Family camps. Review of family summer camps by the sea Family language camp for children with parents

Family camps "WE ARE TOGETHER" - a modern form of travel for active inquisitive children and their creative parents.

If you enjoy playing together with your child, if you get real pleasure from hourly watching how he grows and develops, then the family camp is your choice.

If you yourself like the game and reincarnation, the joy of creativity and learning, then the family camp is an opportunity to meet your like-minded people, spend a piece of life in a wonderful place next to amazing and interesting people.

An important feature and a prerequisite for participation in a family camp is the active participation of parents and other persons accompanying the child in all activities of the camp.

Leading family camps are experienced professionals who love children and their profession.

In our family camps, we harmoniously combine sports and creative pursuits, active and quiet activities. Active classes are always held taking into account the climatic features of the place and, of course, the time of year. As part of the family camp, we organize special excursions with children's guides.

For family camps, we choose budget, but high-quality accommodation options, we fully provide the organization of all components of the trip - air tickets, insurance, transfers, visa services.

Our managers 7 days a week are ready to advise on all issues of organizing a trip, help you choose the best option for a flight / move, and provide visa services. call

At what age should children take part in a family camp?

See the camp schedule. Sometimes we ourselves set an age limit - but only if the camp provides for active educational trips. In other cases, the camp invites everyone without age restrictions - young and old will play and create together. You won’t be able to move as deftly as your older brother - dad and mom will help))

What does “joint participation in all camp activities” mean?

This means that in family camps it is impossible to leave the child on the leaders and go about their own business. The task of the facilitators is to create all the conditions, an environment for inspiration, play, and creativity for all participants in the family camp. The task of parents is to actively participate with their children in all activities.

You can bring a nanny or grandmother with you, but only so that they, together with the whole family, participate in the life of the camp.

The main value of the family camp is the opportunity to strengthen intra-family relations, the opportunity to see new interesting aspects in each other, the opportunity to get vivid joint impressions and create common interests.

Family camp rules:

When conducting camps, we are guided by a set of rules that are binding on all participants in our programs. Making a payment for the camp means that you have read the rules and agree to them. Failure to comply with the rules is the basis for the subsequent refusal of the participation of the family in our family camp.

·The purpose of the camp is to create a comfortable space for parents united by the idea of ​​joint active creative recreation. People come to our camp to rest with their children. Adults participate in all activities of the program together with children. Parents take an active part in the life of the camp.

Each participant is solely responsible for the life and health of his own and his children, as well as for actions and inactions that cause physical, moral and material damage to third parties.

· We all live in the camp in a given rhythm and it is very important to follow this rhythm. All camp participants are notified in advance about the camp schedule and cannot make independent changes to it. Please do not be late for classes - those who are late disrupt the class schedule not only for themselves, but for everyone else, and create great inconvenience for both the leaders and other camp participants.

· Refusal to participate in the family camp (cancellation of the reservation) is possible in accordance with the contract.

Special conditions. Reducing the cost of the registration fee is possible for families who are particularly active in the life of the camp. This can be an online report from the life of the camp in social networks, conducting a course in a specific area, or something else. If you are ready for similar kind activities, inform your manager

What is the difference between "We are together" Family Camps and "Elefantik" Programs:

Elefantik programs began their history in 2007. Today it is a unique format of educational family vacation, which is loved by many of our clients.

In order for you not to get confused, and to know exactly what services are provided in each case, we offer our table:

Elefantik program

family camp

Free time for parents

Yes, during the classes of teachers with children

No, all activities are designed for joint activities of parents with children

Excursion program

Excursions with children's guides are included in the price

Excursions with children's guides are offered at an additional cost

Age limits for children to participate in the program

Yes, indicated in the description of each program

No, except in some cases (indicated in the program description)

The division of children by age into classes

Participation of parents in sports and other active events



Consumables and materials for classes

All materials are provided by the organizers

The list of materials that you need to take with you is indicated in the description of the camp.

Who accompanies the group

Professional educators

Leading camps are experienced teachers, they are assisted by young specialists.

What do we offer

A ready-made solution is offered - a program of developing recreation, which includes everything you need: rest, development, an organized program.

Parts are offered, from which, as a designer, you can assemble the most profitable option for participation in the camp, various options flights and transfers.

Price level for participation

Above average

Average and below average

Learn more about Elefantika family camps

So, friends, the long-awaited review of family camps for the summer of 2016! :)

Family camp: what should it be?

Now there are more and more family camps. And this is great: it means that more and more people appreciate an interesting vacation with their family and like-minded friends.
What family camps will be discussed in this article?

Photo: Maria Kubrak, family camp "Together fun!"

Not about those where the organizers offer children's animation so that parents have time to relax without children.
And not about those where the camp is just interesting activities for children and adults.
Although, both options are also good, and as a rule, the participants are satisfied - provided that the hosts were attentive and friendly to the participants.

But I want to talk about those camps that are much more than joint recreation and activities.
The main thing in such a family camp is, of course, the atmosphere. An amazing atmosphere of sincerity, mutual understanding and creativity. This is what "experienced" go to family camps again and again - if, of course, they are lucky with the right choice camps. The atmosphere, of course, is largely determined by the personalities of the participants. But a lot also depends on the leaders. Moreover, not just from their knowledge of psychology, pedagogical talent ... From their personality, first of all.

Here, in my opinion, are the main features of a truly wonderful family camp:
1) Family camp is not a camp for children, not for parents, but FOR FAMILIES! The purpose of the family camp is to create a space where adults and children will be equally interested in TOGETHER. Where adults and children will understand how much they have common interests. And this is not at all the case where animators entertain children while parents relax like an adult.
2) The camp program should be interesting not only for children, but also for adults. After all, if parents are interested, children will also be interested. Parents should not be accompanying the child who brought him on an entertaining vacation. Parents, first of all, the camp itself should be interesting.
3) There is no animation in the family camp when the hosts entertain and the participants have fun. Each private owner of the camp actively participates in all events, is not a spectator, but an equal creator of the camp.
4) Everyone should be comfortable in the camp. Each participant of the camp - both a child of any age and an adult - must feel that he is being listened to and heard, that he is needed, that he is important.
5) The camp program is not something permanent, pre-scheduled and approved. The program adapts to the mood, desires, and capabilities of the participants.
6) Not just a set of activities, not just a creative process, but a whole amazing, exciting adventure from the beginning to the end of the camp!

Photo: Yulia Kuzminova, family camp "Together fun!"

Here is a selection of family camps for the summer of 2016. I write here only about those camps, the creators of which I know well personally. Many of them are students of Julia Rempel, whose camps are always truly magical! And in my opinion, they fully share the principles described above :)
Of course, in addition to those mentioned here, there are many other wonderful camps :)

Given the situation with the exchange rate, I will start the review with family camps in Russia :)

1) Julia Rempel and her project "LearnArt"
Title: "Secrets of Time"
Where: Novgorod the Great
Dates: June 1-8
Designed for children: pupils
Briefly about the program: Archeology, immersion in the secrets and mysteries of the ancient city, acquaintance with history
Cost of living - 3150 rubles - 4500 rubles for a double room.
Cost of three meals a day: 1100 rubles per day.
380€ for the whole family for 7 days.

66,700 rubles for 7 days, or 9,500 rubles per day;
: 105560 rubles for 7 days or 15,000 rubles per day.

Personal opinion: This family camp will be held by sorceresses Yulia Rempel and Asya Vanyakina, which means it will be amazing, educational and inspiring for both children and adults. I highly recommend!

2) The project "Together fun!"
Where: Tula region (120 km from Moscow!), Ecopark "Yasno Pole"
Accommodations:- Very beautiful and comfortable rooms in a newly built hotel.
Dates: July 31 - August 14
Title: Around the World in 14 Days
Designed for children: 3 to 9 years old
Briefly about the program: Our camp will be dedicated to traveling to different countries. Every day we will visit new country and get to know its culture. We will dance dance different countries, listen and show fairy tales different peoples, taste dishes from different parts of the world and get acquainted with different amazing customs.

Cost of living - 24200 - 65800 depending on the category of the room and the number of residents
750 rubles per day for an adult, 550 rubles for a child 3-12 years old, up to 3 years old free of charge.
Program cost (registration fee):- 22,000 rubles for the whole family for 14 days, but there are many different discounts. If 2 families live in 1 room, the cost of the program is 15,000 - 18,000 rubles minus discounts.
Total (accommodation, meals, program):
mother + child 5 years old in a separate bedroom of a three-room suite: 70200 rubles for 14 days, or 5000 per day;
mom + dad + 2 children 3 and 8 years old in a two-room suite with amenities: 111600 rubles for 14 days, or 8000 per day.

Personal opinion: a very interesting place, the only one among those listed so close to Moscow, while very unusual (in good sense:)), comfortable and adequate for the price. Excellent experienced hosts, interesting and informative creative program. And - a small group, which is important for the atmosphere of the camp

3) The project "Together fun!"
Title: "The Secret of the Stone Guards"
Dates: July 31 - August 6
Where: Saint Petersburg
Designed for children: from 7 years to 12 years
Briefly about the program: An interesting program - excursion camp. The main part of the program is fascinating and informative excursions and walks around St. Petersburg. We know the Great Mystery of the City and invite you to participate in its solution. Our walks will be one big adventure, when knowledge, discoveries and games go one after another, strung like beads on one string of a necklace. And in the end, they leave in the minds of children and parents not only a set of facts, but also an Impression in the soul. They make the city closer and closer.
Accommodations: hotel, rooms with amenities and breakfast, but you can live anywhere else.
Cost of living - from 3040 rubles for a double room.
Meal cost: breakfast is included in the price of accommodation, complex lunches are included in the price of the program, dinners on your own.
per person for 7 days 7200 rub.
Museum tickets: about 2000 rubles for adults, 600 rubles for children

Total (accommodation, meals, breakfasts and lunches, program and tickets to museums):
mother + child 8 years old in a room with private facilities, without dinner: 38280 rubles for 7 days, or 5468 rubles per day;
mom + dad + 2 children 7 and 9 years old in a triple room with private facilities, without dinner: 60320 rubles for 7 days, or 8617 rubles per day.

Personal opinion: The host of the program is a truly amazing tour guide. Her programs are exciting adventures that are equally captivating for both children and adults, but she does not entertain the group, but gives a lot of serious information in an interesting way on art, architecture, culture and history. What is also important for this format of a family camp is a small group, only 20 adults and children, so that each participant is really actively involved in the adventure.

4) Olga Sokhneva and her KidTrip project
Title: Legends of the Lake District
Dates: August 21-28
Designed for children: from 3 to 12 years
Where: Russia, Karelia, Marcial Keys resort
Accommodations: comfortable apartments with a kitchen, meals included.
Briefly about the program: This camp will become an acquaintance with Karelia: we will walk through the taiga with a camera, pencil and brushes, compose poems and draw illustrations, swim in lakes with living water and look for treasures, admire the creations of wooden architecture masters, and in the evenings tell ancient legends about lake virgins, adventurers, ancient Veps and Karelians and create their own legends of the Lake District.
Cost of living: from 3400 rubles per day for a double room
Program cost (registration fee): 16000 rubles for the whole family for 7 days
Meals: adult - 600 rubles, child - 450 rubles

Total (accommodation, meals, program):
: 47000 rubles for 7 days or 6714 rubles per day
mom + dad + 2 children 3 and 8 years old in a room with private facilities: 63600 rubles for 7 days or 9085 rubles per day

Personal opinion: The peculiarity of this camp is that its leaders are professional artists and craftsmen who revive traditional crafts. The creative workshop "Red Clew" and "Art Travel for All" came up with an inspiring program for the camp participants.

5) Project "Together fun!"
Where: Pskov region, near the city of Sebezh, family house "Korablino"
Accommodations: The rooms are simple but very well thought out for families with children. Beautiful landscaped area.
Dates: September 1-11
Title: "We live, playfully!"
Designed for children: 3 to 7 years old
Briefly about the program: All life in the camp will revolve around the game. This will help adults plunge into the world of childhood, and children will finally play from the heart, because the game is exactly what modern children lack.

Cost of living - for a 3-5-bed room with amenities, regardless of the number of residents: 17,600 rubles, for a 3-5-bed room with amenities for 2 rooms - 15,400 rubles (for the entire camp).
Four meals a day: 800 rubles per day for an adult, 500 rubles for a child 3-12 years old, 200 rubles for a child 1.5-3 years old.
Program cost (registration fee):- 16,000 rubles for the whole family for 10 days, but there are many different discounts. If 2 families live in 1 room, the cost of the program is 12,000 rubles minus discounts.
Total (accommodation, meals, program):
mother + child 7 years old in a room with amenities for two families: 35100 rubles for 10 days, or 3510 per day;
mother + child 7 years old in a separate room with private facilities: 45700 rubles for 10 days, or 4570 rubles per day;
58900 rubles for 10 days, or 5890 per day.

Personal opinion: the Korablino family house is an amazing place, very popular among many clubs organizing family camps: a huge, well-equipped area for children (climbing swings, etc.), a mini-zoo, a large lake. Incredible food - natural, high quality, very tasty, ideal for children and adults. game program- this is always a hit, for children of this age it is generally the best thing that can be in the camp - of course, if the leading experienced game teachers (and the presenters are excellent!). Small group - which is very important for the atmosphere.

6) Julia Rempel and her project "LearnArt"
Name: Traveling school "Entertaining local history"
Where: Kislovodsk
Dates: October 29 - November 8
Designed for children: pupils
Briefly about the program: Entertaining local history, the study of old maps and the compilation of new ones, walks in the park and the city
Accommodations: very comfortable rooms in a good hotel.
The cost of accommodation and three meals a day - 3860 rubles - 4240 rubles for a double room, add. Place for an adult - 1700 rubles, extra. Place per child - 1270 rubles per day
Program cost (registration fee): 390€ for the whole family for 10 days.

Total (accommodation, meals, program):
mother + child in the cheapest room: 65900 rubles for 7 days, or 6590 rubles per day;
mom + dad + 2 children in a room with private facilities: 95100 rubles for 7 days or 9510 rubles per day.

Personal opinion: Yulia Rempel and Olya Sokhneva again, amazing team in an amazing place! I recommend!

And now - camps abroad!

7) Family camp of Alina Zakrevskaya and Rita Muranskaya
Title: "The clock struck a miracle!"
Dates: July 17 - 26, 2016
Location: Slovakia. Low Tatras.
Designed for children: 4 to 10 years
Briefly about the program: the theme of this camp is time, its course and dimension. Each participant will try to feel the movement (flow) of time. Understand why different people experience time differently. Let's dive into the world of watches. This camp is a time of games and inventions, diving inside yourself, into your feelings and awareness of what people who are nearby feel and think. These are hikes (I wonder how long the boat trip will take?) and exciting quest excursions.
And also - a magical sandbox, with the Master of Sand Therapy - Elena Kaminskaya.
Accommodations: cozy rooms with amenities.
Cost of living- adult 17€ per bed, children up to 12 years old - 14€ bed/night
The cost of three meals a day: all the time 140€ adult; 115 € children.
Program cost (registration fee): 380€ for the whole family for 9 days.

Total (accommodation, meals, program):
mother + child 5 years old in a room with private facilities: 914€ for 9 days, or 101€ per day;
mom + dad + 2 children 4 and 8 years old in a room with private facilities: 1448€ for 9 days, or 160€ per day.

Personal opinion: A place of amazing beauty, forest, beautiful mountains, mountain streams, clean air. And the sorceresses Rita Muranskaya and Alina Zakrevskaya! sand therapy is a real magic that captivates both adults and children of any age. And also - Slovakia - a very beautiful country (mountains, caves, castles and cozy small towns) and inexpensive even in times of crisis. I would recommend after the camp to rent a car and drive around, it's great here! That's what we did at the time :)

8) Lena Startseva and the project "Let's go to a concert, go on a trip"
Name "Family Expedition "The Secret of the Magic Elixir"
Where: Italy, Alpine Val Calmonica (Lombardy region)
Dates: August 13-21
Designed for children: 5-12 years old
Briefly about the program: an expedition of brave explorers from Russia, Europe and other parts of the world is gathering. The task of the expedition is to decipher the formula and find the ingredients of the magic elixir, thanks to which Italy is bursting with inventors, discoverers and great inventors.
Living conditions: in the old building of the monastery. Accommodation will be in rooms-cells, and food - in the refectory! Your choice of cells Lux, Standard and Economy.

Cost of accommodation and 4 meals a day: Suite - 47 euros per adult, 24 euros per child 3-5 years old, 33 euros 6-9 years old, 38 euros 10-11 years old.
Standard - 43 € per adult, 22 € per child 3-5 years old, 30 € 6-9 years old, 34 € 10-11 years old.
Economy - 38 € per adult, 19 € per child 3-5 years old, 27 € 6-9 years old, 30 € 10-11 years old.
Children under 3 years old stay free of charge.
Program cost (registration fee): 380 euros for the whole family for 8 days.
Total (accommodation, meals, program):
Mom + child 5 years old in an Economy room: 836 € for 8 days of camp, or 104 € per day
mother + father + 2 children 3 and 8 years old in Standard room: 1484€ for 8 days, or 185€ per day.

Personal opinion: live in a real monastery on the mountain - wow! Italy is an amazing country, and family camps are not held so often in it. An interesting, unhackneyed topic of the camp and an excellent team of hosts :)

Since Turkey, following Egypt, turned out to be inaccessible, numerous family camps, previously based in Cirali, a paradise in Turkey, migrated en masse to Greece. And as it turned out, in Greece there are also many such paradises - so that there are few people, no discos and shopping, but only small cozy family pensions, clear sea and beautiful nature! And of course, the myths of Ancient Greece are at every step :) It makes sense after the Greek camp to take a car and travel around the country, get acquainted with the sights, archaeological sites and amazing nature.

9) Project "Together fun!"
This year this club is doing as many as 5 different programs with different leading teams (but all are excellent) in Greece, on the sea. The little-known region of Pelion was chosen for the camps - here, in addition to the warm sea, there are mountains of amazing beauty and many hiking trails in the mountains.
Title: "Happiness in small hands"
Dates: June 4-19
Designed for children: from 2 years to 5 years
Briefly about the program: A small cozy camp for the very youngest with creative, educational and sports activities for kids, psychological activities, needlework and yoga and for moms, quests, adventures and theater evenings for the whole family!
Personal opinion: it's great when the baby's first family camp is just such a camp, for the very smallest, the program of which fully takes into account what is needed for the baby and his mother.

Title: "Mysterious Island", 1 shift
Dates: June 4-19
Where: Central Greece, Pelion area
Designed for children: 7 to 14 years old (+ younger sibling program)
Briefly about the program: The main thing in this family camp is, of course, hiking! Real hikes along mountain routes of amazing beauty, with overnight stays in tents, songs by the fire ... On non-hiking days - an interesting program at the hotel: the guys will read and make maps and encrypted messages, hide and look for treasures, learn how to use a rangefinder and altimeter, discuss the complexities of life on a desert island, will deepen their knowledge of astronomy, geography and history and more. And also - a literary club, shooting a plasticine cartoon and much more! Hiking experience is not required, but you should be prepared for rather big (but not prohibitive) loads.
Personal opinion: this is the rare case when a family camp will be really interesting for teenagers, not only girls, but also boys. And the opportunity for parents to be on the same wavelength with a child at that age is very valuable. The leadership team here is fantastic! And not so many camps do real trips with an overnight stay (and a professional instructor!)

Name:"Englishville", 1 shift
Dates: June 4-19
Where: Central Greece, Pelion area
Designed for children: from 3 years to 8 years
Briefly about the program: A fun and eventful vacation for the whole family, creativity, games and adventures, and in parallel - acquaintance with the English language.
Accommodations: cozy 2-5 bed rooms with amenities and air conditioning in the hotel. Swimming pool (next to which a lifeguard is constantly on duty!), Delicious homemade food.
Sea: 100m from the hotel, warm sea without waves (Pagasian Gulf), sand and pebble beach.
Personal opinion: The leaders of this family camp are excellent and experienced English teachers, but still, first of all, they are wonderful leaders of family camps! Therefore, this is a family camp and family vacation, and not study, which, in my opinion, is great :) However, according to the experience of last year, success in learning English also pleasantly surprised parents :)

Name:"Englishville", 2nd shift
Dates: June 20 - July 3
Where: Central Greece, Pelion area
Designed for children: 6 to 12 years old (+ younger sibling program)
Briefly about the program: The second shift is for students who already have an intermediate or advanced level in language learning.
Accommodations: comfortable apartments with private facilities, kitchens and air conditioners, delicious homemade food (imported), but you can not take it, cook it yourself.
Sea: right behind the apartments, warm sea without waves (Pagasian Gulf), sand and pebble beach.
Personal opinion: see above. This is not a study, but primarily a family camp. However, according to the feedback from the participants of this camp last year, in English, the guys have also progressed very seriously. The hosts are the same as in the first shift - excellent :)

Name:"The Secret of the 5 Elements"
Dates: June 20 - July 3
Where: Central Greece, Pelion area
Designed for children: from 3 to 10 years
Briefly about the program: The elements are not just physical natural phenomena, but energies of great power. They are alive, you can contact them physically and psychologically.
Someone has more fire, and he is more active, impulsive and quick-tempered, someone has a lot of water, and this is flexibility, fluidity and understanding, the element of air brings a lot of lightness, sociability, and creativity to a person’s character.
To achieve internal and external harmony means to be able to balance all 5 elements in oneself.
True, this work is not easy, but it is fascinating and interesting!
Psychology, art therapy, fairy tale therapy, Qigong gymnastics and a lot of creativity for children and adults!
Accommodations: cozy 2-5 bed rooms with amenities and air conditioning in the hotel. Swimming pool (next to which a lifeguard is constantly on duty!), Delicious homemade food.
Sea: 100m from the hotel, warm sea without waves (Pagasian Gulf), sand and pebble beach.
Personal opinion: very deep program, not just entertainment. A very strong team of presenters, psychologists, fairy tale therapists, art therapists, needlewomen, etc. and so on. An excellent program for adults (in addition to children and families).

To the pluses of family camps "Together fun!" It is also worth mentioning the good organization and the presence of a doctor.
To reduce the volume of the article, I write the same price calculation for all five programs - because. the difference between them is small.
The cost of accommodation and three meals a day at the hotel - from 60 euros for a mother with a child.
The cost of living in apartments 40 euros for 2-3 people, 45 euros for 3-4 people, 55 euros for two-room apartments for up to 6 people.
The cost of meals in the apartments (lunch + dinner are imported, you can not take it, cook it yourself) -€15 adult, €12 large children's portion, €8 small children's portion. But the portions are large, one adult per eye is enough for a mother with a child.
Program cost (registration fee):- depending on the program and the number of children, from 420 to 580 euros for the whole family for 14 days, minus numerous discounts.

Total (accommodation, meals, program):
mother + child 5 years old in a room with amenities in a hotel / apartment: 1260 € for 14 days, or 90 € per day;
mom + dad + 2 children 3 and 8 years old in a room with hotel amenities: 1900 € for 14 days, or 135 € per day;
mom + dad + 2 children 3 and 8 years old in a room with amenities in the apartment: 1660 € for 14 days, or 118 € per day;

Another family camp in hospitable Greece.
10) Lena Startseva and the project "Let's go to a concert, go on a trip"
Title: "Introduction to Ancient Macedonia"
Dates: May 29-June 19
Where: Greece, peninsula of Sithonia, Toroni
Sea: Aegean, 3 minutes walk
Designed for children: 4-14 years old
Briefly about the program: camp participants will get acquainted with Ancient Macedonia - quests, holidays, hiking, theater, treasure hunting, a feast, the Olympic Games, comic football and a fair! We will swim, make friends, play and craft on the beach! For children - aikido classes, for mothers - water aerobics. There will definitely be evening fairy tales and songs with a guitar! There are separate joys for parents: evening gatherings with games and a quest from children!
Accommodations: apartments with kitchens. There is no food - cook on your own, or eat in taverns.
Sea: 50m from the hotel, warm sea without waves (bay), sandy beach.
Prices: Cost of living: 2-bed room 40 euros per day, 3-4-bed room 45 euros per day.
Program cost (registration fee): 400 € for the whole family for 21 days, 350 € for 14 days.

Family of 2, no meals: 1240 € for 21 days or 59 € per day
Family of 3-4 people, no meals: 1345 € for 21 days or 64 € per day

Personal opinion: also a wonderful quiet place, few people, but a lot of greenery :) An excellent program, a classic of family camps: creativity and adventure :)

And one more:)
11) Project "Together with mom"
Dates: May 24-June 14
Where: Greece, Chalkidiki, Vourvourou
Sea: Aegean, 3 minutes walk
Designed for children: from 8 months to 8 years
Briefly about the program: We will fill our little Greek world with a special atmosphere of theatrical magic and creativity. The theater that Maxim makes is very different: from shadow theater to puppet theater and performances with real scenery and stage lighting. And all this on the seashore under the sound of the waves and (sometimes) the light of the moon. And also - children's Birthlight swimming and yoga, and creative activities on the beach.
Accommodations: comfortable apartments with kitchens. Breakfasts are available, but lunches and dinners are not by default, but can be organized if there are a sufficient number of requests. You can walk to the tavern (but it is 1 km). Very quiet and beautiful place.
Sea: apartments are located on the sea. The sea is warm, without waves (bay). Sand beach.
Prices: Studio in May 47 Euro per day, in June 52 Euro per day (2-3 places). Apartment with two bedrooms in May 62 euros per day, in June 67 euros per day (up to 5 beds).
Meal cost: Breakfast 5 euros per person (buffet).

Program cost (registration fee): 600 € for the whole family with 1 child for 21 days, 900 € for the whole family with 2 children for 21 days.
Total (accommodation, program - WITHOUT MEAL):
mother + child in a room with private facilities (studio) WITHOUT meals: 1652 € for 21 days or 78 € per day
mom + dad + 2 children in a room with private facilities (two-bedroom apartment) WITHOUT meals: 2657 € for 21 days or 126 € per day

Personal opinion: The project "Together with Mom" ​​is widely known for its wonderful events in Moscow :) This is the only camp that is designed for children from 8 months old. Excellent content of the program, there is a lot of the sea: children's swimming according to the excellent Birthlight technique, creative space on the coast. Great selection of leaders. Relaxed but very balanced program.

12) Olga Lobanova and her project “Growing Up and Resting Together”
Title: "Petson and Findus go to the sea"
Dates: June 19 - July 9
Where: Montenegro, Velika Plaja area
Designed for children: from 3 to 10 years
Briefly about the program: games, performances, classes based on the books by Sven Nurdqvist about Petson and Findus
Accommodations: comfortable apartments with a kitchen.
Sea: 800m from the hotel, a huge sandy beach.
Cost of living: 30 € double, 45 € four-bed apartments with private facilities, kitchen, air conditioning.
Meal cost: 5 € / portion (lunch or dinner), portions are large - one is enough for a mother with a small child. You can cook by yourself, you can sometimes do it yourself, and sometimes you can order food.
Program cost (registration fee): according to the number of places, 150 € first place, 120 € second, 100 € third, fourth, etc.

Total (accommodation, meals, program):
mother + child 5 years old in a room with amenities: 1110 € for 20 days, or 55 € per day;
mom + dad + 2 children 3 and 8 years old in a room with amenities: 1970 € for 20 days, or 98 € per day;

Personal opinion: To begin with, this is a very budget option for a vacation at sea (a good sea, not in Anapa;) - at the present time it is mega-valuable :) And a visa is not needed. And Olya's team of hosts is very good, worked out over many years of holding the camp. Findus and Petson are real travelers this year: they will visit the thermal resort in Slovenia and the sea :) But you definitely won’t get bored with them anywhere! And yet, Montenegro is also great for taking a car and driving around the country. I love her dearly! And most of all - its mountainous part, there will be an opportunity - be sure to go if not to Durmitor, then at least to Lovchen!

And our review is completed by a family camp in Georgia.
13) Olga Sokhneva and her KidTrip project
Title: "Gold of Colchis"
Dates: September 4-17
Designed for children: from 3 to 12 years
Where: Georgia, Batumi, Kaprovani
Accommodations: comfortable rooms with private facilities in a secluded hotel among the pines, meals included
Briefly about the program: In this camp we will combine the musical and creative program. The musical block will be headed by an excellent ukulele (Hawaiian guitar) teacher - Natalya Yartseva, who has been teaching children from the age of 3. By the end of the shift, we will turn into an orchestra and give a charity concert! And the creative program will be held by a magical inventor - Asya Vanyakina, the author of a popular blog, interesting books and geographical online seminars. Active trips around Colchis, culinary master classes, picking figs and hand-made jam from them, tasting wines and churchkhelas are planned.
Sea: Black
The cost of living with three meals a day: from $60 per night for a double room
Program cost (registration fee): 400 euros for the whole family for 13 days

Total (accommodation, meals, program, for ease of comparison, I recalculate in euros):
mother + child 5 years old in a room with private facilities: 1236$/1085€ for 13 days or 95$/83€ per day
mom + dad + 2 children 3 and 8 years old in a room with amenities: 1496$ /1313€ for 13 days or 115$/101€per day

Personal opinion: and Asya Vanyakina, and Olya Sokhneva - so the program will definitely be great :)

  • Autumn tours
    • Cognitive family tour to Karelia "To the North - Reindeer"
  • Winter tours
  • Spring tours
    • Family biological program on the White Sea in a cottage
  • Contacts
  • Tour for all in the summer of 2019 to Karelia from Petrozavodsk to Solovki

    Family program with children on the White Sea in Karelia in the summer of 2019

    Family program on the White Sea from 30.04-07.05.2019 and 05.05-12.05.2019

    Family program with children on the White Sea in Karelia in the summer of 2019

    Children's biological program "White Sea" in Karelia from 27.06-08.07 and 01.08-12.08.2019

    Family Tours

    Family summer program “White Sea” in Karelia 10 nights

    During the tour to Karelia, the participants of the program will meet the nature of the Russian North, see the White Nights, get acquainted with the history of the region, visit interesting excursions, take part in boat trips.We will be able to make a cherished wish on the mysterious seids, visit a colony of sea birds, a Pomeranian boat building workshop, get acquainted with the technology of salt production, collect and cook mussels, learn how to catch and smoke fish, bake traditional roes and berries, and also, with the help of instructors-biologists of Moscow State University we will conduct practical scientific research and laboratory work.

    Family tour in the summer "To the seal Matvey" on the White Sea 5 nights

    During a trip with a child to the White Sea, program participants will meet the nature of the Russian North, see the White Nights, get acquainted with the history of the region, visit interesting excursions, take part in boat trips, see seals, make a cherished wish on mysterious seids, visit a colony of sea birds , "Star Farm", a Pomeranian boat building workshop, they will get acquainted with the technology of salt production, gather and cook mussels, learn how to catch and smoke fish, bake traditional roes and berries, and also conduct practical scientific research and laboratory work.

    Family summer program “I want to see a whale!” on the White Sea in Karelia 5 nights

    On our journeywe will get acquainted with the subpolar flora and fauna and the inhabitants of the littoral, see whales and seals in their natural habitat. At the Academy of the Underwater World, we will create marine aquariums, make a vertical model of the sea by layers, study family traditions white whales, their language, communication and sleep. We examine water samples in the laboratory and learn how to extract salt from it. On the islands we will learn survival skills and collect algae and mussels.

    Cognitive family tour for the autumn holidays in Karelia "To the North - the Reindeer"

    When traveling with a child, welet's get acquainted with the eternal travelers - reindeer and one of the cutest representatives - a deer named Seva. Participants of the program will meet the nature of the Russian North, get acquainted with the history of the region, visit interesting excursions, be able to make a cherished wish on the mysterious seids, a Pomor boat building workshop, get acquainted with the technology of salt production, learn how to smoke fish, bake traditional roes and berries, and also hold practical scientific research and laboratory work.

    Family program for Christmas in the Urals.

    On our journey, we will meet rich history Perm-Russian provincial city, we will be able to taste real Perm cuisine, learn the secrets of cooking local dishes, visit the merchant capital of Kungur, where we will learn how to bake printed gingerbread according to old recipes, explore the underground labyrinths of the "World of Ice Giants" - the Kungur cave, get acquainted with huskies and try yourself as a musher, meet a wonderful Christmas holiday and be able to look into the past of the region by visiting a unique exhibition of wooden sculptures in the Perm Art Gallery.

    Family winter program for Christmas on the White Sea

    We invite you to celebrate real Russian Christmas with the whole family in the mild Karelian winter, with white fluffy snow outside the window, in the company of other caring parents who choose educational trips for themselves and their children! Here you can see seals resting on ice floes, ride in a snowmobile sleigh along the snow-covered shores of the White Sea, learn how to bake delicious Pomeranian pies and traditional roe gingerbread, visit biological forest excursions, go skiing, drink fragrant tea in an ice igloo house, become participant of the old Pomeranian way of catching fish - merezha, catch saffron cod, flounder and smelt, ride the slides on cheesecakes and see one of the wonders of the world, a grandiose show of nature - the Northern Lights!

    Family winter program New Year on the White Sea

    This winter we are going on a New Year's tour to the most beautiful northern sea in Russia - the White Sea, where untouched northern nature fascinates and captivates travelers at first sight. Here you can see seals resting on ice floes, ride in a snowmobile sleigh along the snow-covered shores of the White Sea, learn how to bake delicious Pomeranian pies and traditional roe gingerbread, visit biological forest excursions, go skiing, drink fragrant tea in an ice igloo house, become a participant in the old Pomeranian way of catching fish - merezha, catch saffron cod, flounder and smelt, ride on slides on cheesecakes and much more!

    Family winter program "Northern Lights Hunters"

    This winter we are going on a tour to the most beautiful northern sea in Russia - the White Sea, where untouched northern nature fascinates and captivates travelers at first sight. Here you can see seals resting on ice floes, ride in a snowmobile sleigh along the snow-covered shores of the White Sea, learn how to bake delicious Pomeranian pies and traditional roe gingerbread, visit biological forest excursions, go skiing, drink fragrant tea in an ice igloo house, become participant of the old Pomeranian way of catching fish - merezha, catch saffron cod, flounder and smelt, ride the slides on cheesecakes and see one of the wonders of the world, a grandiose show of nature - the Northern Lights! Tours in Russia with children.

    Family program for New Year and Christmas in New Zealand

    On our unforgettable journey, we will go on a yacht cruise on Hauraki Bay. See Auckland from a bird's eye view from the skyscraper Sky Tower. We are waiting for the Magical World of Middle-earth - to the fabulous village of Hobbiton, where everything is so real that it seems that hobbits really live here, only they have now gone somewhere for a minute, but will soon return back. We will visit the Maori Kingdom, walk through the geothermal zone of Wai-O-Tapu Park. We will cross the Cook Strait connecting the North and South Islands by ferry. A trip to the most beautiful national park in New Zealand - Abel Tasman will leave a vivid impression and much more...

    This program, like others presented on the site, is completely our development!

    Family program for the May holidays in Japan

    Japan is one of the most amazing countries on our planet, harmoniously combining advanced technologies, ancient traditions and stunning landscapes!In the spring of 2019, we will go on a Family trip, which we will definitely remember all our lives!"To reach the top of Mount Fuji, you need to take the first step." Creating a family trip and preventing kids from having fun at the biggest Disneyland in the world is not about us!

    Are you with us?

    Family spring program "Northern Lights Hunters"

    This spring we are going on a tour to the most beautiful northern sea in Russia - the White Sea, where untouched northern nature fascinates and captivates travelers at first sight. Here you can see seals resting on ice floes, ride in a snowmobile sleigh along the snow-covered shores of the White Sea, learn how to bake delicious Pomeranian pies and traditional roe gingerbread, visit biological forest excursions, go skiing, drink fragrant tea in an ice igloo house, become participant of the old Pomeranian way of catching fish - merezha, catch saffron cod, flounder and smelt, ride the slides on cheesecakes and see one of the wonders of the world, a grandiose show of nature - the Northern Lights!Tours in Russia with children.

    Family program for May holidays in Georgia

    For the May holidays 2019 "Family Journey" goes to Georgia, to the land of extraordinary beauty and hospitable people, aromas and tastes, ancient churches, strict rock monasteries, dizzying mountain landscapes, cozy villages surrounded by terraces of vineyards stretching beyond the horizon, waterfalls and ringing fast rivers , monuments of archeology, history, architecture and art, concentrated on a small territory inhabited by a hospitable and original people, as ancient as this land itself. This is an adventure for the whole family!

    Family tours in Russia from Moscow with children. Family camps and travel.

    Family tours and holiday camps in Russia with children- what could be better?

    Our programs are for those who...

      seeks to relax interesting, informative and fun

      take care of yourself and your children

      appreciates comfort, good company and friendly atmosphere

      wants to share new emotions and impressions with his family

      attention to detail in everything

    7 reasons to choose our programs

    You definitely haven't seen anything like this anywhere! Scientific, creative, historical and musical journeys designed especially for parents with children.

    Always comfortable accommodation:
    Rooms with all amenities from the Standard category to the Lux category of various capacities. We only select hotels that are suitable for families.

    Children's time and parents' time:

    Our programs are interesting for both children and adults. We give parents the choice to be a participant, an observer, or simply take time for themselves.

    We care about you:

    A friendly atmosphere is one of the primary tasks of our team. The emotional comfort of each participant of the trip is important to us.

    Special children's menu:

    We are attentive to the preparation of the daily menu and make sure that the food is tasty and healthy, taking into account individual characteristics: vegetarian, dietary and more.

    Professional team:

    Our experience:

      8 years of successful work

      53 implemented thematic programs

      over 10,000 happy customers

    "Compass Camp" offers to get acquainted with the program of the family camp for winter and summer holidays. Organizefamily tour or campto the most interesting corners of our country is now very easy, because traveling with the Compass Camp family camp, you will not need to worry:

    • About booking tickets the best prices and a family-friendly hotel.
    • On the organization of excursions and transfers during the trip.
    • Worry about what the child will be doing during the day and whether the child will find company by age on vacation.
    • Look for places for a delicious and healthy lunch and a babysitter to go to a "Romantic Dinner" late in the evening or just take time for yourself.

    We answered all these questions for you and our team will do everything to ensure that you have a rest in family camp winter and summer was comfortable, easy and memorable!

    We have selected the most best places, hotels and recreation centers - fortours with children in Russia from Moscow 2017, adjusted the menu for our groups and tested all excursions.

    Each of our programs has "Children's Time", when classes and master classes are organized and conducted by our teachers only for children, and "Parents' Time", when adults have their own free time to visit those places or participate in those activities that children due to age may still not be quite interesting!

    Format family camps For several years now, it has rightfully occupied one of the leading positions in family vacations.

    This format is a real treasure for mothers who want to take their children out of the city in the summer, but it is far from always possible to travel with the whole family, with the help of loved ones with the child. At the same time, the most important plus of the camp is that the child will definitely be fun and interesting. And the mother will have the opportunity to meet like-minded people, get new information about the development and upbringing of the child, and also just relax, watching the child have fun in the company of newfound friends!

    This type of recreation is also the safest! The organizers hold camps in verified places, and a pediatrician often works in the camp itself, who can prompt what to do in time, thereby reassuring the mother.

    Now you can find a great variety of camps for every taste and age. Both sea and European and suburban camps - each has its own charms.

    In our review, we have collected the most interesting and popular routes. If you have not been to the camps yet, we strongly recommend getting such an experience this summer :) We hope our review will help you decide on the program :)

    1. "Theatrical and cartoon journey" in Greece, Tolo.

    Within 2 weeks, an interesting program awaits you: acting, plasticity, diction, creating theater posters and other classes from the theater practice. With a real cartoonist you will create cartoons. And, of course, lessons of fantasy and imagination are waiting for all of us! We will compose our own stories, stage fairy tales and - who knows! - what if they become the child's first step into the theatrical world? And also in the camp: -A lot of creativity - modeling from various materials, creative games, creative workshops for adults (woolen watercolor, making souvenirs and others). - Lots of movement - outdoor games on the beach, yoga for adults and playing family exercises (with elements of family yoga and family soft school). -A lot of games - role-playing games(Bakhotsky), clay game, outdoor games, quests, board games. As part of the camp, we will also have general thematic holidays, a creative fair, excursions and lectures, as well as evening gatherings for parents.

    Location: Greece, Tolo.

    Cost: 400 euros for the program, from 490 euros for accommodation per shift, from 35 euros for food, 80 euros for transfer in both directions. Plus flights and excursions.

    1. French holidays with musketeers in France, Brittany.

    We are waiting for battles and intrigues at the court, we will figure out what friendship and honor, courage and fearlessness mean for us. graceful dresses, bouffant skirts, fans and the delicate smell of the most delicate perfumes ... You remember that lace scarves can keep the most terrible secrets, and for the sake of the favorable look of a beautiful lady, you can go even to the ends of the world. Get on the road with us.

    France is refined and sophisticated. This is a country of arts, which means that we will immerse ourselves in art, study different styles and let's try it ourselves.

    France is a country of gourmets who know a lot about food. Let's try and learn how to capture the finest flavors of products and cook with love and understanding.

    Age: adults and children from 4 to 10 years old.

    Location: France, Brittany.

    Cost: 380 euros for the program, from 700 euros for accommodation, 518 euros for adults. Plus flights and excursions.

    1. A unique family camp “Living in the body: the keys to order in yourself and in the family”. Body-oriented approach. Moscow region, Ethnomir.

    A week for those who have not gone far, but summer is calling. And it is important to be with the family, and for children to make friends and learn about themselves and the world in the joy of play. And at the same time, it’s very time to arrange an intensive for yourself, a soft reboot - to pick up the keys to your conversation with yourself, and with your body so changeable, especially in parenthood:

    — the keys of self-support in mastering life experience, supporting the growth of children and relatives,

    are the keys to body awareness and dialogue.

    And for those who have just come to the conclusion that living with a “head on legs” is not the way out, and the entrance is not there.

    And for experienced practitioners who have long been in the study of their capabilities, and there are more and more questions.

    Keys from the embodiment approach, biodynamics, neuropsychology, from Elena Simulman and Nastasya Smetankina

    Age: adults and children from 3 to 7 years old.

    Location: Moscow region, Ethnomir.

    Cost: 14,000 rubles program, 23,000 accommodation, from 4,900 meals.

    1. Scientific and creative camp GOULASH, LEAF and King ISHTVAN in Budapest and on Lake Balaton.

    On the streets of old Budapest, we will look for history and stories… about the seven legendary leaders of the Ugric tribes, about a tall tree without a top, about a huge bird turula, about a stalactite fairy tale in two deep caves, about Finno-Ugric folk music, about architecture and much more… The history and culture of the region is a fascinating journey. We will walk the streets of Budapest and sing bandit ballads, visit the museum and taste the most delicious goulash in the world... And then we will go to Lake Balaton, where we will find lavender fields and a baroque church. We will paint, arrange plein-airs and visit the Lavender Festival.

    History, ethnography, music history, architecture, craft art, drawing and painting - these are our lesson plans.

    Age: adults and children from 5 to 13 years old.

    Location: Budapest, Lake Balaton.

    Cost: 350 euros program, from 275 euros accommodation.

      Family Camp A SEA OF JOY in GREECE(Organizer Olga Buslova)

      Family Camp Sea of ​​Joy lives in the town of Tolo in Greece on the shores of the Aegean Sea. It was opened 5 years ago, as these wonderful places seem to be created for families with children. In Tolo Bay it is always warmer than in the rest of Greece, the climate is very comfortable, a large selection of organic fruits and vegetables, natural products.

      The camp invites families with children from 0 to 10 years old, shifts in June-July in Tolo and in September. A good selection of presenters who focus on developing creative skills, free story game and physical activity of children. The camp has swimming instructors. . Family format of events, hiking, picnics, excursions and quests, workshop, theatrical performances, evening bonfire. Yoga for adults and children. Gatherings for parents, games and themed evenings.

      The average cost of participating in the Camp is 400 euros for a family with 1 child. Accommodation in apartments from 35 euros to 60 euros per day.

      The peculiarity of the Camp is that the organizers live permanently in Greece, which gives the participants more contact with the culture and customs of the local population, the opportunity to visit non-tourist places, learn the legends and secrets of this land.

    1. Family camp “I love to draw” in Turkey, Cirali.

    A two-week session for everyone who wants to immerse themselves in the world of painting and drawing. Infinity of creativity and colors around and in our imagination! pencil, charcoal, watercolor, pastel, oil... everything is at our disposal! Daily master classes of intuitive drawing for children and adults. Preparation is not required at all. Everyone can do it, believe in yourself! At the end of the shift, we will have an exhibition of all our works! You will appreciate the progress made in just two weeks! when we give ourselves freedom to be creative, it affects all areas of our life in the most amazing way! Check it out!

    Age: adults and children from 3 to 12 years old.

    Location: Türkiye, Cirali.

    Cost: from 450 euros program, from 990 euros accommodation and meals, 160 euros round trip transfer plus flight.

    7. Family trip to Montenegro, Tivat.

    An interesting adventure for families with children from 1 to 14 years old from famous children's clubs in Moscow, united in Association for the organization of the summer trip.

    There is a program for each age of the participants.

    For children 1-3 years old: Activities for toddlers, dancing and rhythm, strengthening gymnastics, creativity, modeling and drawing, developing activities, games on the beach, evening mini-disco.

    For children 3-7 years old: Music lessons, creativity, excursions to workshops (pottery and art), quests, outdoor relay races, art and art, fitness, dancing, board games, evening disco and much more.

    For schoolchildren: Quests, hiking, dancing and fitness, adventure games, a lot of sports, theater classes and staging evening shows, drawing and creativity, excursions to the workshops of artists and potters.

    For adults: Family psychologist for parents: art therapy for adults, the secrets of a happy relationship; metaphorical cards "Roads-me and my way."

    And also: style master classes from an image maker that will help: create a stylish look, combine things correctly, choose what really suits you!

    Age: adults and children from 1 to 14 years old.

    Location: Montenegro, Tivat.

    Cost: from 500 euros program, from 238 euros food.

    Türkiye, Cirali

    Family camp in Cirali« Design. Made by children"

    Hosts: Vera Yarilina, Nastya Voevodina, Katya Povarenkina

    In the calm and affectionate October Cirali, the surest thing is to observe the beauty that surrounds you. No one blocks the sea and mountains with their bodies anymore, oranges are almost ripe, grenades burst on branches right in front of the window. I want to watch, absorb and create. This is what we will do in a company with professional designers. The joy of our camp is the Elnik studio represented by the designer and founder of the studio, Katya Povarenkina. Everything that Katya does is filled with love for the discreet, calm nature of the Russian North. Textile, stained glass, decal, silk-screen printing, wood and metal are the most different techniques and materials help to reflect the impressions of the beauty of northern nature in comfortable interior items. Together with Katya and the Krasny Klubok workshop, both adults and children in our camp will each go their own way from conception and sketch to implementation in material. And who knows what we'll see at the final show: cricket clothing collections? Bullet car design? Home cleaning robots with an audiobook function? "Smart and fun house"? To this will be added collective workshops of land art, discussions on the topic of recycling, installations and gatherings with parents to make pop art postcards.

    Türkiye, Cirali

    Family film camp at the sea in Cirali "1001 and 1 night"

    Hosts: Olga Sokhneva, Olga Davletshina, Yulia Dubasova

    Have you ever dreamed of being in a movie? And to be in the center of events of the bewitching tales of the East? In our family autumn Turkish film camp KidTrip in Cirali you have such an opportunity. In the place where the four elements met, under the guidance of a professional director, we will try on various images, as well as try ourselves as decorators, make-up artists, props, screenwriters, costume designers and production designers. Together we will create a film on which Shaherizade, Ahmed, Aladdin, Ali Baba, Sinbad the Sailor, Zumurud and many other heroes come to life. This camp by the sea in Cirali is designed for families with children aged 3.5-10 years. We will live in a nature reserve on the seashore, in a boarding house, among orange and pomegranate trees. Swim, walk around the neighborhood, shoot a movie and create-create-create.

    Russia, Siberia, Tyumen and Tobolsk

    Family camp "Architectural Siberia"

    Hosts: Vera Yarilina, Nastya Voevodina, Ivan Khafizov

    For the third year in a row, Vanya Khafizov and KidTrip family camps have opened Siberia. Already there were Tomsk, Irkutsk and incredible Baikal. This time we are going to Tobolsk and Tyumen to see the beautiful, but gradually disappearing architraves and the first Siberian stone kremlin. The main part of the program will take place in the city of Tobolsk, and the first two days we walk with Vanya around Tyumen. On the journey, we are waiting for long walks and field trips, so the main program is aimed at ages 8+.

    Russia, Elbrus, Terskol

    Family summer camp on Elbrus "Mountains through the eyes of the great: Kuindzhi and associates"

    Hosts: Olga Sokhneva, Svetlana Ryzhikova

    Mountains have always attracted creators - after all, it is here that the soul unfolds and one wants to create beauty. Many famous artists, writers, poets, singers were inspired in the mountains for their great works. The Russian Greek Arkhip Kuindzhi was no exception. In 1888, at the invitation of his friend, the artist Yaroshenko, he first visited the Caucasus, where he painted many beautiful paintings depicting Elbrus, Kazbek and other peaks and gorges. In this family camp, we have to trace how the mountains influenced the work of the greats. We will, like them, draw, sculpt, compose poetry, arrange balls, hold exhibitions and auctions, play games of the 19th century. We will walk a lot in the mountains of the Elbrus region. Almost every day we plan to make radial exits from the hotel in the surroundings: Cheget, Elbrus, gorges and waterfalls. Therefore, we are waiting for families with children over 6 years old at this KidTrip family summer camp on Elbrus, who will already enjoy such routes. Ready to create and walk a lot in the mountains? Then we are waiting for you in the Elbrus region!

    Russia, Elbrus, Terskol

    Family summer camp on Elbrus "5642 meters above the water"

    Hosts: Vera Yarilina, Nastya Voevodina, Konstantin Kozhevnikov

    We are going on a journey to the highest peak in the world - Elbrus. We will breathe the beauty of alpine meadows, listen to mountain rivers, squint from the whiteness of snowy peaks, we will walk a lot, and we will also sing songs under the stars and tell stories around the fire. Moreover, we will poison them not just like that, but professionally, because the "Studio of stories" is coming with us! Under the strict guidance of the actor and great storytelling specialist Kostya Kozhevnikov, we will learn how to tell stories in an exciting way, true life stories, historical plots, scary tales and, of course, bedtime stories. A great opportunity to discover the storyteller in yourself or turn around to the fullest. We will live in Terskol in a comfortable hotel in a pine forest on the banks of a mountain river and make radial trips to the mountains. In this camp, we are waiting for families with children from 6 years old, who will already be able to confidently stomp for 3-4 hours a day on foot from hill to hill, and in the evening to take part in the performance, come up with and tell their own story.

    Greece, Chalkidiki, Vourvourou

    Family camp at the sea in Greece "Legends of the starry sky"

    Greece and space are inseparable themes. It is even strange that we decided to dedicate an entire shift to the stars only in the ninth year of the Greek camps. The ancient Greeks studied very seriously starry sky constellations were named after their gods. They composed many legends about stars and their clusters, studied celestial bodies and their interaction. Following the ancient Greeks, we will study the starry sky with a real telescope donated by participants in past camps. We will sculpt, create and design on the theme of space. Draw the starry sky after the great artists. And the most daring will build their own rocket and go on a great intergalactic journey, which we will arrange at the KidTrip family camp on the sea in Greece in the summer of 2019. Swimming lessons and fun gymnastics with Ruslan, as well as soulful conversations at night, songs around the fire and incendiary Greek dances under ancient olive trees are an obligatory part of the KidTrip family camps in Vourvourou. We invite with us everyone who is pleased with the idea of ​​an active and eventful holiday at sea in a good company and with an interesting program!

    Russia, Arkhangelsk region, Pinezhye, Golubino

    Family camp "Let's go to the Russian North"

    Hosts: Vera Yarilina, Nastya Voevodina, Alexandra Vorozhko

    What do you know about Pinega? Little? But Pinega is the heart of the Russian North, the place of the oldest northern settlements, karst caves, ice-free waterfalls, rocks, picturesque rivers, abandoned monasteries, ancient villages, wooden pavements, the beauty is impossible! We finally decided to tell everyone about this amazing place and make a real children's guide to Pinega. Only children can cope with this adult task. We will find all the most interesting, try the most delicious, write and draw about it in our guide under the guidance of the artist Sasha Vorozhko. The guide will be published and each author of the collection will receive his own copy!

    Türkiye, Cirali

    Family camp in Cirali "Upside down world"

    In the modern world, we are surrounded by many devices. And we all enjoy using them. Press the button and you're done. But how they are arranged is far from clear to everyone, and many do not even think about how everything works. One has only to look “inside”, as we will see an amazing world. Sometimes upside down!
    Are you wondering why inverted? How can this be used in practice? Then we invite you to join us in Cirali in June to immerse yourself in the history of the development of optics from ancient times and go along this path with Pythagoras, Leonardo da Vinci, Newton and Archimedes. We will swim, create and travel around the neighborhood. This camp is for families with children from 4 to 10 years old.

    Greece, Chalkidiki, Vourvourou

    Family camp in June at sea "From the Varangians to the Greeks"

    Hosts: Ruslan Davletshin, Olga Sokhneva, Olga Davletshina

    A thousand-year history links Russia and Greece: back in the 10th-12th centuries. ekah, our ancestors traded, communicating with each other along the waterway, which led "from the Varangians to the Greeks." From the north, from the Varangian (Baltic) Sea, boats loaded with furs, bones, weapons, and honey went to Constantinople. Ships filled with spices and spices, jewelry, wine, and expensive fabrics set off on the return journey. It was around this path and on this trade that Ancient Rus' grew along the banks of the Dnieper Gardarika (“Land of Cities”). Following our ancestors, we at the KidTrip family camp on the sea in June will build ships, make weapons and invent family crests, create exquisite jewelry, win back our goods from robbers and, of course, trade. We invite with us everyone who is pleased with the idea of ​​an active and eventful holiday at sea in a good company and with an interesting program.

    Russia, Saratov region, Khvalynsk

    Family camp “Playing art. Khvalynsk

    Hosts: Vera Yarilina, Olga Ryzhkova, Yulia Terekhova

    In order for your picture to be hung in the Tretyakov Gallery, it is not necessary to be born in Moscow. For this very suitable, for example, the picturesque city of Khvalynsk. Carved porches and merchant modernism, ammonites and belemnites, chalk cliffs that are millions of years old, the Volga River and apple orchards, all this flashed before the eyes of the boy Kuzma when he tumbled off the Khvalyn hill and flew upside down. In this flight, he discovered the very spherical perspective that would make the name Petrov-Vodkin famous. At the KidTrip family camp for families with children from 6 years old, we will also try to fall a little on that very hill to see the world through the eyes of a genius. And you can see (and sketch!) a lot in these places. Therefore, we take paints, brushes, pencils and notebooks with us, and with the artist Olya Ryzhkova, art critic Yulia Terekhova and art therapist Vera Yarilina, we will prepare an art exhibition in a real museum.

    Türkiye, Cirali

    Family camp in Cirali "In search of fantastic animals"

    Hosts: Nastya Voevodina, Ksenia Andreeva

    When many children gather in one beautiful place during the holidays, anything can happen - miracles, adventures, travels ... Together we will look for rare mythical and prehistoric animals, we will describe, explore and breed fantastic ones. We are waiting for exciting underwater adventures, conquering the jungle and a night in the desert. We found inspiration from Jules Verne, Cousteau, Livingston, Stevenson, Exupery, Postnikov and others. We need to get together in a garden with oranges and pomegranates, delicate bright scarlet flowers, hens and chickens. And ... take a closer look and listen to what is happening here so interesting and unusual. Or maybe something is hidden on a wide uncrowded beach? some sign or strange object open the way for us extraordinary travel. We invite families with children from 4 to 10 years old to the KidTrip family camp in Cirali. The place is reserved, quiet, devoid of crowds of tourists and filled with the beauty of pristine nature and magical sunrises. Join the exciting adventure!

    Italy, Sardinia

    Family windsurf camp in Sardinia "Catch your wind!"

    Hosts: Olga Sokhneva, Natalia Stefanova

    Waves. Wind. Sail. Salty spray. Speed. Seagulls. Freedom. And the feeling that you are dissolving in the elements, becoming a part of it and at the same time confidently managing it ... Do you know this? Or maybe you've only looked at pictures of windsurfers so far and thought about trying it someday?
    Don't procrastinate! At the start of the summer of 2019, we invite everyone to Sardinia to the KidTrip family windsurf camp. We are doing this camp together with Russian-speaking instructors who have been teaching windsurfing in the Canary Islands and Greece for many years. Of course, in addition to surfing, traditional creative and educational activities await us with the leading KidTrip family camps. The creative program of this camp will be closely connected with the marine business: wind, sails and the ability to catch the first in the second. Of course, we cannot give you real skipper's rights, but you will get acquainted with the primary basic skills of real captains. And of course we will travel around Sardinia, interesting places do not count here. The wind is in our sails!

    Germany, Southern Germany

    Family camp in Germany «Playing art. In the language of flowers"

    Hosts: Nastya Voevodina, Vera Yarilina

    The KidTrip family camp in Germany will take place in an incredibly picturesque place, on the shores of the Hintersee lake of stunning purity, surrounded by the majestic Alps, which belong to the German nature reserve Berchtesgaden. Here is one of the most beautiful landscapes in Bavaria, mesmerizing landscapes, spring sunshine. It seems that in such a place you can only communicate in the language of flowers and herbs. This is what we will do. We will meet spring, walk, draw, read poetry, stage performances, discover the secrets of landscapes, portraits and still lifes. We will learn the language of flowers, play games popular in the 18th and 19th centuries, and create our own family memory album.

    Russia, KMV, Kislovodsk

    Family camp in Kislovodsk "Towards the sun"

    Hosts: Ruslan Davletshin, Olga Davletshina, Olesya Rybinskaya

    You can talk about Kislovodsk for a long time and breathlessly. Who can show the city like no other? Of course, the person who lived in this city loves it with all his heart and knows every stone since childhood. For the organizer and host of this camp, Olga Davletshina, Kislovodsk is hometown. And she will try to convey to all participants the feeling and taste of childhood. Do you know that Kislovodsk is rightfully called the City of the Sun?! From all sides it is surrounded by mountains that protect the resort from the winds, and the dense forest and fragrant herbs growing on the slopes purify and fill the air with freshness. All this creates a unique health-improving microclimatic zone in the city. Kislovodsk is a city that amazes and delights from the first minutes of your stay in it, you understand that you are in a fairy tale. This camp will be recreational and creative. We will swim in the pool and walk and feed the squirrels in the Ksilovodsky park. The camp is designed for families with children 0-10 years old.

    Slovenia, Terme Zrece

    Family camp in Slovenia "Explorers of Distant Planets"

    Hosts: Nastya Voevodina, Alena Ilyinskaya

    Exploration of an unknown fantasy planet is the leitmotif of the KidTrip family camp in Slovenia. Maybe the world we will enter is completely different and there is a different nature. Are the inhabitants of this planet like us? How does society work, what do the locals eat, what language do they speak, what is the history and geography here, are there cities? Maybe here you can jump five meters just by pushing off the surface, and then land? Or how to say? After all, we are not on Earth, but on another planet - it landed on the Moon, landed on Jupiter, but how is it? We are waiting for a very important task, but which only those who will go with us on the road will know! Fill your tablets with space maps and go to a fantastic planet. We are gathering a team!
