Presentation of how modern students dress. What are modern students like?

The main key in choosing a wardrobe for this type is to create proportionality between the upper and lower parts of the body while reducing the waist. With this type of figure, you can wear tight-fitting clothes (for example, a tubular dress) and add a dark wide belt to create a waist. To create a more lush effect, it is necessary to proportionally add volume to the upper and lower parts of the body.

The widest part of the oval face is in the cheeks (cheekbones), the face tapers slightly towards the forehead and chin. The jaw line is rounded, not too narrow, not too wide. At the temples, the face is slightly broader than the chin and slightly narrowed towards the forehead. Almost all trends in fashion and makeup are suitable for this type of face. Eyes: gray-green, more green prevails - speaks of kindness and responsiveness, Nose: with a hump. Such a bulge indicates sentimentality, but one cannot count on special tenderness. Lips: Thin lips speak of an active nature, straightforwardness and great ambitions. Chin: A square shape speaks of a strong and firm character, combined with stubbornness.

Winter is cold type appearance. Hair is usually dark, black, with a cold tint. But they can also be light brown. The skin is usually light porcelain, white. Can be used in makeup and clothes bright colors but cold shades. The best option will turn out to be classic stylish - a business suit Dresses can be worn with a suit jacket if colors, styles and fabrics are coordinated. The colors of the dresses may be brighter than the colors of the suits. The blouse that we will wear with the suit can be colored or solid and can be combined with a scarf or a modest necklace. Shoes should be in the main color, such as black, navy blue. The color of the shoes should be the same shade or darker than the rest of the clothing. Tasteful earrings, decorative pins and a watch complete the wardrobe. Jewels should be visible but not audible. Earrings should have a classic design, such as a circle, knot, or diamond.

Basic colors: neutral, calm, restrained, dark (should create a feeling of respectability, professionalism and trust. Light colors: used for blouses, summer wardrobe and evening wear. Bright basics: used in clothes (blouses and scarves) for special occasions. Accent colors: the brightest colors are used in small items (scarves), because. these are provocative colors for a business wardrobe.

The image of a modern student in the system of vocational education ( appearance- a single form of clothing, value orientation, student portfolio) Batova E.I. Smaga O.Yu. Modern aspects of the group leader Belyatskaya S.V. Pogodina T.S.

There are: 3 associations of military-patriotic education under the guidance of OBZH teachers Yury Nikolayevich Zakharov, Evgeny Ilyich Stoderevsky and Sergey Aleksandrovich Plyushchev as part of the work additional education(TSP "Academic", TSP "Kotlovka", TSP "Ulyanovskoye"); association of additional education under the guidance of a teacher of Russian language and literature Balashova Alexandra Fedorovna (TSP "Lomonosovskoye") "Victory Relay Race"; 2 museums of a military-patriotic orientation under the leadership of Zaitseva Lidia Yakovlevna and Alimova Svetlana Gavrilovna (TSP "Sevastopol") - the Museum named after the Hero of Russia Vera Voloshina and the Museum of the Fourth Shock Army; 1 Museum of the History of the College under the direction of Suslova Larisa Anatolyevna (TSP "Academic");

Draft decisions based on the results of the work of the sections Development of a training training program for leaders of study groups (with the participation of psychologists, teachers, employees of the innovation department) and implementation of training according to the developed program. Restoration of the Museum of the Great Patriotic War Awards in the college as part of the work of the military-patriotic direction.

Today, education is becoming the tool with which each person can succeed in life, and society as a whole can move along the path of progress. Today it is obvious to everyone: education can do a lot, both positive and negative. It is necessary to use these opportunities professionally and purposefully, since the future of society is being shaped today by us, in the short term by our students.

Behind last years students have changed a lot. The main principle was the principle of survival. And people began to live by instincts. When a person says: "I want so" - this is a verbal expression of instinctive activity. And everyone knows the basic instincts: eat, sleep, etc. And food - the first. Here is such a problem.

Modern students are forced to spend a lot of time on part-time work to the detriment of their studies.

One third of students work because their parents cannot provide them with everything they need. Another third work to try their hand at something and by the end of their studies have a clear idea of ​​what they want to specialize in. The rest of the students work to secure employment after graduation.

This issue has global implications.

Corporate ties within the student body as a social group are now weak and, first of all, are determined by joint activities within the group.

Previously, it was not only study, but also student circles, hikes, rallies, art song contests or shifts. Now all these activities are expressed to a very weak degree, and even studying for a modern student is half the battle, so social ties have become half as weak. For a student, the problem of earning money is in the first place.

But the enthusiasm has not disappeared. It is always fueled by curiosity, so a person will never lose it. The modern student has a desire to learn new things. The level of knowledge of the modern student has greatly increased, he has become more erudite. But students read very little. If earlier they knew the classics well, now they don’t. But they make up for ignorance of classical works with others. Now the flow of information is multichannel. The modern student has a computer, the Internet, ample opportunities for studying any subject. To all of the above, the modern student, of course, has become more mobile. But still, students do not fully use what is given to them, given that they have so many sources of information and so many opportunities. It all depends on the choice of each of them.

The time of study at the university coincides with the second period of adolescence, or the first period of maturity, which is distinguished by the complexity of the formation of personality traits. characteristic feature moral development at this age is the strengthening of conscious motives of behavior. Those qualities that were lacking in full in the senior classes are noticeably strengthened - purposefulness, determination, perseverance, independence, initiative, and the ability to control oneself. Increased interest in moral issues (goals, lifestyle, duty, love, loyalty, etc.).

Social portrait of a modern student based on the results of various sociological studies

Among the various classifications of motives for the educational activity of students, as a rule, there are three. These are: 1) a professional-cognitive motive (which is based on both broad cognitive needs and interest in knowledge specific to future profession); 2) the motive for obtaining a diploma of higher education (as a desire for a certain status in society); and 3) the motive of interpersonal communication (which is based on the need to communicate with "like-minded people" - a circle of people united common interests and professional orientation).

In one of the studies, the social portrait of a modern student is described as follows. Modern students prefer the Internet with huge amount sites that they need not only for entertainment, but also for study. On average, the network “freezes” for 2-5 hours, and many do not turn it off at all. The most popular are the electronic pages Odnoklassniki and Vkontakte. They love to have fun, come to class, always sleepy and hungry. They believe that a student lives from session to session, he must also be in time everywhere and everywhere, as 72% of respondents described the modern student. And 38% believe that a modern student should strive for new knowledge and be responsive, help fellow students, purposeful, sociable, actively participate in the life of his university, and, of course, lead healthy lifestyle life.

According to the results of a survey of teachers: In the opinion of teachers, a modern student is versatile, enterprising, self-critical, active, reckless, energetic, always on the move and in search of adventure, hardworking, and diligent. And they also have more ambitions than knowledge, brave and risky, they know how to "get" materials from the Internet that remain only on paper, but not in their heads. If it were not for laziness, modern students would be ideal students of our teachers, who invest in students not only their knowledge, but also love for the subject.

The data of sociological research given below make it possible to characterize the modern student and highlight the most typical features of his social portrait.

To the question “What is the most important thing in life for you?” Answers received: family - 48,7% , Love - 38,6% , health - 35,4% , Job - 30,3% , education - 28,4% , respect for others - 15% , creation - 14,5% , children - 13,4% .

According to the survey, students value most of all: decency - 59,5% , feeling dignity - 57,2% , understanding - 44,1% , kindness - 42,1% , independence - 41,6% , freedom - 36,6% . And most of all they hate: betrayal - 80,9% , cruelty - 49,2% , lie - 46,1% , greed - 33,8% , ignorance - 23,1% .

To the question “What social problems of young people do you consider the most serious today?” students gave the following answers: drug addiction - 60,8% , employment - 49,6%, crime - 36,7% , drunkenness - 24,1% , education - 20,8% , the impossibility of gaining material independence - 19,8% .

They consider the most important for achieving success in life: purposefulness, perseverance, diligence, interesting work - 63,9% , a good education - 46,8% , "rich" parents and connections - 25,5% , luck - 10,8% , capabilities - 9,4% . Students clearly underestimate the role of abilities in achieving success in life, one in four hopes for rich parents and connections.

The threat of unemployment terrifies every fourth student, in social protection needs - 52,8%.

Students believe that the current problems in the socio-cultural sphere are: financing - 70% , personnel training - 50% , provision of paid services - 30% , salary - 40% , interest - 30% , preservation of cultural heritage - 20% , insufficient influence of the state on the development of the industry - 20% , the reduction of cultural institutions - 10% , introduction of new technologies - 10% , service quality - 10% .

Students see ways to solve modern socio-cultural problems in attracting extrabudgetary funds - 70% , high-quality personnel training - 70% , the availability of the services provided - 30% , improvement of the legislative and legal framework - 20% , state support of culture - 20% , the revival of traditions and customs - 10% , advertising - 10% .

The modern students of the university attribute the following to the paramount values: career - 80% , health - 60% , material goods - 50% , family - 50% , education - 50% , spiritual development - 50% , self-realization - 50% , moral stability - 40% , honesty - 10% , Love - 10% .

Students consider negative personality traits: lack of education - 30%, deceit, arrogance, infantility, laziness, inability to work - 20% (each position), betrayal, arrogance, pretense, mercality, gullibility, envy, hypocrisy, greed, selfishness, hysteria, degradation - according to 10%, each position respectively.

A sociological survey among students showed that they see the “portrait of a modern student” as (the main positive features): active, sociable, friendly - 100% (each position), attentive - 80% , responsible, easily trained - 70% , punctual and polite - 60% , careful - 50% , correct and responsive - 40%.

Among the negative qualities of a modern student, the surveyed student groups of the university attributed: irresponsible and sloppy - 50% , disorganized, restless and inattentive - 40% , uncommunicative and ill-mannered, respectively - 30%.

Describing the "Modern portrait of a teacher" students refer to its positive qualities: professionalism, education, sociability - 100%, justice - 90% , competence - 80%, politeness - 70% , activity, goodwill, persuasiveness, sociability, balance, responsiveness - 60% (each position), exactingness, patience, organization - 50% , cheerfulness, diligence, attentiveness, optimism, love for work, sense of humor, correctness, ability to listen - 20% , enthusiasm, friendliness - 30%.

Students believe that the main negative qualities of a modern teacher are: unprofessionalism, lack of education, inability to manage an audience - 70% , irresponsibility, aggressiveness, rudeness in communication, laziness, passivity, despotism - 60% , lack of communication skills, indifference, cunning, isolation - 50% , short temper, untidiness, disorganization, incorrectness, indifference, severity, nervousness - 40% , inattention, unresponsiveness, injustice - 30% , impoliteness, melancholy - 20% .

It seems that the given sociological data do not require detailed comments, they only confirm that modern students, despite many negative trends in society that have developed in recent years, retain their inherent creative potential, faith in goodness and in people, and a willingness to serve the Russian ideals of humanism, culture, education and science.

Today, when changes are taking place in the public consciousness, in the views of the world and the place in it of a person of his socio-political, spiritual, moral, value-oriented attitude to the surrounding socio-cultural environment, the task of the state is the formation of new ideals, cultural values, socio- significant interests that have always been and remain the main pillars of the life of human civilization.

Thus, without a radical transformation of the system of domestic education, it is obviously impossible to achieve radical qualitative changes in the intellectual sphere of the life of society, to introduce new thinking into the public consciousness.

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It is important to pay attention to where and how to buy clothes for any student.

Since the training falls on the autumn-winter period of time, it is important to dress the student well according to this time of year. Usually the required minimum for a student boy consists of the following things:

A pair of jeans. They must be beautiful and practical so that they can be combined with various options top. In the new season, it is worth paying attention not dark shades jeans or just buy dark and light jeans that can be changed after a while.

But if a student loves bright style, fashion 2015 – 2016 photo offers fashion trousers in the box. They look very bright and stylish and can be easily combined with various options. outerwear including sweaters and warm jackets.

A pair of light and a pair of warm shirts. For the warm season, you should choose 2 shirts of a light and dark background so that they look beautiful with jeans. Colors can be selected from white and blue to black and burgundy. All of them will go great with jeans, especially with light blue and blue options. For blue and blue jeans, you should choose a shirt in white, blue or beige. It can be used as an everyday option.

  1. A set of socks and some warm scarves. pay attention to fashion scarves coarse knit. They should be combined with the range of his wardrobe in the warm season, creating beautiful and fashion images. A pair of three scarves will definitely not hurt a student.
  2. 2 jackets. One should be insulated for the cold season, the second is lighter and more practical. The most practical options are beautiful fashionable leather jackets or from its substitute and denim with insulation. But make sure it goes well with the bottom.
  3. You should not combine a men's cashmere coat with jeans. If the student's style consists of a combination of black, gray and cherry blossom, the best purchase is black Leather Jacket or a cloak in black or dark gray.

Where to buy clothes and how to match them

Fashion shoe trends 2015-2016 are clearly visible in the latest youth stores. It is there that you can buy clothes for students at an inexpensive price, especially if you buy a set of clothes with a store discount card.

Buying goods at a big discount, you can not only save money, but also choose the right set of fashionable and stylish clothes for a student.

  1. Brown hair. The guy with the chocolate hair brown eyes and beautiful swarthy skin will look worthy in clothes of terracotta, chocolate and red pepper tones. He should also look at clothes in dark blue denim with a white or milky addition. The combination of autumn tones very favorably emphasizes the beauty of the brown-haired man, so he should pay attention to these colors. Guys with very dark hair chocolate shade and swarthy skin is very suitable and a range of turquoise or white.

Shoes for student boys photo should be beautiful and fashionable. For clothes in gray and black, you can choose glamorous patent leather boots in black or dark gray. The bright cherry variant can be worn with black clothes, but for a really bright and stylish student, you need to wear black leather trousers.

For a boy with brown hair, caramel or chocolate-colored shoes are suitable. And blondes should choose light versions of classic caramel and beige shoes. Sneakers in black, gray or white will also be a great practical option.

They should look nice and bright, but at the same time sneakers should be beautifully combined with the entire wardrobe, which can have different colors and combinations. It is important that the gamma matches the appearance of a person and his natural color type.

For the cold season, you should choose sneakers-sneakers with and without insulation. They are very comfortable and practical, and you can also buy them in various youth stores where there are clothes for young people. They will look beautiful with any clothes that this store has, because the youth fashion provides clothes for the set. Therefore, in a youth store, it is worth choosing clothes for a student in order to assemble the perfect set of top and middle clothes.

What do students wear on September 1

At this time, it is not necessary to wear festive clothes, as on September 1. But there are a number of universities and colleges that have a certain form. For example, in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a military school or a medical college or university. There it is worth discussing in advance how it is customary for students to dress and what to wear on September 1. Usually students and teachers, as well as group leaders give such information.

For most universities and technical schools, there are no strict requirements for September 1 in clothing. But this does not mean that it is worth showing up in shorts to an educational institution or in an alcoholic T-shirt. This is a violation and rather rude of the rules of etiquette of the institution, since in educational institutions shorts are considered beachwear and neither boys nor girls can appear in them.

How to dress a 1st year student

Just like any other student. The main thing is that the clothes are chosen with taste and comply with the charter of the establishment. You can choose between a glamorous style of clothing and a more relaxed one. The only thing you definitely shouldn’t come to lectures in is shorts or soft tracksuit. This is how a student should be dressed in a technical school or university in order to maintain the respect of not only his classmates, but also teachers.

Initiation into students

Initiation into students, what to wear? On this day, you should choose a classic suit with trousers and a white shirt, especially if you are performing on stage or giving a speech. Here's what to wear for student initiation (photo). The main thing is that everything should be stylish and not stand out from the crowd for the worse.

College Outfits of the week (video)

Therefore, it is worth putting on for initiation into students classic shoes, white shirt or a shirt for a holiday and classic dark or light trousers. They are suitable not only for KVN, but also for a solo number, performance of poetry or a skit. It is also worth wearing a theatrical costume chosen according to the scenario for the holiday.

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To the entry "How to dress and put on a student" 2 comments

    It is generally easy to dress a guy, jeans and a T-shirt when it is warm and a sweater or jumper when it is cool. I dress like this, economically and stylishly.

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