National award in the fashion industry "Golden Spindle. The largest awards and nominations in the fashion world "Organization of branded trade"

The creativity of fashion designers is in dire need of appreciation, for some it is enough to see people on the street in the clothes they have created, for someone it is important to win positive reviews from fashion critics and journalists, but the highest degree of recognition is an award at an awards ceremony for professionals in the fashion world. In this article, we will look at the most prestigious awards and nominations, which are awarded to the best of the best.

CFDA Fashion Awards- a prestigious ceremony, which is called the "Oscars of fashion", organized by the Council fashion designers America (CFDA) in 1981, held annually at the Lincoln Center in New York. This event brings together celebrities, fashion critics, American designers, stylists, journalists involved in the development of American fashion. Nominees for the CFDA Fashion Awards are selected by a rigorous jury of over 400 CFDA members.

CFDA Fashion Awards ceremony nominations: "Designer of the Year" in the categories " Women's clothing”, “Men's clothing”, “Accessories”; a special Swarovski Awards in the categories Womenswear, Menswear, Accessories; "Fashion Icon", "International Award" (given to foreign designers), "Award from the founders", "Award in the media category", Jeffrey Bean Award "For contribution to the development of fashion".

CFDA/Vogue Fashion Fund- Another major ceremony, which has been held with the participation of the Council of Fashion Designers of America in conjunction with the American edition of Vogue since 2003. The award is given to three nominees who presented a unique design project: the winner gets a prize of $300,000 for the implementation of the project, the other two designers receive $100,000 each.

Christopher Bailey and Anna Wintour at the FDA/Vogue Fashion Fund2012

british fashion awards The ceremony, organized by the British Fashion Council, has been held annually since 1989 during London Fashion Week in February. The British Fashion Awards is Europe's most prestigious fashion award. At this ceremony, the "Designer of the Year" is approved for the greatest contribution to the development british fashion behind Last year, at one time this award was awarded to Alexander McQueen (4 times), John Galliano (4 times), Vivienne Westwood (twice), Stella McCartney, Hussein Chalayan (twice), Phoebe Philo and other British designers.

List of British Fashion Awards nominations: Brand of the Year, Best Designer menswear”, “Model of the Year”, “Best Accessories Designer”, “Isabella Blow Creative Award”, “British Style Icon”, “Best Red Carpet Designer”, “For the best achievements in the fashion world”, “Recognition in the fashion world ".

The British Council annually encourages talented newcomers to the world of British fashion, for them nominations are approved: "Best Young Designer ready-made clothes”, “Best young menswear designer”, “Best young accessories designer”.

British Fashion Awards 2012 ANDAM finalists

ANDAM Fashion Award- Award of the French National Association for the Development of Arts and Fashion with the support of the Pierre Berger Foundation, Galeries Lafayette department store, LVMH concern and the French Ministry of Culture, has been awarded since 1989. An important condition for ANDAM Fashion Award nominees , is participation in French projects that influence the development of the French light industry. In 2012, Vika Gazinskaya became the finalist of the ANDAM Fashion Award ceremony, this nomination provided the Russian designer with the opportunity to sell her collections in the well-known Internet boutique, which is supported by ANDAM.

about the City Competition "Young Technicians and Inventors"
as part of the City Festival of Scientific and Technical Creativity of Youth “Education. The science. Production"

1. General Provisions

2. Purpose and objectives of the Competition

2.1.Target: development of scientific and technical creativity of young people and the formation of motivation for engineering education.
2.2. Tasks:

  • attracting students to technical creativity;
  • development of interest in innovative processes;
  • identification of rationalization and design solutions;
  • assistance in promoting student projects;
  • assistance to students in building an individual educational trajectory "school - university - profession" through competitive activities;
  • identification and support of talented youth.

3. Participants of the Competition

˗ 5–7 years old (preschoolers);
˗ 6–10 years ( Primary School);
˗ 11–13 years old;
˗ 14–18 years old;

  • students of professional educational organizations.

3.2. The competition is held among pupils and students, including those requiring special pedagogical attention (gifted children, children with disabilities).

4. Stages of the Competition

The competition is held during from September 2016 to April 2017.

4.1. Qualifying stage.
Dates: January-February 2017.
The schedule of the qualifying stages of the Competition is posted on the website of the City Methodological Center in the section .
Based on the results of the qualifying stage of the Competition, the best projects are determined, which are allowed to participate in the City Competition.

4.2. City Competition.
Date and time of the event: April 4, 2017 at 15:00.
Location - GBOU School No. 480 named after. V. V. Talalikhina(Moscow, Srednyaya Kalitnikovskaya st., 22, building 1).
Delivery and installation of competitive works are carried out April 3, 2017 from 14:00 to 18:00.

4.3. The final stage– City festival of scientific and technical creativity of youth “Education. The science. Production".

5. Nominations of the Competition

The competition is held in the following categories:

  • "Modeling and design";
  • "Engineering development";
  • "Robotics";
  • "Programming";
  • "Initial modeling and design" (preschoolers).

5.1. "Modeling and design".
The model of a car, ship, ship, aircraft is represented:

˗ working model;
˗ static scaled copy of the vehicle.

5.2. "Engineering development":

˗ technical device;
˗ demonstration installation.

5.3. "Robotics":

˗ robotic system.

5.4. "Programming":

˗ project model of a car, ship, ship, aircraft, created in 3D modeling programs:
computer game;
˗ a software product created in various programming languages;
˗ web-project.

5.5. "Initial modeling and design" (preschoolers):

˗ models;
˗ devices;
˗ Lego.

6. Evaluation criteria

6.1. Projects submitted for the Competition are evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • accessibility, scientific character, argumentation of presentation;
  • independence of the project and the degree of complexity corresponding to the age of the author;
  • degree of elaboration of technical and technological solutions;
  • project originality;
  • aesthetic design of the project;
  • demonstration of the model in motion / degree of conformity of reproduction to the original (in the nomination "Modeling and design");
  • practical application of the project (nomination "Engineering development");
  • degree of task completion (nomination "Robotics");
  • level of software use (nomination "Programming").

Criteria for the nomination "Initial modeling and design":

  • project originality;
  • the degree of complexity of the project, corresponding to the age of the author;
  • independence of the project;
  • aesthetic design of the project;
  • culture of public speaking.

7. Conditions of the Competition

7.1. Conditions for holding the qualifying stage of the Competition.

7.1.1. Participants of the qualifying stage of the Contest on time from September 15, 2016 to January 10, 2017 register on the site, get access to your personal account and register the project.
7.1.2. The qualifying stages of the Competition are organized in the districts in accordance with the schedule.
7.1.3. The results of the qualifying stages of the Competition are posted on the website in the Competitions / Young Technicians and Inventors section within two weeks from the date of.
7.1.4. Participants of the qualifying stage of the Competition, who are not allowed to participate in the City Competition, receive an electronic version of the certificate “Participant in the qualifying stage of the City Competition of Scientific and Technical Creativity of Youth “Young Technicians and Inventors” within a month from the date of publication of the results of the qualifying stage. When submitting a collective project, a Certificate is issued with a list of all its participants in accordance with registration.
7.1.5. Authors of projects recommended for participation in the City Competition become participants in the Competition.

7.2. Terms of the City Competition.

7.2.1. Participants of the City Competition place a software product, presentation and photos in their personal account on the website from 1 to 15 March 2017.
7.2.2. After passing the qualifying stage, changing the name of the registered project is not allowed.
7.2.3. Winners and prize-winners of the Competition become participants in the City Festival of Scientific and Technical Creativity of Youth “Education. The science. Production".

  • The competition is held in the form of an absentee defense of the project;
  • the qualifying stage of the Contest is not provided;
  • video materials are placed in your personal account when registering on the site on time until January 10, 2017;
  • Competition results will be published until March 1, 2017 on the website of the City Methodological Center in the section Competitions/Young technicians and inventors;
  • Participants of the Competition will receive an electronic version of the certificate “Participant of the City Competition of Scientific and Technical Creativity of Youth “Young Technicians and Inventors”, winners and prize-winners will be awarded diplomas at the City Festival of Scientific and Technical Creativity of Youth “Education. The science. Production".

Methodological developments, training sessions performed by pedagogical workers (educators) are not accepted for the Competition!

8. Requirements

8.1. The name of the competition project should not repeat the name of the Competition and the nominations for which the works are submitted.
8.2. Individual and collective projects take part in the Competition. Number of participants in the collective project - no more than five people. The sequence of surnames during registration is indicated taking into account the personal contribution of each.
8.3. Project leaders are: educators, teachers, teachers, teachers of additional education, masters of industrial training, students, specialists of enterprises and representatives of the parent community. Project management can be no more than two leaders.
8.4. Projects based only on theory (of abstract nature) or only on information provided by various organizations and departments that are not aimed at practical implementation are not accepted for the Competition.
8.5. Protection design work accompanied by a computer presentation. The organizing committee provides demonstration equipment.
Presentations are subject to the following requirements:

˗ format: PPT, PPTX, PPS, PPSX, PDF, Prezi;
˗ volume: no more than 40 MB.

In case of non-compliance with the above requirements, the protection of the project is carried out on the equipment of the contestant. Special equipment, marked extension cords and chargers necessary for the demonstration of the project are provided by the participants of the Competition on their own.
Each participant of the Competition must have a backup copy of the project on an electronic medium.
8.6. Project protection time - up to 7 minutes, the time for answering the questions of the jury - no more 3 minutes. Questions to the contestant can only be asked by members of the jury.

9. Summing up the Competition

9.1. Winners and prize-winners of the Competition are determined by age categories in each nomination.
9.2. The results are published within 15 working days from the date of the Contest on the website of the City Methodological Center in the section Competitions/Young technicians and inventors are final and not subject to revision.
9.3. Participants of the Contest are awarded Certificates on the day of the Contest. When submitting a collective project, a Certificate is issued with a list of all its participants according to registration.
9.4. The awarding of the winners and prize-winners of the Competition will take place at the City Festival of Scientific and Technical Creativity of Youth “Education. The science. Production".
9.5. The materials submitted for the Competition are not reviewed. Based on the results of the Competition, no appeals are provided.

10. Organizing Committee of the Competition

10.1. The Organizing Committee of the Competition performs the following functions:

˗ decides on the Procedure for holding the Contest;
˗ determines the conditions, terms, stages of the Competition;
˗ determines the criteria for evaluating work;
˗ forms and approves the composition of expert groups of the Contest;
˗ organizes the registration of participants in the Contest;
˗ provides organizational and methodological support for the Competition;
˗ organizes the awarding of winners and prize-winners of the Contest.

Composition of the Organizing Committee of the Competition:

1. Lebedeva Marianna Vladimirovna- Chairman of the Organizing Committee, Director of the City Methodological Center of the Department of Education of Moscow;

2. Zernov Dmitry Igorevich- Deputy Director of the City Methodological Center of the Department of Education of Moscow;

3. Krivosheeva Ludmila Borisovna

4. Evgeny Alexandrovich Vagin

5. Iskhakova Nadirya Zhafyarovna- senior methodologist of the City Methodological Center of the Department of Education of Moscow;

6. Karelina Svetlana Valerievna- methodologist of the City Methodological Center of the Department of Education of Moscow;

7. Lyashenko Svetlana Gennadievna- methodologist of the City Methodological Center of the Department of Education of Moscow;

8. Montlevich Tatyana Alekseevna- methodologist of the City Methodological Center of the Department of Education of Moscow;

9. Nikityuk Marina Alekseevna- methodologist of the City Methodological Center of the Department of Education of Moscow;

10. Puzatkin Oleg Viktorovich- methodologist of the City Methodological Center of the Department of Education of Moscow;

11. Sergeeva Elena Viktorovna- methodologist of the City Methodological Center of the Department of Education of Moscow;

The participants of the competition program are groups of different ages of fashion theaters, schools and fashion studios and other associations of modeling and designing clothes, working in secondary schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, institutions of additional education, cultural institutions, higher and secondary educational institutions.


  1. « fashion theater» - the team presents a theatrical performance of the collection(s)

    Criteria for evaluation:
    - the integrity of the composition, a single idea, the originality of the director's decision
    - artistic performance,
    - plasticity and choreography,
    - musical arrangement,
    - preservation of traditions.

    Registration fee 1.000 rub. per collection
    The number of collections from the team is not limited
    Number duration: no more than 4 minutes.

  2. « Best Show Performance (Fashion)' - the team represents the collection(s)

    Criteria for evaluation:
    - costume design (concept, aesthetics),
    - originality of the author's decision, integrity of the collection
    - quality and craftsmanship
    - complexity of execution, artistic decision
    - Consistency in style (costume, hairstyle, choreography, musical accompaniment)
    - artistic performance.

    Registration fee 1.000 rubles per collection
    Number duration: no more than 4 minutes.

  3. « Design competition' - members represent the collection(s)

    Criteria for evaluation:
    - fashion trends
    - costume ideas
    - elegance of the solution

    Registration fee 1.000 rub. per collection
    The number of collections from the team is not limited
    Number duration: no more than 3.5 minutes.

    Demonstration of collections is carried out under a phonogram or live performance, speech inserts are possible. Mastering of phonograms is recorded on a separate MD, CD carrier as a single track. Claims on the sound of the phonogram are not accepted; each sound recording must indicate the name of the group and collection, as well as the duration of the soundtrack.

  4. « Best Model"- the participant (ca) presents a fashion show in uniform (dark shorts, dark T-shirt or T-shirt, shoes).

    Criteria for evaluation
    - walking technique
    - the ability to keep yourself on stage
    - appearance
    - options

    The model competition is held regardless of participation in the main competition program, in two age categories:
    up to 7 years
    children from 8 to 13 years old;
    boys and girls from 14 years old.
    Registration fee of 500 rubles for each model.
    The number of participants (s) from the team is not limited.

  5. « Best Fashion Model» - the participant (za) presents a portfolio of 5 photos (height, portrait, image).
    Color and black-and-white works in any technique are allowed
    The competition of artistic photographs (photo artists, photo models) is held regardless of participation in the main competitive program, in two age categories:
    up to 7 years
    children from 8 to 13 years old;
    boys and girls from 14 years old.

    Criteria for evaluation
    - photogenic, image
    - composition solution
    - aesthetics of the design of the photo exhibition

    Registration fee 500 rubles for each model
    The number of participants (s) from the team is not limited

  6. « Sketch competition» - participants present sketches of the collection(s)

    Criteria for evaluation
    - accuracy and figurativeness of the ways of expressing the competitive work
    - unity of purpose
    - silhouette shapes and colors
    - sheet composition
    - distribution of color and tone, spots and lines
    - artistic and technical level of sketches

    Registration fee 500 rubles. per collection

Sub-nominations of the festival-competition

  1. "The Theater of Fashion" (- costume design, concept, aesthetics, integrity of the composition, single concept, originality of the director's decision
  2. "The best show performance (fashion)" (great idea, vivid embodiment, integrity, entertainment)
  3. "Best Designer" fashion trends, costume ideas, elegance of the solution) - "Modeling Agency", "Fashion Theater", "Children's Theater of Fashion"
  4. Best Model
  5. Best Fashion Model
  6. Sketch competition

Information sheet.

The National Academy of Fashion Industry (NAIM) was established in 2009 on the initiative of well-known Russian designers, leading experts and analysts of the fashion industry, manufacturers of textiles, clothing and accessories, employees of the media and educational institutions of the Russian fashion industry. Representative offices of NAIM are open and operate in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Ivanovo, Voronezh, Vologda, Yekaterinburg and Sochi.
The head of the National Academy of the Fashion Industry is Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Zaitsev, Honored Art Worker of the Russian Federation, who has served as president of the academy since its foundation.

The national award in the field of the fashion industry "Golden Spindle" has been awarded since 2003. In 2013 and 2014, the award ceremony was held in St. Petersburg, in the Marble Hall of the State Complex "Palace of Congresses" (Konstantinovsky Palace). In 2015, the awards were presented to the laureates in the city of Sochi, at the Premier Hall of the Radisson Blu Resort & Congress Centre. Until 2013, the award ceremony was held as part of international festival fashion "Velvet seasons in Sochi".

Candidates worthy of the title of laureate of the National Award in the fashion industry "Golden Spindle" are determined by the expert council of NAIM. This is done within a year on the basis of documents and portfolios sent to the Academy by applicants, and on the basis of a thorough study of the activities of each applicant, which takes into account what products he produces, what services he provides, what projects he participates in and how he contributes to the development of the Russian fashion industry. The final list of laureates of the current year's award is announced at a special meeting of NAIM academicians, during which members of the academy determine the best by direct open voting.

Main award nominations:

"Working Specialties in the Fashion Industry". " fashion design and production." Sections: "Industrial collection"; "Creative collection"; "Children's collection"; "Fabric of the Year"; "Knitwear"; "Home textiles"; "Corporate clothing"; "Hats"; "Fur and leather"; "Collection of shoes"; "Linen"; "Accessories".
"Promotion of the business concept in Russia". Sections: "Russian brand"; "International Brand". "Organization of corporate trade". Sections: "Boutique"; "Shopping mall". "Journalism". Sections: "Edition"; "Journalist, editor, publisher".

Separately, the nomination "Debut" should be singled out. The national award in the field of the fashion industry "Golden Spindle" in this nomination is given to young designers, students or recent graduates of the departments of design, construction and technology of textile and garments higher and secondary educational institutions of Russia. To become the winner of the "Golden Spindle" award in the "Debut" nomination, applicants must first win regional competitions for young designers, which are held with the support of NAIM, then from among the winners of such competitions, NAIM academicians determine the winner of the award in the "Debut" nomination of the current year.

According to the decision of the academicians of NAIM, the National Prize in the field of the fashion industry "Golden Spindle" can be awarded in other nominations.

award ceremony

Award winners

  • LLC "FASHIONSTYLE", group of companies "Endea", Moscow, Brand "Endea" and "SolobyEndea", CEO- Vasekho Svetlana Stakhovna,
  • Jemal Mahmudov - brand " MAKXMUDOV DJEMAL
  • Tailor's manufactory SHISHIKIN, Yekaterinburg, Head-Shishkin Dmitry Olegovich,

In the nomination "Home Textile"

  • Trading House "S Textile", Balashikha, Brand "For Snoff", Head - Rodinkov Sergey Evgenievich,

In the category "Overalls"

  • GK ENERGOKONTRAKT, Moscow, Head - Melnikov Alexey Mikhailovich,

In the nomination "Children's clothing"

  • TODES Wear, Head: Alla Dukhova,

In the category "Knitwear"

  • JSC "Smolensk factory "NASHE", Smolensk, General Director - Nikonova Nina Mikhailovna,
  • LLC "Mirtex", Furmanov, Head - Savelyev Nikolay Aleksandrovich,

In the category "Non-woven materials"

  • S2 GROUP LLC, TM Slaytex, Novosibirsk, General Director – Oshchepkova Natalia Nikolaevna,,

In the nomination "Technical textiles"

  • LENTA JSC, Cheboksary, General Director - Roza Petrovna Ivanova,
  • CJSC "Factory of Orenburg downy shawls", Orenburg, Trade House "Orenshal", Director - Kurlaeva Elena Vladimirovna,

In "Debut"

  • Kukushkina Natalya Sergeevna, Kykyshka Brand, Winner of the Grand Prix in the competition "Russian Silhouette"

In "Journalism"

  • "Fashion magazine", Moscow, Editor-in-Chief - Ivanova Vera Fedorovna,

In the nomination "Textile design"

  • Solstudio Textile Design, Moscow, Head - Lyalina Elena Vyacheslavovna,

In the nomination "Fur and leather"

  • IP Konstantinopolskaya Marina Mikhailovna, Brenda Astel by Konstantinopolski, Moscow, Head - Konstantinopolsky Viktor Vasilyevich,

In "Atelier"

  • Fashion Studio "TALLY", Tver, Head - Khalipskaya Anna Andreevna,

In the nomination "Fashion project"

  • Fashion Week in Moscow at Gostiny Dvor, Head: Dostman Alexander Leonidovich,

In the nomination "Director of fashion shows"

In the category "Special Awards":

"Crystal Palm" - for the contribution to the training of the Russian fashion industry

  • Demidova Olga Vladimirovna - mentor of the laureate in the nomination "Debut"

"Golden Palm" - for his contribution to the development of the fashion industry.

  • Dostman Alexander Leonidovich - President and Founder of the Association haute couture and pret-a-porter, producer, for 25 years the organizer of Fashion Week in Moscow, which takes place under the motto "Made in Russia"

"Golden Palm" - for the contribution to the development of the fashion industry

  • Grishko Nikolai Yuryevich - founder and general director of the production complex and the brand "Grishko". The Grishko company is a world-famous leader in the production of clothes, shoes and accessories for dance, fitness, yoga, Pilates. Products meet high quality standards and are sold in more than 70 countries around the world.

Winners in the nomination "Working Professions" will be determined by the laureate companies.

In the nomination "Industrial collection"

  • CJSC Slavyanka, ТМ TRUVOR, Pskov

In the nomination "Creative collection"

  • Victoria Andreyanova, Moscow

In the nomination "Textile enterprise"

  • Kamyshin Textile LLC, Kamyshin, Volgograd Region

In the nomination "School uniform"

  • TM "Our Form", Moscow

In the category "Knitwear"

  • Brand "Camille Cassard", St. Petersburg

In the nomination "Clothes for home, sports and leisure"

  • Garment Factory Pike LLC, TM Melado, Novocheboksarsk, Chuvashia

In the nomination "Corporate clothing"

  • Group of companies "Vostok-Service", Moscow

In "Headwear"

  • Marina Sedova, St. Petersburg

In the nomination "Fur and leather"

  • Russian Skin Group of Companies, Ryazan

In "Accessories"

  • ZAO Medvedkovo, Moscow

In the nomination "Promotion of the business concept in Russia"

  • Central Exhibition Complex "Expocentre", Moscow

In the nomination "Russian brand"

  • JSC "Tryokhgornaya manufactory", Moscow

In the nomination "Fashion project"

  • International exhibition of light and textile industry "Fashion Industry", St. Petersburg

In the nomination "Organization of corporate trade"

  • Russian Fashion Roots/ House of Russian Fashion, Moscow

In "Journalism"

  • Anton Alfer, "MODA.RU", Moscow

In "Debut"

  • Alexei Mikhailov, Moscow - winner of the Grand Prix of the competitive display of the Festival in Voronezh "Provincial Style"

Special awards:

  • "Crystal Palm" - For the contribution to the training of the fashion industry in Russia

Zaitsev Vyacheslav Mikhailovich - President of NAIM, General Director of JSC "Moscow House of Fashion Vyacheslav Zaitsev", founder of the NOU "Laboratory of Fashion Vyacheslav Zaitsev", People's Artist of the Russian Federation, laureate of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation, laureate of the Prize of the President of the Russian Federation, laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Arts, Professor . Honorary citizen of the city of Paris, holder of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (Moscow)

  • "Golden Palm" - For contribution to the development of the fashion industry in Russia

Romanyuk Elizaveta Arkadievna - Stylist, fashion designer, laureate of the National Prize in the fashion industry "Golden Spindle", twice winner of the "Golden Lyra" award among the artistic elite of Russia, founder and art director of the Fashion House "Vemina", academician of NAIM, member committee of the fashion industry Soyuzlegprom (Moscow)

  • "Golden Palm" - patron of the fashion industry

Mitroshenkov Alexander Viktorovich - Soviet and Russian journalist, media manager, producer. Vice-President of the Academy of Russian Television, member of the International Academy of Television Arts and Sciences EMMI (USA), Vice-President of the Council of the Association of Communication Agencies of Russia (ACAR), President of the Transcontinental Media Company (Moscow)

"Industrial Collection"

  • LARRO fashion house, Moscow

"Creative Collection"

"Textile company"

  • JSC KhBK "Shuyskie calico", Shuya city, Ivanovo region

"School uniform"

  • Gradient LLC, MANWILL trademark, St. Petersburg

"Children's Collection"

  • CJSC MOF "Paris Commune" TM "Elegami", Moscow


  • Company "Quest-A", Karachay-Cherkess Republic, city of Cherkessk

"Home textiles"

  • Company "Proteks", city of Ivanovo
  • Verona LLC, Obninsk, Kaluga Region

"Corporate clothing"

  • Tailor's manufactory SHISHKIN, Yekaterinburg


  • Konstantin Gaidai, city of Moscow

"Fur and Leather"

  • Fur brand Vanity voice, Moscow

"Shoe Collection"

  • JSC Shoe Factory UNICHEL, Chelyabinsk


  • CJSC Tribuna, St. Petersburg


  • BaraBas trademark, designer Diana Grebneva, Moscow

"Russian brand"

  • Brand LELEYA, city of Novosibirsk

"Fashion project"

  • Fashion Consulting Group, Anna Lebsak-Kleymans, Moscow
  • Multi-brand store of Russian designers "Seasons", Sochi

"Fashion photographer"

  • Igor Strazhin - photographer, Moscow

"The Art of Costume in Film"

  • Vasilyeva Nadezhda - costume designer, film "Matilda", St. Petersburg


  • Kozhina Daria, city of Yaroslavl

"Working professions in the fashion industry"

  • "The best weaver" - Morozova Elena Alexandrovna, OJSC KhBK "Shuyskie calico", Shuya city, Ivanovo region
  • "The best spinning production technologist" - Abuk Amir Alievich, Quest-A LLC, Cherkessk city
  • "The best operator of digital printing on fabrics" - Sokur Yury Anatolyevich, LLC "Verona", Obninsk, Kaluga region
  • "The Best Seamstress" - Lyalina Nadezhda Valentinovna, Protex Company, Ivanovo
  • "Best Tailor" - Vera Leonidovna Spiridonova, LARRO Fashion House, Moscow
  • "The best furrier" - Akhmetvaliev Rishad Gumarovich, Fur brand Vanity voice, Moscow
  • "The best assembler - shoe tightener" - Petrov Alexey Vladimirovich, CJSC "Don Footwear", the city of Donskoy, Tula Region
  • "The best designer" - Bulanov Sergey Nikolaevich, Portnovskaya manufactory SHISHKIN, Yekaterinburg

Special awards of the National Academy of Fashion Industry:

  • "Crystal Palm" - For the contribution to the training of the fashion industry in Russia Elena Viktorovna Rzhevskaya - Vyacheslav Zaitsev Fashion Laboratory, Moscow
  • "Golden Palm" - For contribution to the development of the fashion industry in Russia Razina Margarita Mikhailovna - Director of the Club " Businesswoman”, Head of fashion projects International Textile Salon, Russian Fashion Festival “Plyos on the Volga. Linen palette”, Honorary citizen of the city of Ivanovo, candidate of historical sciences, city of Ivanovo.

"Industrial Collection"

  • Trademark "Vedunya", St. Petersburg"

"Creative Collection"

  • Egor Zaitsev, Moscow

"Textile company"

  • Group of companies "Tchaikovsky Textile", Moscow

"Children's collection. School uniform"

  • LLC "Bryansk garment factory", Bryansk


  • LLC "TD Ufa knitwear", Ufa

"Home textiles"

  • JSC "Trekhgornaya manufactory", Moscow

"Clothes for home, sports and leisure"

  • TM "lena Basco", Ivanovo

"Corporate clothing"

  • Company "BTK Group", St. Petersburg


  • Company "Mexico City", Kirov

"Fur and Leather"

  • Igor Gulyaev, St. Petersburg

"Shoe Collection"

  • JSC "Egorievsk-obuv", Egoryevsk, Moscow region


  • ZAO Krasnaya Zarya, Moscow


  • "Solstudio Textile Design", Moscow

"Best Stylist"

  • Georgy Kot, International Academy of Beauty, Sochi


  • Demidova Lidia, St. Petersburg


  • Online store of Russian designers ENG, Moscow

"Russian brand"

  • "Torzhok gold embroiderers", Torzhok

"Organization of corporate trade"

  • Brand Lo, Moscow


  • Internet portal, Moscow

"Suit in photography"

  • Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya, Moscow

"The art of costume in the theater"

  • Grishko company, Moscow
  • The best seamstress - Chugunova Natalya Nikolaevna, Stil-R LLC, Ryazan
  • The best tailor - Ermolaeva Ekaterina Andreevna, TM "Vedunya", St. Petersburg
  • The best embroiderer - Alekseeva Veronika Viktorovna, LLC "Torzhok gold embroiderers", Torzhok
  • The best twisting equipment operator - Lisina Elena Valentinovna, Tchaikovsky Textile Group, Moscow
  • The best shoe tightener - Kuznetsova Elena Yuryevna, JSC "Egorievsk-obuv", Egoryevsk
  • The best inspector-packer of finished products - Tafi Nadezhda Ivanovna, JSC "Tryokhgornaya manufactory", Moscow
  • The best knitter - Aytuganova Natalya Nikolaevna, LLC "Ufa knitwear", Ufa

Special awards of the National Academy of Fashion Industry:

For contribution to the training of the fashion industry in Russia - Crystal Palm

  • Vyacheslav Zaitsev Fashion Laboratory

For contribution to the development of the fashion industry in Russia - Golden Palm

  • Natalia Kozlova, Moscow

Nomination "Working professions"

    "Best seamstress" - Kulikova Anastasia Gennadievna, Fashionstyle factory TM "Endea", Moscow

    "The best tailor" - Lebedeva Irina Yuryevna, OJSC "Aivengo", Ivanovo, General Director Gerberis David Borisovich

    "The best weaver" - Kobzareva Svetlana Vladimirovna, factory "Donetsk Manufactory", CJSC TPK "DM Textile", Rostov-on-Don

    "The best spinner" - Korshakova Svetlana Alexandrovna, Bryansk worsted mill, Bryansk, General Director Shalatonov Alexander Ivanovich

    "The best shoe assembler" - Dabaeva Irina Nikolaevna, CJSC "RALF Ringer", Moscow

    "The best operator of quilting equipment" - Rodionova Anzhela Vasilievna, LLC "TD DARGEZ", Moscow

    "The best furrier" - Yankova Liliya Nailevna, Fur factory "Melita", Kazan

Nomination "Industrial collection"

Nomination "Fur and leather"

Nomination "Debut"

Kovaleva Anastasia, Molochaeva Olga, Novosibirsk

Nomination "Russian brand"

Nomination "International brand"

Nomination "The art of costume in cinema"

Tatyana Patrakhaltseva, Costume designer, film "Stalingrad", St. Petersburg.

"The best tailor technologist"

Elena Korgan, Style Company, St. Petersburg

"The Best Weaver"

Sedova Irina Veniaminovna, JSC Vologda Textile, Vologda

"Best spinner"

Kopeikina Irina Valerievna, JSC Vologda Textile, Vologda

"The best lacemaker"

Alferyeva Nina Mikhailovna, JSC Vologda Textile, Vologda

"Best Shoe Tightener"

Paramonov Roman Viktorovich,

"Best Seamstress"

Vorontsova Olga Evgenievna, JSC "Sudar", Kovrov

"The best thermal finisher for garments"

Shishenkova Olga Dmitrievna, JSC "Sudar", Kovrov

"Industrial Collection"

JSC "Sudar", Kovrov

"Creative Collection"

Fashion House "Tatiana Gordienko", St. Petersburg

"Textile company"

OJSC Vologda Textile, Vologda

"Children's Collection"

Company «De Salitto», Moscow


CJSC MTP "Jacqueline", Moscow

"Home textiles"

Noetek Company, TM Romantika, Moscow


Design Studio of Lydia Sviridyuk, Moscow

"Fur and Leather"

Furs Ekaterina Group of Companies, Moscow

"Shoe Collection"

CJSC MOF Paris Commune, Moscow


CJSC Tribuna, St. Petersburg


TM "Makhaon", St. Petersburg


"House of Rasputin", St. Petersburg


Kupinskaya Julia, Moscow

"Russian brand"

CJSC MOF Paris Commune, Moscow

"For educational work in the fashion industry in Russia"

Talk show "Fashionable Sentence", Channel One, Moscow

"Organization of corporate trade"

GK "Parizhanka", Moscow


Magazine " Fashion shop", Moscow

"Journalist, editor, publisher"

Kuznetsova Valentina, Editor-in-Chief, RIA Fashion, Moscow

"The art of costume in the theater"

Vozrozhdenie LLC (Theatre workshops), St. Petersburg

"The Art of Costume in Film"

Natalia Ivanova, costume designer, K / f "Orda", Moscow

Crystal Palm "For contribution to the training of the fashion industry"

Kozlova Tatyana Vasilievna – Professor of the Moscow State University of Design and Technology, Moscow

"Special Prizes"

Golden Palm "For contribution to the development of the fashion industry"

Marina and Sergey Kaminsky - academicians of NAIM, members of the Union of Designers of Russia, three times winners of the National Prize in the field of the fashion industry, owners of the Grand Prix "Crown of the Russian Empire of Headwear", founders and owners of the Kaminsky and MKS companies, St. Petersburg

"Industrial Collection"

  • Moda-L LLC, St. Petersburg

"Creative Collection"

  • Fashion House "MARIA SHOSHEVA", Moscow

"Children's Collection"

  • Trademark "Stillini", Moscow


  • CJSC Sharkan-knitwear, TM Olsarri, Udmurtia


  • Company "Mexico City", Kirov

"Fur and Leather"

  • Fashion house "ALEXANDER PETROV", St. Petersburg
  • Trademark "PANTELEMONE", Dolgoprudny
  • Gureeva Olga, Ivanovo, collection "Jasmine"

Business concept promotion in Russia

"Russian brand"

  • "Torzhok gold embroiderers", Torzhok

"For the preservation of the traditions of folk costume"

  • Izolda Gogichaeva, Izolda LLC, North Ossetia Alania

Organization of corporate trade

  • Julia LLC, Style TM, St. Petersburg


  • Magazine "Theory of Fashion: Clothing, Body, Culture", editor-in-chief Lyudmila Alyabyeva, Publishing House "New Literary Review"

NAIM Special Awards

Crystal Palm "For contribution to the training of the fashion industry"

  • Tolmacheva Galina Vasilievna, FGBOU VPO "OGIS", Omsk

Golden Palm "For contribution to the development of the fashion industry"

  • Yudashkin Valentin Abramovich, Moscow

Nomination "Fashion design and production"

"Industrial Collection"

    Shipilova Fashion Design LLC, Moscow

"Creative Collection"

    Natasha Drigant, Moscow

"Children's Collection"

    LLC "TIMOLE", Moscow


    CJSC "SACTON", Izhevsk

"Home textiles"

    Firm "Elegant-Lady", Rasskazovo

"Corporate clothing"

    Sewing enterprise "Eleana", Novocheboksarsk


    Fur salon "Headwear", Yekaterinburg

"Fur and Leather"

    MKS company, St. Petersburg

    ZAO Krasnaya Zarya


    LLC "Leather goods enterprise "Bebel", St. Petersburg


    Vladimir Voitekhovsky, Moscow

    Veronika Basharatyan, Moscow

Nomination "Promotion of the business concept in Russia"

"Russian brand"

    Boscodi Ciliegi group of companies

Nomination "Organization of branded trade"

"Multibrand Boutique"

    Dress Point Company, Moscow

"Shopping mall"

    European Trade Center "Sampsonievskiy", St. Petersburg

Nomination "Journalism"


    Journal "Textile Industry"

"Journalist, editor, publisher"

    Magarik Andrey Karlovich, TM "Russian trademarks"

Nomination "The art of costume in the theater"

    Association "Premier", Krasnodar

Nomination "Working specialties in the fashion industry"

"Best spinner"

    Borovikova Irina Nikolaevna, BKLM-Aktiv LLC, Kostroma

"The best lacemaker"

    Ryndina Irina Rafailovna, Vologda Lacemaker LLC, Vologda

"The Best Weaver"

    Dracheva Olga Ilyinichna, Vologda Textile OJSC, Vologda

NAIM Special Awards

"For contribution to the training of the fashion industry in Russia"

    Mizonova Natalya Grigoryevna – Head of the Department of Textile Design of the Ivanovo State Textile Academy

"For contribution to the development of the fashion industry in Russia"

    Pozgalev Vyacheslav Evgenievich - Governor of the Vologda Region


    Company "Exclusive", St. Petersburg

“Industrial Collection”

    Sewing factory “Slavyanka”, Pskov

“Creative Collection”

    Elena Makashova, Moscow

“Fur and leather”

    Creative workshop “CLAUDIA”, St. Petersburg

"Fabric of the Year"

    Group of companies "Linum", Vologda

“Corporate clothes”

    Company “Istok-Prom”, Ivanovo

“Jewelry Collection”

    Jewelry firm "GOLDMASTER", Rostov-on-Don


    Nikolai Kyvyrzhik, Ivanovo

“Hairdressing Art”

    Svetlana Bogdanova, Moscow

“The art of costume in cinema”

    Ekaterina Dyminskaya, film "Tsar"

Journalist, editor, publisher

    Dmitry Babushkin, website “”

Special Prize Golden Palm “For contribution to the development of the fashion industry in Russia” personally presented by the Mayor of Sochi Anatoly Pakhomov to the Chairman of the Committee on Entrepreneurship in the Textile and Light Industry of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation Boris Fomin.

Crystal Palm "For contribution to the training of the fashion industry in Russia" presented to the rector of the Moscow University of Design and Technology Valery Belgorodsky.

“In the field of fashion design and production”


    Pavel Korzun, Moscow

“Industrial Collection”

    Company "Dress", Togliatti

“Creative Collection”

    Lyudmila Mezentseva, TM "Vereteno", Moscow

“Fur and leather”

    Fashion house "Madame Matyush", Moscow

“Jewelry Collection”

    Jewelry House "Estet", Moscow


    Display of winning universities

    Kovaleva - Konovtsova Olga,collection “Stranger”, graduate of SIMBIP, Sochi

“Hairdressing Art”

    Victor Uksusov Director of the PROFILE Academy, Voronezh

“In the field of journalism in the fashion industry sector”


    Magazine "Stylish hairstyles"

Special Prize Golden Palm

    Tatyana Mikhalkova
    President of the Russian Silhouette Charitable Foundation, honorary member of the Russian Academy of Arts

“In the field of fashion design and production”


    "Shirling", Moscow

“Industrial Collection”

    Modika, Ivanovo

“Creative Collection”

    Tatyana Parfenova, TM "Parfionova", St. Petersburg


    Lena Starikova, Moscow


    Saint Petersburg

“Fur and leather”

    Fur house "Izeta", Moscow


    MKS, St. Petersburg

“Hairdressing Art”

    Elena Lonskaya, Moscow

in Russia"

    Estana LLC, TM MEXH, Moscow

    TM Gloria Jeans, Rostov-on-Don

“In the field of journalism in the fashion industry sector”


    Atelier magazine, Moscow

    Alexandra Andreeva, newspaper "St. Petersburg
    Vedomosti, St. Petersburg

Special Prize - Golden Palm "For Honor and Dignity in the Profession"

    Vyacheslav Zaitsev
    President of the Moscow Fashion House, People's Artist of the Russian Federation, Honored Art Worker of the Russian Federation, Full Member of the Russian Academy of Arts, State Prize Laureate, Professor

“In the field of fashion design and production”


    Company "Diva", Moscow

“Industrial Collection”

    LLC “Fashion House “Vemina”, Moscow

“Creative Collection”

    Anna and Alexei Borodulins, Ivanovo


    Creative workshop of Larisa Mukhortova, Sosnovy Bor


    Julia Kukhol, Voronezh

    Marianna Gebel and Ivan Morozov, Omsk

“Children's collection”

    Unistyle LLC, Ivanovo


    Trading House “Polyot”, Moscow

“Hairdressing Art”

    Yury Agrba, coach of the professional hairdressing team “Yuma”, Sochi

“In the field of journalism in the fashion industry sector”

    Internet portal, Moscow

Nomination "Creative"

    Ivanovo State Textile Academy, Ivanovo, author Kolpakova Nadezhda with the collection “Princess”, leader Mizonova N.G., head. department of textile design and costume

Nomination “Ethnostyle”

    Rostov State Academy of Architecture and Art, Rostov-on-Don, author Trenkina Svetlana with the collection “Gold of the Cold Moon”, head professor Berdnik Tatyana, Department of Arts and Crafts and Costume

Nomination “Casual”

    Rostov State Academy of Architecture and Art, Rostov-on-Don, author Yazychan Elza with the collection “May Day”, leader - Kokuashvili N.B., Associate Professor of the Department of Arts and Crafts and Costume

Special Prizes

“For honor and dignity in the profession” -"Silver Palm"

    Galina Titkova, head of the design group of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, Moscow

“For honor and dignity in the profession” -“Crystal Palm”

    Nikolai Maksimov, First Vice-Rector of the Moscow State Textile University. A.N. Kosygin

Prize from the French school ESMOD

    Vyacheslav Zaitsev and Lyudmila Ivanova

Prize of the head of the city of Sochi to children's creative associations, winners of the competition "Golden Needle" - "Crystal Apple"

  • Fashion Theater “Style”, Moscow
  • Fashion Theater “Inspiration”, Kirov
  • Fashion Theater “Hummingbird”, Dzerzhinsk

“In the field of fashion design and production”


    MKS company, St. Petersburg

“Industrial Collection”

    TDL Textile LLC, Ivanovo

“Creative Collection”

    Olga and Anna Kamenev, Fashion House “Kamenev”, Yaroslavl


    Larisa Selyanina, Yekaterinburg


    Kuznetsova Elena, Markovich Olga, Denisova Olga,
    Saint Petersburg

“Fur and leather”

    El Meh Company, Kovrov

“Jewelry Collection”

    Jewelry House “Yashma” Company “Stella Exclusive”, Moscow

“For success in developing and promoting a business concept
in Russia"
“International fashion company”

    Company "Sport and fashion group", trademark "GANT", Moscow

“Russian fashion company”

    Company "SAVAGE", Moscow

“In the field of journalism in the fashion industry sector”


    Fashion Industry magazine, Moscow

“Journalist, editor, publisher”

    Nino Samsonadze, Fashion Industry magazine, Moscow


    Lidia Soseliya, Moscow

    Raisa Kirsanova, Doctor of Arts, Professor, Moscow

    Christina Stein, Moscow

Winners of the competition of design schools of Russian universities

  • Ivanovo State Textile Academy, department of designing garments, leader Kuzmichev V.E; department of textile design, head Mizonova T.G., Ivanovo
  • Humanities and Applied Institute MPEI (TU), Faculty of Design and Fashion, Department of Design. Director Pashentsev V.D., Dean of the Faculty Zeynalova A.V., Moscow
  • Rostov State Academy of Architecture and Art, Rostov-on-Don, Faculty of Art, Department of Arts and Crafts and Costume, Dean Kheruvimova I.Yu., Rostov-on-Don

“Best collection of hats”

    Grimoire Factory (Moscow)

“Best Industrial Collection”

    Firm "GOTA" (Moscow)

“Best Creative Collection”

    Podolsky Alexander (Moscow)

“Best collection of leather and accessories”

    Company "EDMINS" (St. Petersburg)


    Nizov Artem, fifth-year student of the Faculty of Design and Cultural Service of the Ivanovo State Textile Academy

“Best lingerie collection”

    House of fashionable underwear “Ajour” (Ukraine)

“For success in developing and promoting a business concept
in Russia"

“Best Jewelry Company”

    Jewelery House Company (Yekaterinburg)

“International fashion company”

    Network of sports stores "Vysshaya Liga"

“Russian fashion company”

    FASHION CONTINENT company, INCITY project

“In the field of journalism in the fashion industry sector”

“Analytical Business Journalism”

    Oksana Bugrimenko, Profile magazine (Moscow)

“Fashion journalism”

    Vladimir Gridin, Stolnik magazine (Yekaterinburg)

“In the field of corporate trade organization”

“Best mall”

    All-Russian network of malls “PARK HOUSE”, group of companies “Vremya”

Special prize “For honor and dignity in the profession”

    Dolores Kondrasheva, President of the Union of Hairdressers and Cosmetologists of Russia

Special Prize of the Mayor of Sochi, Viktor Kolodyazhny
“For informational support and promotion
national project "Velvet seasons in Sochi"

    Lyudmila Zaslavskaya, columnist for Torgovaya Gazeta

    LLC “Vemina. House of Fashion” (Moscow)

    Larisa and Pavel Tkachenko (St. Petersburg)

Nominated for "Best Hats"

    LUIK LLC (Moscow)

Nominated for Best International Brand
on the Russian market"

    Reebok Co.

In the special nomination “Best Fashion Journalist”

    Editorial Board of Fashion Industry, International Textiles, Atelier, Stylish Hairstyles, Alexander Khilkevich

    President of the Association of Children's Creative Associations "Golden Needle", Galina Chubarova

In the nomination “Best industrial collection”

    CJSC “Alexandria”, Krasnodar, General Director Lyudmila Sadovskaya, Chief Artist Anna Temchenko

In the nomination “The best representation of fabrics in the collection”

    CJSC “New World”, Pereslavl-Zalessky, General Director Yuzvuk Tatiana, Artists Natalya Kupriyanova, Natalya Bazanova, Tatiana Kalineeva

In the nomination “Best Creative Collection”

    Slava Zaitsev and Pride TK, Moscow, for the collection “Slava Zaitsev Men`s Wear”, Artist Slava Zaitsev, General Director Dmitry Remmer

In the special nomination “For honor and dignity in the profession”

    Irina Krutikova fashion designer, Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation

In the special nomination “Patron of the fashion industry”

    “Worsted Association “October”, Moscow, General Director Nikolai Potapenko
