What to give your child 8. Nutrition

In order to fully meet the needs of a growing child's body for valuable nutrients, its menu must be varied, balanced and age-appropriate.

At eight months, the baby's diet consists of five feedings. Night meals at this age are no longer available. It is believed that at this time it is necessary to introduce a third complementary food into the child's menu. Specialists in baby feeding recommend that these be various fermented milk products.

With the timely start of introducing complementary foods into the child's diet, by the 8th month, it is recommended to include fish in his menu. Fish meat is a source of easily digestible complete protein, valuable polyunsaturated fatty acids necessary for the full development of many organs and systems, a complex of B vitamins and minerals.

The process of digesting fish is more gentle than digesting meat. At the same time, fish should be introduced into the baby's diet with caution, since this product can act as a potential allergen. For this reason, at first, fish should be included in the menu no more than once a week, while carefully observing the reaction of the child.

In baby food, priority is given to white ocean fish, as it is the most hypoallergenic. It can be cod, pollock or hake. At later stages, you can include salmon in the menu, as well as the pulp of some types of river fish - carp, pike perch, etc.

Fish to feed eight month old baby cooked separately, crushed and served with mashed vegetable puree or healthy vegetable broth. On the shelves of modern stores are not uncommon and canned food containing fish for baby food, but the percentage of fish in them is quite small.

On other days - that is, six times a week, a child, starting from five to six months, must necessarily receive a portion of meat. It should also not be forgotten that each new product is introduced into the child's diet gradually.

What to feed a baby at 8 months while breastfeeding

How to feed a child at 8 months if he is on breastfeeding and began to receive complementary foods from four to five months? As an answer to this question, the first menu option was developed:

  • 1st feeding (6 hours) - 180-200 g of breast milk or adapted milk formula;
  • 2nd feeding (10 hours) - 180 g of milk porridge, a teaspoon of butter, half a hard-boiled chicken yolk, 40 g of fruit puree;
  • 3rd feeding (14 hours) - 180 g of vegetable puree with the addition of 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil, 1 teaspoon of meat or fish puree, a slice of bread, fruit juice;
  • 4th feeding (18 hours) - 150 g of breast milk or adapted milk or sour-milk mixture, 40 g of cottage cheese, 2-3 cookies, 40 g of fruit puree, 40 ml of fruit juice;
  • 5th feeding (22 hours) - 180-200 g of breast milk or adapted fresh or fermented milk mixture, which can also be replaced with kefir.

How to feed a child at 8 months if, having reached this age, he also continues to receive mother's milk as the main component of nutrition, and complementary foods were started at the age of five to six months? A typical weekly meal plan looks like this:

  • 1st feeding (6 hours) - 180-200 g of breast milk;
  • 2nd feeding (10 hours) - 180 g of milk porridge, 5 g of butter, half a hard-boiled chicken yolk, 40 g of fruit puree;
  • 3rd feeding (14 hours) - 180 g of vegetable puree with the addition of 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil, 1 teaspoon of meat puree, 50 g of fruit puree, a slice of bread, 40 ml of fruit juice;
  • 4th feeding (18 hours) - 40 g of breast milk, 40 g of cottage cheese, 2-3 cookies, fruit juice;
  • 5th feeding (22 hours) - 200 g of breast milk or baby yogurt.

What to feed a breastfed baby at 8 months who is allergic to cow protein? The third menu option is designed specifically for such children:

  • 1st feeding (6 hours) - 180-200 ml of breast milk, fermented milk product, a mixture based on protein hydrolyzate or soy;
  • 2nd feeding (10 hours) - 180 g of dairy-free porridge with the addition of 8-10% breast milk or hydrolyzed protein, a fermented milk product or soy mixture and 1 teaspoon of butter, 30 g of fruit puree;
  • 3rd feeding (14 hours) - 170 g of vegetable puree with the addition of 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil, 50 g of meat puree, 30 g of fruit puree;
  • 4th feeding (18 hours) - 170 g of cereal and vegetable mixture with the addition of 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil, 30 g of meat puree, 30 g of fruit puree;
  • 5th feeding (22 hours) - 180-200 ml of breast milk, fermented milk product, a mixture based on protein hydrolyzate or soy.

Eight month old baby diet

Thinking about the question of how to feed a child at 8 months of age, any menu should be taken by parents solely as a guide. We should not forget that the main component of the baby's nutrition at this age is breast milk. In its absence, the basis of the diet should be an adapted milk formula, and all other products are introduced into the child's menu individually.

In order to assess the sufficiency and usefulness of the child's nutrition, their development and growth rates, the presence of appetite and normal intestinal activity, and the absence of diseases are evaluated. If the listed indicators are normal, then even without adhering to the "academic" menu, you can be sure that children's diet selected correctly.

If any of the parameters causes an alarm, then first of all it is necessary to determine the cause of the failure. If in general the child eats according to age, then the earlier or later introduction of some component will not affect the overall picture.

So, many doctors recommend introducing the yolk only at 9-11 months of age. As for meat puree, not only chicken or beef, but also rabbit meat or turkey are used for its preparation. Milk porridges also alternate, or they offer the child a porridge-assortment of several types of cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, semolina, barley groats). Vegetable purees should be prepared with local, seasonal vegetables. Cow's milk is always offered to the child in boiled form and always from a cup.

If the child is not delighted with the new product, then it can be mixed little by little into familiar and favorite dishes. It’s worth starting with 0.1 parts, increasing the amount day by day. Often children are reluctant to accept changes, but this does not mean that they really do not like the product or do not like it. To speed up the addiction process, you should not season or salt the dish, as well as add various sauces to it.

When thinking about the question of how to feed an 8-month-old baby, it should be remembered that a huge role, as before, belongs to breast milk. Lactation should be maintained as much as possible and provided to the baby for at least two breastfeeding per day.

The menu of a child from 8 months is somewhat reminiscent of the dietary table of an adult with problems with the gastrointestinal tract: liquid milk porridge, mashed boiled (or baked) vegetables and fruits, lean meat broths. The absence of spices and salt in the baby's diet further enhances the similarity. This is not surprising: the child's digestive system is in its infancy and has not yet become strong enough to quickly and efficiently digest any food, the liver and kidneys, so far, also do not work at full capacity - and therefore the nutrition of an 8-month-old man should consist of dishes that do not require the work of these organs in an "emergency" mode.

Basically, complementary foods for a child of 8 months of age include food already familiar to him - the difference lies only in their quantity and degree of grinding. You can add the pulp of an apple, pear or other fruit to the porridge, and “crumbs” of meat, finely chopped across the fibers (of course, if the baby is already confidently eating from a spoon, and even makes attempts to chew food) into the soup. Mother's milk remains unchanged in the child's menu - after all, breastfeeding is still extremely important for a toddler under the age of one year.

Opportunities to expand the range of dishes through new products

However, there are some nuances that make the menu of an 8-month-old baby much more diverse compared to feeding a baby of an earlier age:

  • To the white poultry meat, which until then was the main diet of the little gourmet, veal, lamb meat is added;
  • With caution, offal are introduced into complementary foods - the liver and tongue;
  • In addition, there is another source of "animal" protein - fish.

A new product should be introduced into the child's complementary foods according to the usual diet, giving preference to white varieties of river (perch, pike) or sea fish (hake, catfish, cod, pollock, sea bass, etc.). You can, of course, and red fish, but it is much fatter, and therefore can cause allergies or indigestion.

Life of a child after childbirth and development by weeks for novice parents

Unlike animal and poultry meat, fish requires less heat treatment time, is more tender in texture and is better absorbed (because it contains less connective tissue) - however, cooking fish dishes for a child requires more care due to the presence of a fairly large number of bones, and the risk of an allergic reaction to fish is much higher.

And a few more rules for introducing fish dishes into the diet of a breastfed baby:

  • Any fish in the child's complementary foods should be introduced carefully, with special attention to observing his well-being. At the slightest suspicion of an allergy, it is better to refuse this product for the time being - perhaps closer to the age of one, the baby's body will not react so sharply to such nutrition;
  • Fish may be present in the child's menu no more than 1-2 days a week;
  • Meat and fish should not be included in the baby's daily diet at the same time, even as part of dishes that are not included in one feeding;
  • It is better if fresh fish is present in the children's menu, but, in the absence of such, freshly frozen fish can also be used in complementary foods: you need to boil it by dipping it in boiling water (without defrosting it).

Variety of food - in a different combination of tastes of already known products

An 8-month-old baby has in its menu a fairly wide range of products that have successfully passed the “approval” since the first complementary foods. In addition to egg yolks (chicken or quail), as well as the previously mentioned fish, the child's diet includes:

  • Cereals - buckwheat, rice, corn, oats (hercules), barley and barley groats, millet. In the absence of allergies to semolina, this cereal can also diversify the baby's diet - however, you should not get carried away with such complementary foods (even if the baby is delighted with semolina): the benefits of it are minimal, and the risk of too rapid weight gain is high (and this is undesirable ). With caution, peas and beans should be used in complementary foods - these are still too “heavy” products for the digestive system of crumbs, which, moreover, cause increased gas formation;
  • Dairy products - cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, yogurt, etc.
  • Vegetables are also quite widely used in the nutrition of an 8 month old baby - zucchini, pumpkin, cauliflower, broccoli, potatoes, carrots, beets. In addition, spinach and celery are healthy (although the picky eaters don't particularly welcome them on their menu). Onions and garlic are also useful (but not in in large numbers, and after heat treatment as part of vegetable purees and soups). Currants, strawberries, cherries, apples, pears, apricots - all this fruit and berry variety is included in the child's diet, depending on the presence or absence of an allergic reaction;
  • Meat and offal - chicken, turkey, rabbit, young lamb, horse meat, veal. All these types of meat are included in the diet of a child who has reached the age of 8 months. Boiled and carefully chopped offal (beef tongue, liver, heart) are especially useful for children with low hemoglobin content, underweight and other initial signs of rickets.

When to supplement your baby with formula while breastfeeding

It is possible that the list of products consumed by a child is even more diverse than the one listed above: nowadays it is quite common to believe that a healthy child, starting from 6-7 months, can do everything except salt, sugar, honey and nuts. However, even for an absolutely healthy baby, a significant amendment should be made, focusing on his tastes and preferences - after all, the child does not accept some foods under any circumstances (and forcing the baby to eat them is far from The best way diversify the children's menu).

In this case, it is easier and more logical to proceed as follows: for some time to exclude "unloved" food (replacing it with products of similar composition), and expand the range of dishes included in the children's menu, due to flavor variations of their components.

Menu options for the little gourmet

The variety of the baby's menu is a guarantee of maintaining his food interest, striving for new taste sensations. However, it is also not necessary to wean the baby from the breast ahead of time. Therefore, when compiling a menu for a child at 8 months old, feeding a baby who has just woken up (6-7 hours) and already falling asleep (around 22-24 hours) is a priori breastfeeding.

In the rest of the feedings (lunch, lunch, dinner), the baby is supplemented by breastfeeding - and therefore it makes sense to think over the daily menu for 3 meals a day.

  • Lunch:
    A porridge made from equal amounts of rice and millet, with a small amount of butter or vegetable oil added. In the process of preparing porridge, you should first boil the cereal until half cooked, then grind it in a blender (adding milk or water to the desired consistency), and only then bring the porridge to final readiness.
  • Dinner:
  1. Chicken soup. Boil clear chicken breast broth, add finely chopped vegetables (onions, carrots, potatoes) to it and cook until tender. Further - to choose from: vegetables can be thoroughly mashed with a fork or chopped in a blender (we also do with a part of the cooked meat). You can add ¼ hard-boiled and mashed egg yolk, ½ tsp. vegetable oil. Dilute the resulting puree with broth and bring to a boil.
  2. Vegetable puree from cauliflower and potatoes (with meat). In a puree of cooked and mashed vegetables, add the meat chopped in a blender, from which the broth was cooked.
  3. Apple pear juice
  • Dinner:
    Cottage cheese with apricot pulp and kefir.
  • Jaundice in newborns, and everything connected with it

    Similarly, you can come up with countless menu options that will delight the baby with their diversity. You can also find inspiration and data for a balanced diet for your baby from the tables below:

    Table 1. Menu focused on healthy child

    Table 2. Sample menu for a child with an allergic reaction to cow's milk

    Nutrition in the eighth - ninth month of a child's life

    At the age of 8 months, the baby's food is still 5 meals a day (and, of course, without night feedings), but now one more breast milk feeding is replaced by complementary foods (you introduce the so-called third complementary foods into the daily diet). The child has entered the taste of new dishes, and he likes his menu. He is full and cheerful, he is gaining weight very well. What dishes are better to use as a third complementary food?.. Nutritionists recommend fermented milk products; these products are good because they greatly facilitate the process of digestion - they are easily digested, easily absorbed. At this age, your breastfed baby's menu should look something like this:
    6.00 - breastfeeding;
    10.00 - milk porridge (cereals should be alternated) - 170 g, egg yolk (1/2), one of the fruit juices - 50 ml;
    14.00 - meat broth - 20 ml, white bread cracker, vegetable puree - 170 g, meat puree - 50 g, one of the fruit juices - 20 ml.
    18.00 - kefir - 100 ml, cottage cheese - 50 g, one of the fruit purees - 70 g;
    22.00 - breastfeeding. The same menu can be designed for a baby who is on artificial feeding, but only instead of breast milk at 6.00 and at 22.00 he receives milk formula or other adapted formula.

    Continue breastfeeding.

    It is clear that as the addition of complementary foods, the child began to eat less breast milk. And you may have noticed that your lactation has decreased. Try, however, to keep the morning and evening breastfeeding. This is important because, together with mother's milk, the child receives antibodies in the required amount, making the baby's body less susceptible to disease. Not a single, even the best adapted formula, will replace mother's milk in this sense for a child. Save 2 breastfeeds until the baby is ten months old.

    How to teach a child to a new dish.

    Have you noticed that a child, after trying a new product, sometimes does not immediately accept it. In order for the child to get used to this product faster, try mixing it with a familiar dish, a favorite dish. You can mix a new product according to the following method: first add 1/10 of the new product, then increase the amount of this product every day. Do not think that the child refuses a new dish because he finds it tasteless. No, the dish is just unfamiliar and you still need to get used to it. Some mothers, in order to quickly accustom the child to new food, flavor the dish with various spices: garlic, spices, onions in large quantities ... Do not do this. Also avoid giving your child dishes with sauce, smoked meats, pates, spicy marinades.

    Nutrition of the child at eight to nine months.

    At 8-9 months, breast milk in your baby's diet should take up no more than a third of the total amount of food. Above, we have already listed a lot of different products, but this does not mean that you yourself should not try to somehow diversify the child's menu. Prepare vegetable purees from all the vegetables available to you (depending on the season). Do not miss the opportunity to add greens to vegetable purees - dill, parsley, lettuce (avoid hot seasonings and spices); when the child grows up - and onions. Some mothers prepare milk porridge only from oatmeal, buckwheat, rice and semolina. But if you try a little, you can pair delicious barley porridge. Many undeservedly have a bad attitude towards pearl barley. At about 10 months, you can start preparing fish dishes for your child (of course, low-fat) - hake, cod. Remove the bones from the fish very carefully. Fish can be given both in the form of steam cutlets, and boiled - in a mashed form. It is recommended to cook milk porridges with whole milk - do not dilute it with water. Store cow's milk in the refrigerator and boil before drinking. If you give your child boiled whole milk to drink, then by all means in a cup. But only pour milk into a cup little by little so that the child does not spill it on himself.

    Young parents, a few months after the birth of the baby, are surprised at how quickly the baby grows. Every month the child begins to do new things, develops rapidly. It is important for moms and dads to know the features of the development of the baby, ways to help the baby, how to learn many new skills.

    An important role in the development of the child of eight months is played by proper care, diet, sleep. Follow the special rules recommended by pediatricians, then the child will grow up healthy and smart.

    Baby options

    On average, in the eighth month, the child gains about 600 grams, grows by two centimeters. The parameters of boys and girls are slightly different from each other, but the difference is small. The weight of a child at 8 months for girls varies between 6.8-8.9 kilograms, for boys - 7.1-9.5 kilograms. The growth of children at eight months is: girls - 64-70.5 centimeters, boys - 65-71.5 centimeters. Many pediatricians insist on measuring the circumference of the head, the numbers must match: boys - 41-45 centimeters, girls - 41-44 centimeters.

    When measuring a baby, remember that all babies are individual and develop differently. If the baby is a little different from their peers, do not panic. Strong anxiety is detrimental to the child. To calm the soul, visit a pediatrician, only an experienced specialist will be able to identify developmental defects, if any.

    What should a baby be able to do in the eighth month of life

    A child at 8 months becomes mobile, sleeps less, the baby changes significantly compared to the first six months of life. Young parents must necessarily know the basics of child development.

    Carefully monitor the behavior of the crumbs, notice small successes:

    • some babies begin to crawl at this age, it is difficult to move fully, so the baby's body is low to the ground;
    • smart kids know how to sit, others are actively trying to learn this process;
    • the child begins to actively roll over in different directions. The development of the baby is completely focused on physical development during this period, injuries and bruises cannot be avoided. The movements of the crumbs are awkward, although they believe that this is not so. Be careful, a baby left for a few seconds can roll off any surface;
    • in a crib or stroller, the child can independently rise, bend his knees, holding on to the railing;
    • the baby knows how to independently hold a bottle, a pacifier, if necessary, can pick up a fallen object;
    • if the parents hold the baby under the armpits, he can walk slowly;
    • the child feels genuine interest in everything that happens: throws various objects at the wall, picks up, examines toys;
    • at the age of eight months, the baby actively uses his hands: he carefully examines toys, objects, turns them in his hands, sometimes tastes them;
    • the baby is interested in folding small objects into large ones;
    • vision, hearing of the child are formed, the baby reacts violently to soft sounds. It is undesirable to let the baby sleep in complete silence, such actions will lead to the fact that the child will wake up due to any rustle;
    • in most cases, an eight-month-old baby already has milk teeth. If new tenants in the dentition have not yet appeared, wait up to a year. Heredity plays a big role, some children grow several teeth at once.

    All babies react differently to teething. Do not worry if you find the following signs: slightly elevated body temperature, non-specific salivation, gums swell, the baby pulls everything into his mouth, the baby rubs his sore cheek against all objects, even a pillow.

    Special test

    To calm the soul, carry out a few simple manipulations that allow you to identify deviations in the development of the child, pay attention to them in time to prevent serious pathologies:

    • sit with the baby in front of the table, first lay out bright objects on it. The child should be interested in toys, begin to carefully examine them, sort them out with pens;
    • ignore the baby, it's ok developing baby be sure to be offended, cry;
    • an 8-month-old baby should roll over from his back to his tummy on his own, especially for an interesting object;
    • if the baby lies on the back, cover the face with a diaper, the child must free himself from it;
    • give the baby a toy in both hands, then offer another item. Normally, the baby will be puzzled at first, then put aside one toy, making room for another;
    • an eight-month-old baby shows a special interest in strangers, fear gradually disappears.

    You need to worry only in the following cases:

    • the baby does not react to sounds, does not show any emotions even to the appearance and communication with loved ones;
    • cannot bring various objects to his mouth;
    • the child cannot or does not try to roll over from one side to the other;
    • the child does not follow moving objects;
    • in an upright position does not hold its weight well.

    mental development

    The child is actively developing not only at the physiological level, the baby goes to a new level on a mental level:

    • understands speech, tries to repeat some words, but awkward sounds are heard by others;
    • knows his name, almost always responds to it;
    • the baby subtly feels the emotions of the parents, understands facial expressions and gestures. If you scold the baby, he is already aware of his guilt;
    • the baby recognizes the next of kin, most of all attached to the mother. In its absence, the baby may cry, not because the power source has disappeared, due to a gap emotional connection lack of a sense of security. Some children at the age of seven months may develop a fear of separation from their parents;
    • attracts your attention in a peculiar way: grabs by the hair, throws toys, screams for no reason;
    • the incoherent babble of the crumbs gradually becomes meaningful: the words mom, dad, baba slip through, having many vowels, a simple combination. The child is trying to attract the attention of parents with some syllables;
    • an eight-month-old child is ready to be friends with everyone, but does not show initiative himself;
    • hide and seek teaches the child that hidden things do not disappear, they are simply not visible;
    • do not panic if you notice that the baby often uses his left hand. In the eighth month of life, the left hemisphere develops more than the right. The process is temporary, does not mean that the baby is left-handed;
    • a child at 8 months begins to be afraid of loud sounds, do not turn it on near the baby Appliances(hair dryer, washing machine, food processor).

    Proper nutrition

    At eight months, the child should be able to drink from a cup on his own, during this period it is important to introduce vegetable and fruit purees into the diet. It is allowed to give one-component cereals or buy ready-made, specially prepared for children (they are enriched with powdered milk, butter). Start with peach, apple, plum, prunes, gradually add carrots, pumpkin, spinach, potatoes. The last ingredients are quite heavy for the child's body, combine it with cauliflower, zucchini.

    At the end of the month, give the child a yolk. If the first teeth began to appear, give the baby special cookies, they have a positive effect on the growth of teeth.

    What to feed a baby at 8 months? Breastfed babies should follow the following diet:

    • 7 hours - about 200 ml of milk;
    • 11 hours - any porridge (150 grams), additionally give fruit, vegetable puree, juice or compote;
    • 15 hours - include vegetable puree (100 grams), meat puree, juice or compote in the baby's diet;
    • 19 hours - 200 grams of breast milk, a special cookie;
    • 23 hours - breast milk (200 grams).

    Advice to parents! Regularly change food for the baby, if possible, diversify the baby's diet at 8 months.

    Optimal daily routine

    The sleep of an eight-month-old baby becomes deep, lasts no more than 11 hours. During the day, the baby should sleep three times a day for one and a half to two hours. The individual duration of sleep depends on the characteristics of the development of the child. Try to constantly adhere to one regimen, over time the child will get used to it and will independently adhere to it.

    If you have milk teeth, consult your doctor about caring for them. Be sure to pick up a good brush, paste, regularly clean the baby's cavity from pathogenic bacteria. Healthy milk teeth are the key to an excellent dentition in the future. New foods containing sugar appear in the baby's diet, they can negatively affect fragile enamel.

    Reception will help prevent the appearance of caries boiled water after each meal, the baby is not yet able to rinse his mouth on his own. Children's stores sell special "drinkers" for children with two handles. The little man can drink water on his own, holding the container with two handles.

    baby vision

    Active development has a positive effect on the vision of the crumbs. By the eighth month, the child distinguishes more and more colors and shapes, recognizes objects that are far away. The baby looks at objects of interest from different angles, evaluates the shape, color, distance to the object. Develop your little one's abilities with interesting games.

    On the page, read the tips on which stroller is better to choose for a newborn for the winter.

    Speech development

    An eight-month-old baby still does not know how to speak clearly, but he willingly repeats some syllables, trying to express his thoughts. The child shows his emotions by changing intonation. Many parents note that the crumb to the question “where?” points to familiar objects. To develop speech, often communicate with the baby, pronounce words clearly, call all objects by name, make accents. Such manipulations will help the child learn to speak faster.

    Educational games

    Some activities have a positive effect on the baby, occupy him for a long time, help develop the necessary skills:

    • teach your child to clap his hands, wave his hands, point his finger at different objects;
    • get a few small toys (allowed for games for children of seven months), they develop fine motor skills, which has a positive effect on the skills of the baby;
    • while walking, the baby probably made friends. Maximize the time of communication with other children, playing in a team accelerates the development of the child.

    Eight months - wonderful age baby, the baby recognizes the parents, begins to babble cute words. Communicate regularly with the baby, play educational games. Visit a pediatrician, the doctor will help prevent the appearance of developmental defects, serious pathologies.

    Watch an interesting video for parents about the development of an eight-month-old baby:

    The diet of a child at 8 months is noticeably enriched with new products. Previously unknown fruits and vegetables, dairy products and even cookies appear. What to cook for a baby at 8 months to diversify his diet? In our article, we will draw up a sample menu for an eight-month-old baby and talk about allowed foods.

    So, babies must continue to receive breast milk or an adapted formula at least twice a day: in the morning before breakfast and in the evening at night. We will immediately answer the question of whether it is possible to give milk to a child at 8 months. IN pure form milk is not offered to the baby, with the exception of cereals on the water in half with milk. At the same time, make sure that there are no allergic reactions.

    During the day, children have three main meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner, the intervals between which are four hours. The amount of food for one complementary food usually reaches 200 ml, unless, of course, your baby is able to eat that much. Already at this age, teach children that they eat porridge for breakfast and soup for lunch - later it will be easier for them to adapt to kindergarten.

    What a child should eat at 8 months for breakfast depends on the time of introduction of complementary foods. All children at this age can be offered corn, rice and buckwheat porridge, dairy or dairy-free. It is allowed to feed with oatmeal and barley porridge, if there are no contraindications. In addition, breakfast can be varied. fruit puree, cottage cheese (about 40 g) or half an egg yolk. You can offer drinks such as yogurt, kefir or juice.

    Now we list what foods a child can have at 8 months for lunch. Offer the baby a soup with potatoes and cauliflower (not in meat broth) or vegetables, adding about 50 g of mashed meat to them. As a drink, juice or compote is good. For an afternoon snack, you can give your baby a cracker or a cookie. Many parents worry about how to give cookies to an 8-month-old baby if he does not yet have teeth. To do this, take special children's cookies that melt in your mouth. So the baby will not be able to choke.

    For dinner, children at this age can be offered children's cottage cheese with fruits, porridge or vegetables if they were not eaten at lunch. Add meat or fish to vegetables. Fish is introduced into the diet only if complementary foods were started from 4 to 5 months. Most of the time it's about artificers. What kind of fish can a child at 8 months: preferably sea varieties with white meat (cod, pollock, hake). So far, these dishes are allowed once or twice a week instead of meat.

    What fruits can a child at 8 months

    For the first fruit food at this age, a green apple or pear is suitable. If you have already introduced these fruits into your diet, it's time to diversify the menu. The baby can be offered prunes puree, fresh plums, peaches, apricots. Artificers who are already familiar with many products are gradually introduced blackcurrant, blueberry, cherry and even raspberry. Is it possible for a child at 8 months of banana and persimmon, many mothers are interested. It is quite possible to try a banana for children already familiar with other fruits, but in small quantities. But it is better to postpone the persimmon for a month or two.

    Any fruit, especially red, start with one teaspoon per day, as there is a high risk of developing an allergic reaction. Also, prioritize the seasonal fruits of your stripe. If it is late autumn or winter outside, it is better to buy ready-made canned purees than fresh fruit questionable quality in the store.

    Vegetables and vegetable purees in the baby's diet

    Vegetable puree for an 8 month old baby is still one of the key dishes. Almost all children at this age already eat mashed zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower. Now you can add pumpkin and carrots to your diet. At the same time, enter them very slowly, as there is a high risk of developing allergies. These vegetables go well with an apple - this way you can diversify the taste range of the crumbs.
    Mashed potatoes for a child of 8 months in their pure form are rarely used and in small quantities. This is due to the high content of starch in the vegetable. But you can already add a little potatoes to other vegetables, the same applies to soup. If you cook your own food, we recommend soaking the potatoes in water for several hours to remove the starch from them. You can add a little dill to the vegetables for taste.

    What kind of meat to give a child at 8 months

    Meat products at this age must be present in the children's menu. Their choice depends on when the product was introduced into the diet. For the first feeding and for babies receiving meat from 7 months, turkey, rabbit and horse meat are relevant. For a child who began to be fed from 4 to 5 months, veal, beef, poultry are acceptable, and offal - liver, tongue and heart are also introduced for the first time. Be sure to introduce new dishes gradually, starting with the 1st teaspoon. It is important to know how much meat to give a child at 8 months: no more than 50 g per day. It is advisable to combine it with a vegetable dish for better digestibility.

    How many eggs can you give an eight month old baby

    For artificial babies, eggs begin to be introduced from 4 to 5 months, while for babies after 8 months. In this case, strictly chicken yolk from a hard-boiled egg is used. It is necessary to start introducing this product very gradually, literally with a few crumbs, since it is an allergen. Gradually increase the amount of chicken yolk by adding it to vegetables during lunch or dinner, and also by offering it for breakfast with porridge. Pay attention to how much yolk to give to an 8-month-old baby: no more than half a chicken yolk, provided that the product has been introduced for a long time and has not caused an allergic reaction.

    Kefir and other dairy products

    After the baby reaches the age of eight months, fermented milk products can be introduced into his diet: yogurt, biokefir, kefir, biolact. To do this, it is recommended to buy a specialized children's product in stores and introduce it gradually, starting with one spoon per day. Kefir improves the intestinal microflora, stabilizes the child's stool, enriches the body with calcium. Gradually, you can bring the volume of fermented milk products to 150 - 200 ml per day.
