Normal age for a first kiss. How to kiss on the lips for the first time: advice for guys and girls about the first kiss

The first kiss for each person goes according to his own scenario, while one of the different criteria is age. This is an exciting event that will remain in the memory for a long time. Many are interested in how old you can kiss in order to experience the full range of feelings. Great amount people, according to the survey, remember all their lives with whom, when and under what circumstances the first romantic contact occurred.

At what age can you kiss on the lips?

According to statistics, such an event occurs in adolescence, around 12-16 years old. Since girls develop faster than boys, they kiss earlier, choosing more experienced partners for themselves. Many young girls, fearing condemnation and not wanting to lag behind their peers, decide on the first kiss, and, according to psychologists, this is a serious mistake, since the event can leave behind a serious psychological trauma. The first kiss must be sincere.

It is impossible to say exactly what time you can kiss, because real feelings do not tolerate any restrictions and rules. That is why it is impossible to name the exact age, since for each person this event occurs individually.

How old can you kiss?

At a more conscious age, people worry before a date and try to carefully prepare for a kiss. Firstly, you should take care of fresh breath, and secondly, tune in emotionally. It is important not to worry, because excessive excitement can become a serious obstacle to enjoying the process. It is very important that the first kiss leaves behind pleasant sensations that you will remember throughout your life.

It's no secret that a person, long before the onset of puberty, begins to be attracted to representatives of the opposite sex. The interest of boys in girls and vice versa is noticeable even in kindergarten. It is here that children show the first signs of attention to each other. If you watch children in kindergartens, you can see this without any problems. After all, cases of showing interest in members of the opposite sex among children are far from isolated. For example, in kindergartens they are extremely common.

Children's sympathy for the opposite sex is manifested in all sorts of little things. So, if a boy likes a girl, then he can give her his toy, felt-tip pens, coloring books and all kinds of little things. At this age, sympathy can be exclusively platonic, without physiological grounds.

People begin to feel even greater sympathy for the opposite sex in the lower grades. At this age, it can also have different ways of manifestation. For example, if a boy likes his classmate, then he will probably want her to sit at the same desk with him.

Over the years, people experience more and more sympathy and attraction to people of the opposite sex. And this is not surprising, because the process of puberty begins. Therefore, it is physiology that becomes the basis for attraction. And it is at this time that a person has many important questions that are somehow connected with relationships. For example, many people are really interested in the question of how old you can start kissing.

How important is the first kiss?

Many people exalt the first kiss too much. They consider this moment one of the brightest and most memorable in everyone's life. young man. Such people are sure that the first kiss should go perfectly, because it is remembered for a lifetime.

However, if you look at the first kiss without excessive romanticism, then we can say with confidence that there is nothing special about it. Moreover, due to the inexperience of the partners, it will be awkward and unsuccessful. So do not overestimate this moment. Take it a lot easier. Thus, it will be easier for you to kiss a person for the first time at absolutely any age.

How to make your first kiss memorable forever

Some people take the first kiss so seriously that they want it to be remembered for a lifetime. They take seriously the question of how to make such an intimate moment memorable forever. Such people do not want to believe that remembering the first kiss is almost impossible, especially if he was in early age. If you don't believe this, then ask your parents or older friends about their first kiss. With a high degree of probability, no one will remember this. Well, if your parents claim that their first kiss was with each other, then you can be sure that they are probably deceiving you.

The only exceptions are those who kissed for the first time at a conscious age, for example, at fifteen. And then they can not be fully trusted, because perhaps they forgot about their kisses, which happened at the age of five to fifteen.

In general, no matter how much you want to remember your first kiss, it is almost impossible to do so. But there is no need to be upset about this. After all, the importance of the first kiss is greatly overestimated.

Do I need to prepare for the first kiss

At a conscious age, a person who goes on a date is preparing for a possible kiss. He monitors the freshness of his breath, and prepare for the kiss emotionally. This must be done, because in many respects it is by the first kiss that a person draws conclusions about his chosen one. After all, if the kiss was truly terrible, then there is a possibility that the person who did not like this moment will no longer want to go on dates with the one who ruined the first intimacy. Therefore, those who plan to go on a date, it is necessary to prepare for a kiss without fail.

However, a person does not always have the opportunity to prepare for this. After all, a kiss can happen quite by accident, when a person does not expect it. Therefore, it is not always possible to prepare for this moment. But this does not mean that without preparation the kiss will be terrible. So don't worry that you didn't prepare for a kiss that happened completely by accident, because it might have gone great. The only thing you can worry about is the freshness of breath. After all, it largely depends on this whether your partner likes a kiss or not. Therefore, if you are hoping to receive a kiss on this day from a person to whom you feel sympathy, then be prepared for this. That is, keep an eye on the freshness of your breath. Better, just in case, carry mints with you.

Ideal age for first kiss

In fact, love and relationships do not tolerate any strict rules. After all, they usually represent a stream of emotions and experiences. Therefore, there is no clear understanding of the ideal age for the first kiss. The fact is that for each person this age will be different. That is, if for some people the ideal period for the first kiss is going to kindergarten, then others prefer not to rush into this matter and kiss for the first time, only in high school.

Also, there is no clear rule about how old you can start kissing. After all, no one can forbid you to kiss at the age when you really want to do it. Neither parents nor society have the right to forbid you. Therefore, it is not surprising that most people kiss for the first time in early childhood.

4-6 years old

At this age, many people kiss for the first time. This usually happens in kindergarten or on the playground, when the kids are having fun. Remarkably, both little boys and girls become the initiators of the kiss. That is, children of opposite sexes show almost the same interest in each other. Moreover, girls do it at an earlier age, because they mature faster.

At this age, children learn about kissing from their near and dear ones. They are usually kissed by relatives and parents. Children understand that in this way people close to them show love and sympathy for them. Therefore, they begin to show sympathy for those people that they like, in this way, because children learn from adults.

Usually at this age, children kiss each other on the cheek. There is nothing wrong with such kisses even at such a young age. Although it also happens that at such a young age they kiss on the lips. However, even a kiss on the lips that happened in kindergarten or on the playground, people hardly remember.

In general, most people kiss for the first time between the ages of four and six. However, if you ask one of these people, when did they first kiss? Almost all of them will name a later period of life. So the first kisses that happened at that age are practically not remembered by anyone.

7-9 years old

Unlike the kissing that occurs in kindergartens and playgrounds, kissing at this age is much more memorable. Most often they are at school, because it is here that boys and girls have the opportunity to communicate with each other almost every day. Such frequent communication leads to the fact that children begin to feel sympathy. They try to show this sympathy through all sorts of ways, including kisses. Most often at this age, children kiss each other on the cheek. However, there are exceptions when a classmate collects his thoughts and kisses a classmate for whom he feels great sympathy on the lips.

Such kisses usually look pretty harmless. After all, at this age people show their disinterested and tender feelings. Many can do this with a kiss. So don't judge them. Especially when it comes to a harmless baby kiss on the cheek.

10-12 years old

At this age, children first begin to experience physiological cravings for members of the opposite sex. Therefore, in the period from ten to twelve years, children's kisses begin to take on new shapes. That is, children do this not only to show their feelings and sympathy, but also to experience personal pleasure. It is at this age that children begin to kiss each other on the lips more and more often. Although it still looks extremely harmless. That is, about no french kissing At this age, it's out of the question. Most often we are talking about the usual "smack" on the lips. But, in fairness, it is worth noting that there are also children who try to kiss with the tongue. And although they are not successful enough, they are trying. Various hypocrites and hypocrites may say that this is unacceptable, but they can be ignored. For such people, everything is usually unacceptable.

13 years

This age can be divided into a separate category, because if you believe the statistics, most people begin puberty at this age. It is at thirteen that most people have innocent kisses, which quite often meant nothing at all, develop into something more. That is, at this age, most young boys and girls begin to kiss each other for their own pleasure, and not in order to show their sympathy. Moreover, it is precisely this nature of them. Therefore, there is no need to resist it. And if you are faced with the question of how old you can start kissing? That thirteen years of age will be for most people the most acceptable age for this.

14-16 years old

At this age, teenagers begin to feel free to kiss. They hone their technique and start kissing even those they don't really like. This is explained by the usual physiological attraction.

17-18 years old

Now, when morals have become freer, it is rare to find a person who has never kissed before the age of eighteen. However, there are such people.

20-30 years old

Although there are very few such people, there are those who begin to kiss only in their third decade. However, this usually indicates certain deviations. So if you haven't kissed until your twenties or thirties, then you don't have to assume that this is normal.

At what age can you kiss in public

If couples started kissing at a fairly young age, then they probably do this far from prying eyes. For example, quite often you can meet a boy with a girl in the entrance, who are just standing on the stairwell. However, they are far from just standing there. Most likely, the guys were kissing before you showed up and interrupted them. They do it away from prying eyes for the reason that they are ashamed to do it in in public places or just on the street. Young people simply do not know at what age it is acceptable to kiss in public places and in front of strangers.

Most often, people don't risk kissing in public until they start high school. At this age, they are still haunted by the fear that they will be looked askance at. What's more, even seniors question whether they can kiss in public already. Therefore, many continue to do it only in private.

What can we say about schoolchildren who are shy and afraid to kiss in public places, even if many adult couples doubt whether it is acceptable to do this in public. Such people have an opinion in their heads that it is ugly and shameful to show their feelings for a loved one in public. But why be ashamed of your sincere and beautiful feelings? Why are people afraid to kiss their loved one in line, park, cafe, bus stop and other places? Thus, people do not commit anything criminal. Moreover, most often the manifestation of feelings in public places is condemned by those who do not have second halves. Therefore, we can assume that ordinary envy speaks in them. So is it necessary to pay attention to the opinion of such people?

Articles about kissing

Most remember their first kisses at school or even kindergarten. But, of course, they are not considered real and complete. Only a kiss with a loved one brings pleasant sensations. Teenagers are increasingly asking the question of how old you can kiss. This age for each person is purely individual and depends not only on the appearance of desire, but also on when a truly close person will meet.

What role does age play?

Nature arranged us in such a way that thoughts about kisses will not arise until the body is ready for this. Therefore, there is no certain age for the beginning of a certain “intimate” life. Someone can start at the age of 10, and someone will save himself for the only (or only) years until the age of 30. And there is nothing surprising in this, since we are all different. How do you know at what age you can kiss? Most often, girls and guys want to try it as soon as possible, and then remain disappointed. This is due to the fact that there are no real feelings for the partner, therefore the kiss did not bring such vivid emotions.

Reasons why teens want to start kissing faster

The topic of a kiss is usually relevant at the age of 12-14 years. During this period, they begin to be interested in the opposite sex, the first love appears. In girls, the body begins to mature a little earlier (12-13 years) than in boys (13-15).

kiss technique

In the era of computer technology, you can increasingly hear about this: “I don’t know how to kiss, what should I do?”. virtual world replaces real communication for teenagers, so it comes to kissing later. The ability to kiss comes with experience, and if you don’t have it, then the skills are unlikely to appear by themselves. If a person does not know how to do something, then this needs to be learned. It is not difficult to do this, it is enough even to watch a couple of romantic films where kisses are always filmed. close-up. Imagine yourself in the place of the main character with a kiss, and everything will work out by itself. And with real feelings, a kiss turns out by itself, and at such a moment the question “what to do?” will not come. If you're afraid to kiss, then just close your eyes and relax. This technique helps almost everyone.

Rules for the Perfect Kiss

So that nothing overshadows your gentle kiss, you should follow a few elementary rules:

  • Only kiss someone you have real feelings for, no matter how old. You can kiss without sympathy, but you can’t get pleasure from it.
  • Relax and don't think about anything.
  • Keep your breath fresh at all times.

And remember, a kiss is something desired, intimate and long-awaited!

In order to answer the question of at what age you can start kissing, you first need to understand what a kiss is. If we talk about it in simple terms, then this is a touch with the lips to someone or something. Thus, people throughout their lives can show feelings of passion, love and reverence. Throughout their lives, people may encounter kisses, but we will not talk about how they are attractive to people, since many people already know about the sensations that we experience when kissing. This time we will talk about at what age you can start kissing.

A little about age
The very question of how old you can start kissing sounds somewhat silly. The thing is that here it is simply impossible to determine any strict age limits. In practice, you can meet a lot of people who made their first kiss at the age of 11, while others only at 22. Is it possible to say that someone in this situation was more fortunate than the other? Definitely not, as you need to take into account each specific situation. If we talk about kisses at an earlier age, then as a rule they are made solely out of a sense of interest, but at a more late age a kiss can take place with a loved one, and this is a completely different matter. Perhaps a more adult person could wait for a kiss with a specific person for a long time, and finally, his wish came true. You can neither laugh at him nor blame him, since there will be nothing shameful and shameful in this act.

Psychologists have long noted that teenagers of the same age who communicate in the same circle may feel left behind by others if someone from the company starts kissing earlier. In practice, there is no point in bothering with this, since in the future you can get completely different sensations from a kiss, but for this you need to grow up a little. Therefore, sometimes you can just think about the future and realize that it is only then that you can fully appreciate all the sensations of a kiss and understand what it really is. If you pay attention to the studies of scientists, they say that most teenagers make their first kiss on the lips at the age of 15 years. A few years before this, adolescents begin puberty, and after a while they begin to show interest in members of the opposite sex.

Parents of teenagers sometimes react differently to such a manifestation of sympathy from their children, forbidding them to kiss at an early age. In fact, this is fundamentally wrong, since there is simply nothing wrong with this. Some parents tend to believe that the later their child's first kiss occurs, the better, since in this case there will be an increased likelihood that the child will be able to accurately determine his soulmate, with whom he will live all his life. This makes some sense, but young people themselves are rarely satisfied with this.

Kissing is an attribute of adulthood. Those who have already kissed believe that they have undergone some kind of initiation, and feel older, wiser. Girls tend to share their impressions of growing up with their friends, and they always talk about their first kisses. And here the question arises for a less fortunate girlfriend, at what age can you kiss?

Kiss a loved one

By asking such a question, people forget that a kiss will bring pleasant sensations only if people are close. That is, kissing a stranger will not be very pleasant, even if the person is your type. Therefore, before moving on to such close communication, you need to at least talk, find out what kind of person is in front of you.

In some teenage groups, where people are just friends and communicate, it is customary to kiss each other when they meet. Moreover, this way of greeting is not always only on the cheek. Often this is a kiss on the lips. Choppy, dry, but still quite intimate. We will not talk now about the fact that it is unhygienic or depraved. We only note that among the members of this group, convergence will occur faster and easier. That is, they are all already close, because the kiss removes the distance.

Does age matter

Many remember a kiss in kindergarten or in first grade. It is generally not considered a complete experience. This is the age when children have not yet acquired complexes, did not begin to feel awkward with the opposite sex. That is why it is more difficult to kiss a girl during the beginning of growing up. That is, the first kisses are less common in nine - eleven-year-olds. But later, the girls begin to stare at their classmates, and the boys try to increase their importance in the team.

These fledgling teenagers break the first kiss from the girl they like. They do not think about how old you can kiss, they act impulsively. And this kiss cannot be called a mature choice and a conscious action. He is still a little childish, like the one from elementary school. But at the same time, it expresses the inner struggle and sensual spectrum of a teenager. The boy already understands a lot, he has a huge amount of information and no experience at all. Therefore, before the age of fourteen in standard cases, one should not attach deep importance to such things.

Many remember the first love that comes to people of a more mature age. That's when a kiss can happen. And if the feeling covers, then there is no difference at what age you can kiss, there is simply no desire to think about it. The kiss itself will happen between those who are ready for it. After all, readiness is not determined by age, it comes with experience, which can be unexpectedly great for a very young lover. Other people do not feel maturity even after stepping over the age of majority.
