The theme of the day in kindergarten is the younger group. Summary of classes in kindergarten in the second junior group

How interesting to spend the holiday on March 8 at home

Celebrating March 8 at home is an important part of the life of a child and the whole family as a whole. This is a joyful event that provides an opportunity to relax, have fun and, at the same time, spiritually enrich all family members, encourages creativity. Both children and adults are preparing for the holiday in the house. Children prepare speeches, congratulations, and adults carefully watch, listen, analyze and do not leave without gifts little caring artists.

All adult members of the family and the smallest ones who do not participate in the performance are seated in a large room (hall). The presenter or presenter (one of the older children) enters.

Leading. Today is March 8th and we want to pay attention to our beloved grandmother, mother, aunt, sisters (etc., depending on the relatives present). We congratulate you on this wonderful holiday and want to wish you good health from the bottom of our hearts, Have a good mood, goodness, light and many pleasant and sunny days. Children will express their congratulations in verse.

Children come into the room and read holiday greetings.

The eighth of March is a solemn day,

Day of joy, care, beauty,

All over the country he gives to women,

Your hopes and flowers.

I love my mother very much

And my grandmother

I congratulate them

And I give you flowers!

Mother dear, I love you,

Then I'll sing a funny song

I will kiss you on the cheek and hug you tightly.

The children leave. The leader appears.

Leading. Today we invite you to participate in the game "March 8 - your favorite holiday." Everyone knows that on this day the strong half of humanity should gallantly take on the duties of the weak half. That's why the men present 10 questions will be asked about women's life. The women present should come up with them, but they should not go beyond the scope of our household.

With the most correct answers, you will be the most correct gentlemen of today's holiday, and if the question seems difficult for you, then you can ask your mother or grandmother (or any woman present at the family holiday) for help. But at the same time, you will emphasize your weakness and will have to help women with household chores all year until next March.

Sample competition questions.

1. How much salt should be put in borscht to please all family members?

2. What are the favorite dishes of grandmother, mother, sister, aunt, etc.

3. What is your mom's favorite outfit?

4. What flowers does grandma like?

5. What is your 10 year old sister's favorite school subject?

While men are answering questions, women come up with another puzzle for them, which you can laugh at or, vice versa, praise men for their attentiveness and care.

presenter. And now we will sing a song with the festive name "Mom's Song".

Children go into the room and sing a song to the words of M. Plyatskovsky.

If a cloud frowns in the sky,

If snow flies in the garden,

I look out the window at the street -

And I'm waiting for my mother from work.


Let the wind know

And the stars and the seas

What is the best thing in the world

My mommy!

I'm not even afraid of lightning

The rain is pouring - so be it.

I only remember my mother's smile -

And I'm not afraid at all!


Let the wind know

And the stars and the seas

What is the best thing in the world

My mommy!

I will hug in March joyfully

my dear mother,

I will give her a holiday gift -

And I'll sleep quietly.


Let the wind know

And the stars and the seas

What is the best thing in the world

My mommy!

After singing the song, the children congratulate their grandmother, mother, aunt, sisters and give them gifts made by themselves, as well as holiday cards with beautiful congratulations.

Congratulations on March 8 for mom

Dear Mom! We wish you

Live in the white world

sorrows without knowing!

You warm us with your warmth,

love and regret

every day and hour.

May your smile shine with joy

And embraces us all with his love.

Happy spring holiday

I heartily congratulate!

Long years, great love,

I wish you from the bottom of my heart!

Let all misfortunes disappear

And adversity will be dispelled.

I wish you only happiness -

Don't let the years age you.

So that strength does not leave,

So that everything goes well

Always be the most beautiful

Smiling, tender!

Congratulations on March 8 for grandmother


With the surging spring

And I sincerely wish

To be forever young

Caring, cordial

And loving, of course!

What are your years?!

Away, gloomy bad weather!

I wish you only happiness

And sunny weather.

Congratulations on March 8 for aunt

We wish you joy, love and light,

For life to be

warmed by the warmth of friends,

So that there are many roads ahead,

So as not to be tormented by thousands of worries!

May hope never be deceived

And may all the days

how this holiday will become!

Scene for March 8

If the family is small, and there are only 1-2 children in it, then it is proposed to play a mini-production "Anina's Doll" as a festive performance

Characters: Anya, doll (her role is played by a child), presenter.

With the help of 2 chairs, a bench is being built, which stands in the center of the room. The doll sleeps on it. Anya sits down next to her and starts waking up her doll.

Anya. Good morning. It's time for you to get up!

Leading. Anya said to the doll.

I need to wash, then I'll braid your braids,

And you put on shoes and a dress,

Then I'll go for a walk in the yard with you.


I don't want to go out, I want more candy

And I don't want to play, I want to sleep longer.

Don't argue with me, put on your socks

Then fields my flowers

help wash the dishes.

Doll. (Sits down on a bench) I won't, I don't want to water the flowers.

Anya. Then what kind of daughter are you?

Doll. Just as lazy and stubborn as you!

Leading: Very instructive story. It is necessary to help mom not only on holidays, but always.

A holiday for mothers, organized by children or with their active participation, is not only a touching, but also a very useful event, because with its help children can learn a lot of important and interesting things from the life of their parents, learn about the tastes, skills and hobbies of their mothers, which means and better understand them. Proposed scenario of the holiday March 8 "Mother's World" can be used for school matinee and for a fun home party, you get a touching and fun concert on request with game moments (this idea is also suitable for holding)

For holding at home:

If there are many guests with children in your house, you can use the script below to family holiday, but then it is better for adults to take up the organization of the evening, entrusting the older children with the role of Leaders and rehearsals with the younger ones.

For school:

Idea number 2. Cinema hall or Mom's favorite films

Boy: The list of favorite films of our mothers turned out to be so large that we decided not to choose any one, but to offer just to talk about cinema and remember our favorite films.

Girl: Preparing for this day, we discovered that cinema is a real encyclopedia of our lives. You can even create a calendar of our holidays based on films.

Boy: And since today is a holiday, the films that we will remember will be about the holidays.

There are a lot of holiday films, it makes no sense to list them, but in especially difficult cases a hint is given in italics.

Girl: Try to remember in which movie the characters celebrate the New Year?

Boy: What about Christmas?

Girl: Old New Year?

Answer: Old New Year?

Boy: And I will ask complex issue: Which of the very famous movie characters celebrate February 23 on the screen?

Girl: A real man's question!

Answer: Stirlitz in the movie "Seventeen Moments of Spring".

Girl: To be honest, I don't know if April 1st is mentioned in the movie, but April Fool's Day is.

Boy: Victory Day?

Girl: Well, they remembered about the calendar. And the birthday?

Answer: Adam's rib

Boy: Girl, she is a girl! There is also the last call!

Answer: draw

Girl: And graduation!

Answer: graduation

Boy: Halloween?

Answer: Halloween

Girl: Somehow it becomes uninteresting. Let's try about the wedding?

Boy: You're right, it's time to end. There is such a movie "Wedding"!

Girl: Then we turn to literature.

Idea number 3. Library or Mom's Favorite Books

Girl: During the survey, we were surprised to find out how many books our mothers read.

Boy: It's amazing how much they managed to read! And to be honest, in my list of completely read books, only "Chuk and Gek" and "Mumu".

Girl: Don't be embarrassed, you've read about Filippka!

Boy: So this is from the school curriculum!

Girl: And you carefully read the questionnaires of our mothers: among your favorite books there are also those that were read in literature lessons.

Boy: Yes? Well, then my list will be bigger.

Boy: It's you about comparative characteristics and the Problem of Happiness in the poem "Who Lives Well in Rus'"?

Girl: Don't make it easy! An essay can be written on any topic, but WHAT and WHAT you write about is not always possible to understand.

Boy: How is that?

Girl: Very simple. And now we will check it.

Competition "What did the children write about?"

For this competition, excerpts from school essays, and the guests are invited to answer what the child had in mind, who is the author of the work, who is the hero, etc.

Appendix 2 "What did the children write about?"

Idea number 4. About poetry and pets

Girl: Time is inexorably coming to an end, and therefore we decided to combine two topics: Poetry and ...

Boy:...and don't be surprised Pets!

Girl: Based on our opinion poll, we found out that our mothers are not indifferent to poetry

Boy: We also calculated that 70% are very fond of pets.

Girl: And it's no secret that the guys in our class have a total of 10 cats, 5 dogs and

Boy: 38 parrots. Joke! But the fact that many mothers (and children, of course) dream of dogs is known for certain.

Girl: That's why we decided to combine the two topics.

Boy: Let's talk about dogs in the language of poetry.

Girl: Now our guys will read poems about a dog for you. But not simple.

Boy: These poems are written on one well-known theme: "The priest had a dog"

Girl: But they were written by different "poets".

Boy: More precisely, in the manner of different poets.

Girl: And you, our dear guests, will have to determine: to which master of the poetic genre these lines could belong.

Boy: So, the roles are distributed.

Girl: Children read, mothers think)))

Contest "The priest had a dog"

A.S. Pushkin

On the hillside, the garden is green,

And a house in a green garden.

Once there lived a dog scientist,

And ran happily around.

And the pop is his greedy master,

The dog fed the unfortunate so,

That the dog could not stand it once,

A piece of meat was taken away.

And the pop, counting the stocks,

Just pissed off with anger

He locked the dog in a closet,

On the third day the dog died.

Posthumously, the priest forgave the dog,

Buried her later.

It became quiet in the green garden,

And the house became quiet.

Pop on the grave often grieve,

He hasn't served in a long time...

M.Yu. Lermontov

Tell me, uncle, why

Our pop dogs don't keep too

How are all our local people?

After all, there are people-likhodey:

Robbers, and so, villains,

They will rob. Will they kill?

You see, he has a burden on his heart,

And it was in our time,

And the priest had a dog.

But that pop was greedy, however,

Even though I loved my dog

But he didn't feed seriously.

Once upon a rainy cold day,

The dog, as always half-starved,

Ate a piece of sausage.

The priest immediately noticed the loss,

But he pretended not to notice

The dog was lured into the woods.

When the blood of the priest has cooled,

Alas, it was long too late.

And he buried the dog.

Since then, he does not contain dogs,

And he doesn’t keep sausage in the house,

He made a promise to this.

I.A. Krylov

God once sent a piece of meat to a dog.

The dog climbed into the backyard,

I was about to have breakfast,

Yes, I thought about it. She held the meat in her teeth ...

The cook saw her misfortune.

And five minutes later I found out about this pop -

The owner of meat, oatmeal forehead.

And even though he loved the dog,

Mercilessly that hour killed her.

Buried deeper into the ground

And he punished the parishioners:

"Don't touch someone else's good!

Do not resist, return, repent!

And in thoughts it is impossible to sin,

Don't steal! And you will have a good life!"

V.V. Mayakovsky

The priest had a dog.

He loved her. However,

The dog stole the meat.

Pop, throwing off his hood and cassock,

He shouted: "I'll drown the infection!

You've always been a burden!"

And drowned. Along with the cargo!

Idea number 5. Favorite Mom's Songs

Girl: Our holiday is coming to an end. It remains to talk...

Boy: Do not confuse, do not talk, sing!

Girl: Well, we won't sing today. But more on that later. Let's return to the questionnaire, which had two very interesting questions.

Boy: Exactly! One I remember: your ideal?

Girl: And do you know what answers were the most? "My mom".

Boy: And I found these: "My children", and even "My grandchildren"

Girl: Well, it's definitely someone's loving grandmother answered.

Boy: It's great, right?

Girl: Not that word! And you know that when answering a question about a cherished dream, our mothers spoke about us.

Boy: Let's give better word mothers!

Mom's response

1st Mom: Thank you dear guys for wonderful holiday which you arranged for us. We really want you to grow up honest, kind, necessary.

2nd Mom: May you be healthy, purposeful and happy!

3rd Mom: After all, our main concern is your future, and the main profession is the profession of a mother.

4th Mom: And, if you sometimes think that we are too strict, or not attentive enough, do not be offended. After all, we, like any person, are constantly learning.

5th Mom: Think about how much time, patience, and strength it takes to pass the most important exam in life - Mom's exam!

1st Mom: Now let me give you a little gift.

Moms sing a remade song

Sounds 3. We honestly tell you .. (minus)

Alteration to the motive "We honestly want to tell you"

We honestly want to tell you:

We don't look at kids anymore.

They tear our hearts all our lives,

They torture us endlessly.

How many songs can they sing?

How long can you endure their whims?

To be under anesthesia of their relatives, beloved eyes

And to hear every time an order, again an order!

Well, how to live without them,

Well, tell me, tell me.

Where are we without them?

Yes, there is simply nowhere!

Not without reason all the ages

They are worn on the hands

And we are ready to turn our hands again!

We must honestly tell you:

We need more kids life.

We love them, how to dress dolls,

Slap on the ass and put to bed.

We can play with them together

When will they go to school?

Let's learn lessons together.

Idea No. 6 Concert numbers.

You can add more to the program, for example, expressive recitation by heart or playing around the cheerful poems of G. Oster.

In the selection below, there are Bad Advice (see Appendix 3), in which parents are among the actors. It is easy to play them, and they will add fun. The line could be like this:

Girl: Our mothers and fathers, grandmothers, older brothers and sisters, teachers give us all sorts of useful advice.

Boy: But, alas, very often we get the opposite. Do-it-yourself general cleaning leads to complete chaos, the dishes, maybe, become clean, but for some reason not whole. But the trash can is not only a whole

Girl: more precisely full, and even more precisely overflowing!

Boy: Yes, and we quarrel over trifles, and we fight not on business.

Girl: And we are also offended, pouting over trifles, or even for a far-fetched reason.

Boy: And for some reason, in a critical situation, it doesn’t come to mind optimal solution, and the most "stupid". Sorry, wrong.

Girl: And sometimes very harmful.

Boy: These are the harmful situations that guys often find themselves in, we will show you now.

Appendix 3. Bad advice

Scenario for March 8 "Oh, what bliss - to know that I am? - perfection!"

In my opinion, men love this holiday no less than women, and perhaps even more, because on March 8, even the most businesslike and emancipated women allow themselves the luxury of being weak, defenseless and completely dependent on men. They gladly accept congratulations, compliments and gifts, and are even ready to spend the whole day near the stove to please their knights, tired of going for gifts, with something especially tasty. And it turns out a paradox: the holiday seems to be for women, but it is celebrated by men. You probably noticed how many knights roam the streets on this festive day, warming up the thirst for feats in the name of a woman with strong drinks, while their ladies of the heart are preparing a festive dinner.

Wherever the holiday takes place, you should always remember several features of female psychology.

1. Almost all women adore flowers, no matter how old they are - seven or seventy. Therefore, if your daughter is growing up, then make sure that she is not left without flowers. Let it be a very small bouquet or even just one flower, the main thing is that it is intended for the daughter.

2. All women, without exception, are unusually curious, so add an element of mystery to the preparation of the holiday. This is sure to cause a stir among women and add charm to the holiday.

3. No matter how trite the following statement may sound, it is still necessary to undertake the preparation of a festive banquet. For this, women will be extremely grateful to you, and most importantly, for a long time after the celebration, they will pamper their men with masterpieces of culinary art.

And the last. Do not force women to wash dishes or clean up after the holiday on this day. Let them feel like queens at least once a year.

We will bring holiday script on March 8 for celebrations at home, with family and close friends.

Scenario "My dear"

No matter how trite it may sound, but there is nothing better than a snow-white tablecloth and candle fire to give the holiday charm and some intimacy. IN small company congratulations do not sound so formal, compliments seem more sincere, so dear men, do not spare affectionate and kind words addressed to your beloved women.

The holiday begins with a feast and, of course, congratulations. If there is a feeling that the company is somewhat bored, then you can hold a very simple table game "what's on my plate."

The host calls any letter of the alphabet, except for "b", "b", "s", "e", "th". Each participant tries to quickly find something in his plate that begins with a given letter. This may be the name of the dish or some component of the dish (for example, meat, salt, pepper, etc.). The participant who first named the subject with a given letter becomes the new leader.

After the feast, it would be nice to arrange a small concert dedicated to women. Surely in your company there is a person who plays the guitar, who can perform several songs. In addition, each man can also prepare and perform a small number dedicated to women.

At the end of the mini-concert, it makes sense to hold a couple of fun contests.

Competition "Bouquet for your beloved"

IN Lately men, of course, began to give flowers to their loved ones more often. But today the task becomes more complicated, since they will have to make a bouquet on their own. A large box is placed in front of the contestants, which contains everything necessary for making a bouquet: empty plastic bottles, foil roll, cellophane, wire, napkins, colored paper, glue, a few scissors, colored felt-tip pens or markers, etc. The box contains everything except the colors themselves. Men have a difficult task: from all of the above, they need to make flowers, then collect them in bouquets and pack them beautifully.

Naturally, women will evaluate creativity. In addition, it is not enough to make a bouquet, you still need to give flowers beautifully, so the second stage of the competition will be a competition for the most beautiful congratulations and wishes to women on this festive day.

All winners, as well as participants in the competition, receive small prizes and huge thanks from the women.

Competition "Make-up Artists"

Women participate in the competition, men help them. All women participating in this competition are “make-up artists”, men are those who are being made up. Each make-up artist must show a high class of professionalism, since there are a minimum of “transformation tools”: lipstick red and black cosmetic pencil. For a certain time, women must create an image, using only this modest set of tools.

Examples of "images": I. V. Stalin, drowned man, Charlie Chaplin, L. I. Brezhnev, Adolf Hitler, alcoholic Vasya, M. S. Gorbachev.

The most difficult thing in this competition is to persuade men to be made-up. In addition, at the end of the work, the participants themselves do not name the image that they tried to bring to life, the audience must guess it.

Since the competition is quite difficult, the prizes in it should be good. Moreover, everyone is awarded: both those who drew and those who endured such a procedure.

The best way to end the evening is with dancing.

In the middle of the evening the whole company will be divided into several groups. And people in each group will talk about something different: about work, about sports, about children, etc. Do you want to spend the holiday fun and interesting - so that all members of the company experience more than just drinks and snacks during the evening? We offer you a scenario for the celebration of March 8.
Using this scenario, it is easy to prepare and have a fun, interesting, reckless holiday - it will not require any special efforts and costs.

Scenario for March 8

Stage of the scenario for March 8 - preparatory

You need to stock up in advance:

  • Chips, you can cut them out of paper in the form of hearts. They will be awarded to those who won this or that competition, one chip - one point;
  • Inflatable balls - there should be at least three of them, in general, there should be as many of them as a person wants to participate in the "In Position" contest, and with adhesive tape;
  • “Hearts” cut out of cardboard, approximately 15 by 20 cm in size for the Wild Beach contest;
  • Artificial banknotes of money for the competition "Banking Operations";
  • Prizes-gifts for the first, second and third place.
  1. Only the facilitator should know the answers to the questions prepared in the script by March 8th.
  2. There is no need to divide the guests into teams, each of them will participate to some extent in all script competitions.
  3. Competitions can be held interspersed with toasts so that guests do not look at the table with hungry eyes.

Stage 1 of the script for March 8 - congratulatory

Dear women - there is no more beautiful you in the world!
We send you, men, our congratulations.
You are our reward, light, dream, destiny.
We appreciate and love you, we are always with you!

You are not only beautiful, but smart too,
And we cannot compare with your talents.
At work and at home - you have no equal anywhere,
We, for the fact that you are with us, are grateful to fate!

After this congratulations, you can give women flowers or gifts, if you have planned it.

So that you do not sit properly,
Stupidly did not look at the cups,
I will try now
Entertain you a little.

Let's raise a toast first
For us (you) women, for your loved ones.
And then we'll start playing
Let's have a great time!

Stage 2 of the scenario by March 8 - intellectual

- Now I will make comic riddles for you, riddles should be the same comic. For each correctly guessed riddle, I give a chip. According to the number of chips, first, second and third places will subsequently be awarded and prizes will be awarded.

  • Why doesn't the fish bite?

(she doesn't have a beak).

  • What happens if you cross a cucumber with an onion?

(cucumber will cry).

  • Which side of the road are you never on?


  • What's the difference between dragons and fleas, except that some are big and some are small?

(dragons can have fleas, but fleas can't have dragons).

  • What falls on you, but does not hurt?
  • What is the largest arc in the world?
  • What fur coat never warms?


  • Where does the carnival begin?

(with the letter K).

- And now I want to take you back a little to your childhood (do not be afraid - this is not what it means to “fall into childhood”) and find out if you remember fairy tales well. To my questions, you should name a fairy tale, a fairy tale character or some object from a fairy tale.

  • Seven wishes on one leg?


  • Fairy fool?


  • A story about the long journey of a baked product to the consumer?


  • Details women's dress, in which lakes, swans and other elements of the environment are placed?
  • Residence of Baba Yaga?

(a hut on chicken legs).

  • The friendliest communal apartment?


  • An individual reusable flying machine?
  • A reliable means of orientation in fabulous situations?
  • A reward for a feat that is given in addition?

(half of the kingdom).

Stage 3 of the scenario for March 8 - warm-up and exciting

- You answered well
Already, the convolutions cracked.
Let's give the brain a rest
And let's move a little:

And hands and feet
And partly heads.
The main thing is to have fun
So that the noses do not weigh!

1st Competition - Script Movement by March 8 - "In Position"

Several men are invited to the stage (or to open space) - at least 3, no more than 5, 6. They are invited to test themselves in the role of a woman in " interesting position". The presenter attaches large inflatable balls to the contestants with adhesive tape at the level of the abdomen. Half a box of matches is scattered in front of each. The task of the players is to collect as many matches from the floor as possible in the allotted time (two or three minutes), not forgetting about their “stomach”. God forbid, burst! The player who has collected more matches is given a chip.

2nd Competition - Script Movement by March 8 - "Wild Beach"

Couples participate in this competition. There can be as many pairs as you like, but, of course, at least two. The host announces that there will now be dancing on the "wild beach". Players take cardboard hearts according to the number of places to cover (men one heart each, women three hearts each) to “cover intimate parts and not embarrass the children on the wild beach.” The host turns on the music, it sounds for 3 minutes. Couples dance, trying not to lose a single "heart". To do this, during the dance they need to be as closer friend to friend. The tempo of the music should be fast. Those who drop "hearts" or even one "heart" are eliminated from the competition. The winning pair or pairs are given chips, one for each partner.

3rd Competition - Script Movement by March 8 - "Banking Operations"

The host calls four people, two men and two women, and divides them into pairs. The host says to the male players:
- You must open as many banks as possible in one minute, investing one piece of cash in each of them. I give you the initial capital (gives bills, at least 20 pieces). Banks for your down payments can be any places on your clothes - hide them more securely. The player who opens more pots wins. Get ready, let's get started!
Music plays for one minute, during which time the men must hide as many bills as possible. The music stops, the presenter counts the remaining money from each man. The one who has fewer bills left wins and accordingly receives a chip.

- And now women should withdraw deposits from the accounts of all banks as soon as possible.
In one minute of music, women must find and take as many banknotes from their partners as possible. The woman who “withdraws more money from the accounts” in one minute wins. She is given a token.

At the end of the competitions, the hosts count the chips from the guests, and prizes are awarded for the first, second and third places. If your funds for the celebration allow, you can give incentive prizes to everyone who has at least one chip.
