a day.

Take 30 minutes before meals 2 times a day, 1 tsp, diluted in 30 g of water. The course of treatment is 30 days. Then a break of 1 week. Those who have had a stroke should take at least 3 such courses. (HLS 2012, No. 12, p. 35)

Folk remedies for those who have had a stroke

These funds are effective for the rehabilitation of the patient after a stroke.

1. Celandine. 1 st. l. herbs pour 1 cup boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, strain. Drink 2 tbsp. l 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 3 weeks.

2. Maryin root 1 tbsp. l. dry roots of peony evading pour 1 cup boiling water, insist in a thermos for 1 hour. Take 1 tbsp. l. 4-5 times a day. The course of stroke treatment is 1 month.

3. Sage This plant works well for those who have had a stroke. It is useful to take it inside as an infusion, and take baths with it (boil 200 g of sage in 10 liters of water for 5 minutes, leave for 1 hour and pour into a bath. Take a bath for a minute. The course of treatment is a bath)

4. Bay leaf. It must be insisted on vegetable oil for 2 months (30 g per 1 glass of oil). Shake daily. Then this oil is rubbed into the paralyzed limbs several times a day.

5. Juniper tincture. Prepare juniper tincture 100 g of berries and 5 tbsp. l. crushed juniper branches in 500 ml of vodka, leave for 2 weeks. Rub the tincture into the numb parts of the patient's body

(HLS 2012, No. 6, p. 7)

How to treat a stroke with blue iodine

Then 5 days break, and a new course of stroke treatment according to the same scheme. A total of 3 such courses were conducted. Since then, for 8 years after a stroke, a man, as soon as he feels that his facial muscles are not working well, takes this remedy again (HLS 2012, No. 17, p. 30)

Here is another similar case of blue iodine treatment for stroke

A man at work had a stroke. The right side of the body was taken away, swallowing functions disappeared. He was in the hospital, after 10 days of treatment there was no improvement. Then the wife got down to business, who decided to treat the consequences of a stroke with folk remedies. Every morning she gave 8 teaspoons of blue iodine on jelly.

A tincture of Dioscorea Caucasian roots will help you recover from a stroke.

To prepare the tincture, it is necessary to grind the dry roots and pour vodka in a ratio of 1:5. Insist 10 days in a dark place.

Take 1 tsp, dissolving in a small amount of water, 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Course 3 months. Then a break of 1 week and a new course of treatment. In total it is necessary to spend 3-4 courses. (HLS 2012, No. 2, p. 40)

Folk remedies for stroke - herbalist's advice

The following folk remedies will help cure a stroke

1. Cinnamon. Take 2-3 g of cinnamon with water 3 times a day

2. Pine cones for stroke. Collect pine cones from the ground in autumn. Pour 5-6 cones with 500 ml of water, bring to a boil, sweat for a minute. Drink this decoction after a meal. You can also take a tincture of pine cones: 5-6 cones per 500 ml of vodka, leave for 2 weeks. Take 1 tsp. for 1 cup of weak tea.

3 eggs. For a month, eat 2 raw eggs in the morning and in the evening.

4. Peony tincture (marine root). For 1-2 tbsp. l. 3 times a day before meals. (HLS 2007, No. 10, p. 32)

The treatment of stroke with folk remedies and methods consists not only in the use of medicinal plants, but also healthy eating, massage, self-massage, as well as gymnastics.

Alternative treatment of stroke can be combined with other medicines. Start using the medicine should be in small doses (for example, 1 tablespoon 3 times a day). This method helps to determine the individual tolerance of the collection. Before use, read the contraindications to herbs that relate to folk remedies.

Cure a stroke at home - these recipes for folk remedies will help you.

In order to return speech, it is necessary to resort to the treatment of stroke with herbs, namely, to use an infusion of sage. Place a teaspoon of sage leaves in one cup of hot water. Boil until boiling, and then remove from heat. Then leave for half an hour. Drink daily for 30 days, two sips, eight ten times. After drinking sage infusion, speech should be fully restored.

To remove constant tension in the arm after a stroke, you should collect meadow clover so that you can fill a full liter jar with its inflorescences. Pour this jar with alcohol or high quality vodka. Leave for 12 days, then strain the mixture and take a teaspoon for a month.

If your loved ones have suffered a stroke, try this folk remedy. Buy a kilogram of lemons, passing them through a meat grinder, add a kilogram of sugar. Store the resulting mixture in the refrigerator. Give a stroke victim one teaspoon and a small clove of garlic every morning.

It is also advisable to take daily sage baths. You need to take two liters of boiling water and add three cups of grass. Infuse for an hour, strain, then pour into a bath of warm water.

From folk remedies in the treatment of stroke, tincture of grass from the white step (paralytic grass) will help. Dilute 25 drops with water and give to the patient in the morning and evening after eating. And the mixture itself is made in this way: grind the grass roots and pour them with two glasses of vodka. Insist for a week, then strain.

With paralyzed limbs, it is better to rub a special ointment at least twice a day. To prepare the ointment, you should take pine needles and bay leaf. Grind them separately to a powder. Mix a teaspoon of crushed pine needles with six tablespoons of bay leaf, and add twelve tablespoons of butter.

Treatment Methods

Dizziness, loss of consciousness, vomiting, headache, these are the first signs of a stroke, this is a violation of cerebral circulation.

Treatment of a stroke in a woman with beans

The woman was 70 years old when she was paralyzed after a brain stroke. The hand did not move, half of the face was distorted, the mouth did not close, the speech was gone.

Together with the medicines prescribed by doctors, the woman drank an unlimited amount of a decoction of beans, because her relative was told that this was an effective folk remedy for treating the consequences of a stroke. Plants (stems, roots, pods, leaves) were washed, poured with boiling water, insisted in warmth. Three weeks later, the patient began to walk, only a skewed face remained from the stroke, but six months later it also disappeared. All this time, treatment with infusion of beans continued, dried plants were used in winter.

(Healthy lifestyle recipe 2000, No. 13, p. 19)

Pine cones accumulate a lot of medicinal substances over the summer and preserve them inside themselves. In these "canned food" everything is preserved in its natural form, and vitamins, and phytoncides and a special kind of tannins, which very effectively prevent the death of brain cells. During a stroke, brain cells die due to impaired blood circulation in them.

But even after that, cell death continues, despite the restoration of blood flow. This is due to the PRAG enzyme, but the substances contained in pine cones are able to block this enzyme of the cells, and they stop being destroyed. When using tannins contained in pine cones, 4 times fewer brain cells die than usual. All this makes pine cones an effective folk remedy for the treatment of stroke.

Rinse 5 mature pine cones, pour 200 ml of alcohol, leave for 2 weeks, strain. Take 1 tsp. in a glass of weak warm tea 1 time per day after meals.

For those who cannot tolerate alcohol, a decoction of pine cones will help: pour 5 cones into 500 ml of water, bring to a boil, simmer over low heat for 5-7 minutes. Take 1/4 cup after meals 4 times a day. (HLS 2002, No. 3, p. 10)

Lemon for stroke prevention

Pass 2 lemons and 2 oranges through a meat grinder, taking out the bones. Mix with 2 tbsp. l. honey. Take 2-3 teaspoons per day 30 minutes before meals. The course is a month, then a break of 2 weeks, then the course can be repeated. (HLS 2002, No. 9, p. 20)

Spruce tea helps with stroke

Brew fresh or dry sprigs of spruce with needles in a teapot: for 1 liter of needles, 3 liters of water, boil for 15 minutes, you can add different herbs for aroma and benefit (knotweed, currant leaf, mint, raspberry). Drink this infusion instead of tea as much as you like, with sweets, jam, honey, but always with lemon. Eat 5-6 cloves of garlic a day.

Treatment of dizziness after a cerebral stroke.

Here is another similar recipe with pine needles. Pine needles are a wonderful folk remedy for treating the effects of a stroke, especially dizziness. This remedy cleanses the vessels of the brain. Boil a handful of fresh spruce needles with 1 liter of boiling water, insist overnight. In the morning, add chopped lemon and leave for another 2 hours. Take 3-4 times a day for a glass 1 hour before meals. (HLS 2005, No. 13, p. 31)

Was there a stroke? Chew gum

For all those who have suffered a stroke, it is useful to chew chewing gum as often as possible. Chewing sets the muscles of the head in motion, and this in turn improves the blood supply to the brain. This advice was given to the patient by a doctor, it helped her a lot. (2003, No. 19, p. 11)

Stroke treatment with Shevchenko mixture

After a stroke, the woman's face was distorted, her left eye almost closed. I started drinking Shevchenko's mixture (vodka with oil 30gx30g) three times a day. After 10 days, she began to walk, her hands began to obey. The mixture was taken three times a day for six months, then switched to once a day. (Healthy lifestyle recipe 2003, No. 23, p. 11)

Sophora japonica for the treatment of the consequences of a cerebral stroke

Japanese Sophora effectively treats the post-stroke state and those disorders in the body that accompany the patient after a stroke: paralysis, hypertension, cerebrovascular accidents, ischemic pain in the heart. To do this, use an alcohol tincture with 56% alcohol: in a ratio of 1:1 with fresh fruits and in a ratio of 1:2 with dry ones.

The same tincture is rubbed into the paralyzed parts of the body at night.

Compresses help too. A compress is applied to the back of the head at night: gauze folded in 6-8 layers, moistened with diluted tincture (1: 3), compress paper on top and fixed soft cloth. Compresses do 2-3 times a week. If compresses cause a burn of sensitive skin, then pre-lubricate the skin with baby cream.

Reception of 0.5 g per day of ascorbic acid will accelerate the treatment of stroke. Ascorbic acid can be replaced with rosehip broth - drink instead of tea.

After three months, the pressure normalizes, dizziness disappears. Paralyzed members will gradually acquire lost functions. Ischemic pain in the heart will stop. (2004, No. 5, pp. 22-23. From conversations with the herbalist Clara Doronina)

Treatment of stroke with honey baths

A 37-year-old man suffered a cerebral stroke. I spent a month and a half in the hospital, but the treatment did not bring any special results. After the hospital, the following consequences of a stroke remained: severe dizziness, difficulty speaking, because half of the tongue was paralyzed, was also paralyzed left-hand side body - the foot and hand did not work, the coordination of movements was impaired.

After reading a book on treatment with bee products, the patient immediately began to use honey baths. The very first procedures gave a positive result, and six months later he managed to fully recover from a stroke.

Here is the recipe: water is poured into the bath, so that the heart area is above the surface of the water, the water temperature is strictly 37-37.5 degrees. Dissolve 3 tbsp in water. l. good natural honey. Bathing time. After the bath, do not rinse or dry yourself, just lightly blot the body with a towel. Then they will lie down, so it is better to do the procedure before going to bed. Take honey baths every other day, in courses of 10 procedures, with a break between courses of 10 days. (2005, No. 13, pp. 12-13)

Collection of herbs for stroke prevention and stroke recovery

This folk remedy cleanses the walls of blood vessels and helps prevent strokes and hypertensive crises.

Take 100 g of immortelle, chamomile, birch buds, St. John's wort. Grind everything in a coffee grinder and mix.

1 st. l. pour 50 ml of boiling water over the mixture, insist, wrapping for 30 minutes. 1 hour after dinner, drink 1 glass of infusion with 1 tsp. honey, after that do not eat or drink anything.

In the morning, 30 minutes before breakfast, drink this infusion warm, also with honey. The course of treatment is approximately 2 months until the mixture is finished. The next course can be carried out only after 5 years. (Healthy lifestyle recipe 2005, No. 2, p. 4)

The same recipe was used by a woman a month after a brain stroke. She credits him with helping her get back on her feet. (HLS 2005, No. 8, p. 27)

herbal stroke treatment

The man went to work, eventually woke up on the third day in intensive care with a diagnosis of stroke and heart attack. For six months there was a continuous struggle, first for life, then for restoration. As a result, the official treatment of stroke did not bring results, the men were put on disability.

Put in a thermos 1 tbsp. l. rose hips, 1 tbsp. l. hawthorn, 1 tbsp. l. peppermint, 1 tsp. calendula flowers. Pour in 3 cups of boiling water. Leave for 3 hours, strain, add 30 drops of 10% propolis tincture. Take half a glass 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals. The course of stroke treatment is 1 month.

The man felt the result within a week after the start of treatment - now he was able to climb to the second floor without stopping, without experiencing shortness of breath, before he had a rest on the middle platform. A week later, I felt that the heart copes with the load more easily. After morning exercises, the pulse rate was not as high as before. Before taking the infusion, the pulse rose after exercise by 30%, and after a month of treatment, only by 15%.

(HLS 2008, No. 10, p. 10)

Treatment of the consequences of a stroke - how to cope with paralysis after a stroke

1. 2/3 cup chopped bay leaf pour 1 cup vegetable oil. Insist in a dark place for 10 days. Rub the resulting ointment into paralyzed limbs after warm baths.

2. Mix 100 g of melted fat with 1 tbsp. l. salt, smear the paralyzed arm and leg, wrap with cotton cloth, and then with a film. Do these compresses at night. (HLS 2008, No. 15, p. 33)

Folk remedies for the prevention of cerebral stroke

Scroll through a meat grinder 1 kg of cranberries, 1 kg of onions and 0.5 kg of lemons. Add 1 liter of honey, mix well. Take 2 times a day for 1 tbsp. l. before meals, drinking hot water. This remedy cleanses the body of fat and lime deposits, prevents heart attack, stroke, atherosclerosis, improves vision (HLS 2009, No. 13, p. 28,)

VKPB drops for stroke prevention

In folk remedies for the treatment of vascular diseases, such plants as valerian "B" (expands the coronary vessels, normalizes blood circulation, soothes), horse chestnut - "K" (increases the strength of blood vessels, reduces blood viscosity, improves cholesterol metabolism), motherwort - "P" (helps with angina pectoris, hypertension), hawthorn - "B" (improves coronary and cerebral circulation, relieves arrhythmia, calms the heart muscle, normalizes blood pressure, sleep).

Types of Strokes: A Brief Reminder

Doctors distinguish two main types of strokes: ischemic and hemorrhagic. A transient disorder of coronary blood flow - transient ischemic attack (TIA) is considered separately. To understand how to treat a stroke, you need to have an idea of ​​​​what causes the blood circulation to be disturbed in each of these cases and what this leads to.

Ischemic stroke, or cerebral infarction (almost 90% of cases of all vascular accidents). Its mechanism is the same as that of a myocardial infarction: when one of the cerebral arteries narrows from a spasm or is mechanically clogged by a thrombus, the blood flow through it is reduced or stops, and the tissue area that depends on it dies.

Hemorrhagic stroke, or bleeding in the brain. It occurs when a vessel in the brain does not clog, but bursts or bursts, pouring out blood:

  • into the surrounding tissues (then it is called intracerebral);
  • in the space between the surface of the brain and the skull (subarachnoid hemorrhage). It usually happens due to a rupture of the vessel at the site of a protrusion or thinning of its wall - an aneurysm.

A transient (transient) ischemic attack, or microstroke, is a short-term, up to five minutes, violation of blood circulation in the brain. The reason is a short spasm or incomplete blockage of the artery by a thrombus, in which the brain cells do not have time to die, but undergo a kind of stress.

The peculiarity of the therapy of this disease is that the earlier the treatment of stroke is started, the greater the chances of success. Therefore, if you notice at least one cerebral (brain) symptom in yourself or your loved one, call an ambulance immediately! It can be a sharp headache; confusion, impaired speech and / or coordination, weakness, numbness in the limbs.

With a TIA, the symptoms are mild, and discomfort quickly passes. But it indicates "malfunctions" in the system of cerebral arteries, and in some cases it may be a harbinger of a cerebral infarction. Therefore, even if a TIA passes without a trace, immediately after its episode, you need to be examined. In addition, only a doctor can accurately determine whether you really had an ischemic attack, and not a stroke with a mild clinical picture.

In the hospital, the doctor will ask the patient, and if he cannot speak, his relatives about when, under what circumstances the stroke occurred, what symptoms were observed and in what order. The medicines taken by the patient matter, whether he had a traumatic brain injury, whether someone from his close relatives had a stroke, and many other details.

One of the urgent examinations for stroke is computed tomography of the brain (CT) with simultaneous examination of the vessels of the head and neck. A contrast agent is injected into the patient's vein and the head and neck area is irradiated with an X-ray beam. Passing through the tissues, they form a three-dimensional image of the brain and the blood vessels that feed it on the screen. The “stained” blood that fills the vessels helps to make visible the narrowing of the arteries, the sites of aneurysms, hemorrhages or necrosis.

Also in the hospital, the method of magnetic resonance imaging of the brain (tomography, MRI) and blood vessels (angiography, MRA) is used. In this case, a special dye is also injected into the blood, but the three-dimensional image of the brain and blood vessels creates a magnetic field, not x-rays.

If necessary, the diagnosis is supplemented by a "search for blood clots" using ultrasound of the arteries and echocardiography - ultrasound of the heart. The first examination shows the narrowing of the carotid artery and the presence of blood clots in it, the second - whether there are blood clots in the cavities of the heart.

Acute impairment of cerebral circulation is a complex problem of modern neurology.

Despite the presence of a clear methodology for providing first aid and hospital measures, it is necessary to act as quickly as possible, which requires the doctor to react quickly and be highly qualified. The life of the patient, the probability of preserving neurological functions depends on this.

Treatment of a stroke consists in eliminating the provocative element, restoring minimal vital activity, and combating additional damaging factors (hematoma, blood clot, and others).

The first stage is strictly hospital, because it is impossible to cure such a condition at home. The duration is about a month, sometimes a little more.

The basis of therapy is medicines, drugs for blood thinning, lowering blood pressure. Operations are required as a last resort. This is not curation of the condition itself, but the elimination of its consequences.

Looking at the issue globally, treatment includes three aspects:

  • Providing first aid. From the moment the symptoms were discovered to the arrival of the doctors. Actions are aimed not so much at therapy as at stabilizing the condition of the victim so that it does not worsen and does not lead to complications or death.

Given the low awareness of the population in Russia and the countries of the former Soviet Union, it can be assumed that the bulk of complications and deplorable consequences occur precisely at this stage, which leads to generally negative forecasts and adverse outcomes.

As statistics show, this is true.

  • Primary hospital events. Treatment aimed at correcting vital signs and maintaining basic functions: respiration, cardiac activity, reflexes. This stage is urgent, does not tolerate delay.

The task of specialists is to delimit different types strokes, as well as from other pathological processes.

There are many diseases that have a similar clinical picture. This imposes a significant responsibility on the medical staff.

  • Further therapy, restoration of normal vital functions in the late hospital period. Supportive care. This is the recovery phase. It plays the greatest role in the prevention of relapses, as well as the restoration of the functions of the central nervous system.

All three tasks are being solved gradually. The first does not apply to specialists. Persons without medical education are strongly advised to familiarize themselves with the basic rules for providing urgent action in case of acute cerebral ischemia.

Starts immediately. The main thing that should be done by others or the victim himself is to call an ambulance.

On your own, it is impossible not only to cure a stroke, but even to determine an emergency.

Considering that experts are unable to diagnose cerebrovascular accident by eye, it becomes clear what are the chances for the same thing in a person without medical knowledge.

The fact is that in Russia and the countries of the former Soviet Union there is a high workload of ambulance crews. Therefore, the telephonist is forced to rank situations as they are urgent. If you hide any details, there is a possibility of a long wait for many hours.

Before the doctors arrive, the algorithm is as follows:

  • Sit down a person. The angle between the torso and lower back should be about 45 degrees. It is impossible to lay in any case, because there is a high probability of cerebral edema with all the ensuing consequences (rapid development of secondary emergency lead to wedging of the brain stem into the posterior cranial foramen and sudden death of the patient).
  • Open a window or vent for fresh air. This will ensure a better supply of cerebral structures with oxygen, which will reduce the risks of further progression of the death of nerve clusters.
  • Calm down the person. Negative emotions have physical manifestations. Stress hormones are released, brain vessels narrow, which leads to an increase in blood pressure, as well as further progression of the dystrophic process.
  • Unfasten your tie, loosen your shirt collar, remove tight body jewelry. Pressure on the carotid sinus, which is located in the area of ​​the carotid artery, will lead to a reflex drop in pressure and heart rate. Under conditions of ischemia of cerebral structures, this will have a disastrous effect on the patient. Nutrition will weaken even more, which means that death from progressive respiratory or heart failure and other complications is not far off.
  • Do not try to ask the patient, talk to him. The person is in a serious condition, therefore it is necessary to ensure complete peace, silence.
  • Turn your head to the side first. A stroke is often accompanied by loss of consciousness, and then vomiting. Reflex nature, regardless of the fullness of the stomach. This will help to avoid aspiration: the entry of the contents of the digestive tract into the respiratory tract.
  • Lower your arms and legs. To avoid an increase in peripheral blood flow due to a weakening of the cerebral. Hemodynamics is unstable, so you need to move as little as possible.
  • It is recommended to regularly measure blood pressure and heart rate. Better every 10-20 minutes, fix the indicators. Then transfer to the doctors from the ambulance team so that they can evaluate the levels in dynamics. This will allow you to navigate the violation.

Upon the arrival of the doctors, you need to talk about the condition, briefly and to the point. If necessary, accompany the person to the hospital.

What do doctors do

As for professional first aid as part of transportation to the hospital. The patient is also seated with the head elevated and given oxygen inhalations to restore the normal supply of the cerebral tissues.

Upon arrival, the patient is placed in the intensive care unit for the correction of the condition.

The fundamental difference between the order of implementation of first aid for ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke No. With the difference that rupture of the vessel reduces the chances of success. Much less time.

Always proceed from the worst assumption.

Treatment of hemorrhagic stroke

The subsequent period is directly related to the species acute insufficiency cerebral circulation.

The described condition is understood as a rupture of a vessel with an outpouring of blood into the surrounding space.

Classify the pathological process in different ways. The principles of primary therapy are approximately the same, differences are observed in the subsequent period.

The basis is the use of medicines:

  • Correctors of arterial pressure. Depending on the area of ​​brain damage, the indicator may fall or rise above normal. In the first case, the use of tonic agents (Adrenaline, Epinephrine, Dopamine) is indicated. In the second drug antihypertensive properties (Captopril, Enap and others). The situation is assessed by the predominant symptom, which is why it is so important to control the level of blood pressure even at the stage of first aid.
  • Introduction of albumin proteins. It helps to reduce the area of ​​brain damage, prevents the development of the expansion process, spread.
  • Antiarrhythmic. Only if subcortical structures are affected. Especially the brain stem. Usually limited to beta-blockers. Which ones - the specialist determines.
  • Water-salt solutions. Classic sodium chloride is also suitable. To restore metabolism in cerebral structures.
  • Anticonvulsants. If there are tonic or tonic-clonic spasms, as part of an epileptic seizure or outside of it.
  • Means to combat vomiting. For example, Cerucal. According to indications.
  • Cerebroprotectors. Allow to protect the brain from the progression of the pathological process. Such names as Actovegin, Piracetam, Glycine (nootropic) and others are used, as prescribed by a neurologist.

This is enough at an early stage to correct the patient's condition.

If necessary, surgical treatment is carried out. This extreme case. Before resorting to such drastic measures, it is necessary to conduct a thorough diagnosis.

MRI and electroencephalography are usually sufficient. If there is a risk of neurological deficit, cerebral edema, compression of healthy tissues and other risk factors, surgical intervention is advisable.

It is carried out by classical access with trepanation of the skull.

Ischemic stroke treatment

It is considered a somewhat less dangerous type of pathological process, which is not always true. Depends on the extent.

Although, indeed, one of the factors of damage (a hematoma that compresses the tissues and can lead to their necrosis) is absent, which facilitates therapy. Treatment is strictly medical.

Several pharmaceutical groups are used:

  • Antithrombotic or antiplatelet agents. Prevent the formation of blood clots. During the development of an ischemic stroke, clumped platelet cells do not occur, however, it is blood clots that can cause an emergency.

They do not always develop directly in the cerebral vessels. More often in the area of ​​the lower extremities. Aspirin and other variations of acetylsalicylic acid are most actively used.


It is important to clearly distinguish between different forms of cerebrovascular insufficiency. Because with hemorrhage, the use of such drugs is contraindicated.

  • Angioprotectors. Protect blood vessels from destruction and the influence of negative factors. Increase elasticity. This is the prevention of both re-ischemia and rupture of blood supply structures. The classic medicine of this group is Anavenol.
  • Treat stroke, continue with cerebrovascular agents. Some of them have already been named. These are Actovegin and Piracetam. In the form of intramuscular injections. They contribute to the normalization of brain nutrition, restore adequate trophism, which is important for correcting the condition.
  • Nootropics. They are also used almost immediately. Restore metabolic processes.

The same medications can be used during the rehabilitation period as part of the correction of cognitive functions, intelligence and memory. Glycine and other analogues.

Nootropics often provoke allergic reactions, therefore it is recommended to carefully monitor the condition and well-being.


The use of funds is contraindicated in the presence of tumors of cerebral structures, because active growth of formations will begin.

  • Antihypertensive or drugs to increase blood pressure. Depending on the primary condition and its cause.

Thrombolytics are used immediately after admission to the hospital. They differ from antiplatelet agents in the purpose of use. If the latter are prescribed as part of prevention, the former dissolve existing blood clots.

Treatment for ischemic stroke is aimed at solving three problems:

  • relapse prevention. The probability of a repeated episode of cerebrovascular insufficiency in the first few days is more than 50%, then gradually decreases. The risk persists throughout the life of the patient, although to a small extent.
  • Resorption of a blood clot, removal of a cholesterol plaque. That is, the elimination of the root cause of the pathological condition.
  • Restoration of normal tissue nutrition.

Surgical intervention is practiced extremely rarely. However, in some cases, it cannot be dispensed with. Absolute indications for surgery are advanced atherosclerosis, with calcification of a cholesterol plaque or persistent vasoconstriction.

In the first case, mechanical removal of the formation is shown. In the second - ballooning or stenting (physical expansion of the lumen of the artery).

Variants with anverisms or malformations are possible. The gap of such formations is not considered although discussions about terminological features are actively conducted.

Drugs after ischemic stroke are represented by cerebrovascular agents, thrombolytics, antiplatelet agents, angioprotectors, tonic, antihypertensive.

Such a complex is assigned entirely, based on the indications. Each drug solves one specific problem.

Further management of patients, rehabilitation

There is no cure for stroke. This is an erroneous concept. Irreversible changes develop in the brain. The task of the recovery period is to teach healthy structures to work for the dead.

Cerebral tissues have tremendous adaptability, so you can count on high-quality recovery.

At this stage, there is no fundamental difference which stroke occurred: hemorrhagic or ischemic. Apart from the possible severity of the neurological deficit.

Rehabilitation activities continue for about a year. The first month and even two the patient is under the control of doctors. First in a hospital, then in a specialized center. However, the main period falls on home events.

Rehabilitation includes four areas: restoration of speech, motor activity, cognitive functions and psycho-emotional sphere.

  • The first question is solved by constant repetition of articulation exercises, passive perception of a large amount of oral speech, pronunciation of simple sounds, then syllables, words and full-fledged sentences. This will qualitatively and relatively quickly restore the ability to speak.
  • Motor activity involves obligatory passive exercises at an early stage and independent activity at the end of the initial stage of treatment. In the first case, the movements for the patient are made by doctors. Next, you need to move without help, develop muscles. And then walk and move. First with a walker or cane, then without aids.
  • Cognitive functions require a constant load on the brain. Overworking, however, is absolutely impossible. Memorizing simple symbols, numbers, phrases, simple intellectual, board games, working with graphic material (description of what is happening in the picture, drawing up a diagram-sequence of episodes depicted on cards) allows you to activate the intellectual sphere.
  • The psycho-emotional state is corrected under the supervision of a specialized specialist. Cognitive-behavioral therapy, if necessary, taking antidepressants, sedative medications, talking with other patients. The key task that they solve is to provide a positive attitude, a harmonious emotional background.

At all stages, massage, physiotherapy and physiotherapy exercises are carried out. If possible, also acupuncture.

Stroke is treated with conservative methods, according to the indications, an operation is performed. The therapy presents great difficulties and is implemented gradually.

The duration of the primary events is several days. The same amount is spent on partial restoration of functions.

Then begins a long responsible period of rehabilitation. It directly affects not only the future life and its quality, but also whether the neurological deficit will persist or not.
