New Year's scenarios for kindergarten year of the dog. Musical script for the New Year's holiday in kindergarten - Year of the Dog

Scenario New Year's party by the year of the dog is suitable for holding in kindergarten, primary school schools, orphanages, as well as theaters for young viewers. This scenario could also be called: "New tricks of Baba Yaga."

Script roles:

1. Santa Claus
2. Snow Maiden
3. Dog Antoshka
4. Grandma-Yozhka
5. Kikimora
6. Crow
7. Koschei

Scene 1

Baba Yaga comes out into the hall for a matinee to the music (backing track, without words) “And I’m going like this all in Dolce Gabbana”, with an offended look, proudly walks around the hall and stops in the middle.

Grandmother Yozhka:
- I quarreled with Koshchei, I can’t see him, he promised to marry me, he only deceived Yaga. He says: it’s too old, I’m only 300 years old! Himself like a crooked stump, rotten, a real old grandfather!
Proudly spat at Koshchei and I left him. Let him now sit, yearn, I'm not bad without him. I'll call my friend...

/Pulls out cell phone and dials/

Grandmother Yozhka:
- Ale, ale, Kikimora. How are you? Where are you dressing up? On holiday? And I want too!

/Hangs up the phone/

Grandmother Yozhka:
- Here are those times. Kikimora then gathered for the holiday. He says that the new year, the year of the dog is coming. Santa Claus is coming to visit us, great news! I want to misbehave and annoy Koshchei. Maybe I can steal gifts and put them on Koshchei. Santa Claus will punish him, freeze him to the bone. Well, for me, like honey for the soul, it will immediately become more fun.

Grandmother Yozhka:
- Oh, Grandmother-Yozhka, bone leg, clever, beautiful, I really like the plan!

/leaves the room/

Scene 2

The script continues. Ded Moroz, Snegurochka and Dog Antoshka appear on the stage.

Snow Maiden:
- Grandfather, how many gifts we bring to the guys today. How many good girls and boys lives in this city. We need to be more careful not to lose gifts along the way, our sleigh is small. And the horses are dashing, they gallop quickly, they scatter the snow, you can’t see anything.

Father Frost:
- And we will instruct our glorious dog Antoshka to make sure that the gifts do not fall out and are not confused. After all, even if one gift is lost, one of the children will remain offended, and we cannot allow this to happen.

/Because of the bushes peeps and eavesdrops Grandmother-Yozhka/

Father Frost:
- So, Antoshka, the Snow Maiden and I sit in the sleigh, and you run behind and look at the path so that not a single gift falls out.

Dog Antoshka:
- All right, Santa Claus! I will not let you down! Woof!

/ Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden leave, the dog follows them /

Scene 3

Grandmother Yozhka:
- Yeah, here they are doves. So, the dog will follow the gifts. This complicates matters. We'll have to outwit them, catch the dog, twist, tie, pick up gifts, drag them off, annoy Koshchei!

/Takes out the phone and calls his friend Kikimore again/

Grandmother Yozhka:
- Ale, Kikimora, there is a case for a million! No, not dollars, more important. Come to me quickly. Write down the address: Lesnaya street, pine number 3, but hurry up and run.

/ Kikimora runs into the hall /

- What's the matter, confess, deceive and don't try. Even though you are my friend, you are always on my mind. What's up, Yaga?

Grandmother Yozhka:
- I'm very angry with Koshchei. I want to take revenge on him. So that he knows how to joke with me. Steal gifts from Frost and put Koshchei so that Santa Claus will freeze him later without sparing. Gifts are carried in sledges, they shake through the pits and hills. But the dog Antoshka watches over them, he already angers me a little. Task: to grab the dog, twist it, get all the gifts!

- The idea is clear, I will help, I will distract the dog Antoshka. And you grab gifts on the sly, so that they don't see you. Don't forget about the fee, get me one gift.

Grandmother Yozhka:
“Great plan, go ahead!” Here is a holiday New Year!

Scene 4

Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden are standing next to the sled. The dog Antoshka sits nearby.

Father Frost:
- Tired, my friend, rest. There is still a long way to go. Antosha lingered, our good dog. We will soon be back on a long journey, we need a little rest.

Snow Maiden:
- Grandfather, I'll take a walk in the forest and check if all the animals and birds managed to hide in their holes, if no one froze.

Father Frost:
- All right, granddaughter, take a walk. And you, Antoshka, rest. I also have something to do, I need to wrap the Christmas trees and birch trees with snow so that their branches do not freeze.

/ Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden leave /

Scene 5

/According to the script, some ominous music is turned on/

/ Kikimora and Babka-Yozhka sneak into the hall from different sides /

Kikimora walks around the sleeping Antoshka and conjures over him with his hands:

- Chufyr, chufyr, sleep, don't wake up, until spring, doggy sleep, Antoshka, enjoy!

/ Meanwhile, Grandmother Yozhka lifts the veil under which the gifts are hidden, takes the gifts for herself, and puts rags in their place and closes the veil again. /

/Kikimora and Babka-Yozhka run away./

Scene 6

Ded Moroz and Snegurochka are returning to the hall.

Father Frost:
- Well, as a granddaughter, all the animals hid for the winter, no one froze?

Snow Maiden:
“It's all right, grandpa. Everyone sleeps in the burrows. Have you done your job?

Father Frost:
- And how, dear! Each branch was carefully wrapped in snow fluff.

Snow Maiden:
- Where is Antoshka? Ah, here he is. Everyone is asleep, tired to see. Time to wake up the dog and hit the road.
- Antoshka, wake up!

/But Antoshka did not move/

Father Frost:
- Antoshka, it's time for us!

Snow Maiden:
- Asleep! Soundly!

/She goes to the dog to stroke it, but the dog does not move/

Snow Maiden:
- Santa Claus, something happened to our Antoshka, it looks like he froze!

Father Frost:
- What are you, Snow Maiden! I don't freeze my friends. Let me check. And he really doesn’t wake up, but it’s not from the cold, it looks like witchcraft, it’s clear that while we were gone, trouble happened to him. Oh, woe to me, the old one, did not keep track ...

/Starts to cry/

/ A crow croaked from a branch /

- Kar-kar! And I saw who bewitched your dog, this is the evil Kikimora and her friend Baba Yaga! And also, kar-kar, they stole your gifts!

Snow Maiden:
How was it stolen? We have a full sleigh, there is a mountain of gifts, under a veil.

/Santa Claus looks under the covers/

Father Frost:
- Indeed, there are no gifts, only rags. Oh, insidious, oh, scoundrels, well, get caught by me, I will freeze you into blocks of ice! Snow Maiden, it's time for us to go in search of Baba Yaga and Kikimora, for one and we will look for gifts. And the robbers must be punished! They have no place in this fabulously beautiful forest. Put Antoshka in the sled. Let the darling sleep for now. I will make Baba Yaga disenchant our friend.

/The scenario continues with the dance of forest fairies or snowflakes/

Scene 7

/ Meanwhile, Babka-Yozhka and Kikimora crept up to Koshchei's castle and looked into his window, where he peacefully drank tea with bagels. According to this scenario, Koschey was a kind old man who did not pose a threat to society /

/ You can include Koshchei's song in the music program /

- But how can we put gifts to Koshchei? By the way, I already chose one box for myself, the biggest one!

Baba Yaga:
- And let's dress up as Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden!

- Let's!

Baba Yaga:
- Only me, chur, Snow Maiden! Of us, I am the most beautiful.

- No, I am!

Baba Yaga:
Don't argue, I'm prettier!

/Start to fight. Tearing each other's hair./

- Okay, you got it. I'll be a grandfather ... Let's go dress up!

Scene 8

/ Meanwhile, Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, on a tip from the Crow, reached the kingdom of Koshcheev. /

Snow Maiden:
- Santa Claus, it seems we have come. Look what an ominous place. Ahead is a high mountain, on the mountain there is a castle. You need to go up there and find out if Baba Yaga and Kikimora are there.

/ Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden temporarily leave the hall /

/Meanwhile, disguised Baba Yaga and Kikimora run up to the castle and knock on the door/

/ The doors are opened by the unsuspecting Koschei the immortal /

- Who's there?

Baba Yaga:/ dressed as a Snow Maiden, but it is clear that this is Babka Yaga /
- Koschey, this is Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, they came to congratulate you on the New Year!

- Gifts - brought a mountain!

- So glad! No one has ever congratulated me, and even more so, Santa Claus himself, and even with the Snow Maiden!

Baba Yaga:
- Hold on, this is all for you / and gives a lot of gifts /

/At this time, the real Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden come to the castle. Antoshka remained in the sleigh./

/ Babka Yaga and Kikimora see that the real Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden are approaching them, get scared and want to run away, but Santa Claus stops them with his magic staff and freezes them. grandmother Yozhka and Kikimora freeze in unnatural poses. So they stand, not moving /

- What's going on here? Two Santas? Two Snow Maidens? /and faints/

/ The Snow Maiden runs up to him and starts waving a handkerchief in front of his face. Koschey comes to his senses./

- What was it? Am I sleeping? Or did I dream it? Where are my gifts? /looks for them/
- The gifts are in place, so this is not a dream. Are you real? Who are those then?

Father Frost:
- And “those” are Baba Yaga and Kikimora. And the gifts are not yours, they are stolen and intended for children. And if you are with these villains at the same time, then we will...

– Oh, that's it… No, I'm not friends with these villains. You know, I changed a lot after Ivan Tsarevich threatened to break the needle, that is, Koshcheev's life. Now I do only good deeds, I did not succeed in re-educating Baba Yaga. She's very harmful. And Kikimora is with her. Let them remain as statues. Forever.

Snow Maiden:
- We would leave them as statues, but they bewitched our friend, the dog Antoshka, and only they know the spell.

Father Frost:
- We'll have to disenchant the villain ..

/Takes a staff and touches it to Baba Yaga and Kikimore. They come to life./

Father Frost:
“Come on, you scoundrels, now disenchant our friend Antoshka the dog!” And promise never to do magic or steal anything again!

Grandmother Yozhka:
- Have mercy! We won't do it again!

“We agree to everything, just don’t freeze us!” Chufyr, chufyr, dog, wake up and turn into a living one!

/ A dog barking is heard here. The dog comes running./

Dog Antoshka:
- How long I slept, slept through all the work. Gifts stolen!

Father Frost:
- Antoshka! Everything is fine. The gifts are here, safe and sound.

/Father Frost and Snow Maiden pick up gifts./

“Can I keep one present for myself, please?”

Snow Maiden:
- Leave it! /Laughing/

/Kikimora unwraps a gift, and there is just a balloon./

Father Frost:
- And to you, Koschey, for the fact that you have corrected, we will give entertainment. A cure for boredom, a cure for sadness. /give a big box. In it: accordion /

- You will play, entertain yourself. And you, old women, sing and dance! But I will look after you, so look, I have everything! /threatens finger/

Snow Maiden:
- Grandfather Frost, the guys must have been waiting for us, it's time for us to go to the city, to the holiday.

Father Frost:
- Of course, granddaughter, oh you are my clever girl!

/Everyone leaves the hall, including Antoshka/

Scene 9

- The night has come, dark, we got lost in the forest, apparently, the holiday will begin without us. The kids will be upset if we don't come. and we all have gifts ... Oh, oh, oh.

Dog Antoshka:
- Father Frost! I can find my way to the city even in the dark. I'm a dog, and dogs are known to have a great sense of smell!

/begins to sniff and search/

- Found! I feel our guys are here!

/The light turns on. Our actors appear before the kindergarten group /

Father Frost:
We're glad to see you guys! We have come to you from afar! And there were so many adventures ... There are a lot of things: good and evil.

Snow Maiden:
- Today, grandfather and I did not come to you alone for the holiday. After all, the symbol of the coming year is a dog, look! His name is Antoshka, he is a little mischievous!

Dog Antoshka:
- Woof! Guys! Let's be friends! Together we will have fun. And I will honestly serve the guys, guard the kindergarten, play, carry you on a sled!

Father Frost:
- And now it's time to light the lights on our beautiful Christmas tree!

Snow Maiden:
- But this Christmas tree is magical and the lights light up only for those who know how to do everything together and harmoniously! Tell me, guys, is your group friendly?

- Yeees!

Snow Maiden:
- Then let's all say together: Christmas tree, Christmas tree sparkle and play with lights! / repeats 3 times, the third time the Christmas tree lights up /

– Hooray! The tree is on fire!

Father Frost:
- And now let's stand around the Christmas tree and dance a round dance! Who is the bravest? Come to me!

/ Babka-Yozhka, Kikimora, Koschey, Crow, Dog Antoshka and, of course, Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden also go to the round dance /

A cheerful, familiar song plays: "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."

The scenario of the matinee comes to an end. After the round dance, children are given gifts and, if desired, are photographed with the characters.

An actor enters the hall, dressed as a dog, in a matching suit and make-up with a mustache and a black nose.


- Bow-wow! Hello friends! I hurried to your holiday! My forest friends, mischievous squirrels, asked me to come to you and save you from evil spirits. Yaga is a forest witch who wants to ruin the holiday and annoy Santa Claus. But I won't let that happen because I respect this old man.

- I have to drive Baba Yaga away, I can do everything and I can! Gau!

(The dog begins to walk around the hall and sniff in search of Baba Yaga or another negative character, at the discretion of the script writer, it can be replaced)


- Where are you hiding, Yaga? Maybe scared of the dog? I will not give offense to children! I will help my friends.

“Ah, this is where you hid, villainess, now hold on, forest sorceress.

(Baba Yaga grabs her broom, as if starting the engine and “flying away”)


- She ran away, well, don’t come back, sit in the hut, get scared yourself.
- And we with the guys and Santa Claus will celebrate the New Year together! I so want to become your friend, and protect you from any adversity!


- Well, Druzhok, you are a symbol of the year, and my faithful assistant, you also deserve a gift, my dear comrade. Come, don't be shy, hold the BONE and enjoy!


- Woof! Thank you Santa Claus! By the way, I'm cold, I'll gnaw on a bone and warm up as best I can.


- You look, do not freeze, run, jump, bark loudly. Warm your black nose in wool and then Santa Claus will not be afraid of you!


- Thank you, grandfather, I’ll take it into account, I’ll run away to play with the guys.

1 game from Doggy: “Bones”

The dog chooses two guys from the audience and gives them a toy bone each - soft toy. The guys should hit the bone in a large bowl, which stands at a distance of 3 meters. The winner receives a sweet prize. Everyone interested should participate!

Game 2: "Confusion"

The dog ties a long rope to his belt and wraps himself around it. Goes to the guys and says:

“I twirled and twirled and got tangled in the chains. Help, unwind and unravel the knots!

Several guys come out and start unwinding the dog to cheerful music. Then the dog can get confused again and the other guys unravel it again.

3 game: “Musical”

Children include melodies from cartoons, they must remember what kind of cartoon it is. For example, a melody for a song: “Man is a friend to a dog”, “Vacations in Prostokvashino”, “Barboskins”, etc.

Game 4: Pathfinders

For this game, you will need decorations to create a forest and a mitten. Any objects are placed around the hall: snowdrifts, Christmas trees, hemp boxes, etc. The dog says that the Snow Maiden was walking in the forest and dropped her mitten. Dogs have a great sense of smell, but she can't do it alone. The dog invites the children to go in search of the Snow Maiden's mittens with him. Call several participants. The complexity of the task lies in the fact that you need to look for the mitten on all fours, like a dog, running up to each object. The mitten is hidden in one of them. Which of the guys finds it first - he is recognized as the best tracker and receives a sweet prize.

Game 5: “Gifts”

The dog lays out dog footprints cut out of A4 paper or cardboard on the floor. Santa Claus stands at the end of the hall. At the beginning of the hall, children, 5 people. Each child is given a bag, as if a gift. The story is this: Santa Claus is standing with an empty sled, because he forgot the gifts. He doesn't have time to go back. Children must help him and bring gifts, but in order not to get lost, they must jump in the dog's tracks. To grandfather and back. The game is active, fun, suitable as a warm-up. The number of participants is not limited.

Dog's riddle

The actor takes out a clockwork toy - a dog and puts it on the floor, introduces the guys to the puppy and asks to guess his name. Riddle: without a lace and a button, the voice is very sonorous, the guest will come, the puppy will sing.
(Nickname-guess: - "Call")

The puppy is supposed to be given to children in a group for playing at their leisure.

It is on this holiday that all kinds of miracles and magical events happen, carefully prepared by parents, and the days before the New Year and Christmas delight the kids with unusual performances, performances and, of course, school matinees.

Arranging a fabulous matinee for kids is not an easy task. Fortunately, children are the most sincere actors. They are completely immersed in the scenario of the performance, with all their hearts they worry about the heroes of the fairy tale and try to show maximum emotions in front of the dearest spectators - moms and dads, grandparents. Of course, you need to choose the theme of the matinee so that it is understandable to children of a certain age.

For a kindergarten, it is better to choose a performance that will allow the little ones to transform into forest animals, defeat evil heroes and help Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden find gifts and light the Christmas tree. For toddlers who go to junior or middle group kindergarten, we offer unusual scenario matinee. It features not only Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden, squirrels and bunnies, but also the patrons of the year according to the Chinese calendar - the 2017 Rooster totem, and also, which will rule in 2018!

Get ready for the matinee in advance so that the kids have time to memorize their words!

Scenario "Like the year of the Rooster, the year of the Dog did not let in"


  • Cockerel
  • Dog
  • Bunny
  • Chanterelle
  • First Squirrel
  • Second squirrel
  • Father Frost

There is a Christmas tree in the forest, Squirrels and Chanterelle dress it up. Nearby is a hut in which the Cockerel sits at the table and plays the harmonica, next to him sits the Bunny. The Dog comes out from behind the curtains and goes to the hut.


The Year of the Dog has come to you,
open the doors,
Yes, meet well
Pour some tea!

The dog knocks on the door.

Knock-knock-knock, here I am at home!
Open up, Cockerel!
The road is waiting for you
Get on the road, friend!


I lived here for a whole year.
Crowed, guarded,
Got a bunch of wood!
I'm not ready to leave!
Kukareku, ko-ko-ko,
I will close you easily!
Get away while
You didn't have to go bad!

The dog goes to the Christmas tree, sits under it and cries. Squirrels and Chanterelle approach her.

First Squirrel:

We've been waiting for you for so long!
Why are you sad?

Second Squirrel:

Maybe someone offended you?
Or are you not happy to see us?


You alone are my joy!
I'm glad to see all the guys!
Only, apparently, the New Year
Will never come to you!
The rooster does not want to leave:
Cleans feathers, sharpens its beak.
Don't let me in the door...

First Squirrel:

What are we to do now?


Don't be sad, don't worry.
I will always find a way out!
Who will decide any issue?

Second Squirrel:

Maybe Santa Claus?


Yes! We need to call him!
Well, guys, let's shout together!

Animals and children call: "Santa Claus!".Father Frost and the Snow Maiden come out from behind the scenes.

Father Frost:

Hello guys
And forest animals!
Heard you through the blizzard
And snowstorms!
So you called me out loud
They even scared the wolf.
What happened to you here?
Did trouble happen?


Our Petya began to rebel -
He scared the dog.

First Squirrel:

Do not let the New Year!

Second Squirrel:

Doesn't want to leave! Here!

Father Frost:

Doesn't let? Yes ... Trouble!
Well, let's go there.

Everyone approaches the hut.

Snow Maiden:

Hello, our Cockerel, Petya!
We were invited here by the children.
Why don't you open
Year of the Dog is not allowed?


So why do you need a dog?
No beak, shabby tail.
What good is
Young dog year?
I'd rather stay with you
I will become more beautiful
I will grow new feathers
I'll spread the peacock's tail!

Father Frost:

No, wait, that's not good.
New Year is no longer a bird!
That's the way of nature,
That there should be a change of year.

Snow Maiden:

You can't break the rules
And then trouble can not be avoided!


We won't open the door for you!
Go home.
Well, those who do not leave,
Petya will peck in no time!

The cockerel jumps up and starts stamping its feet.


Ko-ko-ko, crow!
I will grind you all into flour,
I will trample with boots -
But I won't let the dog!

Father Frost:

Oh, you are! Do not blame,
Be an ice sculpture!

Santa Claus knocks three times with his staff and the Cockerel freezes in one place. Bunny examines the Cockerel from all sides and leaves the hut.


I apologize to everyone
For our behaviour!
I ask you to come into the hut
And do not judge the Hare strongly:
Bewitched by the Rooster
Didn't know what he was doing
And that's why I'm in the house
Didn't open the door for you!

Snow Maiden:

Well, what can you do with you?

Father Frost:

Forgive me for that time, Oblique!

plays funny music. The dog enters the hut, sits in the place of the Cockerel. All animals sit around the table. Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden face the children.

Snow Maiden:

The year of dogs has come, friends,
Today we can not be sad!
To all the children and the forest people
We want to say:

Snow Maiden and Santa Claus in chorus:

Happy New Year!

The curtain closes.

Be sure to discuss with your parents where to get (or how to make) the necessary costumes for the matinee, including the outfits of the Dog and Santa Claus!

How to prepare for a matinee?

A good matinee that the kids will remember for a long time needs excellent preparation. Usually the preparatory process falls on the shoulders of educators. It is they who must come up with a script and supplement it so that all the children have enough roles. Educators and music directors they take on the role of the hosts of the event, Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden, and also play the role of negative characters. To make the event a success, experienced teachers and methodologists recommend taking into account the following tips:

  • when assigning roles, try not just to indicate who will play which character, but to find out if the child likes his character. A kid who is uncomfortable in the form of a wolf will be naughty, worried or afraid. But, playing the role of a hare he likes, he will have fun on stage from the heart;
  • after you have distributed the roles, start learning rhymes and songs with the kids. At least a month should be allocated for this stage. Take time for psychological preparation so that children are no longer afraid of public speaking - praise the kids and set them up in a positive way;
  • be prepared for the fact that, despite all the preparation, some of the boys and girls may get confused, burst into tears and forget the words. In this case, the teacher needs to be close to the child and gently prompt him so as not to slow down and allow other participants in the action to continue the performance. Too violent tears junior group they can provoke other children to cry, so the baby should be taken away from the stage and calmed down;
  • notify parents in advance that the group will be preparing a matinee - they need to have time to buy, rent or props;
  • talk about gifts. First, you need to buy them in advance. And secondly, it depends on the well-being of the group what presents Santa Claus will bring to the kids for the holiday - these can be candy sets or small surprises in the form of identical cars and dolls;
  • as a surprise for kids, you can arrange a performance after the matinee. They especially like interactive shows - for example, with huge soap bubbles, clowns and magicians;
  • encourage parents to invite a photographer. Usually moms and dads try to capture themselves bright moments from the life of a child, but when twenty people take pictures at the same time at the matinee, the kids can simply get confused. If one of the parents has professional equipment, he can take on the role of a photographer, otherwise it is better to leave this matter to professionals who know how to behave quietly and imperceptibly.


1. Cockerel Petya.

2. Dog Bug.

3. Cheerful forest girl giggle.

4. Khakhanka is a very cheerful forest girl.

5. Santa Claus.

6. Snow Maiden.

Scenario flow:

Children stand in a round dance. There are lights on the tree. Solemn music sounds, voice-over.

We all waited a whole year.

Get in a circle,

Left friend and right friend!

Songs everywhere, dances everywhere,

There are bright lights everywhere.

A fairy tale comes to our house

These holidays!

Snow swirling outside the window

And the frost is getting stronger.

The New Year is knocking on the door!

The holiday is coming!

Cheerful music sounds, Dog Bug and Cockerel Petya run out.

Dog: It's snowing, it's snowing!

Hello little people!

Cockerel: Hello, the best holiday.

Good holiday New Year!

Dog: Hi guys! Let's get acquainted, my name is dog Bug, I'll be with you for a whole year, and this is mine best friend- Cockerel Petya!

Cockerel: New Year is coming!

Santa Claus is visiting.

He gives everyone laughter and songs.

There is no better holiday!

Dog: And what does Santa Claus bring to us for the holiday in a bag? (Children answer "Gifts!") That's right, gifts!

Cockerel: Oh, and I completely forgot that grandfather has a bag in his bag, what kind of gifts, come on, help me remember!

The game "What's in the bag?"

Santa Claus is coming.

And he carries a big bag.

In that bag are our gifts,

And for Sasha, and for Masha,

For Sergey, Sveta, Olya,

Viti, Lenochka and Kolya!

And for all my friends

Come to us, grandfather, hurry.

Only here, my friends,

I forgot a little.

What's in that bag...

What does grandfather keep in it.

So let's remember together

What does grandpa bring us?

Maybe there are two hundred frogs.

Well, maybe a hippopotamus.

If I tell the truth

You clap your hands.

Well, what if I'm wrong?

Dip your feet!

Does grandpa have a carpet in his bag? (Children stomp their feet.)

Maybe there is a beaver there? (Children stomp their feet.)

He's got chocolate! (Children clap their hands.)

Caramels, gummies! (Children clap their hands.)

Are there nettles in that bag? (Children stomp their feet.)

Real car? (Children stomp their feet.)

Maybe there is a bear sitting there? (Children stomp their feet.)

What about a toy bear? (Children clap their hands.)

There are tangerines for the guys! (Children clap their hands.)

Is there a pirate treasure in that bag? (Children stomp their feet.)

Maybe there is a deer there? (Children stomp their feet.)

There lies a rotten stump! (Children stomp their feet.)

There are toys in that bag! (Children clap their hands.)

Blankets and pillows? (Children stomp their feet.)

The Snow Maiden is sitting there! (Children stomp their feet.)

Maybe Dr. Aibolit! (Children stomp their feet.)

And now all together, in unison.

Answer me a question.

What about New Year's Eve.

Does Santa Claus bring us?

Both for Sasha and Masha.

For Marina, Petit, Dasha,

Sveta, Vanechki and Alli

In that bag are ... (Gifts.)

Dog: That's right, friends, well done, they answered all the questions. As soon as possible, Grandfather Frost with the beautiful Snow Maiden would come to our holiday. Let's call him. All together: three, four!

The children are called Santa Claus. Solemn music sounds, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden appear. Santa Claus has a staff in his hands, an empty bag weighs over his shoulder.

Father Frost: I'm glad to see everyone again

On this New Year's holiday.

Hello, Masha, Petya, Vova.

It will be fun today!

Snow Maiden: In a winter forest house,

We live with my grandfather.

There is no stove in our house,

There are snowflakes, ice and snow.

I'm afraid of fire, friends!

After all, I'm called the Snow Maiden.

Dog: Hello, good Grandfather Frost, hello, Snow Maiden. The guys and I were waiting for you so much, waiting so much that ... (Looks at the bag.) Oh, grandfather, what about your bag?

Father Frost: And what about my bag, everything is in order, there are gifts for the guys (Looks at the bag.) What is it, granddaughter, take a closer look.

The Snow Maiden takes the bag, looks into it, puts her mitten into the bag, there is a hole.

Snow Maiden: No, gifts are not visible here,

There's a big hole in the bag.

Is it without gifts?

Are the kids leaving the party?

Father Frost: How will they leave? I won't let it!

I will find gifts!

Wait children, we will come,

We will bring gifts for everyone!

Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden leave quickly. At the Christmas tree, grandfather forgets his staff.

Cockerel: Look, Bug, Santa Claus forgot his staff, we need to catch up with him.

Dog: Yes, let's run! Guys, don't get bored yet, we're fast, just...

Cheerful music sounds, two forest girls appear, Khikhanka and Khakhanka. They laugh.

Hakhanka: Oh, what a scream, I laughed so, laughed so much that all the snow fell from the trees.

hihanka: I had fun too! You did a great job of making a hole in the bag. Santa Claus, while walking, lost all the gifts through the forest. Now, poor thing, he walks through the snowdrifts, grumbling, collecting gifts. Funny! (Both laugh.)

Dog: That's it. You left us without gifts.

Cockerel: Oh you bastards! (Leaves the staff under the tree.)

Hakhanka: Well, firstly, we are not ugly, but just funny girls. My name is Khahanka.

hihanka: And me - Khikhanka. (Both laugh.)

Cockerel: Well, get out of here! Because of you, our holiday is cancelled.

Hakhanka: Oh, come on, stop worrying. Well, your Santa Claus is like an hour in the snowdrifts, the Snow Maiden leaves a little snow with a shovel, and there will be all your gifts!

hihanka: We are not evil, we are kind, just very funny, and we love to laugh. (Both laugh.)

Hakhanka:(notices the staff, turns to the cockerel and the dog). Quietly, hear, Santa Claus is screaming, calling for help, probably, he has already collected three bags of gifts, he cannot carry them away, he has a crop ...

Cockerel: I hear nothing.

hihanka: Shouting, shouting, Dog, Cockerel, run to grandfather, help the old one. Go, go, and we'll play with the guys for now.

The rooster and the dog run away. Khikhanka and Khakhanka laugh. Khakhanka takes out a staff from under the tree.

hakhanka: (raises staff). Look, the staff of Dedmorozovsky is magical.

hihanka: Exactly, he. This staff fulfills any desires, let's think of something fun.

Hakhanka:(looks at the Christmas tree). I want the lights on the Christmas tree to go out!

Khakhanka taps her staff three times, the lights on the Christmas tree go out. Both laugh.

hakhanka: Happened! Yes, now a sorcerer, so a sorcerer. To come up with something like this? And let's ask the guys what to think of.

Game "Do you agree, children?"

Let everyone here on holiday

Have fun with us!

And the Christmas tree is beautiful

It will turn into a palm tree.

Around her we will sing

Do you agree, children? .. (No!)

Let the New Year's holiday

Santa Claus does not come

And a bear comes to us.

Do you agree, children? .. (No!)

All the snow will turn

Soon to sugar.

Give us an answer soon

Do you agree, children? .. (No!)

Let the Snow Maiden, friends,

Horns will grow soon.

Here to look at her

Do you agree, children? .. (No!)

Instead of snowflakes, let the kids

Falling from the sky always sausage.

Cutlets will fly to the ground,

Do you agree, children? .. (No!)

hihanka: Well, everything is no and no, you guys don’t know how to have fun at all.

Cheerful music sounds, Bug and Petya come running.

Dog: Grandpa is not there, you just deceived us.

Hakhanka: We didn't lie to you, we were just joking!

Cockerel:(notices the staff in Khakhanka's hands). Why did you take the staff, it's grandfather, give it to us.

hihanka: Yep, they returned it. We will conjure now, but we haven’t figured out yet what to make such a fun one.

hakhanka: Got it! And let's do it this way, let the dog crow and the cockerel bark.

hihanka: (laughs). Well done, come on soon, otherwise I'm already tired of them.

Khikhanka and Khakhanka begin to conjure.

Dog: Wait, wait. You, I see, love to have fun, but let's compete. Who is more fun - you or the guys? If you win, so be it, take the staff, but if you lose, you will have to return it to Santa Claus.

hakhanka: Yes, more fun than us, there is no one in the world. We are the funniest. Your guys don't even know how to smile!

Cockerel: We can, we can, look.

Game "Smile"

Let's clap our hands, let's get a little excited.

For starters, guys, smile at me!

Left, right turned to friends.

They shook hands and smiled!

Now it's time to jump and stretch.

Sit down three times and smile!

I want to always stay with a smile.

Boys, girls, moms and dads.

On our holiday - always smile!

hihanka: Well, you know how to smile, but how about dancing?

hakhanka: They won’t succeed, no one will dance with us.

Dog A: We'll try. Guys, do as we do!

The game "One, two, three!"

We'll go first to the right: one, two, three!

And then let's go to the left: one, two, three!

Together we will raise our hands: one, two, three!

And now lower the handles: one, two, three!

And then we'll get together: one, two, three!

And then we all disperse: one, two, three!

And now we all sit down: one, two, three!

And then we all get up together: one, two, three!

And then we'll all dance: one, two, three!

And then we'll dance again: one, two, three!

The dance is repeated several times at an accelerating pace.

Cockerel: This is how we dance! It turned out to be a lot of fun, well done guys!

Hakhanka: The last task, the most difficult, let's see how you can laugh.

Game "Ha-ha-ha!"

I have a game for you

Under the name "Ha-ha-ha!".

Come on, let's go, kids.

Let's laugh - "Ha-ha-ha!"

Sleeping in a den hamster

He sucks his paw!

Is this true, kids?

No, of course - "Ha-ha-ha!"

Elephant barks loudly in the morning

And he sleeps in a booth!

Is this true, kids?

No, of course - "Ha-ha-ha!"

The beaver lives on a pine tree

He sings songs every day.

Is this true, kids?

No, of course - "Ha-ha-ha!"

Kitty loves honey very much

And he gnaws all the nuts.

Is this true, kids?

No, of course - "Ha-ha-ha!"

Ants love to swim

Sharks are all afraid of him.

Is this true, kids?

No, of course - "Ha-ha-ha!"

Here comes the big bear

He likes to fly.

Is this true, kids?

No, of course - "Ha-ha-ha!"

Dog: This is how we laugh. And now give grandfather's staff, because we coped with all your tasks!

hihanka: We are still the funniest.

Hakhanka: And beautiful!

hihanka: Yes, and beautiful. And we will not return the staff to you. We ourselves need him, now we will conjure. What's next in line for us?

Hakhanka: I want the hedgehog to have not four legs, but five!

hihanka: Let's do it! One, two...

Dog: Wait, do you want me to tell you a funny rhyme? You'll like it.

hakhanka: Come on, tell me.

Dog: Everyone is making a snowman,

Mom is looking for Igor.

Where is my son, where is he?

Rolled into a snowball!

Khikhanka and Khakhanka laugh.

Cockerel: Well done, Bug, come on!

Dog: Everyone is making a snowman.

Mom is looking for Igor.

Where is my son, where is he?

Rolled into a snowball!

Khikhanka and Khakhanka are rolling on the floor, laughing, the staff is lying around.

hihanka: Oh, they made me laugh, took it and rolled it up! Hee hee hee!

hakhanka: Oh, how fun, mom is looking for him, and he, he ... Ha-ha-ha!

Cockerel:(picks up the staff) That's it! I want Khikhanka and Khakhanka to turn from funny girls into ice ones! And so that Santa Claus comes soon!

The cockerel taps his staff three times. Magical music sounds, Khikhanka and Khakhanka freeze in funny poses. Ded Moroz and Snegurochka appear to the solemn music. Grandpa has a bag behind his shoulders, full of gifts, patch on the bag.

Father Frost: Hello, New Year's holiday,

Hello little people!

We were looking for your gifts

Everyone found what they lost.

The Snow Maiden helped me,

She threw snow with a shovel.

Did you get bored here without us?

Did you sing songs and dance?

Dog: Grandfather Frost, we had a lot of fun here.

Cockerel: Grandpa, this is your staff, you lost it in a hurry.

Father Frost: (picks up the staff). Thank you, doggy! And I keep thinking where I left it with you, or with the rabbits.

Snow Maiden: It's time for us to start the holiday

Have fun, sing, dance!

Father Frost:(notices Khikhanka and Khakhanka). Wait, granddaughter. And what is this miracle Yudo?

Dog: And this, Grandfather Frost, are very funny girls, and in this moment very frozen.

Cockerel: It was they who made a hole in your bag, and they wanted to spoil our holiday.

Snow Maiden: Look, one of them wants to say something.

hihanka: (he speaks with difficulty, shivering from the cold). Forgive us, please, we will not do this again ...

Father Frost: Well, guys, forgive them? (Children answer “Yes!”) Okay, I forgive you, stay on the holiday.

Santa Claus knocks three times with his staff. Magical music sounds. Khikhanka and Khakhankacome alive.

hihanka: Forgive us, Santa Claus, guys, we will no longer laugh at your holiday.

Hakhanka: I now realized that you can’t laugh at others, but having fun means doing good, always being with friends, dancing round dances with them, singing songs in such a beautiful, magical holiday like New Year!

Khikhanka and Khakhanka stand with the guys in a round dance.

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, look at the Christmas tree.

Father Frost: (looks). Well?

Snow Maiden: The lights on the Christmas tree do not burn!

Father Frost: Help me guys

And light the fires on it.

Let's say together: one, two, three,

Our Christmas tree, burn!

The lights on the tree light up.

Snow Maiden: We have not tried in vain with you,

The tree burst into flames.

In a circle, guys, stand,

Hold hands tight.

In a round dance we will go

And we will sing about the Christmas tree!

Guys, let's please Grandfather Frost and sing his favorite song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."

Performance of the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, let me play with the boys and girls. I have one game, and it's called "Herringbone, needle, snowdrift." Guys, show how attentive you are.

The game "Herringbone, needle, snowdrift"

If I say "Herringbone", you make "flashlights" with your pens.

If I say "Needle", stretch the handles forward and squeeze and unclench your fingers.

If I say "Snowfall", we start jumping high.

If I say "Snowdrift", you need to sit down.

If I say "Snowflake", we circle around ourselves.

Ready, then let's start: "Herringbone", "Snowflake", "Needle", "Snowflake", "Snowflake", etc.

Father Frost: Happy New Year,

I'll tell you all riddles.

I'm interested to know

Who can guess them!

Game "Riddles from Santa Claus"

A holiday came to us at night,

How the people were waiting for him.

Around the green Christmas tree

Gathered ... (Round dance)

As if real

Always on the tree

Habitual, shiny,

Burning ... (Star)

Bucket instead of a hat

I've been used to wearing it for a long time.

With a carrot instead of a spout

Cheerful ... (Snowman)

They brought her from the forest

She is green.

All needles sparkle.

Of course, this is ... (Herringbone)

And everyone's here on holiday

Dancing and singing!

We are so happy to congratulate everyone

In a wonderful ... (New Year)

Father Frost: Well done, answered all the riddles!

What a beautiful New Year

The dance calls all friends!

I'll look at you here

Well, maybe I'll dance.

Disco program

Father Frost: Nice we had fun

Played, frolicked.

And for this you, friends,

All gifts from me!

Santa Claus and heroes distribute gifts to children. The chimes sound.

Snow Maiden: Let with the blows of the chimes

Troubles all go away.

Let everyone be happy

On this fabulous night.

Father Frost: And now it's time to say goodbye,

The hour of parting has struck.

I tell you: "Goodbye!

I was very glad to see you!”

Under the chiming clock, the heroes leave.

(Children enter and stand around the Christmas tree)

Moderator: Happy New Year,

May fun come to you.

We wish you happiness, joy

To all children and guests.


Glistening with golden rain

Our cozy bright room.

The tree invited to visit,

It's time for the holiday!

Round dance "THIS IS SO GOOD"

(sit down)

Leading: Guys, we are having fun here, we are singing, but who do we miss at the holiday?

Children: Santa Claus!

Host: Absolutely right. Maybe he forgot about us? I propose to write a letter to Santa Claus and invite him to our Christmas tree. Do you agree? (Yes)


"Dear Santa Claus. Children from kindergarten write to you

Come soon with the Snow Maiden to our New Year's holiday. We wait!"

That's all. Letter in an envelope.

Who will send it, children? ..

And I know who will send this letter to Santa Claus. The Snowman lives in the forest - the Postman. He knows where Santa Claus lives. Guys, let's loudly call the Snowman.

Children: Snowman! Snowman!

(A snowman enters to the music. A mail bag with newspapers is on his shoulder)

Snowman: Hello guys, you called me?

Host: Hello, Snowman. Yes, we called you.

Snowman: Did something happen to you?

Host: It happened, Snowman. Our New Year's holiday has begun, but Santa Claus is still gone. Could you go to him and take our letter with an invitation to the New Year's holiday? After all, our guys have been waiting for this meeting for a whole year!

Snowman: Yes... It's not an easy task...

The road to the forest is not easy,

Well, okay, little by little

I will find a way.

That's just…

Host: What's up, Snowman?

Snowman: But the Snow Queen got so angry this winter that she sweeps all the paths and paths, forbade New Year's letters to be distributed, ordered not to spend holidays, no one to have fun, ordered silence to be observed, not to disturb her peace ... She said that she sees everything from above, wherever I didn't go...

Host: What should we do?

Snowman: Don't worry, I'll deliver your letter to Santa Claus anyway. Come what may, I'm not afraid Snow Queen. You will have Santa Claus! You will have a happy holiday!

Leading: How brave you are, Snowman! Happy journey. We look forward to Santa Claus!

(Snowman leaves to the music)

Leading: Guys, while the Snowman takes our letter to Santa Claus, let's read poems at our elegant Christmas tree.

Child: We announce the beginning of the Christmas tree

And we send greetings to our guests.

We are very happy that today

So many guests have come to us.

Child: In the program of our joke, dance,

Of course, Santa Claus will come.

We all gathered here at the Christmas tree,

To celebrate the New Year together!

Child: Ding dong, ding dong

Is this a holiday or a dream?

How beautiful in our hall,

The tree is slender,

Everything sparkles from toys,

Silver and lit.

Child: And the kids, kids.

All dressed up, no coats.

Let the cold wind get angry

And bitter frost.

It will be fun today

At the elegant Christmas tree.

Child: Frequent forest, blizzard field

Winter holiday is upon us

So let's say together:

All children: Hello, hello,

New Year!

Leading: Everyone, friends, I ask you to stand up,

Dancing near the Christmas tree.


(Snowman enters to the music, shakes off the snow)

Snowman: Well, finally got there. The Snow Queen covered the paths so much that it was impossible to get through.

Host: We were so worried about you, Snowman. Well, did you give our letter to Santa Claus?

Snowman: Of course. He even wrote you an answer... Well, where is his letter? (looking for)

(the Snow Queen enters to the music)

Queen: Snowman!

Snowman: Huh? (scared)

Queen: How dare you disobey me? I forbade you to deliver New Year's letters!

Snowman: But the guys have a New Year's holiday. And they are waiting for Santa Claus.

Queen: You still dare to argue with me?! Have you forgotten why I blinded you, your snowy head?

Snowman: I'll remember right now ... sweep the silence ... I'm sorry, keep the silence.

Queen: Exactly, what about you?

Snowman: Guilty, gaped, played snowballs.

Queen: Gape, then?

Snowman: Yeah.

Queen: Played, so?

Snowman: Yeah.

Queen: Well, watch out. Don't miss your holiday! I can destroy everyone and turn into an icicle. No fun, no laughter, just silence...

Snowman, spin, spin

And turn into an icicle!

(The snowman spins and freezes in place. The Snow Queen, laughing coldly, leaves)

Snowman: (sadly) I want to please all the girls and boys - there will be no New Year,

You can disperse.

Leading: Well, no, this will not happen! Guys, we need to cheer up the Snowman as soon as possible.

Get up in a circle!


Snowman: Thanks guys, I'm not afraid of the Snow Queen anymore! Here is a letter from Santa Claus. Read, and it's time for me to deliver other letters. Goodbye.

Children: Goodbye. (Snowman leaves)

Presenter: What did Santa Claus answer us?

(reads): "On silver blizzards

I'm going to you in a sleigh, I'm fast!

I bring gifts to everyone,

I will be soon! Father Frost"

Guys, Santa Claus is probably already somewhere close, let's shout it loudly.

Children: Santa Claus!

Presenter: Moms, dads, help!

All: Santa Claus! Father Frost!

Ded Moroz and Snegurochka enter to the music

D.M: Hello, kids!

Girls and boys.

We lingered a little.

The road was so difficult.

Beyond the mountains, beyond the forests

I dreamed of meeting you.

I remember you every day.

Yes, I collected gifts.

D.M: I see that your Christmas tree is still not lit. Disorder!

Christmas tree, Christmas tree,

Green needle.

Light up different lights

Green and red!

(Christmas tree lights up)

Snow Maiden: That's the Christmas tree! What a marvel!

How elegant and beautiful!

Stand around the Christmas tree

Sing the song together.


(then sit down)

Presenter: Grandfather Frost, sit down, take a rest from the road, and we will read poetry to you.


Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost. Did the guys sing a song for you?

D.M: They sang.

Snow Maiden: Have you read poetry?

D.M: Read.

Snow Maiden: So I would come up with a game,

Messed up the kids.

D.M: Absolutely! I know one fun game. Well, kids

Get up in the round dance

Repeat friendly.


(then DO NOT sit down)

D.M: In the yard it’s white and white,

There has been a lot of snow.

We'll play in the snow.

Who is brave here? Come out!

(Santa Claus pours snowballs out of the basket)


(after the game, snowballs are NOT collected. Everyone sits down)

DM: Well, are you warm? (Yes)

Oh, how we played tricks on you here ... how much snow we threw!

Come on. Gnomes, go

And remove all the snow.


Host: Grandfather Frost, but our guys have not read all the poems to you yet.

DM: Well, where are they? Let them come out soon, and the Snow Maiden and I will listen.


D.M: Well done. How many good poems do you know!

Well, do you know how to solve riddles? (Yes)

Now let's check. Well, Snow Maiden, guess.


Snow Maiden: If the snow lies around,

If the river is under ice

So, she came to visit us

Snow-white ... Winter.

If Christmas trees in houses

In bright beads and lights,

If we lead a round dance,

What are we meeting? New Year

To our house on New Year's Eve

She will come from the forest

All fluffy, in needles,

And that guest's name is... Christmas tree

DM: And now I'll ask mom

And I'll ask them riddles:

Who with the biggest bag

Walking through the forest...

Maybe it's Cannibal?

Moms: No.

DM: Who got up a little light today

And he carries a bag of sweets ...

Maybe it's your neighbor?

Moms: No.

DM: Who comes in the New Year

And on the Christmas tree will light up?

Will the electrician turn on the light for us?

Moms: No.

DM: Who is this?.. That's the question!..

Moderator: Well, of course...

Parents: Santa Claus!

DM: Well done, well done, moms! Don't let your kids down!

Host: Grandfather Frost, our guys have guessed all the riddles.

Do you know how to guess them yourself?

D: M: Of course! Yes, I know all the mysteries in the world!

Moderator: Is that all?

DM: Do not hesitate. Think.

Leading: Grandfather Frost, only we have one condition, if you don’t guess, then you will dance for us with the Snow Maiden. Agree?

D.M: I agree!

Leading: Guys, I'll guess a riddle for Santa Claus. Just don't tell him.

Leading: They are shaken, rolled,

And they carry it in the winter.(felt boots)

DM: (thinks for a long time) Can you repeat it? (leader repeats)

Don't know.

Host: Are you giving up?

D.M: I give up.

Host: Did you guys guess?

Children: Boots!

Host: Well, Santa Claus, you lost to us. You will dance with the Snow Maiden.

In the meantime, look how our girls in felt boots are dancing.


Host: Santa Claus, now it's your turn, are you ready?

D.M: Ready. Clap friendly! Granddaughter, help!


Presenter: Tired, you are Santa Claus, sit down, rest. Listen to more Christmas poems.


D.M: Well done! We prepared a lot of poems for grandfather! I'm glad, glad!

Nice we had fun

They played and joked.

And now it's time

Break up, kids!

Host: Oh, wait, Santa Claus, it's early to leave. But what about the most important thing?

DM: And what is the most important thing?

Host: Guys, did you guess that Santa Claus forgot?

Children: Gifts!

DM: Oh, yes, gifts. How could I forget. Snow Maiden. And where is our bag with gifts for the guys?

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, we were in such a hurry to the guys, it seems you forgot him in the forest.

Host: What happens, Grandfather Frost, so our guys will be left without New Year's gifts? ..

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost! You're a magician, come up with something.

DM: Of course, I'll think of it. Do not worry! So, so ... (walks, thinks)

That's what…

Well, bring me a big cauldron,

Put it on the table.

(in a large cauldron a small saucepan)

(sprinkles and pours into a small one, and gifts in the opening)

Salt...sugar...and a bucket of water...

A little snow... tinsel...

I'll add some snowflakes...

One minute friends...

(interferes with a ladle)

I need to mix everything in the cauldron,

Magic words to say...

“Snow, snow, ice, ice.

Miracles for the New Year!

Miracle spoon, help

Turn everything into gifts!


Presenter: Guys, say thank you to Santa Claus!

Children: Thank you.

DM: So the hour of farewell has come,

We had fun with you!

I'll definitely come back in a year

See you again in the New Year!


Presenter: Goodbye, Santa Claus!


- letter

- Snowman costume (+ mail bag, newspapers)

- Snow Queen costume

- snowballs

- shoulder blades for boys

- for girls felt boots and colorful scarves

- Santa Claus costume (+ staff, felt boots, mittens)

- suit of Snow Maiden

- a table covered with tulle

- a large cauldron from the kitchen (decorate with snowflakes, tinsel)

- for trick (a small saucepan of snowflakes, tinsel, jars with the inscription Salt, Sugar, Water, ladle)

- present
