Pedagogical diagnostics in the camp. Questionnaires, results, conclusions.docx - the results of a survey of children at the summer health camp "rainbow"

Annex 1.

Entrance survey of children,

attending the school camp "Rodnichok"

Hello dear friend! We, school educators summer camp"Rodnichok" would like to get to know you as best as possible. We are very interested in what mood you came to the camp with, what you like to do, what you would like to know, who you want to make friends with and much more. Please answer the suggested questions and we will have a great time together! Thanks for answers!

    Circle the answer that applies to you.

    Did you go to camp on your own? Not really

    Do you make friends easily? Not really

    Are you a sociable person? Not really

    Do you tolerate noise easily? Not really

    Can you ask for help in a difficult situation? Not really

    Can you find something to your liking without help? Not really

    Do you like to invent things, holidays, participate in them? Not really

    My favorite activity is….. (drawing, modeling, appliqué, singing, dancing, sports or something else__________________________________________________)

    Submit an offer.

    If I were the head of the camp, then ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    What I like most about camp is ________________________________

    I don't like camp

Appendix 2

Please write your surname, name, class ______________________________________________________

Answer the questions.

    Imagine that your detachment was assigned an independent, difficult task. Who would you like to see as the commander, the main one in this matter? Write 3 last names

    Which team member would you invite to your birthday party? Write 3 last names________________________________________________

    With whom from the camp did you make friends during this time? Write three surnames _______________________________________________________________

Analysis and results of entrance testing of children,

attending the school camp "Rodnichok".

Entrance testing of children was carried out on the third day of the shift, so the children gave answers based on both their impressions of the camp for the previous year (years) and new impressions of these three days.

Entrance survey of children school camp"Spring" consisted of three parts.

Part 1. Testing with closed and open questions (see Appendix 1).

Part 2. Sociometry (see Appendix 2).

Part 3. Projective test "Draw a non-existent animal."

The results are as follows.

Part 1. Testing. Closed questions.

No. p \ p


Yes (number of answers in %)

No (number of answers in%)

Did you come to the camp on your own?

Do you make friends easily?

Are you a sociable person?

Do you tolerate noise easily?

You can ask for help in difficult situation?

Can you find something to your liking without outside help?

Do you like to invent things, holidays, participate in them?

Are you in a good or bad mood more often?

Good -85

Bad -15

your favorite occupation - is it sports, modeling, drawing, dancing, singing or something else?


Modeling - 3 people

Dancing - 6 people

Drawing 8 people

Singing - 2 people

Sports - 5 people

Lego - 1 person

Embroidery - 1 person

Walks - 2 people

Skates - 2 people

No favorite activity - 1 person

Part 1. Testing. Open questions.

    If I were the head of the camp, then ....

would fulfill all the wishes of children, arrange many holidays, competitions.

30 %

… would be kind.

20 %

I would invite everyone to the camp.

10 %

did nothing.

10 %

... allowed everything.

10 %

let everyone go home earlier.

10 %

Difficult to answer

10 %

    What I love about camp is...


40 %


10 %


10 %

... to eat in the dining room.

travel by ship.

20 %


walk on the playground.

10 %

    What I don't like about camp is...

running, going to the gym, exercising.

25 %

when someone is arguing.

15 %

…be late.

play with the younger ones.


10 %

Difficult to answer

40 %

Part 1 Conclusions : most of the children go to the camp with pleasure and do not experience difficulties in communicating with their peers, easily adapt to new conditions, endure noise and a large number of of people. They can find something to their liking, most have favorite activities, hobbies. The work of the camp is planned in such a way that the guys have the opportunity to do their favorite things. Drawing competitions are constantly held in the library, in the House of Culture, in the camp itself. Many events are planned, including sports competitions. The desire of children to dance is satisfied during the morning dance exercises. Expectations from staying in the camp are also the same for many children. 70% of schoolchildren prefer active types of recreation, wish to participate in competitions, events (this can be seen from the answers to the first and second questions of open testing).

Attention should be paid to the fact that there are children whose answers show that they avoid noisy companies and events, prefer quiet ones to active types of recreation (lego, drawing), feel uncomfortable if quarrels arise and, perhaps, cannot stand up for themselves. Children should be observed and, having identified such students, create comfortable conditions for them to stay in the camp.

Part 2. Sociometry.

See Appendix 3 for results.

Conclusions on part 2. The clear leaders in terms of the number of elections are Roman Kukushkin, Nikita Burov, Artem Ryzhov. A small number of elections for Igor Rostovtsev, Irina Slastina. The rest of the guys, as mutual elections show, communicate in groups of 4-5 people and in general with the whole team. The results of sociometry should be taken into account when dividing children into groups and in the future when dividing into teams for various games.

Part 3. Projective testing (non-existent animal).

This test was conducted to identify the emotional state of the child. This test does not allow you to make accurate, complete conclusions and conclusions, but it can serve as a premise for further monitoring of the child, in order to determine whether some indicative feature is constant for him or is situational.

So the drawings of the following guys attract attention.

Bystrugin Mikhail - the details of the drawing, the carelessness of the lines indicate a weak control over their actions, decisions. Brightly drawn, huge claws indicate possible aggressive behavior.

Volodin Nikita - there is pronounced aggression in the drawing (hands raised up, a mouth with teeth, drawn pupils, claws).

Chernigina Alina - many protrusions on the details of the picture indicate the possibility of fears, fears and a desire for protection.

Nechaeva Ekaterina - attract attention big head and big ears in the picture, talking about the importance of the opinions of others about themselves.

Bystrugina Alena - there are many additional decorations of the figure in the figure - a sign of a tendency to attract the attention of others, a sign of mannerism. In addition, the drawing speaks of the girl's rich imagination.

Panova Svetlana - the importance of the opinions of others about oneself, a tendency to aggression (uneven line of the mouth, raised hands with protruding fingers). Impulsiveness and superficiality of judgments are indicated by another series of details).

Ryzhov Artem - a huge head compared to the body suggests that Artem appreciates the rational principle in himself and those around him. The protrusions on the head indicate a desire for protection rather than aggression. And the obvious location of the picture at the very bottom of the sheet (on the right) is a sign of indecision and low self-esteem.

Conclusions on part 3. More than half of the drawings are humanoid animals, or animals made up of "parts" of other, existing and known animals, which indicates the infantility and emotional immaturity of many children, the lack of creativity, bad imagination and imagination. Camp program (virtual boat trip, creative tasks etc.) just contributes to the development of the imagination and fantasy of children. The schoolchildren named above should be taken under observation (special attention should be paid to children whose drawings show a tendency to aggression and anger towards others).



Meeting with the teaching staff "Monitoring in the camp"
Camp leader.
Before shift

Entrance survey

At the beginning of the shift

Reflection of events.

In tech. shifts

Monitoring study "Choice"

Monitoring study "Word game"

Questionnaire methodology

Final survey

On the penultimate day

Children are invited to listen to the statement and rate the degree of agreement with their content on the following scale:
+ agree
- disagree
1. I look forward to the new day in the camp with joy.
2. In the children's camp, I usually good mood.
3. We have good teachers.
4. All adults in our camp are available for advice and assistance at any time.
5. In the detachment, I can always freely express my opinion.
6. I have favorite activities in our camp.
7. When the shift is over, I will miss our camp.
Processing of received data.
The indicator of children's satisfaction (Y) is the quotient of the total score of all answers divided by the total number of answers.
Y = total score / total number of responses
If Y is greater than 3, then we can state a high degree of satisfaction, but if Y is more than 2, but less than 3, then this indicates an average and low degree of children's satisfaction with life in the camp.
QUESTIONNAIRE (at the entrance)

We are together again! In order to make life in our camp more interesting, we ask you to answer some questions:
What are your first impressions of the camp?
What do you expect from the camp?
Do you have any ideas how to make life in our camp interesting and joyful for everyone?
What activities do you want to be involved in?
What do you like to do?
Do you want to learn something or teach others?
Who are your friends at camp?
– Please complete the sentences (phrases):
I don't want to
I want to

The children are given the task: to write what, in their opinion, is good and bad in the children's camp (detachment), or what pleases and what upsets. It does not ask guiding questions.
The analysis obtained using this method of information allows you to see successful and unsuccessful cases, the nature of communication, relationships in the camp, mood, which is an indicator of the life of the children's camp.
At our children's camp
I like it
I did not like



The guys receive a card with a task that sounds like this: “Dear friend! Arrange the right words in the sentence so that you get a portrait of your squad.

Our squad is _________________ and ________________ people. They gathered in order to ___________________ and __________________ to spend time and learn _______________________________________. Therefore, together we most often do what _______________________________________________.
Our squad consists of _______________ boys and ____________ girls.
Our educators help us in ______________________________________ and we, along with them, ____________________ and ____________________.

QUESTIONNAIRE (at the end of the shift)
What did you expect from the camp?
What did you like about the camp?
What didn't you like?
Which camp activities did you enjoy the most? Why?
Do you regret anything that happened during your stay at the camp? About what?
The most important event in the camp? Was it or was it?
Can you say that you learned something in the camp?
- Complete the sentences: I'm glad (a) that ..

Last name, first name.
The most vivid impression of these days I have
Of the cases carried out in the detachment, I liked most of all
Of the activities carried out in the camp, I liked most of all
A few words about our squad
My impressions of the camp.
If I were a leader, then I would
I want to wish our camp

Attached files

Questionnaire for a child traveling to a children's camp
(to be completed by one of the parents or legal representatives)

I, (mother/father/legal representative, full name)

I allow my son/daughter (full name of the child) __________________________________________________________________________________

become a participant in the race to the camp (name) ____________________________________

which will take place from _____________ to ____________ 201__.

Contact Information

Full name, phone numbers of parents and child:

Mother ______________________________________________, tel.____________________________

Father ______________________________________________, tel.____________________________

Child____________________________________________, tel.____________________________

Additional emergency telephone number _________________________________________________

Address of actual residence with zip code ______________________________________________


Parent and child email address_____________________________________________


Additional information about the child

Please provide information about the child's health, restrictions on sports, allergies, any medical indications, past injuries, chronic diseases

If your child needs special medicines– ensure their availability and hand them over, with written instructions for use, to the leader (accompanying) of the group.

Ability to swim: excellent, good, bad, can not (highlight).

Individual characteristics of the child's behavior: ______________________________________

Special requests (for leaders in the camp) _______________________________________________


I am warned about the responsibility for the accuracy of the information in this questionnaire.


I am aware that tobacco smoking and the use of alcoholic beverages, even low alcohol, even in small quantities, are prohibited in the camp.

I guarantee compensation for material damage caused by my child to host organizations, carriers or third parties.

I am aware of the inadmissibility of immoral behavior of children in the team and guarantee the reimbursement of expenses for the early return of my child to his homeland, if necessary.

I take full responsibility for my child's violation of the norms of public morality, behavior and the rules of living in a hotel for the entire duration of the tour.

I am aware of the information and agree that if a child violates the Rules of Conduct in a children's camp, about which an act will be drawn up signed by the head of the group, a representative of the camp (or hotel) administration or a representative of the host, the child will be deported from the host country at the expense of the parents, without the consent of the latter, without any compensation, with reimbursement of all expenses incurred (air tickets, transport, escort, etc.) and meet in Moscow.

Please accept for safekeeping and issue, if necessary, cash and valuables (otherwise, claims for their loss will not be accepted).

Reasons why a child may be deported

1. Unauthorized leaving the camp
2. Bathing at odd hours, in an unequipped place, without the permission of the group leader
3. Systematic failure to follow the instructions of the group leader or administration representative,
4. Committing theft.
5. Application moral or physical damage to other children, incl. extortion, threats, (if there is confirmation of this fact by the administration of the camp (hotel) or the police).
6. Drinking alcohol, smoking, drug use.
7. Causing material damage to others, including the hotel, camp or host.
8. Gross violation of fire safety rules.
9. According to medical indications (exacerbation of chronic diseases hidden by parents).

Parent (mother, father) or legal representative

(Full name of the child)

(Full name of the parent, legal representative)

"____" ________ 201__ ________________________

Questionnaire No. 1

1. You are - - in the camp. Did your ideas about this lag match?
re with what, did you see?

2. What activities carried out at school do you like the most in the classroom?

3. What would you like to organize, hold in the camp? What would

wanted to learn?

4. What are your ideas about your squad? What do you think
obligatory, necessary in the organization of your life in the camp?

5. Your wishes to the counselors.

6. Name three guys in your squad who, in your opinion,
could be your good friends.


1. What do you like or dislike most about your stay?
in our camp?

2. What did you learn during these days, what did you learn, in what organization
affairs in the detachment, did you take part in the camp?

3. Participation, what activities did you enjoy the most? Which
affairs in the second half of the shift you would like to organize, what
learn to?

4. What do you value in your squad? What's wrong with a squad?
need to change?

5. What would you like to wish your counselors?

6. One interesting case will soon take place, where you will
act in groups. Name the three guys closest to you
Yes, with whom you would like to participate in this case.

Questionnaire No. 3

1. Some argue whether life in the camp is ordinary or unusual.
Write what do you think? .

2. What activities in the camp do you remember the most?
did they?

3. What new did you learn, what did you learn?

4. What do you like most about your squad:

a) do you like it?

b) don't like it?

5. How do you evaluate the work of the asset of your squad?

6. You lived in children's team. What conclusions did you draw while living
with guys from different areas?

7. What do you value your friends for?

8. Have there been any changes in your character, according to
mortars, attitude towards people?

9. Your wishes to the people working with you in DOL.

10. If you were lucky enough to visit our
camp, name three guys from your squad, with whom you would like to

The following methods work well at the beginning of the shift, when children who have arrived at the camp for the first time often gather in the detachment, and their feeling of discomfort prevails over the possibility of free communication.

Microgame "Let's meet"

Target: reveal during the game children's ideas about the problems, ways, forms and methods of development of a person's personality. Participants: children and counselors.

* Equipment and inventory: tape recorder with calm records
music, scissors, markers, colored paper, pins.


Organizing time games:

One of the educators-leaders tells the children about the rules of the game. “Today we will learn to communicate. Our motto is "Let's get to know each other!". You will have to work and communicate in groups, independently choose how to solve problems that arise. I will not rush to answer your questions and together with you I will complete tasks. So, let's begin!"

Children are located as they like. Task: You see sheets of colored paper. Choose a piece of paper with your favorite color, circle your right palm and cut it out and write your name with a felt-tip pen. You will get an original business card, which we will attach with a pin to your clothes.


* Get together, in groups according to the color of your business cards. (Race groups
rely under fortified in different places colored rooms
sheets). Get to know each other in a group;

* Tell your group about yourself that will interest your

* Come up with a group name together and prepare a collection
tive "business card" - - performance in any genre (song, dance,
scene, pantomime, fairy tale, drawing, potpourri, etc.). counselors con
groups advise, directing children in the right direction if they have
there are difficulties with fantasy (which almost never
It happens).

At the end of the game or at the final evening candle, the children pass the made “palm” with a story about their impressions and feelings that arose during the game (or the day they lived), try to analyze the reason for their occurrence.

"Palms" counselors can strengthen in the detachment corner (as ori-

a general version of the list of the detachment (by chambers, interests, creative groups).

Microgame "Film Studio"

Target: structure definition interpersonal relationships in the detachment and identifying the leaders of the detachment. This game will make it possible to clarify the hypotheses of sociometric observation of the children of the detachment, to identify leaders and the structure of relations in the detachment.

Members: children and counselors

Equipment and inventory: a tape recorder with recordings of calm music, scissors, felt-tip pens, pencils, paper.


One of the educators-leaders announces the beginning of the game "Film Studio" and invites all the children of the detachment to imagine the following situation: it is necessary to make a film and for this choose a person who can organize the shooting of the film. In the process of discussing the qualities of a "director", two or three candidates are selected. Each "director" chooses his assistants in turn, and each next assistant is selected after joint discussion with the already selected assistants.

The resulting micro-groups are invited to prepare, within 15-20 minutes, a sketch on the topic that they pull out of the black box, prepared in advance

Topics for directors:

4 lights out;

* cleaning of the premises;

* Visiting the pool;

* detachment in the dining room;

* duty on parent's day.
Children's presentation of their film.

After carrying out this creative work, the leader asks each creative group to analyze their activities and determine which of the participants in the creative process should be noted and awarded with a memorable prize.

business game"Leader"

Target: identify the leaders of the squad during the game and promote its rallying.

Members: children and counselors

Equipment and inventory: a tape recorder with recordings of calm music, scissors, felt-tip pens, colored paper tokens.


The counselor announces the start of the game "Leader" and invites all children to break into microgroups of 5-6 people (methods of division into

groups are different). During the game, children are invited to complete a series of tasks, the complexity of which increases from the first to the last.

The host of the game tells the participants that the game has a secret that will be revealed to them at the end of the game. The secret of the game is that the supervisor-observers monitor the activity of each participant AND give him tokens of a certain color (without explaining anything to him about the purpose of the color):

* white badge for the leader-organizer;

* yellow token for the mastermind leader;
* red token for the performer;

* green token for the spectator.

In order for the groups to rally, a task is proposed for original name temporary team. Runtime -- 3 minutes. Tasks:

1. Fold the fastest cut postcard or any
be a figure;

2. Draw a collective drawing on a common topic (subject
or to express feelings, mood). Run time -- 5 minutes;

3. Competition-burime. Compose a rhyme poem
in 4 minutes;

4. Make a crossword puzzle of 5 questions on a specific topic:
sports, countries of the world, painting, nature, holidays, camp, etc.
Runtime - - 5 minutes;

5. Write a story where all words start with one letter.
Lead time --. 3 minutes;

6. Stage a fairy tale in various genres or written
before the story. Preparation - 5 minutes.

After the end of all competitions, the leader asks the participants to show their tokens to the leader-observers, who fix them in the protocol. It is time to reveal the "secret" and reward the winning leaders: "Leader<-организатор», «Лидер-вдохновитель». Не следует забывать и об «исполнителях», «зрителях».

Information for counselors: during the game, each participant will have a set of tokens (the number of tokens is equal to the number of tasks). You can see that a certain range of colors is typical for certain participants. It is immediately clear which of the children has a pronounced position.

Application No. 3

This program was created as part of a comprehensive program for organizing summer holidays for children in a school camp. It contains the rationale, grid plan, activities and additional applications.



Action grid plan

Psychological service of the school camp "SAMI"

1 day


2 day


3 day


Day 4


Day 5


Drawing "Me and the camp"

Start of work of trust mail "Hand in hand"

Input Diagnostics

Unity games (4 squad)

Exercise "My name" (1 squad)

Input Diagnostics

Unity games (2 squad)

Exercise "My name" (Squad 3)

Rally games (1 squad)

Exercise "My name" (Squad 4)

Unity games (4 squad)

Exercise "My name" (2 squad)

Day 6


Day 7


Day 8


Day 9


Day 10


Bonding games

"The Chipmunks", "A Terrible Secret"

Relaxation lesson "Sounds of nature" (1 group)

Game training "Shipwreck" (2 squad)

Developing lesson "Journey to Tilimilitryamdia" (1 squad)

Exercise "Kingdom of the Inner World" (4 squads)

(Squad 3)

Game training "Shipwreck" (Squad 3)

Developing lesson "Journey to Tilimilitryamdia" (2 squad)

Exercise "Kingdom of the inner world" (1 squad)

Developing lesson "what is good and what is bad"(2 squad)

Day 11


day 12


day 13


day 14


day 15


Game training "Shipwreck" (Squad 4)

Developing lesson "Journey to Tilimilitryamdia" (3rd detachment)

Exercise "Kingdom of the Inner World" (3rd squad)

Developing lesson "what is good and what is bad"(1 squad)

Relaxation lesson "Sounds of nature" (3rd group)

Developing lesson "Journey to Tilimilitryamdia" (4th detachment)

Exercise "Kingdom of the inner world" (2 squad)

Developing lesson "what is good and what is bad"(Squad 4)

Relaxation lesson "Sounds of nature" (2nd group)

Game training "Shipwreck" (1 squad)

day 16


day 17


day 18


Relaxation lesson "Sounds of nature" (4th team)

Parent survey

Rediagnosis (output)


Appendix 6

Individual holiday card

Surname, name of the child: ________________________________

Squad: ____________________________________________________

Supervisor: _____________________________________________________


  1. My mood in the camp

Change days

GREEN - calmness.

VIOLET - deep sadness and sadness.

  1. Event Rating



Liked it a lot


Remained indifferent

Did not like


Appendix 8


fighter of the SAMI liberation detachment (primary).

  1. What class are you going to? __________________________________________________
  2. What are your first impressions of the camp?


  1. Complete the sentence “The camp is ... _____________________________________


RED - activity, enthusiasm, cheerfulness.

YELLOW - positive emotions, optimism.

GREEN - calmness.

BLUE - sadness, reduced emotional background.

Underline, please, the color that fully reflects your condition at present.

  1. We invite you to feel like an architect. The building is shown below. Your task is to “arrange” in the drawn building (three floors, with a basement) the types of activities offered in the camp Distribution principle:
  • on the 3rd floor - “I will always go there” (+ + +);
  • on the 2nd floor - “I would rather go than not go” (+ +);
  • on the 1st floor - “I’d rather not go than go” (+);
  • in the basement - "I will never go" (- - -)


Annex 9


fighter of the SAMI liberation detachment (repeated).

  1. Your surname and name _________________________________________________________
  2. When were you (born)? _________________________________________________
  3. What are your impressions of the camp?


  1. Any of our moods can be painted in any color. We offer the following colors:

RED - activity, enthusiasm, cheerfulness.

YELLOW - positive emotions, optimism.

GREEN - calmness.

BLUE - sadness, reduced emotional background.

PURPLE - passivity, breakdown.

Underline, please, the color that fully reflects your condition at present.

  1. The most important event in the camp. ___________________________________________


  1. Finish the sentences:

“The camp is ... _______________________________________________________________

"I am glad that _____________________________________________________________

"I am sorry that __________________________________________________________

"I hope that _________________________________________________________

  1. Was it boring at the camp?________________________________________________
  2. Were you scared?__________________________________________________


Annex 10

Questionnaire to identify the degree of satisfaction of parents with the organization of the school camp

Dear parents!

We ask you to take part in the survey, which is conducted in order to determine the degree of satisfaction with youorganization of recreation and health improvement for your children

Are you satisfied?




I'm having a hard time

organizing your child's vacation

health care for your child

catering in the camp

taking into account the individual characteristics of your child in the camp

an opportunity to showcase your child's abilities and skills

organization of leisure activities, a list of events

child's participation in activities

organization of the work of circles and sections

interaction of all organizations in the city for the organization of recreation and recreation for children

board games equipment

Your wishes: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


To use the preview of presentations, create a Google account (account) and sign in:

Slides captions:

TRUST MAIL "HAND IN HAND" Attention!!! The camp has a "Mail of Trust"! The mailbox is located on the 2nd floor, near office 18. There you can leave your appeal (letter, note) with questions, requests, wishes. It is not necessary to indicate the first and last name, that is, your message can be anonymous. Detailed information (RULES) about the operation of the Trust Mail is posted next to the mailbox. Take action! Email is Understanding Responsibility Honesty Mysteriousness Anonymity Appendix 11


Municipal budgetary educational institution

Kuibyshevsky district

"Secondary school No. 9"


psychological support

school camp

with daycare for children


MBOU secondary school No. 9

Compiled by:

Ryabtseva Anastasia Sergeevna,

educational psychologist

MBOU secondary school No. 9



Explanatory note.

Summer time, as a time of relaxation, enjoyment and pleasure, provides all the necessary conditions to replenish the energy spent during the school year. The organization of a school camp makes it possible to realize this opportunity. Comprehensive support and assistance is needed to replenish energy costs. This is the reason for the involvement of a teacher-psychologist in the organization of summer holidays for children as part of a school camp. The need for a psychologist in the camp is also due to a number of reasons:

  • assistance in the adaptation of children to new conditions (different age groups, temporary children's team);
  • the likelihood of conflict situations;
  • the presence of children with individual developmental characteristics and personal characteristics (anxiety, aggressiveness, uncertainty, isolation, etc.);
  • stressful working conditions that increase the risk of emotional burnout of educators.

Therefore, the goal The work of the psychological service of the school camp "SAMI" is the creation of conditions conducive to the removal of psycho-emotional stress, both for the children's team and the teaching staff, as well as the development of the child's individuality.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve a number of tasks :

  1. assistance in creating a favorable climate in the children's team as the main factor of adaptation in the camp;
  2. assistance in relieving emotional stress;
  3. contributing to the construction of effective interaction between children and teachers;
  4. the formation of a conscious attitude of the child to his own health as a value;
  5. study of the psychophysiological state of children.

Main addressee implementation of this program are the children who have a rest in the school camp. The immediate recipients are the parents of these children, as well as educators working on the units.

The program is designed for one shift of the school camp. Classes are held daily (1 lesson with the squad per week).

Lesson durationwith a detachment of 25-30 minutes.

Classes are held in the office of a psychologist. And also a psychologist comes to the squads for mini-games.

To achieve the goals and objectives outlined above, the work of a psychologist is carried out according to four main directions:

- diagnostic;

- correctional and developing;



Together with a psychologist, the educator can organize psychological trainings and consultations within the framework of detachment activities; conduct conversations, game remedial classes, psychological workshops aimed at developing the child's communication skills and skills, building self-confidence.

A psychologist can give qualified advice to the educator about the behavioral characteristics of the members of the detachment, which will help organize individual work with children.

Characteristics of activities in each of the areas:

1. Diagnostic work is carried out inorganizational period, main and final. Primary questioning in order to identify the interests of children, their emotional state, expectations from the rest is carried out in a fairly short period of time (2-3 days of the camp shift) - the time of adaptation. The task of the teacher is to help the child open up, show their best qualities, establish relationships that are adequate for the camp, plan activities, and build relationships. This period is characterized by:

* unstable public opinion;

* adaptation of children to the specifics of a temporary children's team;

* demonstration by adults of standard norms of behavior;

* assisting the child in the disclosure of needs and talents.

Main Period (the first half is 4-10 days, the second half is 11-16 days) in general, this is a time of “creative” conflicts, personal self-realizations, and a multifaceted change in social positions.

Monitoring diagnostics in the main period are subject to:

* the degree of activity activity of children;

* differentiation of activity needs of children;

* identification of formal and informal leaders;

* identifying the degree of formation of a temporary children's team, establishing the communicative potential of the detachment;

* identification of formed microgroups and the availability of conditions for the implementation of the principle of combining children into microgroups (according to interests, “adjacent” to a strong leader, etc.).

Last days of changeaimed at summarizing. The degree of implementation and tasks of the shift is monitored. This period is usually characterized by:

* identification of common interests;

* the need to strengthen control over the safety of children;

*increased attention of the participants of the educational process to the emotional background.

Throughout the shift, children fill out a holiday card, where they mark their mood every day and rank events. Also, questionnaire forms were developed for children in order to study their emotional state at the beginning and end of the camp shift, and a questionnaire for parents in order to study satisfaction with the organization of children's summer holidays.

2. Correction-developingactivities are carried out in the form of individual and group lessons with children.

When working with children, psychologists use the following forms and methods :

  • game trainings;
  • fairy tale therapy;
  • game therapy;
  • art therapy;
  • aromatherapy;
  • music therapy;
  • relaxation exercises.

3. Advisorythe direction of the psychologist's activity contributes to the improvement of the psychological and pedagogical competence of both the teaching staff of the camp, including the administration, and the parents of students.

4. Within preventivedirections of activity, the psychological service of the school camp conducts various kinds of game activities aimed at relieving psycho-emotional stress and preventing emotional exhaustion, and also organizes a "mail of trust" in order to preserve psychological health.

Expected results

  1. Strengthening the mental health of pupils.
  2. Adaptation to the conditions of the school camp.
  3. Stabilization of the emotional state.
  4. Formation of skills for effective interaction between children and teachers.
  5. Formation of a conscious attitude to health.

Psychological service work plan

No. p / p


Implementation timeline

Input group diagnostics (questionnaire)

1,2,3,4,5 units

2-3 day shift

Bonding games:



"Electrical circuit"

"Collective account"

"Terrible Secret"

"The Chipmunks"




Throughout the shift

Individual diagnostics


During the shift, on request

2 squad

3 squad

4 squad

1 squad





Relaxation session

"Sounds of nature"

1 squad

2 squad

3 squad

4 squad





Developing lesson "Journey to Tilimilithryamdia"

1 squad

2 squad

3 squad

4 squad





Drawing "Me and the camp"


1 shift day

Drawing "What I remember in the camp"

18th shift day

Exercise "Kingdom of the inner world" (art)

8, 10, 12, 14 shift day

Exercise "My name" (self-presentation)

2 - 5 day shift

Developing lesson "What is good and what is bad"





3 squad

4 squad

2 squad

1 squad

Mail of trust "Hand in hand"

Children, parents, teachers

Throughout the shift

Repeated diagnostics (questionnaire at the exit)

1,2,3,4 units

17-18 shift day

Consultations, individual conversations

Children, parents, teachers

Throughout the shift

Annex 1.

Game training "Shipwreck"

Target: creation of conditions for the development of social interaction skills.


  1. Creating a favorable atmosphere for team building.
  2. Development of a behavior strategy.
  3. Definition of social roles.

Time: 30-35 minutes.

Equipment: forms for each player; pens.

1. The situation is set: "Your ship is in distress. You manage to escape on a small inflatable raft, on which you can take the items listed below. Task: Rank (from #1 to #15) the items as needed, in your opinion. Write the result in column number 1. It is performed individually.

2. Work in groups.We unite in groups. Their task is to compare their options, discuss, agree and rank the same subjects, but already in a group.

The result is recorded in column number 3.

3. Reflection.

What opinion did you listen to in the group?

Who (in your group) do you think was more persuasive?

4. Announcement of the "correct answer".Since experts have calculated the optimal behavior of a person in such a situation, all the items presented can be divided into:

Helping you to discover;

Supporting life;


And then it was best to arrange it like this:

* for discovery: mirror - 1, 2 - combustible mixture;

* to sustain life: 3 - water canister, 4 - army dry ration, 5 - chocolate, 6 - opaque plastic (to collect water or protect against

sun), 7 - fishing tackle, 8 - 15 meters of nylon rope, 9 - inflatable pillow, 10 - alcohol (for wound treatment), 11 - repellent;

* useless : 12 - radio, 13 - map of the Pacific Ocean, 14 - mosquito net, 15 - sextant.

The result is recorded in column number 5.

  1. Result processing. The difference between each line of the 1st and 5th columns is recorded in the 2nd (the children themselves count).

Then the difference of each line 3 and 5 of the column is calculated and recorded in the 4th.

We count the results in columns: the 2nd column on the second, the 4th under the fourth. The result is two numbers. We find their difference and compare the results in groups. Which of the guys has the smallest number, he is the leader.

Form of the participant of the game


1. Sextant*

2. Mirror

3. Map of the Pacific Ocean

4. Gas cylinder

5. 5 liter water canister

6. A sheet of opaque plastic

7. Radio receiver

8. Fishing net

9. A bottle of medical alcohol

10. Mosquito net

11. Inflatable pillow

12 Shark repellant

13. Army dry ration

14. 12 meters of nylon rope

15. 2 boxes of chocolate

*a navigational measuring tool used to measure the height of a star above the horizon in order to determine the geographical coordinates of the area in which the measurement takes place.

Appendix 2

Relaxation session "Sounds of Nature"

Target: relieving physical and emotional stress.


  1. Creation of conditions for the convenient location of each member of the detachment;
  2. Creating a situation of "presence".

Time: 20 minutes.

Equipment: music (sounds of nature), music center, sports mats (carpet).

Children are invited to sit as comfortably as possible, so as not to embarrass anyone, not to interfere (you can lie down, you can sit, as it is convenient for children). Then the instruction is given:

“Now we will go on a journey through the forest. All of you must have been in the forest more than once. It is so? Summer has already come, all the trees have spread their leaves and now it is very interesting to walk in the forest. So, you can close your eyes and we're off…”

Then, slowly, the text is read to the music:

“You came to a clearing near the forest… look around… what do you see?.. what do you hear?..

Pleasant sounds of birds singing can be heard from different sides... You sit down on green, fresh grass still covered with dew... flowers bloom nearby... Daisies, dandelions, forget-me-nots... Occasionally, bees fly up to collect nectar... butterflies soar in the air... look how beautiful they are...

The singing of birds can be heard from the forest ... but what is there, in the depths of the forest? ..

You get up and decide to go into the forest itself ... somewhere in the grass you noticed a barely noticeable path leading to the forest ... you walk along it. Stepping carefully, afraid to crush the ants running under your feet, you are getting closer and closer to the forest ... look around, what do you see? Maybe you see cows grazing not far from you chew bright green grass... and looking closely, you can see how a bee removes nectar from a flower... she either sits on a flower, then suddenly takes off... You go further...

In a clearing, not far from you, crows collect bugs ...

The birdsong intensifies…and you find yourself in the forest itself…Listen to the loud chirping of birds…bees are pollinating flowers near you…it is so calm in the forest that you hear the buzz of their wings…you are moving further and further into the forest…

Stop for a moment… (9-12 minutes of the melody) look around… raise your head to the sky… It is barely visible because of the dense canopy of trees… suddenly you heard the sound of water not far away… you added a step and went straight to the river… it was making such a noise that it slightly muffled the singing of birds… go to the river… put your hands into the water… What do you feel? Is the water cold or warm?.. sit down on a stone by the water...

(10.18) after sitting by the water, you decided to return to the forest ... moving away from the river, its noise gradually subsided, and birdsong was heard again.

Appendix 3

Bonding games.

  1. "Rock"

All group members stand in a straight line. The host says that we are all now a powerful, unshakable rock.

In order to feel like a rock, you need to stand very close to each other (participants can hug around the waist). After the group has become a real rock, climbers begin to move along it. The climbers are the members of the group themselves. The first one to stand in line. Starts to move AO rock. His task is not to break loose, to hold on tightly to the rock. After the first participant has gone, the rest of the participants begin to move. The leader must ensure that the rules are not violated and that there are no more than three climbers on the rock.

  1. "Knots"

Participants form a circle and join hands, with the hands of one person should be linked with the hands of different people.

Task: without disengaging hands, unravel the knot and form a circle

  1. "Electrical circuit"

Participants become in a circle. They are invited to join hands. The clasp of the hand is a signal. Which needs to be passed around. The leader gives the signal, he must also complete, take the signal back. The signal can be sent in one direction. So in both at the same time; it can be given with one squeeze of the hand, or maybe with several (one squeeze in one direction, 2 in the other). The exercise is performed until it is completed in the shortest possible time.

  1. "Crossing"

You will need chairs for each participant (newspaper for everyone, it's safer this way).

If chairs are used, they should be placed in a tight circle with the seats facing inward.

Task: You are a group of travelers who went out together on an exciting but dangerous route. You will pass it successfully only if you help each other and take care of your comrades.

During the crossing it is forbidden to push, to be selfish. Disregard the interests of the group. Give comrades a helping hand, give way. To support with advice and deed - all this is not only allowed, but desirable ...

You will have to get up on the chairs and start moving (clockwise) from time to time I will remove the chairs from the circle, which will complicate your task. The group is considered to have completed the transition when all participants are seated in threes on the chairs remaining in the circle. I emphasize: three people in one chair! When all triplets are ready. I will start the countdown from 10 and, having reached 0, I will be glad to congratulate you on your victory and successful completion of the route! Those who during the transition fell or touched the floor with their feet are considered to be out of the game. Try to reach the finish line in full force, without losses.

  1. "Collective account"

This well-known children's game is very popular among the training participants. It may have the status of a diagnostic procedure that fixes how high the level of mutual sensitivity of group members is at the moment.

Participants stand in a circle with their heads down and, of course, not looking at each other.

The task of the group is to name the natural series in order of number, trying to get to the largest without making mistakes, while three conditions must be met:

Firstly, no one knows who will start the count and who will call the next number (it is forbidden to negotiate with each other verbally or non-verbally);

Secondly, it is impossible for the same participant to name two numbers in a row;

Thirdly, if the desired number is called aloud by two or more players, the leader demands to start again from one.

The overall goal of the group becomes a daily increase in the number achieved while decreasing the number of attempts. The facilitator repeats to the participants that they should be able to listen to themselves.

In some groups, participants are smart enough that, without agreeing, they begin to consistently pronounce the numbers of the natural series in a circle. Having discovered this, the facilitator may praise the participants for cohesion and resourcefulness, but suggests that this technique be abandoned. Experience confirms that more cohesive groups are more successful in this exercise.

  1. "Terrible Secret"

One of the participants tells a terrible secret about himself in the ear of his neighbor, for example: “I love to pick my nose!”. The neighbor passes it on in a circle, also in his ear, changing the phrase to: “One of us likes to pick his nose!”.

In this form, the phrase goes in a circle, and the second participant, having let the first phrase go to two or three participants, sends a secret about himself after him: “I like to smear the rest of the gravy with a crust of bread.”

The phrase goes around in a circle in the variant: "One of us ...".

When a secret goes around the circle and arrives at the owner, the owner does not send it to the second circle, and thus the first stage of the game ends when each secret has circled exactly the circle.

Then everyone says aloud what secrets they have learned. One says that he has learned that "we snore", that "we bite our nails", another will remember that "we like to sleep", etc., until all the secrets are remembered.

And then all participants in the game can be invited to say in chorus “And we will never tell anyone about this!”

  1. "The Chipmunks"

The facilitator calls each participant an animal in his ear. Everyone stands in a circle, holding hands bent at the elbows. The facilitator calls the animal and the corresponding person must jump out to the middle, and the group must not let him go. The climax of the game is reached when the facilitator names the animal that most of the group members are named.

  1. "Square"

All players stand in a square (so that all the space inside the square is occupied) as closely as possible. You can even pre-outline the square in which they should fit.

Then the leader gives commands, and the square executes them, trying to increase the area it occupies, for example:

The square went to the left - the square went to the left.

The square sits down - the square tries to sit down with screams and cries.

The square is jumping - the square with less intense noise is jumping.

Appendix 4

Exercise "Kingdom of the inner world."

You will need a tool to play music. Relaxation composition, paints, brushes, drawing sheets.

  1. The facilitator informs the participants that in today's lesson they will have to work with fantastic images, and asks them to sit comfortably. You can close your eyes if you wish. It is not necessary to require you to close your eyes when conducting visualization meditations. Many people can evoke vivid visual images just fine without doing so. In addition, for some participants, closing their eyes causes an increase in anxiety.
  2. Host: “In each of us there is a special world - unique, unlike other worlds. It can be imagined as a magical Kingdom, spread over a vast and diverse territory. In this Kingdom there are high impregnable mountains, green valleys and dense forests, there are deep seas filled with hidden life, and meadows abundantly dotted with extraordinary flowers, there are steppes and deserts, there are turbulent rivers and clear lakes. And, of course, there are cities and towns within the territory of each of our Inner Kingdoms. In which amazing creatures live - not only people, but also other creatures, smart and stupid, evil and kind. Among the inhabitants of the Kingdom of the Inner World, one can meet artisans and scientists, wizards and jesters, warriors and farmers. There is a ruler of this Kingdom, ruling over a diverse population and living in a magnificent palace. There are devoted servants of the ruler and creatures who hid far from his watchful eye and do not want to obey him.

Various events take place in our Kingdom of the inner world - joyful and sad. Sometimes funny, sometimes tragic. Life on the territory of the Kingdom does not stop for a minute. Even when the ruler is resting, his eternal opponent and pretender to the throne is trying to influence the life of the Kingdom.

The boundaries of our Kingdom of the inner world are not clearly defined, they can narrow and expand. Sometimes our Kingdom begins to quarrel with neighboring kingdoms and even enter into armed conflicts. And like all wars, such conflicts bring only disaster and hardship to the inhabitants of the Kingdom.

Each of us - whether he thinks about it or not - wants his Kingdom of the inner world to flourish and develop, so that there are fewer quarrels and conflicts on the borders of the Kingdom and within it. Each of us wishes for his Kingdom of harmony and joy. We need to remember that in many respects it depends on ourselves ... "

Then there is a drawing by the participants of their Kingdom of the inner world and a discussion of the drawings. However, the exercise does not end with a discussion, but continues.

Presenter: “In some of your drawings there are various creatures, in others there are no images of living beings. I ask you to consider which of these creatures could be among the inhabitants of your Kingdom of the Inner World. Please draw (or find among those already drawn) one creature that would reflect some positive aspect, some positive side of your inner world. Come up with a name for each of these creatures.

After the task is completed, the facilitator asks all participants to name those positive and negative creatures whose images appeared in the drawings of the Kingdoms.

Further work can be organized in different ways. Depending on the number of participants. If the number of participants is small (up to 6 people), then it is proposed to compose a general fairy tale in which the characters just invented would act. At the same time, it is not necessary to include two characters from each in the fairy tale. The participant can offer one - either positive or negative. If the group is large, then you can divide it into subgroups of 5-6 people and offer not only to compose a fairy tale, but to stage it. Time to work at least 30 minutes.

After the participants tell a composed fairy tale or present their mini-performances, a discussion is organized. In all cases, the following questions should be discussed:

What images were born to you while fantasizing on the topic “Kingdom of the Inner World”?

What unexpected things did you see in your Kingdom?

Can you say what the creatures you imagined symbolized that reflected the negative and positive aspects of your inner world?

How did these creatures show themselves in the fairy tales you created?

Was it difficult for you to combine your creatures from the Kingdom of the Inner World into a single plot of a fairy tale?

How did you deal with these difficulties?

What feelings are you experiencing right now?

What would you like to do with these creatures? If the desire is clear and strong - do it!

What feelings are you experiencing now?

Appendix 5

Exercise "My name"

Goal: awareness of one's own significance, promoting deeper self-knowledge.

You will need brushes, paints, gouache, pencils, etc., everything that allows you to draw.

  1. Participants are asked to draw their own name, as they imagine it, the drawing can be saturated with any images that are associated with their own name.
  2. After that. Once all the children have finished their drawings, they gather around to discuss.
  3. Each child (optional) demonstrates his drawing and talks about his name, what he wanted to draw.
  4. The facilitator should activate the work of the group members, create conditions for the children to actively ask questions about the drawings. They gave their associations to the participant's drawing.
  5. The facilitator warns that the participant may or may not accept the statements of the group.

Appendix 7

Personal feedback of the child about the camp

Last name and first name ____________________________________________

Class: ________________

  1. What did you like?____________________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2. What did you NOT like? ____________________________________________



  1. What useful did (a) learn and gain (a) during your stay in the camp? ______________________________________________________________


  1. What are your suggestions for improving the holiday? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Annex 12.

"Journey to Tilimilithryamdia"

Target:Creation of conditions for the formation and development of cognitive interest.

Tasks:1) Creation of a favorable microclimate;

2) Assistance in the formation of the ability to work in a team;

3) Promoting the development of cognitive interest.

Form:A game

Duration:30 minutes

Equipment:Picture cards.

Lesson plan:

1) Hello.

2) Warm up

3) Competitive program:

3.1. Exercise "Geometric shapes"

3.2. The game "Develop observation"

3.3. Game "Confusion"

3.4. Warm-up (physical minute)

3.5. "Ship"

3.6. "Caterpillar"

3.8. "Find a Letter"

4) Final stage (Summing up, awarding)

Lesson progress:

1. Greeting.

Target:creating an atmosphere of trust.

Hello guys! Today, I suggest you visit the magical land of Tilimilitryamdia. We will get there by train, so we need to decide who will go on which train. There are tickets on the table. Everyone needs to come up, take a ticket and get into their own train. Each locomotive comes up with its own name and chooses a driver-captain.

And now let's introduce ourselves: you need to say the name of the engine, introduce the driver and each passenger. To do this, you need to say your name and what you love to do. For example, I am Anastasia Sergeevna and I love to draw.

2. Warm up

Target:Prepare students for the lesson

So, all the passengers are in their places, we are leaving. In order to start our trains, we will play a game called "Catch the sound with your palms."

Instruction for children: Clap your hands when you hear the sound Ш in the word (ball, cheese, mouse, raincoat, fur coat, pike, bear, bowl, noise, tiger, step, chance, soap, morning, ostrich, joke, fine ...).

And now, we are on our way. Throughout the journey, you, as passengers of each train, will complete tasks for which points will be given. And we will find out which train will come first to Tilimilitryamdia by counting the number of points received.

3. Main stage

3.1. Exercise"Geometric figures"

Target:development of perception of the shape of objects.

Children are offered cards with drawings consisting of geometric shapes.

Instruction for children: determine and write down how many triangles, squares, circles, rhombuses, rectangles, etc. are on the cards.

3.2. A game"Developing Observation"

Target:attention development.

Instructions for children: Write down as many objects as possible within 5 minutes, grouping them according to the following criteria: red objects, round objects and objects starting with the letter K. For a longer list of objects, points are awarded to the team for each of the signs.

3.3. Game "Confusion"

Target:development of memory, auditory perception

Instruction for children: Correct the mistake in the poem.

Our Masha is crying loudly:

Dropped a ball into the river. (Tanya)

A bear is walking, swinging,

Sighs on the go:

"Oh, the board is over,

Now I'm going to fall." (Bull)


The bunny was thrown by the lazybones.

A bunny was left in the rain.

Couldn't get off the bench

Wet to the skin. (Mistress)


An old man lived with his wife

By the blue sea. (Old woman)


Cheat to the tree

Fits on tiptoe.

wags its tail,

He doesn’t take his eyes off the frog ... (Crow)


Near the seaside, a green oak;

Golden chain on an oak tree:

And day and night the scientist's horse

Everything goes around in circles. (Cat)

3.4. Warm-up (physical minute)

Target:stress relief

Host: And now, guys, we'll have a little rest. I need one passenger from each train to do a physical minute.

3.5. Exercise"Ship"

Target:development of color vision.

Equipment: cards with the image of a colored boat with the contours of three circles (lights) and three colored circles (red in different shades: dark red, red, light red). Instruction for children: “Look at the boat, it shows lights. Help “light the lights”: arrange the mugs on the boat from dark to light.”

3.6 Exercise"Caterpillar"

Target:development of color vision.

Equipment: green circles of different saturation.

Instruction for children: spread out circles of green color of different shades from the lightest to the darkest.

3.7. "Sliced ​​Images"

Target:develop the ability to make a whole from a part

Present parts of 2-3 images (for example, vegetables of different colors or different sizes, etc.).

Instruction for children: assemble whole images from these parts.

3.8. Contest of captains-machinists"Find a Letter"

Target:development of visual perception, concentration of attention.

The captains need to underline the letter A in the text with one line, all the letters H with two lines.

While the captains complete the task, the teams solve puzzles.

4. The final stage.

Target:Summing up, scoring.

The train with the most points arrives at Tilimilithryamdia.

“Guys, did you like our trip? Have you learned anything new? What did you like the most?"

Appendix 13

"What is good and what is bad?"

Target:teaching children the concepts of "good" and "bad".


  1. Describe the term "good".
  2. Describe the term "bad".
  3. Highlight the main points of good and bad behavior.
  4. Create conditions for fixing the information received.

Equipment:multimedia presentation.

Lesson plan:

  1. Greetings. Illumination of the main issues of the lesson.
  2. Main part.
  3. Exercise "What would I do? .."
  4. Reflection.

Lesson progress:

  1. Greetings. Warm-up "Dwarfs - giants."

Instruction “I will speak and show you the actions, your task is to carefully look and do the opposite, that is, for example, I sit down, and you ... that's right, you must remain standing. So let's look…”

  1. Main part.

Today we have a lesson on the topic: "What is good and what is bad." In the lesson, we will talk about the good and bad deeds of people, and we will also have exciting tasks. Ready?

I propose to play the game "Polite words"

  1. The word game "Polite words" is being held.
  1. Name all forms of greetings that you know?

Children: Hello, good morning, good afternoon, good evening, hello.

  1. Now tell me all forms of gratitude.

Children: Thank you, thank you, thank you.

  1. And, can you remember the forms of wishes?

Children: All the best, all the best, be healthy, good night, bon appetit, good journey.

  1. What are the forms of apology?

Children: Excuse me, I'm sorryI'm sorry, I apologize, please excuse me.

  1. And when we need to ask for something, how do we do it? Call me the request forms.

Children: Please, be kind, be kind, please.

  1. Finally, tell me all the ways to say goodbye.

Children: Goodbye, see you soon, goodbye, bye.

b) And now I invite you to talk about such words as good and bad. Who knows what “good” and “bad” means (children speak out).

Can any of you explain what it means to be good?

Children: It means to be attentive to people; take care of people close to you; give way when you go to a meeting; give way to girls and adults; thank you for your help; do not be rude; try to do something nice, and also say polite words.

Tell me, to be a good person, is it enough just to know polite words?

That's right guys. To be a good person is not only to speak politewords, but also try to please other people, help friends in difficult times, be kind and fair. Do you know any poem about good and bad?

c) Vladimir Mayakovsky’s poem “What is good and what is bad” is read out

Little son came to his father
and asked the little one:
- What's happened
and what is
I have no secrets -
listen, kids,
dads this answer
I put it in a book.
- If the wind tears the roof,
if the hail rumbled -
everyone knows this is
bad for walking.
The rain fell and passed.
The sun in the whole world.
This is very good
both big and children.
If the son is blacker than the night
dirt lies on the face, -
obviously this is very bad
for baby skin.
If the boy loves soap
and tooth powder

this boy is very cute
does well.
If a wretched fighter beats
weak boy,
I don't want this
even put it in a book.
This one is screaming: - Do not touch
those who are smaller!
This boy is so good
simple sight!

If you broke in a row
book and ball
october says:
bad boy.
If the boy loves work,
pokes a finger in a book
write about it here:
he is a good boy.
From a crow to a peanut
ran away, groaning.
This boy is just a coward.
This is very bad.
This one, albeit with an inch,
arguing with a formidable bird.
Brave boy, okay
useful in life.
This one climbed into the mud and is glad
what a dirty shirt.
They say about this:
he's bad, a slut.
This one cleans boots,
washes his own galoshes.
Although he is small,
but quite good.
Remember this every son.
Know any child:
will grow out of the son of a pig,
if the son is a pig,
The joyful boy went
and the baby decided:
"I will do
and I will not -

d) Exercise “Who is right?”. Students are offered situations where they need to determine who is to blame, and who did what, good or bad.

  1. Reflection.

This concludes our lesson with you. You were all great today. Let's remember what we talked about in this lesson (children speak out).

Now raise your hand if you like it.

Thanks everyone. Goodbye.
