Synopsis of GCD on the development of speech in the middle group “Literary Kaleidoscope. "Literary kaleidoscope Synopsis of nodes for the development of speech literary kaleidoscope

Malysheva Maria

Abstract of a lesson on the development of speech for children of the second younger group.

Subject: literary kaleidoscope. Journey through fairy tales.

Target: Teach children to answer the teacher's questions correctly. Exercise children in a clear pronunciation of vowel sounds. Develop the ability to listen and understand what is heard. Develop the ability to reproduce the content of a fairy tale on questions. Raise interest and love for fairy tales. Encourage children to emotionally relate to imaginary events, to empathize with the characters.

Conduct form: The game is a journey.

Materials and equipment: Illustrations for the fairy tales "Zayushkina's hut", "Kolobok", "Turnip", toy characters from the "Turnip" table theater, Basket with treats.

The course of the game is travel.


Fairy tale, fairy tale joke,

Telling her is no joke

To fairy tale first

Like a river murmured

So that by the end neither old nor small

She didn't fall asleep.

Now I will read you guys a fairy tale.

(Fox enters.)

Fox: Hello guys!

Children: Hello!

Fox: Did you recognize me?

Children: Yes, you are a fox.

(The fox gets to know everyone, asks each child “What is your name?”)

Fox: Here we met. Where did I go guys?

Children: To a kindergarten.

Fox: And what is it called?


Fox: What a beautiful sunny name you have, so warm and breathed.

Educator: Lisa, why did you come to us?

Fox: Yes, she walked like that, she saw a light in the window, let me think, I’ll look.

Educator: Well, little fox, sit down and listen to a fairy tale with the guys.

Fox: Fairy tale? And you won't be able to do anything.

Educator: Why?

Fox: And I mixed up all the fairy tales, now you won’t be able to read fairy tales.

Educator:(addressing the children). Guys, what should we do? How can we unravel fairy tales? (Children express their assumptions, the teacher pushes them to the correct answer.) We must go to the land of fairy tales and try to unravel them. Guys, it's a long way to go. Are you willing to go there?

Children: Yes.

Educator: What can you travel on? (Children express their opinions: by train, by plane, by bus, etc.) You and I will ride on a fabulous train. But the train is not simple, now you yourself will turn into wagons, and I will be a locomotive. ( Children line up behind the teacher.)

chug - chug

Choo – choo

The train is rushing

In full spirit

The steam locomotive puffs.

- I'm in a hurry, - buzzes, -

I'm in a hurry

I'm in a hurry

I'm in a hurry!

So we arrived in fairyland. Oh, and who is sitting and crying?

Children: This is Bunny.

Educator: Bunny, what happened to you?

Bunny: How can I not cry? I had a bast hut. The red spring came, the bear with the clubfoot asked me, and he kicked me out of my hut.

Educator: Here is the first fairy tale that Fox confused. This is on purpose so that no one would guess who is to blame. Guys, let's help the bunny figure it out?

Children: Let's.

Educator: Well done for agreeing. But first, let's remember what kind of fairy tale it is?

Children:"Zayushkina hut".

Educator: And who tried to help the Bunny in trouble? (Children remember and list: a dog, a wolf, a bear and a rooster).

And who helped the Bunny?

Children: Cockerel.

Educator: And who did the Cockerel drive out of the house?

Children: Fox.

Educator: So who is to blame, the Fox, and the Bear has nothing to do with it. And the guys are great, they remembered the fairy tale, and put everything in its place. Children, so who should the Bunny be afraid of?

Children: Fox.

Bunny: Thanks, I'll be very careful now. Goodbye, kids!

Children: Goodbye, Bunny!

Educator: They did a good job and unraveled the fairy tale. And now let's rest. Let's sit in the field and play. (Children sit on the carpet.)

Finger gymnastics.


The bunnies went out into the meadow

We got into a small circle.

(Step the fingers of one hand across the palm of the other.)

One bunny, two bunnies

Three bunnies, four bunnies...

(Bend fingers.)

Let's kick our toes.

(Fingers tap on palm together.)

Knocked, knocked and tired,

Sat down to rest.

(Suddenly a song is heard.)

I am a gingerbread man, a gingerbread man,

I'm scraped in a box,

By the bottom of the barrel I'm metyon,

Mixed with sour cream

Yes, baked in the oven

It's cold on the window.

I left my granddaughter

And he left his grandson

Left the dog

And left the cat

And left the mouse

And from you, goat even more so.

The goat, um, ate the bun.

Educator: Oh, children, what is this strange song? What story do you think it's from?


Educator: Children, is the song sung correctly?

Children: No.

Educator: What is wrong with her?

Children: The heroes are not listed as such.

Educator: And what kind of heroes did the kolobok meet?

(Children list all the characters.)

Educator: Smart guys, who actually ate the kolobok?

Children: Fox.

Educator: Well done, you got through this story. Guys, in order for us to travel further, we need to be cheerful, strong. We'll play a little. Imagine that you are all little foxes and frolic in a clearing.

Fizminutka "Come on, fox, let's run ..."

Come on, fox, let's run, let's run, let's run,

And kicking legs, kicking, kicking,

And clap your hands, clap, clap,

And with our feet we stomp, we stomp, we stomp,

Let's spin with you, spin, spin,

And forever make friends, make friends, make friends.

Educator: Well done boys! Oh, but I'm kind of tired, let's sit down in the clearing, have a rest.

(Fox runs into the clearing).

Fox: And here I am again.

Educator: Oh, Fox, why did you run after us to a fairy-tale land?

Fox: Of course, I really wanted to see how you unravel fairy tales.

Educator: And why, Lisa, you confused fairy tales. The stories are so interesting!

Fox: And I don't like them.

Educator: You do not argue, but rather listen to how children tell a fairy tale.

(Children begin to tell the tale "Turnip". The fox interrupts them after the first phrase).

Fox: And I know this story. Listen: grandfather planted a turnip. A large turnip has grown - very large. It's time to dig up the turnip. Grandfather took a shovel and dug up a turnip. Here is the end of the story!

Educator: Lisa, you've got it all mixed up again. Children tell Lisa how it really was.

(Children tell a fairy tale - each in a fragment, putting the heroes of the fairy tale on the carpet in order.)

Fox: Ah, how interesting! I liked it very much. I won't confuse fairy tales anymore. And now it's time for me to go home. Goodbye!

Children: Goodbye!

Educator: So we visited the land of fairy tales, and now it's time for us to return home. Oh, what a basket the fox left. (Children look into the basket, there is a treat).

Children: Thanks, Lisonka!

Educator: We turn into wagons and set off on the way back!

chug - chug

Choo – choo

The train is rushing

In full spirit

The steam locomotive puffs.

- I'm in a hurry, - buzzes, -

I'm in a hurry

I'm in a hurry

I'm in a hurry!

(Children "return to the group", receive a treat.)

Natalya Martynova
Synopsis of the GCD "Literary Kaleidoscope" (senior group)

Synopsis of GCD in Art. gr.

« Literary kaleidoscope»

Target: Reveal pupils' knowledge about literary works, to teach pupils to compose interesting descriptions heroes.


Develop coherent and dialogic speech, the ability to meaningfully answer questions;

To develop in pupils the ability to describe the heroes of a fairy tale;

To cultivate the ability to listen to each other, not to interrupt, not to shout.

Material: a stone with an inscription, a box with masks, a puzzle "Flower", pictures depicting animals.

preliminary work: Organize an exhibition 2-3 days before class literary works, help children when looking at illustrations to remember literary works, at the request of the children to read some of them; during the independent activities of children, make riddles, invite children to come up with their own riddles.

GCD progress:

The teacher invites the children to a fairy tale, the children get on the bus and go. They stop at two roads where a stone lies. On the stone written: “You will go to the right - you will find riddles. If you go to the left, you will find a hero. If you go ahead, you will enter a Russian fairy tale. You will go back to the Yakut fairy tale. And so we went to the right.

1. Game "Guess a riddle".

Do you like to solve riddles?

What is a riddle?

How are riddles different from poems and stories?

(Mysteries are different: about animals, about plants, objects; similar to poetry, short, just one sentence. In riddles, the subject is not named and you yourself have to guess what it is about. To make it easier to guess, the fairy tale says what this object looks like).

And now I propose to solve riddles and prove that your answer fits the riddle and explain why you think so? Listen to the riddle.

*Ikki sirdiitteeh, tuort suoldyuttaakh, degdelime seliik baar uyu (yt)

* Who deftly jumps along the Christmas trees and flies up to the oaks?

Who hides nuts in a hollow, dries mushrooms for the winter? (squirrel).

*From mas aylyktaah oyuokkalaan ogonnyor baar uy (kuobah).

* Grey, scary and toothy

Made a stir.

All the guys ran away

Scared those animals. (wolf).

*Ikki titirigi ilde syldar baar uyu. (taba)

2. -Let's go to the left to look for our hero.

In this game, you need to describe in as much detail as possible literary hero.

If you want, you can use the model.

What is it external?

What is his character?

What can he do?

And we will try to guess. "Fox-sister", "One Botuuk".

Well done.


And now we'll play a game "Fairy tales". Let's make a circle.

The mouse ran fast (run in place)

The mouse wagged its tail (motion simulation)

Oh, the testicle dropped (bend over, "raise testicle")

Look, I broke (show "testicle" outstretched arms)

Here we planted it (bend over)

And poured water on her (motion simulation)

Now let's pull it (motion simulation)

We cook porridge from turnips (imitation food)

We are a nice family of goats.

We love to jump and ride (jumping in place)

We love to run and play

We like to butt horns (they get up in pairs and show with the index fingers of both hands "horns")

Well done, you did it and get part of the picture.

3. Let's go forward to the Russian fairy tale game "Guess who?"

Do you guys like fairy tales?

And how can you say about a fairy tale, what is it like? (Magical, wonderful, instructive, witty, smart, interesting, kind, mysterious, unusual, joyful, wise)

We have read many books. Let's remember.

Who writes stories? (Writers, storytellers, people).

How are fairy tales different from others? literary works? (There is magic in fairy tales, animals talk. In fairy tales lies the folk wisdom that the people composed. From fairy tales we learn how people lived before, what they taught their children, what they dreamed about, they told fairy tales to their children, and when they grow up to their children. Fairy tales teach to be kind, hardworking. In fairy tales, evil is always punished. Fairy tales tell about the adventures of people and animals.)

How do fairy tales begin? (A long time ago, they lived, they were, Arai-biirde, bylyr-bylyr)

How do fairy tales end? (That's the end of the tale, and who listened well done, Ol kemten yla, Onton yla.)

And now I suggest that you remember in which fairy tales the heroes I named are found and characterize them. (Fox, wolf, hare, bear.)

Great, you did a great job and get part of the picture.

4. Driving back from the stone staging "Kuttas yaldyittar"

Heroes: kutuyakh, kuurussa, haas, torbuyakh, uh.

Utuu - subuu bars ee dietin aanyn kelen tonsuya tonsuya, sanarallar.

Kutuyakh: -Pik-piik, bareskiite baris ere.

Kuurussa:-Ko-ko-kooo, kuruppata kut ere.

Haas:- Ga-ga-ga, haya, peas baar duo?

Torbuyach:-Mee, wut iyem ete.

Emiske die aana ayllar, ee byltas gynar:-Drrr….

Yaldyttar kuttanan uruo - tara syrsallar.

uh:- Doroobolorun! Haya hanna bardylar? - di-di eleer-meleer koruteliir.

Well done, you did it and get part of the picture.

The games of our magic stone are over. But before you find a surprise, I want to ask you:

1. What helped you to cope with the tasks?

2. Which task is the most interesting?

3. Did knowledge of fairy tales help you?

Well, now put the puzzles into a picture. You have collected all the necessary puzzles. What needs to be done to find out where the surprise is?

(Children find a surprise).

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Lesson on the development of speech in senior group

Topic: "Literary kaleidoscope"


Consolidate knowledge of fairy tales.

Develop dialogic speech.

Develop intonation expressiveness of speech, memory, attention, logical thinking.

Develop the ability to perform various game tasks.

Cultivate the ability to listen to your friend.

Preliminary work:

Reading fairy tales.


Theater toy bi-ba-bo bunny, goat.

Lesson progress:


There are many fairy tales in the world

Sad and funny.

And live in the world

We cannot do without them.

Let the heroes of fairy tales

They give us warmth.

May Good be forever

Evil wins.

V. Shainsky

Guys, do you like fairy tales? What fairy tale characters do you know?

Today I invite you to go on a journey through fairy tales.

Educator. Guesses a riddle about a kolobok.

From flour he was baked,

On sour cream was mixed.

On the window, he was chilling,

Rolled along the path.

He was cheerful, he was brave

And along the way he sang a song.

Who is this?

Children. Kolobok

Educator. Fidget-Kolobok would be ashamed at the window,

But he decided: "I'll run away, warm up a little."

Let him show us the way to fairy tales.

Wherever he goes, there we will go.

caregiver (invites the child to put on a bunny doll)

Look, the bunny is sitting and crying. Let's ask him what he's crying about.

(Children ask)

Bunny. How can I not cry? I had a bast hut, and foxes - ice. She asked to live with me, but she kicked me out.

caregiver . Children, who guessed what fairy tale we got into?

Children. "Hare Hut"

Educator. Look at the pictures for the story. Put the heroes in order. Who was the first to come to the aid of the bunny? Who is second? Who is missing?

caregiver . Our bun rolled on. Where will he take us? Someone's house on the way.

Guess whose:

Waiting for mom with milk

They let the wolf into the house.

Who were these

Small children?

Children. Goats.

caregiver . Right. See if everything in this fairy tale is true? Who is the odd one out in the story?

The door to the house is closed. We must remember what song the mother goat sang when she wanted to enter?

(offer the child a doll - a goat and sing a song)

Goats, kids!

Open up, open up!

Your mother has come

Milk brought;

Milk runs along the notch,

from a notch on a hoof,

From the hoof to the cheese ground .

Educator. The passage has opened, we can move on. What fairy tale will the bun lead us to this time?

Sitting girl in a basket

The bear is on the back.

He, without knowing it,

Carries her home.

Children. This is the fairy tale Masha and the Bear.

Educator. What is the bear called in fairy tales? (Mikhail, Misha Kosolapy, Mikhailo Potapych, Grandfather Misha, Toptygin, etc.)

Educator. The bear was upset that Masha did not stay with him to live.

Let's play with him, please him.

The game "At the bear in the forest"

caregiver . Different animals live in the fairy forest, and each has a fairy nickname. Do you know them? Now I will start, and you will continue:

Mouse - ... norushka;

Frog - ... wah;

Bunny - ... runaway;

Chanterelle - ... sister

Wolf - ... click teeth.

And now vice versa. I'll name a nickname, and you guess who I'm talking about:

Clubfoot - ... bear;

Oblique - ... hare;

Gossip - ... fox;

Quick legs, short tail - ... hare.

caregiver : Our bun rolled on. Where will he take us?

Cockerel and cat were friends

They lived together, did not grieve.

And the cunning fox

All of a sudden I decided to spoil everything.

Hiding under the window

The cockerel lured into the trap.

caregiver . What fairy tale did the bun lead us to?

Children. "Cat, Rooster and Fox"

caregiver . Remember what musical instrument the cat took with him when the cockerel went to rescue.

Children. Gusli.

caregiver : Well, our journey ends. Our bun is probably very tired, let him rest a little and play with us.

We were like a fairy tale

Everything about her has changed dramatically. (go on the spot)

We stamped our feet (stomp)

We clapped our hands. (clapping)

They will remember us in a fairy tale.

We leaned on "one", (bent down)

On the "two" went up, (straightened up)

Everyone smiled. (smiled)

And they sank again. (stomp)

And they clapped their hands. ( clap)

Here are some good fellows

Here are some daredevils! (hands on waist)

Educator. Our bun has rested and can show us the way back.

Educator. Well, we are back.

Educator. You guys are great, you guys are daring and for this I have prepared a surprise for you (the teacher takes out gifts from the chest, distributes them)

And now, let's remember once again, what kind of fairy tales did we meet today?

Which fairy tale did you like the most? (children's answers) This concludes our lesson. Thank you!

Irina Kuptsova
Synopsis of GCD on the development of speech in middle group"Literary Kaleidoscope"

Program content:

1. Clarify and consolidate with the children known to them literary works;

2. Develop connected background speeches: learn to compose a narrative story with the inclusion of elements of description;

3. Activate and enrich the vocabulary of children, teach word creation;

4. Exercise children to correctly coordinate the ending of words;

5. Form the correct pronunciation of the sound Sh.

Material and equipment:

Suitcase for Guessing Man, toys characters from "Tales of the Stupid Mouse" (duck, horse, toad, pig, cat, pike, cow, chicken, sheep) a selection of books in a book corner about cats and mice, a picture from a fairy tale "Three piglets". Cut pictures based on the poems of A. L. Barto (according to the number of children, toys for playing, an easel, costume elements for Ugadaikin.

preliminary work:

Reading children's fiction literature, conversations on texts, acting out word games, dramatization of poems by A. L. Barto.

A melody sounds. Kids are playing.

caregiver: - Children, I come to work this morning, open group, and on the carpet is this suitcase (shows). Who do you think brought it to us?

Children: - Wizard

Valentina Sergeevna



(The teacher reincarnates by putting on the elements costume: jabot (cape, hat, nose turns into Guessing Man).

Ugadaikin: - Ugadaikin, come here, Ugadaikin - there.

I got completely lost walking in your garden.

Guys, and in your group Do you happen to have my suitcase?

Where did I leave it?

Children: - He is here.

Yes, here he is.

Here, it's a suitcase.

Ugadaikin: - Oh, you're my good, there you are!

Well, I'm off, goodbye!

Children: No, don't leave.

Be with us.

Please stay.

Ugadaikin: - Do not leave!

Then ask me to stay

Children: - Ugadaikin, please stay;

Be with us.

We want you to be with us

Stay, Ugadaikin.

Ugadaikin: - Fine! Let's play my favorite game then - "Guessing Game"

Guess the tale (is reading)

"Stupid little mouse

He answers vaguely:

You sing too loud"

(Children recognize and name a fairy tale, an adult takes out a familiar illustration for "The Tale of the Stupid Mouse").

Ugadaikin: - Who were the nannies for the mouse, guess by touch?

(pulls out a bag of toys: duck, toad, horse, pig, chicken, pike. Cow and sheep - provocative toys)

Children:- Aunt duck

aunt horse

Aunt toad, etc.

Ugadaikin: - Is it all "nannies" did you find the mouse and name it?

Children: - No

no cat

Ugadaikin: - Guess whose paws they are?

(pokes the paws of a toy cat out of the suitcase).

Children: - Feline

Ugadaikin: Whose ears are these?

Children:- These are cat ears

Ugadaikin: - Guess whose tail it is?

Children: - cat tail

Ugadaikin: - Whose muzzle is this?

Children: - Cat face

Ugadaikin: - And here is the aunt cat herself!

(holds out cat)

Ugadaikin: - the cat sang to the mouse. Suddenly, the mouse, as it jumps out of bed, as if wagging its tail, the cat got scared and ran away ...

Children: - No not like this.

Ugadaikin: - Not this way? But as?

Children: - The mouse ran, the cat called: -

"Come to us, aunt cat,

Shake our baby";

The cat sang tenderly, gently, Beautiful:

"Meow - meow, sleep, my baby

Meow - meow, let's go to sleep

Meow - meow, on the bed ";

And then the cat ate the stupid little mouse;

Mom - the mouse came running, looked at the bed, but he was not there.

Ugadaikin: - Guys, find on the bookshelf books in which cats and mice live.

(children's work in the book corner)

Children: - In the book "Confusion";

IN "The Tale of the Stupid Mouse"

IN "The Tale of the Smart Mouse"

"Mustachioed - Striped";

"Who said: "Meow?"

"Cat house"

In a fairy tale "Turnip"

In a fairy tale "Terrible Beast" etc.

Phys. minute: - Mobile game "The Cat on the Roof"

Ugadaikin: - Guess this fairy tale.

(takes out a picture from a fairy tale from a suitcase "Three piglets")

Ugadaikin: - I really want you to describe the piglets and the wolf.

Who wants?

(the teacher calls the children, the children agree on who, which pig will describe, and who will describe the wolf)

Children: - I am Nif-nif;

I - will - Naf-naf;

And I'm Nuf-nuf.

I will describe the wolf.

Ugadaikin: - Do not forget to tell what you are; funny or sad, lazy or hardworking, what are you wearing, what are you doing.

(Children alternately give a description)

Children: - I am a cheerful piglet ...

I'm a mischievous pig...

And I am a very hardworking pig.

I'm wearing green pants with a strap, a striped blouse (t-shirt) and a red riding hood with a bell.

I am wearing black shorts, a sailor shirt and a cap.

I am you in blue overalls. I have a plaid shirt and a small spatula, she helps me build a house.

And I'm a gray wolf. Very angry, angry, hungry.

Wandered through the forest all day. I even ripped my pants. They are all on payroll.

(An adult makes a logical speech riddle to the children)

Ugadaikin: - Three piglets Nif-nif, Nuf-nuf and Naf - naf - built new ones for themselves houses: from straw - the first, from products, twigs and leaves - the second, from stones, a tiled roof, a red chimney and a reliable strong oak door - the third.

Why did the wolf go to the house where the daisies grow?

Children: - This house is very beautiful, durable, reliable. This house can accommodate a large family.

Around the house is very beautiful, a lot of flowers.

Three pig brothers hid in this house at once. The wolf ran to this house because there were three little pigs hiding there.

Ugadaikin: - I have new riddles in store for you. Guess the riddles guys. Close the guesses with colored chips only those poems about which were composed by A. L. Barto.

A game "Guess the Riddles".

A bird flies - a fable,

And inside the people sit

He speaks among himself (airplane)

Let's build the plane ourselves

Let's fly over the forests

Let's fly over the forests

And then back to mom.

He is the most in the world

He is very, very kind

Even the animals

That one and more

Who is kinder (elephant)

Time to sleep! Goby fell asleep

Lying in a box on a barrel

Sleepy bear went to bed

Only the elephant does not want to sleep,

Elephant nods its head

He sends a bow to the elephant.

little curly

Playing in the meadow

Me-e-e - calls mom (kid)

Poem by A. L. Barto

I have a goat

I feed him myself

I am a kid in a green garden

I'll take it early in the morning

He gets lost in the garden

I will find it in the grass.

Throw in the river - do not drown

You hit the wall - do not moan,

You will throw the ground

Will fly up (ball)

Poem. A. L. Borto: "Ball"

Our Tanya is crying loudly:

Dropped a ball into the river

Hush, Tanechka, don't cry

The ball will not sink in the river.

(The teacher guesses all the riddles in discord among them two others for which A. L. Barto did not write poetry) For example:

The shot beats

Walking helps (drum)

many needles

And all without threads (hedgehog)

caregiver:- If I want

I will turn and turn

unusual pictures

I will give to all the children

(Shows envelopes containing split pictures)

Kaleidoscope gives you, Guys, new game "Sliced ​​Pictures" on familiar and favorite works.


Educator Kuptsova I.I.

Program content:

Clarify children's knowledge on the topic "Fairy tales", give the concept of " folk tale”, “author's tale”, to introduce the history of the emergence of Russian folk tales. To develop the ability to convey the characteristic features of fairy-tale characters with the help of movements, to learn to improvise in dance. To consolidate the ability to find parts and the whole, exercise in an ordinal count within 10, solve simple examples for addition and subtraction.

Materials and equipment: SMATboard interactive whiteboard and Smart Notebook program, objects from fairy tales (glass slipper, firebird feather, scarlet flower, etc.)


Children, look how many guests we have today. Let's say hello to them and give them our smile so that we all have a good mood.

Guys, I know that you like surprises, and that there are big dreamers and inventors in your group who love to invent fairy tales and play them. Is that so? (children's answers) Do you love fairy tales?

Then come in, I'll show you a magic mirror in which fairy tales live! Would you like to see? ( Leads to the interactive whiteboardSMART board, on it there is a screensaver "Visiting a fairy tale", children look while standing).

The teacher comments:

We all - both adults and children love fairy tales very much. You met them when you were very young, when you and your parents looked at books with fairy tales, when your mother read them to you before going to bed. From them, you first learned that there are positive and negative characters, good and evil. Fairy tales awaken and develop the imagination, teach to think, feel, empathize. Without them, our life would be much more boring. Let's sit down and talk about them in more detail.

Educator: (cognitive information): Guys, fairy tales are different. There are fairy tales that have been folded among the people. What do you think these stories are called? That's right - people.

Russian folk tale came to us from time immemorial. After a hard day's work, our ancestors spent long evenings, with a torch lit in the hut, folding and listening to fairy tales, and then retelling them to each other. So they were passed from mouth to mouth, from generation to generation and have come down to us.

What Russian folk tales do you know? (children's answers, several illustrations on the screen). And also folk tales were composed not only in Rus', but also in other countries. What do you think, if the fairy tale was invented in China, what would we call it? (Chinese folk tale), and if in Moldova? (Moldovan folk tale, etc.)

And there are fairy tales that are written by one or more people - these are author's fairy tales. What fairy tale writers do you know? (children's answers, several portraits on the screen)

Here is a portrait of the great Russian poet, writer, storyteller - Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. What stories did he write?


Fairy tale characters live in this magic mirror. I propose to play the game and guess some of them.

Game in the programSmart notebook(collection gameLATon the interactive whiteboard)-

flipper cards (on one side is a description of the hero, on the other is the image of the hero himself, the description is read to the children, the child who first guessed the correct answer goes to the board and, with the help of a touch, turns over the card, on the back of which the correct answer is).

· What was the name of the fairy-tale heroine who had blue hair?

· Which fairy tale character lived on the roof?

· What fairy tale heroine emerged from a flower?

· Which fairy-tale hero brought mail in the village of Prostokvashino?

Educator: Well done! Guessed all the fairy-tale characters!

And with what words does a fairy tale usually begin, who knows - quickly raises his hand? And which one does it end with? ( children's answers)

Well done, I suggest you make a fairy tale yourself, be fairy-tale heroes from a fairy tale and play a game. Boys will turn from brave knights in armor, and girls into beautiful fairy fairies.

Look at the pictures. What movements do you think the knights should have? That's right - sharp, heavy, they are in such heavy armor. What about fairies? Light, airy, graceful, graceful.

Physical education "Knights and fairies"

Educator: Here are some fellows, how well they portrayed fairy-tale heroes. And now I suggest that you return to your seats and complete magical tasks. Want to?

In our magic mirror, all the letters are mixed up. You need to put all the letters in order to get words! The first word is fairy tale.

Composing words on an interactive whiteboard (collectionLAT, anagrams). (words: Fairy tale, book)

Educator: guys, what are the books on the content? Children's answers: wise, informative, informative, instructive, moralizing. That's how many words we picked up, that's the magic word - BOOK! I suggest you parse this magic word by letter and sound!

Sound-letter analysis of the word "BOOK"

How many letters are in a word? How many consonants does it have? Name them. How many vowels? Name them. Let's count how many syllables this word has. Well done. And now who will answer, what is the first sound in the word BOOK? Let's say this word out loud together and listen. Correct - K is a consonant sound, but is it hard or soft? That's right - solid, denoted by a blue icon in the form of such a small rectangle. Second sound? Correct - Нн - consonant and soft, denoted by a green icon. The third - And - vowel - is denoted by a red icon. The fourth - G - consonant and firm. And - A - vowel - denoted by a red icon!

That is the magic word BOOK, but now we have revealed all its secrets! And it's time for our eyes to rest.

Let's get up and do a special gymnastics for our eyes so that they never get sick!


We played so much fun

Our eyes are tired!

Rest, so that our eyes,

Let's start the story again.

Watch eyes - tick-tock,

Left, right, watch the beat.

Let's go up and down now

Our eyes are like a ball!

Jump-jump, up-down,

Eyes jump - do not be lazy!

In an instant they turned into wheels -

And they rolled in circles.

Let's all look out the window

Well, after, on the palm of your hand.

Turned left, turned right

Our eyes rested.


Now our eyes have rested, and we can continue to perform magical tasks. And you want to help our fairy tale heroes who can't cope with mathematical tasks! Can you help?

Children perform math assignments on the interactive whiteboard:

Didactic game "Help Dunno to name neighboring numbers"

Guys, the first fairy-tale hero who needs help is Dunno. At school he was asked homework- name the adjacent numbers. He again did not listen to the teacher at the lesson and could not cope with the task in any way. Let's help him!

Didactic game "Solve examples with Malvina"

And now Malvina wants to test our knowledge. You need to find the whole and parts and write equality. Who will be the first to go out and complete this task?

Didactic game "Help Pinocchio get to Treasure Island"

Guys, and now Pinocchio asks us for help! We need to help him get to Wonder Island. To do this, it is necessary to solve a mathematical chain, and you will get a bridge along which Pinocchio can get there.


Well done! You did such a great job! Guys, do you know that a fairy tale surrounds us always and everywhere, every thing has its own fairy tale, no matter what you look at, you will immediately remember the fairy tale. I suggest you go and look for things from fairy tales.

To light music, children move freely around the group, find objects from fairy tales and say the name of the fairy tale and its author (a golden key, a crystal shoe, an onion, a golden egg, a scarlet flower, gold fish, little red riding hood, firebird feather .... etc.)

Surprise moment.

The teacher shows the children a magic wand. Asks the children :

Children, what is this fabulous object? That's right, a magic wand! What can be done with it? ( children's answers). That's right, with its help you can perform any miracles! And now I really want to make a MIRACLE! Not only in fairy tales, but also in life, good conquers evil and all people rejoice! I want to light our stars in the fabulous sky to make a constellation of kindness, and it will shine and give joy, light and warmth to all people!

The teacher on the interactive board with the help of a magic wand lights stars with a photo of each child.

Guys, look what a wonderful constellation of GOODNESS we got! Now you have given everyone a piece of your joy and kindness!
