Mathematical riddles for children. "Math Riddles"

What three numbers, when added and multiplied, give the same result?

(1 + 2 + 3 = 6, 1 * 2 * 3 = 6 )
* * *

More than an hour, less than a minute.

* * *

There are 8 benches in the park. Three have been painted.
How many benches are there in the park?

* * *

What sign must be placed between 6 and 7 so that the result is less than 7 and greater than 6?

* * *

The room has 4 corners. In each corner sat a cat, in front of each cat - 3 cats.
How many cats were in the room?

(4 cats)
* * *

How to put 2 liters of milk in a liter jar?

(get cottage cheese)
* * *

There were husband and wife, brother and sister, and husband and brother-in-law.
How many people?

(three persons)
* * *

There were 4 apples on the table. One of them was cut in half and placed on the table.
How many apples are left on the table?

(4 apples)
* * *

There are 100 sheets of paper on the table.
For every 10 seconds, 10 sheets can be counted.
How many seconds does it take to count 80 sheets?

* * *

On the table are a ruler, a pencil, a compass, an elastic band.
Draw a circle on a sheet of paper.
Where to begin?

(from a sheet of paper)
* * *

How many digits are equal to the number of letters in its name?

(100 - one hundred, 1000000 - one million)
* * *

Burned 7 candles. 2 candles extinguished.
How many candles are left?
(7 candles)
* * *

How many different digits must be used to write the number 100?

(two - 0 and 1)
* * *

When is the number 1322 less than 622?

(years BC)
* * *

Which word has 3 L's and 3 P's?

* * *

A pair of horses ran 40 km.
How many kilometers did each horse run?

(40 km)
* * *

How much earth does a pit 3 meters in diameter and 3 meters deep contain?

(not at all, the pits are empty)
* * *

What notes can be used to measure distance?

* * *

There were 12 chickens, 3 rabbits, 5 puppies, 2 cats, 1 rooster and 2 hens in the room.
The owner entered the room with a dog.
How many legs are in the room?

(two, animals don't have legs)
* * *

There were two fathers and two sons. And only three apples. Each ate an apple.
How is this possible?

(son, father, grandfather)
* * *

I have no weight, but I am light, I am heavy.
Who am I?

* * *

There were five light bulbs in the chandelier. Two of them went out.
How many bulbs are left in the chandelier?

(remaining 5)
* * *

The combined age of father and son is 66 years.
The age of the father is the age of the son, written from right to left.
How old is each?

(51 and 15, 42 and 24, 60 and 06)
* * *

An electric locomotive moves westward at a speed of 90 km/h.
The east wind is blowing, the wind speed is 10 km/h.
In which direction is the smoke going?

(electric locomotive has no smoke)
* * *

Five ice cream five guys

Exactly in five minutes they will eat.

How much can they eat

Six guys ice cream if

And there are also six ice creams?

(no matter how many ice creams,

if so many guys

then the guys are all ice creams

in the same five minutes they will eat)
* * *

How many times can you subtract 6 from 30?

Two mothers, two daughters and a grandmother and granddaughter.
How many?

(three: grandmother, mother, granddaughter)
* * *

How to increase the number 666 by one and a half times without performing any arithmetic operations on it?

(write 666 and turn it upside down)
* * *

When we look at the number 2 and say 10?

(when looking at the clock)
* * *

What is 2+2 x 2=?

* * *

Which is heavier: a kilogram of iron or a kilogram of down?

(weight is the same)
* * *

One egg is boiled for 3 minutes.
How many minutes will 2 eggs cook?

(3 minutes)
* * *

How many stripes does a zebra have?

(two: black, white)
* * *

How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach?

(one, the rest not on an empty stomach)
* * *

The truck was going to the village.
On the way he met 4 cars.
How many cars were going to the village?

Mathematics in verse

Methodical development

for teaching preschoolers elementary mathematical concepts based on entertaining material

Prepared by Tolstikhina Galina Gennadievna

Educator of the first category



Parts of the day

fairy tale math

Tasks for attention

Interesting questions

Logic endings

Tasks in poetic form


Poems - jokes


Count up to two

The sun lifts us up to recharge,
We raise our hands on the command "one".
And the foliage rustles merrily above them.
We lower our hands on the command "two".

Count up to three

Darkness lay all around.
One two Three -
Run run!

Pinocchio stretched,
Once - bent over
Two - Bent over
Three - bent over.
Raised hands to the sides,
Apparently the key has not been found.
To get us the key
You have to get on your toes.

Count up to four

The mice came out once
See what time it is.
One two three four -
The mice pulled the weights...
Suddenly there was a terrible sound
The mice ran away.

Count up to five

Fingers fell asleep
Curled into a fist. (Clench fingers into fists)
One two three four five! (Alternately straighten fingers)
Wanted to play!

The sun peeked into the bed ...
One two three four five.
We all do exercises
We need to sit down and stand up
Stretch your arms wider.
One two three four five.
Bend over - three, four,
And stand still.
On the toe, then on the heel -
We all do exercises.

Count up to eight

One, two - above the head,
Three, four - hands wider.
Five, six - sit down quietly,
Seven, eight - let's discard laziness.


If a child has difficulty remembering the seasons, poems can help. Riddles are useful for reinforcing the material.


I have a lot to do:
I am a white blanket
I cover all the earth
I clean the ice of the river
Whitewash fields, houses
My name is ... (winter).

The cold has come.
The water turned to ice.
Long-eared hare gray
Turned into a white bunny.
The bear stopped crying

The bear went into hibernation in the forest.
Who's to say, who knows
When does it happen?

The days got shorter
The sun shines a little
Here comes the frost
And winter has come.

It was winter - it was cold, snow.
Winter is gone and there is no snow.


I open my kidneys
In green leaves
I dress the trees
I water the crops
Full of movement.
My name is ... (spring).

We got up early today
We can't sleep tonight!
They say the starlings are back!
They say it has come ... (spring)!

The streams rang
The rooks have arrived.
In your house - a beehive - a bee
Brought the first honey.
Who's to say, who knows
When does it happen?


I am woven from the heat
I carry warmth with me
I warm the rivers
I invite you to swim.
And love for it
You are all of me. I ... (summer).

The sun bakes
Linden color
The rye is earing
Golden wheat.
Who knows who knows,
When does it happen?


I bring the harvest
I sow the fields again
Sending birds to the south
I undress the trees
But I don't touch the pines
And Christmas trees. I ... (autumn).

Came without paints and without a brush
And repainted all the leaves.

What are the leaves whispering?
Let's go and ask.
Leaves answer: autumn, autumn, autumn.


Sisters live on earth
The sisters have pigtails.
Here is the green pigtail:
This is the first sister.
Plow, sow, water,
Opens the eyes of the kidneys. (spring)

Multi-colored pigtail -
Burnt sister.
He also works skillfully
For everything to grow and mature. (summer)

golden braid -
This is the redhead sister.
Cleans, blows, mows,
The harvest is in the barns. (autumn)

And the fourth pigtail -
White sister.
Everything will be covered with a blanket,
Everything will smooth out, clean up,
And then the tired earth
Sing a lullaby. (winter)

Proverbs about the seasons

December ends the year, and winter begins.

January is the beginning of the year, the middle of winter.

Everyone is young in the winter cold.

Winter scares summer, but it still melts.

The stronger the winter, the sooner the spring.

As winter is not angry, but submits to spring.

There is no winter without snow and no summer without rain.

Winter is not summer, dressed in a fur coat.

February is strong with a blizzard, and March - with a drop.


On Monday I washed
I swept the floor on Tuesday.
On Wednesday I baked kalach
All Thursday I was looking for the ball,
I washed the cups on Friday
I bought a cake on Saturday.
All girlfriends on Sunday
Called for a birthday.

Here is a week, it has seven days.
Get to know her quickly.
First day of all weeks
It's called Monday.
Tuesday is the second day
He stands in front of the environment.
Middle Wednesday
It's always been the third day.
And Thursday, the fourth day,
He wears his hat sideways.
Fifth - Friday sister,
A very fashionable girl.
And on Saturday, the sixth day
We rest with the whole crowd
And last Sunday
We appoint a day of fun.

Where did Monday go?

Where's the slacker Monday? -
Asks Tuesday
- Monday is not a loafer,
He is no slacker
He is a great janitor!
He's for Wednesday's cook
He brought a bucket of water.
To the stoker Thursday
He made a poker.
But Friday came
Shy, tidy,
He left all work
And rode with her on Saturday
Sunday for lunch.
I sent you my regards.
Y. Moritz

There are 7 brothers

Years equal,

Names are equal. (Days of the week)

These brothers are exactly seven,

You all know them.

Around every week

Brothers walk one after another.

Say goodbye to the last

The front appears. (Days of the week)

Parts of the day

Sister visits brother

And he hides from her.

What are their names? (Day and night)

Sleeping bears and elephants

The hare is sleeping and the hedgehog.

Everyone around should fall asleep

Our children too. (Night)

Black swan across the sky

Scatters miracle grains.

Black called white

White grain pecked. (Day and night)

Born at dawn.

The more it grew

The less it got. (Day)

When does it happen?

That the sun is already setting

The carnation will curl its petals.

And the children are already sleeping

They are going to bed. (In the evening)

fairy tale math

    Make up a problem about the Golden fish and its friends - marine inhabitants.

    Name five fairy tales, where the grandfather and the woman also act as heroes.

    Baba decided to knit a mitten for all the forest heroes of the fairy tale “Gingerbread Man”. How many mittens will a woman knit? How many pairs?

    In what fairy tales is the number 7 found?

    Remember five stories about the bear.

    How many animals, birds and fish helped Ivan Tsarevich? ("Princess Frog")

    Midnight - what time is it? ("Cinderella")

    The cockerel baked two pies for the whole family. How many pies did you get? (The fairy tale "Spikelet")

    The heroes of the fairy tale "Turnip" met with the heroes of the fairy tale "Kolobok". They wanted to drink tea. How many cups did they need?

    The heroes of the fairy tale "Three Bears" met with the heroes of the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear" and decided to organize a cheerful orchestra. How many musical instruments do they need?

    Gerda baked five pies, and Kai made stars out of ice, there were three more pies than pies. How many stars did the boy get?

    Tiny Khavroshechka went into the forest with her sisters: One-eyed, Two-eyed, Three-eyed. How many eyes did this company have in total?

    The hen Ryaba laid an egg, and the mouse took it and broke it. Ryaba laid three more testicles. The mouse also broke these. The chicken Ryaba pulled herself together and took down five more, but the shameless mouse broke these ones too. How many eggs could grandpa and grandma make scrambled eggs from if they hadn't spoiled their mouse?

Try to guess these simple riddles!

I am a dash in grammar
Who am I in mathematics?
Living in a difficult book
Cunning brothers.
Ten of them, but these brothers
They count everything in the world.
I do not look like a penny,
Doesn't look like ruby.
I am round, but not a fool,
With a hole, but not a donut.
We are funny marks
And we often meet
Diligent in the diary.
Who gets them often
Never gets bored.
The neck is so long
Crochet tail. And it's no secret:
She loves all lazy people
And her lazy - no!
I have no corners
And I look like a dish
On a plate and on a lid
On the ring and wheel.
I'm not an oval and not a circle,
I am a friend of the triangle
I am the brother of the rectangle
Because my name is...
What is it, who can guess?

Tasks for attention

1. Think and say - who will swim across the river faster - ducklings or chickens?
2. Think and say - what color is the hair of the bun?
3. Guess a riddle:
There were candies in a pile.
Two mothers, two daughters
Yes, grandma and granddaughter
They took sweets one by one,
And this bunch was gone.
How many candies were in the pile?
4. 5 birches grew. Each birch has 5 large branches. Each branch has 5 small branches. On each small branch - 5 apples. How many apples are there?
5. Think and say - what helps polar bears survive in a desert where there is no water?
6. What trees do ostriches build their nests on?
7. There are 2 apples and 4 pears on the table. How many vegetables are on the table?
8. Think and say - who growls louder: a tiger or a buffalo?
9. Vanya looked out the window in the morning and said:
- And on the street, it turns out, a very strong wind. You need to dress warmer.
How did he know it was windy outside? What did he see?
10. 2 girls went to the forest for mushrooms, and 2 boys went towards them. How many children go to the forest in total? (hint: 2 - the rest go back)
11. There were 5 candles burning in the room. A man came in and put out 2 candles. How much is left? (hint: 2- the rest burned out)
12. The log was cut into 4 pieces. How many cuts were made?
13. Read the words and say - which word is superfluous in each row?
- sofa, chair, wardrobe, kennel, bedside table,
- carnation, chamomile, reed, lily, aster,
- boletus, fly agaric, russula, boletus, chanterelle.
14. Think and say - how much earth will be in a hole 1 meter deep, 1 meter long and 1 meter wide?
15. A six-year-old girl had a cat with a short tail. She ate a mouse long tail, and the mouse swallowed 2 grains and ate a thin piece of cheese. Tell me, how old was the girl who had the cat?
16. There is a rooster on one side of the river, and a turkey on the other. In the middle of the river is an island. Which of these birds will reach the island faster?
17. How many mushrooms can be grown from 5 seeds?
18. Tell me who lives in the sea at greater depths: pike, crayfish or trout.


    4 birds are sitting on a tree: 2 sparrows, the rest are crows. How many crows?

    Bought for 1 ruble, paid 2 rubles. How much change will they give?

    There were 4 apples on the table. One of them was cut in half and placed on the table. How many apples are on the table? (4)

    How can one sack of wheat fill 2 empty sacks, the same as the sack containing the wheat? (you need to put one of the empty bags into another, and then pour wheat into it)

    Grandma Dasha has a granddaughter Masha, a cat Fluff, a dog Druzhok. How many grandchildren does the grandmother have? (one granddaughter Masha)

    Think of a number up to 5. add 2 to it, I will guess what number you have in mind. How much did you get?

    There is a tub near the wall, and in that tub there is a frog. If there were 7 tubs, how many frogs would there be?

    How to cut a square so that 2 new squares can be added from the resulting parts?

    There are 3 pencils on the table different lengths. How to remove the longest pencil from the middle without touching it? (transfer one of the shorter ones)

    The first Nazar went to the market, the second Nazar - from the market. Which Nazar bought goods, which one went without goods?

    Two children went to the river. There is only 1 boat on the shore. How can they get to the other side if the boat can take only one passenger? (children approached the river from different banks)

    The miller came to the mill. In each corner he saw 3 bags, on each bag there were 3 cats, each cat had 3 kittens. How many legs were on the mill? (two legs, cats have paws)

    Birds flew over the river: a dove, a pike, 2 tits, 2 swifts and 5 eels. How many birds? Answer soon!

    Burned 7 candles. 2 candles went out. How many candles are left? (7)

    Two numbers: 1 and 3. Add them quickly and say the answer.


If the table is higher than the chair, then the chair ... (below the table).

If 2 is greater than one, then one ... (less than two).

If Sasha left the house before Seryozha, then Seryozha ...

(left later Sasha).

If the river is deeper than the stream, then the stream is ... (smaller than the river).

If sister older brother, then brother ... (younger than sister).

If right hand right, then left hand... (left). If two more

one, then one ... (less than two).

If the right hand is on the right, then the left ... (on the left).


One, view, three, four, five, One, two, dash, four!

Six seven! A soldier walks in a uniform

I'm going to eat porridge. With a rifle on my shoulder

Well, for now, consider, And a knapsack on your back.

Who to drive, guess!

Nine, eight, seven, six, three, six, nine

Five, four, three, two, one, Full sleep!

We want to play hide and seek. The sun has long since risen

We just need to find out, It's time for us to go for a walk!

Which of us will go looking for.

One, two, dash, four, five - We shared an orange.

Let's stand in a circle again. There are many of us, and he is one,

Five, four, three, one - This is a slice - for a hedgehog,

We want to play cat and mouse! This is a slice - for a siskin,

One, two, dash, four, five - This slice is for ducklings,

Bunny went out for a walk. This slice is for kittens,

What should we do, how should we be? This slice is for the beaver,

Gotta catch the bunny! And for a wolf - a peel.

One, two, dash, four, five. Run away whoever!

One, two, dash, four, five, One, two, dash, four -

Buka decided to scare. The flies lived in the apartment.

Three, four, five and six - And a friend got into their habit -

You do not believe that he is, Cross, a big spider.

Beeches, brothers, not at all! We'll ask the spider out.

To us, glutton, do not go ...

Come on, Mashenka, drive!


The hedgehog walked through the forest, Under the bushes by the river

I found a mushroom for lunch: May beetles lived:

Two - under a birch, Daughter, son, father and mother.

How many will there be

In a wicker basket?

Well, how many of all the guys Rada Alenka -

Riding up the mountain? Found two butter cans!

Three are sitting in a sleigh, Yes, four are in a basket!

One is waiting. How many mushrooms are in the picture?

Three chickens are standing, fishermen are sitting,

They look at the shells, Guard the floats.

Two testicles in the Root Fisherman's nest

Have a hen lie. Caught three bass.

Count turn, Rybak Yevsey -

Answer quickly: Four carp

How many chickens will there be How many fish are the fishermen

At my hen? Dragged from the river?

Granny fox gives Once to a hare for lunch

Three grandchildren mittens: A neighbor friend galloped up.

“This is for you, grandchildren, for the winter, the hares sat on a stump,

Two mittens. And they ate five carrots.

How many, count? How much is eaten


Arranged Andryushka Mom put in the oven

Two rows of toys. Bake pies with cabbage.

Next to the monkey - For Natasha, Kolya, Vova

Teddy bear. The pies are ready

Together with the fox - Yes, one more pie

Bunny oblique. The cat dragged under the bench.

Behind them - Yes, five from the stove

Hedgehog and frog. Mom needs to take it out.

How many toys If you can, help -

Arranged Andryushka? Count the pies!

Six funny bear cubs To the gray heron for a lesson

They rush to the forest for raspberries. Seven forty arrived

But one kid is tired: And of them only three magpies

He lagged behind his comrades. Prepared lessons.

Now find the answer: How many loafers - forty

How many bears are ahead? Arrived at the lesson?

Seven geese set off, gave the ducklings a hedgehog

The two decide to take a break. Eight leather boots.

How many are under the clouds? Who will answer from the guys

Count yourself, children. How many ducklings were there?

Earring fell into the snow, Mom embroidered the carpet.

And behind him is Alyosha. Look at the pattern.

And behind him is Marinka, Two large cells,

And behind her is Irinka. Each with three branches

And then Ignat fell. Masha sat on the bed,

How many were all the guys? Wants to count the branches.

Yes, it can't.

Who will help her?

The doll has five elegant dresses. The apples are ripe in the orchard.

What to wear today? We got to taste them.

I have wool for a dress, Five ruddy, bulk,

I will knit and there will be dresses ... (six). Three with sourness.

How many?


Ira is crying, do not calm down,

Very sad Ira.

There were exactly five chairs

And now four.

One two three four five.

Do not Cry! -

The kid said. -

After all, you are sitting on the fifth!

L. Panteleev

Lida set the plates

On the table for all the guys:

Exactly seven small plates

And deep - also seven.

Brought salt in a salt shaker

There are also exactly seven spoons:

Lena, Ole, Zhenya, Tole,

Mae, Rae, Kolya - everyone!

Put the forks on the edge

Didn't forget anything.

They tell her: "Not enough

There is only one device here.

No, I counted all the guys

I'll count again!

And again she thought

I tried to list them all:

"Lena, Raya, Olya, Maya,

Tolya, Kolya, Zhenya - seven!

And deliberately thinks out loud

To be heard by everyone.

Here is the finished work

You can call the guys to the table!

You offended someone

Again they say to Lida.

Entertaining riddles

    Who gets taller when they sit down? (Dog.)

    What gets easier when it's inflated? (Ball.)

    I stand on four legs, I can't walk at all. (Table.)

    Has four teeth. Every day he appears at the table, but does not eat anything. What is this? (Fork.)

    One pours, the other drinks, the third turns green and grows. (Rain, earth, grass).


Chain of examples

Target: to train children in the ability to perform arithmetic operations.

Game progress: two groups of participants sit on chairs - one opposite the other. One child takes the ball, calls a simple arithmetic example: 3 + 2 - and throws the ball to someone from the other group. The one to whom the ball is thrown gives an answer and throws the ball to the player from the first group. The one who caught the ball continues the example in which it is necessary to perform an action with the number that is the answer in the first example. A participant in the game who gives an incorrect answer or example is eliminated from the game. The group of children who have more players left wins (offered for children 6-7 years old who have successfully mastered arithmetic operations).

guess the number

Target: reinforce children's ability to compare numbers.

Game progress: on the instructions of the leader, the child must quickly name the number (s) less than 8, but more than 6; greater than 5 but less than 9, and so on. A child who has fulfilled the conditions of the game receives a flag. When children are divided into 2 groups, the one who answered incorrectly is eliminated from the game.

Only one property

To play, you need to make a special set of geometric shapes. It includes 4 figures (circle, square, triangle and rectangle) of four colors (red, blue, yellow and white), small size. The same set includes the same number of the listed figures of the indicated colors, but larger in size. Thus, for the game (per participant) you need 16 small geometric shapes of four types and four colors and the same number of large ones.

Target: to consolidate knowledge of the properties of geometric shapes, to develop the ability to quickly select the desired figure, describing it.

Game progress: two playing children have a full set of figures. One (the one who starts the game) puts any piece on the table. The second player must place a piece next to it that differs from it in only one way. So, if the first one puts a big yellow triangle, then the second one puts a big yellow square or a big blue triangle, and so on. A move is considered incorrect if the second player places a piece that does not differ from it by more than one sign. In this case, the piece is taken from the player. The one who is first left without pieces loses. (Options are possible.)

The game is built like a domino. In the course of the game, a quick orientation of the players in the color, shape, size of the pieces is required, hence the impact on the development of logic, the validity of thinking and actions.

Number series (for older children preschool age)

Target: consolidate knowledge of the sequence of numbers in the natural series.

Game progress: two children lay out face down cards with numbers then 1 to 10 in front of them. In this case, each of the children is given a certain number of cards with numbers (for example, up to 13). Some of the digits appear twice in the set. Each player in turn takes a card with a number, opens it and puts it in front of him. Then the first player opens another card. If the number indicated on it is less than the number of the previously opened card, the child puts the card to the left of the first, if more - to the right. If he takes a card with a number already open, then he returns it to its place, and the right to move passes to the neighbor. The first person to lay out their row wins.

name the number

Target: to exercise children in the ability to make oral calculations.

Game progress: an adult or older child says: “I can guess the number that you have in mind. Think of a number, add 6 to it, subtract 2 from the sum, then subtract the thought number, add 1 to the result. You got the number 5. In this simple task of ingenuity, the intended number can be any, but to solve it you need to be able to calculate verbally.

How much candy to take?

Target: to exercise children in correlating the condition of the problem with the result.

Game progress: the condition of the problem is proposed: “there were 3 apples in the vase. Mom gave them to three girls. Each of the girls received one apple, and one remained in the vase. How did it happen?" to the answer problem solving comes as a result of reflection, correlation of conditions with the result. (one girl took an apple along with a vase).

List of literature of entertaining material

    Volina V. Holiday number (Entertaining mathematics for children): A book for teachers and parents. - M.: Knowledge, 1993. - 336 p.

    Voskobovich V.V., Kharko T.G. Game technology for the intellectual and creative development of preschool children aged 3 - 7 years "Fairytale labyrinths of the game", book 2 "Description of games". - 36s.

    Let's play: mat. games for children 5-6 years old: book. for educators children. kindergarten and parents / N.I. Kasabutsky, G.N. Skobelev, A.A. Stolyar, T.M. Chebotarevskaya; Ed. A.A. Stolyar. - M .: Education, 1991 - 80s.

    Devina I.A., Petrakov A.V. We develop logic (6-8). - M .: Publishing house "Os - 89", 2000 - 32s.

    Erofeeva T.I. and others. Mathematics for preschoolers: book. for kindergarten teachers. - M .: Education, 1992. - 191s.

    Zhitomirsky V.G., Shevrin L.N. Journey through the land of Geometry. 2nd ed. - M .: Pedagogy, 1994. - 176s.

    Entertaining math exercises for preschoolers and junior schoolchildren. Novokuznetsk 1994. - 66p.

    Kulagina L.M. Math classes in kindergarten. Handbook for kindergarten teachers. - 142s.

    Mikhailova Z.A. gaming entertaining tasks for preschoolers: a book for a kindergarten teacher. - 2nd ed., revised. – M.: Enlightenment, 1990. – 94p.

    Serbina E.V. Mathematics for kids: a book for a kindergarten teacher. - M .: Education, 1992. - 80s.

    Smartness for kids. Entertaining puzzles, riddles, puzzles, puzzles. - M., Omega, 1994. - 256 p.

    What does not happen in the world?: Busy. games for children from 3 to 6 years: Book. for educators children. garden and parents / E. L. Agayeva, V. V. Bofman, A. I. Bulycheva and others; Ed. O.M. Dyachenko, E.L. Agayeva. - M.: Enlightenment, 1991. - 64 p.

    Yuzbekova E.A. Steps of Creativity (Place in intellectual development preschooler). Guidelines for preschool educators and parents. - M., LINKA-PRESS, 2006. - 128p.

    V.V. Tsvyntarny. We play with fingers and develop speech. St. Petersburg, 1996.
    Math from three to seven. Teaching aid for kindergarten teachers. St. Petersburg, 1999. Natalya Ilyina.

Riddles have that magic power that teaches, attracts, develops. Mathematical riddles for children 5-7 years old teach to count in the mind, attract game form submitting a question “on the backfill”, develop memory and thinking. In modern society, it is difficult to do without the basic knowledge of mathematics. Therefore, future first-graders are introduced to this science from kindergarten, developing erudition with mathematical riddles for the little ones. For example:

Two sharp ends have two rings,

For them to live together

I had to fasten it with a nail.

4 friends live together and 1 lives separately.


5 boys have 1 closet each, and the entrance and exit are common.


4 legs but can't walk.


Dressed in 100 clothes

Comes often for lunch

When he takes off his clothes,

People shed tears.


Questions with jokes

Preschoolers, without realizing it, love useful games. And if children's puzzles on the theme of "mathematics" for 4-5 years and older are shown in a playful manner, then the kids are quickly drawn into the creative process, showing flexibility and tenacity of mind, highlighting the main focus in the riddle. It does not matter that at first the answers will not always be correct, but their search is captivating and fascinating. The first victory inspires, creating a springboard for new successes and raising the level of the child to more complex mathematical puzzles for preschoolers.

Children in the age category of 5-7 years old can quite successfully joke and feel the jokes of their peers. If the child has “seen through” the humor in the question, then his answer will be in the same vein. There is no need to be upset if the preschooler has a weak sense of humor and therefore does not cope with such riddles. In this case, patience is needed to visually explain what the feature is and try to ask one or more joking questions.

Development of logic

Children's mathematical riddles with answers are considered difficult when they contain elements of logic or the whole problem is based on logical reasoning. Here the child will have to think carefully, not be afraid of his conclusions and conclusions. After all, logic is nothing more than a meticulously and thoughtfully built chain of consecutive thoughts with a transition to a final judgment.

The exact sciences do not like being shy in front of them.

Indeed, mathematical puzzles for 3-4 years old in kindergarten are not as difficult as they seem. Guys in younger age easily master the basics of this fascinating science. They can easily count, compare numbers, perform simple actions (addition, subtraction), master the features of basic geometric shapes.

Also, the child will completely cope with children's mathematical problems with answers for first graders, in which there are measures of length, tools for drawing, additional knowledge in biology, geography, physics, taking into account age.

Every kid has a different level of math ability. The development of interest in the subject truly works wonders, as it reveals the potential of the child to the maximum. And success gradually leads to independent conquest of new heights.

To reason, to be able to prove, not to be afraid to defend one's position - these skills, acquired with the help of mathematical riddles for children aged 5 years and older with answers, will give the cherished key to the fascinating Land of Exact Sciences.

Keeping children's interest in riddles depends on adults. To do this, you need to diversify them, using a great variety of types of puzzles:

  • on logic;
  • tricks;
  • coloring pages;
  • about geometric shapes;
  • Crosswords.

Mathematical riddles for preschoolers about animals and other topics presented in different types, firmly consolidate the acquired knowledge and arouse interest in them, which is very valuable for preparing for school.

Note to parents

Mathematical riddles for future first graders are offered to the child unobtrusively, filling their free time with them. As a result, certain abilities or interests of a preschooler are revealed, which are carefully complicated by riddles with elements of mathematics for students in grade 2.

If the baby sees the parental end in itself (“you must”, “you must”), then this can backfire. If the child has no interest in numbers, it is better to leave the target for a while. Mind games, but to come to them as if by chance: in a domestic situation, when watching cartoons, on illustrative examples during walks. Mathematical riddles for children 5-6 years old with answers will not leave indifferent any kid, if you approach this sensitively.

Grandmother invited two grandchildren to visit, baked pancakes for them. The grandchildren did not eat enough, they began to make noise and knock plates on the table. How many grandchildren silently wait for supplements? (No one)

Polina needs 15 minutes to walk from home to school. How long will it take her if she goes with her friend? (15 minutes)

Which is lighter: 1 kg of sawdust or 1 kg of firewood? (they have the same weight)

Tasi had 5 croissants on her plate. When the girl had breakfast, there were a couple of croissants left. How many pieces did Tasia eat? (3 croissants)

Mathematical riddles for children 7 years old in the form of jokes, questions for quick wits will always be in demand among children. As they grow older, kids develop their powers of observation, speed of thinking, search for answers, and concentration. Tempering mental abilities, the child will grow up inquisitive, kind and open to absorbing new knowledge.

Many people think that mathematics is very difficult.

In fact, all children early age talented mathematicians. They easily master the ordinal count, the concepts of "more" and "less", perform simple arithmetic operations, memorize geometric shapes. You can support this natural ability with the help of games, counting rhymes and rhyming riddles.

The proposed selection will introduce children not only to numbers, but also to measures of length or drawing tools. And he will do it fun, along the way giving other useful information: about animals, cardinal points, rainbow colors and much more.

How old is a chicken in an egg
How many wings does a kitten have
How many numbers are in the alphabet
How many mountains the tiger will swallow
How many tons does a mouse weigh?
How many crows in a flock of fish
How many hares did the moth eat
Only the number knows ... (zero).

* * *
How many suns behind the clouds
How many refills are in a fountain pen
How many noses does an elephant have
How many watches are on your hand?
How many legs does a fly agaric have
And attempts at the sapper,
Knows and is proud of himself
Digit-column ... (unit).

* * *
How many ears on top
How many legs does a half frog have
How many mustaches does a catfish have
At the planet of the poles,
How many halves in total
In a pair of brand new shoes,
And the front paws of a lion
Only a number knows ... (two).

* * *
Looks like a caterpillar
With a long neck, thin neck.

* * *
How many months in winter
In summer, in autumn, in spring,
How many eyes does a traffic light have
Bases on the baseball field
The edges of a sports sword
And the stripes on our flag
Whatever anyone tells us
The number knows the truth ... (three).

* * *
How many legs does a mongoose have
Petals in a cabbage flower
Fingers on a chicken leg
And on the back paw of a cat,
Tanya's hand with Petya
And all sides in the world
And the oceans in the world
The number knows ... (four).

* * *
How many fingers are on the hand
And a penny in a patch,
At starfish rays,
The beaks of five rooks,
Blades near maple leaves
And the corners of the bastion
Tell about it all
The number will help us ... (five).

* * *
How many letters does the dragon have
And zeros for a million
Various chess pieces
Wings of three white hens,
May beetle legs
And the sides of the chest.
If we can't count ourselves
The number will tell us ... (six).

* * *
How many colors are in the rainbow
Days in the week for whales.
Gnomes at Snow White,
Twin brothers at the pawn
Notes that even children know
And all the wonders in the world
deal with it all
The number will help us ... (seven).

* * *
How many winds on the sea
And the hooves of two donkeys,
Octopus tentacles,
And the fangs of a pair of Great Danes?
How many legs does a spider have
If we ask about it
The number will answer us ... (eight).

How many pirates in a dozen
If three have gone somewhere,
Months of the year without summer
Nonet performers,
Lives of a stray cat
And in a dozen flies without midges?
Don't look for the answer anywhere, because
The number has an answer ... (nine).

* * *
How many stars are in the sky at night
How many bread crumbs are in bread
How many drops are in the rain
How many fish live in the water
How many legs does a polypod have?
Very, very, very ... (a lot).

* * *
One, six zeros...
If only we had so many rubles!

* * *
One hundred little brothers are equal among themselves.

* * *
Century is huge, like an elephant.
How many years does it hold?
(One hundred)

* * *
Two legs conspired
Make arcs and circles.

* * *

Grandma planted in the oven
Bake pies with cabbage.
For Natasha, Masha, Tanya,
Kolya, Olya, Gali, Vali
The pies are ready.
Yes, another pie
The cat dragged under the bench.
Yes, there are four pieces in the oven,
The pies are counted by the grandchildren.
Help if you can
Count them pies.

Math fun in kindergarten. middle group

This material will be useful for preschool teachers, physical education instructors. Designed for children of preschool age.

Math fun. (relay races)

Target: develop children's ability to independently perform math assignments in a competitive environment.
- Consolidate and generalize knowledge about geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle);
- Development of logical thinking, attention, memory;
- Cultivate interest in mathematics.
Why is there silence all around?
Do you hear how quickly the speech fell silent?
This is the queen of all sciences,
came to visit us today.
The Queen of Mathematics enters.
Queen: Hello guys! I am the queen of the mathematical realm. Numbers and geometric figures, mathematical signs and formulas live in my kingdom. Everyone says that mathematics is a difficult, boring science, but I want to show you that mathematics can be fun. Let's you guys divide into two teams, and each team will choose the name for itself, guessing my riddles.
1 contest "Guess the riddle"
I don't have corners
And I look like a saucer
On a plate and on a lid
On the ring, on the wheel.
Who am I, friends?
Call me! (Circle)

my three sides
May be of different lengths.
Where the parties meet
Angle is obtained.
What happened? Look!
After all, there are also three corners.
You look at me
Call my name. (Triangle)

Four corners and four sides
They look exactly like sisters.
You can’t roll it into the gate like a ball,
And he won't run after you.
The figure is familiar to many guys.
Did you recognize him? After all, this is ... (Square)

He looks like an egg
Or on your face.
Here is a circle -
Very strange appearance
The circle became flattened.
It turned out suddenly ... (Oval)

We stretched the square
And presented at a glance
Who did he look like
Or something very similar?
Not a brick, not a triangle -
It became a square ... (Rectangle)
Queen: Well done! My riddles are solved. Let's give each team a name. So, one team is called "Circle", the second "Square".
I took a triangle and a square,
He built a house out of them.
And I am very happy about this:
Now a gnome lives there.
We will put two squares,
And then a big circle.
And then three more rounds,
Triangular cap.
Here comes the funny little guy.
We will not build an eccentric of geometric shapes, we will build a boat
2 competition. "Collect a boat from geometric shapes". The envelopes contain geometric shapes from which you need to assemble a boat. Whose team will collect faster, she won.
Queen: The jury sums up, and we play on.

Once upon a time there was a girl Shura
Geometric shapes in the box:
Cubes, balls, squares
And other brave guys.

3 competition "Collect correctly"
The basket contains cubes and balls. The teams run to the basket. The Circles team selects the balls and carries them to their basket. The "Squares" team chooses cubes and also carries them to their basket. The team that completes the task quickly and correctly wins.
Queen of Mathematics: while the jury is summing up the results of the competitions, I suggest you take a break.
They turn on the song of fixies "Helper", the children perform movements to the music.
The Queen of Mathematics announces the results of 3 competitions.
Queen: Well done guys, they did a good job. And we have the following contest:

A pineapple fell by the path
Broke into two halves.
Three crows will never divide
The two halves are equal.
We will not divide the halves of a pineapple, we will assemble a whole pineapple from two halves.
4. Contest "Assemble the whole"
Flat images of pineapples are cut into two parts (arbitrary cut: in half lengthwise, across, in a zigzag). Halves of pineapples are laid out on the floor, children stand in pairs, each pair must assemble a whole image from the halves of pineapples.
Queen of Mathematics: And now I want to know which team is the most attentive.
5 contest "Continue the row."
Children are offered a sample of a logical series of geometric shapes and the teams continue the logical series according to the model. The team that completes the task without mistakes and quickly wins.
Queen of Mathematics: So our fun math game is over. sports holiday. While the jury is summing up, we are with you in the musical game "If life is fun."
After the dance game, the Jury announces the results mathematical entertainment, and the Queen of Mathematics awards the winners.
Queen: All riddles are solved, games are played. I don't say goodbye to you. We will meet again in math classes and play new games. See you again.
