Which is better to wear. Marianna Eliseeva's wardrobe tips

Check the composition of the fabric on the label

Found a luxurious "silk" shirt for ridiculous money? Immediately look at the composition, but not on the price tag, but on the inside label. In reality, silk may turn out to be only 2%, and the remaining 98% of synthetics will quickly lose their beautiful appearance and look cheap.

Pay attention to the seams

Often the mass market uses silhouettes borrowed from luxury brands, but when “adapted”, the fit becomes worse (after all, budget brands work for the mass buyer and by default cannot take into account the features of your particular figure). And noticeable seams can only exacerbate the situation. Therefore, give preference to inexpensive clothes with hidden flat seams that will not “break” the silhouette and spoil your figure.


Don't let yourself be bribed with lavish decor

Sequins, beads, pearls and rhinestones - does the hand itself reach for a lavishly decorated thing? No no and one more time no! Any decor on the mass market will very quickly lose its original appearance, and even begin to fall off mercilessly. It is better to make a choice in favor of the basic thing, which you add with interesting and self-sufficient accessories.

Be careful with prints

On an expensive item (or something that looks expensive), the print is evenly and uniformly distributed over its entire surface. But a cheap thing is often given out by “mismatched” parts, cut out as if from the remnants of fabric.

Make sure there are no spools

Yes, insidious pellets can appear quite suddenly on an absolutely smooth and perfectly even fabric, but in 9 out of 10 cases they either already exist on a poor-quality item, or upon closer examination, you can easily find their “rudiments”.

Look at the fabric in the light

Try to look at the thing through the light - higher-quality and, accordingly, long-lived fabrics will turn out to be denser, and vice versa. But, of course, we do not mean that all your clothes should be made of tarpaulin :)

Try to pull the fabric a little

The key word is “a little” (it’s not worth tearing a new dress into a fitting room). Lightly pull the fabric, and then see if there are any marks left on it, if it will return to “place” and how it will look after the “experiment”. This will perfectly show you how the thing will behave when worn.

Choose items with hidden zippers

If visible lightning is not included in the concept (design) of the thing, then this will greatly reduce the cost of the overall look and spoil the impression of any image with its participation.

Check the threads

A thing will certainly look cheap if the threads are matched as if by a color-blind manufacturer or noticeably different from the fabric itself. Also pay attention to the presence of "loose" stitches and threads - this will be an indicator of how the thing will behave when pulled and worn.


We know (and fully support!) the desire of girls and women to always look so “so that the eye rejoices and the soul sings.” But the price tags nice clothes can significantly reduce the desire to update the wardrobe. How to learn to dress stylishly and at the same time inexpensively?

To ensure that your desire to look stylish and attractive always coincides with your capabilities, Academy experts have prepared several useful tips. These recommendations have already been appreciated by thousands of our students!


Without determining your individual characteristics, you can forget about how to dress stylishly:

  • Choose your individual palette;
  • Learn the type of figure and recommendations for it;
  • Decide on a style.
  • This knowledge will save you from unnecessary expenses - buying clothes that do not suit you, and then gather dust in the closet for years. In addition, things purchased “systemically” will be combined with each other and make up sets (which is also a significant savings). And, of course, such things will provide you with an attractive look and self-confidence.


    Learn to spend money wisely! In the theory of style, there is such a thing as wardrobe compliance with lifestyle (and main occasions). In order to determine the things that fit your lifestyle, write down the 2 most frequent occasions for which you dress (more than 4 times a week):

  • Everyday
  • Business
  • Romantic
  • Solemn.
  • According to the occasions, think over a list of items that are in demand (for example, pipe jeans and White shirt). Thanks to this list, you can plan your shopping budget.


    As Rothschild said: "I'm not rich enough to buy cheap things." And the thought of the baron is worth listening to! This is another trick for a girl to learn how to dress stylishly on a small budget - invest in quality:

  • Things made of high-quality fabrics retain their original appearance (color / ability to keep their shape) longer, and due to this they look expensive and respectable.
  • It is advisable to choose clothes made from natural fabrics (cotton, wool, silk).
  • Synthetics give fabrics additional practical properties (for example, the fabric does not wrinkle, is elastic), but make sure that it does not exceed 20% in the composition of the fabric.
  • Let there be few things, but they will delight you with their appearance for more than one season.


  • The ability to properly accessorize is one of the most useful skills for a girl who cares about how to learn how to dress stylishly while saving a budget.
  • Accessories will help to create many diverse images even on the basis of one set of clothes. Competent accent in the form stylish accessory will bring that very zest that will enrich the whole image.
  • The correct arrangement of accessories in the image will transfer attention from unwanted features of the face and figure to your most attractive places.
  • IMPORTANT! Try not to save on accessories: even a scarf should look high quality, expensive and match your style.


    Another solution on how to learn how to dress stylishly and inexpensively will be the ability to make diverse sets. The points listed above will help you with this - a capsule of things in one palette and the use of accessories. And, of course, theory and practice in composing images. This is a very interesting and exciting process, so we advise you to start it as soon as possible!

    And at eighteen, and at thirty, we changed our approach to creating a wardrobe. After forty, many women notice that the usual clothes begin to mature them even more, or, conversely, it seems that you have long “grown up” from the clothes you wear. It becomes clear that dressing as before will not be entirely correct.

    One thing is not clear: what should women over 40 buy and wear?

    Many stylists advise to submit to age and wear strict and classic things. Let's say right away: we are against such advice!

    We believe that it is necessary to clearly “know in person” those things that add extra years to the passport, as well as be able to choose what will emphasize individuality and style.

    How to dress after 40 years?

    And for this you need to follow a few simple rules.


    We say "NO" to too solid clothes.

    The myth that you need to change clothes with age is nothing more than a myth! If you start wearing boring suits, you will definitely not look younger!



    Explicit cleavage, plunging slits and short skirts, as well as thin, overly tight knitwear, will likely have to be said no. Do you want to look young, and not be one of those who are "younger"?

    excessive feminine and sexy clothes only emphasize age, and we don’t want that, right? Sexuality can be broadcast much more aesthetically, without vulgarity. And frankly, there is nothing sexier than a confident, self-loving, and self-accepting woman.



    Ruffles and ruffles, floral prints and polka dots add age in most cases. Feminine style is good. And the "woman's style" is not very good. Do you agree?



    It is important to understand that a youthful and well-groomed appearance, as well as a style that will be admired, begins with the right basics, not burdened by complicated cuts or completely unnecessary business dress codes.

    If for some reason you mean a black and gray sweater by “base”, then I am waiting for you to visit the School of Shopping. :-)





    YES! Modern styles and shapes. We have already said and we will repeat again: classics can visually add many years!

    Dress modern!

    Follow fashion, but adapt trends to your own appearance, figure and lifestyle. If you don't know how to do this, seek professional advice.

    The need for this information for self-assessment and appearance hard to overestimate!


    YES! Proper cut and fit of clothing. There MUST be "air" between the body and clothing. Modern women look stylish and feel comfortable because they know how to buy the right basics. You don't need to "stretch".

    / 12.02.2016 at 00:05

    Greetings, dear readers and guests of my blog!

    This article is intended for those who are not indifferent to how they look, and those who strive to always be stylish, regardless of their life status and circumstances. In other words, we will touch on the topic of how to dress cheaply and stylishly (I’ll say right away: by the word “cheap” in this article, I mean a reasonable, rational use of the budget).

    I think that during the crisis, and at all times, this topic is relevant for many. Indeed, not everyone can afford the services of stylists and image makers, not everyone has the opportunity to buy expensive branded items. But absolutely everyone has the opportunity to be stylish! Don't believe? Well, let's start.

    Surely everyone knows the situation - a full closet, but there is nothing to wear. But money was once spent on this “full closet”. Meanwhile, if you make your wardrobe correctly, you can get by with a small number of things and always find what to wear.

    You just need to determine which style it is most preferable for you to determine your color type, type of figure and, in accordance with this, select things. But we must start with the compilation of the so-called basic wardrobe.

    That is, from a set of universal things in a neutral color scheme that matches your color type, which can be easily combined with everything else in your wardrobe.

    Neutral colors usually include white, black, gray and beige. Choosing accessories for basic things (handbags, scarves, neckerchiefs, belts, jewelry, shoes) you can greatly diversify your sets and always look new.

    Lyrical digression. For some reason, I remembered how, in my distant childhood, I loved to leaf through my mother's old, and very thick book, most likely issued in the 50s, early 60s of the last century. It was called "Conversations about the Household."

    In addition to all the other sections and tips on housekeeping, needlework lessons, there was a section on the art of wardrobe. And I remember pictures where a woman was drawn in the same classic dress, but dressed differently for different occasions with the help of accessories that were well matched to this dress.

    That is, it was taught, it was an integral part of the general culture. And indeed, remember our mothers, grandmothers - they lived in a difficult post-war period, they were not rich, but they knew how to dress and look! Many had their own familiar milliners who sewed them to order, many knew how to sew and knit themselves. But more on that later.

    However, let's continue. In fact, competently compiling your wardrobe in accordance with the type of figure and color type is almost a whole science, with certain rules and patterns. It is simply impossible to cover everything in one article, and it is better to talk about it specialists. Therefore, I will touch only the basics.

    All things in the basic wardrobe should be combined with each other, fit perfectly on the figure and match your style. So what should be in your basic wardrobe? Stylists recommend a minimum set of 5 ideal classic pieces that are suitable for any type of figure and can be combined with any shoes. This:

    1. plain pencil skirt just below the knee;
    2. knitted plain cardigan good quality, simple cut, without decorative finishes, length to mid-thigh;
    3. white shirt (blouse) similar to a men's shirt made of light natural material;
    4. monophonic trousers of a pipe - slightly narrowed or straight from the knee, just below the ankle;
    5. small black dress with or without sleeves A-line silhouette, with boat neckline. The length is just below or above the knee.

    But of course, you don't have to think. that the basic wardrobe is limited to only these things. Naturally, it can be expanded. After all, there is also a seasonal basic wardrobe (top winter, off-season and summer clothes), shoes, jeans, basic accessories.

    In addition, based on the occupation, profession, the basic wardrobe for each may differ. But general rule for his things invariably - they must be universal and ideally combined with each other for all occasions.

    So, having decided what things should be basic in your wardrobe, when shopping, we focus on the purchase of these things. And here you can already remember and apply the common phrase: "We are not rich enough to buy cheap things."

    That is, you need to buy things for a basic wardrobe of very high quality, since they will most often have to be exploited - worn, wrinkled, washed. Therefore, they must be made of high-quality natural material, impeccably sewn, so that they look good even after many washes.

    By the way, about prices. The price doesn't always match the quality. You can buy an inexpensive, but high-quality thing. And you can pay big money and then be disappointed. So here you already need to trust your sixth sense - is it worth buying or not.

    And I don't think it's necessary to chase brands. Does anyone ever look at your "labels"? It is enough that you wear good, tasteful clothes. And brands - for many it's just a matter of prestige. But if you can afford a branded item, then why not? Sometimes you need to pamper yourself.

    And then we must not forget that there are such phenomena as sales, pre-holiday and seasonal discounts.

    At these moments, you can have a very good shopping and buy yourself really cool things inexpensively (if you're lucky with the model and size). And there are discount stores where goods are sold with discounts all the time.

    So, we sort of decided on the basic wardrobe. But what about other things? Well, I want to have new clothes, but with money, sorry, it's tight. Well, just try NOT to buy UNNECESSARY things.

    After all, it often happens like this - you liked some thing in the store, and the discount on it is crazy - well, why not take it here? Take it. Just first think carefully about WHAT you will wear it with and WHERE you will wear it. Can this item be combined with your existing items?

    And if you have nothing to wear it with, and nowhere to put it on, then either this thing will simply gather dust in the closet, or you will then have to buy some more things so that you can make a set with this thing.

    One more piece of advice about unnecessary things. Trying on clothes, very carefully, meticulously look at yourself in the mirror. If at least something confuses you: it seems to be sitting somehow wrong, and the color would be different, and there is nothing to wear with - just don’t buy!

    Another issue is that we cannot always adequately and objectively evaluate ourselves. Each of us has our own complexes and our own "cockroaches in the head", what can I say. In this case, sometimes more experienced advisers and assistants are needed. But sometimes they can interfere - after all, they say, "there is no comrade for the taste and color."

    We are not talking about professional stylists and image makers, you just need to listen to their advice. But if you don't have them around, then what? Then just trust your intuition. We felt: “This is definitely mine!”, We liked ourselves and inside something sank joyfully - buy it!

    Tip 3: Buy where you can buy good things cheaper

    Many believe that in order to be stylish and elegant, you need to have a lot of money and buy the latest fashion trends. Actually this is a delusion. The presence of money cannot guarantee a person the presence of taste. And this can be seen in the example of some Hollywood stars.

    You need to buy clothes in terms of reasonable savings. The same Parisians, for example, do not spend a lot of money on their wardrobe. They always wait for sales, where you can buy very high quality and branded items with good discounts.

    Let it not be hits of the latest fashion collections. But things from the category of those that are out of fashion and timeless (that is, just suitable for a basic wardrobe) can always be found there. Therefore, as we have said before, we are heading for discounts, sales and discount stores!

    You can say that all this is good if you live in a big city where all this is. And in small villages, towns, villages? In the best cases, small private shops, or a market where "businessmen" sell their simple goods, such as "consumer goods", and rule for it dearly. Although, I'll be fair, and here sometimes you can buy something sensible. But, you see, the choice is not the same, and the assortment is not the same, and the conditions are not the same ...

    I remembered a joke from the Internet, read on someone's VKontakte wall: “You don’t know anything about life if you didn’t measure jeans in the market in winter, standing on a cardboard!” Ah yes, the harsh truth of life.

    What is the way out then? And everything is very simple. If there is no way to go shopping somewhere, then let shopping “come” to you. After all, we live in the 21st century! What is this age? Right - information technologies!

    Statistics show that in Lately An increasing percentage of the population is buying goods online. And in times of crisis, they buy even more in online stores, since prices there are much lower than in conventional stores. For example, I was simply shocked by the abundance and variety of goods, and even more so by the reasonable prices for them in this online store. However, you can see for yourself.

    Just order the goods you like from the catalog, receive and pay for them by mail. And by the way, in online stores you can buy very high quality and branded items. You just need to get your size right.

    Some people still do not trust online stores, they are afraid to buy there. I think that old habits and stereotypes work here: they are afraid to buy a pig in a poke, the goods need to be felt and tried on, and so on. But I assure you, it's worth trying!

    For example, I know people who only buy online. And in cities where there is delivery, you don’t have to go anywhere: you choose, order - they brought it to your house. I tried it on, it came up - I paid, and that's it.

    If you still haven’t learned how to needlework - sew, knit, then learn! It's so cool - you're your own designer and ... magician. Yes Yes! I wanted, for example, some cool blouse, or a jumper, or a dress that perfectly matches the chosen style. Namely, you cannot find such a day with fire, in any store! And you, dudes! took and created. And the only thing of its kind that no one else has.

    It's good when a dress adorns a woman.

    It is bad if a woman becomes an ornament of a dress.

    Be always beautiful and happy and decorate this world with yourself.

    The problem of “nothing to wear again” was never familiar to me. Perhaps due to natural taste, perhaps because even in Soviet times, when I was just a child, and books were in short supply (especially books about fashion and style), I accidentally found and read a good book on how to dress beautifully, about taste in clothes - and, I must say, I remember it. And therefore, the problems of many women who complained that “there is nothing to wear again” and “well, there is no place in the wardrobe” were not very clear to me, they seemed more like a whim, a game for the public.

    But one day an event happened that made me change my view on the ability of a woman to dress beautifully and manage her wardrobe, and therefore her appearance.

    And the following happened. A friend of mine (at that time already a budding millionaire with even greater promise) turned to me with a request: “Elena, could you help my fiancee learn how to handle the wardrobe? And then, if she does not learn this, then I will not marry her. (If you want to get married, R. Kirranov's book will help you with this "How to Marry Successfully" - I recommend to buy and read).

    I remember I was very surprised then: the girl was both smart and beautiful, and he bought new clothes for her without question, and in general it was going to the wedding, but for some reason the groom hesitated. The groom (let's call him Marat), seeing my surprise, explained: “You see, Elena, the girl’s wardrobe is her “face” in every sense. You know, we used to say: if you want to know what kind of wife your bride will be, look at her mother. And I realized that you need to look not at the mother, but at the wardrobe. If a girl’s wardrobe is a mess, then it’s in family life we can't see order. If a girl cannot find anything in her own wardrobe, then how will she manage a large household of a wealthy husband? If the wardrobe is “bursting” with things, and again she has “nothing to wear”, then how will she help me save and increase my money, and not squander it?

    And how can I give her, say, another fur coat, if she gets lost in the closet, and not decorate my wife? I want to make gifts with pleasure and admire them on my wife so that they bring joy to both of us ...

    And if I have to take my wife to a business meeting, and then immediately to the ball, then I would not want to wait for her fees for several hours - my time is precious, and I would like my wife to shine both at the council, and on the parquet, and at the buffet table, and one after another. This is how my first wardrobe analysis to order happened.

    Yes, some things I “flatly refused” to combine with each other, but still there were much more new interesting sets. So, we buy comfortable hangers according to the size of your things (so that there are no random, too large or too small hangers for your things) and hang separately skirts (all together), separately trousers, separately blouses, separately jackets, cardigans and other tops, separately dresses, etc. And - every day experiment with new looks from seemingly old things. By the way, recently a well-known Western style and image specialist called a similar situation "shopping in your own wardrobe." I really liked this expression, it is very successful - you will really "discover" for yourself many things that you have not worn for years and have almost forgotten about their existence. You will be surprised how good you can look in them.

    By the way, sellers often use this without a twinge of conscience, seeing that you liked the thing, but it is too small for you. You are often told that here, they say, take it - there will be an incentive to lose weight. In my experience, I can tell you that I have not seen a single woman who actually lost weight just because she really wanted to “fit” into things a size or two smaller than her own. It doesn't happen! Why? Yes, because a thing is just a thing, and cannot give a woman strong enough motivation to lose weight. Losing weight requires self-discipline - and you either have it (and then you don't "get fat") or you don't. Therefore, you will lose weight for the sake of anything (for the sake of health, for the sake of a loved one, for the sake of work, if you are a model or a fitness instructor, or an artist, simply because you do not have enough money for food ...), but you will definitely not lose weight in order to "fit" even into a very attractive thing.

    So hang things that do not fit your figure, cluttering up your wardrobe. The same applies to those things that are great for you, although this happens less often - for example, they took a thing based on “shrinkage”, or “last size” in the expectation that you will take it in a little, or a very attractive price was on sale, or the thing fits very well on your colleague ... As a result, they simply hide your beautiful forms from the world.

    Therefore, when trying on your wardrobe, set aside things that do not sit on you to the side - they have no place in your today's wardrobe and do not need to be returned there. I understand that it’s quite hard to do this - many of these things were once very loved, they are “teared from the heart”, others are just a pity - the thing is something good, but sometimes it’s even never worn! My advice to you is to pity yourself, not the thing. After all, you need to look good today, here and now ... And do not put off the joy of seeing yourself dressed “like a queen” here and now, and not sometime in the indefinite future, which most likely will not come. If it's hard to part with things, just put them in boxes and take them somewhere: to the country house, to the garage ... Most importantly, do not leave them at home. In a year, you can come back and review them again (what if you really lose weight?). Or you can just take it and throw it away without opening it - because if you did without them for a year, then you can do without them. If you wish, you can find other options: swap things with friends, sell via the Internet or at a flea market, donate to a charitable organization - in general, invent your own options. But for now, leave only those things that are your size and fit well on you.

    Try not to make such unnecessary purchases, in the hope that you will actually lose weight or the thing will shrink to a size. It is a myth. And you, in the race for the clothes that you need, risk becoming a shopaholic. “Shopaholism, how can the cat get rid of it?” read .

    By the way, please note: if a woman is dressed in a thing that is too narrow, not in size, thereby trying to “hide flaws” and convince herself and others that she is “thin enough to wear size 44”, as a rule, they achieve the opposite effect - in these things they look even thicker than they are ... I’m not talking about “treacherously crawling out” fat folds and other unwanted bulges, lack of a waist, etc., which are narrow things are exposed harshly and cynically. At the same time, if a woman put on a thing of her size, then her “bulges” would simply be invisible, and no one except her would have suspected about their existence. Just watch the women on our streets and you will understand what I am talking about. And I want you to look good at any moment and in any thing hanging in your wardrobe.

    In order to look good at any time, rule number three follows: all things in your wardrobe should be ready to wear here and now. This means that they must be put in order. Therefore, when reviewing things, set aside those that need repair (the lining came off, the button was lost, the zipper broke ...), cleaning (I’m still not going to remove this stain, and it’s so uncomfortable to walk with it, it hurts in a conspicuous place, and it’s so noticeable!), Laundry (be honest with yourself, don’t wait until the thing “breaks from dirt”, or “well, I’ll put it on again, and only then ...”, carefully examine the collars, man jerseys, fastening points ... just take and wash the item) and iron. Gather them together - and do what needs to be done, for example, washing, "in one fell swoop." This way you kill two birds with one stone: firstly, things will be ready to wear, and will not hang in the closet in a “non-working state”, and secondly, doing one thing for all things at once is much better than looking for time to fix, clean, etc. each of the things separately.

    We get significant time savings and get rid of stress so that we don’t have to repair the thing urgently “five minutes before the release”, when everything tends to break, tear, get lost ...

    Pay special attention to things set aside for ironing. It is not good if you have to iron the item when you take it out of the wardrobe before it can be put on. Therefore, understand the causes of "bruising". It happens that things crumple in the wardrobe because there is "no place for an apple to fall." These are the problems we solve by getting rid of things that you don’t wear anyway. It happens that things wrinkle in the wardrobe because they “hang out of size”: for example, dresses, coats, raincoats require much more space “in height” than, say, miniskirts. If you followed the first rule, then you can already clearly see how much space in your wardrobe you need to allocate for "long" things, and how much for short ones. Just adjust the heights of the rails in your closet - it's not difficult. You can do it yourself or ask one of the men. It happens that things hang on a hanger "out of size" - too small or too big for this thing. It happens that you do not have enough hangers and you hang several things on one hanger at once - just buy the missing hangers and save a lot of time and effort that is now spent on ironing .

    If everything is in order with your closet, make it a rule for yourself not to hang a thing in the closet if it is not ironed. This will save you from a situation where you grab a thing in a hurry, in which you will literally look badly wrinkled. And this will not add charm to you. We dry knitted things that tend to “stretch” on a hanger, lay them out on a horizontal surface and store them on the shelves of the cabinet. It’s easier with them: having put them on, you can “smooth” them right on yourself - just put them on not right before going out, but a little earlier. To speed up the process, you can slightly moisten them on yourself by spraying from a spray bottle or “stroking” with wet hands - but do not overdo it: going outside in a damp thing, you risk catching a cold.

    This is especially true in winter, when many people have low immunity. "Immunity, how to increase it?" THIS article will help you find out.

    In order to look good and dress well, pay attention to those things that need a slight alteration to be wearable - for example, they need to be sewn in or arranged. Set them aside, pick up everything you need to put them in order (for example, choose a fabric to “deliver” or arrange, outline which seams or darts can be “unraveled” or expanded, etc.). Plan on what day you will do this, if necessary, call and arrange with your modiste or atelier. Give yourself a week to resolve the issue. If after a week you still haven’t put things in order and haven’t prepared them for wearing, then feel free to remove them from your wardrobe - practice shows that you will continue to put it off and put it off, that is, you won’t be able to wear them. So why not recognize this fact right away and free yourself from wasting energy and unpleasant emotions?

    There will also be things in your wardrobe that have “lost their presentation” - worn out, frayed ... In a word, you love them very much and they suit you very much, but ... it’s not very convenient to wear them. I found an elegant way in due time. When the edges of the sleeves and the edge with the clasp “climbed” from my favorite coat from long and frequent wear, I accidentally saw ribbons of the same color as my coat in a needlework store. I bought these ribbons and just sewed them on the edges of the sleeves and built a kind of placket on the clasp. Thus, I eliminated the defect that confused me and updated the coat.

    Then, in similar situations, I began to experiment with different colors and textures (for example, I sewed lace or rope edging). I even like it - my favorite things do not bother me! Now I do it with trousers, with blouses ... This method has another advantage - you can hem new materials both on a typewriter and manually if a typewriter is not available to you. It does not affect the quality. In addition, if you wish, you can “update” the item at least weekly, simply by changing colors and textures, as if playing with a new finish every time.

    But if things are really old, have lost their shape and nothing can be done with them, part with them without regret. Yes Yes. No need to think that your old stretched T-shirt "a la from an ex-boyfriend" will still serve you as home clothes or night pajamas.

    In general, keeping things from the "former" is not very good habit. Yes, sometimes it hurts to come to terms with the fact that you are not together, but keeping a thing that once belonged to "him" will not solve your problem and will not heal the wound. “How to survive parting with a loved one” will help you figure out THIS article.
    Remember, you must always be elegant, even at home and even in your sleep. Moreover, it is at home and precisely for sleeping that you need to dress especially carefully, even more carefully than “in public”. After all, it is in this form that your loved one, your family and close friends see you every day. You should not upset them, giving a reason to compare you in the form of a “home waste” with a pretty neighbor or work colleague.

    If the memory of old things is so dear to you - make a floorcloth or cleaning rags out of them, sew a doll or clothes for a doll out of them ... and you will have a chance to see them no less often than before. The times of scarcity of things are long gone - you can always find a worthy replacement for everything.

    Now your wardrobe is ready to implement rule number four: hang things inside the wardrobe by season (summer, spring-autumn, winter), and inside the season - by color. So, on the one hand, it will be easier for you to search for things and navigate, and on the other hand, you will be calm that the “things in storage” will be stored properly. This "routine" saves me a lot of time and effort to care for things. As soon as it gets warm enough, I air out and “dry” winter things on the balcony, in the sun (things that are prone to fading dry by covering cotton fabric or gauze), then “ennoble” with herbs (bags of lavender or napkins with a drop of lavender essential oil or other similar herbs) - they protect things from moths and other uninvited "living creatures" and give a pleasant aroma and put them back in the closet until the new season. By the way, I add lavender to the closet.

    I also like to “throw away summer things in the cold” on a fine winter day - things are wonderfully refreshed and, it seems to me, even in very hot summer they carry and give me coolness. I like it even more than the artificial "winter freshness" of washing powders.

    Now that we have sorted out the things, we are engaged in accessories. After all, it is important not only to dress beautifully, but also to be able to choose accessories.

    The most important rule is that we store accessories in the same place as clothes. Yes, yes - not only scarves, scarves, beads, necklaces, bracelets, brooches, etc., but also - shoes, belts, bags. Just as we put together new outfits from old ones, following the first rule, we put together outfits with accessories. Remember that an accessory can either make an outfit or kill it.

    Another common mistake was when a woman put on shoes and took a bag that went well with a coat or raincoat, but ... when she came to the office, she took off her coat and raincoat, but did not change her bag and shoes. But they did NOT match her office attire. It also happened vice versa - on the street, shoes and a bag did not match with a coat, because they were matched to an office suit ... A familiar situation, isn't it? But people look at you both on the street and in the office, and not only when you are ready for it, but always. Often they try to solve this problem by buying two sets of shoes - the second to change at work. At the same time, changing the bag is often forgotten. Another disadvantage of this solution is the need to keep two sets of shoes instead of one. And again, shoes for the office should be such as to be combined with any of your outfits. And this is difficult, because. different images after applying the above tips, you will have immeasurably more. Avoiding this is just very easy if you store accessories next to other things. When dressing “in layers”, you will immediately see which accessory “stands out” from the image of yourself beautiful you draw - and you can immediately fix the matter ... Of course, you cannot choose everything so that everything is in harmony with everything. But using the above advice, you will be able to avoid very gross mistakes and always look tasteful and elegant. In addition, you get the opportunity to create your image of yourself as beautiful right "online" - and this is not boring, it's interesting, it allows you to discover new images of yourself every day.

    Last but not least, never allow yourself to dress "casually". For example, one of my clients, having an impressive collection of bags, always took the bags "at random". Why? Yes, because she was “too lazy to shift everything”, “so faster”, “took the nearest one” ... We easily solved the “too lazy to shift” problem by purchasing a travel bag, where documents, manicure accessories, basic cosmetics, keys are stored in separate pockets ... it is easy to shift it from bag to bag and have everything you need and familiar at hand. You can make your own or buy ready-made. The problems of “took the nearest” and “it’s faster this way” were solved by placing the bags right in the dressing room next to the suits. Now she is happy to create beautiful and harmonious images before each exit from the house. I broke all my cosmetics into cosmetic bags (a mirror, 2-3 lipsticks or glosses, mascara, shadows, perfumes, a nail file; I added several “pencil cases” with writing materials - and put everything into bags. Now, to change the bag, I spend literally a minute, because I only need to shift my wallet and some documents, but otherwise each bag is ready. if necessary, quickly “transform” into an evening mood.

    The problem of "accidental" headgear is also too common today. Just today I saw beautiful girl, dressed "to the needle" from the legs to the collar of the coat. It’s just that a beanie hat was worn above the lush high collar of the coat, which spoiled her whole image, she didn’t fit with her, because, as it were, she “cut off” her head (the neck is not visible under the collar!). I complimented the girl for a good outfit and advised her to change her headdress - it was easy to fix the situation if you pick up a “high” hat, which, as it were, visually “compensates” for the neck lost in the collar. And of course, she asked why she wore a beanie - because it "broke" the whole image. The girl said that she always goes without a hat, but "it's cold today, so I had to take this hat." This mistake would have become immediately visible if the girl looked at herself in this coat and this cap in the mirror, especially from the back. Nowadays it is not difficult to choose a headdress that suits you. Moreover, one can choose different variants hats that go with different outfit combinations. But despite such a simple solution to the problem, many women still buy hats without reference to the sets of clothes they have. As a result, the “wrong” headdress spoils the image, which is quite beautiful in itself.

    To solve this problem, I picked up a few hats for myself in different styles and for different seasons, each of which goes well with at least 2-3 different looks of mine. I also have a collection of multi-colored berets and gloves of the same color, which are inexpensive and help me out well in different situations. I am happy to combine these berets with 2-3 scarves or stoles, in which there is a color of berets or colors related to them. In warm spring or autumn, I combine berets with light scarves and scarves or “French” ties. In addition to good compatibility, the beret is good because it can be given any shape. You can make it higher if you push it on one side, and lift the other. You can make it lower if you pull it low. Therefore, with the help of a beret, it is very easy and profitable to correct any broken geometric proportions.

    In a word, for any problem you can find your own effective "wardrobe" solution. Therefore, do not spoil your beautiful image with randomly worn things.

    Elena Lavrukhina
