Mathematical riddles for the middle group. Math fun for middle school kids

The development of knowledge in the field of mathematics is very important in our time. That is why, starting from kindergarten, it is necessary to teach kids the basics of this science. Various mathematical puzzles, crossword puzzles, riddles will help educators instill in the children the necessary knowledge.

Math puzzles for preschool children

Toddlers are still inaccessible to complex ones for them, there will be various ones that will have to be pretty thought about. Such riddles are based on quantitative, temporal, and spatial characteristics.

Math riddles with answers

  • "Two ends, the same number of rings, and carnations between them." Everyone knows that these are scissors.
  • "Four friends huddle under a common roof." This riddle is about a table.
  • "Five friends live in a common house." This is a mitten.
  • "Antoshka is sad on one leg. As the sun rises, he looks in that direction." This is about sunflowers.
  • “I don’t have legs, but I’m walking, I don’t have a tongue, but I say: when to go to bed and when to get up from it.” This
  • "Grandfather is lying, he is wearing a hundred fur coats, and whoever starts to undress him, he sheds tears." Of course it's an onion.

Comic riddles

Preschoolers love it the most. In order to find the answer to such puzzles, you need to be smart.

Here are some fun math riddles with answers that are great for older preschoolers:

  1. "Me plus you, and even you and me. How much is it?" The child must answer "two".
  2. "How to use a single stick to show a triangle on the table?" The correct answer is to put it on the corner of the table to form three corners.
  3. "How many ends does one stick have? And two sticks? And two and a half?" Here you need to answer 6.
  4. "There are three sticks on the table, next to each other. How can I make the stick that lay in the middle be on the edge without touching the other?" Move the extreme - that's what the baby should answer.
  5. "Three horses rode five kilometers. How many kilometers did each horse ride?" Of course, 5 kilometers each.

And many other math puzzles for preschoolers. They exist great amount. Comic mathematical riddles for preschoolers are used to activate mental activity and teach them to highlight the main thing between two or more objects. Such riddles should be used in the process of group conversations, observations on walks. The main thing is that they correspond to the topic of conversation or observation.

Features of the perception of comic riddles by older preschoolers

From 5 to 7 years old, children are already good at joking and understanding the jokes of others. Children of this age will be able to answer correctly such a comic riddle, on the condition that they understood it. If the sense of humor is poorly developed, then the child will solve the problem by simple calculations. And the answer will be wrong. Answers to such riddles must be explained to the whole group in a visual way.

Such tasks are suitable as a warm-up before math classes. It contributes good development mental operations. The proposed mathematical riddles with answers can also be used during the lesson in order to clarify the concept of any number.

You can also use comic riddles when moving from one activity to another to give the guys a little distraction and relaxation.

Mathematical logic puzzles

This is a very useful gymnastics for the mind. Logical mathematical riddles are quite complex - you will have to think a lot with the answers to them. Here are some of them:

  1. Misha had a large but sour orange. And Vitya ate big, but sweet. What is similar in oranges, and what distinguishes them from each other? They are similar in that both are large, and the difference is that one turned out to be tasty, and the second - sour.
  2. Girlfriends Vera and Nastya looked at the illustrations. One of them was holding a book, and the other was holding a magazine. Where did Nastya look at the pictures if Vera did not have a magazine in her hands? Of course, in a magazine.
  3. Vasya and Petya decided to draw. car and tractor. What was in Vasya's picture if Petya didn't want to draw a tractor? Of course, Vasya drew a car.
  4. Christina, Vitya and Slava lived in houses of different floors. Two of them were three-story, one was two-story. Kristina and Slavik did not live in the same houses, Slava and Vitya did the same. Who lived in what house? This problem is already more difficult. The correct answer would be: Slava lived in a two-story house, and Christina and Vitya lived in three-story ones.
  5. Zhenya, Misha and Andrey loved reading books. One was interested in cars, another was interested in stories about the war, the third was about sports. Who read about anything if Zhenya did not read about the war and about sports, and Misha did not read about sports? Complicated has a fairly simple answer. Since Zhenya did not touch books about war and sports, it means that he read about travel. Misha did not read a book about sports, so he chose a book about war. There is no information about Andrei, but by the method of elimination we decide that he gets a book about cars. Everything is simple.
  6. Vera, Masha and Olesya loved to embroider. One is hearts, the other is houses, the third is patterns. Who embroidered what, if Vera did not embroider hearts and houses, and Masha did not like hearts? It's also quite a difficult task. Vera embroidered patterns, Masha - houses, Olesya - hearts.

Development of knowledge in the field
mathematics is very relevant in our
time. That is why, starting from
kindergarten, it is necessary to teach
kids the basics of this science.
Various math puzzles
crosswords, riddles will help
educators to instill in children
the necessary knowledge.
Not available for kids yet
difficult math problems.
They will be interesting
various math puzzles
with answers to which
think quite a bit. At the core

spatial characteristics.

Grandma's geese
Grandma Marusya has
Cat, goat, puppy and geese.

The cat purrs on the porch.
Six geese are swimming in the river.

Where the goat gnaws the vine,
The goose nibbles the grass thistle.

From a plate of Trezorka
Two geese are nibbling the crusts.

Count quickly
How many geese are there in total?
(9 geese)
Pied has five chicks.
The Quack has five ducklings.
Five plus five
Nikolka asked,
How much will it be together?
Dad, mom, brother, me
That's our whole family.

We all love for lunch
Eat a couple of meatballs.

How much mom, every time
Need to fry them for us?
(8 cutlets)
Here's a challenge for you guys.
At the edge of the forest cottage.
And in the country, a woman with a grandfather,
Mom and dad, brother and me.
Count guys.
How big is our family?
If there is another sister
in diapers
And missing one
The oldest brother

(8 people)
And it had to happen
For five days Vadim lay in

And this is not a joke at all.
He was injected three times a day.

But cheerful, not sick,
He returned to his home.

Who is good at math?
How many injections did he take?
(15 injections)
Ate in the morning
Nelly with Nina
Two pears
And a half.

How much Nina
Together with Nelly
These pears
For breakfast
(5 pears)
In the country
In September at Ksyusha's dacha
I ate three pears a day.
How many pears, tell me quickly
Did Ksyusha eat in seven days?
(21 pears)
Buying shoes
We were in the market
Everyone bought shoes.

For Annie
We bought slippers.

For Peter and Vovochka
We took the shoes.

Shoes for Antoshka.
Collea sandals.

Daddy's sandals too.
Leather slippers for mom.

Kind chosen goods.
Count how many pairs?
(7 pairs)
Egorka was lucky again,
Sitting by the river is not in vain.
Two crucians in a bucket
And four minnows.
But look at the bucket
There was a sly cat...
How many fish home Yegorka
Will it bring to our ears?
(no one)
Two boys were walking along the road
And they found two rubles each.
They are followed by four more.
How many will they find?
(no one)
There were ten trees in the garden.
Eight were cut down last year.
I can't find the answer guys.
How many trees are left in the garden?
(To find the answer here,
And you don't have to count.
If there are no eight trees,
So there is no garden.
Kolya and Marina.
Four tangerines.
My brother has three of them.

How much is your sister?
(1 tangerine)
Three white doves sat on the roof.
Two doves took off and flew away.
Nuka, tell me quickly
How many pigeons are left to sit?
(1 pigeon)
They gave the children a lesson at school:
Jumps in the field ten forty.
Nine took off, sat on the spruce,
How many left in the field of forty?
(1 magpie)
Misha has one pencil,
Grisha has one pencil.
How many pencils
Both babies?
(2 pencils)
Three apples.
One to rip
The arm is stretching.
But first you need to count
And how much will remain?
(2 apples)
There are seven grasshoppers in the choir
Songs were sung.
Soon five grasshoppers
Lost voice.
Count without further ado
How many votes were there?
(2 votes)
Four magpies came to the lessons.
One out of forty did not know the lesson.
How much diligently
Studied forty?
(3 magpies)
Marina entered the class
And behind her Irina,
And then came Ignat.
How many were all the guys?
There are seven plums on a plate,
Their appearance is very beautiful.
Pavel ate four plums.
How many plums did the boy leave?
(3 plums)
Three squirrels to a mother squirrel
They waited near the hollow.
They have mommy for breakfast
Brought nine cones.
Divide by three
How many for each of them?
(three nuts each)
Five boys playing football
One was called home.
He looks out the window, he thinks
How many are playing now?
(plays 4 guys)
Marina plucked into a mug
Nine raspberries.
I gave five to my girlfriend.
How many berries are in the mug?
(4 berries)
I draw a cat house:
Three windows, a door with a porch.
Above is a window
To not be dark.
Count the windows
In the cat's house.
(4 windows)

Fun in math kindergarten. middle group

This material will be useful for preschool teachers, physical education instructors. Designed for children of preschool age.

Math fun. (relay races)

Target: develop children's ability to independently perform math assignments in a competitive environment.
- Consolidate and generalize knowledge about geometric shapes ax (circle, square, triangle, rectangle);
- Development of logical thinking, attention, memory;
- Cultivate interest in mathematics.
Why is there silence all around?
Do you hear how quickly the speech fell silent?
This is the queen of all sciences,
came to visit us today.
The Queen of Mathematics enters.
Queen: Hello guys! I am the queen of the mathematical realm. Numbers and geometric figures, mathematical signs and formulas live in my kingdom. Everyone says that mathematics is a difficult, boring science, but I want to show you that mathematics can be fun. Let's you guys divide into two teams, and each team will choose the name for itself, guessing my riddles.
1 contest "Guess the riddle"
I don't have corners
And I look like a saucer
On a plate and on a lid
On the ring, on the wheel.
Who am I, friends?
Call me! (Circle)

my three sides
May be of different lengths.
Where the parties meet
Angle is obtained.
What happened? Look!
After all, there are also three corners.
You look at me
Call my name. (Triangle)

Four corners and four sides
They look exactly like sisters.
You can’t roll it into the gate like a ball,
And he won't run after you.
The figure is familiar to many guys.
Did you recognize him? After all, this is ... (Square)

He looks like an egg
Or on your face.
Here is a circle -
Very strange appearance
The circle became flattened.
It turned out suddenly ... (Oval)

We stretched the square
And presented at a glance
Who did he look like
Or something very similar?
Not a brick, not a triangle -
It became a square ... (Rectangle)
Queen: Well done! My riddles are solved. Let's give each team a name. So, one team is called "Circle", the second "Square".
I took a triangle and a square,
He built a house out of them.
And I am very happy about this:
Now a gnome lives there.
We will put two squares,
And then a big circle.
And then three more rounds,
Triangular cap.
Here comes the funny little guy.
We will not build an eccentric of geometric shapes, we will build a boat
2 competition. "Collect a boat from geometric shapes". The envelopes contain geometric shapes from which you need to assemble a boat. Whose team will collect faster, she won.
Queen: The jury sums up, and we play on.

Once upon a time there was a girl Shura
Geometric shapes in the box:
Cubes, balls, squares
And other brave guys.

3 competition "Collect correctly"
The basket contains cubes and balls. The teams run to the basket. The Circles team selects the balls and carries them to their basket. The "Squares" team chooses cubes and also carries them to their basket. The team that completes the task quickly and correctly wins.
Queen of Mathematics: while the jury is summing up the results of the competitions, I suggest you take a break.
They turn on the song of fixies "Helper", the children perform movements to the music.
The Queen of Mathematics announces the results of 3 competitions.
Queen: Well done guys, they did a good job. And we have the following contest:

A pineapple fell by the path
Broke into two halves.
Three crows will never divide
The two halves are equal.
We will not divide the halves of a pineapple, we will assemble a whole pineapple from two halves.
4. Contest "Assemble the whole"
Flat images of pineapples are cut into two parts (arbitrary cut: in half lengthwise, across, in a zigzag). Halves of pineapples are laid out on the floor, children stand in pairs, each pair must assemble a whole image from the halves of pineapples.
Queen of Mathematics: And now I want to know which team is the most attentive.
5 contest "Continue the row."
Children are offered a sample of a logical series of geometric shapes and the teams continue the logical series according to the model. The team that completes the task without mistakes and quickly wins.
Queen of Mathematics: So our fun math game is over. sports holiday. While the jury is summing up, we are with you in the musical game "If life is fun."
After the dance game, the Jury announces the results of the mathematical entertainment, and the Queen of Mathematics awards the winners.
Queen: All riddles are solved, games are played. I don't say goodbye to you. We will meet again at math classes and play new games. See you again.

Riddles have that magic power that teaches, attracts, develops. Mathematical riddles for children 5-7 years old teach to count in the mind, attract with a playful form of submitting a question “to backfill”, develop memory and thinking. In modern society, it is difficult to do without the basic knowledge of mathematics. Therefore, future first-graders are introduced to this science from kindergarten, developing erudition with mathematical riddles for the little ones. For example:

Two sharp ends have two rings,

For them to live together

I had to fasten it with a nail.

4 friends live together and 1 lives separately.


5 boys have 1 closet each, and the entrance and exit are common.


4 legs but can't walk.


Dressed in 100 clothes

Comes often for lunch

When he takes off his clothes,

People shed tears.


Questions with jokes

Preschoolers, without realizing it, love useful games. And if children's puzzles on the theme of "mathematics" for 4-5 years and older are shown in a playful manner, then the kids are quickly drawn into the creative process, showing flexibility and tenacity of mind, highlighting the main focus in the riddle. It does not matter that at first the answers will not always be correct, but their search is captivating and fascinating. The first victory inspires, creating a springboard for new successes and raising the level of the child to more complex mathematical puzzles for preschoolers.

Children in the age category of 5-7 years old can quite successfully joke and feel the jokes of their peers. If the child has “seen through” the humor in the question, then his answer will be in the same vein. There is no need to be upset if the preschooler has a weak sense of humor and therefore does not cope with such riddles. In this case, patience is needed to visually explain what the feature is and try to ask one or more joking questions.

Development of logic

Children's mathematical riddles with answers are considered difficult when they contain elements of logic or the whole problem is based on logical reasoning. Here the child will have to think carefully, not be afraid of his conclusions and conclusions. After all, logic is nothing more than a meticulously and thoughtfully built chain of consecutive thoughts with a transition to a final judgment.

The exact sciences do not like being shy in front of them.

Indeed, mathematical puzzles for 3-4 years old in kindergarten are not as difficult as they seem. Guys in younger age easily master the basics of this fascinating science. They can easily count, compare numbers, perform simple actions (addition, subtraction), master the features of basic geometric shapes.

Also, the child will completely cope with children's mathematical problems with answers for first graders, in which there are measures of length, tools for drawing, additional knowledge in biology, geography, physics, taking into account age.

Every kid has a different level of math ability. The development of interest in the subject truly works wonders, as it reveals the potential of the child to the maximum. And success gradually leads to independent conquest of new heights.

To reason, to be able to prove, not to be afraid to defend one's position - these skills, acquired with the help of mathematical riddles for children aged 5 years and older with answers, will give the cherished key to the fascinating Land of Exact Sciences.

Keeping children's interest in riddles depends on adults. To do this, you need to diversify them, using a great variety of types of puzzles:

  • on logic;
  • tricks;
  • coloring pages;
  • about geometric shapes;
  • Crosswords.

Mathematical riddles for preschoolers about animals and other topics presented in different types, firmly consolidate the acquired knowledge and arouse interest in them, which is very valuable for preparing for school.

Note to parents

Mathematical riddles for future first graders are offered to the child unobtrusively, filling their free time with them. As a result, certain abilities or interests of a preschooler are revealed, which are carefully complicated by riddles with elements of mathematics for students in grade 2.

If the baby sees the parental end in itself (“you must”, “you must”), then this can backfire. If the child has no interest in numbers, it is better to leave the target for a while. Mind games, but to come to them as if by chance: in a domestic situation, when watching cartoons, on illustrative examples during walks. Mathematical riddles for children 5-6 years old with answers will not leave indifferent any kid, if you approach this sensitively.

Grandmother invited two grandchildren to visit, baked pancakes for them. The grandchildren did not eat enough, they began to make noise and knock plates on the table. How many grandchildren silently wait for supplements? (No one)

Polina needs 15 minutes to walk from home to school. How long will it take her if she goes with her friend? (15 minutes)

Which is lighter: 1 kg of sawdust or 1 kg of firewood? (They have the same weight)

Tasi had 5 croissants on her plate. When the girl had breakfast, there were a couple of croissants left. How many pieces did Tasia eat? (3 croissants)

Mathematical riddles for children 7 years old in the form of jokes, questions for quick wits will always be in demand among children. As they grow older, kids develop their powers of observation, speed of thinking, search for answers, and concentration. Tempering mental abilities, the child will grow up inquisitive, kind and open to absorbing new knowledge.

What three numbers, when added and multiplied, give the same result?

(1 + 2 + 3 = 6, 1 * 2 * 3 = 6 )
* * *

More than an hour, less than a minute.

* * *

There are 8 benches in the park. Three have been painted.
How many benches are there in the park?

* * *

What sign must be placed between 6 and 7 so that the result is less than 7 and greater than 6?

* * *

The room has 4 corners. In each corner sat a cat, in front of each cat - 3 cats.
How many cats were in the room?

(4 cats)
* * *

How to put 2 liters of milk in a liter jar?

(get cottage cheese)
* * *

There were husband and wife, brother and sister, and husband and brother-in-law.
How many people?

(three persons)
* * *

There were 4 apples on the table. One of them was cut in half and placed on the table.
How many apples are left on the table?

(4 apples)
* * *

There are 100 sheets of paper on the table.
For every 10 seconds, 10 sheets can be counted.
How many seconds does it take to count 80 sheets?

* * *

On the table are a ruler, a pencil, a compass, an elastic band.
Draw a circle on a piece of paper.
Where to begin?

(from a sheet of paper)
* * *

How many digits are equal to the number of letters in its name?

(100 - one hundred, 1000000 - one million)
* * *

Burned 7 candles. 2 candles extinguished.
How many candles are left?
(7 candles)
* * *

How many different digits must be used to write the number 100?

(two - 0 and 1)
* * *

When is the number 1322 less than 622?

(years BC)
* * *

Which word has 3 L's and 3 P's?

* * *

A pair of horses ran 40 km.
How many kilometers did each horse run?

(40 km)
* * *

How much earth does a pit 3 meters in diameter and 3 meters deep contain?

(not at all, the pits are empty)
* * *

What notes can be used to measure distance?

* * *

There were 12 chickens, 3 rabbits, 5 puppies, 2 cats, 1 rooster and 2 hens in the room.
The owner entered the room with a dog.
How many legs are in the room?

(two, animals don't have legs)
* * *

There were two fathers and two sons. And only three apples. Each ate an apple.
How is this possible?

(son, father, grandfather)
* * *

I have no weight, but I am light, I am heavy.
Who am I?

* * *

There were five light bulbs in the chandelier. Two of them went out.
How many bulbs are left in the chandelier?

(remaining 5)
* * *

The combined age of father and son is 66 years.
The age of the father is the age of the son, written from right to left.
How old is each?

(51 and 15, 42 and 24, 60 and 06)
* * *

An electric locomotive moves westward at a speed of 90 km/h.
The east wind is blowing, the wind speed is 10 km/h.
In which direction is the smoke going?

(electric locomotive has no smoke)
* * *

Five ice cream five guys

Exactly in five minutes they will eat.

How much can they eat

Six guys ice cream if

And there are also six ice creams?

(no matter how many ice creams,

if so many guys

then the guys are all ice creams

in the same five minutes they will eat)
* * *

How many times can you subtract 6 from 30?

Two mothers, two daughters and a grandmother and granddaughter.
How many?

(three: grandmother, mother, granddaughter)
* * *

How can the number 666 be increased by one and a half times without performing any arithmetic operations on it?

(write 666 and turn it upside down)
* * *

When we look at the number 2 and say 10?

(when looking at the clock)
* * *

What is 2+2 x 2=?

* * *

Which is heavier: a kilogram of iron or a kilogram of down?

(weight is the same)
* * *

One egg is boiled for 3 minutes.
How many minutes will 2 eggs cook?

(3 minutes)
* * *

How many stripes does a zebra have?

(two: black, white)
* * *

How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach?

(one, the rest not on an empty stomach)
* * *

The truck was going to the village.
On the way he met 4 cars.
How many cars were going to the village?
