Doll baby doll from a sock master class. How to make a baby doll from nylon tights? How to make a baby doll from nylon tights magnet

Two pieces of synthetic winterizer. One is bigger, the other is smaller.

Ready. Set the handles aside for now.

Now panties. Again, you will need a piece of tights. We sew in the middle leaving room for the legs and put on the baby doll.


Slightly roll the panties down. No wonder we all sewed "beauty" so diligently !!!


Now the skirt. Cut three strips about 1 cm wide.

We sew them together and string them on a thread. The length of the thread will be equal to the volume of the hips of our lady.))))

Sew on the skirt, leaving the side of the panties.

For a blouse, you need a small piece of nylon.

At the bottom
tuck and sew directly to the doll, because the blouses have
a bad habit of ugly bullying up. We tighten at the neck ....

.... and tie a flirty bow.

Now hair. I
I decided to make this doll a redhead. For this I needed orange
tights. Two pieces, 7-10 cm long, I cut into 3 parts, not
cutting to the end - these will be pigtails. Another piece - 2.5 - 3 cm -
this is a bang, I cut it into small "noodles".

First we sew the bangs. Just put it on like a hat or headband and adjust the "hairline"

Sew on
pigtails. I simply arrange them so that the "facade" of the baby doll suits me and
I sew without worrying too much about how it will look on
the back of the head, because then it will all close knitted hat which I
also sew to the head.

I show a variant with hair of the same color as the baby itself. The tail is not cut off, but cut into "noodles"

We bend and
sew on bangs. We sew braids. I want to say that they go for braids
absolutely any tights. Even if the pantyhose shot out and
torn - I wash them well and put them into business))))

And these are my girls in a close company set off on a journey.

Thanks to everyone who patiently waited for the continuation of my long master class! I really hope it will be of use to all of you.
I want to say that baby dolls impress not only children
junior preschool age, but also for the ladies very much ... I recently
there was such an order. Mom of a little girl after I solemnly
handed her a baby doll, called the next day and ordered another one. I
I was already afraid that the baby doll was not strong enough and
fell apart, but no - just a grandmother and granddaughter seriously quarreled over
the one who is the first to play with the doll. Now both are happy.
So sew for health, for joy, dear craftswomen! And give
immediately to all female generations of the same family. Checked on
own experience.

Here, as promised, I post the promised M.K. We will sew a cute baby doll. We need: nylon sock, synthetic winterizer, flesh-colored, threads, scissors, beads. Take one sock, fill it up to half or a little more with padding polyester. Just wrap the top of the sock with thread, do not sew it up.

With a regular stitch, we sheathe the corner of the sock in a circle. This will be the leg. All the time we work with a single thread, not a double one.

We tighten, we fix.

We do the same with the second corner. Get legs.

Divide the body in half, sew with stitches in a circle, just like the legs did.

We tighten, we sew through in several places, fixing the tightening.

Let's make a nose. Cut off a small piece from the top of the sock, about 3-3cm. Roll up a small ball of synthetic winterizer, put it in a cut off piece, wrap it, twist it. Cut off the excess capron. I hope the photo is clearer than I explained...)))

We sew. We insert the needle into the neck, where we have a tightening with stitches. Further, everything that we will sew and make knots, we will be right there. It is best to insert the needle from behind. I did this in front.

We make a mouth. I've been shaking my eyes a bit so I can see what's going on. We thread a red thread into the needle, this time it is double. We insert the needle into the neck and bring it out where the mouth should be.

We make 3-4 stitches to get a red mouth. Slightly pulling-recessed inside the face.

Sew on the eyes. I have black beads. If you don’t have these, you can make eyes according to the principle of the nose. paint black paint or varnish, here are your eyes. We sew in the same way, slightly sinking inward. To do this, just pull the thread harder and see what happens. Draw the eyebrows. .... Wow, how hard to describe ....

Now let's make the ears. Squeeze a small area with two fingers to form the ears.

We insert the needle into the neck and bring it out into the middle of the ear.

We make a small stitch, bring the needle out behind the ear, pull it slightly. Without tearing off the thread, we bring the needle from the inside of the ear into the lobe. We make a stitch and bring the needle up the ear. Pulling, fixing.

Let's make a second ear. Now you can sew up the top of the stocking. If you have a small forehead or something else wrong, before sewing up the top, you can add a padding polyester in the right places.

Carefully cut off the extra capron (we still need it), leave a small pump.

We cut in a circle into thin strips, not reaching the fixing threads. We pull each strip forming hair.

Now let's make the hands. From the remnants of nylon, cut out double rectangles, round from the bottom.

Sew, leaving the top untouched.

Fill with padding polyester, sew up the top.

Sew on your hands. Now let's make a belly button. We introduce a needle from the bottom of the leg, we bring it out where the navel will be.

Stepping back slightly, we bring the needle to the bottom of the other leg. We tighten, forming a hollow.

Now let's make the butt. You can not tear off the thread, but continue. We bring the needle out from behind, where the top of the priests will be.

Leaving the thread outside, insert the needle down between the legs. (sorry for the expression). We pull, forming the ass. We fix.

Well, our baby is ready! All that was left was to wear it. You can sew a suit, dress, shirt, etc. I just sewed panties on and put on a bib.

Then the daughter came up and said that it was a girl. Tied a bow ...))))

I tried to describe in as much detail as possible the whole process of creating these lovely dolls. If the description is not very good, I think the photos will tell better than me. Good luck with your crafts!!!

Such cute, cute babies can be made from the most ordinary nylon socks or tights. So, the online magazine "Forty Years" offers detailed master class


- flesh-colored nylon sock;

- filler, for example, synthetic winterizer;

- thread, needle;

- a bright striped sock for baby clothes;

- satin ribbon;

- small buttons;

- blush;

- black beads

1. We take a flesh-colored nylon sock.

2. We take 2 lumps of filler, put it in the sock, wrap it with the most ordinary thread, tear off the thread.

3. We cut the resulting balls with scissors, they will go to the handles, cut off the edge of the sock in a straight line, make a small ball from the remnants - put a piece of synthetic winterizer, wrap it with a thread, tear off the thread, cut the ball with scissors. We step back from the edge of the sock and wrap it with a thread, tear off the thread.

4. Stuff the sock with padding polyester, sew the edge with a hidden seam.

5. Approximately in the middle we wind it with a thread, tear off the thread. It turns out the body and head.

6. Gently sew on the ball-nose with hidden stitches.

7. We outline the place where the eyes will be, it is convenient to do this with the help of pins with colored balls at the end. We sew black beads in place of the peephole, pulling the nylon around the peephole to make small indentations.

8. We make a butt at the back, pulling the nylon with a few stitches.

9. We stick a pin in place of the mouth. We draw in the mouth with a stitch, we fix the thread on the neck. We stick pins in place of the eyebrows. Embroider eyebrows and eyelashes with black thread.

10. We form an eye. To do this, we stick a pin in place of the ear. We fix the ear with a few stitches.

11. Cut off a blank for a hat from a striped sock. We pull it across with a few stitches. The edge can be cut with a fringe. We put the cap on the head, lower the edge of the sock on the forehead, cut it, we get hair.

12. From the sock we cut off a piece on Nyusha's dress. We put the dress on a caporon doll, tuck it up, fasten it with a few stitches, tighten it around the neck.

13. We sew ball-pens with hidden stitches. From a piece of sock we cut out socks for the doll, sew along the edge, put it on the legs, tie a satin ribbon along the edge. We blush our cheeks. Sew 2 buttons on the dress.

Creative people do not stop at mastering already known types of needlework - they constantly have new ones. creative ideas. Many needlewomen already know how to sew a tilde doll with their own hands, and from the moment products made from thin nylon became cheap and affordable for everyone, ideas appeared on how to create a doll from nylon tights.

Pantyhose dolls: main varieties

Since master classes describing how to make a doll from nylon tights have appeared relatively recently, there is no clear classification of toys for this type of creativity.

Nevertheless, soft dolls made of nylon and synthetic winterizer can conditionally be divided into several types - depending on the appearance and manufacturing methods.

Tumbler dolls

In creating a doll, not only nylon tights are used - stockings and socks are also great for this. At the end of the working process, the master receives small soft toys of a round or oval shape with conventionally marked limbs.

Simple master classes on creating this type of dolls are great for teaching beginner needleworkers.

Do-it-yourself butts

Another easy way to create a doll from nylon tights. From the name you can understand the peculiarity of the doll - in the workflow, the face and buttocks are especially distinguished. Masters jokingly call this toy a fortune teller - which side it will turn to you in the morning, such a day awaits you.

The doll needs to be made in parts: first make all parts of the body (head, hands, feet, ass), and then sew them to the clothes.

Skeleton doll

Frame toys take longer to make than previous types, they become taller and take appearance close to human.

The main material for the frame is a rigid wire wrapped with filler, but plastic bottles can also be used.

Nylon dolls - a master class for beginners

If you first decided to make a nylon soft toy, take note of the way to create a product from stockings. Such a master class will not take you much time - after practicing several times, you will learn how to make a cute tumbler doll in just an hour!

  • Take a nylon sock middle length and tightly fill it with white filler, like a padding polyester. Pull the edges of the product with a thread.
  • Mark the neck as follows - in the right place, sew the sock with a seam forward with a needle in a circle and tighten. Wrap the thread several times and tie to secure.
  • Do the legs in a similar way - select two small circles at the bottom of the product from different sides with an overcast seam and pull it off.
  • From below, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe seam of the sock, stick a needle, take it out on your stomach and stick it in again. Slightly tightening a small seam. You will receive a navel. Return the needle to the bottom seam and secure the thread with it.

After preparatory work with the torso is over, the doll from nylon tights needs to be endowed with emotions, giving conditional facial features.

  • Form the nose in the same way as the legs, but grab a circle with a smaller radius.
  • Ears can be made as follows - pinch a small area on the side of the head with your fingers and pull it with a thread once.
  • In the right place, make three black stitches - eyelashes.
  • Insert a needle with a threaded bead-eye under the cilia and bring it out in the place where one of the corners of the mouth should be, and pull it off slightly. Repeat the same action on the other side. So you get both eyes and cheeks at once.
    With a single ply of red thread or a permanent marker, mark the smiling mouth.

  • Cut off the tight tail on the head of the baby doll - the extra matter will come in handy for sewing hands. Cut it in half and sew it up so that you get two fabric “sausages”. Stuff them with soft material and sew to the body.

Sew to head if desired. long hair from yarn so that the baby doll turns into a girl. To finish the doll from nylon tights, you need to make her toy clothes at your discretion.

Control the tension force of the working thread and capron yourself: for example, the cheeks need to be tightened more in order to better highlight, and the navel can be barely marked. But do not overdo it, otherwise you may tear the working material.

Do-it-yourself nylon frame dolls: step by step instructions

If the previous master class seemed too simple to you, try making a doll from nylon tights on a wire frame. Thanks to the rigid wire, the limbs of the toys can take different positions.


As a rule, most of the time is spent on creating the head and shaping the facial features.

  • Take a piece of synthetic winterizer and squeeze it into a tight ball the size of a fist. Put the soft ball into the nylon tightening bag. Form another smaller lump and stick it on the side - this is the future nose. Tie the opening of the nylon bag, but not tightly.

  • Insert the needle from the side in the upper part of the nose, pull it out on the other side and pull it off a little, forming the bridge of the nose.

  • From below, form the nostrils in a similar way.

  • Make thread loops around the nostrils.

  • Pull off the loops, clearly outlining the nose.

  • Through the hole at the bottom of the head, add 2 more identical small soft lumps in the places where the cheeks should be, and an oblong piece in place of the future mouth.

  • Insert the needle in the place where the left corner of the mouth should be, and bring it out in the place of the left eye - tighten until the cheek is formed. Repeat the same on the right side.

  • Between the corners of the lips, stretch a tight thread - a smile.

  • Tighten another thread under the first, forming the lower lip. During each action with the lips, bring the needle into the eye sockets to gradually form the hollows for the eyes.

  • Insert the needle in the middle of the smile and bring it out in the center of the upper lip.

  • Tighten the thread, forming sponges with a bow.

  • Extend the bridge of your nose with a few back and forth movements of the needle.

  • Glue the eyes in the right place - you can buy them in a special needlework store or borrow them from an old unwanted doll. Paint cheeks, lips and eyebrows with acrylics.

For hair, put an old toy wig on the doll or buy a new one from a specialty store.

Hair can be made from yarn, floss threads in the same way as on a waldorf doll.


After working on the toy head, the doll must be provided with a wire frame. Take as a basis already ready scheme with approximate limb sizes.

Even a beginner needleworker can easily make a wire base, but it will take patience to calculate the length of the limbs and bend proportional sections.

  • Make the frame of the palms - connect together 5 short pieces of wire proportional to human fingers. Wrap the wire tightly with filler.

  • Cut out small square pieces of nylon and wrap them around your palms.

  • Treat the hands in the same way as the face, giving the fingers relief.

  • Wrap the torso frame tightly with stuffing. Screw the head and hands in the right place.

  • Finish processing the frame by wrapping it with nylon.

Such a doll made of nylon tights can be dressed up in any doll clothes that fit her in size, or you can sew a costume yourself. Due to the fact that the toy is suitable for many different outfits, you have the opportunity to complement her image in any way - braid her hair, decorate with beaded bracelets or a hairpin with cold porcelain flowers.

In conclusion, watch a video tutorial that will tell you how to make a cute brownie doll from nylon tights.

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Today on sale you can find the most different toys However, do-it-yourself dolls are especially popular. To do this, you do not need to have special skills, just take old nylon tights or stockings, a needle and thread. In this article, you will learn how to sew dolls from pantyhose, by using step by step instructions. Even beginners can easily master these master classes and be able to sew a grandmother doll or a funny baby doll.

How to sew a grandmother doll from pantyhose

Cut off the bottom first plastic bottle, and leave the bottom and neck intact. Take the padding polyester and wrap it around the bottle, securing it well with threads. Form a ball of padding polyester to make a face, and then gradually replenish it, forming the cheeks.

Recesses in the face are made with a thread and a needle. If you want your grandmother's face to look like a real one, you will have to work hard or look for a step by step.

Hands are made of wire. Separately make the elbow and forearm of thick wire so that the limbs do not fall from the weight of the blouse. Twist the palm, wrap it with padding polyester and pull the stocking on top. Use the thread to form the fingers of the doll. The handles are sewn to the body with a hidden seam.

If desired, you can make legs for the doll from sintepon and nylon sock. Hair is easily made from threads, often needlewomen use old wigs. It remains to dress the doll and the grandmother is ready. By a similar principle, it is easy to make other dolls from tights.

Beautiful do-it-yourself baby doll made of nylon stockings

If you wish, you can form the ass and tummy at your baby doll if you tighten it with threads. Glue your hair to the top of your head or sew it into your head. Don't forget to draw or embroider eyes and a mouth. The baby doll can be wrapped in a diaper-sock or other clothes can be sewn for him.

Dolls sewn are beautiful, durable and environmentally friendly. Even small children can play with them, so realize your talents.
