How to have a healthy baby after. How to have a baby naturally

One of the most fateful and important events in the family is the birth of a child. Many fears haunt future parents from the moment of preparation for conception to the birth itself. They all want their baby to be born healthy, happy, strong and smart. But modern environmental conditions, a large number of stress and hereditary diseases raise a big question for parents - how to give birth and raise healthy child? This topic is especially acute when what risks a mother takes after 35 years and how to minimize them - more in the article.

Late Pregnancy Risks

Of course today average age women giving birth has dropped significantly. It falls on the period from 25 to 32 years. But still, the expectant mother after 35 is considered old-bearing. What problems does this promise to the child and the woman in labor?

First, our body, unfortunately, tends to wear out. With age, more and more chronic diseases appear, perhaps there are consequences from sexually transmitted diseases. For some, it is also an aborted early pregnancy.

Secondly, the female uterus is no longer as capable of bearing as at the age of 25-30 years.

Thirdly, according to statistics, older women are more likely to have children with chromosomal abnormalities. 70% of children with Down syndrome were born to mothers over 35 years old.

Fourthly, these are frequent complications during gestation, difficult pregnancy, toxicosis, premature discharge amniotic fluid, weak generic activity, the need for a caesarean section.

In addition, there may be problems with lactation, the development of the child.

In general, there are countless difficulties, but there are also many examples when, after 35 years, healthy and happy babies were born. The conclusion from the foregoing is that the first late pregnancy must be planned, before it occurs, a woman must undergo a thorough full consultation with a doctor. So, after 35 years?

Pregnancy planning

To avoid many problems with the health and development of the child, an early medical examination of the father and especially the mother will allow. How to give birth and raise a healthy child? Komarovsky advises first to determine the hereditary genetic risks that may arise during late pregnancy. To do this, both parents must visit a geneticist who will conduct a blood test for the balance of the chromosome set. If the chromosomes of the mother and father do not match, if the woman has a risk of defective offspring, the doctor will report after the examination.

The second step is a woman's visit to a gynecologist, who will do all the necessary tests and smears for sexual diseases, toxoplasmosis, hepatitis B and C and some others, check for breast cancer, and do an ultrasound. If any diseases and abnormalities are identified, they must be dealt with before pregnancy occurs. It is good if the father also undergoes a complete examination by a urologist and a venereologist.

And of course, the main thing you need to give birth to a healthy child is healthy lifestyle life of both parents, complete early cessation of smoking and alcohol, physical health, sports, outdoor activities and proper nutrition.


There is a lot of scientific and non-scientific advice on how to successfully conceive a baby.

First, you should adhere to the cycle of menstruation. The most suitable time for conception is ovulation (12-14 days after the start of the cycle). You can determine it either by your own well-being (strong discharge, sometimes bloody, pain in the lower abdomen, strong sexual desire), or use more accurate means, such as, for example, ovulation tests.

Secondly, you should remain calm both during intercourse and after, when you are waiting for the result. Scientists have proven that it is not the posture that affects the positive result. After the act, you should also not run, jump or lie with your legs up to the ceiling. It is enough just to lie on your back for 20-30 minutes, this position is considered the most favorable for the sperm to reach the walls of the uterus.

Thirdly, continuous sexual intercourse during ovulation does not increase, but rather reduces the chances of getting pregnant, since sperm after several ejaculations loses its rudimentary properties. It is best to accurately calibrate ovulation and try during it.

Pregnancy: first steps

As soon as a woman finds out that she will become a mother, first unbridled joy arises in her head, and then fears appear: how to give birth and raise a healthy child? Yes, she knows that she is completely healthy and prepared for pregnancy, but will everything go well at such a mature age?

Don't panic. First of all, because it can adversely affect pregnancy.

Having done a test or determined a delay in yourself, the first thing you should do is visit a gynecologist. He will do tests and conduct an ultrasound, thereby confirming the pregnancy and its term. Then he will register you for pregnancy, get a medical record, collect an anamnesis and send you to go through many, many doctors, from a dentist to a surgeon. This will allow you to once again check whether everything is in order with your health.

Also, the gynecologist is obliged to advise you about nutrition and your behavior during pregnancy. For example, in the first weeks, doctors do not recommend playing sports and even having sex, because the egg has not yet fixed on the walls of the uterus and your activity can lead to a miscarriage. Therefore, in the first trimester, a woman in position should be as calm as possible, relaxed, should not worry and be nervous.

Pregnancy: nutrition and vitamins

A gynecologist, explaining to you how to give birth and raise a healthy child, will have to prescribe a course of vitamins. In the early stages, it is vitamin D and folic acid. Further, magnesium B 6, iodine, calcium and others will be added to this list. The doctor will prescribe them himself in accordance with the course of pregnancy and the need. It is not worth buying and taking vitamin complexes without consultation.

As for nutrition, in the first 2 trimesters you can eat almost everything that your body requires, with the exception of alcohol, excess coffee and strong tea, carbonated drinks, raw meat and fish, preservatives and chemicals, stale foods.

Listen to your body, it will tell you exactly what to eat.

Pregnancy: rest and sleep

One of the main things you need to endure and give birth to a healthy baby is proper rest and sleep. The psychological state of the mother also depends on this. Treat pregnancy like a vacation before difficult year sleepless nights, whims and children's tears. This is your chance to relax, so do not load yourself with tiring work, get enough sleep, spend more time in the fresh air, take your time and enjoy this serene time.

Physical activity, if there is no indication from a doctor, should not be minimized. For example, a pool and leisurely walking will help prepare the muscles for future childbirth. Do not run, jump, lift heavy objects, or hold your arms up for long periods of time.

Do not forget about positive emotions, because the baby feels and understands everything inside. And if you're upset or agitated, he feels the same emotions.

Prevention of deviations

What to do to give birth Rest, sleep, eat tasty and healthy food, do not be nervous. The rest should be entrusted to doctors. You should not worry about possible deviations of the child, since the gynecologist will see you every month and monitor the progress of the pregnancy. For 9 months of waiting, you will find multiple blood and urine tests, 3 ultrasounds, consultations of various kinds of doctors - a general practitioner, surgeon, ophthalmologist, neuropathologist, dentist and others. If any problems arise, you will be informed about it, so wind yourself up less and do not be nervous.


If you think that the issue of carrying a pregnancy is the most important, then you are mistaken. This is important, but even more important is the question of how to give birth and raise a healthy child.

Childbirth is a big stress for both the baby and the mother, especially after 35 years. Most likely waiting for you C-section, because labor activity during this period in a woman is already weak. But even such an operation should not be feared, because many mothers go through this for various reasons.

It will be better if you both mentally and practically prepare. Attend courses for moms, trainings on breathing, behavior during contractions, attempts, etc.

Remember that with the right approach, you greatly increase your chances of having a healthy and happy baby.


Salma Hayek, Kim Basinger, Halle Berry are not just Hollywood beauties who have managed to make a successful career in their lives and have been married several times. They decided on a desperate act: to give birth at the age of 40 for the first time, and without using the services of a surrogate mother. Some will say that this is a common thing for stars, and the latest statistics say the opposite: the average age of primiparous is actively approaching 40.

Today, more and more women become mothers for the first time at the age of 35-37, and for the second time they decide to have a child, being at the age of 40 or more. Back in the Soviet Union, this was out of the scope, but now times have changed and this is becoming more of a norm. But how safe is pregnancy after 40 years, doctors' reviews on this matter are divided: from positive to negative. What to do, risk or not worth it? What awaits those who want to become parents at this age?

Why is it hard to get pregnant at 40?

Women's eggs are formed even before birth, their number is in the millions. They rapidly decrease during the intrauterine period, at the time of birth there are approximately 2 million eggs left. The process does not stop, by the beginning of the menstrual cycle, the girl has only about 300 thousand eggs, and then they become less and less. This means that by the age of 40, a woman has very few eggs capable of fertilization. However, this is not the only reason why it is difficult to get pregnant at 40. Many factors, including age, affect the quality of the eggs themselves. They become less productive, and often harbor genetic anomalies.

How to prepare for conception

It is possible to give birth to a child in adulthood, but a preliminary preparatory period is necessary, both for a woman and for a man. First, it is necessary to give up cigarettes and alcohol; secondly, to reconsider your diet in favor of more healthy food. If there are problems with excess weight, it is imperative that both partners deal with this problem, because often it is because of this that the couple fails to get pregnant.

Pregnancy at the age of 40, according to doctors, is no different from an earlier one, therefore, before conception, a woman also needs to visit a dentist and treat her problem teeth. In addition, the preparation period includes the intake of a vitamin complex with minerals:

  • folic acid;
  • selenium;
  • zinc;
  • magnesium;
  • vitamins B6, C, E.

And men need medical preparations, which will increase the activity of spermatozoa, and hence the chances of conceiving a child. Both partners should start taking pills at least 2 months before conception.

In order for the probability of conception to be high, it is necessary to accurately determine the time when the egg is ready for fertilization (ovulation period). You can do this with the help of express ovulation tests.

Late pregnancy and women's health

What to do, to give birth or not on the threshold of the 40th anniversary, because this can affect health? This is the first question women ask themselves. And the second, how pregnancy and childbirth will be reflected. Do not be afraid if pregnancy was diagnosed after 40 years, doctors' reviews do not prohibit having children at this age, but only in the absence of direct contraindications.

How does pregnancy affect a woman herself? There are actually two sides, positive and negative. On the one hand, this period rejuvenates a woman due to a hormonal surge, and the effect persists for the lactation period. However, all this is of a short-term nature, as it disappears after the refusal of breastfeeding, as the level of hormones returns to its previous state.

Necessary examinations

If you decide to give birth after 40 to a second child, or if you are preparing to become a mother for the first time, be prepared to undergo a series of necessary examinations. This is necessary in order to determine if there are any genetic abnormalities in the fetus, since with age the risk of giving birth with genetic abnormalities increases. These include the following:

  1. Ultrasound at 11 and 18 weeks.
  2. "Triple test". This is a blood test in the period of 16-18 weeks, helps to identify fetal pathologies.
  3. Amniocentesis. To obtain the results, amniotic fluid is taken, but not earlier than the 14th week.
  4. Cordocentesis. This is a blood test from the umbilical cord. It is done in order to calculate the exact number of fetal chromosomes. The optimal period for examination is from the 22nd to the 24th week of pregnancy.
  5. Chorionic biopsy. It is carried out in order to identify Down syndrome and other abnormalities. Fragments of the placenta are taken as laboratory material. The test is carried out between the 11th and 14th weeks.
  6. Cardiotocography. This is a test for the baby's heart rate in order to detect oxygen starvation. It is carried out at the end of the 3rd trimester.

Possible complications during pregnancy and childbirth

Even the first child at the age of 40 will be healthy if the expectant mother will comply with all medical prescriptions and take care of her health with a redoubled effort. On the other hand, at any time, pregnancy after 40 years, according to doctors, can be complicated. It could be:

  • preeclampsia (increased blood pressure, swelling);
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • diabetes;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • exacerbation of chronic infections.

What other difficulties might there be? Every year, the elasticity of the tissues and muscles of the female organs decreases, it becomes more difficult for the uterus to hold the fetus, and therefore a 40-year-old woman automatically falls into the risk group for miscarriage. However, difficulties await during childbirth. Weak labor activity, premature birth, ruptures and bleeding - all this can occur at any time when pregnancy is after 40 years, according to mothers.

Many believe that age means a direct hit on the surgical table. This is not so, caesarean section is prescribed only for certain indications. In other cases, it is recommended to give birth naturally, however, with long breaks, more than 10 years, the generic memory of the female body disappears and the process can take place as for the first time.

Opinion of psychologists: late mothers - good or not?

First, second or third pregnancy at 40 - to give birth or not, what to do? According to psychologists, the physiological readiness for motherhood lags behind the psychological one by 10 years. So, it is at the age of 35-40 that a woman is ready to become a full-fledged mother, devoting herself entirely to caring for a child and raising him. According to statistics, late parents are more likely than others to raise geeks and live longer than other couples of a similar age.

The second aspect why psychologists consider middle age to be successful for pregnancy is that by this time career, material level, and other values, for the sake of which many young women postpone the continuation of offspring until later. Subsequently, having secured a future for themselves and their future children, they can fully and completely calmly devote the first few years after their birth to the child.

For some couples, the first pregnancy at 40 comes after a series of long unsuccessful attempts, just when the last hope dries up. A born child is an unexpected happiness, but because of this, he is often under hyper-care in this case, although excessive care and attention negatively affect psychological development child.

Do not be alarmed if you have a pregnancy at the age of 40, doctors' reviews prove that with proper pregnancy management, taking into account all possible risks and right attitude women to their pregnancy, gestation and childbirth itself pass without complications. A child born of adult parents in such cases is no different from their peers.

With the development of science, medicine, and the latest research in the field of reproduction, it becomes possible for a healthy baby to be born even in those families where a decade ago this would have been impossible. How to conceive a healthy child when parents are no longer young and when there are health problems, read this article.

Unfortunately, diseases do not choose people, do not divide them into “good” and “bad”, do not spare even the smallest children. And there are many objective reasons for this. And the mother and father are equally responsible for the health of the child.

Bad habits of adults

And even an unborn child can become seriously ill. This happens especially often if the pregnancy is “accidental”, unplanned.

In this case, a drunken conception can also occur, and this is already a serious injury for the fetus, such a child will definitely not be completely healthy. His health has already been severely damaged, and he will be prone to disease in the future. It is from here that allergies, diathesis, capriciousness, excitability originate. If parents continue to drink alcohol during pregnancy, the baby's brain will suffer, even fetal syndrome may occur.

In the same way, adult smoking is dangerous for a baby, no matter if it is active or passive. The placenta cannot retain nicotine, it easily penetrates into the blood of the child and delays its development, weakens health. Therefore, it is so important to protect the expectant mother from the effects of tobacco smoke.

Probably not worth even talking about the dangers of drugs for a developing child.


Life in the “big city” is also a danger to the baby - constant haste, stress, poor ecology, noise that an adult is so used to that he no longer notices it. When a person lives in a busy area, breathes polluted air, the child also suffers. The placenta can't hold everything harmful substances, they enter the baby's bloodstream and thereby poison him.

In addition, due to the fact that urban residents pay little attention to healthy eating their health is not the best. So it will not be strong in the child.


It also affects the wrong, sedentary lifestyle, physical inactivity, constant habitual already oxygen starvation - all these factors will negatively affect the child. If the mother of the baby will protect herself from feasible physical exertion, she will not have enough oxygen in the blood, which means that the baby will not have enough of it.

At the same time too strong physical exercise mothers will also not benefit the child.

Age of parents

With age, people do not become healthier, various chronic deviations accumulate. It is believed that the most optimal age for the birth of a child - 22-35 years. Before this period, the female body is not yet quite ready to cope with the load. Then the gradual fading of the capabilities of the female body begins.

The same applies to men, the optimal age for conceiving a healthy child is 22-40 years. If earlier, there may be not quite mature spermatozoa, in more late age they are no longer so mobile, and are subject to various adverse factors that directly affect spermatogenesis.

Health related problems

It may seem that only the mother is responsible for the health of the developing baby. In fact, the father is no less responsible, and sometimes the child's illnesses are connected with the state of health of the father.

Infectious diseases

A pregnant woman should be carefully protected from any, the most harmless infections, because her illness will definitely affect the child. And the expectant mother will have to be treated very carefully so as not to harm the baby.

There are infections that in an adult are almost asymptomatic, but have a detrimental effect on the developing fetus. Especially in the first three months of pregnancy. These include completely "harmless".

Even a common runny nose or a small cold of the mother or father at conception will affect the health of the unborn child.

The same destructive influence is carried by venereal diseases, HIV, AIDS. The baby in this case will be born already with these diseases.

The “children's” infection, rubella, also poses a great danger. If in already born babies it proceeds easily, then for the unborn rubella it carries serious complications if the mother gets sick with it. And the shorter the gestation period, the more severe these complications. In the last trimester, the disease severely damages the hearing organs, up to irreversible deafness.


Rarely, but it happens that oncology in parents is diagnosed after conception has occurred. And if aggressive treatment is carried out, it will affect the child, he certainly will not be able to be born healthy. And even if the disease is not treated, it will still harm the child. For this case, there are special soft methods of treatment. But most often, oncologists recommend terminating the pregnancy.

In order for the baby to be healthy, pregnancy after oncology should be planned no earlier than five years after the end of treatment and stable remission in women. Before planning, parents must undergo a complete examination by an oncologist.

In men, this period is much shorter - already three months after chemotherapy, sperm is completely renewed.

If there are close relatives with an oncological diagnosis in the family of a man or woman, it is better to undergo a genetic test before pregnancy to see if there is a risk of the child inheriting this disease.

When diagnosing any oncology in a nursing mother, she should stop feeding.

Genetic diseases

Many genetic diseases are random failures that do not depend on the lifestyle of the parents. This is, for example, Down's syndrome. But there are also genetic disorders that can be prevented in advance. For example, hemophilia is associated with the sex of the child, in the vast majority of cases it is transmitted to boys, but the carrier of the vicious gene is the mother. A girl can have hemophilia only if the father has the disease at the same time, and the mother is a carrier of the hemophilia gene. But this happens extremely rarely - for the entire time of research, only about fifty cases of this disease in girls are known. Among the most famous cases of hemophilia is Tsarevich Alexei Romanov.

consanguineous marriages

With closely related unions, the risk of developing pathologies in the fetus increases significantly, since both parents carry the same genetic code, since they have common ancestors who could pass on their defective genes to them. Children born in such families are ten times more likely to suffer from genetic diseases. They have a much higher risk of dying in utero, or in the first year of life.

There are cases of long-term closely related marriages in the royal dynasties of Spain. It is believed that this is what led to their attenuation.

A visit to a geneticist can help you figure out if you are distant relatives.

How to prepare for conception

From the very beginning, you should prepare for pregnancy. And you need to start about six months before the intended conception.

A complete examination is required. Moreover, both future parents, both father and mother, are obliged to do it.

At the therapist

A general complete examination will help to identify hidden diseases and deviations that do not yet make themselves felt. This includes a visit to a cardiologist - a mandatory ECG, a dentist. Women are consulted by a gynecologist, men by an andrologist. The therapist, if necessary, will give a referral to other narrower specialists.

At the genetics

This should be done if there have been cases of children with genetic abnormalities in the families of both parents. Also, genetics consultation is needed if the age of the parents exceeds 35 years. Based on the analysis of the chromosome set, the doctor will eliminate possible genetic abnormalities in the development of the fetus, suggest what measures should be taken in case of problems. It may be necessary to use donor cells so that your baby is still born healthy.

In order for the entire pregnancy to proceed without problems and end with the birth of a healthy baby, you must follow a few simple rules.

  • The best time for conception is from July to October, when there are a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits, and the sun. Then there are more useful substances in the woman’s blood, and the laying of all the baby’s organs will be better.
  • Take folic acid and a complex of vitamins, which must include and - about 3 months. before conception and at least 3 months. after him. The lack of these substances can lead to malformations of the child's brain, damage to the central nervous system, and many others. Folic acid itself is essential for the proper formation and nutrition of the placenta.
  • Give up bad habits that are somehow harmful to health - in about 5-6 months. before the expected conception. During pregnancy, also try not to be in smoky rooms.
  • Check with your doctor about taking medications, if possible, stop taking them for a while.
  • The developing fetus is strongly affected by electromagnetic radiation. In the modern world, it is impossible not to be under its influence at all, but there is an opportunity to reduce it. A week before conception and throughout pregnancy, keep mobile phones away from the body, turn on the microwave less.
  • Do special exercises for pregnant women, listen to pleasant relaxing music, walk in the fresh air. All this favorably affects the nervous system - yours and your baby.

A man should also think about how to conceive a healthy child in time.

  • Give up bad habits, smoking, alcohol, etc. - all this affects spermatogenesis, damages spermatozoa, at least 3-4 months before.
  • Spermatozoa, their mobility, integrity are very badly affected by high temperature. At temperatures above 37 degrees, they generally lose their mobility. Therefore, you should not wear tight-fitting underwear, overheat in the groin area, or put a laptop on your knees. Also, for a while, forget about visiting the sauna, bath - in general, any place where there is a long stay at elevated temperatures.
  • You can not ride in vehicles on seats with electric heating - in addition to high temperature electromagnetic radiation is harmful to spermatozoa.
  • Avoid trauma to the testicles. Stop riding a bicycle or motorcycle for a while, do not expose them to vibration.
  • Electromagnetic radiation also affects the testicles. Therefore, at least a week before conception, get mobile phone trouser pockets and stay away from a working microwave oven.

These are all general tips to follow at any age. But in some cases there are subtleties.
It has already been said that often the health of the baby depends on the age of the mother. But it also depends on the age of the father.

Pregnancy after 30

In the past, pregnant women after 30 years old were considered "older women in labor", and after 35 in general "old". The doctors had their own objective reasons for this - the body at 20 and 30 years old was significantly different, age-related changes occurred in it, and such pregnant women were treated with special attention. It was believed, and still is, that at this age it is more difficult to cope with the load, that children are more often born with physiological abnormalities. This is not entirely true, and after the 30-year mark, women are born the same strong children as those who have not yet reached this age. And let the woman not be pressured by "public opinion" and the medical title that will accompany you all the time - "old-term woman in labor." After all, the oldest woman who gave birth was a little over 70!

Similarly, men who reach the age of 30 may not be afraid that their child will appear weakened. In men, sperm is released from an early age. adolescence and this process lasts practically until old age, and the spermatozoa retain their function all this time.
If you lead a correct and active lifestyle, this age will not be a hindrance. The modern world has greatly expanded the time when people can become parents. So for a man, 30 years is the heyday, the most optimal age for parenthood, and the question of how to conceive a healthy child at 30 is no longer so acute, modern medicine will help with this.

Doctors constantly talk about the benefits of late motherhood for the female body - with it, a surge in hormone secretion occurs, the woman simply looks younger before her eyes, the onset of menopause is moving away from her. But it's good for mom. What does it take to have a healthy baby?

How to behave mom

We must do everything that was said above. But besides

  • Discuss with your doctor the possibility and risks of an upcoming pregnancy
  • Conduct prenatal diagnostic tests, which are carried out twice - at 15 and 20 weeks
  • Pass a full medical examination, visit all narrow specialists, regularly take tests
  • If necessary, undergo ultrasound, doplerometry, cardiotocography.

Additional tests may be required

  • blood chemistry,
  • for thyroid hormones,
  • blood coagulation system
  • antibodies to phospholipids,
  • homocysteine ​​level,

in any case, clinical blood and urine tests are taken twice a month.

Pregnancy after 40

At this age, conceiving a healthy baby is not easy. Statistics say that only 5-7% of women can become pregnant and give birth to a baby after 40 years, especially if this is the first child. Couples most often have to resort to, but then the doctors guarantee the health of the embryo, and the parents are already responsible for the child.

When the question arose of how to conceive a healthy child at the age of 40 and older, it must be taken into account that a man should also undergo a complete examination. This is especially true of his "male" health. You need to consult an andrologist.

Things to keep in mind

At this age, a woman is already mature, irreversible changes in the body begin. Pregnancy will definitely prolong youth! But she needs help.

  • Limit coffee intake - it flushes calcium from the body, and from the body of the child too.
  • Normalize nutrition - excess or insufficient weight affects the baby.
  • Avoid stress.

You will need closer attention from doctors and your family to your condition and the course of your pregnancy. But the reward for everything will be a healthy child.


The body of the average person over the past century has become much younger, people live longer, which means they retain the ability to bear children longer. Menopause, as a natural function of the decline of the reproductive system, has shifted by 5-7 years, and up to 45-47 years a woman can become a mother. The question is that it is very limited in time and should proceed under medical supervision.

First of all, you need to get tested. In a few months, you can cure or compensate for any condition that may interfere with the normal course of pregnancy. Be sure to take an analysis for AMH (anti-Mullerian hormone), these data will allow you to understand whether there are enough eggs in the woman’s body, or the ovaries are depleted and it is necessary to resort to ovarian stimulation followed by IVF.

A couple should definitely visit a geneticist to find out the risks of genetic diseases from either side. We need the conclusions of almost all specialized specialists: a dentist, an endocrinologist, an ophthalmologist, an otolaryngologist and a therapist. Expectant parents are invited to undergo a full diagnosis, including laboratory. If a woman has not been sick, or she does not have antibodies to rubella and, it is necessary to get vaccinated. Next, the doctor prescribes vitamin therapy. Required intake of folic acid, which is responsible for the normal formation nervous system fruit, multivitamin preparations, iron-containing preparations and calcium.

Genetic risks, if we evaluate them in aggregate, although they increase, in general, a woman after 40-45 years of a healthy child leaves about 80-90%. The risk of having a child with Down syndrome increases significantly. Such people can get a higher education, be socially active and self-sufficient with proper socialization. The risks of other, more severe chromosomal mutations increase slightly, and therefore a woman over 40 and young women are almost equally likely to have a child with life-incompatible defects. It is important to perform a chorionic biopsy in the first trimester to exclude fetal pathologies.

During the entire period of pregnancy, you must follow the recommendations of the doctor. The term "old-timer" was not coined by evil Russian doctors, this concept is included in the international classification, since the management of pregnancy in women over 35 years of age requires particularly careful monitoring.

Pregnant women at this age often have to drink medicines to improve blood circulation in the placenta, otherwise the fetus begins to suffer and lag behind in development. Throughout the entire period of pregnancy, the risk of miscarriage and premature birth remains, you should be more careful and refrain from sports and other feats. Due to high risks premature birth, frequent complications in childbirth, women are offered to give birth by surgery, although they are physically healthy and active
