Advice for parents "winter walks with children". Consultation for parents “Winter walks with a child Who will throw a snowball higher

Walking with children in winter.

How beautiful in winter! Soft fluffy snow, all the trees are in silver, a light frost bites our children's rosy cheeks. I would like to talk to you about winter walks with children.

Quite often in kindergarten we hear such a question from parents: “Maybe you won’t go outside - it’s cold, you’ll catch a cold.” Remember a simple rule: for children, any weather is good, and a daily walk is necessary. Another thing is how frequent and long walks are needed in winter?

Walk time by age.

Doctors recommend two to four year old children to walk in the fresh air every day for up to four hours. Even with a fifteen-degree frost, fresh air is beneficial. If such a regimen is unacceptable for you for some reason, the minimum duration of walks should be twice a day for half an hour. This will be enough to maintain the immunity of the baby.


For children 2-3 years old, the permissible temperature for walking is -15 degrees. Children tolerate cold better if they are fed before a walk - food rich in carbohydrates and fats gives special warmth. If the child is cold on the street - you need to change him after a walk in warm, dry underwear.

How to dress a baby.

In order for the walk to bring only joy, you need to know how to dress your child according to the weather. The most important rule is not to wrap up the child too much when you are going for a walk in winter. unnecessarily warm clothes will only lead to the fact that the child immediately sweats, and then freezes. In order to understand during the walk whether you have dressed the baby correctly, touch the neck - if it is hot and sweaty, it is hot.When overheated, the body's defenses in a child decrease, and there is a risk of getting snot, cough and fever at the slightest draft.And therefore, the cause of colds is often not hypothermia, but excessive clothing in which the baby sweats. Children's clothing for walking should be light, comfortable and not hinder movement. A perfectly dressed child is a child dressed in as many layers of clothing as you.

An approximate set of clothes should consist of:

  • cotton underwear,
  • pullover or turtleneck with long sleeves,
  • woolen sweaters ,
  • windproof and waterproof overalls.

Pay special attention to the quality of the child's shoes. It is desirable that winter shoes was from natural materials, one or two sizes larger so that the child can wear woolen socks. Of course, your baby's winter kit must have warm mittens, hat and scarf. Moreover, you should not cover the nose and mouth of the child with a scarf, mistakenly thinking that this way the child will not freeze,mouth and nose should be open.The scarf does not protect against frost at all, moreover, it instantly gets wet from breathing and becomes cold.

Should I go for a walk if the child is sick?

Many parents believe that a cold child should not walk. If the temperature of the baby is not elevated, walks are a must!

Keeping a sick child for weeks in an apartment is a delusion of parents.Only on a walk is it better to limit yourself to passive sledding orwalk "by the hand" with a calm step, feed the birds, watch the snow, etc.It is better to refuse mobile games for the time being. If the baby does not want to walk because of poor health or the temperature outside is more severe, take a walk on the balcony, airing the rooms.

Winter games with a child.

Just crunching your feet in the snow and breathing in the frosty air - is this a walk? For kids, you can and even need to organize something fun and exciting. Snowball fights, snowman building, slides and sledding. What about sand molds? Yes, they can come in handy too. Take the most ordinary bucket with you for a walk and make a real snow fortress with your baby. You can also arrange a tournament for accuracy.

Snow sculptures. You can sculpt not only snowmen from snow. Bears and bunnies, dogs and cats also turn out great from white sticky mass. Don't forget to bring cones, acorns, nuts, and other items to bring your sculptures to life.

We feed the birds . Make bird feeders at home from a milk carton or shoe box. Hang them close to home, and you will always have something for your child during a winter walk. Toddlers love to feed the birds and watch them peck at the bread crumbs.

Footprints in the snow . Footprints remain on clean snow. You can make real pictures out of them. First, trample a circle with the baby, then “rays” from it - it turned out the sun. You can "trample" flowers and trees. At the same time, the legs will warm up.

Stick games. Give the child a stick with which he can measure the snowdrifts. “The wand drowned in a snowdrift because it is small. But try this (long). And this one didn’t drown because it’s long!” And from several branches you can make a fence near a tree or a garden. Do not forget to note: "This tree is small, and this is tall."

Fresh air is essential for a growing organism, so do not neglect the colorful frosty days and combine business with pleasure with pleasure!

Advice for parents

Walking with children in winter.

Performed by Petrova Valentina Viktorovna,

educator MBDOU Kindergarten №13


Winter - beautiful time of the year. Pay attention to the beauty of the winter landscape. The sun shines brightly, the snow sparkles, shimmers, the air is clean, the snow crunches underfoot. Nature has given us such miracles. Neither a picture nor a story can replace communication with nature. For children, winter is the most favorite time a year that children look forward to.

Everyone knows that the child needs to walk more! In winter, it is good to spend time outdoors. Being outdoors is essential for physical development child.

Walk, is the most accessible means for hardening the child's body. It contributes to increased resilience to adverse effects external environment, to colds. Fresh air is necessary for the proper functioning of all important body systems, including the brain, which is especially important for the development of the child. The air cleanses the lungs of dust and allergens. Additional energy expenditure during a walk enhances the activity of all body systems, including cardiovascular and immune.

A child's contact with various environmental factors hardens. Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, vitamin D is produced in the skin.

Walking in the fresh air is a mandatory element of the daily routine. Properly organized walks help to carry out the tasks of the comprehensive development of children. Walks give new impressions and positive emotions, intellectual and social development child. Walking plays an important role in a child's life. During the walk, knowledge of the world around takes place, the child learns to communicate with peers.

What can you do with a child on a walk? During a walk with children, conduct outdoor games, physical exercises, skiing, sledding, feed the birds, conduct observations, build a snowman, etc. Outdoor games are always fun and exciting. A walk forms motor behavior, forms the skills of performing basic movements, brings up a positive attitude towards nature, develops the ability to make a primary analysis of seasonal changes. Play is an important tool for a child's development. Play with your child - this strengthens the relationship between parents and children.

All these components make the walk more intense and interesting. Parents need to know that the length of time spent outdoors varies in different seasons of the year, but even in cold weather, a walk should not be canceled. Most parents think that on a walk, the child will freeze, will certainly get sick. In order for a walk to bring joy, you need to know the children who are wrapped up, alas, get sick more often. The movements themselves warm the body, and if a child wears a lot of clothes, heat transfer is disturbed in the body, and as a result, it overheats. Then a light draft is enough to catch a cold. When dressing a child outside, it is necessary to assess the air temperature, select clothes for the season that do not restrict movement. Avoid hypothermia or overheating of the body of children during walks, the amount of clothing should be moderate.

Paradoxically, but the most reliable means from the cold - air. To better protect yourself from low temperatures, you need to create an air gap around the body. You can not walk when the child is sick ( heat weakness, pain). But, if the child's temperature is not elevated, walks are a must! Make sure that the child does not breathe through his mouth, do not let him move a lot.

Go for walks with your child - this strengthens the relationship between parents and children, and get as much pleasure out of walking as possible. I wish you success!

Advice for parents "Winter walk"

Winter is the same uniquely beautiful season as all the rest. Of course, not all winter days are the same, not always "frost and sun" and "under blue skies, magnificent carpets, shining in the sun, snow lies." But even if there are few such days in winter, then winter is remembered for just such days, frosty, sunny, snowy, joyful.

For our children, winter is a long-awaited and beloved time. They know that as soon as the snow falls, many playgrounds have snow slides, snowmen and other fairy tale characters made of snow. Can you describe the joy of children? And clean winter clean air is very useful for a child.

But you have to be careful not to catch a cold. In children, as in adults, clothing should be warm, but light. Woolen or elastic trousers (narrower at the bottom). Woolen sweater (it’s bad if it fits the body tightly - then there is no air layer under it). Over the sweater - a jacket made of waterproof fabric (snow does not stick to such a jacket, the wind does not blow through it). Linen - cotton or wool - depending on the air temperature. And in order for the cold to be beneficial and not prevent the kids from enjoying the walk, they must be busy with interesting work. It is only necessary to ensure that more intense movements are replaced by calmer ones.

How to organize winter walks and make them the most interesting and useful for children?

Try to play special games, tasks, fun, suitable for winter conditions.

Tasks for attention:

  1. Show the children a twig and invite them to carefully examine it for 30-40 seconds. Then hide the branch. Now the guys should try to answer the following questions as accurately as possible: how many knots are on the branch; how many of them are broken; from which tree and when this branch was cut.
  1. During the journey, pay the children's attention to what is happening around. How many pipes are on that house? Who goes there in the distance - a man or a woman? Are there deciduous trees here? How many people are in that group? What was the passerby carrying? and etc.
  1. Pay attention that:

a) if large and small objects are at the same distance from us, then small ones seem further away;

b) bright objects seem closer than dark ones;

c) on a cloudy day, in rain, at dusk, all distances seem greater, and on a sunny day - vice versa.

Children are happy to build a snow slide, a ladder, an arc - a gate on the site, for crawling, a target wall, for hitting it with snowballs, etc. They are very fond of outdoor games with snow, sledding and various amusements on walks, they are happy to perform exercises suggested by adults, and relay race games. Playing and exercising outside in the winter, children get the opportunity to show courage, dexterity, dexterity and independence.


Children make snowballs and try to hit each other. You can only throw at the feet. Option: You can divide the children into two teams. The one who gets hit by a snowball is out of the game. The team with the most players left wins.

Who can make a snowman faster

Children are divided into pairs, and each pair is given the task of making a snowman. To do this, you need to roll lumps different sizes put them on top of each other. Make a snowman eyes, eyebrows, nose, mouth (from carrots and coals) and put on a hat (bucket). The pair that finishes the job the fastest wins. Children agree on work themselves, the game begins at the command “Ready! Started!”

Who will throw the snow higher

All children take part in the game. On command, the children begin to make snowballs and throw them up. Everyone completes the task 3 times. The winner is the one who throws the snowball above all three times. Throw 2 times with the right and 1 time with the left hand.

Get in the hole

The teacher makes several holes in the snow, gives each child a bag of balls. For the set time, the children throw as many balls into the hole as possible, then count the total.

After active movement, a small rest.

At this time, you can offer to solve riddles about winter, for example:

Roof in a fur hat,

White smoke overhead

Yard in the snow, in the snow of the house,

At night came to us ... (Winter).

What is the master

Painted on glass

Both leaves and herbs

And bushes of roses? (Freezing).

He sleeps in a den in winter

Under the big pine

And when spring comes

He wakes up from sleep. (Bear)

The tablecloth is white, the whole world is dressed? (Snow)

Bel, but not sugar, there are no legs, but is it walking? (Snow)


Children love to roll in the fluffy snow. So do not deny him this pleasure! Ask him to portray a "snow angel" or other creatures. To do this, the baby needs to fall on his back in the snow and start moving his arms and legs quickly, as if he were flying. Getting up from the snow, the child will see a footprint that looks like an angelic image. The kid will be able to portray various other creatures by taking other poses, lying in the snow. For example, if you lie on your side and bend your arm in a special way, the footprint will look like an elephant with a trunk. Other images you can think of yourself.

The people said: "Feed the birds in the winter - they will serve you in the spring." Observation of the life of birds, stories about what they build nests from, how they hatch chicks, where they hibernate and what they eat, sometimes become a discovery not only for a child, but also for an adult city dweller.

Do not forget to clean the feeders and put bread crumbs, seeds, for children this is not only exciting game but also a real lesson in kindness!

You can ask the children questions for reflection:

Are all titmouses the same?

Who dined on the mountain ash? Etc.

When the child is busy outdoors, the duration of the walk can be increased. Agree that the parents themselves, playing outdoor games with their child, will not notice how quickly the time has passed, and they will not freeze, since they will not have to stand still watching mom and dad play. To do this, you must follow some rules when walking with children:

  • do not offer games and fun where you need to run long and hard (so that the children do not sweat);
  • there should be no difficult movements in the game;
  • snow games should be played in warm weather when the snow is soft;
  • waterproof mittens are recommended for playing with snow;
  • winter games, fun, entertainment are held on a rammed playground

Make sure your kids enjoy winter too.

Some parents walk very little with their children in winter, or do not walk at all, referring to the cold weather, and if they walk, they think that the child should be dressed warmly, this is a delusion ...

Some parents walk very little with their children in winter, or do not walk at all, referring to the cold weather, and if they walk, they think that the child should be dressed warmly, this is a delusion.

Children who are wrapped up get sick more often, movements themselves warm the body, and help in overheating is unnecessary, since heat transfer is disturbed in the body, as a result, such children get sick more often, a light draft is enough for them to catch a cold.

To keep warm, clothes should not fit tightly to the body.

The most reliable remedy for cold is air, in order to better protect the child from low temperatures, it is necessary to create an air gap around the body, clothing should be warm and loose enough. First, a T-shirt or T-shirt made of cotton should be put on the child’s body, which absorbs sweat well, then a pullover or woolen sweater, consolidated, but tight on the neck and wrists.

Woolen socks and warm boots or boots should be worn on the feet. natural fur, but not close, but such that thumb legs could easily move inside. Fearing that the child's ears will freeze, parents wrap his head in numerous handkerchiefs, hats, thereby causing harm, close the neck and neck of the child tightly enough - this is where the greatest heat loss occurs. And the ears must be hardened from the very birth of the baby.

Parents mistakenly believe that in winter it is enough to walk for an hour. It all depends on the temperament of the child and the street temperature. For an infant, walks should be limited, especially in cold weather (below -10 degrees), if the child is older, the allowable temperature for walking is -15 degrees. Children tolerate cold better if they are fed before a walk - food rich in carbohydrates and fats gives special warmth. The only reaction of a frozen child is pallor and a desire to sleep, just when the baby’s body relaxes, for example, falls asleep in a sled, a danger signal to freeze, because he does not move. If the child's fingers are frozen or he is cold, you need to warm them up - but do not put your fingers under the stream hot water or warm on a central heating battery - troubles cannot be avoided, since a sharp temperature contrast can cause severe pain in a supercooled area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body, or worse, disruption of the heart! To warm the child, you need to change him into warm dry clothes, put him in a forge and cover him with a warm blanket, normal room temperature is enough, or offer him a non-hot bath, let him frolic, swim.

Many parents believe that a cold child should not walk.

If the temperature of the baby is not elevated, walks are a must!

Keeping a sick child for weeks in an apartment is not the best way out and a delusion of parents. In the fresh air, the coryza seems to recede, the nose clears, begins to breathe. Nothing if there is frost, make sure that the child does not breathe through his mouth, so that he is not blown by the wind, so that he does not sweat. You don’t have to let him move a lot, ride downhill, just walk “by the handle” with a calm step, feed the birds, watch the snow, etc.

Take care of your children, temper, remember that walking at any time of the year is always good, good for the health of your children and yourself!

Advice for parents

Winter walks with children

Educator: M. V. Artemyeva

Winter games with children

What can you do with a child for a walk in winter? How to make a summer walk

became interesting and informative for children?

How interesting is it to spend a walk with a child in winter?

Winter, despite the cold, remains the favorite time of the year for children. Skates, sleds, skis, snowballs, ice slides - great time for walking. But, despite all its charm, winter remains the most traumatic time of the year. Slippery paths, icy steps - all this leads to frequent falls, so you need to teach your child to fall correctly.

A fall

The most important thing when falling is to group up!

It is best to fall on your side, but in no case should you land on straightened arms. When you start to fall, you need to try to sit down, and pull your arms to the body. Do not think that by explaining to a child how to fall correctly, you will immediately teach him how to fall that way. Of course not. The technique of falling needs to be worked out. Do you know what figure skaters are taught in their first lessons? That's right, fall. Find a large, fluffy, soft drift and rehearse the fall with your child. This skill will also come in handy for you, so feel free to fall next to the child.


Children love to ride the slides. They decide for themselves how best to roll. Your task is to ensure that the children do not cause injury to each other. Adults must control the distance between children. Do not allow the child to roll until the other child moves to the side, or rather crawls to the side. Be especially careful if children are sledding, ice-skating, snow-scooting. Do not allow them to slide down the hill on a sled with a train or link the sleds together.

Ice tracks

In winter, there are paved paths on the sidewalks. Usually they are narrow and can be easily bypassed, so they usually do not cause danger to attentive people. But the kids are happy...

Invite the child to walk along the icy path without taking off his legs, most importantly, trying not to fall. If the baby still falls, then adults should cheer him up and help him up.

It is necessary to hold the child by the hand, just above the hand, so that when the child falls, he does not dislocate his arm. You can run next to him, then he may well ride along the icy path while standing on his feet.

Sculpt from the snow

Snow is a wonderful material for creativity, especially when it is a little wet. Therefore, if you plan to sculpt sculptures, be sure to bring replacement mittens or gloves for the child and yourself.

Remember the fairy tale about the Snow Maiden? Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman, and they had no children. So they decided to make a Snow Maiden out of snow ... A wonderful Russian fairy tale, and most importantly - almost magical for winter. When you go for a walk, take gouache, brushes and napkins with you, and the modeling material will be waiting for you.

Kolobok is probably the easiest character to sculpt. Roll up a snow globe, lightly flatten it from all sides, paint eyes and a mouth on it with paints - the bun is ready.

Sculpt whatever the child wants out of the snow. The basis for all figures remains the same - a snow globe. By connecting the balls in different ways, you can fashion a bunny, and Santa Claus and a Snow Maiden, and if you make several balls, you can build a fortress.


Very fun game for the whole family in winter. There is only one rule - do not throw ice at each other!

You can throw snowballs at a target, arrange competitions to see who is further or who is higher.

The rules can be more complicated: for example, throw only with your left hand or always on one leg, bouncing, or holding one hand laid back, etc.


“Aaaa!!! It's a trail from Crocomote!

Or is it Begedil?

These are the words of the song from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear", where the nimble girl Masha haunts the smart and kind bear, persuades him to teach her to read footprints in the snow.

The child is very interested in looking at footprints in the snow. These can be traces of birds, dogs, people, traces from a stroller, traces left by skis or sleds. You can invent your own fairy-tale characters and draw their footprints in the snow.

Can play the game"Trace to trace" . First, an adult walks through the snow, taking smaller steps, followed by a child, stepping on a footprint just made. Then the child begins to drive, and the adult follows in his footsteps.

Angel. imprint in the snow

Another fun that has come down to us from the past is the footprint of an angel in the snow. Allow the child to roll on the freshly fallen snow. Put a hood on his head so that snow does not get behind the collar, and help him lie on his back in a clean snowdrift. Then you need to clap your hands and feet in the snow, as if you are already flying. Then help the child stand up carefully so as not to destroy his imprint in the snow. This imprint is the imprint of an angel. And the baby covered with snow will also now resemble an angel or a snowman.

Bird feeders

We have already talked about the need to bring up love and sympathy for all living things in a child. One such activity is bird feeding.

Explain to your child why people feed birds in winter. Make a bird feeder with your child and hang it on a tree.

Feeder out of the box. Take an empty juice or milk bag and cut a hole just above the bottom. It's better to make 2 or 3 bird entrances different sizes. Since some birds prefer large holes and others small, make two holes on top of the box and put a rope or thick wire through them - this is a handle. Then for this handle you hang the feeder on the tree.

Pour in the feed. It can be oats, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, wheat bread crumbs, millet, dried berries, fruit pieces, and even unsalted lard. But remember: rye bread, peel of citrus fruits should not be given to birds, it is dangerous for their health.

Hang the feeder on a tree branch while walking. On each walk, check your feeder, adding food and shaking off the snow.

After dinner, sweep the bread crumbs into a bag for the birds, this will help to instill in the child a sense of thrift and care.

feeder from plastic bottle . A bird feeder can also be made from a plastic bottle. It is better to take a five-liter bottle. Just like in a box, holes are cut out in it, only it is better to glue their edges with electrical tape so that the birds do not injure their paws.

In the spring, remove the feeder, it will no longer be needed. Next winter you might come up with more interesting way making a feeder.
