Harvest competition for children. Scenario of autumn entertainment in kindergarten

Scenario of autumn entertainment in kindergarten(middle and senior preschool age) "Harvest Day"

Baikhanova Tatyana Sergeevna, teacher of the Non-state preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 213" of Russian Railways

Target: creating a positive emotional atmosphere for children.
cognitive direction: to consolidate the ability to distinguish vegetables by appearance(shape, color), recognize vegetables in in kind and in pictures, naming them;
speech direction: expand vocabulary on the topic;
artistic and aesthetic direction: consolidate singing and motor skills and abilities.
physical direction: develop dexterity, accuracy in hitting the ball on the target;
social and communicative direction: develop communication skills and abilities.
Decor: crafts, drawings on the themes “Harvest”, “Autumn”, miracle vegetables of various shapes, maple leaves cut out of colored paper for each child, small multi-colored balls or plastic balls and baskets, cleanly washed potatoes, other vegetables (optional) of small size and children's buckets, a colored bag for the "What kind of vegetable?" contest, pictures of vegetables for the "Riddles in the garden" contest, prizes for each child.
Children are dressed in costumes of vegetables (or their elements) or on their heads are rims-masks depicting vegetables.

Leading. Hello dear guests! Ruddy and smiling! Has everyone come who is called? Nobody was late? We invited you to dance round dances today, have fun, play, celebrate the holiday. But what a holiday, you have to guess.
The harvest is ripe
Leaves fall,
It's raining
The birds are flying away.
When does it happen?
empty fields,
Wet earth.
The rain is pouring down
When does it happen?
That's right, autumn. Summer passed quickly, as one day flashed by. And now autumn is on the doorstep.
(A girl dressed as Autumn enters.)
Autumn. Hello guys and dear guests! I was in a hurry to join you for the holidays. The north wind was like a driver for me. Rain-frost - for a fellow traveler. Motley, rainy, deciduous - that's what I am!
Hello, autumn!
It's good that you came.
We, Autumn, will ask you
What did you bring as a gift? (E. Blaginina)

Autumn(in the hands of a brush of mountain ash, nuts on a saucer, dummies of mushrooms in a basket).
Here are the rowan brushes.
Here are the ripe nuts.
Here are white mushrooms for you.
Also boletus.
Russula are blue.
And heavy bronze acorns.
My bouquet is beautiful and bright.
I brought you warm rays of the sun as a gift,
colorful balls,
rustling leaf fall
And a fun scooter.
(G. Sapgir)
Leading. Thank you, Autumn, for the gifts.
Autumn. I also have holidays for you. Biggest autumn holiday is the harvest. Everything that was sown and planted in the spring is harvested in the fall: both bread and vegetables are different. The autumn holiday in Rus' was called the holiday of the last sheaf - "dozhinki". The last bands went out to die in festive clothes. Everyone gathered in July, both small and old. The last sheaf "Ivanushka" was called, because. he looked like a little man.
I got into the garden.
There is a round dance of vegetables.
Tell me guys.
What grows in your garden beds?
Let's arrange an attraction - a vegetable auction. It is necessary to name the vegetables that you only know. You run up to me, name any vegetable, take a colored ball (ball) from my hands and throw it into the basket.
Competition "Vegetable auction".
Leading. Do you know how to harvest? Now we'll see. (Choice of participants). Your task is to harvest potatoes with your eyes closed in these baskets (Distribution of children's buckets).
Harvest Contest.
All harvested.
You try to count
Here's a potato, here's a carrot.
The turnip was deftly pulled out.
Beets and garlic and onions
Collected ten hands.
Autumn vegetables - hello,
All right, get in the basket.
harvest, harvest
Don't be lazy - collect!
What hardworking guys! Let's count how many potatoes we have collected
participants. (Counting the number of potatoes collected by each participant).
Autumn. You have worked hard. Well, do you know songs about the harvest? Let's sing the song "Harvest Harvest!" (lyrics by T. Volgina, music by A. Filippenko).
(Or those songs that the guys know are performed).
And you sing well!
Contest "What kind of vegetable?"
(With eyes closed, he must determine the shape, smell, taste of a vegetable).
Autumn. All holidays in Rus' were accompanied by round dances. In Rus' they loved to dance, sing and dance. And now let's get up in a round dance and dance, and sing "Garden - round dance"! Hold hands. We will sing about vegetables like the song "Loaf", which is sung at a birthday party.
(The round dance moves in a circle).
We have a garden
There (a vegetable, for example, a turnip) grows.
Here is such a height
Here is such a low
This is the width
Here's a dinner.
You, (vegetable - "turnip") hurry
And dance a little.
And then don't yawn
And climb into the basket
(At the musical loss - dancing. The guys who have a rim on their heads - a turnip or dressed as a turnip in the center dance. The rest clap their hands. Then the game continues on this song, only the name of the vegetables changes.)
Leading. Well done guys! Take your seats. Now our guest Autumn will give you riddles about vegetables, and you must guess and find a picture of this vegetable.
Competition "Mysteries in the beds."
Autumn. Name the most important sign of autumn (leaf fall). Let's sing in chorus the song "Leaves are falling" (M. Ivensen, music by M. Kraseva).
The presenter and Autumn distribute maple leaves cut out of paper to the children. The children sing a song with their hands up maple leaves up.
And now the guys will walk in a circle and present to your attention their costumes, in which they came to today's holiday.
Costume parade competition.(Rewarding each with a prize.)
Farewell Autumn.
Dear Guys! I had a lot of fun at the party. You made me and our guests very happy. This year we all have a lot of autumn worries and joys. I wish you warm autumn days. Well, if suddenly the sky frowns, autumn bad weather comes - it’s not scary: after all, you have cheerful and faithful friends nearby. Goodbye, guys! Until next year!
(Autumn leaves).

Almost all over the world there is a harvest festival. The scenario for each country is different, and the celebration takes place at different times. But the idea autumn event one is to give thanks for the harvest. This holiday has pagan ancient roots, and now not a single preschool event takes place without it.

Where else is the autumn holiday celebrated?

The harvest festival is celebrated in autumn by Catholics, Orthodox, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Germans, Americans, Canadians, Chinese, Vietnamese, Indians. This day, humanity thanks the higher powers (each nation has its own deity) for fertility. Previously, they revered Mother Earth, later the autumn harvest festival coincided with the celebration of the Virgin. Such a union is connected with the fact that the harvest also symbolizes well-being, family happiness, and offspring. All this Christian women also ask the Mother of God.

Roman Catholics have been celebrating the autumn feast since the third century AD, the Slavs have always held celebrations in the fall. They passed in different days under different names: autumn, the feast of childbirth, Pasikov's day, the Nativity of the Virgin, autumn saints, Malaya Prechistaya, vegetable garden day, Sposov's day, Mother Autumn, rich man, offering day, mistress, day of blessing of bread, bows day, aspos day, second meeting autumn.

All this is the harvest festival. The script first included the ancient peoples (now they are shown in theatrical performances). Over time, descendants began to add funny contests, games, giving the celebration an entertainment character.

Holiday in preschool

In all kindergarten groups, autumn holidays are celebrated. For younger preschoolers, these may be closed events or open lessons. Children, together with the teacher, are preparing for the autumn holiday, learning the names of vegetables, their properties, games, short quatrains. The teacher only makes masks for them (a ribbon with a paper image of a vegetable), that is, nothing is needed from the parents for the celebration.

And older preschoolers delight their parents with bright performances, where they reveal all their talents. But to children's holiday the harvest passed without hesitation, you need to prepare for it in the lessons:

  • solve riddles about autumn;
  • explore the properties of autumn;
  • learn songs, poems on;
  • repeat what autumn is rich in;
  • remember about vegetables, berries, mushrooms, fruits that are harvested in the fall;
  • study the dance, where the heroes will be autumn-themed;
  • remember the exit sequence of the participants.

To hold an autumn performance, you will need the help of parents to memorize poems, songs, collect autumn improvised material (cones, acorns, chestnuts, leaves, branches), sew autumn costumes, make autumn crafts. The hall is decorated by teachers, children, the parent committee, and autumn family crafts decorate the hall of the kindergarten.

Fall event example: start

Here's how preschoolers celebrate harvest festival. The script assumes the adult roles of the host, Borovichok, Amanita and children's images of a bear cub, Antoshka, fly agarics, Turarama. Preschoolers enter the hall to the music, sit on the chairs. The facilitator greets the children with a poem about autumn, focusing on how beautifully the hall is decorated (to match the golden autumn). Here the children go out one at a time, read poems about autumn.

The host tells in poetic form about the beauty of golden leaves, inviting children to sing the song “Falling Leaves” (music by M. Krasev, lyrics by M. Ivensen). After the song, a bear cub runs in with a bright envelope, narrating in verse that this is a telegram for the guys. Gives it to the leader and runs away. The letter was written from autumn, which says that she has a lot of work to do (color the vegetation, lead the birds to the south, replenish stocks of squirrels, bears, hedgehogs), therefore she offers the guys her assistant, who is recognized by the riddle.

middle view

We continue to consider the children's harvest festival. The scenario becomes more active towards the middle of the event. Borovik enters and asks about autumn berries. Here we are talking about cloudberries, and since the mushroom does not remember it, the children sing the song "Cloudberry" (music by A. Abramov, lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky). Further, Borovik says that Autumn handed over a basket with complicated leaves, on which clouds, wind, rain are written). Preschoolers again, together with the presenter, pronounce the features of autumn weather, study the autumn months. Next, the children sing ditties about autumn.

Borovik invites everyone to dance in pairs (dance " A true friend"to the words of M. Plyatskovsky, music of B. Savelyev). Next, the mushroom guesses which one enters the hall. Together with the children, they remember edible and guess riddles. Next comes the fly agaric dance. After that, Borovik and Amanita leave, and the children with the leader dance and sing the song "Harvest" (music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by T. Volgina).

The end of the children's scenario

Now Tararam enters, who introduces himself in poetic form, plays with the children in the game with the chairs "The most dexterous." The chairs are arranged in a circle, and the children run around them to the music. As soon as the music stops, you need to take a seat. Whoever is left without a chair leaves the game. The chair is removed, the game continues. The winner will be the one who stays with the chair. Then the children dance any dance in the end for Tararam.

After his departure, Antoshka comes, together with the children he sings the song of the same name (music by V. Shainsky). By the way, this children's song is used by almost all teachers, arranging a harvest festival (for adults, the script includes the following children's game about potatoes). Next, preschool children play the game "Plant and collect potatoes." Children are divided into two columns. The first participant takes a bag of potatoes, plants them in drawn circles. Returns and gives the empty sack to the next player to harvest. So the game continues until the last participant, those who plant and harvest everything win.

Antoshka runs away to train, and mushrooms with a basket of cones come to replace him. The host draws attention to the fact that the guys are not squirrels, they don’t eat cones. To which Borovik asks the guys to close their eyes, reads a spell, during which the baskets are replaced by apples. Children are treated to delicious apples, farewell poems are read and everyone goes home.

How is the harvest festival at school?

The scenario for schoolchildren includes dance, comic, moving, intellectual contests. It can be a school-wide holiday for all elementary and senior classes or events for each class separately. For junior schoolchildren you can make a whole picture with useful information about vegetables, and older children can participate in competitions, showing their knowledge, abilities, and skills.

Here is an example of a school-wide holiday in the form of a tea party. Classes sit at their tables, on which there should be gifts of Autumn with an autumn bouquet. This is also one of the competitions of the autumn holiday. Before the start of the celebration, teachers, students of each class select a judge, team captains, come up with a name, a slogan, a motto on an autumn theme. Next, the host announces competitions, the children participate, and the judges then announce the intermediate and final balls. The disco completes the harvest festival. Competitions of the autumn event can be presented in the form of television games "Field of Miracles", "Star Hour" or a quiz.

Contest examples

  • Autumn gifts. Dishes, autumn bouquet and how the participant invites guests to his table are evaluated.
  • Puzzles. Teams take turns recalling riddles on the autumn theme, guessing them to their opponents. Evaluate the number of riddles, the number of correct answers.
  • Vegetable legend. Schoolchildren need to find three stories of local vegetables in advance: when they appeared, where they were brought from, where they are used. The task is that you need to describe the facts gradually, without naming the vegetable, and the opponents must guess what it is. Both the story itself, its presentation, and the answers to the tasks of opponents are evaluated.
  • The best salad. It takes a minute to come up with a recipe from autumn products. This competition can be divided into two stages: from edible and non-edible products. The originality of the name, the complexity of the dish, the “delicious” description of the preparation of the salad are evaluated.
  • Who is bigger? In turn, you need to name vegetables, berries, mushrooms, fruits, cones and other gifts that are harvested only in the fall.

What other autumn competitions are there?

The scenario of the holiday "Harvest Day" may be different. It can be presented as a charity fair. That is, when classes need financial assistance from parents, then all students bring different homemade cakes. A purely symbolic price is set for it. Children with their parents go to the stalls, buy products. The sale is accompanied by the performance of buffoons, autumn poems, songs, dances.

Sample script for younger students

Consider another harvest festival at school. The script is suitable for younger students. All the guys are met by the Scarecrow, who gives a tour of his garden. He just doesn’t name the vegetables directly, but starts from afar, telling where they come from, who brought them, what kind of relatives they have in other countries, and only at the last stage he tells a familiar riddle about them.

Then they move on to the competition of proverbs about vegetables. The scarecrow starts and the children have to finish with their name. Next, the students should show their amateur performance by providing a dance of vegetables or singing about them.

Then the Scarecrow focuses the attention of children on the benefits of vegetables and fruits. Riddles are being asked again autumn theme. Next, the children recite poems about autumn. If you wish, you can tell how the villagers celebrated the autumn celebration (for this purpose, you can read the script for the harvest festival in the village or find the rites of the ancient Slavs). The Scarecrow then complains that he is standing in one place, suggesting that the children stay in his place. The person who wishes must stand on the iron circle of "Health" with a broom. You need to put the broom in front of you, turn around 360 degrees and catch the broom before it crashes to the floor.

Next, everyone plays the game "Collect the potatoes." While the melody sounds, the children dance. As soon as it stops, the students must grab a potato, which is one less than the participants. Then the children stage a fairy tale about a red tomato, and then they treat everyone to sandwiches from these vegetables. Finally, the schoolchildren dance to the song "Antoshka" and "Harvest", go home, as the Scarecrow tells them.

Harvest holiday scenario for pensioners

For adults, the autumn holiday is organized by the administration of the city or village. Usually, a vegetable fair is organized on the square with the performance of artists. Ordinary citizens can buy presented products at a low price. The judges determine the winners in the competitions:

  • the largest vegetable or fruit;
  • competition of photos of vegetables, fruits grown in the garden;
  • contest autumn bouquets, suits;
  • exotic vegetables and fruits grown in their area;
  • young gardeners who have grown their crops;
  • autumn craft competition.

Competitions are approved by local authorities. In addition to garden competitions, the artists offer their own harvest festival scenario for pensioners, parents and children. The performance combines songs, theatrical performances of artists with competitions for ordinary citizens. Here on the square there are various attractions. After the performance, the winners among gardeners and summer residents are announced, and prizes are awarded.

Brief conclusions

The autumn festival is held all over the world at the beginning, middle and end of autumn. Russian schools, kindergartens, camps cannot do without autumn balls, the townspeople are looking forward to the autumn fairs. But there are countries where all citizens officially celebrate the harvest festival (for adults, the script is approved by local authorities). On this day, people can buy gardeners' products, participate in competitions, receive prizes, and children will learn a lot of interesting things about vegetables and fruits.

gaming competitive program for younger students "Festival of Autumn"

Goals: conducting cultural leisure, creating a favorable atmosphere, forming and developing the emotional sphere of students.

Details: leaves of birch, oak, maple, mountain ash (drawings are allowed), models or drawings of potatoes, apples (distributed at the entrance to the assembly hall); for competitions - scarves, galoshes, potatoes, vegetables, fruits.

Leading. Hello dear children and dear adults!

Here comes the autumn

As much as we want

Extend your summer

Pushing back the blizzards.

But don't be sad

Autumn is beautiful too

It's boring to live without her

This is clear to everyone!

So let's start the program

Which has been waiting since morning.

Performance of 4th grade students (song)

Autumn rich in gifts for every taste. At this time of the year, vegetables ripen, yellow leaves are pleasing to the eye, and even rain causes joy. Today we celebrate the feast of Her Majesty Autumn. We are expecting a lot of exciting competitions.

I suggest to start
Everyone play with me.
Can we start?
You also need to answer:
“We do not argue” or “We argue! We argue!

The autumn rains are pouring (we don't argue)
Spring is waiting for us ahead, (We argue! We argue)
Sweeping blizzards all day long (We bet! We bet)
Birds flew south (we don't argue)
The maple leaf is falling (we don't argue)
White lily of the valley blooms, (I bet! We bet)
In the grove the nightingales sang, (We argue! We argue)
The apples in the garden are ripe (we don't argue)
Apple harvest is good (we don't argue)
Eat with tiny peas (we don't argue)
Is the size of a suitcase (I bet! I bet)
Weeds bloom on the branches (We bet! We bet)
It is very difficult for us without apples (we do not argue)
Well done everyone by the way (we don't argue)

Performance by 3rd grade students (song)

Host: Do you know what gifts autumn brings us? Solve riddles.

Autumn has come to visit us
And she brought with her...
What? Say at random.
Well, of course ... (grapes).

Who is this green
Delicious, fresh and salty?
Very strong fellow
Who is this? (Cucumber)

Red, juicy.
Delicious, durable.
He grows, does not grieve,
Friendly with cucumbers. (Tomato)

Lived in our garden
And he was friends with everyone.
The tail is a green hook.
We know, this is ... (zucchini).

It is as big as a soccer ball.
If ripe - everyone is happy.
It tastes so good!
What is his name? (Watermelon)

It hung in the spring.
All summer is sour.
And it became sweet.
It fell to the ground. (Apple)

Curious red nose
Rooted into the ground up to the top.
Only stick out in the garden
Green heels. (Carrot)

Sweet, fragrant,
Grew up in a shady garden
Consists of small segments
Very tasty, juicy, scarlet. (Raspberries)

White-sided, chubby.
Likes to drink plenty of water.
She has crunchy leaves,
And her name is ... (cabbage).

And now we will play with you. The owners of birch leaves are invited to the stage. They are divided into two teams and the first competition is held.

1. Competition "Dress a friend".
It's getting colder, my friends! You need to dress warmer. I see that there are out-of-season individuals among you.
For 1 minute, the participants of each team must put on the captain as many of their things as possible.

2. Competition "Harvest".
Now let's play a game called "Harvest".
I invite 3 people to play (who has a drawing of potatoes in their hands) Now I will blindfold you. You need to find and collect as many potatoes as possible by touch. So, you are ready to start.

3. Competition "Do not drop"

(on the stage, the owners of red maple leaves)

Transfer the crop to your team from the high chair:
the first ones are like bunnies - jumping,
the second - goose step,
the third - like camels (bend over) on a hump,
the fourth - like a cancer moving backwards.

4th grade performance (dance)

4. Competition "Matryona".

I invite you to the stage who has oak leaves in his hands. Participants stand one after another. It is necessary to tie a handkerchief in front of the person standing, without turning the person in front and not leaning to the sides yourself. All participants take turns doing the task.

It's raining down the street

wet road,

Many drops on glass

And a little warmth.

Like autumn mushrooms

We carry umbrellas

Because in the yard

Autumn has come.

The song "Cap, cap, on the track ..." Grade 2

Host: The rain has passed .... And after the rain there were puddles.

There were puddles in the clearing.

We need to go to the other side of the clearing.

To do this, you take turns putting on galoshes and running around puddles.

5. Held relay "The fastest"(children play with yellow maple leaves)

6. Competition "Potato, hold on!"(on the stage, the owners of rowan leaves)

(Several couples participate in the competition. You need to perform a dance, holding a potato between their foreheads. Whoever lasts the longest wins. Several melodies are used, quickly replacing each other. It is important for participants to quickly navigate the change of music and not drop the potato)

7. Competition "Crystal Apple"(children who have an apple drawing compete)

The player pinches an apple with his chin, runs to the counter, passes the baton to another.

Relay game “Who will unload the car faster?”

And now the most difficult task. We urgently need to unload two trucks with watermelons and zucchini. The green balls are watermelons and the yellow ones are zucchini. Everyone should have either only zucchini or only watermelons on their territory. 15 green balloons and 15 yellow balloons are thrown into the hall at the same time. Children throw the balls with their hands so that only balls remain on their half of the hall. desired color.

Presenter: Our program is coming to an end. All together and amicably say words and perform certain actions.
1 - “We wish you happiness, joy!” - clap their hands.
2 - “Congratulations on the autumn!” - wave over head autumn leaves.

3 - “So that health is strong!” - we alternately show the “class” either with the left or with the right hand.
4 - "Never let me down!" - index finger right hand we do "No-no!".
