Show with what to wear jeans figure apple. Body type "Apple"

Girls with an apple body type are quite common today. Due to the lack of a pronounced waist, they complex and refuse fashionable and stylish clothes. And it’s completely in vain, because there are specially designed models for such ladies. They can advantageously emphasize all the advantages of the silhouette and hide its flaws.

The body type resembles a ball. Its features are the equal width of the shoulders and hips. The waist is almost invisible. Only well-chosen clothes can give the image of attractiveness, sophistication and lightness.

Suitable clothing styles


Girls with this physique should look at models with a high waistline. This style favorably masks a convex tummy. A good option would be a sheath dress and a corset. But it should not be narrow, otherwise folds are formed.

Perfectly silhouetted model with asymmetry. It is better to opt for a dress that is beveled along an oblique line, and highlight the waist with a belt.

Regarding the colors for women with a round figure suitable for monochrome tones. Only the bottom of the product should be bright and juicy. It will distract attention from the full waist.

Shirts & Tops

Before heading to the store for a new blouse, it is worth remembering that baggy and lightweight styles will not suit ladies with a round figure. For this, it is better to use knitted things and knitwear. The neckline of a blouse can be of any shape, but V-shaped and “boat” look best. It is allowed to wear a thing with a high collar.

Will look great tops that are loose at the waist and accentuate the bust. The next good option is a flowing tunic, sewn from light matter. When buying a blouse, you need to remember one thing important rule: The length of the product should be below the waistline. This will divert attention from the bulging belly.

For the “apple” figure, models with distracting decorative elements are suitable:

  • ruffles;
  • frills;
  • fringe.

Highlight the neckline with interesting trim and embroidery. Buy a blouse that allows you to open the chest and neck. Stylish vests will help to give the silhouette of harmony. A great option would be multi-layered products. Visually narrowing the figure is obtained with a transparent blouse in tandem with a top.


Give the figure a silhouette with the help of high waist. They perfectly mask the stomach and give the image femininity. The following models will look good:

  • A-line skirt;
  • narrow skirt;
  • Sun skirt.

It is the last version of the product that will be able to give the figure the required proportions. It is better to combine a sun skirt with a semi-adjacent top. Pick things up in dark colors.

But the fabric should be elastic. It will allow you to simulate a natural silhouette. Skirt length to the knee or to the middle of the calf.


Not suitable for those with a low fit. Choose only models with a high waistline. They will create a silhouette without overtightening the shape. Patch pockets are allowed on the back of the buttocks and in front. An excellent option would be an oblique cut of these decorative elements. It is not recommended to buy lightweight products, although capris are allowed. Stylish leggings will allow you to add harmony to the silhouette.

With trousers, it is important to correctly combine the rest of the things. Long semi-fitted tunics will help to complement the image. It is important that it is strictly sized.


You can give an image of harmony with the help of long straight jackets and skirts. Moreover, the second product should be up to the knee line. Looks even more attractive cropped jacket. It is important that he sits tightly in the shoulders, and there should be a fastener on the chest. The bottom of the product is preferably free. It is important to create an X-shaped silhouette. The optimal length is shorter than the hip line. An unbuttoned jacket will make the figure more elongated.


When choosing, girls with an apple-shaped figure should stop at fitted classic models. The coat should contain interesting and eye-catching elements: round buttons, various inserts. They will allow you to divert attention from the bulging belly. If you buy down jackets, then opt for semi-fitted models, as they will not add extra volume.


It is rather problematic for ladies with an apple-shaped figure to choose this element of the wardrobe. They should abandon the deep neckline. Buy models with thick straps and a square neckline. To give the image of harmony will allow the colored stripes that go in the center of the swimsuit.

Of course, ladies with a round figure will fit whole styles. If you can not refuse a bikini, then they will have to be combined with a top or skirt. It is important that the model contains thick straps. They will model the top of the figure in the right direction. If we talk about color, then juicy and bright reds are preferable, blue tones.

A swimsuit made of black fabric looks good. The whole product should have a bright insert in the center. There should not be any prints on the swimsuit.

What do you prefer not to wear?

There are a number of prohibitions for the owners of the "apple" figure. Here are some of them:

  1. Not suitable for ladies with a pencil skirt and mini body type. Also avoid tight-fitting options.
  2. No bright belts, as they will emphasize the absence of a waist.
  3. For such a figure, you should not choose products with large and voluminous sleeves.
  4. Dresses made of flying fabrics are not recommended, as they visually make the silhouette more voluminous.

Basic wardrobe

This image shows a wardrobe for girls with an apple body type, which is suitable for going out every day. So, what is included in this basic bow:

  1. The upper part, to be exact, t-shirt white color , it has a free cut, thanks to which you can hide the presence of a bulging belly.
  2. Jumper. It will make the figure more harmonious and hide its visible flaws. Due to the deep neckline, you can emphasize the presence of a white T-shirt, which harmonizes favorably with the shoes. The jumper perfectly narrows the top of the silhouette, making the figure more elegant.
  3. Skirt. This half-sun model is the best suitable for girls with a round figure. Due to the high fit, you can mask a protruding tummy and slightly narrow the waist. The length will ideally hide the fullness of the legs, and in combination with such a stylish top, the image will turn out to be interesting and extravagant.
  4. Keds. They are white in color, perfectly in harmony with the T-shirt, so that the image will turn out to be more restrained. This is a great choice for girls who like to move a lot and prefer low heels.
  5. Bag. In fact, there are no special selection rules. The main thing is that it matches the color of the shoes and harmonizes with one of the elements of the wardrobe. In this case, it is white rectangular shape and roomy. With it you can go to work, for a walk or go to the store.
  6. Glasses. This optional accessory which will make the image more stylish and attractive. Their color is white, as it appears repeatedly in this variant of the daily bow.

The ideal figure does not exist. Each option has its pros and cons. Girls with an apple silhouette do not need to wear baggy things that will only add extra volume. Today, there are a lot of interesting things on sale that can hide the flaws of the figure: a bulging belly, broad shoulders, wherein

“There is a type of people who get fat from the mere sight of other people eating dinner….. Unfortunately, I am exactly that type,” Beyoncé’s statement fully describes the metabolism of apple-shaped women.

Women with an apple figure may experience the effects of a cake with cream or an extra glass of wine for a week or more, and a number of foods are generally not recommended for them due to the fact that they further slow down their already not “super-fast” metabolism.

Like a classic apple, I experienced all the “charms” of this type of figure in my own skin. But I managed to cope with them, although not without sacrifices on my part. I was able to achieve the figure of my dreams, and all that remains for me now is to follow certain rules and remember the characteristics of my body.

I am sure that with the right motivation and due desire, you will also succeed. lose weight and achieve amazing success, become the owner of beautiful and seductive forms.

And to encourage you a little to lose weight - here's a photo for you Hollywood stars who, like you, are constantly fighting for beautiful female figure. Take an example, be inspired, read my advice and go for it.

Characteristic female figure apple.

As I wrote earlier, an apple-type figure suggests a wide chest with large beautiful breasts, a weakly defined waist or its complete absence, small hips with a flat booty and thin, slender legs. Most of the problems are created by the tummy, which constantly sticks out and does not want to become flat and pumped up.

Fat deposits accumulate mainly in the abdomen, on the sides and on the back, to a lesser extent on the chest, neck and face. In some cases, the hip area may slightly increase, but it will always visually look smaller than the abdomen and chest.

Metabolism in women with a figure, an apple proceeds very slowly and impressively, so any sudden interventions in its work lead to dysfunction of the digestive system. The same applies to hormonal background, which is low in apples and is sensitive to any changes in the body.

Women with an apple-shaped figure are prone to diseases of the cardiovascular, digestive and endocrine systems. So, they more often than other types suffer from arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, thyroid insufficiency and diabetes.

But you should not despair and hang your nose, because with proper care of yourself all these troubles can be avoided and live, enjoying your life. appearance and not complaining about anything.

Mistakes of the owners of the "apple" figure when losing weight.

Women with an apple figure are simply contraindicated starvation, which many resort to to lose a couple of kilograms before the holidays. I'll explain why. Apples have increased activity of adrenal hormones, in particular cortisol, which determines the excellent appetite of women with an apple-shaped figure and their sluggish metabolism. It rises under stress, and fasting is nothing more than severe stress for the body. By denying yourself food, you provoke an increase in cortisol in the blood, which slows down your metabolism even more, and, roughly speaking, you gain weight from water.

resort to cleansing (laxative) or diuretic teas, enemas and other means of this kind of action in order to lose weight, apples are also not recommended, due to the instability of their water-salt balance of the body of the sensitivity of the digestive system.

Significant fluid loss during such weight loss leads to weight loss, but only due to water. After stopping their use, the weight will return at a triple speed, the body will be even more eager to put off the eaten "in reserve", and your intestines will bother you for a long time.

Sitting on high protein diets on the menu, that is high protein diets. These include the Atkins diet, the Dukan diet, the Kremlin diet, the Japanese diet, the egg diet, the English diet, the astronaut diet, the fish diet, the protein diet, and others.

This is because the high protein content in the diet of apples leads to water retention in their body, which threatens to disrupt fatty metabolic processes in the liver, resulting in edema and stable weight retention by the body. Also, such diets slow down the already slow processes of digestion, which leads to constipation and flatulence (the formation of gases in the intestines).

Alcohol consumption in amounts exceeding one glass of dry wine or a serving of strong alcoholic beverage. The fact is that alcohol is also a brake on metabolism and hits the weak point of apples - the liver, which leads to a violation of fat metabolism and weight gain.

In the event that giving up sugar is unbearable for you, it is better to minimize its use as much as possible for you. Fructose and others sweeteners use is not recommended, because. they harm the liver.

An effective diet for an apple body type.

Firstly, the daily menu of women with an apple-shaped figure should contain a sufficient amount fiber to normalize the digestive system. Secondly, all meals should take place before 19-00, because. after this time, everything that you ate is processed into body fat and deposited in problem areas.

From meat products, give preference to poultry, fish and seafood, from fats - cottage cheese, kefir and yogurt (the latter if their use does not cause edema).

Carbohydrates you can’t exclude from your diet in any case, you just need to reduce the consumption of simple carbohydrates contained in buns, cakes, cola and lean on bran, cereals without salt, cereal bars and bread.

When eating vegetables, avoid those that contain a large number of starch (potato, corn). The best choice there will be broccoli, salads, cucumbers, tomatoes, green beans.

Oil and mayonnaise should be excluded and completely switched to dressings based on low-fat yogurt, kefir or cottage cheese.

Once a month it will be useful to hold fruit and vegetable fasting days. The use of fatty, smoked, salty foods, pickles and sweets must be reduced or completely excluded from the diet.

Of the famous diets, I would recommend Protasov's diet, since her menu is based on vegetables and dairy products, which are very useful for the body of women with an apple-shaped figure. But it is worth remembering that vegetables are vegetables, and no one has canceled the daily calorie intake, so everything is in moderation.

For effective weight loss, the diet must be combined with exercise, and preference should be given to strength exercises, and best of all - exercises in gym . Many apple-shaped women make the mistake of believing that abs and hula-hooping can achieve a thin waist, but this is not the case. In the case of apples, exclusively complex strength training and exercises will help you achieve a toned figure and beautiful abs.

Slimming procedures.

For women with an apple body type, it is very important to lose weight gradually, because. rapid weight loss can result in saggy belly and breasts. In order to prevent such unpleasant side effects of losing weight, it is worth remembering that losing weight for apples is a gradual and lengthy process. Well, it's true, it's better to lose 10 kg in 2 months and have an elastic and smooth skin than 10 kg in 2 weeks and be embarrassed to put on a swimsuit afterwards.

I would advise, if possible, during weight loss to undergo several courses of mesotherapy, vacuum, lipomassage or regular massage. These steps will speed up the process fat burning and will not allow the skin to sag and lose elasticity.

Also, special attention should be paid to neckline

Among the representatives of the weaker sex, the “apple” figure (“O” type) is quite common. Britney Spears, Jessica Simpson and Kelly Clarkson are recognized as famous owners of the "apple" figure. The main advantages of the “O” figure are slender legs and beautiful breasts. For women with an apple shape, it is important to choose the right style of clothing to hide body flaws.

Features of the apple figure

The owners of the “O” figure have the following physique features:

  • no pronounced waist;
  • shoulders and hips of the same width;
  • long legs;
  • the volume of the hips coincides with the volume of the chest;
  • flat buttocks;
  • protruding belly;
  • thin hands.

If the owners of the "apple" figure begin to gain overweight, fat accumulates in the waist area.

There are two types of "O" shape: "apple" and "vase". Women with an "apple" figure have the following body features:

  • chest of medium size;
  • no waistline;
  • the volume of the abdomen is greater than the volume of the chest;
  • slender legs;
  • tightened buttocks.

The figure of the famous American pop singer Britney Spears corresponds to the "apple" physique.

Representatives of the weaker sex with a "vase" figure have:

  • large chest;
  • slightly defined waistline;
  • the width of the hips corresponding to the width of the chest;
  • long legs;
  • flat buttocks.

The figure of British actress Kate Elizabeth Winslet has all the characteristic features of the "vase" physique.

Stylists advise women of fashion with an “O” figure type to choose clothes that will help visually lengthen female silhouette and harmonize the proportions of the upper and lower body. At the same time, it is important to emphasize the main advantages of the figure - chest and Beautiful legs, and also remove the accent from the wide waist. The main mistake of the owners of the “apple” figure is the choice of clothes that are baggy in the waist area. As a result, the figure of a fashionista looks shapeless and is associated with an inflated balloon. Consider what things will help emphasize the dignity of the "apple" figure.


Effectively on a woman with an “apple” physique will look:

  • sheath dress;
  • bustier dress;
  • dress with high waist;
  • asymmetric dress;
  • dress with a corset;

The above styles will help hide a protruding belly, lengthen the silhouette, and also emphasize lush female forms and rounded shoulders. Properly chosen length of the product will help to focus on long legs the owner of the figure "apple".


For a female representative with an “apple” figure, stylists recommend choosing:

  • a skirt with a vent;
  • A-line skirt;
  • skirt-sun;
  • skirt with a high waist.

The length of the product should not be above the knee. On women with an “O” figure, skirts of dark shades look good.

Blouses, sweaters, tops

Owners of an “apple” physique will suit models of clothes that beautifully fit the chest and are cut loose at the waist. The best options are:

  • blouses and sweaters with frills, ruffles and fringes;
  • flowing tunics made of light fabrics;
  • cutout tops;
  • blouses with a high collar.

The length of the product should be below the waistline so as not to emphasize the protruding belly. Women with an apple physique will suit layered clothing. So, a transparent blouse in combination with a top will visually narrow the female silhouette.


The following models of trousers must be in the wardrobe of a fashionista with an “O” figure:

  • straight fit classic trousers:
  • trousers tapering down;
  • high waist trousers;
  • trousers with wide legs;
  • capri trousers;
  • trousers with a wide belt.

Pants can be decorated with patch pockets or slant pockets.

Jackets, coats, jackets

The representatives of the weaker sex with an "apple" figure are recommended to wear jackets and jackets with a cropped cut. In this case, the fastener should be located under the chest or at chest level. Women with an “O” physique can safely choose:

  • jackets and jackets that expand downwards;
  • long straight jackets;
  • fitted coat, knee-length.

Give preference to clothing models with original details - bright buttons, folds, various inserts. They will divert attention from the wide waist and protruding belly.


  • swimsuits with wide shoulder straps with a square neckline;
  • one-piece swimsuits with colored stripes in the central part of the product.

Bathing suits made of multi-colored fabrics will not suit you. A black, blue or burgundy swimsuit will look harmoniously on the owner of the “apple” figure.

Fashionable women with an apple body type should avoid styles that emphasize a fuzzy waistline or a rounded belly. Representatives of the weaker sex with the figure "O" are not recommended:

  • detachable dresses;
  • mini skirts;
  • baggy blouses and tops:
  • tight sweatshirts;
  • blouses with puffy sleeves;
  • low waist trousers;
  • tight pants;
  • merged swimsuits with a deep neckline.

Shoes and accessories for the apple figure

To emphasize slender legs, women with an "O" figure can wear:

  • shoes with high heels;
  • half boots;
  • platform shoes;
  • strappy sandals;
  • ballet shoes;
  • clogs.

No need to purchase shoes with buckles and shoes with small heels. These shoes will give your feet excessive massiveness and draw attention to the wide waist.

Texture and color of the fabric for figure O

Clothes made from fabrics with a fine pattern, vertical stripes, small polka dots and diagonal checks will visually make the owners of the “apple” figure slimmer. Women with an "O" figure are not recommended to choose clothes that are made in white, beige or pink. The best options are brown, blue, black and red. Owners of the "apple" figure should avoid large patterns and bright prints on clothes.

Matte knitwear, wool and cotton are the most suitable fabrics for tailoring. Women with an "apple" physique should avoid elastic fabrics, and also do not buy products made from chiffon, satin, viscose.

Basic nutrition rules for an apple figure

Women with an "O" physique tend to be overweight, so it is important for them to eat right in order to stay slim and beautiful shapes. Nutritionists recommend that owners of an “apple” physique follow these rules of nutrition:

  1. Reduce the amount of animal fats and carbohydrates in the diet.
  2. Avoid sugary drinks and alcohol.
  3. Enrich your diet with foods that contain fiber.
  4. Use Kim Protasov's nutrition system to normalize body weight.
  5. Drink green tea and ginger-based drinks regularly.

Owners of the "apple" figure can be consumed in unlimited quantities:

  • various root crops;
  • legumes;
  • lean meats;
  • citrus fruit;
  • dairy products with a low percentage of fat;
  • dried fruits;
  • fish products;
  • cereal crops.

Women with an "O" physique should be excluded from the menu:

  • offal;
  • flour and confectionery products;
  • fatty dairy products;
  • salted cheeses;
  • spices.

The most problematic area for the owners of the "apple" figure is the waist. For its correction, a combined set of exercises is used, which includes:

  • press swing;
  • hula hoop exercises;
  • twisting, tilting and rotation of the body;
  • stretching exercises;
  • strength exercises.

Running, swimming and cycling will help you gain the necessary muscle mass in the upper and lower parts of the body.

Many consider the apple body type to be one of the most unfortunate. Even slender women and girls with such a body have to constantly control their weight. However, everything is not so bad: in order to bring your figure closer to the ideal, you need to choose the right diets, workouts and make strong-willed efforts. To emphasize your strengths and hide your flaws, you should take into account a number of style recommendations: suitable clothes and well-chosen accessories work wonders.


Such a figure can be compared with a circle.

The following characteristic features of the "apple" are distinguished:

  • rather thin hands;
  • the width of the chest is the same as the volume of the hips;
  • poorly defined waist;
  • tendency to develop fatty deposits on the abdomen;
  • slender legs, which are usually quite long;
  • the same volume of hips and shoulders;
  • flat buttocks.

It is believed that women with a round body type are always full. However, this is not the case, the body of the "apple" can be quite slender. There are two types of such a female figure.

A typical "apple" has the following characteristics:

  • small buttocks;
  • tendency to accumulate fatty deposits in the abdomen;
  • medium-sized chest;
  • hips are almost equal in width to the waist.

Another variety of this type is the "vase".

Its characteristic features are as follows:

  • tendency to accumulate body fat on the sides;
  • the same width of the hips and chest;
  • big chest;
  • rather large buttocks, which may protrude slightly;
  • poorly defined waist.

Many people confuse the "rectangle" with the "apple" figure.

However, the latter type can be easily recognized by its characteristic features: rather large chest and protruding belly.

We achieve optimal forms

Of course, it is very important to choose a wardrobe well, but this is not enough for ladies with a rounded figure. They have to keep fit, exercise and eat right all the time. It is worth considering in more detail the recommendations regarding diet and exercise.


Usually, the fair sex with an "apple" figure has a low metabolic rate. Losing weight is difficult even if food intake is moderate. To lose weight, overweight women with a round figure should include foods rich in vitamins and minerals in the menu. The amount of carbohydrates must be reduced.

  • fat-free cottage cheese, as well as kefir;
  • lean fish and meat;
  • vegetables;
  • soy products;
  • whole grain cereals;
  • not very sweet fruits.

From drinks you can use natural juices, herbal teas. Coffee without sugar is allowed.

The use of the following products will need to be minimized:

  • baking;
  • sweets;
  • products with big amount starch, such as potatoes;
  • animal fats.

You should definitely have breakfast. In the morning it is better to eat cereals, unsweetened fruits. Snacks should be avoided. It is recommended to eat 3-4 times a day. A few hours before bedtime, you should refrain from eating. Women with such a figure cannot starve, otherwise the metabolism will slow down even more. It is also not recommended to resort to the use of enemas, diuretic drinks, laxatives. They can negatively affect the digestive system and water-salt balance.


The waist and belly are the most problematic areas for ladies with a rounded figure. It is rather difficult for an “apple” to reduce volumes in this part of the body.

To remove a big belly, you must perform the following exercises:

  • power;
  • rotation of the body and tilts to the sides, twisting;
  • press swing;
  • for stretching;
  • hula hoop exercises.

To get muscles from above and below, you can ride a bike, swim more and run. Some people think that regular ab workouts will be enough to improve the “apple” figure, but this is not so. The body should look harmonious, which means that you need to pay attention to all areas.

beauty treatments

Many women with a round figure very often carry out warming and cooling procedures. They are more suitable for "pears". "Apples" should pay special attention to tightening the skin, because it tends to lose tone after weight loss (especially sharp). It is necessary to provide it with nutrients, improve blood circulation in the tissues. It is recommended to undergo a massage session, mesotherapy. Such procedures make the skin more elastic, prevent its sagging, accelerate the process of burning fat.

Pay special attention to the chest. Due to weight loss, it can also sag. It is recommended to regularly take a cold shower, use a tightening cream. Train in a good supportive bra.

We make a wardrobe

The main goal is to highlight beautiful breasts, slender legs and hide the protruding belly. Clothing included in basic wardrobe, should slim the body, visually make it longer, which can be done through ornament, color separation, cut.


Tight and shapeless clothes should not be worn.

For women with a rounded figure, the following options are suitable:

  • bustier dress;
  • oblique cut, asymmetry;
  • trapezoid style;
  • balloon;
  • A-silhouette;
  • with smell.

It is worth choosing not straight, but semi-fitted dresses. If the shoulders are quite massive, then models with wide straps are suitable, if everything is fine with them, narrow ones. In the summer, young girls with a rounded figure look great in flying sundresses. An excellent option for special occasions is an evening model in the Empire style.

However, it should be borne in mind that such dresses are more suitable for women whose age is from 30 years.

Blouses and tops

A lady with an “apple” figure can pick up flying blouses, tops with draperies, on a yoke for her wardrobe. An option that does not fit at all is classic shirts. You can opt for combined models, layering. If you really like shirts, you should wear unbuttoned jackets over them, Chanel-style jackets, vests. Do not fasten the top buttons on the shirt collar.

You can wear rather long cardigans without a belt, sweatshirts, loose short sweaters or oversized models. Ladies whose neck is short should choose things without a collar. You can wear tunics that highlight beautiful legs and hide areas that are problematic. Not recommended to wear knitted blouses with through fasteners, noodle sweaters, tight turtlenecks.

Shorts and trousers

A woman with an "apple" figure, who wants to dress in a way that emphasizes her advantages in appearance, is unlikely to be able to do without trousers.

Ladies, whose legs are slender and hips are neat, fit almost any model, namely:

  • models tapering at the bottom, or straight;
  • chinos with a low waist and pintucks;
  • high waist trousers;
  • classic models with arrows.

It is recommended to make the top loose. With trousers, it is better to wear a tunic, blouse, top, which will fall off with light folds. Flared can be chosen if the trousers are made of thin fabric. Jeans should be selected, focusing on the same principle. You can wear classic straight models, skinny and boyfriends. The classics will be complemented by a blazer jacket, a modern model - a tunic or a loose T-shirt. For slender women with an apple figure, the most suitable different models sports pants and shorts. Ladies of average build can also wear such clothes, but only if the top is fairly loose.

fat women it is better to choose pants made of thick knitwear or thin material, for example, bermuda shorts with a knee length.


There should not be any accents in the abdomen. If the skirt is fluffy, you can fill it with a blouse, but you should put on a blazer, vest or jacket on top. WITH tight skirt The blouse must be worn loose.

The following models are best suited for "apples":

  • straight skirt with a slit or slot;
  • pencil;
  • trapezoid;
  • with smell;
  • tulip.

If the buttocks are flat, you should not choose a year. A flared sun will not work if the stomach protrudes too much. You can choose the above models if these parts of the body are not problematic. As for the length, it is better to choose options just below or above the knee, but this rule is not very strict.


With the onset of cold weather, the “apple” figure can become significantly slimmer or become spherical - it all depends on how a woman knows how to dress.

The following options allow you to combine style and comfort:

  • fur coats - autolady, straight, fur with a short pile;
  • jackets - shortened;
  • jackets - men's blazers, long single-breasted, related to the style of Chanel;
  • coat - oversized, balloon, double-breasted tunic, straight;
  • raincoats - a straight trench coat without a collar and belt, A-line.

For the "apple" a straight cut is well suited, as well as a trapezoid. You should not choose models with large hoods, belts, large buttons.


The best option for ladies with a rounded figure - this is a one-piece swimsuit.

  • longitudinal stripes in the center (they should be quite bright);
  • material with a small pattern, fabrics that do not shine, plain options;
  • wide ties or straps in the neck;
  • side inserts (it is better to choose contrasting ones);
  • cutout in the form of a letter V or a square.

You should not choose horizontal stripes, colorful patterns, light colors. For ladies who are not slim, tankinis, swimsuit dresses are suitable. If the model is still separate, it is worth supplementing it with a wide-brimmed hat, beach dress, pareo. Such elements are distracting.

What can't be worn?

Some things are completely contraindicated for ladies with an “apple” figure.

The following elements of the wardrobe make such women less attractive:

  • rounded deep neckline;
  • rough and transparent textured materials;
  • thin belts for "vases", all belts for "apples";
  • frills, sleeves, distinguished by splendor;
  • tight or too loose things;
  • tightly buttoned, voluminous collars not suitable for women whose neck is short;
  • perfectly straight dresses;
  • large geometric patterns, large flowers.

Low-waisted trousers and short skirts can only be worn by very slim and long-legged "apples".

Short jackets are not suitable for full ladies with an "apple" figure.

Shoes and accessories

It is recommended to choose models with heels. The ideal option is a hairpin. Platforms, shoes with wide heels are not suitable for an "apple" figure. If stability is a priority, you should opt for a wedge. The sole may be flat, but this option is more preferable for slender girls and the summer period.

You should not choose a very small or very large bag. The best option is strict geometry and medium size. It is very good if the bag is not the same color as the shoes, but at the same time it is in harmony with it. To highlight the neckline, you can use unusual earrings, several rows of chains, large brooches. The owner of a long neck can wear scarves, stoles, scarves. However, they should not be wound too tightly, they should hang down.

Textures and shades

A lot depends on the type of fabric. It can visually slim or create extra volume. You should not choose elastic, transparent, rough textural fabrics.
