Events in the dow for the day of the educator. Funny sketches for children about kindergarten

Day of the educator and all preschool workers - Russian national holiday, which appeared in 2004 at the initiative of various Russian pedagogical publications. The date of celebration is September 27th. On this significant day, it is customary to hold various solemn events.

The purpose of the holiday is to pay attention to kindergartens and other preschool institutions, or rather, the labor of workers in this industry. preschool age is an extremely important period in the life of every child. During this period, the formation of the personality and the laying of the child's health takes place. Therefore, it is very important that a wise, responsible, attentive and patient teacher, who listens to the inner world of the pupil, is next to the baby. Therefore, it is important that people strive to work in this area, for whom raising children is a true vocation.

There is no harder work in the world -
Raise other people's children.
And you are busy all day
Learn, play, undress, dress.

Noise, frolicking kids.
And he doesn't always listen.
But the prank will not pass here -
Find an approach to everyone.

You are an educator anywhere!
You guys love you very much.
And we want to congratulate you
We say "thank you" for everything!

Congratulations on this holiday
All those who, sparing no effort,
Helps our kids
Explore the beautiful world.

We wish you health
And patience, and kindness,
Happiness and good luck sea,
And warmth!

Being a teacher is a real calling. And even if your work is not at all easy, but you do it perfectly. On your professional holiday, I would like to thank you for your warmth, care and attention to our children. I sincerely wish you good health, prosperity, patience, success, happiness and joy.

Not everyone will find
The right approach to the child
And the educator is given
Always be with the children at the same time!

Both adults and kids
Wish you wholeheartedly
Smiles, laughter and kindness,
May life be generous with you!

Let only work be a joy,
May you be respected and honored
Health is enough for you
And work adds strength!

Educator is not a job
Not measured life.
This is a service without calculation,
Her calling is to love.

Calm the crybaby with caress,
Pacify the bully
Fighters put in a corner,
Praise the obedient.

Dress everyone, put on shoes, build,
Walk and eat
And my big soul
Divide without a trace.

For a sensitive heart, for your care,
For the kindness of the look, the warmth of the hands
We say thank you, because your work -
Difficult and serious, huge work.

We wish everything in life to be wonderful,
Dreams came true, income grew.
Health, good luck, interesting things,
Sadness, anxiety, so that they pass by.

Without your caring hands
Without sensitive heat
I would be very sad
All our kids.

You are affectionate attention
You surround the kids
And all day until evening
You are teaching something.

And if suddenly the parents
Stop on the way
With a child you will stay
You won't be able to leave.

Thank you very much,
Bow and respect to you.
I congratulate you on the holiday
May you be lucky in everything.

Congratulations on Teacher's Day!
Thank you for your generosity, kindness,
For daily activities, walks,
Indifference that can be seen from a mile away.

We wish you peace of mind
Patience, health, long years,
Development in the profession and growth,
At competitions of well-deserved victories.

We wish you good, warmth, smiles
Your pupils, preschool children,
Good relations in the team
And, most importantly, the love of your children.

All kindergarten workers
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
Let your salary grow
Like in groups of kids.

Let the children bring joy
We know your work is not easy,
But from God you got
Bring them out into the big world!

Let your parents appreciate you
Will be with you for one!
Let success await in work,
And the family will be warm!

Raising other people's children
Not everyone is given.
That there is no profession more important
Everyone has known for a long time!

The kids are running in kindergarten
And they know what they are waiting for
Care, joy, kind look,
Comfort, warmth, coziness!

And our kids love
Kindergarten workers.
Congratulate you wholeheartedly
We are all happy today!

We want to wish you happiness
In the profession of success
Live in joy and do not know troubles.
Kindness, smiles, laughter!

Let us congratulate people now
One of the professions so important to us.
For all the "second mothers" for preschool children!
Yes, that's what everyone says about you.
You are our relatives, so be healthy,
And all that you have invested, let it become the basis
In the characters, the fate of those same children.
They are the litmus of the entire profession.
You don't have to blush for them,
Guys do better let you succeed.
Each of them remains in your heart.

Holiday script "Teacher's Day"

Kindergarten No. 104 JSC Russian Railways


Who is so loved by "why"
And respect fidgets?
Who are the kids reaching out to?
Who knows children's secrets?
There is only one answer - go to kindergarten!
The people there are kind and cheerful.
All children know: kindergarten -
All the best before school!

Girl: Why are there so many guests
Are the chandeliers lit?
Congratulates teachers
Our fun kindergarten!

Boy: I'll tell you a secret
I'm always sure of that...

Educators and children
Real friends!


Today, September 27, we celebrate the national holiday "The Day of the Educator and Workers of Preschool Institutions".
People who bring a holiday to children every day have finally earned their own.
It is wonderful that such a day has appeared when all kindergarten employees are surrounded by the special love of children, respect from parents and everyone's attention.

And so we continue our holiday.

1 child: We are glad to congratulate now
All Kindergarten workers:
teachers, doctors,
Babysitters and cooks!

2 child: And the caretaker quickly
Our washerwoman, watchmen -
Everyone who lives here with us
He gives his heart to children!

Leading: And now the children of the eldest and speech therapy group give everyone a song

“Oh, how good life is in the kindergarten!”

Leading. We invite you to visit, we begin our story:
In a certain kingdom, in the Russian state,
In the Voronezh region and in the city of Povorino,
There is a garden our garden, it is not low, not high,
Children's voices sound in the garden from morning until dark.

Leading: reads poems about kindergarten workers.

Neat, delicate, her speech is very pleasant.
Who is she, who is she - Natalya Anatolyevna.

A Natalya Evgenievna
The teacher is very kind
Made the group feel comfortable
Everyone is jealous now.

Svetlana Anatolyevna with us
Top notch teacher.
She is always tactful, beautiful, pretty.

She is wonderful, she is young and sweet.
Ekaterina Alexandrovna is pretty and slender.

Who's in charge here
By bottles and panties.
Babies really need Vera Alexandrovna!

Who is always sweet with us,
Good-natured, cheerful.
Who gives good advice.
Do it or not.
This, of course, is Elena Nikolaevna!

Hardworking and humble

Always friendly and honest

Svetlana Viktorovna.

Toys teaches to collect

Wanna know who she is

Olga Alekseevna.

Leading: Yes, guys, the profession of an educator is not easy, and I suggest you be educators, I offer you a game called

"Dress the child for a walk"

Leading: Let me continue to introduce you to the inhabitants of our house.

And Olga Alexandrovna is caring,
Diligent and very charming.

Energetic, patient, collected, hardworking.
Full of respect Lyudmila Vladimirovna!

Sweet, pleasant, cheerful.
Always sociable with people.
The soul of the company is Olga Vladimirovna!

Fizkult-hello, we have it,
Graceful and modest - Tatyana Mikhailovna!

She is gentle, she is smart and elegant and slender.
She is purposeful - Tatyana Pyrina.

Always hurry to help you

And caresses and invigorates

Elena Sergeevna.

Elena Viktorovna, our doctor is simply the highest class.
And heal and invigorate.
And always cheer up.

Our musical worker is admiration.
He will sing songs to us, he will play.
Just enjoyment.
Tell the children who is she?
Children: Zhanna Nikolaevna! And also Nadezhda Konstantinovna!

Leading: And now I suggest you guys take on the role of educators again.

Game "Feed the baby"

Leading: For all kindergarten workers, our guys have prepared a dance


Leading: And now we offer you an information program called:

"Open up your ears."

Take out the laptop and put it on the table. The announcer sits down.


1. culture News .

This year, a new swarm of bees flew out of our hive No. 104, thanks to the largest bee named Natalya Evgenievna.

2. Sports news.

Despite the drought and lack of rain in the summer, all the pupils put on weight and height.

3. Fashion news.

Only once today - new model for you!

A model comes out wearing a suit made from newspapers.

Put on such a suit for your husband,
He won't need anyone
And morning, evening, day-to-day -
He will only be busy with you.
Allow me to read a little -
He will know everything!

4. Weather news.

Heavy snowfalls and snowfalls are expected. The supply manager took measures to provide employees with heaters: brooms and shovels.

Speaker: This is the end of the program "Hang your ears": shake off the noodle!

Leading: The word for congratulations is given to the children.

1 child: I really want to confess
Kindergarten is almost our home.
We live well in a group.
And we play and we sing.

2 child: We read smart books
Don't forget about work
We sculpt and play
And embroider napkins

3 child: We dance with passion
We love entertainment
Our educators
It's just top class.

4 child: At the head of our
Sometimes tired look
After all, for every child
Her soul hurts.
Believe me, it's hard, children
Always be responsible for everything
So that the light burns in the kitchen,
For the toilet to work
For the meat to be served
Regular for lunch

5 child: Everyone who every minute
Worries about us
We want to say "thank you!"
And bow down now!

Leading: And our children have prepared not only poems, but also gifts for all kindergarten employees, which they will present now.

Leading: Thank you guys! And now everyone will hear a song performed by kindergarten workers, meet the Harmony ensemble.


Leading: Let me once again congratulate all of you on the holiday:

May you always be welcome

People are smiling.

And cherished dreams

May it always come true.

It's great to have fun with you

But it's time to say goodbye.

And we will say goodbye to you:

"See you again and goodbye!"

Lyubov Akinina
Holiday script for adults for the Day preschool worker

The evening will be charming

The holiday will be entertaining,

I'm so glad you guests

I shout: "Hurrah!", I loudly to you,

Thank you for coming here

They brought smiles with them

There is a reason for this,

Day of the Preschool Worker

Notes kindergarten.

We invite you to have fun

Together with us all in a row!

(readers read)

1. Educator is our profession, and sometimes without titles, awards

We still love our work and we are all in a hurry to go to kindergarten.

2. Year after year passes in worries. Everything for them - for their own kids

We study and implement the innovations of today.

3. And in the stream of current life, we do not forget about the peace of the soul,

To be sensitive, kind, brave kids come out.

4. Today is a holiday in kindergarten - The teacher is in plain sight.

Receives congratulations, dreams of his worldly ...

All in unison: Let the dreams come true, educators of the country!

Toast: for this you have to drink. (And we don't mind)

FUN QUIZ (distributing to everyone)

1 When is a person in a room without a head? (when sticking it out the window)

2 How do day and night end? (soft sign)

3 What should be done to keep four guys in one boot? (remove one boot from each)

4 The crow flies, and the dog sits on its tail. Could it be? (the dog sits on its own tail)

5 In what month does chatty Masha speak the least? (in February, it is the shortest)

6 When a horse is bought, what is it like? (wet)

7 A man has one, a crow has two, a bear has none. What is this? (letter "o")

8 What belongs to you, but others use it more than you? (Name)

9 In what year do people eat more than usual? (in high sleep)

10 Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (no, because he can't speak)

11 What stones are not in the sea? (dry)

12 What disease on earth has no one been ill with? (nautical)

13 What can be cooked but not eaten? (lessons)

14 Which hand is better to stir tea? (tea is best stirred with a spoon)

15 What gets bigger when put upside down? (number 6)

A toast to our logic.

In order not to get bored, we will answer in rhyme. The game starts!

Let's imagine a big aquarium.

It will fit here with scuba gear ... a diver!

And here he sleeps, snores, an enormous blue ... whale!

Reacting to snoring, a crab runs sideways!

And at the bottom in the sand lay down with tentacles ... an octopus.

An electric brother is glad to burrow next to him ... a stingray.

Not caught on a hook, a sea ... goby lives here.

looking for best places five-winged ... star.

Nearby only swam with a flat body ... flounder.

And behind her, like a burden, a burning ... jellyfish rushes.

In a shell, a turtle swims without fear among the fish.

Somewhere, a Black Sea shark flashed its jaw.

Here at the bottom, well, like a toy, lies a wonderful ... shell.

Nearby is a stone, like a stump, And behind it is a sea ... horse.

More than one smart, affectionate ... dolphin frolics here!

Long-tailed ... mermaids play with him, as if in a tag.

Vedas: They say that business is time,

They say: fun time.

Our team is fun

No one will be bored!

We are all very happy to see

And, believe me, from the bottom of my heart,

Congratulations today

Preschool kids!

Adults, dressed as children, go out with mugs and sing a song to the tune “Grandmother next to grandfather…”.

1. Holiday, holiday, fun all around.

And for everyone we sing a song

We will love you very much

Please pour milk into mugs!

CHORUS: Dear, dear women,

How many of you are here in this room

All the kids in kindergarten

You have received a low bow.

Dear, dear women

Let's drink to your health

Just don't think bad

We drink cow's milk.

2. The holiday will soon end again.

They will educate us, they will scold us.

Don't lose the warmth of your soul

And kids will reciprocate!

CHORUS: Our dear employees,

You are sitting in the hall now

From kindergarten kids

Low bow you accept.

Dear, dear women

We raise our mugs

Happiness, health, patience

We wish you today!

For this you have to drink! (And we don't mind)

All of you work with preschool children. Preschoolers know a lot of fairy tales, but do you know them?

Say the name of the fairy tale hero

Ali (Baba)

Small (Muk, prince)

Uncle (Fyodor, Styopa)

Elena the beautiful)

Grandfather (Moroz, Mazay)

Postman Pechkin)

Tom Thumb)

Tin Woodman)

Puss (in boots, Leopold, Matroskin)

Old man (Hottabych)

Old woman (Shapoklyak)

For a good memory - a toast


Our team is very friendly

Every employee is needed.

We have valuable personnel,

In the case you will be shown "class"!

Life is rich in experiences

Everything tends to surprise us.

And now we sing ditties,

To lift your spirits!

Teachers perform ditties.

1. Ah, now, for you girls

We will sing little ditties

How we work together

How we have fun!

2. Light in the kitchen early in the morning -

Girls can't sleep.

They won't give us a cook

Choke on saliva!

3. Our babysitters all day

Wash, clean.

How to live on a salary -

They think they guess!

Pregnant women sing:

4. To increase dramatically

In groups, the occupancy

We decided not to yawn

And raise the birth rate!

5. Our team is purely female -

This is not orderly.

We would have a couple of men -

That would be a present!

6. If someone gets sick -

They won't let you die

And measure the pressure

And they give you a pill.

7. What a strange noise

Icicles don't drip.

This is our caretaker coming

He rattles the keys.

8. Like funny old ladies

Our musicians:

Sing a song with us

Have fun dancing!

9. Our washerwoman and seamstress

Success everywhere:

Sew costumes for children

And laundry is washed!

10. The oldest educator

Everyone is smarter. There is no dispute.

Filled with information

The real internet.

11. One, two, one, two -

Here the words are over.

Now, try

Clap your hands!

To make life easier

We must be friends with humor! Now your attention is invited to the information program "Hang your ears."

They take out the TV in the form of a frame, put it on the table, or someone is holding it. I.A. sits down

1. Policy news.

About the anniversary. In August of this year, we celebrated the anniversary of our nest. The solemn reception was attended by representatives of the roofs of all levels, sponsors, wing brothers.

About verification. The raid of inspecting persons in August 2017 was successfully repelled. After the inspections that took place, they destroyed the N-th amount of provisions.

About elections. In September of this year, an operation to exchange awl for soap took place. Will our chosen one be an awl or soap? We will know about it in 4 years.

About optimization. Not far off is the reduction of staff and, accordingly, the reduction of working space. The musicians will be offered a music box as an office.

2. Sports news.

Despite the drought and lack of rain in summer, all the offspring not only survived, but also gained weight and height.

The football team of our kindergarten did not get a prize. The reason for this is the adult composition of the team. Instead of kicking the ball with their feet, they ran around the field with the ball in their hands.

3. Weather news.

Heavy snowfalls and snowfalls are expected. The supply manager took measures to provide employees with heaters: brooms and shovels.

4. Obvious - incredible.

A mysterious place was discovered in our kindergarten. The girls who come to work there immediately show signs of infections: they gain weight, their stomach grows, milk appears. What is the reason? Proximity of products? Thermal conditions?

That's where the Hang Your Ears program ended: Shake off the noodles!


You are lost in conjectures:

How to become a woman of mystery?

Everyone knows how to be here -

Call the designer!

- Today only once - a collection of models for you!

(Models are shown according to the description from waste material)

The model comes out in felt boots, sweatshirt and earflaps.

-This model is #1. suitable for winter

She will reliably save from frost,

In it the wind is not terrible,

I don't care about snow in it,

Preschool worker -


A model comes out wearing a minimum of clothes.

-Model #2 -

Especially for summer.

She is more fashionable

The less worn.

You can swim in it

Revenge, sunbathe.

But, sorry, you are bosses

Can't understand.

A model comes out dressed in bright fabric trimmed with bells.

- Model No. 3 - needed for work

Every detail in it is especially important:

In it you will be visible from afar,

And the sounds of walking are heard far away.

This model should come in handy on weekdays,

The child will be surprised when he sees you!

Then he will not cause much trouble -

He will sit all day with his mouth open!

A model comes out wearing a suit made from newspapers.

Model number 4.

Put on such a suit for your husband,

He won't need anyone

And morning, evening, day-to-day -

He will only be busy with you.

He will know everything!

A model comes out in a suit made of polyethylene.

Model number 5.

And here is a model for a gardener,

Suitable for any weather.

It blows with the wind

And dry in the rain.

A stranger will not suit you -

Not even a fly will land!

A model comes out in a suit made of foil.

Model No. 6. The last model is important -

It's for the holidays.

You will be adorable in it.

And very attractive.

Both top models and beauties

They won't fit you!

A toast - for the beauty, elegance of models!

VED: Everyone, the guests, probably, in this hall, heard the following phrase: "You don't know how to have fun -

So you are not a teacher! "

Never forget that Makarenko said: “I would not let gloomy teachers close to children!”

I invite everyone to sing a song:

A song is performed to the motive "Blue Wagon"

1. Only in the morning does the dawn rise, cheerfully calls to work,

We get out of bed cheerfully, so every day from year to year.

Etc. A tablecloth, a long way spreads like a tablecloth,

How many souls and years have been given to the garden!

To each, to each, he became like a native,

There is no better garden than ours in the whole world.

2. Slowly the minutes float away, the kindergarten is usually full of things,

Sometimes a slight sadness will come flooding in, because they have been waiting for a long time at home.


3. Yes, friends, the work of an educator eternal road without end.

We have chosen everything consciously, we give our hearts to children.


Everyone sits down at the table, during the tea party, Brownie Kuzya leaves to change clothes.

Brownie appears to the music.

Brownie Kuzya: Invitations were sent out, but they didn’t invite me.

Leading: Hello dear guest! Introduce youreself!

Brownie Kuzya (laughs): Oh, I'm dying of laughter now! That's fun, that's fun! Am I a guest?

Leading: Please forgive me, forgive everyone present, but hurry up to explain to us so that we can understand everything as soon as possible.

Brownie Kuzya (assertive): Yes, I am Kuzya Brownie, Brownie Kuzya I am! In kindergarten from the cradle, and you are all my family!

(The little brownie Kuzya performs ditties.)

Brownie Kuzya:

1. I have been living in a kindergarten since the very opening.

Not a single event took place here without me.

2. How do you live, how do you sing, what is for breakfast and lunch,

I know everything, I hear everything. After all, I've lived here for many years.

3. I know all your secrets, I can tell you a lot.

I can even give you advice on how best to proceed.

4. I celebrate holidays with you, I have fun with all my heart.

Congratulations to everyone today, adults and kids.

5. And on such a wonderful day, I’m not too lazy to sing ditties.

I'll dance for you and ask you to clap!

The brownie is dancing.

Brownie. I heard that you are now working on some new program, either GBT or FGOP, but I still don’t understand what kind of animal this is!

Leading. Oh you! And you say that you know everything about us! This is FGOS! Now our educators are perfectly aware of the new federal state educational standards and are proficient in all modern technologies and methods!

Brownie. Yah!

Leading. So we can easily prove it to you!

Everything is in motion! Who flies and who goes, Movement must be shown!

Who flies - wave your hand! Who swims - mark with a wave!

Who just walks - clap! Who crawls - stomp!

Heavy Colorado potato beetle...

Candidate of Medical Sciences…

Skate fast-fast sea ...

Buzzing bees...

A beautiful white moth…

Fluffy little ferret…

Long earthworm...

Pot-bellied, little hamster...

Airy white jellyfish ...

Poet or composer muse ...

Spotted nimble snake ...

He, she, you and me...

The winged ostrich...

Santa Claus or Santa Claus...

A toast is for our Brownie Kuzya!

Leading. And now I'll tell you a fortune, I have a magic hat. To whom I put a hat on my head, I will read all his thoughts! To guess my thoughts - you need to name the numbers!

Question I: Who were you in a past life? (puts on a hat to 3 guests (in turn) and asks to name a number from 1 to five) I see you have a lot of thoughts, they are messed up!

1. hermit monk 1. traveling circus performer 1. comedian

2. a pessimist 2. a waitress in a tavern 2. a gambler

3. eunuch 3. angel 3. leader of the tribe

4. beggar 4. concubine 4. traveler

5. organ grinder 5. delicious bun 5. soldier

Question II: What is your character? Oh, now we all know!

2. against men, well, very weak 2. scandalous 2. naivete surrounds me

3. I'm just an angel 3. you can't say anything bad about my character

4. my character has not yet formed 4. I am almost a child

5. My character depends on circumstances 5. exceptional 5. contradictory

Question III: What's good about you? What I love about myself and talk about it! Aha!

1. The ability to choose friends 1. Everything 1. luxurious hair

2. ability to sit on two chairs at once 2. refined manners 2. legs

3. Everything 3. You tire me with your presence 3. the desire to notice the performance of others

4. fantastic generosity 4. face, clothes, thoughts, and soul! 4. rare wit

Question IV: What is your life motto? So everyone thought carefully, strained their brains ... Oh, they rushed off, dear ones ... "My thoughts are my horses!"

1. All - or nothing! 1. after me - even a flood 1. I came, I saw, I conquered

2. Through thorns - to the stars! 2. my hut is on the edge 2. take everything from life

3. Seize the moment! 3. time is money 3. not to be surprised at anything

4. Not a day without love! 4. whatever is done is for the best 4. the end justifies the means

Question V: Why would you give half your life? What is dear to you, but not dear to me!

1. for nothing 1. for performance 1. for the same talent as u. (Name)

2. for a bottle of martini 2. you, a fortune teller, do not understand! 2. for extraordinary love

3. for worldwide fame 3. for eternal youth

4. for slender legs 4. for a villa by the sea

5. for a clear conscience 5. for the opportunity to become a star 5. for the respect of people


We have many talents:

We are actors, musicians,

Masters of all trades

We never know boredom.

Host: Tale "Teremok"

Tale-alteration "TEREMOK"

Leading: There was a teremok in the field. A little cowardly mouse runs past. (Mouse) I saw the tower, sniffed it, knocked (knock of a mouse)

Host: No one is answering. She was delighted, grinned rather and went into the teremok. I started cleaning right away, I was hardworking (the theme of the mouse)

Here is a green fat frog (frog) croaking near the tower, even choked and proudly knocked: (frog knock)

Frog: And I'm a fat green frog. Let in the teremok!

Leading: The mouse let in and they began to live together.

A hare dancer walks past all the dancers a dancer. (hare) Approaches the tower, knocks (the knock of a hare) The animals heard and began to introduce themselves.

I am a little cowardly mouse. (cowardly)

(proudly) Who are you?

Hare: And I am a hare-dancer to all dancers a dancer! Let into the teremok!

Leading: They let the hare into the teremok and they began to live together. The mouse bakes pies, the frog eats pies, the hare amuses everyone, dances.

Here a fox passes by the beauty of the whole forest, the first fashionista! (fox) She went up to the tower, straightened her chest and asked in a thin voice:

Fox: Who-who lives in the little house? no one answers, knocking (fox knock)

The animals heard and answered:

Frog: I am a green frog!

Hare: I am a hare-dancer to all dancers a dancer!

Fox: And I am the beauty of the whole forest!

Leading: The hare saw the fox, whistled out the window, winked, jumped out of the tower, sat down on his knee, offered the fox his hand and heart and called to live in the tower.

Host: They began to live together. The mouse bakes pies, the frog eats pies, the hare and the fox are learning tango.

A wolf passes by - a top to all drunkards, friend. (wolf)

I saw the tower, knocked (the knock of a wolf)

The animals heard, answer:

Mouse: I'm a little cowardly mouse ...

Frog: I am a green frog!

Hare: I am a hare dancer to all dancers a dancer!

Fox: I am the beauty of the whole forest! And who are you?

Wolf: And I'm a wolf-top to all drunkards, my friend!

The animals let him in, they began to live together.

Suddenly a bear walks by - cross-eyed. (bear)

I saw something like a tower and knocking (knocking of a bear)

The whole tower collapsed, the animals fled. (the collapse of the tower)

That's the end of the tale, and who participated - well done!

Toast: For theatrical ability!

Anthem of educators (to the motive of the song “Hope”)

1. Back to work for us in the morning.

Again we are cut off from home,

Again we are met by children,

Contests, crafts, performances.

Here we have work and friends.

And children enthusiastic faces.

And you can't get away from it

May this last for a long, long time.


And the garden is calling and calling.

Here we sculpt, play, and build,

And we create comfort for children,

And everyone deserves an award.

And around fun, children's laughter.

Everything is familiar to us firsthand.

We are educators with you,

Children meet every day.

And let them run, years fly,

And sometimes life is hard.

Happiness and love to you for years,

Dear and close friends!


And the garden is calling and calling

And friendship warms us all.

And we are all a big family

Otherwise, we don't.

Leading. All preschool workers

Happy holiday today!

Our work is very important, no doubt,

We wish you patience and perseverance!

And lastly, I want to say.

We are all different people, but we are united by one common cause and love for children.

Common song

(to the motive of the song "Five minutes")

1. Our service is both dangerous and difficult

No work compares to her.

We are the souls of our particle

We give children bit by bit!

Our life is full of worries and difficulties!

Every day, every hour

We give our hearts to children

And for everyone we

Before the future in the answer!

For children to grow

Do not be sad, but have fun!

To bloom with smiles

On happy children's faces

We must every day

Every day and every hour

Work tirelessly!

2. Our song is fun, fly

And whoever you meet along the way

Tell us how we are all together

Gathered today with a song

We have no way without a song and without friendship!

The teacher comes out, in the hands of a folder with documents. Decoration on stage artificial Christmas trees, a few stumps.

I'm in a hurry to get to work
To your favorite kindergarten
My main concern is
Raise your kids!
And the road is not easy
On the path through the forest
There are many adventures here.
And unseen miracles...

But where did I get
I don't understand right away
Lost, lost -
And accidentally hit
To an unknown country.
Forest around, grass, trees
And I don't see the guys -
Yes, now I understand
This is not a kindergarten...

(Wolf comes out. The wolf must be armed, it can be a machine gun and a grenade tied to a belt.)

Wolf :
What are these guests?
Who disturbed our peace?
We don't like strangers
Let's drive them home!

What are you immediately rude,
You don't know me
Drink better tea!
I got lost today.

Wolf :
What's happened? Who is she?
Answer quickly!
Maybe you're more suitable
How do I like pizza for lunch?

Since you won't give tea,
Help me get through
Lead, explain
How can I find guys?

Wolf :
A-a-a! Guys? Not so easy!
Here you have to be ready.
Did you write all the plans
To keep busy?

Everything, everything!

Wolf :
Since you're not fit for food -
So be it I spend,
(speaking to the side)
Not in remote control, but in the dense forest
I'll show her the way!
And send - we are brothers
This lady further into the woods!
I'm without lunch today -
Let Grandma eat!

(The teacher walks, meets a hut on chicken legs. The hut, dancing, runs out from behind the Christmas tree. The hut's costume is made of cardboard, the roof is located above the artist's head, pay special attention to the legs - cut and sew a semblance of "chicken legs" to the trousers, they should be bright, eye-catching.)

Am I going to kindergarten?
Best house for kids
Look how beautiful I am (flirty)
Proud and smart
I am arrogant and zealous!
Very slim legs!

Your ugly facade
Don't go for kindergarten!

Well, okay, you really need it!
So I will take revenge on you -
I take you to my grandmother
I'll drag you to grandma Yozhka.
And here she is!

(Baba Yaga appears with a broom in her hands and sings (the motive of the song "Winged Swing"). The hut gradually leaves and hides behind the Christmas tree.)

Baba Yaga: (sings, sitting on a stump)
In the young month of April
Gave me happiness
Lunch is a gift
The wolf sent food to me.
Not raised from birth
Like a blade of grass I grew
I will live as a teacher
I will be the first lady!

Hello Grandma Yaga!

Baba Yaga:
Here's the infection, instantly found out!

I accidentally came across you
I was looking for my guys
And I found one of you!

Baba Yaga:
Fu - you, well - you, the legs are bent
About what other guys
You sang me a song
What is a kindergarten?
Here now, do not you see the competition!
And you - to keep the answer,
And are you ready to meet?
To charm the jury?
Have you prepared speeches
To shine in the competition?
It's not fun at all
Take the prize!

Well of course I'm ready
That's why I came
See how many documents
For the jury I brought!
No wonder I told everyone
How I love work
How do I take care of the guys
I teach them goodness.
If you, old soul,
Do you want to be kind, sweet,
So be it, I propose
And take you with me
Take me to the guys
show me the way
I promise that for this
I can befriend you!

Baba Yaga:
Interesting suggestion!
Also a miracle - a kindergarten!
I live well here
No worries, no kids!

Wolf :
No, granny, let's go
And look at the guys
Maybe give us something?
Maybe something to eat?
Well, if you don't like it! -
Let's Destroy Kindergarten! (shows weapons)

(They go and sing: a melody from the Bremen Town Musicians - “They say we are beeches - byaki”)

They say that we are villains
That we have no conscience
We are in any evil deed
We will show you the highest class,
Oh, la - la, oh, la - la,
We will show you the highest class,

Hooligans we are in life
Everyone understands and is simple,
We do not advise people
Get in the way!
Oh, la - la, oh, la - la,
Run away, kids!
Oh, la - la, oh, la - la, eh - ma!

(They come to kindergarten. During their trip, the scenery changes: a children's table, chairs and other equipment for the kindergarten's playroom are set up. Children play - girls carry strollers with dolls, boys - cars, etc. It's good if the roles of children are played adults in appropriate clothes - stockings, bows, shorts. Children emotionally meet the teacher.)

Sasha :
Look Ira, Anya,
What is this brethren
Who came to kindergarten
With a teacher?

Something got scary.
Wolf and Babushka Yaga...
Maybe in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, guys,
Should I call sooner?

Don't rush, we won't call
Ask the teacher
Maybe we'll awaken feelings in them
Shall we turn them into good men?

Our guests are not simple,
And they came from afar
Ill-bred, evil,
A little wild!

Yes, you'll have to work hard
Clean them up and wash them
Wash your face, brush your teeth,
Learn to eat with a spoon!

We will teach them to charge,
To improve health
Temper, run, jump,
Have fun and play!

Wolf :
Look, granny, it's true
Very cool living here
Really delicious food here.
And they dance and sing!

Baba Yaga:
How are you, teacher?
I ask you not to refuse -
Ask your kids
To accept us in kindergarten.

Well guys, shall we agree?
Shall we take ours to the group?
Well, instead of testing
Let them sing a song with us.

(The song "Educator" is performed all together, at the end of the last chorus they say goodbye, wave to the audience, and leave the stage one after another. You can take any other song that is in the record library of the children's institution, during the performance, the Wolf and Baba Yaga should grimace a little, make the audience laugh.)

Our parents take us to kindergarten every day.
They run, fly, leave whoever is not lazy.
We live, we grow, we laugh in front of you
And we honestly admit that we love you very much!

You are our first teacher
You are like our parent, friend and teacher
Educator, educator.
You are our mentor, the first shield and nerves of steel
Our Guardian Angel - Our Educator.

It happens without a doubt, it's hard for you sometimes,
But you will always make the right decision
Grow little rascals that we give you heat,
You love kids, and we sing about you:

(2 times)

You give care, You give warmth,
You dance, you sing, you are one with you.
We will hug you tightly, cuddle gently to you
And if we leave the garden, then we need to remember:

(2 times)

Our teacher!

Moderator: Good afternoon, dear colleagues!

It was first celebrated in 2004 at the initiative of various Russian pedagogical publications. And according to tradition, we celebrate our professional holiday together in our cozy hall.

The purpose of the holiday is to pay attention to kindergartens and other preschool institutions, and more precisely to the work of workers in this industry. Preschool age is an extremely important period in the life of every child. During this period, the formation of the personality and the laying of the child's health takes place. Therefore, it is very important that a wise, responsible, attentive and patient teacher, who listens to the inner world of the pupil, is next to the baby; it is important that people strive to work in this area, for whom raising children is a true vocation!

This is a holiday of those who give themselves entirely to the upbringing of babies, sparing no effort and time, who do not know the words “I don’t want”, “I can’t”, “I can’t”, who knows how to love children no matter what, who loves their work and rushes here every day to continue to live for them, kids, and be needed by them ...

Educator is not a job

Not measured life.

This is a service without calculation,

Her calling is to love.

Calm the crybaby with caress,

Pacify the bully

Fighters put in a corner,

Praise the obedient.

Dress everyone, put on shoes, build,

Walk and eat

And my big soul

Divide without a trace!

(caregivers sing)

Song to the soundtrack from the movie "Connoisseurs are investigating"

Educators: We often hear reproaches from relatives,

That we work almost without days off,

What we give to work without a trace

Heart...we and soul.

For many years and every day from year to year

Duty calls to the kindergarten teacher,

No... better work!

And the salary is still small,

Only in this there is no particular sin,

Not for money, but for conscience we give

Children... your heart.

We take on a flurry of questions,

Firmly holds the steering wheel in his hands

In the ocean of childhood!

Let sometimes we get out of hand,

But since I've already shouldered the burden -

We should not whimper or whine,

Though ... the legs are worn out.

We do not betray work, do not change,

We just can't live without her.

We are… after all, teachers!

1 teacher: This is a tear wiper,

2 educator: Dresser, shoemaker,

3 educator: Washer sometimes!

4 educator: He is a braider,

5 educator: In winter - a snow rake,

6 educator: Drawer and player,

All: But a scolder - never!

Moderator: What is an educator?

7 educator: He is a flower waterer,

8 educator: Blanket adjuster,

9 teacher: And sometimes a digger!

10 educator: He is a creator and connoisseur,

11 educator: Children's secrets are always the keeper,

12 educator: Spoiler and dreamer,

All: Offender - never!

Moderator: What is an educator?

13 educator: This is a book reader,

14 educator: Eat tasty helper,

15 teacher: Dancer sometimes.

16 educator: He is a teacher and a praiser,

17 educator: And, of course, a comforter,

18 educator: In general, a mother substitute !!!

All: And an amateur - forever!

1 educator: We will not prevaricate,

That sometimes when you come home

We don't have the energy to cook dinner.

And caress your husband.

2 educator: But we are glad to go to our garden,

'Cause we're on the right track

We must hug all the children

And give them your heart!

(caregivers sing)

Song to the soundtrack of the song "Lyolik - the sun"

Educators: 1. The earth is spinning around its axis,

Apparently so be it!

Which of the teachers do not ask

We cannot live without our work!

This is the meaning of our life!

Kindergarten ... we are ours ...

We call fantasy

We love him.

Children... heart...

And we give our love!

2. Our teachers are just a class!

We say ... everything as it is ...

Creative people and an example for us

We cannot count all the advantages.

We are born to raise children

This is the meaning of our life!

Kindergarten ... we are ours ...

We call fantasy

We love him.

Children... heart...

And we give our love!

3. It is sometimes difficult for us, but we must not lose heart,

Together we will solve all our problems.

We create as a team

We can do many miracles

move mountains,

We can even get the stars from heaven!

Kindergarten ... we are ours ...

We call fantasy

We love him.

Children... heart...

And we give our love!

Leading: On the day of our professional holiday We sincerely wish you all happiness, good luck and all the good that you can wish for!

Happy holiday!

(teachers sit down)

Moderator: Today in our hall are those who have worked here for many years, and now are on a well-deserved rest.

We are very glad that you come to us and do not forget us and your kindergarten.

We wish you good health!

Host: Well, now let me give the floor for congratulations

head teacher and head teacher.

(congratulations from the administration)

Host: Since our day is festive, special, then, of course, I also want to do something special ...

Our creative team, having consulted, decided to mark our employees and colleagues in various nominations. The nominations turned out to be also unusual, just like all our people.


Within the walls of our kindergarten

Among noisy colleagues, mischievous kids,

Nicely in charge of our kindergarten.

She knows no rest, no peace.

Still young, and besides - pretty,

Hardworking and energetic

And ready to work on weekends

And even at night she really can not sleep ...

Will find an approach to any person,

For each "key" he will pick up his own ...

So, the title of the winner in the nomination "Master of contact, will and tact" is assigned to the head of……….(handed)

Leading: Never rests,

Suffering at the computer...

And sometimes he comes up with

Any teacher's council for us.

Knows all about parenting

Also about education

About methods, programs,

Knowledge slices, diagrams,

Oh method. literature,

Also about the nomenclature…

The list goes on…

Maybe you should name it?

So, the title of the winner in the nomination "Master Innovation" is assigned to the senior educator ... ... .. (handed)

Moderator: We have a lot of nominations in stock ...

This is just the beginning...

They are important people in our garden,

Their golden hands are accustomed to work.

They gave everything to dear kids,

And the soul hurts for every crumb.

And they also find an approach to parents.

Each of them will understand the problems of the family.

Of these, there are "Wise" -

They are, without a doubt,

Not a single generation was brought up in the garden.

Of course, these are our respected Educators!

Among them there are "Maters" - their experience and enlightenment are worthy of honor and respect.

And there are also “Juniors” - we wish them good luck on the way, and find happiness in hard work. (given to all teachers)

Host: I would like to say about those without whom the "Wiseest", and "Maters", and "Juniors" would have had a very difficult time ...

From morning to evening in kindergarten.

They are like bees, accustomed to work.

In their groups, they observe cleanliness:

That's why everything glitters and sparkles.

They will bring food to the group on time,

They will feed the children and give supplements.

Without them, the educator is just a disaster!

Help is always needed!

They will look after the children, and read the fairy tale,

They will help you dress, ventilate, clean.

Dealing with work...

"Masters - Care"!

In this nomination we represent all our assistant educators. (handed to everyone by assistant educator)

Host: All these caring women have a caring boss.

There is a whole load of affairs in the economy,

But the caretaker manages.

And smart, and good,

Cheerful soul.

She is on her feet all the time.

Her day passes on the run:

Vodokanal, Energoset,

And "Teplovik", "Gorgaz".

She has a lot to do -

Do not count all the cases under an hour:

Give out powder and soda,

Give soap and give dishes ...

Maintain property records.

Take away, bring...

On it is the device of each group:

Need nails and screws!

In the nomination "Our Figaro" we award the deputy head ...... (handed over)

Host: It's good that our team is rich in people with whom it is always interesting. Communication and contact with

which always enriches our creative potential. With them and the children are very comfortable ...

She is the master of phonograms,

Concert holiday programs!

All her children are talents:

Singers, dancers, musicians.

In the performances, the roles are played

And they are happy to perform.

These are not big words!

She is “Lady La-la-fa!”

In this category, we award music director……..(handed)

Moderator: And now I would like to mention a charming young woman.

She is beautiful, young,

Always in the right shape.

Teaching physical education to children

Our glorious preschool children.

They care about their health...

And success in that will achieve!

Works on a vocation

Physical education instructor.

Always a smile on your face

"Craftswoman - Gra-tse-tse"

In this nomination, in honor of the Day of the Preschool Worker, it is awarded ... .. (handed over)

Host: Her service is both dangerous and difficult...

But at first glance it doesn't seem to be visible.

On the second, it seems that it is also not visible,

And the third one too...

Only who will “excert” the document for us

And will print in one moment?

Our personal affairs are the master of all -

She is our clerk!

The winner in the nomination "Tamer of the printer and stapler" is recognized .... (handed)

Presenter: All our employees take care of the health of children in the kindergarten, and each for their part ... Children's nutrition is directly related to their health. And the questions healthy eating related to the timely preparation and storage of food. And behind all this is a conscientious employee.

She stocks up

And gives them out on the menu.

Responsible for their consumption

Keeps accurate records.

Knows where and what to get

Where can you get it cheaper?

And storage knows the term ...

Winner - "Master - For the future"!

The victory in this nomination is awarded to the storekeeper .... (handed)

Leading: They are always busy with work!

They always have one concern:

Know what to connect and with what;

Come up with a "brand new" salad,

To be rich in vitamins;

Have time to cook everything in time -

It's better to feed the kids.

Here without the talent of a cook

There will be no good.

In the nomination "You'll lick your fingers" a team of cooks is awarded.

Host: Everyone knows that "Cleanliness is the key to health." Everyone likes to sleep on a clean bed, dry himself with a clean towel ...

Hands smell clean

Powders, whiteness.

They're at work all day long.

They are lazy to wash their clothes.

Towels and sheets

Bathrobes, aprons, scarves,

Draperies, curtain and tulle

Erases "Master-Ass-Bul-Bul"!

In this nomination, we reward our machinists for washing clothes ... .. (handed over)

Moderator: The aesthetic health of a team of teachers and children depends partly on what they are wearing during performances, how it all “sits” and looks ... Isn't it?

In this wonderful workshop

And tailoring for you, and cutting.

The costumes hang in rows here:

Scarves and hats are with bows,

Dresses for adults and children,

For all sorts of things.

There are shoes, boots, boots,

Spools of thread and elastic bands;

Socks, tights and pants

Various widths...

Theater costumes

It's not easy to sew

But we have a "Master-

Golden thimble!

This title is awarded to a trouble-free craftswoman - a housekeeper ...... (handed over)

Leading: Who kindly meets us

On the threshold to kindergarten?

Who opens the gate?

Who is always happy to see us?

She "plows" like a miner...

Our all-seeing watchman!

In the nomination "Everything is under control" we award our janitor ...... (handed over)

Host: What is a song without an accordion?

What kind of garden without protection?

Check door locks and bolts

Windows, bars, and then everything again ...

Checking areas and fencing

Plumbing and heating.

Can you sleep on such a farm?

Our guards do not know fear!

In the nomination "Master - the Waking Eye" are awarded ... .. (handed over)

Moderator: We have such a big team!

Let's work together for the joy of our children!
