The purpose of the bioenergetic protection device “Vita. Bioenergy Therapist and Bioenergy Therapy Bioenergy Therapy – Natural Healing of Soul and Body

This type of business was very popular during perestroika and was somehow imperceptibly and undeservedly forgotten. In our time of the heyday of the activities of various sorcerers and the desire of a person to learn more about the state of his health - this type of "street-office" business has no price. There is no competition!

You don't have to produce anything! All you need is to make the simplest apparatus from several parts (if you are not strong in electronics, ask a friend of an electronics engineer to help). It doesn't matter where you practice this type of earnings: in the bazaar or in government institutions - it will be a constant success. Some will be attracted by checking them psychic abilities, others (and these people will be the main part) - the desire to find out how old they are according to the real "biological" clock.

In reality, there is no fraud: the device is designed to measure and evaluate the electrical component of human energy, which is directly related to the famous concept of "bioenergy". If the energy does not experience delays along the entire path, the body works normally. If some organ is sick, then the passage of energy is disturbed, the corresponding active point on the skin reflects this - its temperature, density changes, soreness is felt. In addition, the electrochemical potential and electrical conductivity change. The device registers these changes. In other words, a person is healthy when his most important vital organs function normally. The density of blood flow (our electrolyte) and the movement of bioenergy through the channels are directly proportional to the ability of the closed tracking system of the brain to maintain the balance of the energy field with the state of the physical body. By placing your palms on the plates of the described device, you will see readings related to the magnitude of your energy. If you do a few physical exercises or take a deep breath (you can breathe yogis), the amount of energy will first increase, and after a while it will return to its previous value. As soon as a person falls ill, oxygen supply to the body deteriorates, metabolism is disturbed, and bioenergy decreases. The device gives a lower reading.

The device (Fig. 1) uses a highly sensitive M906 head with a total deflection current of 100 μA. The electrochemical potential of the skin is determined by plates of dissimilar metals. Zinc (galvanized iron) and brass are used here. Plate dimensions - 130x120 mm, thickness - 0.5 ... 1 mm. To improve contact with the palms on the plates, it is desirable to make “spikes” (stitch with a cell of 1 cm 2). The device does not require power sources, and this is also its advantage. Measuring metal plates are connected to the device with cords with crocodile clips.

Operating procedure. The plates of the device must lie on a table or other non-metallic surface and be connected according to Fig.1. The palms of the hands must be pressed tightly against the plates (Fig. 2), but do not press, and hold motionless for 3 ... 5 s. In this case, both the palms and the plates should not be closed to each other. The meter reading will be the reading of your energy. During the test, the condition of the hands must be natural (not sweaty or wet), otherwise the readings will be unstable.

If the readings at the limit "x1" "go off scale", i.e. more than 100 units, switch the device to the limit "x3", (scale 300 units) and, accordingly, multiply the readings by three. The plates should be periodically wiped with alcohol or cologne from possible "salting".

As practice and research show, a person's age corresponds to certain numbers characterizing the energy level, as shown in the table.

Bioenergy units

60 and over

Here, 1 μA is conventionally taken as a "unit" of human bioenergy.

Bioenergy is declining:
- in people leading a sedentary lifestyle;
- in people old age;
- with overwork;
- when taking alcohol, smoking;
- with a lack of sleep and rest.

Bioenergy increases:
- optimism;
- laughter and fun;
- contemplation of an open fire or flowing water;
- healthy lifestyle.

If the readings of the device exceed the norm by 2-3 times or more, then you have excellent health reserves. Such indicators are also observed in people with extrasensory abilities.

This device is just a simple but effective indicator that tells the state of health and potential energy reserves of the body. There are more complex devices that measure the bioenergy of a person in a complex - taking into account all the components of his biofield, but such devices are very expensive and inaccessible to "mere mortals".

"Man is the result of a meeting of two cosmic forms of life: protein-nucleic and field."

Academician V.P. Kaznacheev

Earth and people

A geophysicist with experience in studying terrestrial and near-Earth physical fields from Yakutia to Indochina, the planet Earth seems to be a dense body of the globe (more precisely, the geoid) in the shell of "thin", invisible layers, which are also called the Earth's aura. These are the atmosphere (with an ionosphere layer above 1000 km), the magnetosphere (up to a height of more than 10 Earth radii), electromagnetic, radiation, gravitational and other fields.

On the one hand, at the field level, the Earth communicates with space, with other planets (on which the ancients substantiated astrology). On the other hand, the aura of the Earth protects it from harmful external influences. Without the atmosphere, flying into which the vast majority of space "garbage" burns out, there would be a continuous rockfall on our heads; without the ozone layer, which absorbs hard cosmic radiation, our form of life on Earth would be impossible; with the loss of gravity, the Earth would fly off its orbit around the Sun and, together with us, would crumble into dust, etc. Now there are ideas about the noosphere (the sphere of the mind), about the information field around the Earth, which contains information about everything, including each of us (in the Hindu representation of the Akashic Records).

And the Man? By Image and Likeness. It also has a dense body (hence the concept of "flesh") and an "aura", which ancient icon painters used to paint on icons.

Some ideas about the Human aura: aura is a human biofield, a manifestation of his vital energy; it is a manifestation of the Soul and Spirit of a person; this is a protective field of a person, his immunity in energy form; it is a hologram that contains all the information about a person in a field form... These and similar representations are seen as the physical essence of the aura - the life energy of a person: Slavic "alive", Indian "prana", Chinese "qi", Japanese "ki", etc.

Where does a person get energy from? The most obvious is from food. "Food is a combination of inorganic and organic substances obtained ... by a person from the environment to build and renew tissues, maintain life and replenish energy consumed"(SES). "A significant part of these substances is "burned" (oxidized) in the body, as a result of which energy is released"(PME). As in a fire with a chemical reaction of fuel oxidation by atmospheric oxygen, energy is released in the form of electromagnetic waves of different frequencies - including heat and light.

Blood plasma has an alkaline reaction, which means that to one degree or another it is an electrolyte. In one mm3 of arterial blood, there are 5 million erythrocytes with hemoglobin carrying oxygen (ie, 5 million potential fires in the chemical process of metabolism in only one mm3 of blood). From the point of view of physics, a pulsating blood flow with charges of particles (not only erythrocytes) rushing in it is an electric current. According to the laws of physics, in the Earth's magnetic field (which also pulsates in its own way), this blood flow creates a regular electromagnetic field (EMF) of a person. Can be added to this nervous system communicating electrically. By modern research Marco Rado (4;5) The heart (our third brain in addition to the brain and abdomen) produces the strongest EMF, which is 50 times stronger than that created by the brain. Enough. "Occam's Razor" requires the minimization of the essential. There is no need to invent any special mechanism for the formation of a human electromagnetic field. It would be strange if a person did not have such a field.

But this is not yet an aura, not a biofield - chaos, one might say, of "soulless" energy. This energy is transformed into a biofield, as I imagine, by the homeostasis mechanism of this electromagnetic field, which is just as necessary for the field part of the body as the homeostasis of the dense body (this is evidenced by the homeostasis of the thermal field around the 36.6 C mark). The most important integral function of homeostasis is known to be performed by the central nervous system (CNS). And since the heart with its powerful EMF is the most essential part of the central nervous system, then "we can easily say that our sixth sense is located in the heart", Marco Rado says It is no coincidence, therefore, that the heart occupies so much space in proverbs, sayings, poems and songs of the peoples of the World.

One of the first experiments to prove the human biofield was "Perelman's Turntable" (not Gregory - Yakov). A piece of paper folded in a certain way, planted on the tip of a vertically standing needle, remotely, with energy from the operator's palm, began to rotate. A similar experiment was carried out with an Bekhterev biometer.

Academician Yu.V. Gulyaev emphasizes that "there are no mystical biofields, there are real physical fields of biological objects."

At present, in auroscopy, energy-informational adaptometry in the studies of the Vlakhovs (1), O.V. Tumshevits (9), in the energy clinic of S.S. Konovalov (2) with visualization and detailed decoding of the aura, it was proved that "the human body has electromagnetic, informational frameworks - matrices that can respond to the effects of external electromagnetic radiation"(9). They moved, as they say, from the mystical, paranormal to the category of physical reality. Achievement of principle, I would say - ideological. But in the mass consciousness, the concept of a “thin”, field part of the general structure of the human body with an aura, a biofield, extrasensory perception, dowsing, not perceived by ordinary sensors, is still dominated by a vague, indefinite, perceptual (according to G. Leibniz) understanding.

It seems that quite recently genetics, cybernetics… kinesiology were in such a situation… There are countless examples of how yesterday's paranormal becomes normal with a new step in science, and the transcendent becomes orthodox.


We, like a fish in water, live in an ocean of energies. "Energy, as a general quantitative measure of various forms of motion of matter ... according to the law of conservation of energy, links together all natural phenomena" (SES).

As a branch of biology, bioenergy studies the mechanisms and patterns of energy conversion in the processes of vital activity of organisms (SES).

Academician V.A. Kaznacheev named field uniform of a living organism is primary, organizing, and the molecular, protein-nucleic essence is a consequence of this organization. I.P. Pavlov showed that "every thought ends with a movement." M. Sechenov "Each impulse, or grouped composition of nerve impulses, must end in a motor reaction." That is, fundamental science from the principle of determinism shows how the effect (motion) is uniquely related to the cause (energy).

According to the analysis of the biofield of Doctor of Philosophical Sciences A.K. Maneev, the following conclusions were drawn: "Only a wave, field structure can provide the holographic nature of the biofield. This structure is continuous (continuous). In the biofield, the entire system instantly reacts to any impact. The mechanisms of human memory can only be explained on the basis of the biofield."

According to my observations, electrocardiograms show not monopulses, but superpositions of different frequencies with different amplitudes. It may be worth paying attention to the fact that some of these frequencies are close to the frequency of the Earth's electromagnetic field (about 20 Hz) and communication between a person and information field Earth on a resonant basis?

In auroscopy, at S.S. Konovalov (2) determined that the border of a person's aura is at a distance of about a meter from his body. Dowsing measurements show that the boundaries of the biofield, as a rule, are farther. From this we can assume that the aura and the biofield are not the same thing, i.e. the aura is part of the spectrum of the human biofield.

The biofield of a person, I understand how the integration of all his fields, how general characteristics its energy - life force (according to Paracelsus vis vitalis - as a matter of course). The biofield, although it is regulated by homeostasis, has a certain dynamics in life. Otherwise, there would be no such concepts as "stress", "depression", etc.

With a discursive approach, I think it is quite clear that the natural use of bioenergetic communication is psychology.

Classical psychology usually operates with various kinds of bodily manifestations, secondary signs, with verbalization, the translation of the signs of the first signal system into the second. Psychodynamics, for example, proceeds from the fact that "the human psyche has its own movements and interactions of energies ... this is the dynamics of the internal energies of a person." This approach is used in transactional analysis, psychodrama, systemic constellations, body-oriented psychotherapy (as "manifestations of the struggle of mental forces" according to Z. Freud), etc. The words "resource", "energy" are often used. According to Adler, for example, give a person a "resource", then he will cope with his own problems. But the real, physical meaning of what “resource”, “energy” is is very indefinite (obviously, it was noticed long ago that “in all experiments, great damage is done by the fact that physicists do not know biology, and biologists do not know physics”).

With a holistic approach, if these methods are combined with direct measurements of the biofield, i.e. with real human energy, it is possible to quantitatively record the dynamics of energy processes, better evaluate the present, predict the future, understand the relationship between cause and effect.

It was noted above (1,2,4,5,9) that the modern practice of working with human bioenergetics is very successful. However, the tools and algorithms of these methods are cumbersome, complex, and not accessible to everyone. But, if we recall, for example, dowsing, then practical psychologists can get a simple and convenient tool that significantly expands their capabilities (more on that below).

About the Higher Power. Obviously, a person communicates with the outside world not only with his bodily sensory system, but also at the field level. And in this a great place is occupied by what is called the "Higher Power". Different cultures and traditions talk about it in different ways. Nature. God. Spirit. Noosphere. Information field.

Many of our contemporaries who are close to psychology speak of this as a real Force:

  • V. Kurovsky. Supreme Magus of the Slavic Vedic Tradition (3);
  • S.S. Konovalov. Doctor of Medicine, head of the energy clinic in St. Petersburg (2);
  • V.A. Polyakov. "Universals of psychogenesis" (6);
  • Authors of "Psychology of the Third Millennium" (7) and others.

Following those who laid the foundations of science - from Pythagoras to Einstein - the followers of the worldview synthesis believe that "Faith can deepen the understanding of the world, and science can deepen the experience of faith."

Not being able to get to the bottom of the Absolute Truth, I personally live with the question: "Can a rational being, using the riches of Nature, not recognize the Force that created It?" As a physicist (in Greek physis - nature) with the realization that Physics, by and large, is Nature, which is, first of all, Physics.

extrasensory perception

We know that in Nature the sensitivity of living organisms in their interaction with each other and with external environment very diverse: extra nose service dogs; dowsing of bats and dolphins by ultrasound, whales by infrasound; sensitivity of dolphins to a magnetic field; big-eyed eagles and eyeless cave dwellers; sensitivity of cold-blooded snakes to a thermal field; "selfish" sensitivity of fish to vibrations of the aquatic environment and electrical in some inhabitants of this environment; navigation…

All this and much more like it exists in Nature. This means that a person is not ordered, and in some it manifests itself. Why not everyone? Most likely because of the same reason, for example, that they lost their tail and hair. As superfluous, the "reverse course" of evolution is reduction. Why would a person in a modern environment created by him have the same sensitive sensors that he needed 50 thousand years ago in that environment of his habitat?

From the medical fact - "an organ gives rise to a function" - we know "what does not function, then degrades, dies off." Law. Here are 90 percent of people today, and "forgot" a lot that in extreme situations, it happens, wakes up. In our taiga, power line linemen, having met a bear, like squirrels, instantly found themselves on the tops of poles. The writer I.A. Bunin (1923) in his "Cursed Days" described how he, lying down in the grass across the ditch from the highway, saw a snake, "tossed his legs so wildly in the air that he arced back across the ditch and stood on his feet on the highway..." "We do not suspect what amazing powers and abilities still lurk in us from cave times" he says. Everyone knows examples of this. I experienced it myself when changing the environment. Having lived for half a year in nature (taiga, mountains), I quite definitely begin to feel and realize how much the perception of my sensors is aggravated. And - also a medical fact - people who have lost their sight begin to recognize banknotes by touch. Regeneration. Treatment. From Hippocrates it is known that a cure is impossible without the efforts of the organism itself, "For Nature, without extraneous instructions, without learning from anyone, does its due."

So, with a relativistic approach, it can be quite convincingly argued that approximately 10-15% of people (artists, musicians, perfumers, tasters, biolocators and other psychics) who have not lost the "gift of God" are quite normal people. It's time to create radiation standards similar to the human biofield (I'm not saying that it's easy) and test those who need it. At the same time, they would cut off the charlatans who discredit the very phenomenon of extrasensory perception.

Dowsing. Despite the obvious progress in the research of the biofield, the fact of its field, "thin" structure, not perceived by ordinary sensors, still dominates. And here, in my opinion, the dowsing method (radiesthesia, R-method) is unjustifiably forgotten. "Biolocation is the ability of animals to determine the position of an object in relation to itself or its position in space." Flights of birds over thousands of kilometers with a return to their nests; a wild horse, having escaped from a zoo in England, returns to its herd in Mongolia ... From the rock paintings, one can judge that people also used this "gift of nature" before our era. From recent centuries, as I know from the history of geophysics, there were "dowsers" and "miners" who found ore and water by this method.

The modern Chernobyl experience is fundamentally important: dowsing showed the same level of radioactivity as special devices- dosimeters. But dowsing tools are much simpler. For example, an L-shaped frame made of non-magnetic metal. The sensitive device in dowsing is the operator himself, who has natural data and practice for this, and the frames, like the arrows of this device, are only a means of visualization (the author mastered dowsing in one of the amateur schools, where there were amazing masters). The practice of dowsing in medicine has shown that the best effect for doctors is radiesthesia; in France and England it is officially practiced now. For details about dowsing, for example, see L.G. Puchko (8)

And the Nobel Prize! The American J. O "Keef, the Norwegians May Brit and Edward Moser discovered the GPS (navigation and location) mechanism in the human brain cells. They were announced Nobel Prize winners in physiology or medicine for 2014. The facts proven over the centuries have gained modern scientific foundations. The fairy tale has become come true.


One of the practices of helping Homo patiens, which the author has mastered, is psychoenergy-suggestology. The founder of this direction, Academician of the International Academy (London), Doctor of Medicine A.V. Ignatenko, claims that "psycho-energy-suggestology is the science of the future." The concept is based on the system "Man - Earth - Space" in the combination of two principles - Spirit and Matter. The physical mechanism A.V. Ignatenko postulates as: "In the cells of the brain, there are processes that ensure the remote interaction of the brain with the outside world, probably of a quantum wave nature"(correlates with the ideas of the Vlakhovs (1), Tumshevits (9) about torsion, lepton, etc. fields).

In 1997, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation organized a special course in this direction, having mastered it, the author of this article received a diploma in psychoenergy suggestion with the right to practice in Russia and Europe. During practice since 1997, the method has been somewhat transformed.

  • He refused suggestion in the form of hypnosis and NLP, believing that a person's consciousness should be "here and now" with a person responsible for his decisions.
  • I decided that it is psychologically important to determine the status of the participants. According to objective criteria, the "patient" (sick) accepted in medicine does not always correspond to reality (and called "sick" so he can feel and position himself). "Client" - with obvious commercial overtones - is also not the best option. I found it more acceptable to call "Acceptor" (receiving). Leading the procedure, as is customary in dowsing, he called the "operator".
  • He refused bodily contacts, switching to dowsing, believing that bodily contacts are not always psychologically neutral, and remote dowsing is more objective, despite the fact that the behavior of the frames is visualized by both parties.

A brief description of the procedure for replenishing the energy (biofield) of a person

The person (acceptor) asked for help. This means that, first of all, at the bodily level, he feels unwell (as a manifestation of the state and his biofield). The operator mentally refers to the information field whether it is possible to help this person. If "Yes", he feels a surge of energy in his "working" hand. It also means that the information field gives the appropriate adjustment to the acceptor's biofield (similar to the tuning of radio stations to one wave, which is a condition for radio communication). From the standpoint of general psychology, this means ensuring safety, a comfortable atmosphere for the psychologist to work with the patient (what is called the "clean approach"). Dowsing (frame) to the newcomer is determined by the boundary of his biofield (let's just call it a biofield). As a rule, it is not more, but often less than the distance of an outstretched arm (clear confirmation that he came with a problem). Further, the acceptor is conveniently located in a chair, relaxes, closes his eyes. The operator, receiving the necessary energy in the "working" hand, (for example, different color for different chakras) with hand movements such as a "pump" pumps this energy where it is necessary according to the procedure until it feels "enough" (well known to Reiki masters and competent massage therapists). Upon completion of the procedure, the operator tells the acceptor about this. He opens his eyes and talks about his feelings during the procedure (very informative "feedback"). His biofield is measured again. Usually it increases by at least 1.5 times, often up to several meters. An improvement in mood, tone, often euphoria of the acceptor is clearly visible. The energy of the operator during the procedure is not only not wasted (as is typical for shamanic practices or in the same Juna), but, on the contrary, noticeably (up to 50%) increases (sort of like the legitimate "interest" of the intermediary and, as another evidence of the interaction I know from my own experience that after such a procedure, it happens that you don’t just walk, but fly over the Earth, barely touching it with your feet.

The dowsing method is also convenient to use for diagnosis. Similarly, "Yes" - "No" in kinesiology. But no physical contact. With frames in both hands, for example, "Yes" - the frames are opened, "No" - they are crossed. A clear algorithm for working in binary code is important. Simple and uncompromising, like a multiplication table.

The procedure of replenishment of energy can be carried out with oneself. Through breathing (such as pranayama). Or with your energy counterpart (phantom) as an acceptor. Technologically, this is similar to working with "images" in various constellations, transactional analysis, etc. (and - for intelligent psychologists - it happens, it works). And in practice it may not be the same. Since the "images" can be very vague and even completely inadequate (depending on who imagines what), and, the "energy twin" of the biofield, based on its wave nature, is (as Doctor of Philosophy A.K. Maneev says, it can be considered , as a human hologram, or according to the Vlakhovs (1), as an "energy-informational holographic matrix") is a holographic representation of a real human biofield.

I am far from thinking that by engaging exclusively in bioenergy, you can replace everything and everything. People are all very different. Psychologists, clients, patients, operators, acceptors… Who is with whom, when, in what, in combination of what methods… will come together better and begin to understand each other — only God knows.

In a symphony orchestra there is a place for a drum, a trumpet, and a violin. But everyone is subordinate to the main thing in music - melodies. This is where the symphony is born.

Human bioenergetics is his inner melody, as a living organism of the Nature of the speciesHomo sapiens.

Marat Portnyagin

Geophysicist, psychoenergetic suggestologist, psychologist, PPL member

Vita bioenergy protection device is designed to protect people from the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation from computers, televisions, cordless phones, microwave ovens and other household appliances, as well as electric and motor vehicles, power equipment at enterprises.

The design and principle of operation of the Vita device are protected by a Russian patent for an invention. The device has passed comprehensive tests in terms of technical and hygienic parameters in the leading organizations of the Ministry of Health and the State Standard of Russia, which confirmed its high efficiency. Only after three years practical tests was decided by the Ministry of Labor and social development of the Russian Federation and the All-Russian Center for Labor Protection of the Ministry of Labor of Russia, to include the VITA device in the new CATALOG (PPE) "Personal Protective Equipment" in section No. 9 "Electromagnetic Radiation".

The device "Vita" is a high-tech device - the result of many years of work by a team of Russian scientists.

Structurally, the device is made in the form of a rectangular bar weighing 70 grams and having a size of 95x65x8 mm with decorative overlays on the sides. The device is sealed and cannot be damaged by moisture or dust.

The device does not require an external power supply and its duration is practically unlimited.

To maintain performance, do not expose the device to temperatures above +65°C. Avoid strong impacts, falls and mechanical destruction of the protective case. The impact of an alternating electromagnetic field of high intensity is unacceptable (as in the working volume of microwave ovens or during the operation of industrial solenoids). Contact with aggressive chemical environments that can destroy the plastic of the device case is unacceptable.

With proper operation, the device will serve several generations of owners.

The high efficiency of the bioenergetic safety device is confirmed by scientific studies carried out by leading research institutes (Institute of Virology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Research Institute of Occupational Medicine of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences) when exposed to radiation generated by mobile communications and computers on the cell culture of the human brain and embryo, on the parameters of the interferon and immune status of laboratory animals on the growth and vital activity of various microorganisms, etc.

The world has changed in the last 100 years. The discovery of radio waves has turned our planet into the most "radioactive" space body in the solar system. We radiate more electromagnetic waves than the average star. Cell phones and microwave ovens, televisions and computers, trolleybuses and subways add their weighty contribution to this round-the-clock stream of radiation from radio and television transmitters. Power lines entangled around the globe radiate a powerful low-frequency magnetic field. Electromagnetic smog penetrating modern cities is detrimental to human health. Doctors have noted a sharp increase in a number of diseases over the past seven decades. Constant exposure to doses of centimeter and millimeter radio waves causes vegetovascular dystonia, cancer, angina pectoris, cataracts, nervous exhaustion, migraines and extreme fatigue. For some types of diseases, the increase, compared with the beginning of the century, is up to 40 times.

And this is not surprising: the cell of the human body is defenseless against constant electromagnetic attack. Daily "homeopathic" doses of modulated millimeter waves lead to a reorientation of water clusters in biomembranes, damaging and weakening cellular tissue. Man, as a species, was formed in the natural magnetic fields of the planet. The geomagnetic component is very important for the biological comfort of the body. The ancestors were well aware of this. No wonder in new house the cat was let in first, and it was on the spot where she lay down that the bed was placed. And head to the north - along the geomagnetic lines. Electromagnetic chaos in modern cities is thousands of times greater than the quiet whisper of natural fluctuations necessary for human health. We are cut off from the natural roots that feed the nervous system with life-giving rhythms. How can one be surprised at the pathological growth of suicides and nervous diseases? "Mother Earth" can no longer "ground" the tormented bioenergetics of a modern city dweller.

We are all familiar with the depressed state during magnetic storms that accompany explosions on the Sun. The body actively resists perturbations of the Earth's magnetic field. In the same magnetic storm, only less powerful, humanity lives the last century of its history. An electromagnetic drop sharpens the stone of our health not by force, but by frequent falling ...

The problem of protecting the gene pool of human civilization from the harmful effects of electromagnetic waves has acquired global significance and is recognized World Organization Health is essential and vital.
Attempts to protect themselves from electromagnetic waves have been made for a long time. all sorts of protective suits and screens protect the body well from X-ray radiation or the screen of a computer monitor, but, unfortunately, they do not cope with the main task - they do not protect the human body from the information component of the magnetic signal. And it is the main destructive factor. Suffice it to say that in terms of its manifestations, the information component of the signal is similar to the effect of biologically active substances and some poisons on the human body.

Under the influence of weak magnetic fields, even water changes its characteristics. Its electrical conductivity changes, the growth of most microorganisms slows down, the subtle chemistry of the reactions of the human endocrine system is disturbed. A person is 80% water. From the point of view of electrodynamics, it is nothing more than an aqueous solution of salts - a conductor of the second kind.

Biochemical disorders of the endocrine and immune systems caused by electromagnetic waves are especially harmful for children under 12-14 years old. Their body is most susceptible to such violations. And the weakening of immune mechanisms in childhood affects throughout life.

Unfortunately, technology is increasingly invading our lives and the lives of our children, who love computer games and TV shows so much. We are not able to get rid of the electromagnetic shackles without fundamentally changing our lifestyle or place of residence. Our "electric servants" demanded payment from us for their labor, and the bill was prohibitive.
But there is a solution!
Long-term studies of EMW protection methods ended with a remarkable discovery. Russian scientists have found a fundamentally new approach to solving this problem. As a result, a revolutionary method has been developed for almost complete neutralization of the effects of electromagnetic waves in a wide frequency range. Russian scientists brought the discovery to the stage of an industrial device, which since 2000. began to be produced by one of the Moscow research institutes.

The lightweight and compact device is called the "Vita Bioenergy Security Device". The device does not need external power and its operation is not limited in time. Neutralizing the impact of magnetic waves within a radius of 1.5 meters, it reliably protects its owner.

The development under the motto "Circle of absolute protection" is recommended for use by the Ministry of Health of Russia.

Comprehensive tests in the laboratories of the State Standard of Russia also confirmed the highest efficiency of the device. For its unique characteristics, the development of Russian scientists that has no analogues in the world, awarded them. A. Chizhevsky at the IV International Congress "Medicine-2000", the medal "Golden Quality Mark XXI century" and the diploma "For compliance with the criteria for the safety of human life." The design and principle of operation are protected by a Russian patent for an invention. The recognition of the most important scientific and practical activity of scientists was the fact of awarding to the supervisor on November 25, 2003 DIPLOMA laureate Mikhail Lomonosov Prize with a gold medal for outstanding contribution to the development of science and education.


Bioenergy still belongs to the category of mysterious phenomena that the official "public" science carefully tries to avoid.

Meanwhile, in the process various studies a huge set of facts and phenomena has been accumulated, confirming the reality of bioenergetic interactions of any living objects.

One of the latest proofs of the reality of the human bioenergetic structure is the equipment developed by Russian scientists that allows you to see on the screen the so-called "acupuncture points", known in Chinese medicine for hundreds of years.

Fig.1 Acupuncture points of the ear on the conditional diagram

Fig 2. Acupuncture points of the ear in the photo

Fig 3. Acupuncture points of the hand on the scheme e

Fig. 4 Acupuncture points of the hand in the photo

Acupuncture points.

Human and animal skin is characterized by morphological and functional heterogeneity. In the language of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), this heterogeneity is described as "skin zones", "acupuncture points", "channels" and "collaterals".

The basis of the acupuncture point is formed by loose connective tissue with "interspersed" a large number nerve receptors and free nerve endings, a developed vascular system, cellular elements containing biologically active substances, and an accumulation of gap junctions.Diffuse conductivity of the skin is due to the conductive properties of the intercellular spaces of the skin epithelium. In TCM theory, it reflects the state of "protective energy" or Wei Qi.

With the development of the disease "outside", the so-called fullness syndrome of the tendon-muscle canal or skin reflexogenic zone is formed. This syndrome is characterized by the main signs of acute inflammation, i.e. there is hyperemia, hyperthermia, hyperesthesia, edema and impaired function of the corresponding limb. In the case of progression of external diseases, a syndrome of emptiness of the tendon-muscle canal or skin reflexogenic zone is formed. This syndrome is characterized by signs of chronic inflammation and atrophy, i.e. there is pallor of the skin, hypothermia, hypesthesia, decreased skin turgor and impaired function of the corresponding limb.

Depending on the state of the points and channels, there is a change in the electrical resistance of the skin in the area where the acupuncture point exits the body surface. It is known that with the phenomenon of excess energy in the channel, the size of the conducting "window" of the point increases, and with a lack of energy, it decreases.

An example of visualization of biologically active points:

The identified points and methods of visualization of the biofield can be used for both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.

In Russia, a unique method of non-drug bioenergetic correction "Energokokon" has been developed, which allows restoring the body's natural protective functions.

Indicator human bioenergy

V. REZKOV, Vitebsk.

Man is a highly developed bioenergy-information system capable of consuming and replenishing its bioenergy, distributing it between organs and releasing it into the environment.

According to the laws of physics, an electromagnetic field is formed around a current-carrying conductor. In the same way, a biofield is formed around the human body. It has an ovoid shape, the blunt end of which is above the head, and the sharp end is at the hips. Hands here can be compared with the antenna of a radio station. They can receive and transmit signals.

Scientists have long empirically established the fact that both in the nature of the cosmos and in the nature of man (microcosm) there are fields of eight types: passive gravitational, active gravitational, mineral, biological, electrical nature, bioplasmic, mental and nuclear. All eight types are present in the field structure of a person, and there are channels (meridians) in the body through which vital bioenergy moves. Yogis call it "prana", the Chinese - "chi", the Japanese - "ki". Unlike blood vessels and blood, biomeridians and bioenergy are invisible. This energy passes both through the organs connected with these meridians and through the active points on the skin. All of them together form a single electrical circuit of the human body, which ensures its rhythmic work.

The proposed device is designed to measure and evaluate the electrical component of human energy. If the energy does not experience delays along the entire path, the body works normally. If some organ is sick, then the passage of energy is disturbed, the corresponding active point on the skin reflects this - its temperature, density changes, soreness is felt. In addition, the electrochemical potential and electrical conductivity change. The device registers these changes.

In other words, a person is healthy when his most important vital organs function normally. The density of blood flow (our electrolyte) and the movement of bioenergy through the channels are directly proportional to the ability of the closed tracking system of the brain to maintain the balance of the energy field with the state of the physical body.

All meridians ("yang" and "yin"), being separate sections of a single electrical circuit, are naturally connected in a strictly defined way to each other. These connections, transitions from the meridians "yang" to the meridians "yin" are located in the toes. All the transitions from the meridians "yin" to the meridians "yang" are located in the fingers of the hands. The entire flow of energy must pass through these contacts. It is not surprising that oriental medicine (reflexotherapy) uses precisely active points in the area of ​​​​the fingers and toes of a person to treat internal organs.

By placing your palms on the plates of the described device, you will see readings related to the magnitude of your energy. If you do a few physical exercises or take a deep breath (you can breathe yogis), the amount of energy will first increase, and after a while it will return to its previous value. This means that energy can be replenished through air, food and water and through physical exercises. A healthy lifestyle increases it steadily.

As soon as a person falls ill, the supply of oxygen to the body, "prana" deteriorates, metabolism is disturbed, and bioenergy decreases. The device gives a lower reading.

The device (Fig. 1) uses a highly sensitive M906 head with a total deflection current of 100 μA. The electrochemical potential of the skin is determined by plates of dissimilar metals. Zinc (galvanized iron) and brass are used here. Plate dimensions - 130x120 mm, thickness - 0.5 ... 1 mm. To improve contact with the palms on the plates, it is desirable to make "spikes" (stitch with a cell of 1 cm 2). The device does not require power sources, and this is also its advantage. Measuring metal plates are connected to the device with cords with crocodile clips.


Operating procedure. The plates of the device must lie on a table or other non-metallic surface and be connected according to Fig.1. The palms of the hands must be pressed tightly against the plates (Fig. 2), but do not press, and hold motionless for 3 ... 5 s. In this case, both the palms and the plates should not be closed to each other. The meter reading will be the reading of your energy. During the test, the condition of the hands must be natural (not sweaty or wet), otherwise the readings will be unstable.

Figure 2

If the readings at the "x1" limit "go off scale", i.e. more than 100 units, switch the device to the limit "x3", (scale 300 units) and, accordingly, multiply the readings by three. Plates should be periodically wiped with alcohol or cologne from possible "salting".

As practice and research show, certain numbers characterizing the level of energy correspond to the age of a person, as shown in the table.


Bioenergy units











60 and over


Here, 1 μA is conventionally taken as a "unit" of human bioenergy.

Bioenergy is declining:

In people leading a sedentary lifestyle;

In elderly people;

When overtired;

When taking alcohol, smoking;

With a lack of sleep and rest.

Bioenergy increases:


Laughter and fun;

Open fire (fireplace, bonfire);

Fountain (waterfall);

healthy image life.

If the readings of the device exceed the norm by 2 ... 3 times or more, then you have excellent health reserves. Such indicators are also observed in people with extrasensory abilities.

This device is just an indicator that suggests the state of health and potential energy reserves of the body. There are more complex devices that measure the bioenergy of a person in a complex - taking into account all the components of his biofield.

In conclusion, we can say that a person is an animated biological energy accumulator.


1. V. Besedin. Health indicator. - Radio amateur, 1992, N2, S.31.

2. Mizun Yu. Space and health. - M., 1997.

RL 2/2000, pp. 28-29.
