How to do homework with an inattentive child. Inattentive child: causes and how to cope

Parents often worry that their child is too distracted. Such children are often distracted, cannot concentrate on any business, forget what has just been said. This causes inconvenience, as parents have to control all the actions of the child. What are the reasons children may be distracted? How to deal with this problem?

What influences the child's attention

  • Perception. When a child is distracted, he cannot fix his gaze on anything in particular. His gaze moves quickly from object to object. Subsequently, this leads to the fact that the child does not have a complete and holistic view of the world around him.
  • Memory. Children subconsciously remember most of the information they hear and see. The excess then disappears from memory. Distracted children need to be taught what to remember and what not to remember. Even after that, they find it difficult to remember certain things.
  • Thinking and speech. As a result of constant inattention, the structure of speech is not formed. Children can often confuse concepts that are similar to each other in meaning. As a result, the child cannot determine the connections between events and phenomena, as well as the similarities and differences between them.

Signs of distraction

For a future student, attentiveness is extremely important. How to understand that your baby is distracted?

  • He cannot do the same thing for a long time.
  • He is distracted by any external stimuli: music, movements and even quiet sounds.
  • You see that the kid is trying, but he still often makes mistakes.
  • It is difficult for him to identify and correct the mistakes that he made.
  • It is difficult for a child to retell even a short story.
  • Since he often fails, he loses interest in any activities that are then evaluated. Such children like games and communication with peers more.

Child neglect must be dealt with. Otherwise, it will be very difficult for him to learn the material at school. To get rid of this problem, first of all, it is necessary to determine why the child is so distracted and inattentive. Experts have identified several factors that provoke absent-mindedness in children in early age.

  • The nature of the child is important. If your child is choleric, then he will constantly strive to do at the same time a large number of affairs. Because of this, he will often be distracted. If the baby is melancholic, then it will be difficult for him to switch attention. Such children are easier to focus on a specific task.
  • The child may be inattentive due to the fact that his body is weakened by the disease. He may have low blood pressure or hemoglobin levels. For various reasons, children may suffer from frequent headaches. Even a simple cold can be the cause.
  • Sometimes a child does not always show absent-mindedness, but only when he is engaged in any particular activity. For example, it is difficult for him to do mathematics or study foreign languages. Perhaps the child simply does not show interest in this, or you need to wait until he grows up a little.

How to deal with distraction

Absent-mindedness is not a sentence for your baby. Her parents need to help her win. If you can't manage on your own, see a psychologist. To help your child become more focused, you can use the following tips.

  • From an early age, try to teach your child to fix attention on various objects. Buy dynamic toys for him, point to different objects and explain their properties so that the child keeps his attention on them.
  • Mosaics, puzzles, various constructors will help develop mindfulness. Explain to your child how to handle such toys. If he is carried away by this, your baby during the game will develop not only his attentiveness, but also logic, as well as fine motor skills hands In any case, such games will bring a lot of benefits for the development of the crumbs.
  • Play the game "Find the Differences" with your child. You can also lay out several items in front of him so that he remembers them, and then remove one of them. Let the child guess what exactly you hid. It develops both memory and attentiveness.
  • Go for a walk with your child more often so that he has the opportunity to observe nature and its phenomena. This will expand his horizons and develop observation. After all, children at this age are interested in everything. Do not limit his horizons to cartoons. And video games.
  • After watching a cartoon or reading a book, discuss with your child the behavior of the characters, the plot, and other details.
  • When the child goes to school, provide him with a comfortable workplace where nothing will distract him from his studies. When he does his homework, the TV and computer must be turned off.
  • The daily routine of a first grader should be clear. Do not overload it too much with various activities and circles. Make sure your child gets proper nutrition and quality sleep.

With some effort, you can help your child become more attentive.

The dream of any parent is healthy, active child, who studies well, successfully masters the skills of playing instruments and drawing, and always manages to fulfill his plans. But, unfortunately, these dreams are overshadowed by one unpleasant feature of the baby - inattention.

Causes of child neglect

Parents should not panic and make an appointment with a neurologist. First you need to find out the reasons that led to this problem.

Hyperactivity or attention deficit in adults. It is not difficult to notice such children on the playground, they are not in one place for a minute. They are always in a hurry somewhere, rushing and being distracted by all sorts of external factors. Problems of this nature are detected at the age of 3-5 years and require great patience from parents. The upbringing of such a child should take place under the supervision of physicians, teachers and psychologists.

Frequent chronic illnesses. Poor health is another reason why a child forgets everything and is inattentive. To replenish the energy supply of the child, it is necessary to systematically drink courses of vitamins for schoolchildren.

Features of the nervous system. Attentive, active and stable children with a labile character. Their inert classmates will be more lethargic, mediocre.

High loads, as a result - overwork. Experts say that the intensive school program and the desire of parents to involve the child in all circles leads to congestion. As a result, efficiency and vigilance decrease.

Lack of motivation. Even one year old baby will give his attention to the toy that he liked. When performing boring, uninteresting tasks, attention drops exponentially.

Risk group

An absent-minded and inattentive child is not uncommon today, but in some cases the problem is especially acute. Stress, chronic fatigue, inharmonious daily routine, the abuse of unhealthy food and poor ecology exacerbate this character trait. Parents should make every effort to provide for their child ideal conditions residence.

Signs of a child's inattention

Distractedness and lack of concentration in a child can manifest itself in the following:

  1. Quick superficial performance of assigned tasks, especially school assignments.
  2. Slowness.
  3. Dreaminess.
  4. Quick fatigue even from a small amount of work.
  5. A large number of errors when performing simple tasks.
  6. Lack of attention and concentration in the process of work.

Finding a Solution to a Problem

If the child is inattentive, what should I do? The main thing is not to get excited and not to make difficult diagnoses. All parents should remember this. Experts in the field of pediatrics recommend training voluntary attention with infancy. To help moms and dads, a wide range of educational toys in children's stores. Dynamic attributes will improve the attention of babies up to a year.

If problems with attention disorder appeared at an older age, for example, when the child went to kindergarten or school, it is necessary to look for the main causes of inattention. Teachers recommend optimizing the child's workspace as much as possible - allocate a separate quiet place in the house where he can concentrate and prepare homework.

Inattention in the classroom

The development of memory and attention is a direct path to fives. The main reason for distraction elementary school student- insufficient participation of parents in the educational process or its complete absence. To develop the child's mindfulness as much as possible, you need to deal with him from the first day of school, including holidays. First of all, it is necessary to find out what teachers and parents mean by the concept of “inattention”. Secondly, to trace how absent-mindedness manifests itself in a child.

It is not uncommon for a student to be inattentive in a particular discipline. This means that the subject is not interesting to him or the teacher fails to interest the children. If the dispersal persists at home, something is probably bothering the baby.

How can you help your child become more attentive?

In an effort to help a child, adults need to be guided by only one rule - you need to educate not the baby, but yourself. This work is not easy, it takes a lot of time and effort, but the result will be simply stunning! By and large, not so much is required from parents:

It is important to understand that all the efforts made in the fight against the inattention of the child will be nullified without daily activities and exercises. They are simple, accessible, do not require special time and emotional costs. In return, they will provide an entertaining pastime and a great mood.

"I won't go astray" - an exercise to develop attention

A simple technique is aimed at developing concentration and eliminating the disorder of the distribution of attention in children. The child is asked to count up to 31, saying each number out loud. At the same time, figures that contain a triple or are multiples of this number should not be called. Instead, the student should say "I won't go astray." For example: 1, 2, "I won't go astray", 4, 5, "I won't go astray", 7, 8, "I won't go astray" and so on up to 31.

"The letter is forbidden"

A typical mindfulness task. An adult names a letter that should not be used in a word. The child is asked a simple question, for example, what is the name of the teacher, what day of the week is it, etc. He must give an answer without hesitation, excluding the forbidden letter from the phrase. For example, the forbidden letter " n", When asked what month of the year it is (November), the child must answer " November».

The essence of the exercise is simplicity. Don't ask too much difficult questions, the student must answer without hesitation and without delay. If an incorrect answer was given, the partners change roles - the child becomes the leader and asks his questions.


With this exercise, an inattentive child will be able to develop visual attention. Mom or dad should invite him to remember objects that he has met many times. There are a lot of options - grandmother's apartment, the road to school, the location of attractions on the playground. It is necessary to describe in as much detail as possible, paying attention to even insignificant details.

The game can be a team game. For example, one of the children acts as a respondent, while others prompt him or complete the answer.

Educational game for attention "Palms"

The described is perfect for kids with violations of the stability of concentration. Multiple players (the more the merrier) sit in a circle and put their hands on the knees of their neighbors. Right hand of each participant should lie on the left knee of the neighbor on the right, and the left one on the right knee of the neighbor on the left. At the command of an adult (you can turn on fast clockwork music) you should raise your palms in turn, forming a smooth wave. Guys who raise their hands at the wrong time are excluded from the circle of players. The winner is the one whose palm remains in the game last.

"Flies - does not fly"

A game for developing attention for children, aimed at training its arbitrary switching. Participants sit in a semicircle. The facilitator, teacher or parent begins to list the subjects. If the spoken object is flying, children should raise their arms above their heads, otherwise they should sit still.

As soon as the guys get a taste, the main one can start to cheat by raising his hand up on a non-flying object. In view of the actions of the imitation power of the hands of some participants will rise intuitively.

Everyone's task child participant- raise your hands deliberately, not paying attention to the actions of the neighbors and the presenter.

Riddles for the development of attention

Riddles for mindfulness will help in game form increase the child's intelligence and ability to concentrate.

Riddle number 1. The chest lies at the bottom of the ocean. It has everything but one. What is it about?

Answer: emptiness.

Riddle number 2. The plane flies from Berlin to New Mexico. You are his navigator. There will be one change in Paris. What is the navigator's last name?

Answer: Respondent's name.

Riddle number 3. You are closed in a dark room, in the hands of boxes with one match inside. In the corner there is a gas stove on the table, in a glass there is a candle. Which item should be lit first?

Answer: Match. An excellent riddle for attentiveness and the ability to find the simplest solution to a problem.

Riddle number 4. How many black peppercorns will go into one glass beaker?

Answer: None, peas do not go.

Riddle No. 5. It started to rain, I had to open my umbrella. What umbrella am I under?

Answer: Wet. Simple logic problem.

Riddle No. 6. Two men walk towards each other. They are exactly the same in age, height, etc. Which of the men will be the first to say hello?

Answer: The most polite.

Riddle number 7. Seven sisters live in the country, no one sits idle. The first girl is watching TV, the second is preparing dinner, the third is solving a crossword puzzle, the fourth is playing chess, the fifth is taking care of the plants, the sixth is washing clothes. What does the seventh sister do?

Answer: playing chess (this is a doubles game, so the fourth is unlikely to play alone).

natalia glinskaya
“Inattentive child, what should parents do?”

« inattentive child, What do parents

You often complain that inattentive child, spinning in class, cannot sit still, does not listen to the task?

A child is attentive when he does not just look, but sees or examines, when he does not just hear, but listens or listens.

Attention is characterized by properties that can be grouped depending on the direction attention:

1. Stability - determined by the duration of concentration of attention on the object

2. Selectivity - related to the possibility of successful tuning (in the presence of interference) on the perception of information related to a conscious goal.

3. Distribution - characterized by the possibility of simultaneous successful execution of several various kinds activities (action).

4. Concentration - expressed in the degree of concentration on the object.

5. Volume - determined by the number at the same time (V within 0.1 sec) clearly perceived objects; practically does not differ from the volume of direct memorization, or short-term memory.

6. Switchability - is determined by the ability to quickly move from one object to another.

7. Arbitrariness - is determined by the ability to focus on demand.

One of the types of attention disorders is absent-mindedness - a decrease in the ability to concentrate and switch attention.

Such deficiencies can be corrected "Developing games and exercises for attention".

Giving a task to kid, remember. That your instruction should be specific, step-by-step, understandable.

Educational games and exercises.

A game "Clap your hands".

Target: develop stability and switching attention, cognitive activity of the child; expand horizons.

Description: name the child different words, if he heard a word denoting, for example, an animal, then he must clap his hands. At another time, suggest that the child get up every time he hears the word for a plant. Then combine the first and second tasks, that is, the child claps his hands when he hears the words denoting animals, and stands up when pronouncing the words denoting plants. It is good to play such games with several children.

A game "What changed?"

Target: development of concentration, distribution of attention, volume, visual memory.

Description: Place small items on the table. within 30 seconds (approximately). Child looks and remembers the location of objects. Offer close the child's eyes, look away. At this time, rearrange 2-3 items. Ask child, what has changed in the arrangement of objects, which of them were rearranged?

A game "Who lives where".

Target: development of visual attention, memory.

Description: drawings depicting families of different animals and their houses, with lines drawn connecting animals to their houses, which are given in a chaotic order. Offer child to determine, where is whose house, without drawing a pencil along the lines.

A game "Follow the pattern".

Target: development of concentration.

Description: The exercise includes the task of drawing repeating patterns.

The child continues on the sheet sample pattern (circle, square, triangle, dot, etc.)

A game "Find differences".

Target: developing the ability to pay attention to details.

Description: offer to look at pictures depicting the same objects (with slight differences, over time, the number of differences can be increased). Find the differences and name them.

A game "Lay out the pattern".

Target: development of attention, memory.

Description: offer to remember and lay out the pattern previously shown. From geometric shapes, beads, small items, pebbles, cones.

A game "Collect the beads".

Target: development of the ability to focus on details, teach to see the drawing algorithm.

Description: offer to collect beads according to the pattern, continue, according to verbal instructions.

A game "What item is missing?".

Target: development of the ability to concentrate. Remember the spatial arrangement of objects, highlighting their distinctive features.

Description: the game starts from 3-4 toys, objects. Offer to name the toy that the adult removed. Then you can add the number of items, complicate: use the technique of changing the place of the toy.

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In today's rapidly changing world, filled with huge amount information, it becomes increasingly difficult to remain attentive and concentrated even for adults, not to mention the kids. Scattered attention in children today is becoming almost the norm, and more and more children's specialists are diagnosing attention deficit disorder, abbreviated as ADD.

Distraction in children is quite common

In medical practice, the first description of this problem dates back to the middle of the 19th century. The German psychologist G. Hoffman created a collective image of the little fidget Phil and explained in detail the causes of ADD and ways to combat this disease.

Distracted Attention Symptoms

Children with ADD are hyperactive and mobile. They are not able to sit still even for a while and do the same thing, even if it were incredibly interesting for the child. Such kids forget everything, they are sloppy and clumsy, they cannot remember the task, let alone repeat it.

Distraction leads to learning problems

Particularly pronounced distraction of attention is manifested in primary school. Such a student will endlessly spin at the desk, disturbing his neighbors and the teacher and disrupting the lesson, although he does not want this at all. Usually a smart and talented fidget cannot show his abilities to the end. The desire for leadership also does not work, because such a child does not get along well with his peers and usually does not gain authority.

Thus, children with distracted attention live in constant disharmony with themselves and the world around them. They need special care from parents and teachers, individual approach to education and education.

Lack of attention is usually associated with neurobiological disorders, problems with hearing or vision, diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, you need to be able to recognize whether the child really suffers from ADD or whether he simply does not want to do what is required of him due to other reasons, such as laziness.

Definition of absent-mindedness and its causes

Causes of inattention

From research results it is known that ADD is diagnosed in approximately 5% of children in the world. This is a fairly large number, and it is constantly increasing. But in fact, there is no such parent who would not note the inattention and distraction of his child. Before drawing any conclusions, it is necessary to analyze the conditions in which a small person studies and rests, his regimen and loads, as well as his behavior and methods of education.

Here are some reasons why a child may be inattentive and not collected.

Education methods

You should not overprotect your own favorite child. If the child knows that they will definitely help and prompt, and even do the task instead of him, then he will have no need to focus and train his skills. As a result, he will not strive to develop and improve.

For children preschool age you need to follow a certain schedule. The child should know at what time he should read a book or draw, and when he can just play in the yard with the boys.

Every child should have a certain daily routine

Having learned from childhood to properly allocate his time, he will be collected and concentrated in adulthood.


How younger child the more difficult it is for him to hold his attention. But even completely little kid is able to focus on a bright toy or a lit electric light bulb.

In teenagers distraction is provoked by gadgets

Features of physiology

Any disease can reduce the attention of the child. After an illness, a certain recovery period must pass and distraction of attention will disappear.

Mental disorders

Violations in the work of the brain and malfunctions in the activity of the nervous system inevitably affect the concentration of the baby's attention. These serious reasons can only be identified by a neurologist.

Parents should not demand special attention from a child with mental disorders. With such children are engaged in ad hoc group under a special program.

Defensive reaction

Distraction is often a defensive response to stress.

Scattered attention can be caused by the body's defensive response to fear, fatigue, or stress. If the student does not know how to solve equations in mathematics, then fear takes over, and his ability to concentrate during the test is sharply reduced.

Lack of vitamins in the body

Non-natural food products, poor ecology and at the same time huge physical and mental stress often lead to fatigue, and with it distraction of attention.

Lack of vitamins leads to absent-mindedness and lack of interest in everything

Lack of interest

Very often, parents and teachers note the absent-mindedness of the child, which immediately disappears as soon as he begins to do his favorite thing. If, while learning the multiplication table, a friend comes to visit and brings a train as a gift to the child, it is completely normal that all attention will be focused on the toy. Therefore, trying to keep the child's attention on a particular subject, it is necessary to create an appropriate atmosphere.

An overabundance of impressions and information in children reduces attention

genetic factors

Inattention can be passed on to the child along with the genes of the parents. If the father or mother is alcoholic or hyperactive, or if the pregnancy has been complicated, ADD may occur.

Ways to eliminate ADD

Only sometimes, in especially severe cases, the distraction of the child's attention requires treatment with medication. Usually, if the doctor has diagnosed ADD, they try to get by with the use of drugs that stimulate the immune and nervous system, and the creation of certain conditions for the rest and study of the child.

In order for the baby to be collected and attentive, parents need to establish a clear daily routine. Meals, sleep and exercise should be scheduled in advance. It is necessary to leave two hours for free classes when the child will draw or build a house for the doll.

Children should be able to do chores around the house.

The child should have a range of responsibilities. You should not, on demand, help him in their implementation. Let him wash his own dishes, make the bed and put away his toys. Children should be given more independence. This will increase the attention of the child and allow him to express himself.

But at the same time, you can not leave the child alone with his problems. He should always feel the shoulder of an adult nearby, hope for his help and advice in resolving difficult situations.

Puzzles teach you to concentrate

From early childhood, it is necessary to conduct attention-developing classes with the baby. You can collect cubes or children's puzzles. If the child does not keep his attention on one thing, you need to involve him in action by asking him to take exactly the green cube, or to paint only the middle of the flower.

It is very important not to forget to praise the child. If the baby has distracted attention, you should not give him obviously impossible tasks. And if it turned out at least a little, you should not skimp on praise.

Never expect too much from a child. Life is sometimes so intense and eventful that sometimes you can just go to the forest or to the river, allowing yourself and your child to get rid of stress and fatigue.

How exactly does inattention manifest itself in a child?

  1. All work, especially school assignments, he does quickly and too superficially.
  2. He makes a lot of mistakes at work.
  3. He doesn't pay enough attention.
  4. The child gets tired too quickly even from a small amount of work.
  5. The child does the work very slowly.
  6. High dreaminess.

The child is distracted and inattentive

A distracted and inattentive child is not a diagnosis. And this is something all parents should remember. Voluntary attention can be trained even at an early age. Today in stores you can buy a wide variety of dynamic toys that are designed to improve attention in children under one year old.

If the attention disorder developed in the child over time, for example, when he went to kindergarten or school, you can try to address the root causes of inattention. Teachers recommend giving children a separate place in the house where they will always prepare for lessons. It needs to be well organized.

Do not forget that children need to eat right, because the lack of omega fatty acids leads to a decrease in attention. Today it is no longer necessary to force a child to eat fish oil or fish. There are many different supplements on the modern pharmaceutical market that are rich in these fats. They support mental and physical health baby.

Child is inattentive in class

A child's success in school is highly dependent on his attentiveness. As a rule, children become absent-minded if parents do not take part in their upbringing. That is why you need to try to develop the mindfulness of your child from the first grades of school. First of all, psychologists recommend finding out what exactly teachers and parents hide behind the concept of "inattention". You also need to pay attention to how absent-mindedness manifests itself in your child.

It happens that children are inattentive only at a particular lesson, then, most likely, he does not like this subject or the teacher does not explain the material very clearly. If the child is absent-minded not only at school, but also at home, this may mean that something is bothering him.

Parents can help their child improve mindfulness with simple psychological methods and special games. Also, do not forget that for mindfulness it is very important to observe a certain daily routine. Remember that your child will be less distracted if homework, games, and time for themselves are organized according to a pre-written plan.

If the child is slow and inattentive

Slow children are characterized by low lability of nervous processes that determine how quickly the child will complete a particular task. Adults can, if necessary, change the pace of their activities, but even for them this does not happen immediately. It is extremely difficult for children to do this.

Unfortunately, most psychologists are of the opinion that slowness in a child with low mobility of nervous processes will never go away. Since it is their individual feature. Of course, over time, the child will be able to perform all actions faster than before, but he will always lag behind his peers.

In order for slow children not to lose attention during the performance of any tasks, especially school ones, in no case should they be forced to work faster. It is necessary to create ideal conditions under which the child will be comfortable. Psychologists say that if you unsettle such a person, it will be very difficult for him to regain his attentiveness.

The child is retarded and inattentive

Already in infancy, you can determine whether your child is retarded or not. Such children sluggishly and reluctantly suck their mother's breasts, sleep a lot and fall asleep quickly enough. But if at a young age this does not scare parents, then in primary school starts to get pretty annoying. This is explained by the fact that a retarded child is often inattentive, which negatively affects his work.

As soon as you notice that your child is unnecessarily inactive, you should immediately begin to encourage him to be more active. First of all, psychologists recommend not to do the following things:

  1. Do not force homework to be done immediately after the student has returned home. He needs to take a break for at least two hours.
  2. Writing assignments should not be made to be redone often, even if he did not do them accurately the first time. This may cause the child to develop negative attitude to study.
  3. Do not leave your child alone when he is doing homework.
  4. Do not force the baby to play team outdoor games. He will slow down the whole team, and this will lead to negative consequences for both sides.
  5. Do not punish the child if he does everything too slowly.

The child is restless and inattentive

Restlessness and inattention, most often, are explained by the fact that the child is simply not ready for school yet because of the peculiarities of his physical and mental development. Some children get bored in elementary school because they have already learned this material at home. Others, on the contrary, cannot understand the task, so their attentiveness suffers greatly.

Most often, such children are given a special diagnosis: hyperactivity and attention deficit. To treat this condition, psychologists recommend the use of specially developed techniques, thanks to which the child's behavior is corrected. These techniques include psychotherapy. The child adapts faster and will be able to change his way of thinking.

Sometimes used and drug treatment, but it should be understood that any medication in this case should be prescribed by a specialist.
