Compresses for the face - how to do at home. Salt compresses for the face Hot and cold compresses for the face

Facial compresses are a versatile beauty treatment suitable for women of all ages and all skin types. Compresses moisturize and nourish the skin of the face, restore its freshness and youth. However, their most important advantage is accessibility. Most of the compresses known today can be easily made at home.

Types of compresses

There are many types of home facial compresses: hot, cold, medicinal, alcohol, oil.

Hot compresses restore and tone the skin, increase blood flow and remove dead cells. Cold ones improve the complexion, refresh the skin and allow it to “breathe”. Therapeutic compresses have a healing effect on the skin - they are used for various purposes, ranging from the simple prevention of inflammation to the treatment of dermatitis. Alcoholic are ideal for oily skin prone to acne, while oil perfectly moisturizes even very dry and flaky skin.

Terms of Use

All compresses (unless otherwise indicated in the recipe) must be kept on the skin for about 10 minutes. To do this, you will need a thick cloth with cutouts for the eyes and polyethylene. Just soak a washcloth in the prepared solution, apply it to your face and cover with plastic wrap (you can use a lunch bag or cling film).

Compresses are best done in the evening, in a calm and quiet environment. To achieve the best effect, you can turn on soothing music or light incense sticks - this will help you relax and get the most out of the procedure.

Hot compresses

Mint compress. Pour mint leaves (1 tablespoon) with boiling water (150 ml). Let the mixture stand for an hour. Strain.

Contrasting rose-jasmine compress. Pour crushed rose petals (1 tablespoon) with hot water (250 ml). Let stand 10 minutes, then strain. Jasmine petals (1 tablespoon) pour water (250 ml) and cool in the refrigerator. Take two cloth napkins. Soak one of them in warm pink infusion, the second in cold jasmine. Apply a hot washcloth to your face for 30 seconds, then change it to a cold one (the cold washcloth should be held for about a minute). Alternate compresses at least 10 times in one procedure.

Birch compress. Birch earrings (1 tablespoon) pour boiling water (150 ml). Wait 1 hour, then strain the infusion.

If you want to enhance the effect of a hot compress, you can replace boiling water with a decoction of any healing herb.

Cold compresses

mineral compress. IN mineral water(100 ml) add 3 ice cubes.

Apple compress. Mix freshly squeezed apple juice (60 ml) with cold water (150 ml).

Vegetable compress. Mix cucumber juice (30 ml), ripe tomato juice (30 ml) and cold water (100 ml).

Aloe compress. Mix aloe juice (30 ml) with cold water (100 ml).

Therapeutic compresses

Chamomile compress. Pharmaceutical chamomile flowers (1 tablespoon) pour boiling water (150 ml). Infuse the mixture for an hour, then strain the infusion.

Linden compress. Pour lime blossom (1 tablespoon) with boiling water (250 ml) and let stand for 20 minutes. After that, strain the infusion and heat it (preferably in a water bath) to 40 ° C.

Currant-apple compress. Berries of white currant (about half a glass) grind to a mushy state. Squeeze the juice from 1 sour apple. Mix the ingredients together. Due to the high acid content, this compress is recommended to be kept on the face for no more than 5 minutes.

Alcohol compresses

Vodka compress. Mix vodka and water in equal proportions (20 ml each). Lightly warm the solution.

Alcohol compress. Mix medical alcohol (20 ml) with water (40 ml).

When using alcohol compresses, be sure to make holes in the napkin not only for the eyes, but also for the nose and mouth - the burning liquid should not get on the mucous membranes.

Oil compresses

Olive compress. Olive oil without additives (50 ml) and mimosa essential oil (4 ml) mix in one container and heat in a water bath.

Compress - This is a special bandage, which in ancient times had a medicinal purpose, but today the range of application of the bandage has been expanded and it is actively used for cosmetic purposes.

The principle of operation of such dressings is based on the contrast of temperatures. Due to this, the skin of the face is tightened, and the vessels narrow. Unfortunately, this effect does not last long. That is, it will not work to use compresses for rejuvenation, but in a short time it is easy to remove fatigue, puffiness and pallor from the face. Facial compresses are suitable for any type of skin, they perfectly moisturize, nourish, and also treat problem skin. But before applying the lotion, you still have to, since a certain type of compress is recommended for each type.

Types of compresses for the face

  1. Dry compress for the face

It is based on any nutritious cream or a serum that is applied to the face. A gauze bandage is applied on top. This allows you to more deeply saturate the skin and penetrate all the ingredients of the cream into the depths of the epidermis.

  1. Hot compress for the face
  • As the basis for a hot compress, decoctions of herbs, plants, flowers, bark, and tea are most often used.
  • To get a greater effect from the compress, a few drops of oils are added to the decoction: lavender, apricot, walnut or pine nut, or any other that suits your skin type.

A hot compress is recommended in case of appearance and dull skin color. High temperatures are known to dilate pores and blood vessels, improve blood circulation, relax muscles and relieve facial fatigue. After applying a hot compress, the top layer of the skin swells and becomes soft, which allows the skin to be thoroughly cleansed.

Hot compresses are an effective budget remedy for the first signs of facial skin aging. The main cause of aging is a decrease in moisture at the cellular level. Hot compresses compensate for this by making the skin radiant and also speeding up cell regeneration.

To prepare a hot compress, you will need water with a temperature of 37-40 degrees, a terry towel, and the rest of the ingredients, depending on the recipe. Hot dressings have one contraindication, they should not be used for inflammation of the skin, for example, inflamed acne or pustules. If the skin has similar problems, it is better to use a cold compress.

It is recommended to keep a hot compress on the face for no more than 30 minutes, and for dry skin it is completely worth limiting to 15 minutes. In addition, owners of dry skin do not need to get involved in hot compresses, it is enough to do them once a week.

  1. Cold compress for the face

A cold compress has a slightly different purpose than a hot one. It is able to invigorate and give the skin a healthy look in a short time, as well as narrow enlarged pores. A cold compress is a great final step after a pore cleansing treatment. During a cold compress, a rush of blood also occurs, the process of skin cell renewal intensifies, small wounds heal and small mimic wrinkles are smoothed out. In order to cook cold compress you also need water, temperatures around 20 degrees and a regular towel.

For oily skin, the procedure should last no more than 20 minutes, and for dry skin - no more than 10 minutes.

  1. Contrasting compress for the face

A contrast or replacement compress is an alternation of hot and cold compresses. This type of lotion is the most effective, it helps to strengthen the muscles of the face and blood vessels. Variable compresses are great for aging skin.

The alternation of hot and cold compress is carried out no more than 4 times, the procedure starts with a hot one and ends with a cold compress. Already after the first procedure, you can notice that the skin has acquired tone and elasticity..

Hot compresses for the face: homemade recipes

Rosehip compress

Rosehip is a very useful product for the skin, firstly, rosehip contains vitamins A, E, C, which slow down the aging process of cells. Rosehip also strengthens the protective skin barrier by retaining moisture in the skin cells. In addition, rosehip perfectly cleanses and nourishes the skin.

To prepare a compress you will need:

  • 50 gr. wild rose;
  • a glass of clean water.

Rose hips are poured with boiling water and infused for about 60 minutes. Then the towel is moistened in the solution and applied to the face for 5 minutes.

Herbal compresses for the face

Medicinal herbs are often used in cosmetology. Their effectiveness in the fight against various skin problems has long been proven, which is why herbs are also used in the preparation of compresses.

To prepare a herbal lotion, you will need the following collection of leaves:

  • sage;
  • dandelion;
  • plantain;
  • thyme;
  • chamomile;
  • nettles;

Each herb has its own specific directional action, for example, sage has a tightening effect, dandelion relieves age spots and freckles, plantain and nettle treat oily skin, thyme moisturizes, and chamomile heals acne. Such an assortment of herbs is sure to have a positive effect on the skin.

Compress with birch catkins

Birch leaves combined with rosehip leaves give a stunning rejuvenating effect.

  • 1-1.5 tbsp birch catkins;
  • 200 ml of boiling water;

Let it brew for 1.5 hours. Strain off the birch mass. Then, you can apply it on your face for 10 minutes.

Peppermint compress

The fact that mint refreshes and tones is so clear, just breathe in its smell. Mint has the same effect on the skin of the face. In addition, mint will not only tone the skin, but also help get rid of irritation and inflammation.

To prepare the lotion, it is necessary to pour mint leaves with very hot water and let it brew for about half an hour. Then the mint leaves are placed on the face and the face is covered with a towel dipped in mint decoction. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes.

Oil mask compress for the face

This mask is great for dry and flaky skin. For cooking oil mask heat in a saucepan 30 gr:

  • olive;
  • peach;
  • almond oil;

We apply warm oil on the cleansed skin of the face, put a layer of permanent paper on top and cover ourselves with a towel. Keep the mask for about 15 minutes, then remove everything with a clean cotton pad.

Vegetable oil compress

  • 80 ml vegetable oil;
  • 5 ml of eucalyptus essential oil;

Mix everything and heat on fire for a couple of minutes. Apply to gauze, a towel or a special napkin. Keep on face for 7 minutes.

Compress with calendula

Calendula is another natural remedy, which is actively used in cosmetology. On the basis of a decoction of calendula, prepare a lot of creams and serums. Regular use of calendula normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, cleanses pores, soothes and eliminates irritation and inflammation. It also brightens the skin and eliminates age spots.

To prepare a lotion from calendula, pour boiling water over the flowers and let it brew for a couple of hours. Then heat the broth and soak a towel in it. Apply a bandage on your face for 15 minutes, then refresh the compress again.

By the same principle, you can use a decoction of chamomile or yarrow.

Compress with tea

Perhaps this is the most commonly used remedy of our ancestors. In the modern world, it is very convenient to make tea compresses, for this it is enough to dip a couple of tea bags in boiling water for 5 minutes. Get the sachets. Apply to face or eyes, and put a towel on top to keep warm.

Salt compress for acne on the face

A fairly effective compress that allows you to deal with problematic skin faces.

  • 2.5 tablespoons of iodized salt;
  • 250 ml hot water;

Mix salt in water, moisten a towel and apply on face. In order not to overdry healthy areas of the skin, cosmetologists advise applying cotton swabs with saline solution only to problem areas of the face. Keep the compress until it cools down.

After such a compress, acne can be removed, just do not forget to disinfect the skin after this procedure.

Cold compresses for the face: homemade recipes

Aloe vera compress

Aloe juice is widely used in medicine and cosmetology. Such widespread use can be explained by the invaluable benefits of this plant. Aloe is a storehouse of essential trace elements and vitamins. Aloe contains such a component as allantoin, which perfectly moisturizes the skin. Aloe contains vitamins C and E, the benefits of which have already been mentioned repeatedly.

  • To prepare a lotion with aloe juice, you will need: 20 ml of aloe juice and half a glass of pure water. Mix both ingredients, moisten a towel in the resulting solution and apply on face.
  • The second recipe for a nourishing compress: squeeze 2 medium leaves of aloe into juice, mix with 4 tablespoons of liquid honey. Apply to a towel or special napkins and apply to the face. Wash off with warm water after 10 minutes.

apple compress

  1. If there is no aloe - it does not matter. Freshly squeezed apple juice has the same properties. For 100 ml of cold water - 50 ml of apple juice. Soak a towel or a special compress cloth in this composition and apply on your face for 15 minutes. For the best effect, it is recommended to cover the face with polyethylene.
  2. 150-200 gr. crush white currant berries into a pulp. Squeeze juice from 1 sour apple. Mix ingredients. Apply them on a napkin and keep on your face for 8 minutes.

lemon compress

Squeeze juice from half a medium lemon. Do the same with carrots. Apply the consistency to a napkin and hold for 7 minutes. Wash off with water afterwards.

Remember, lemon has an antiseptic effect as well as a whitening effect. Such a compress perfectly evens out the complexion. For skin diseases, this compress is not recommended.

plum compress

A very effective remedy for skin that is rapidly losing youth.

  • 1 tablespoon of butter;
  • 1 capsule of vitamin E;
  • 1 egg yolk;
  • 1 plum;

Remove the pit and crush the plum. Mix with all ingredients. We distribute the mixture on a napkin. Keep it on your face for 20 minutes. We wash off the remnants with water, it can be settled, de-gassed.

Vegetable compress

Each vegetable is beneficial for the skin in its own way. Very often, cucumber and tomato are used as a cold compress from vegetables. These seemingly uncomplicated products have a very beneficial features. For example, only one-fifth of a cucumber consists of useful elements, the rest is water. But this tiny part is a storehouse of minerals and trace elements important for humans. If you describe the benefits of each, then get something like this list:

Agree, the list is not small, and this is only in an ordinary cucumber. As for the tomato, it is used as a soft peeling. In addition, this red vegetable regulates the sebaceous glands, relieves irritation and cleanses the pores.

To prepare a cucumber-tomato lotion, you will need: tomato and cucumber juice, 30 ml each, and half a glass of water. Mix the ingredients, soak a towel in the resulting solution and apply on the face for 10 minutes.

Mineral compress

Many cosmetologists believe that mineral water is the best remedy to moisturize the skin. This opinion is not unreasonable, since mineral water contains many useful elements that soothe the skin and make it softer. Of course, we are not talking about carbonated mineral water, since carbon dioxide can, on the contrary, dry out the skin. Therefore, in order to use mineral water as a cosmetic product, it must be left open so that all the gas is exhausted. In addition, it is recommended to purchase mineral water in pharmacies.

It is very easy to make a mineral compress, add a few ice cubes to the water, moisten a towel and apply on the face for 10 minutes.

Compress with dimexide on the face

Many people believe that dimexide is used only for medicinal purposes. Yes, this is true, but dimexide has another use. He fits the list perfectly. cosmetics for face. For example, acne lotions are prepared from dimexide. Already after the first application, you will notice how redness and fine wrinkles will disappear from the face. Dimexide is especially useful for oily skin that is prone to breakouts. It soothes, dries, removes oily sheen. For dry skin, dimexide is used in tandem with other components.

Dimexide compress is prepared in several ways.

  • The classic recipe includes dimexide and pure water in a ratio of 1: 4. In the resulting solution, moisten a towel and put on the face for 15 minutes. You can apply such a compress 2 times a day, until acne and other rashes are completely cured.

Before applying the compress, you need to determine if you have an allergic reaction.

Barley flour and milk compress

Such a compress is not only refreshing, but also helps to cope with skin problems, relieves inflammation and makes the skin young and elastic.

To prepare such a compress, take 2 tablespoons of flour and pour it with a glass of boiled milk. Let it brew, then soak a towel in the resulting infusion and apply to your face for 15 minutes.

Snow compress

This compress is suitable for winter. So, for example, after bath procedures, such a compress can be applied to a steamed face. To do this, simply collect some snow in a towel and apply it a couple of times to your face and neck until it tingles on the skin.

How to do a compress on the face

More than half of the success of the procedure lies in the correct application of the dressing.

How to apply a compress on the face correctly

1 Apply a compress only on a cleansed face. That is, to start special tool makeup is removed, then the face is washed with foam, milk or mousse.
2 Only after cleansing apply a bandage on the face. To carry out a hot compress in water of a certain temperature, moisten a strip of towel or flannel diaper folded several times (preferred materials: terry, gauze, flannelette, flannel). Then a bandage is applied to the face in such a way that the middle of the bandage falls on the chin, and the edges go to the ears.
3 Moisten the bandage every 5 minutes, or as the bandage cools.
4 A cold and contrast compress is applied according to the same principle. Only a cold compress is recommended to be removed after a few seconds.
5 hot compress procedure as a rule, it is the initial one, because after it your skin is ready for further manipulations, for example, for cleaning or peeling.

Cold compress considered the final stage of any cosmetic procedure. After the cold compress, you can apply your regular moisturizer to your face.

Summing up, it is worth noting that facial compresses at home are an excellent alternative to those procedures that are carried out in a beauty salon, only many times more economical. Therefore, having the desire and time, you can regularly carry out such procedures and after a few weeks you will notice how fatigue has disappeared from your face, and your complexion has become healthier and rosier. The main thing is not to overdo it, 1-2 times a week is enough, otherwise the result may be the opposite. Be beautiful and take care of your health!

On this moment There are many ways to monitor the condition of the skin. These include facial compresses. Caring for your appearance in this way helps prevent dehydration of the skin. This improves cell regeneration, reduces the likelihood of peeling and inflammation.

How the compress works

Since ancient times, people have resorted to the help of compresses. Initially, these masks were used for medical purposes. However, now in medicine this method of treatment is practically not found. But facial compresses have found their place in cosmetology, where they very successfully help many in maintaining a beautiful appearance.

The main principle of operation of such procedures is the created temperature contrast. It allows you to tighten the skin of the face. However, this effect is short-term and does not allow you to get rejuvenation. But facial compresses do an excellent job with such work as:

  • removal of traces of fatigue;
  • getting rid of puffiness;
  • removal .

Procedures can be performed regardless of skin type. But before using it, it is still worth determining, since some procedures work better only on certain types of skin. Thanks to modern capabilities, compress masks are divided into several types. They allow not only to moisturize, but also to soak, as well as treat the skin of the face with the manifestation of certain diseases.

Dry compresses

Compresses for the face of a dry type most often have the form of bandages. For them, you can use a simple gauze bandage, which must be folded in several layers. You can replace it with simple cotton wool, which is laid out on the face with a thin layer. The main active ingredient is a nourishing serum or cream, which is applied directly to the skin.

Instead of cream, some girls use vegetable oil. The main thing is that it should be unrefined. The liquid is heated in a water bath to a temperature slightly above body temperature. Next, you need to moisten a cotton swab in it and apply oil to the surface of the face. Now it can be closed with cotton wool or gauze, and a warm scarf can be applied on top. There are no time limits, the main thing after the procedure is to wash your face and apply a moisturizer.

Wet compresses

Wet procedures are more common than dry ones and have several varieties:

  • hot;
  • warming;
  • cold.

The first two types are similar in their action. For them, decoctions of herbs and petals of some plants are often used. Cold compresses help to tone up and reduce sebum secretion.

Hot compresses

A hot compress for the face is the most popular type of these procedures in cosmetology. It is during its application to the skin that the blood vessels expand, which improves blood circulation and gets rid of puffiness. The pores also expand, the muscles relax.

All these processes allow you to get rid of visible signs of fatigue, remove "crow's feet" and give your skin a healthy look. appearance. The same effects, as well as moisturizing, can somewhat slow down the aging process of the skin. A hot compress for the face does not require financial costs, and any girl can do it at home.

In order to independently do a similar procedure, it is enough to have a terry towel at home, as well as heat the water to 37-40 degrees. Having prepared everything you need, you need to cleanse the skin of dirt and cosmetics. After that, the towel is wetted and squeezed out. Next, you need to wrap your head with it so that the wetted areas cover the neck, chin, cheeks and forehead. You need to make a hot compress for 15 or 10 minutes, if the fabric cools down, then it needs to be moistened again and the process continues.

Instead of water, for additional effects and better results, you can use herbal infusions, which are also sometimes added essential oils. So, for dry and normal skin types, you can additionally use:

  • mint;
  • violet;
  • lavender;
  • sage;
  • rose petals.

For oily skin, decoctions from:

  • hypericum;
  • yarrow;
  • calendula;
  • cornflower;
  • eucalyptus;
  • field horsetail.

But there are infusions that are equally good for all skin types. These, for example, include a chamomile compress.

Cold compresses

Cold compresses can be used after other cosmetic procedures such as facial cleaning or massage. They can also be used as a separate process. To do this, it is necessary to remove cosmetics from the face in advance and prepare water, the temperature of which should be from 15 to 18 degrees.

During the procedure, you must follow the same rules as when applying a hot compress. The difference is that the procedure is carried out 2 or 3 times in a row. In this case, each time the towel should not be on the face for more than 2-3 minutes.

Instead of water, you can also use herbal infusions that are recommended for a particular skin type. You can also do cold compresses with mineral water with dry and normal skin. For oily, a 2% solution of boric acid or 3% hydrogen peroxide is suitable.

After completing this procedure, to consolidate the effect, it is recommended to rinse your face with warm water or a decoction of herbs.

It is important to consider that a cold compress on the face should never be applied if the skin has blue tint, or there are purulent diseases of the epidermis.

Contrast compress

Contrasting procedures have the greatest tonic effect. Such a face mask is recommended for young ladies, as it affects not only the skin of the face, but also the muscles, increasing their tone, as well as blood vessels.

To carry out such a procedure, it is necessary to prepare a towel and two containers of water with a temperature for both hot and cold compresses. You need to start with warmer, and end with cool water. To maintain the effect, it is enough to perform the procedure 4 times a week.

In order to remove the pallor of the skin, you can use decoctions of mint, birch leaves and chamomile.

Chamomile tea compress

Chamomile facial compresses are suitable for all skin types. For girls who are just about to start using facial compresses, tips on how to make an infusion from this plant may come in handy. To do this, you need to take a tablespoon of dry inflorescences and a glass of boiling water.

All ingredients are mixed, and the resulting composition is infused at room temperature for about half an hour. In the case of a hot compress, the infusion must be heated again to the desired temperature. After that, you need to take a towel and start the procedure.

In addition to chamomile, you can use simple tea. The infusion is prepared in the same way. Green tea compresses will help to tone up, as well as get rid of the appearance of possible wrinkles. This face mask is even more affordable.

Some nuances of the procedure

Also, some of the girls may need a few useful tips:

  • owners of dry skin type are not recommended to carry out hot compresses more than once a week;
  • to achieve the maximum rejuvenating effect, it is recommended to resort to the use of contrasting types of procedures;
  • it is not recommended to use compresses in case of inflammatory processes or diseases such as rosacea, rosacea and hypertension.

Preparation for the procedure does not take much time, and all the ingredients for it are available to anyone. At the same time, compresses are quite effective tool to reduce the rate of skin aging.

Practicing cosmetologist. Higher medical education. The author of this site. The beauty of the skin excites me both as a specialist and as a woman.

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Compresses improve complexion, increase blood circulation, restore skin elasticity and freshness, saturate it with moisture. Such procedures are quite easy to perform.

Before making a compress of any kind, it is necessary to cleanse the face, and it is recommended to apply a cream on dry skin before hot and contrast compresses.

Wet compress

A terry towel or gauze folded in several layers must be soaked in cold water, wring out and put on the face for 15-20 minutes. This type of compress is preferred for dry, delicate skin. It is advisable to use boiled water.

hot compress

An effective way to prevent early wrinkles, however, doing it more often 2-3 times a week is harmful. To prepare a hot compress, pour one tablespoon of chamomile flowers or other herbs with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for a bit. Strain the hot infusion, pour it into a bowl and soak a terry towel in it. Then slightly wring out the towel and put it on the face for 1-2 minutes so that the mouth and nose are left completely open. Repeat the procedure 4-6 times. Then rinse your face with cool boiled water and apply a nourishing cream.

Hot tea compress

Dip a few gauze or cloth bags with tea in boiling water for 3-5 minutes, then take it out, shake it off and put it on your face, cover it with a thick cloth on top so that the steam can act on the skin. Such a compress is useful for sluggish skin.

Contrast compress

Brew a tablespoon of chamomile flowers or lime blossom, mint, birch leaves with a glass of boiling water and let it brew. Then heat the infusion to the maximum tolerable temperature. Take two bowls, in one of them pour very cold water, and in the other - a hot infusion of herbs. Prepare a place where you can lie down comfortably, put both bowls next to each other, putting a small terry towel in each. Wring out a towel from a bowl of hot infusion, lie down and cover your face with it for 1-2 minutes. Then cover your face with a towel soaked in cold water. Change towels, so you need 4-6 times, completing the procedure with a cold compress. After that, rinse your face with cold water and apply a nourishing cream.

The elasticity of facial tissues will fully return within 10 minutes after the compress, but not for long, no more than 12 hours. Therefore, a contrast compress is the perfect way to look great tonight. A contrast compress is contraindicated only with dilated blood vessels on the face. If the skin is very dry, do not do this procedure often, and the water should not be brought to a very high temperature. However, for oily and impure skin, a significant improvement can be achieved with the help of contrast compresses, performing them 1-2 times a week.

snow compress

Take a handful of clean snow and tie it in a thin cloth napkin. Press the middle part of the napkin filled with snow several times firmly against the face and neck until you feel a strong freezing of the skin. The procedure is best done in the morning, before washing. At the same time, the skin is smoothed, wrinkles disappear, the face turns pink.
