Mathematical tasks for children 4 years old print. Learning tasks with words

Classes for children for 4 years should be developing and prepare the child for entering school, teach the child to read and write, develop his abilities and knowledge of the world around him. Experts say that at 4 years old it is already possible to seat the child at the table and work on benefits for preschoolers. But in practice, the child will not sit for more than 15–20 minutes with a developing notebook or book - it is for this time that each task from such manuals is calculated. There are, of course, children who can sit behind developing notebooks and study enthusiastically for 30 minutes. But when a child does not want to, you do not need to force him. A child at 4 years old is very active, he is interested in running, jumping, playing toys, and your task is to develop him in the game.

How to teach a child to play, in which for the most part he spends his time? Let's look at: how to turn games into educational activities for children 4 years old, what toys and materials will help you with this; what developmental notebooks and books children study with pleasure.

What and how to develop in the classroom with children at 4 years old

  • Fine motor skills, sensory. Sculpt from plasticine, clay; assemble the constructor; make crafts from natural materials and cereals; weave from ropes and elastic bands; plant beads; draw with sand, sculpt from it; paint and draw with pencils and brushes, with different hands and hold the tool differently making different dashes.
  • Logic, thinking. Play board games for children (lotto, dominoes, go through mazes); solve riddles; play “What happens if…? (the ball will fall into the water, it will rain, etc.) "
  • Attention, memory. Ask questions, for example, about what the child saw on the street when walking - “What color was that dog, whom you met on the playground, what was he wearing, what color, etc.”; ask to tell about the story you just read from the book; assemble constructor blocks from memory, draw from memory; play flipped cards with images that the child must remember, etc.
  • Grammar. Learn the letters and names of objects beginning with that letter in game form. When studying letters, you can simultaneously begin to study simple syllables.
  • Arithmetic. Learn numbers and counting, addition and subtraction of prime numbers in a playful way.
  • The development of speech. Learn rhymes. During the game, ask the child to tell, offering him various objects and objects: “What kind of object does he see in front of him? What is he doing? What is it for?
  • Fantasy and creative skills. draw; sculpt; assemble the constructor; do crafts; be sure to learn songs, sing along with the children; dance to the music, learn to dance together; come up with puppet shows, improvise with the plot.
  • physical skills. Dance, with ribbon, sword; play "Twister" and other outdoor games; do yoga for kids ride bicycles and scooters, play outdoor games on the street.
  • Knowledge of the surrounding world. Learn the time on the clock; seasons and months; weather features; animals and where they live; urban and natural objects; forms; invoices; smells; colors, etc.

What a 4 year old should know

If the child does not know yet, then start learning:

  • Directions (left, right, up, down, etc.).
  • Colors.
  • Forms.
  • Types of animals.
  • Transport.
  • Plants and natural objects.
  • City objects.
  • State of nature and weather.
  • Properties of objects and objects, their application (this is how you develop the vocabulary and speech of the child as a whole).
  • City sounds, sounds of nature, animals, etc.
  • Smells.

Required extra activities for children for 4 years

  • Riddle riddle.
  • Reading with mom.
  • Physical exercises (on a fitball, with a ribbon, a bicycle, a scooter, a ball and other games that develop the child's physics).
  • Applied art (drawing with brushes and pencils from different hands and holding a tool in different ways, modeling, appliqué, weaving)

We have already written articles on topics - read more by clicking on the links with the skills you need.

Classes for children for 4 years on benefits

It is better to buy all manuals, books and notebooks in bookstores, and not download from the Internet, printing on a home printer. On the Internet, you will not find material of decent quality, and when printed on a home printer, it will deteriorate even more - you can’t offer this to children, you risk ruining all the fun of classes. But even in a bookstore, you need to choose with great care so that the book is compiled by progressive specialists, the tasks are understandable and interesting to the child, and the pictures arouse additional interest in classes.

  1. Manual "Annual course of developmental activities (for gifted children 4-5 years old)" includes a full annual course of developmental activities for children 4-5 years old in the main areas of preschool education: literacy, mathematics, preparing a hand for writing, getting to know the outside world, developing speech, logic, attention, imagination.
  2. Set of 7 manuals “School of little geniuses. For 4-5 years" is a comprehensive program of classes that covers all areas of development and education of the child and complies with the Federal State Standard for Preschool Education. Each set contains methodological material to prepare the child for school and general development. Each book contains entertaining educational tasks, exercises and games.
  3. Manual “Annual course of studies. For children 4-5 years old» contains the main topics of preschool education, with pictures of the child's favorite multiplex-characters.

What to look for when choosing educational aids, books, notebooks with tasks for children 4 years old:

  • Almost all manuals with tasks are designed for a certain age and it is indicated on the cover - select by age.
  • Classes for children for 4 years old should correspond not only to age, but also to his abilities - the child must solve all the tasks assigned to him without exerting extra effort, otherwise you will need to move on to easier tasks, and there is nothing to worry about. So you will support the child's interest in classes, without repelling the desire to learn.
  • Choose professional authors of manuals compilers, usually their experience and qualifications are described in the manual itself - the author must have a specialty and not a little experience in teaching preschoolers.
  • Select manuals with high-quality illustrations - this is very important for children. Illustrations should be: colored in soothing colors, match the original objects, without excessive brightness; aesthetic, kind and sweet; understandable for a child of 4 years old, with the main features of object identification (a hare should look like a hare); depict adequate emotions, gestures and movements; images must match the text and be consistent; there should be air around the images (white background) for better perception.

  1. Manual "Logic and thinking"
  2. Handbook “Getting Ready for School. Learn numbers and shapes. For children 4-5 years old»
  3. Manual "Magic Labyrinths. For children 4-6 years old»
  4. “Learning to tell the time. An hour and half an hour. For children 3-5 years old»
  5. And other benefits from the KUMON training center"

How to work on benefits

Lessons on benefits, at the initial stage, should take 15-20 minutes. A four-year-old child is not able to sit for more than this time, and you should not force him. Choose those tasks from the manual that the child is more willing to be interested in, if a clear sequence of tasks is not recommended. Do not forget that it is important to do everything with pleasure, to praise the child for a correctly completed task, not to scold if something does not work out for him. Remember that these rules are important, especially if you want your child to study well and with interest in the future.

The manuals contain activities for children for 4 years:

  • on the development of logic and thinking;
  • training of attention and memory;
  • fantasy and creative skills;
  • training fine motor skills of hands;
  • literacy assignments;
  • arithmetic tasks;
  • tasks for the development of speech;
  • introducing the child to ideas about the world around.

There are manuals for each of the directions separately, and there are those that contain all the necessary categories, which is quite convenient.

Educational activities for children for 4 years in a playful way

The child is in the game all the time, parents only need to include the learning aspect in the game. Almost all games can be turned into educational activities for children 4 years and older. And almost all toys can become educational material.


In the first place among educational toys are constructors. The constructor is a toy without gender separation, as it was previously thought, it will be equally interesting for both boys and girls. It is advisable to choose sets not only with different blocks, but also with characters, auxiliary items and objects. There are designers with a printed alphabet for learning letters; there are numbers and signs of addition, subtraction; also designers acquainting children with the outside world, animals different countries and continents, seasons, professions. For example, "Lego Duplo" - in this series the parts are quite large, there are sets for the smallest from 1 year old, and there are from 2-5 years old. The next series of the designer come from 3 years old Lego Classic - it contains smaller parts and there are more of them in sets. You can choose separate series for boys and girls.

Games with the designer, we develop:

Fantasy and language skills

Ask your child questions during the game, let him fantasize what will happen next. Let's give the task to come up with a new figure from the constructor, it is not necessary to assemble it only according to the schemes. Play scenes with the constructor's characters, come up with names for them, activities, where they will live, with whom to be friends.


Just build from blocks, according to schemes and without, create your own schemes. Draw a figure, the boundaries of an object or a letter on a piece of paper with a marker, let the child put it together from blocks. Set frames, colors, shapes. Cubes can be used different ways, even laying out patterns on the floor. You can write numbers and letters on the cubes, stick small stickers; then give tasks to the child: put together such cubes with images according to some signs or meaning. Build a maze out of blocks, ask the child to go through it on their own, ask them to build a maze for you.

fine motor skills

The smaller the details, the more quickly the child learns to handle them, developing his fine motor skills.

Attention and memory

Assembling the constructor according to the scheme attached to it, the child learns to follow it carefully. There are a lot of separate books with new schemes for the Lego constructor, they can be purchased additionally in bookstores. You can make your own schemes, draw them, make your own catalog - is it really an interesting project? You can also use these skills during the game itself, for example, by giving the task to collect from memory, as it was before, all the trailers of a colliding and crumbling train, etc.


With a marker, you can write the letters of the Russian alphabet on the cubes, or stick stickers with letters and other images on the cubes, which you can also do with your child. These little stickers are sold in bookstores for diaries. With the help of such prepared blocks, you can teach a child: offering to match the letter to the desired image, putting the letters into syllables by connecting the blocks. You can add printed letters from the blocks themselves, having previously drawn a diagram on a piece of paper. You can use blocks with letters and other images, along with study notebooks and books, to make your learning more interactive and interesting.

Counting, addition and subtraction

Use blocks with numbers and signs of addition and subtraction, which you can prepare with the children, as described above. Or, for example, play a construction game: ask for a certain number of blocks of a certain color to be delivered to you, then add a few more of a different color, and so on. The child perfectly perfects the account in such interesting games.

Speech development

Use blocks with stickers depicting various objects - this is how you can play a store with characters, asking the child, in the role of a consultant, what he will advise and why. Help him by introducing new words, let him use them in his explanations. Provoke the child to comment on the actions in the game - ask guiding questions. Learn to build sentences correctly: playing, for example, a tourist excursion or a railway station, announcing the necessary announcements for train passengers.

Pros and cons of the designer

Constructor advantages: If you connect your imagination, the designer is a very multifunctional toy, with it you can come up with a lot of educational activities for children for 4 years old and almost anyone. preschool age And besides, it's so interesting.

Constructor cons: Many parents complain about small details scattered throughout the house. However, this can be dealt with: build a special rug for games under the designer; which is pulled into a bag, collecting all the details, at the end of the game.

Parents also note that their child assembles the constructor only according to the schemes without showing imagination. There is a way out here - buy classic Lego Classic blocks, they are designed for the child to invent figures and games on their own.

Board games are very popular today. This is not only educational activities for children for 4 years old, but also a fun time with parents and friends, the joy of winning, and training an adequate attitude in case of a loss. Board games developed on different ages child, for preschoolers it can be: puzzles for learning the alphabet; dominoes with images, numbers and letters; different walkers with simple rules; or card games with beautiful illustrations. All this can be found in toy stores.

  1. Good educational games for preschoolers are published by the LISCIANI publishing house, you can choose individual games for the development of any skill or sets.
  2. Another good manufacturer of educational games is Miniland. Games are designed for the development and education of preschool children.
  3. And of course, the rather popular "Tenth Kingdom" produces a very large assortment of educational and educational games for children, with their favorite characters from cartoons, for children of different ages.
  4. When looking for a game to develop a particular skill (learning letters, writing, reading, counting) consider all publishers of educational games for children. The choice is large, but you can find almost everything you need for developing activities with children.

Pros of children's board games: Such games are built according to a ready-made plot (rules invented by developers), tasks do not need to be invented by yourself, as with a designer.

Cons of board games: They have limited functionality, almost always limited to instructions.

Favorite toys

Any children's toys can become educational activities for children for 4 years, here it is the same as with the designer - the main thing is to show imagination.

A few ideas for activities in a playful way for boys

If a child loves cars, you can stick letters or numbers on them, make parking for them. For each place in the parking lot, stick or draw an image, the name of which begins with the letter pasted on the typewriter. Or stick the number of images that is written on a typewriter with a number. Stick the signs of addition, subtraction, evenly on the cars - and you can solve the examples while driving around the playing field (track).

On whatman paper, you can draw a route with cities, forests, natural and architectural places, you can even depict weather conditions. When driving along such a route, study directions with your child (left, right, up, down); develop speech by asking questions - “What will happen if you turn left, where will you arrive? What can be done there? draw travel maps so that the child, following them, reaches the desired destination, so he will train mindfulness.

Show your imagination and come up with your own games and tasks, in which you can develop and learn everything that teachers teach children 4 years old in preschool institutions.

Some ideas for playful activities for girls

Almost all girls love either dolls or toy animals - and here there is a huge expanse for imagination. With dolls and animals, you can also learn the alphabet by sticking letters on them; hand out sweets to the dolls, let the dolls share with each other, count how many candies the dolls have different conditions and so on.

Dolls and animals are excellent tools for role-playing. We play in the store (we study addition and subtraction, letters, how the names of products are written, we develop speech and thinking). We play theater (we develop fantasy, speech, logic, memory, thinking) - we invent short scenes, characters, names, memorize short poems; you can take a fairy tale from a children's book and put on a puppet show with toys based on the book.

Even simple role-playing game improvisation will help develop all the necessary skills - ask the child as many questions as possible about the environment, talk about what he does not know yet.

Pros of developing activities with your favorite toys: The child is already immersed in games with his favorite toys, suggest new scenarios in his game - interest in activities is guaranteed.

Minuses: You will have to actively show your imagination, developing a scenario for developmental activities, prepare Additional materials(printouts of letters, numbers, cards with additional items). Although all these additional materials can be bought at a children's or bookstore.

improvised materials

Perhaps the most creative educational activities for children for 4 years old are crafts from improvised materials. A varied number of projects can come from: natural materials, cereals, empty packaging, household items, paper and special materials for creativity.

Start with what you want to do (what task you are facing: learn letters, develop fine motor skills, etc.), what specific tools at hand are suitable for this, how to glue or connect them securely - so much ingenuity needs to be shown. If you want to grow a creative person, then more often resort to games from improvised and natural materials.

Cereals and other small bulk objects (we develop motor and sensory skills)

Cereals can be sewn into toys made of thin fabric.

Flour can be placed in an inflatable ball, let the air out and tie it in a knot - the ball will keep its shape well. You can additionally decorate it with plastic eyes and attach hair (thread brush).

You can draw with cereals and sand by laying them out on a tray or gluing them to a sheet of paper.

By pouring grain or sand into a box, you can make a playing field (beach, construction site, garden) for a child to play.


Children's origami, the simplest, can be done by a child at 4 years old.

Applications: you can help the child by drawing simple shapes, let him cut them out with children's scissors and glue them himself.

You can cut out any objects for learning from paper, make educational notebooks with appliqué and drawing elements (a dollhouse, a track for cars with different locations, a forest, a city, a store, etc.) Use ready-made stickers in such notebooks, children love them very much .

Tubes, toothpicks

Cut tubules or use matches to fold the appliqué or build a house, use glue.

From the short parts of the tubes, you can make a chain, closing one end to the other.

From a toothpick and a potato, you can make a hedgehog or a porcupine.

From tubes, thick paper and sleeves from toilet paper you can build a helicopter, then paint it with acrylic paints.

Natural materials (cones, twigs, pebbles, acorns…)

From all this goodness, a lot of crafts of animals, birds, men can turn out. Use plastic eyes, bright threads and colored paper.

Large smooth pebbles can be painted, turned into bizarre creatures by attaching eyes and string tails to them.

Threads and balls

Remember, you probably made dolls and pom-pom animals out of ropes.

The threads can be woven and tied to mesh fabric to create intricate patterns.

And this is only a small fraction of the ideas that can be developed using improvised materials. Lesson principle: put in front of the child necessary materials, after setting the direction, offer to make a craft using a little ingenuity. Guide the child, offer your ideas if he is at an impasse. A child, inventing and bringing such ideas to life, develops not only creative skills, he learns logic, non-standard thinking. And be sure to accompany your classes with guiding questions, counting, writing letters or numbers, come up with names, stories, study everything that comes to your hand.

daily affairs

And do not forget that your educational game can be directed to the benefit of the household and develop independence in a child. What housekeeping can be entrusted to a child?

Cleaning. Think in advance of each place (house) for toys, where they will live when they are not played. By the end of the game, you will need to send the toy to rest (sleep home). And be sure to accompany with leading questions - “What will your black fluffy bear cub do at home before going to bed? Put a (toy) fruit next to him for him to eat before going to bed. What fruit will you put in? What colour is he? Maybe put another one, how much fruit will the bear have then? etc. Each thing can be assigned a place (house) to which it must return to rest, otherwise it will be wrinkled, dirty (dusty), lost.

Loading washing machine and dishwashers. This is also a kind of quest for the child - to sort all things by colors, textures, shapes and purpose, set the program, there are numbers and letters that you need to remember until the next time. Children are very fond of pressing buttons, let them do it under supervision, - “I’ll check for you so that you don’t forget anything, otherwise you can break it ...” - and then explain that - “When the program is running, you can no longer knock it down by pressing the buttons, like and you can’t just press it, because it can break and flood the neighbors and us ... ”Be sure to accompany all actions with detailed explanations. Trust to load the dishes in a certain order, put one piece of dishes next to another in the same order, set the program, etc.

Cooking. A creative process, but you need to stick to the recipe, learn new ingredients, smell and taste, keep count. Trust your child to add to a recipe, research and study foods, mix, lay out, decorate, keep track of time - all that he can be useful in cooking that will broaden his horizons and be suitable for his age.

Important rules for stimulating the cognitive development of the child!

Remember that classes for children of 4 years old should not take place alone, the child should not sit and perform the tasks given by you alone, he must constantly be directed and show participation, praise, show interest in his decisions, kindling his enthusiasm - this is the only way he will show interest in activities.

Do not prohibit anything that does not pose a danger to the child - you risk raising him passive. But be sure to explain why it is impossible, what kind of danger it is, what consequences can be from his actions, if possible, show why this cannot be done. If it is too early for him to use any object, due to the fact that he can spoil it or get hurt, explain it to him in more detail. Otherwise, the child must explore this world, and you must guide him to this, help and make sure that everything goes safely. The world can also react to the actions of the child, your task is either to explain the options to the child, but it is better for the child to learn this from experience.

we already wrote in our previous article. This article may be helpful to you.

When dealing with a child's development, it is important to remember a few basic rules:

First and very important - communicate with the child as much as possible, ask him leading questions. Answer his constant questions as fully as possible, with patience and enthusiasm, in order to maintain his interest in cognitive development.

And second, no less important - try new things!

Every parent wants their baby to be developed and inquisitive from childhood. What is not done to achieve this goal: countless books are bought, solution books for the smallest, toys and coloring books. Now it is very easy to find tasks for a child of 4-5 years old, and our article contains only the best exercises aimed at improving speech and general developmental tasks.

Logic tasks are one of the most important for children.

Helps the child throughout his life. It is thanks to a well-developed logic that the baby does not get into children's "trouble" and does not commit acts for which he can then be punished. Logic exercises are the first thing to start with the development of a child of 4-5 years old.

Tasks can be different, the most popular were and still are riddles. For example:

1. Gray furry beast,

Runs on four legs

Loves milk, believe me

And he does everything by stealth.

2. This little animal is not loved,

Always afraid, squealing and catching.

No one will buy it in the store,

It's called kitten dinner.

Who do you think it is?

3. Little bird

In a gray jacket

Not a bullfinch, not a titmouse,

Cats chase him, and he collects crumbs.

It is very important to communicate with the child during the performance of tasks, prompt, ask questions: "Do you know who this is? What are your thoughts?" Developing doesn't have to be very complicated. At the initial stages, you can show pictures with the answer after reading the riddle.

The second type of logical tasks is finding a pair, for example, a cat - a kitten, a cow -? (calf, solved according to the principle: mother and child); shirt - tie, trousers - ? (a belt is decided according to the principle: what a thing is tied up with from above); chicken - egg, bee -? (honey, decided by the principle: what the animal gives to the person). This series can continue indefinitely, even the parent himself can create similar tasks for the baby.

Tasks for a child of 4-5 years old such as puzzles are another effective and interesting way Help your child learn logic.

We develop speech

Tasks for a child of 4-5 years old should also include a complex. However, first you need to find out which pronunciation of which sounds is impaired, and only after that select tasks.

The most effective way to work out missing or unpronounceable sounds is to pronounce the words after the parent. For each sound, 3 words (the problematic letter must be at the beginning, middle, end).

[C] - bag, oar, kvass;

[Z] - hare, goat, cart;

[W] - step, pedestrian, reeds;

[F] - giraffe, fire, crew;

[Щ] - goldfinch, lizard, ivy;

[L] - fox, scarf, crocodile;

[R] - cancer, muzzle, ball.

By finding sounds in both strong and weak positions, the baby will understand that the word is not always pronounced the way it is written. You can also work out each sound separately, starting with deaf and ending with voiced, complex ones, such as [P].

Parents themselves can make speech therapy assignments. Animal and cartoon themes are perfect for children 4-5 years old. We must not forget that the exercise is not a boring lesson in which the child will fall asleep, but fun activity helping him deliver his speech.

General development

At the age of 4-5 years, the child should already know the main animals: a wolf, a fox, a bear, a hare, a squirrel, a cat, a dog, etc. Even a baby with difficulty, but still should know the months. First, you can show him association cards, for example, in December - a Christmas tree, New Year, in March the snow melts, snowdrops bloom, in June the sun shines, schoolchildren are on vacation, and in September, students, on the contrary, go to school. Such simple tasks for a child of 4-5 years old will seem difficult at first, but he is only learning, learning the world, so you should not scold him or punish him in case of failure - after a few lessons he will learn everything himself.

Small children do not always know how to tie their shoelaces, do not distinguish between right and left, do not know the days of the week, etc.

Here again, visual pictures showing this or that process will help. These cards can be printed or drawn with the child. Days of the week, for example, depict as a tree with branches-days; in order to learn to distinguish between right and left, draw little men who look either to the right or to the left (you can come up with outdoor search games, for example, turn right, go straight, turn left, and at the end the baby should be in for a surprise).

The importance of activities with the baby

A variety of tasks for a child of 4-5 years old is extremely important, because it is at this age that he learns the world, discovers new things and learns what will be useful to him throughout his life. The task of parents is to help their child achieve results in development and instill in him a love of knowledge.

Developmental tasks for children aged 4-5 years

In tasks for children 4-5 years old, elements of the game should be present. The kid cannot sit in one place for more than 20 minutes, so you should allocate a little time to perform the exercises, make them varied and exciting.

Cognitive tasks for children 4-5 years old

1. "Domestic and wild animals". Prepare cards with various animals: wolf, hare, mouse, fox, cow, elk, mole, cat, raccoon, deer, dog and others. Ask the child to divide the animals into two groups: domestic and wild. It is good to hold such games after going to the zoo. Such tasks develop the outlook and understanding of the surrounding world, as well as speech (if you ask questions correctly and talk about animals, you can focus on speech therapy cards below for this).

Theme: Pets

2. "Professions". Print pictures depicting people of various professions: a cook, a ship captain, a driver, a salesman, a teacher, a gardener, a doctor, a judge, a firefighter and others. In order for the baby to be able to look for generalizing properties and name them, it is necessary to prepare separately objects (or pictures): a ladle, a pointer, a steering wheel, a mantle, a hose, and others. The child chooses a picture with a person's profession and looks for a suitable item for him.

3. "Spring". At 4 years old, the baby already knows the basic colors and shapes, so in continuation of the development of this topic, you can organize a game with covers from baby food"Fruto-nanny". The caps are perfectly connected to each other and have different colors. Connecting them together is quite simple to create interesting objects. On the landscape sheet, you can draw a circle, square, flower, cloud. From the covers, assemble figures of the same shape so that they can be attached to a sheet of paper.

Games for the development of attention in children 4-5 years old

At 4-5 years old, logical thinking is actively formed, it is required to be able to focus on a specific task. In the future, this helps to develop perseverance.

1. Draw various objects on a landscape sheet: a flower, balloon, car, sun. Ask the child to circle only the balloons with a pencil.

2. Cross out the letter "H". On a landscape sheet, print randomly the letters of the alphabet and ask the baby to cross out the letter “H” with a red pencil, all the letters “A” with a green pencil, and so on.

3. "Leaf fall". On a sheet of paper you need to find the same leaves. Ask the child to connect the same leaves with a pencil and color them. The game teaches to determine the similarity of objects, develops spatial thinking.

Tasks of the mathematical cycle

1. Buy magnets different colors at any office supply store. With their help, it is convenient for the baby to deal with numbers and concepts - more and less. Task: how many kittens does the cat have, and how many puppies does the dog have? Who has more kids?

2. On a sheet of paper, draw 5 stars in the sky. Invite the child to count and finish the same number of stars. How much should it be?

3. In the figure, depict snails, flowers. Give the task to circle the flowers with a green pencil, count the snails and draw a line to the flower (which snail likes which flower, what do you think?). How many extra flowers are left?

4. Print a fly agaric on a landscape sheet. Ask your child to count the spots on the hat. Draw as many points nearby as there are spots on the fly agaric. How many circles did you get?

5. Connect the points from 1 to 15 in order. You should get a picture. Such tasks are very popular with children and develop fine motor skills of the hand and teach the rules of counting.

6. Connect a group of flowers of three with lines. Flowers are drawn on the sheet in a chaotic manner.
It is required to be careful and distribute all the flowers into groups.

Learning tasks with words

1. On the sheet in the center the words are written in block letters: sea, flower, sun, snail. Match the word and picture, draw a line.

2. Different words are written on the sheet: mom, cat, dog, dad, summer, spring, tree, flower. It is necessary to cross out the letter A in words. The baby learns perseverance and attentiveness.

3. Circles and triangles are drawn on the landscape sheet. The child is given the task to draw the letter M in each circle, and the letter C in each triangle.

4. "On the contrary." An adult calls any word, and the baby must find the opposite in meaning. For example: an adult calls “hot”, a child answers “cold”, etc.

5. "Affectionate word." Name an object, and the baby picks up sweet Nothing to designate it. For example: ball - ball, house - house, leg - leg.

6. "Fruits and vegetables." Lay out different pictures with fruits and vegetables in front of the child. There are many game options: ask a young student to put fruit in a basket. Ask them to choose the vegetables from which mom makes a salad for lunch.

7. "Find the extra." Tell the baby a set of words in which the words belong to the same group, but one word is superfluous. The child must identify the excess by ear. For example: tree, grass, flower, snail. The extra word is snail. The child must give an explanation why this particular word is superfluous.

Tasks for the development of creative thinking

1. Create your own magazine or book. To complete this task, you will need colored paper, clippings from various glossy magazines, colored cardboard, glue, adhesive tape. The words for the book can also be cut out of magazines. It turns out joint work.

2. Theatre. Offer to play a real puppet show. Make costumes, pick up props, prepare invitations for the household. You can choose any Russian folk tale, attract older siblings.

3. "Interesting continuation." The task is useful for children aged 5, as it teaches them to build sentences, think logically and develop thinking. You should come up with a story on a specific topic. The adult says the first sentence, the kid continues the next sentence. Next, the adult comes up with a proposal again. It should be connected text. In conclusion, ask the child to retell.

Tasks for children 4-5 years old should be complex and develop logic, thinking, speech, fine motor skills. Thematic classes can be adapted to age features kids, diversify with games and teach to compare, analyze, think in a fun way. If you engage with your child daily, then he will like to get acquainted with the basics of mathematics, reading and other subjects.

Video educational tasks for children 4-5 years old

Four-year-olds already seem to be adults, but still very small. At this age, the formation of the personality and character of the child continues, which should be gently corrected by the forces of the parents. What skills have the child already mastered by the age of 4 and what activities are suitable for the development of kids 4-5 years old?

Age Features

  • The baby is still mobile and energetic, but has already become more assiduous and is able to do one thing for about 20 minutes. Fine motor skills are constantly improving. Most four-year-olds especially enjoy drawing.
  • After 4 and a half years, the child changes outwardly, as he begins the active development of muscle and bone tissue.
  • For a child older than 4 years, the social component of development is very important. The kid makes friends among other children, trying to find a "common language" with them. The child is well aware of the feelings of other people, knows how to empathize. The kid has learned to formulate his own thoughts in words. Many 4-year-olds have imaginary friends.
  • A 4-year-old child continues to master his native language. For many children of this age, a slight lisp is characteristic. The vocabulary of a four-year-old grows very rapidly (up to 2500-3000 words by the age of 5). The speech of the little one is enriched with expression and intonation. The baby voices his own actions and everything he sees, and also constantly asks a large number of questions. In about 5% of children, the development of speech in the initial stages is accompanied by stuttering.
  • The intellectual capabilities of a child of 4-4.5 years old increase significantly. The kid is ready to learn letters and numbers.

Calculate the vaccination calendar

Types of child development


A child at the age of four should move enough, increase his dexterity, coordination and endurance. This is the purpose physical development baby, including gymnastics, dancing, physical exercises with mom, swimming, cycling, outdoor games and many other activities.

Gymnastics, including dynamic exercises, is important to carry out at least 2 times a week. It is performed during the day, long before bedtime, in a ventilated room and preferably in a group of children. The optimal duration of such gymnastics is 20-25 minutes.


The psyche of a four-year-old develops very actively and the range of emotions of the baby expands. In addition, children at 4-5 years old are very susceptible to the reaction of an adult. If parents or caregivers treat the baby with approval and respect, this helps in forming a positive image of the child about himself.

Classes for the mental development of children 4-4.5 years old include exercises that affect the attention of the baby, as well as memory and thinking. The child is offered:

  • Summarize objects according to some attribute.
  • Collect a picture consisting of 3-4 parts.
  • Identify similarities and differences in drawings and toys.
  • Choose from a group of items that are the same.
  • Repeat a certain sequence of movements that an adult has shown.
  • Assemble buildings from the constructor, focusing on the sample.
  • Determine the odd one in the group of items, and then explain your choice.
  • Find antonyms for words.
  • Remember the plot of the picture.
  • Retell the tale.
  • Recite rhymes and rhymes by heart.
  • Describe a major event that happened recently.

To train your memory, do the exercises shown in the following video from SovaFilmProduction with your baby.


The development of the emotions of a 4-year-old child is an important part of the full development of the crumbs. A child of this age begins to understand the relationships between people, may notice that a person next to him has changed his mood, knows how to express his own emotions.

A four-year-old knows how to sympathize and show attention. The child feels how they treat him.

Sensory and musical

The sensory development of the child affects the baby's senses, which are responsible for hearing, smell, touch. The child is offered to determine the characteristics of objects by touch. So the baby learns that objects are hard or soft, rough or smooth, warm or cold. Also in classes for sensory development include games related to smells and tastes.

By the age of four, the child is already familiar with some musical instruments, small pieces, music with different rhythms. The child already has favorite melodies, having heard which, the baby will sing along.


Speech development is extremely important for every child of 4 years of age. First of all, it is influenced by the communication of the baby with adults, as well as with other children. This increases the toddler's vocabulary, teaches him to build sentences and express his opinion in words. At the age of 4, many children still do not pronounce hissing and “p”, therefore, with four-year-olds in the form of games, they often conduct classes on the pronunciation of these sounds.

To stimulate the development of speech in children 4-4.5 years old, you can:

  • Learn poems and songs with them.
  • Look at the pictures with the story and discuss them.
  • Look at the story in pictures and reproduce its plot.
  • Read stories with mom and discuss them.
  • Listen to audio stories.
  • Solve riddles.
  • Discuss before bed how the day went.
  • Do articulation exercises.
  • Learn letters and sounds.
  • Determine the first letter in a word, divide words into syllables.

Sing the following nursery rhyme from the Lyulyabi TV channel with your child.

If a child at 4 years old has a small vocabulary or formulates complex sentences, it is necessary to assess the dynamics of his speech development. See the video by E. Komarovsky for more details.

fine motor skills

The development of motor skills is considered a very important point in the development plan for babies. younger age. Classes for fine motor skills stimulate speech development by influencing the area of ​​the brain responsible for speech. Such activities include games with sand, cubes, constructors, beads, cereals, beans. Do it with your baby finger gymnastics, tie knots on the cord, fasten and unfasten zippers, buttons, buttons, hooks. At the age of 4, add crafts to modeling and drawing, for which you need to cut something with scissors and glue it.

For the development of fine motor skills of a child, you can use ordinary cereals. How to conduct such a lesson, see the video of the TSV channel "Mom's School".


A four-year-old child actively explores the world, and the development of his cognitive sphere should be aimed at improving memory, thinking, logic, and attention.

Usually classes for cognitive development A 4-year-old child has a certain theme, such as "pets", "spring", "water", "land transportation", "professions", "night" and others. On this topic, games are organized with the child, during which the baby will determine colors, shadows, shapes, differences and similar elements, parts of the whole, generalizing properties, superfluous, opposites, missing elements and much more.

To develop attention

It is important for a child of 4-5 years old to learn to focus on a specific task, as well as to notice small details. He will need these skills in the future for success in school.

To develop the attention of a 4-year-old baby, you can offer your child:

  • Repeat actions after mom, for example, sit down - stand up - close your eyes - touch your ear - open your eyes - take your hand to the side.
  • Play with the ball in "edible-inedible", "flying-not flying".
  • Cross out a certain letter in the typed text. To complicate this task, one letter can be crossed out, and the second - underlined.
  • Mom touches the parts of the face and calls them, the child must repeat her actions. Then mom starts to "get it wrong".


For a 4 year old child, learning math should be fun and fun game. It is convenient to teach the baby math while walking, for example, counting steps, passing cars, houses, birds. For explanation simple examples you can use fingers or special sticks for counting.


Lessons aimed at Creative skills baby, most kids like it. These include drawing, creating various crafts and applications, modeling from salt dough or plasticine, as well as role-playing games.

Development diagnostics

Parents should be alerted if at 4 years old a child:

  • Cannot walk down stairs in alternating steps.
  • He does not give his first and last name, as well as his gender.
  • Unable to summarize multiple subjects in one word.
  • Unable to memorize a short verse.
  • Does not remember the plot of the story.
  • Can't count to 5.
  • Doesn't know simple geometric shapes.
  • Doesn't know primary colors.
  • Cannot build a bridge from blocks according to the model.
  • Cannot assemble a pyramid of 5 parts.
  • Shows cruelty to an animal, toy, or other child.
  • Sluggish and lethargic during the day, or, conversely, often agitated.

Games for the development of speech

  1. The "what happens" game. Ask your child what objects can be long, sharp, round, hard, fragrant, blue, liquid, and so on.
  2. "What if" game. We discuss the given situations with the child, for example, “what will happen if the ball falls into the water”, “what will happen if I fall into the snow”.
  3. The "what can be done" game. We ask the baby what can be done with an apple, a ball, water, cookies, sand, and so on. Another option for such a game would be a discussion of “what you can do with” - drink, eat, sew, pour, buy.
  4. The "what's where" game. We ask the little one what is in the hallway, in the nursery, in the kitchen. Then we ask you to say in which room is the frying pan, wardrobe, TV, and so on.
  5. Guess who game. We describe the animal in a few words and invite the baby to guess. For example, "guess who is fluffy, red and cunning."
  6. We stimulate the pronunciation of hissing. We hiss like a snake, drive away the sparrow “shoo-shoo”, pronounce tongue twisters with “sh”, buzz like a fly, repeat tongue twisters with “zh”, alternately buzz and hiss. In order for the child to distinguish “s” from “sh”, we pronounce them in turn. To distinguish "sh" from "h", imagine yourself as a fly, and then a mosquito. To pronounce the sound “h”, we invite the baby to imagine himself as a train.
  7. We perform gymnastics for the tongue and lips. We smile with a silent pronunciation of “and” (like a frog), stretch our lips forward with a silent “y” (like an elephant), open and close our mouth without sounds (like a fish), opening our mouth, move our tongue up and down (like a swing) and in side to each corner of the mouth (like a clock), keep a relaxed tongue on the lower lip (like a shovel), pull the tongue forward (like a needle).

To set the sound "P", do the exercise "Snake", shown by speech therapist Yulia Orlova.

Articulatory gymnastics will help the child speak the sound more clearly. Complete with crumbs the tasks from the following videos, shown by speech therapist Tatyana Lazareva.

Sample weekly exercise program

Classes for the development of a child of 4 years old should be planned in advance, and best of all - for a week. So you will not miss the types of development that are important for your baby, do not overload the baby and you will be able to prepare all the materials in advance. In drawing up a weekly plan for developmental activities at the age of 4-4.5 years, first of all, it is taken into account whether the baby attends kindergarten. If the baby is in the garden all day, then you need to understand the following points:

  • The child in the garden already has daily developmental activities and regular physical activity.
  • It will be possible to deal with the baby at home only in the evening and on weekends.
  • In the evening, vigorous activity should not be planned.
  • After returning from kindergarten, there is not much time left for classes, so, as a rule, only 1-2 classes are planned.
  • It is worth finding out what program they are engaged in with the baby in the garden, so as not to duplicate classes, but to supplement them.

For a child who is not yet attending children's institution, the lesson plan will be more extensive. When compiling it, the interests of the crumbs, existing skills, attendance at a development school or sports section are taken into account.

We offer the following approximate weekly program of developmental activities for a 4-year-old child:








Physical development

Charging with music

Outdoor games

ball game


Fitball game

Charging by video lesson

cognitive development

Learning Colors

Finding an extra item

Studying pets

Looking for differences

We study plants

Sensory and musical development

We study smells

Guessing objects by touch

Sensory bag play

Exploring Tastes

Learning musical instruments

fine motor skills

water play

Finger gymnastics

Bead game

Groats game

Clothespin game

sand play

Speech development

Learning the verse

Listening to an audio story

Fairy tale retelling

Articulation gymnastics

Learning letters

Reading with mom

Guessing riddles

creative development



Puppet show


Crafts from natural materials

Games with a constructor

How to raise a child from 3 to 6 years old, see the video of the Upbringing channel. TV.

  • At the age of 4, a child can be enrolled in some sports sections. Attending sports classes will not only provide an opportunity to spend energy, but also help you learn new skills and understand what discipline is.
  • Praise your child more often and give him enough attention. The kid has become more mature, but still needs parents.
  • From the age of 4, the child can be taken to the cinema, circus and similar places. To get acquainted with this pastime option successfully, do not immediately take tickets to the first row.
  • Hearing hundreds of children's questions every day, it is important to remain a patient and wise parent. Do not refuse to answer the baby, even if you do not know what to say. Together look for the answer and satisfy the children's curiosity.
  • A kid of 4-5 years old can begin to teach foreign languages. Classes, of course, should be in the form of a game.

Care and mode

For the normal development of a four-year-old child, it is important to maintain his health, so parents should pay attention to the daily routine of the little one and caring for the baby:

  • The child should be provided with a good rest. 4-year-old children sleep an average of 11-12 hours a day. Many four-year-olds protest against daytime sleep, but doctors emphasize that children of this age still need rest during the day.
  • Every morning in the mode of a 4-year-old child, there are already familiar hygiene procedures. The kid washes himself, brushes his teeth, visits the toilet, combs his hair. Four-year-olds still often have to be reminded to wash their hands after a walk and before eating.
  • The child should have daily walks, on which the four-year-old baby will have enough movement. In addition, you can walk with friends, inventing mobile and exciting games.
  • If parents are hardening a child with early age, but such procedures continue and are carried out systematically.
  • With 4-year-old children they walk twice a day, picking up clothes according to the weather.
  • Menu

Here are games, tasks and exercises aimed at developing fine motor skills, memory, attention, logical thinking. For children and parents, educators and speech therapists.

Tasks for children of the middle group of kindergarten on the topic "The space around us"

Exercise 1

Color the object that is in the upper right corner of the sheet blue, in the lower right - green, in the lower left - red, in the upper left - yellow, in the middle of the sheet - orange.

Task 2

Color the birds that fly above the cloud, in blue, below the cloud - in green. Which birds fly to the right and which ones fly to the left?

Task 3

Show the picture where the banana is under the apple and above the cherry; where is the cherry above the apple and below the banana; an apple under a banana and over a cherry. Tell me how the fruits are arranged in other pictures. Color the same fruits with the same color.

Task 4

Tell me where the cockerel sits, where the cat sits, where the hen sits, where the house is, where the tree stands. Color the picture.

Task 5

Color the toy to the left of the ball red, to the right of the ball yellow, the top blue, and the bottom brown. Color the rest of the toys in any colors.

Task 6

Color the pictures: in the upper right corner - green, in the upper left - red, in the lower right - yellow, in the lower left - blue, in the middle - orange. Color the rest of the pictures however you like.

Task 7

Which room scheme corresponds to the picture? Tell me where it is.

Color the appropriate diagram.

Task 8

Who is the tallest on the carousel? Color his basket blue. Who is the lowest? Color his basket green. Who is between the squirrel and the hedgehog? Color his basket red. Tell me where the rest of the animals are.

Task 9

Arrange the objects in their places with the help of arrows: the pan - on the table, the glass - in front of the pan, the spoon - to the right of the pan, the pear - behind the pan, the stool - under the table, the banana - to the left of the pan, the ball - on the stool.

Task 10

Draw a flower in the upper left square, a fungus in the lower right, an apple in the upper right, a leaf in the lower left, a house in the left square of the middle row, a pear in the middle right square, an umbrella in the lower middle the middle square - the sun, in the middle square - the Christmas tree.

Task 11

Draw on this napkin on the left side yellow flower, on the right - blue, and in the middle - red.

Task 12

Where is the sun located?

In which direction is the car going?

Which side of the house is the door on?

In which direction is the dog running?

Where is the house located in the picture: to the right or to the left of the Christmas tree?

Task 13

Name who lives where. For example, a frog lives between a hedgehog and a pig, a hedgehog lives to the left of the frog, above the mouse...

Color these animals.

Task 14

Draw a ball to the left of the hare, a flag to the right of the bear, a cube between the bear and the hare. color the picture

Task 15

Draw a Christmas tree to the right of the car, a birch tree to the left of the house, a bush between the car and the house. color the picture

Task 16

Color in these drawings only the right sleeves and right shoes. Color the pocket on the left side.
