Status about my family happy with children. About family in quotes


Perhaps I will now touch on the most important side of a person, human life.
We are all children, then we become parents...
We all want to raise a literate and reasonable person.
We all wonder where greedy, traitors and vile people come from.
I'll tell you frankly... they come from us, from people and parents.

What is parental love?

Everyone will say that love is care and attention to your child...
NOT everyone understands that
- You can’t love a child, you can’t give him your attention,
it is necessary not to love the child immediately, but to teach him to work and be responsible for his actions.
It is to be responsible for the little that he does from childhood, from the first steps of life. That's when your child will learn to understand and know who the parents are.

What are parents doing?

After the birth of their baby, they begin to cherish, caress, kiss the ass and poke everything ...
Would you like a little porridge? Do you want candy?
Do you want this toy? Here, take this delicious yummy vitamin...
What is it?... Is it education? This is the training of selfishness and permissiveness from childhood.

Parents should teach their child to work.
Do you want this candy? ... let me show you how to make it, how much knowledge and work is needed for you to try this candy ...

Do you want a nice shirt or pants? let's sew this beauty together so that you can see how much time and money is needed for this pleasure.

I hope you understand what I'm talking about.
A person must be educated by labor so that he understands a person.

All the love of parents is a pampering of the desired with the possible, where parents always have to, and children always want everything ready.

Look at families where parents love their children very much, they try to make things easier for them so that the children do not get their poor little hands dirty and do not work like mom and dad ... Children grow up, they believe that everything is owed to them ...
First, mom and dad, then relatives and friends owe them, at work everyone owes them too ... so more and more others owe them ...

Only the old age of parents, becomes more sober from this very parental love when your beloved child has become a father or mother himself and does not understand you ...

You become a hindrance to him... after all, you need to be looked after, you are no longer healthy... You need to be taken to the doctor and fed... bathed and watched over...
Then such beloved children act very simply...
they put you in a nursing home or a hospice with a beautiful name - Old Age Sanatorium ...
These beloved children do not understand that they must answer you for your love and work, which you dedicated to them at a time when you loved and were healthy ...
No, dear parents... you didn't love them... you pampered them with your attention and the money you earned for a living... to make life easier for them than for you...

Children should not be loved... children should be forced to work...
from childhood to force to work and bear responsibility for what has been done.

The love of parents for children is the ability to live and survive in any conditions,
to be the man of your parents...

There are no keys to happiness. The door is always open.

Happiness is when you see people dear to you every day.

A happy family is one in which the husband and wife forget during the day that they are lovers, and at night that they are spouses.

Happiness is when you don't have time to access the Internet, because you constantly spend time with your family.

Because love is the great commandment, it must be at the center of everything and everything we do in our own family, in our Church callings, and in our livelihood. Love is a healing balm that repairs rifts in personal and family relationships. It is a bond that brings families, communities and nations together. Love is the force that initiates friendship, tolerance, courtesy and respect. It is the source that overcomes division and hatred. Love is a fire that warms our lives with unsurpassed joy and divine hope.

Looking into your eyes, you find happiness.

Marital happiness is when two neuroticisms match perfectly.

I realized that in the Universe there is not only one person who can make me happy.

Well, what did you find in it? - Happiness…

Happiness is when you ask him, who returned back: “Did you forget something?”. And he hugs you tightly and whispers in your ear: “You ...”

Love should be our walk and our conversations.

We build deep and loving family relationships by doing simple things together like family dinner and family home evening and just having fun together. Taking time for each other is the key to home harmony. We are talking, not to each other. We learn from each other and we value our differences as well as our commonalities.

We establish a divine connection with each other as we draw closer to God together through family prayer, gospel study, and Sunday worship. The presence of children in the family does not lead to an increase in men's life satisfaction - and. increasing women's life satisfaction only after children attend school. Moreover, women with children are significantly happier if they have a job. no matter how many hours it entails. They refer to the results of research by professors Alison Booth and Jan van Ours, which examines the extent to which marital happiness is affected. the number of hours men and women spend at work.

HAPPINESS is when you really want to go to work in the morning, and in the evening you really want to go home.

Give me happiness.

Just honor a man with happiness: You need to sleep with him more often and worry less !!!

Happiness exists only when there is someone to share it with.

The study explores the relationship between job status and marital happiness. using data on married or cohabiting men and women in a UK household. The analysis shows that: men with partners are most satisfied with the hours they spend at work, if they. work full time, but don't do overtime. But neither their job satisfaction, nor theirs. how long do they work. The satisfaction of men's lives is only affected by whether they have a job that. brings a significant increase in reported happiness.

If you are happy for more than two days, then something is being hidden from you...

I thought this was the beginning of happiness. But I was wrong. It was happiness itself.

A good woman, when she marries, promises happiness, a bad woman is waiting for him.

The greatest happiness in life is the confidence that we are loved, loved because we are who we are, or despite the fact that we are who we are.

Women with partners are most satisfied with their work and quantity. hours they work if they have a part-time job. But their overall satisfaction with their lives does not depend on how many hours they work. Mothers just seem to want to work, no matter the time it entails. Women without children seem indifferent to employment, and if they work, they don't. looks like how many hours it uses. Children bring no increase in men's life satisfaction - and an increase in women's life satisfaction only after the children attend school.

A happy family is one in which the husband and wife forget during the day that they are lovers, and at night that they are spouses.

Who said there is no happiness? I will answer - This is nonsense! There is happiness - this is a family, our children and friends! Happiness is kindness! We are nowhere without happiness!

In order for the family to have harmony, the spouses must have wisdom and good character traits, and a pleasant appearance is more suitable for entertainment.

The reported wealth of each partner in a couple is independent of the other. partner's health or performance. The study measures "well-being" by self-reported life satisfaction, job satisfaction, and job satisfaction. The last two measures are based on responses to two questions in which respondents are asked to report how satisfied they are with their hours of work in the market and with their current job, from 1 to 4 to 7. Life satisfaction is built from a question later in the survey using the same a 7-category scale and asking how you are dissatisfied or satisfied with yours. overall, of the women in their sample, 10% have some part-time employment, 20% have most part-time work, and 40% have full-time employment.

For happy family life the character of the spouses is important, and for entertainment, only one pretty appearance is enough.

Family is the most comfortable and warm place on Earth. And in this place you are truly happy!

A happy marriage is a marriage in which the husband understands every word that the wife did not say...

We will be happy. I will wake up at night and run barefoot to the kitchen. I'll wake you up by biting your ear, and you scream and hit me with a pillow. Our neighbors will wake up from our screams and laughter, and we will desperately love each other.

Of the men, 2% have a part-time job and 71% have a full-time job, so hardly anyone has a part-time job and a small proportion of women have overtime jobs. Alison Booth is at the University of Essex.

Here you will find quotes about happiness, happiness and happiness. Everyone wants to be happy forever. Being happy is the best feeling one can feel. Nowadays people have a lot of stress and sadness because of their personal problems or problems, and these problems and problems make them sad and depressed. The only solution to get rid of problems is to become happy.

Family is the rhythm of my heart. When everything is in order, it beats evenly, and in case of trouble it jumps out of the chest.

Good woman when she gets married, she promises happiness, the bad one is waiting for him.

The husband left. I sit eating pasta from the pan and feel like a bachelor. A little more and I’ll start drinking beer and walking around the apartment in the testicles ...

Happiness - when everyone in the family is healthy, there are no traitors among friends, and rats among partners.

Messages and status of happiness quotes

You want to see the world through the eyes of children, to feel how a little person grows, loves, loves or just does the most natural thing in the world: multiply. The reasons why women and men decide for children are varied, and it is usually more of a belly than a head decision.

This is precisely the problem, says Corinna Mayer. She had children because she didn't want to be single later. The 43-year-old judge judges her decision, which she met at the age of 30, which she regrets today. In it, she explains how best to do the job.

Being loved by your soulmate is better than being rich. Because being loved means being happy, and happiness cannot be bought.

Before entering into a long and serious relationship with a divorced man, make sure that his ex is all in a bunch (i.e. she is happy) Otherwise ...

HAPPINESS is in the morning and a beloved family in the evening.

It became a bestseller, but her employer initiated disciplinary action against Corinne Mayer, but she resumed it after protests. In France, a model country for reconciling work and family, the controversy against children caused waves for several weeks.

Corinne Mayer and "The Dictatorship of Motherhood"

With success, the country has the highest birth rate in Europe with 2.9 children per woman. But that's exactly what Corinna Mayer calls "the dictates of motherhood." She puts women under pressure to produce "little monsters" whose greatest pleasure is to make their parents' lives miserable. So he advises young women to refuse to allow childish wars. Motherhood portrays her as an anguish - right from the start. Birth is "pain", "blood" and "fatigue". Anyone who calls them great experiences is lying.

I love my husband and child. Basically, I love my family.

“Our life would be meaningless without love, happiness and joy…Our life would be meaningless without family, peace and friends…”

They lived happily ever after. But still more long than happy.

What a blessing that you have a family, children and friends who care about how your morning starts, how yesterday went. And it's good when everyone gets together!

This process is more like a scene from the sci-fi movie "Alien" in which the monster bursts out of the astronaut's stomach - a nightmare. The worst, Mayer says, comes after birth. She describes breast-feeding deformed breasts, conditions of complete exhaustion, marital crises and loss sexual life. Mayer does not good hair in children: "The child should stop you from having fun, he will be sick if you want to go out and enjoy yourself, and you will get on your nerves if you want to celebrate your birthday with friends."

Happiness is when he, whom even alarm clocks will not wake up, wakes up from the fact that I stopped hugging him.

A woman is happy when she sees the smiling eyes of her husband and knows that she is the cause of this joy.

They lived happily until they began to find out who made whom happy.

Happiness is a wedding, but to receive as a gift wedding ring, can not be compared with any emotions.

She supposedly had a lot of encouragement from other mothers with her taboo, says Corinna Mayer. And at first glance, she also receives support for her theses from science. For example, American psychologist Daniel Gilbert, who teaches at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, says his own children have a negative impact on their daily happiness. Why the parents claimed that the opposite was because they were repressing the frustrating experiences of everyday life.

Gilbert even compares children to drugged heroins. Once you allowed them into their lives, all you were happy to do was get lost: meet friends, have sex, go to the movies in couples. Gerlind Sievers also knows the desire to do something with her husband. And she also knows the times when she gets irritated. The 27-year-old female doctor has just started working at a Berlin clinic where she has completed her year of practice. Three-year-old Finn hangs on his leg and 19-month-old Runa wants the key in her hand.

Happiness is when they straighten your blanket at night and kiss you on the cheek, thinking that you are sleeping.

At the heart of family happiness is mutual understanding and mutual respect.

Family - that's what matters most, that's what makes my heart beat.

Family - that's what matters most, that's what makes me happy.

Happiness is when you have a big, friendly, caring, loving family in another country.

She has a day between visions of patients and exams, she is five months pregnant and would like to bury her childless colleagues just in the bathtub. But she will never come to the conclusion that she was more unhappy than before she became a mother. Many moments of happiness with children are a cause of exhaustion, she says.

Gerlind and Arn Sievers can name many reasons why Finn and Rune make them happy: since they were born, they have laughed a lot more. They experienced their childhood again, festivals such as Christmas or birthdays were again characterized as welcome, as they were before when they were still a child. “Just choosing gifts, thinking about what they will do for the eyes, is a lot of luck,” says Arne Sievers.

Happiness for a woman is not only a state of mind, but also a state of her husband.

The greatest happiness in life is the confidence that your family loves you, loves you because we are who we are, or despite the fact that we are who we are.

Women's happiness - to be obedient to parents, to be loved by her husband, to be caring for children!

His wife Gerlind was first pregnant at 24, much earlier than most women today. Her studies were almost finished, Arne Sievers was working as an intern at an elementary school. They always wanted children early. "Like many, three or four, we couldn't agree," he says.

This may also be due to the fact that they both come from families with children. Gerlind Sievers has seven, her husband Arne has four brothers and sisters. Childish crying, toys lying around, noses dripping and the feeling of never being alone, they know from a small perspective - as a matter of course. But also what it means to give back, share and stand up for others.

The most important thing in life is your family. For her you have to fight and worry. Your wife and mother will worry about the rest.

With everyone at least once there was such a moment when you suddenly wanted to turn on the music at full volume and dance, dance. Here you awkwardly turn around, and there the whole family is dying.

With the creation of a family, you should forget about partying and all other entertainment. But they will never replace the children's laughter and the first words of your baby.

Frequent family naivety: money breeds in the wallet, food multiplies in the refrigerator, and storks bring children.

Best Status:
Only having matured, you understand that there are no more important reliable friends, dear family, beloved woman and own son in life.

Bentley and money are not important, but a happy family with a bunch of kids, money and Bentley is already something ...

When creating a family, look at all the qualities of a partner, but for entertainment for one night, a pretty face is enough.

- Carrot, carrot, why are you so sad? Do you see juice? My family…

It wasn't until my wife started riding beside me that I realized the true meaning of the term right hand obstruction.

In family scenes, one director, the other director.

Ideal family: dad works, mom is beautiful!)

If family members do not love each other, if fellow villagers and townspeople do not respect each other, such a family is not good, neither the village nor the city.

For a woman, there is no higher joy than children.

Our mother cries loudly that everyone in the apartment is pigs. Hush mommy don't cry, others have the same srach

I don't want a rich husband with a Mercedes...but I just want happy family and a lot of children! ... just that.

Dad decided to check if I was swearing, and tripped me

Judging by how everyone actively adds each other as relatives, our city is one big friendly family.

In the family circle, everyone had their own corner.

My family is strange: dad talks to his car, mom with flowers, sister with cats, I'm the only normal one with a computer and a phone

And in the evenings, the whole family watched the radio ...

I realized that my childhood was over when my parents started hiding cognac from me at home!

Intelligent family. The wife plays the violin. Husband: - Okay, okay, stop it! I'll buy you a new dress..

A happy marriage is a marriage in which the husband understands every word that the wife does not say.

Married life is every day a war and every night a truce ...

If my pasta burns, it means “Krivoruka! you don’t know how to cook!” And if dad’s, then - “mm, with roast”

I have a family. Me, the cat and the blanket. We even sleep together!

The family is one of the masterpieces of nature.

I know the password, I see an ATM, I believe my dad is an oil tycoon

Family statuses - good spouses have the same goals.

IN big family individual farmers grow up crippled.

My family always comes first..!

The key to family happiness is kindness, frankness, responsiveness.

In family life, while maintaining your dignity, you must be able to yield to each other.

Equality in the family means that the husband is equal and the wife is equal. And the wife is especially distinguished by this.

Family is not the place where everything is perfect, but the place where they forgive each other!

If there is hazing in the family, then there is fatherlessness.

A family is a small country where PAPA is the President, MOMMA is the Minister of Finance, the Minister of Health, the Minister of Culture and Emergencies in the Family. A CHILD is a people who constantly demand something, are indignant and go on strike.

Who is the head of the family is not the main thing. The main thing is to keep the family alive.

All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.

Do not give birth to children for the sake of family happiness - give birth to children in happy families.

Marital happiness is when two neuroticisms match perfectly.

The family is the foundation of the most important thing in a person's life.

Forgive me mom, married son

Better buffet than swedish family.

You must always be the best youngest child in family.

Today we walked with dad, how nice it was to walk with him by the hand. Love him.

Thank you mom for your nice words. Because you dedicated yourself to me. You are the only one for me. You are my family.

In the family, the power of reason is good, the power of force is evil.

Children are happiness! But it comes at such a high price!

Happy is he who is happy at home with his family.

Mom, dad, why do you think that a good company for a child in the summer is old people in the village?

In a family you will not be full of love alone, but without love you will choke.

Conjugal love, which goes through a thousand accidents, is the most beautiful miracle, although the most ordinary.

Statuses about the family - Chmok - we are a couple, bang - family, strum - you are dad, I'm mom.

Chmok - we are a couple, chpok - family, strum - you're dad, I'm mom.

Family is the place where you can find your love!

In some families, one happiness is to quickly escape from a domestic nightmare. The most active life is for those who run like this.

If the family is not filled with children's cries, they are more than compensated by adults ...

The family is not a cell of the state. The family is the state and eats

In a family, as in a state, the most dangerous thing is anarchy.

A considerable benefit for the family is the expulsion of a villain from it.

The family is one of the masterpieces of nature.

I realized that my mother can be proud of my upbringing when, catching my heel on a step and flying half a ladder, I yelled: `oh-oh-oh!`

If a child is always seen, but not heard, this is an ideal child. But even he dreams of ideal parents, who are neither seen nor heard.

In family life, the most important screw is love ...

Many parents pack up their trouble and send them to camp...

Do not forget that everything in the family should be equal: a new fur coat for a wife, socks for a husband

Toys are devices invented by adults so that children do not interfere with adults playing their games.

HAPPINESS is my child, in whose eyes you look and understand why God created you!!!

Even the devil in his hell would like to have polite and obedient angels.

Who is the head of the family is not the main thing. The main thing is to keep the family alive.

My friends, family and love are not discussed! They are perfect, period.

How quickly time flies! You will not have time to start a family, as the children are already getting divorced!

Mom raised me to be a true lady. Father - good man. Fate is a vengeful bitch ... Thank them for this

A young family (aged 14 and 15) is looking for a family friend with a passport to buy alcohol and cigarettes.

For a woman, there is no higher joy than children and family.

Even the strongest family is no stronger than a house of cards.

My family is my castle.

A real family begins with the birth of the first child ...

The husband is always right, but the wife is never wrong.

It is easier to win peace in the family by concluding a truce in it in time.

A family is a group of people who are connected by ties of blood and quarrel over money issues ...

Normal family. In between quarrels and fights, the couple gave birth and raised three normal children.

Today, complete harmony reigns in our family in the morning: the baby took Vrednolin, mom - Stervozol, and dad - Papazol. Everyone is happy

Great family. The girl is 14 years old. Didn't sleep at home. He comes home and twists his panties on his finger ... Parents, of course, with the question: - Where were you all night? What did you do? - I don't know what it's called, but it's a hobby for life.

In a large family... the refrigerator is empty.

For a man, there is nothing more beautiful than waking up in the same bed with two girls ... .. and quietly admiring how they sleep. Such defenseless, sweet and beloved - wife and daughter

Home comfort - scenery for family scenes.

First, parents interfere with our lives, then children, and only when grandchildren appear, we understand that we have not lived in vain.

The head of the family: one for all and all for one!

On the day of family, love and fidelity. I wish you happiness, Take care of your family, After all, she is the only one!

In happy families, spouses quarrel, sharing the gifts of the Magi, leaving each other a tidbit.

It is better if someone alone is in charge in the family. And it is better if this “someone” is love.

You collect your husband, then your child, then your second child, and then you try to collect yourself in 10 minutes ... and they all look at you together and say ... mom, you always get ready the longest!

Happiness is when you have a big, friendly, caring, loving family in another country.

Rejoice with your family, this is the most beautiful thing on earth ...

Dad, dad, and who is that in the corner - shaggy, with red eyes, sitting all night? - Do not be afraid, daughter, this is our mother in VKontakte.

  • A happy family is one in which the husband and wife forget during the day that they are lovers, and at night that they are spouses.
  • For a happy family life, the character of the spouses is important, and for entertainment, just one pretty appearance is enough.
  • A happy marriage is a marriage in which the husband understands every word that the wife did not say...
  • A good woman, when she marries, promises happiness, a bad woman waits for him.
  • Today in our family in the morning there is complete harmony: the baby took "Vrednolin", mom - "Stervozol", and dad - "Papazol". Everyone is happy
    • Marital happiness is when two neuroticisms match perfectly. -
    • "Take care of those who are near. Appreciate the one who forgot about his pride for you. Who forgave a lot and always waited ... God sends such people only once!"
    • Happiness exists only when there is someone to share it with.
    • Being loved by your soulmate is better than being rich. Because being loved means being happy, and happiness cannot be bought.
    • I love my husband and child. Basically, I love my family.
  • They lived happily ever after. But still more long than happy.
  • Happiness is when he, whom even alarm clocks will not wake up, wakes up from the fact that I stopped hugging him.
  • They lived happily until they began to find out who made whom happy.
  • Happiness is when they straighten your blanket at night and kiss you on the cheek, thinking that you are sleeping.
  • Family - that's what matters most, that's what makes my heart beat.
  • Happiness is when you have a big, friendly, caring, loving family in another country.
  • The greatest happiness in life is the confidence that your family loves you, loves you because we are who we are, or despite the fact that we are who we are.
  • There is a category of people with whom it is difficult to live in a family and who find it difficult in family life.
  • Happy is he who is happy at home.
  • All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.
  • Happiness is when: there are no sick people in the house, no relatives in prison, no rotten partners among partners, and no enemies among friends!
  • HAPPINESS is when you really want to go to work in the morning, and in the evening you really want to go home.
  • Happiness is when you see the people you love every day
  • "Happiness - when everything is fine in the family! When the children are healthy and the relationship with the husband is good!"
  • The key to family happiness is kindness, frankness, responsiveness ...
  • We are with him, like Masha and the Bear. I'm so small, arrogant and clingy. And he is big, strong, protects all the time and, no matter what, does not let go
  • Happiness is when you don't have time to access the Internet, because you constantly spend time with your family.
  • Getting married is a very serious step! When we quarrel with our parents, we don’t think that we need to look for new ones! So the husband should become a native little man! One for life!
  • Happy is not the one who has a lot of good, but the one whose wife is faithful!
  • Happiness is being needed by someone who needs you -
  • For most of us, children, family and happiness are inseparable concepts. A person who considers himself "lucky", because he has a lot of wonderful relatives, will definitely write about them in his status. beautiful statuses about family and happiness give hope to anyone who reads them. Looking through such statuses with meaning, they begin to believe that joy will soon come into their lives.

    All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.

    IN happy family the wife thinks that the money is taken from the bedside table, the husband that the food is taken from the refrigerator, and the children that they were found in the cabbage.

    We will be happy. I will wake up at night and run barefoot to the kitchen. I'll wake you up by biting your ear, and you scream and hit me with a pillow. Our neighbors will wake up from our screams and laughter, and we will desperately love each other.

    Only one person asked me: "Did you have lunch today? Do you have warm boots for the winter?" That's why I married him.

    A happy marriage is a long conversation that always seems too short.

    The only thing you have to worry about is the family, and let the rest worry by itself!

    Your days are full of joy if you sleep at home with your wife!”… Here is the recipe for family happiness!

    A woman is happy when she sees the smiling eyes of her husband and knows that she is the cause of this joy.

    To appreciate family happiness, patience is needed!

    A fan placed over a boiling kettle and blowing in your face will remind you of summer. The sharp cries of the wife at this moment will remind you of seagulls and the sea.

    Getting married is a very serious step! When we quarrel with our parents, we don’t think that we need to look for new ones! So the husband should become a native little man! One for life! The main thing is not to make a mistake in choosing!

    For three days my husband was happy: breakfast was cooked, lunch was packed for work, after work - dinner, everything was washed, the apartment was cleaned ... AND TODAY I PAYED FOR THE INTERNET !!!))))

    A happy family is one in which the husband and wife forget during the day that they are lovers, and at night that they are spouses.

    Who said there is no happiness? I will answer - This is nonsense! There is happiness - this is a family, our children and friends! Happiness is kindness! We are nowhere without happiness!

    Happiness is when they straighten your blanket at night and kiss you on the cheek, thinking that you are sleeping.

    HAPPINESS is when you really want to go to work in the morning, and in the evening you really want to go home.

    Family is the most comfortable and warm place on Earth. And in this place you are truly happy!

    Probably, this is happiness: waking up at night and hearing how he comes to the baby’s bed and, taking him in his arms, says: “Hush, sun, don’t cry, otherwise you will wake up your mother”

    Perhaps in the future his parents will call me daughter, and our small miracle for the first time he will say the two main words in life "mom, dad", this is real happiness ...

    Happy is he who is happy at home!

    A family is what it is worth waking up every day for, breathing every second, and praying to God every moment to protect and protect.

    The secret of family happiness: LOVE YOURSELF A LITTLE MORE THAN HIM!!! (and he will love you even more, believe me!)

    The greatest happiness in life is the certainty that your family loves you, loves you because we are who we are, or despite the fact that we are who we are.
