Questions of the business game of a pro educator. Business game for educators “The game is serious! Exercise "Poplar Fluff"

Purpose: to improve professional skills and competencies of teachers in child development early age , establishing a connection between the theoretical knowledge of teachers and practical experience in the upbringing, education and development of young children, creating conditions for professional self-improvement and self-reflection of teachers, creating a comfortable, friendly atmosphere during the game, appropriate conditions for stimulating cognitive interest and creativity of teachers.

Material: demonstration material - a model of children's footprints, a country of childhood, a silhouette of a child; handouts - stickers, pedagogical situations, A4 paper, drawing paper, felt-tip pens.

The course of the psychologist's event for kindergarten teachers

Hello dear guests! I am glad to welcome all of you in the walls of our kindergarten. Today we have gathered with you in order to think about the question of the role of the educator, to find out the importance of his activity in the most important period of human life, in the most beautiful and unforgettable time - the time of hope for the fulfillment of cherished desires - in the country of childhood. It's no secret that we all come from the country of Childhood. And therefore, we often want, at least in our thoughts, to be carried away into those cloudless, happy moments. After all, at that time, every day is a fairy tale. And it is on who will lead the baby by the hand in this country, what he will receive from the world around him, which largely depends on what kind of person he will become in the future ...

Exercise "Introduction" (5 min).

Dear Colleagues! Let's get to know you! Please, on the stickers that are in front of you, first write your name, and then on the first letter of your name, the action or object that you associate with childhood and stick it written on an imaginary baby - on the symbol of childhood.

Psychologist. Early age is a conditional corridor that a child passes from birth to 3 years. Early age is an extremely important and responsible period of a child's mental development. This is the age when everything is for the first time, everything is just beginning - speech, play, communication with peers, the first ideas about oneself, about others, about the world. In the first three years of life, the most important and fundamental human abilities, cognitive activity, curiosity, self-confidence and trust in other people, purposefulness and perseverance, imagination, creative position, and so on, are laid. All these abilities do not arise by themselves, as a result of the small age of the child, they require the indispensable participation of an adult and forms of activity appropriate for the age. During this period, everything that is connected not only with physiology, but also with emotions, intellect, and behavior is actively developing. Therefore, it is important how the child will develop and be brought up during this period. That's why, Dear colleagues, let's take a closer look at the children's steps of early childhood, consider the periods of early childhood development; consider what exactly a teacher should be next to a child who is actively developing.

First step. I was born! What is this happening to me?

(Crisis of the 1st year).

(The psychologist places an inscription at the first print of children's feet).

Early age- a period not only of the rapid development of all body systems, but also the stage of accumulation of experience, strength and opportunities for the beginning of personality formation.

The mental and physiological development of the child is striking in its intensity. As L. Tolstoy noted, up to 3 years a person masters the same amount of experience, which then during the rest of his life. Therefore, it is quite important who is next to the child in this, on the one hand, difficult period, and on the other hand, a happy period of his life. Therefore, dear colleagues! It is necessary not just to master the categorical-conceptual apparatus and terminology on this issue. Let's check with you your knowledge of the developmental features of the child from the moment of birth - up to 1 year.

Test knowledge test "Early age - what is it like?"

Download at the end of the lesson

Second step. My first steps. My first words...

(The psychologist places an inscription at the second print of children's feet).

Dear Colleagues! The next important step in the life of a small child is the appearance of the first steps and the first words. That is, the main events of this age interval are:

1. Walking. The main thing in the act of walking is not only that the space of the child expands, but also that the child separates himself from the adult.

2. The appearance of autonomous speech, situational, emotional, understandable only to those close in structure - fragments of words.

There are also behavioral changes:

1. Stubbornness, disobedience, demanding increased attention.

2. Increase in new forms of behavior.

3. Hypersensitivity to the remarks of adults - touchiness, discontent, aggression.

4. Increased moodiness of the child.

5. Contradictory behavior in complicated situations.

Thus, during this period, the primary connection with the adult develops and the autonomy of the child from the adult arises, which increases his own activity. But this autonomy is relative. The kid can't do anything by himself. That is, the baby requires a fair amount of attention from others, because it absorbs information like a sponge.

Exercise "Associative Series"

Psychologist. Colleagues! Let's recall the associative chains on the topic "Speech of a young child" and " Physical development baby”, which you actively use in your work with children.

« Speech development child." Listening and understanding of small folklore genres.

Nursery rhymes. "Magpie-crow", "Finger, finger, where have you been", "Okay, okay"


Songs….. .


Stories. ……

"Physical development of the child".

mobile games and game exercises…….

Games with walking, running, balancing. “To visit the dolls”, “Catch up with me”, “Catch up with the ball”, “Walk along the path”, “Across the stream”, “We lived with granny”…….

Crawling and climbing games. “Crawl to the rattle”, “Crawl through the gate”, “Don't touch”, “Climb over the log”, “Monkeys”, “Kittens”, “Collect toys”……..

Ball throwing and catching games. “Roll the ball”, “Roll down the hill”, “Throw over the rope”, “Aim in the circle”……..

Jump games. “Springs”, “Get out your palm”, “Ring the bell”, “White Bunny is sitting”, “Birds are flying”, “Catch a butterfly”……..

Orientation games in space……..

Third step. Getting ready to enter kindergarten.

And again some changes! (Crisis of 3 years). (The psychologist places an inscription at the third imprint of children's feet).


The third year of life is a crisis. Having acquired a certain "baggage" of knowledge and skills, the child begins to feel the need for more independence than he is given. The baby begins to realize that he is a separate being with his own desires and needs, which do not always coincide with what mom and dad offer. The child tries to compare himself with other people.

Awareness of one's "I" in the third year of life is a neoplasm. And, as with any achievement, the actions that secure it are the most important. Therefore, a three-year-old baby perceives lack of independence in some types of self-service (allows him to feed himself), in movement (asks for his arms) more calmly than dependence in the right to choose.

Each child has his own terms of development, therefore, the formation of personality also occurs at an individual pace. Most often, the age of 2-2.5 years is a transitional stage from active knowledge of the surrounding world to knowledge of oneself. This is a stable period during which the child is especially successful in mastering speech, which is the main means of communication in human society. So, our baby already has some success: he has mastered the basic macro movements (walking, running, etc.), acquired elementary self-service skills, mastered objective actions, speech. And now he strives for independence in everything, requires the recognition of adults, is preparing to enter kindergarten. How will these adults meet him there - his inner circle for the next few years?

Exercise "Pedagogical scales"


What features were the most difficult to describe?

How did you feel about it?

How do you think children feel next to such a teacher?

Is describing positive traits the most pleasant thing?

How do you think the adaptation process will go for children next to such a teacher?

Fourth step. Good afternoon, I'm here! Help me adapt!

(The psychologist places an inscription at the fourth print of children's feet).

Kindergarten - the first experience of "immersion" of the child in public life. If you just "throw" it into new circle communication, he can get big stress. The social factor is the main and most important argument in favor of kindergarten. The complex work of all specialists, and first of all, the educator, contributes to an easier adaptation of the child to the conditions of the kindergarten, strengthens the reserve capabilities of his body.

Exercise "Psychological knots"

Psychologist. I suggest you, dear colleagues, solve psychological knots, that is, determine the state of the child during the period of adaptation to kindergarten by providing recommendations and ways to solve typical situations that arise during this period of the child’s life (the psychologist distributes cards to teachers on which the situations are written):

The child is afraid of a new room, unfamiliar adults and children;

The child, crying, cuddles up to the mother and does not leave her a single step;

The child is not interested in anything, does not approach toys;

The child avoids contact with other children;

The child refuses to contact the teacher;

The child does not let go of the educator, strives to constantly sit in his arms;

The child refuses to eat;

The child stops talking, although he knows how well;

The child is constantly crying;

The child begins to get sick often;

The child plays with only one toy;

The child refuses to sleep

Child refuses to attend kindergarten

Fifth step. And finally I am here - in the country of childhood ...

Exercise "Treasure Cache" (parable)

"Tell wise people that since ancient times, people and gods lived side by side, like neighbors (it was only later that the gods chose their life on Olympus). Here, as is usual then and now between unfriendly neighbors, they somehow quarreled in earnest - and let each other arrange various dirty tricks, and every time it gets worse and worse ... And no one wants to give in!

Discord came up, they say, already to the fact that the gods decided to punish mortals worse than ever, so that they would not be so impudent.

They thought - and decided to steal from people the most expensive, most valuable, most important thing that they had.

Love will be stolen from one, mind from another, a dream from someone, happiness from others ... And so it is all over the world ...

They inflicted a bunch of human treasures. They began to consult again: “What to do with them? Where to hide it now? It was difficult for them to come to an agreement in choosing a reliable hiding place for the collected treasures.

And suddenly someone said: “What if we hide their treasures under their very noses?! They will never be found!" And offered a hiding place... a human heart.

"Yes Yes!" Everyone around was talking approvingly. “People will never guess to look there...”, “They only occasionally and mostly carelessly look in there...” “Oh, the heart is really the most secret place for them...”

Therefore, since then it has become the custom among people: we are ready to give up our whole life for the sake of obtaining the once lost treasure, which is so close by.

And everything is much simpler: dear colleagues! Each of us has it - our own, our own, dear - you just need to be able to find it in your heart. And if this treasure is real, it will surely multiply ... "

Psychologist. We all come from childhood, a child still lives in each of us. Moreover, we work in the country of Childhood! Every time you look into your heart, give your children all yours, such​​ important for them love, sincerity, warmth. After all, the motto of a teacher in life is: “I give my heart to children.” Good luck to all of you!

Thank you for attention!

Ludmila Gelya
Business game "Early age - what is it like?"

Purpose of the game: formation and consolidation of knowledge about the features early age.

Expected results:

Consolidation of knowledge about early age;

Activation of interest in this topic;

Creating a positive charge of emotions.

Organization and preparation for game:

A week before the game, teachers are divided into two teams, choosing a name by lot. To do this, they are offered a series of Name: kids, our kids, funny kids, etc.

In accordance with the name of the team, they prepare emblems, poems, riddles, etc.

Materials and equipment:

Silhouette of a child for each team on a sheet of A2 paper; easels or magnetic boards; an envelope with tasks; texts of riddles; tables for entering results; pencils; markers; tables for teams and jury.

Leading: Gel's tutor L.V.

Time spending: 30 minutes

Game progress

1 introductory word


Early age- an extremely important and responsible period of the mental development of the child. This age when everything is for the first time, everything is just beginning - speech, a game, communication with peers, the first ideas about oneself, about others, about the world. In the first three years of life, the most important and fundamental human abilities are laid - cognitive activity, curiosity, self-confidence and trust in other people, purposefulness and perseverance, imagination, creative position and many others. All these abilities do not arise by themselves, as a result of a small child's age, but require the indispensable participation of an adult and relevant age of activities.

During this period, everything that is connected not only with physiology, but also with emotions, intellect, and behavior is actively developing. Therefore, what is important is how the child will be brought up during this period.

2 Command presentation (demonstration of emblems, collage, poetry reading)

3 Competition "Correct answer"

A) Which of the great Russian teachers is the author of this aphorism: The years of childhood are, first of all, the education of the heart.

b) Whereby the children of this age communicate?

c) How do you understand the crisis of 3 years?

d) Guess the riddle for the most small: Furry, but mustachioed, Milk drinks, but sings songs. (cat)

e) What does the child start doing first crawling or sitting and why?

f) What is the name of the leading activity in this age?

g) What's in it? age develops faster physiology or intelligence

h) How many periods of child development can be distinguished from 1 year to 3 years?

i) With whom does the child communicate more with adults or with children?

To) Which type of game is typical for this age?

k) How much by the end early age Does the child's vocabulary increase?

m) Why is the child age Does he recognize himself by looking in the mirror?

m) Another riddle for the most savvy: The name of the first woman in the world who mastered an aircraft. (Baba Yaga).

4 Competition "Who is faster"

Instruction: the facilitator invites the team members to take turns running up to the poster and write one feature early age.

Note. During the calculation, repeated and incorrect answers of the participants are not taken into account.

5Competition "Our Baby"

Instruction: participants are offered envelopes with tasks. Each team needs to act out their scene. For example: How does a mother bring a child to kindergarten?- 1 option is not correct behavior(the child does not want to go to the group, the mother sits with him and does not want his vacation herself, the teacher does not pay attention, option 2 is the correct behavior (the mother in the evening sets the child up for going to kindergarten and quickly says goodbye to him on the spot, the teacher takes the child to group, switching the child's attention to a game, cartoon or conversation, “the child has a crisis of 3 years”, "the child refuses to eat in the garden" etc.

6 Competition "Cheerful baby".

Instruction. Participants are invited to line up one after another and take turns running up to a poster with a contour image of a child, while choosing a pencil (felt pen, paints, etc.) color any part of the child.

7 Summing up. Team awards.

2. “Alyosha is four years old, but he is completely helpless compared to children of his age, he meets with protest any proposal to show independence. He cannot take off his coat or mittens, does not want to fasten a button and untie his lace, sits at the table waiting to be fed. If he is reminded that he must eat by himself, like everyone else, the boy lowers his head, tears in his eyes and plaintively declares: “I don’t want to!”, “I don’t know how!”
But at home with adults, Alyosha has an imperious, demanding tone, tears are always on duty in his eyes. And adults rush to warn them, they pity him: “He is so helpless!”, “He is still very small!”. It is often said in the presence of a boy."

sample questions
- What is the reason for Alyosha's helplessness?
- Analyze the line of behavior of adults and evaluate it.
Is it possible to instill independence in a child with such methods?

Leading: Trying to develop independence in their child, adults often make very common opposing mistakes: excessive guardianship of the child (hyper-custody) and complete elimination from helping the child, supporting him (hypo-custody). In the case of excessive guardianship, the child may become infantile, in the second case - helpless, stubborn.

Stage 6: "We forbid - we allow." Time 7 minutes.
Independence does not mean complete freedom of action. Independence must be enclosed within the framework of generally accepted norms. As a rule, children from 2 to 3 years old are characterized by "asocial" behavior. This happens because the child does not understand what it means " right action' and 'wrong actions'. Over time, your baby will begin to understand that independence should end with a result that would suit everyone. What actions of the child can be given "complete freedom" or "relative freedom", and, perhaps, "prohibition".

Participants are invited to make a list of possible actions for children, distributing them into three main areas on sheets of three colors.

Green symbolizes the zone "Absolute freedom"- this is everything that a child can always and everywhere at his own discretion.

Yellow - zone "Relative freedom"- actions in which the child is given relative freedom. You can act on your own choice, but following some rules. It is in this zone that the child is accustomed to internal discipline. External restrictions eventually turn into their own self-limitations.

Red - "Forbidden" zone- actions of the child that are unacceptable for him under any circumstances.

The results obtained are analyzed.

Leading: While the jury is summing up, I invite you to express yourself in creativity.

Stage 7: Sincwine- This is a poem consisting of five lines in which a person expresses his attitude to the problem. We invite you to write a cinquain for today's event. I offer you the word "INDEPENDENCE" (or alternatively "EDUCATION").

The order of writing syncwine (designed through a video projector):

The first line is one keyword that defines the content of the syncwine.
The second line is two adjectives characterizing the given sentence.
The third term is three verbs showing the action of the concept.
The fourth line is a short sentence in which the author expresses his attitude.
The fifth line is one word, usually a noun, through which a person expresses his feelings, associations associated with this concept.

The resulting poems are read by the captains.

Leading: Here our game is over. It's time to sum up.

Independence is a valuable quality that a person needs in life. It is necessary to educate him from early childhood. The task of adults is to develop the activity of the child, to direct it in the right direction.

So, the floor is given to the jury.

The jury sums up. Teams are awarded with Diplomas for participating in a business game. Parents are handed out reminders on raising independence in young children preschool age.


1. Ostrovskaya L.F. Pedagogical knowledge for parents. - M., 1983. - S. 143.
2. Zvereva O.L., Krotova T.V. parent meetings in DOW. Toolkit. - M.: "IRIS PRESS", 2008. - P.128.

Marina Navoeva
Business game for teachers "Adaptation of young children"

Target: consolidate knowledge teachers about the adaptation of young children.


1. Organizational moment.

2. Practical part.

3. Reflection.

During registration teachers are divided into two groups by selecting a colored symbol.

Presenter 1: Hello dear teachers! I invite you to the circle. Do you know how foreigners greet? Europeans shake hands when they meet, Ethiopians touch their cheeks, Africans rub their noses, and the Japanese bow. Let's say hello to the neighbor on the left in European, and to the neighbor on the right in Japanese. Well done! We take our seats.

We all come from a country called "Childhood". Once a baby appears in the world, he grows up, his life changes and it's time to go to kindergarten.

Enrolling a child in a kindergarten is his first step towards an independent life. And this step is not easy for everyone. Our task is to make the period adaptation passed painlessly.

Coming to kindergarten, the child experiences stress. It is very difficult for a kid to survive the moment of parting with his parents, to join a new team. It is hard not only for children, but also for parents, and teachers.

Lead 2: And now we invite you to talk about it.

Task number 1 "Drawings"

Draw a word on a piece of paper « adaptation» in the form of a symbol and give it a definition. ( Adaptation: this is entry into a new environment and adaptation to new conditions of social existence, to a new regime)

Presenter 1: And we move on to a new task

Task number 2 "Meditators" Question 1. Name 3 degrees adaptation.

Period adaptation, according to psychologists, normally is 7-10 days in a nursery, at 3 years - 2-3 weeks, in the older age - 1 month. There are three groups adaptation: 1. The first group - those for whom the process adaptation passes easily and painlessly. These children are interested in toys, different types activities, communicative, balanced. In the family, communication with the child is friendly, respectful. 2. The second group is children who adapt more slowly and more difficult. Their behavior is characterized by instability, whims, and indifference. The ability to play and communicate with such children not developed enough. Children have little initiative and are less independent. On the part of parents, there is instability in communication: benevolent, joyful appeals are changed by shouts, threats, inattention. 3. The third group is children who find it difficult to adapt to a new environment. As a rule, not independent, non-contact, quickly tired. Playing abilities are not formed. Such children face the manifestation of authoritarianism and cruelty from their parents. This leads to fear and distrust of the educator, and sometimes leads to ignoring him and children. Sleep and appetite in such children poor or non-existent.

Lead 2:

Question 2. What is the main activity of the child early age(subject)

Presenter 1:

Question 3. What is the main activity of a preschool child age(game)

Lead 2:

Question 4. What are the methods of studying the family (surveys, questionnaires, home visits, conversations at home)

Presenter 1:

Question 5. Name the forms of work with the family (group meetings, thematic consultations, conversations, conferences, joint leisure activities, debates, open classes with children for parents, visiting families, designing photo montages, open days, working with the parent committee)

Question 6. What are the measures to facilitate adaptation of children.

Possible measures to alleviate the period adaptation: Attractive and neat appearance educator, exclude a white coat. The teacher should be friendly, patient, smile according to the situation. Call the child an affectionate name, like at home. Use distractions when parting, crying. Use fun toys (bubble, musical, luminous, groovy, etc.). When going to bed, use bodily contact (stroking, patting, singing lullabies or listening to a phonogram, allowing you to take your favorite toy with you to bed. Do not wean during the period adaptation from bad habits (pacifier, pacifier, diaper, bottle). Use elements of body therapy (hugging and stroking the child, games with touch). On the recommendation of a doctor, you can hang a bag of soothing herbs over the bed of an excitable child. Aromatherapy - provided that you have children have no allergies. Using Approach Games children with each other. Games aimed at mastering the environment and getting to know the kindergarten staff and peers.

Lead 2: We're moving on to the next task.

Task number 3 "Problem"

In each group early age difficult situations happen. Let's try to solve them now (Each group is given 2 pedagogical situations) .

Exercise: Maxim (2 years old, goes to kindergarten for 3 weeks. Coming to the group, plays with toys. But when the teacher offers to sit down at the breakfast table, he refuses.

How should the educator proceed? Determine the degree adaptation.

Task: Alexandra (2y. 3m.) has been going to kindergarten for 1 month. The first time I cried a lot, I didn’t want to Play with children. All the time holding on to the teacher and asked: "Where's mom?" She sat down at the table, but refused to eat herself, the teachers fed her. In the morning I didn't want to let my mother go. A week later, she began to approach the children and observe what they were doing, but she did not played. Your actions, determine the degree adaptation.

Task: Lena (2y. 5m) she cries a lot when parting with her mother, cannot calm down for a long time. Refuses to eat. Not with children plays. It does not get off the hands of the teacher, and if you put it on your feet, it starts to cry. On the 10th day they began to leave to sleep, rocked. By the end of 4 weeks, she began to eat - the educators feed her, her sleep is superficial, she cries when she wakes up. Within a month, she was ill twice, with a complication. Whine intermittently throughout the day. Your actions? Determine the degree adaptations in these children.

Task: Masha (1 year 8 months) and Anya (2 years 9 months) play side by side. Masha reaches for the tumbler, Anya immediately grabs the toy from Masha's hands. Some time passes, Masha leaves the toys, takes paper, wants to draw. Anya immediately quits her business, snatches the paper from the hands of the crying Masha. Why does Anya do this and what can be done in this situation? Task: Misha (2 years 4 months) trying to put on tights on her own. He doesn't succeed. The teacher intervenes. "I myself!" the child protests. Before us

crisis of two years: stubbornness, negativism, desire to be like an adult, to do everything in one's own way. Your actions?

Task: Maxim is 2 years old, the first days in kindergarten. Mom gives birth to a baby in a diaper. At the suggestion of the educator to remove the diaper, the mother categorically declares “No, the baby cannot be without a diaper!” Your actions?

Task: A new girl Polina, 2 years old, comes to the group. The girl constantly sobs and sucks the nipple, does not melt with her even while eating. After some time, the parents of another girl began to complain to the teacher that their child was throwing a tantrum at home and demanding a pacifier. Your actions?

Presenter 1: And now I propose to you to play.

Task number 4 « game»

Exercise "Good bad"

Groups are invited to stand in a circle and throw the ball at will to each other. First Player speaks: « Adaptation“It’s good because….” Player #2 catches the ball speaks: « Adaptation“It’s bad because…”.

Lead 2: And again a new task.

Task number 5 "Confusion" (2 easels)

It is proposed that you draw up an algorithm for preparing a child for kindergarten.

Meeting with parents to get to know the teachers. Getting information about a period adaptation.

Preparing the child for the regimen, nutrition, conversations about kindergarten.

Preparing things for kindergarten.

Coming to kindergarten at a certain time. Getting to know the group.

Kindergarten visit before lunch or for the whole day.

Bulk purchase of diapers.

Sterilization of bottles, pacifiers.

Put your baby to bed at 24 o'clock so that he can fall asleep better in the quiet hour.

Presenter 1:

Task number 6 "Knowers"

Offered didactic games, which have the course of the game. It is necessary to create tasks and give a name.

"Guess what's in your hand"

Target: learn children distinguish and name vegetables, fruits by color, shape; develop an interest in nature.

Material: vegetables and fruits.

Game progress: Children form a circle with their hands behind their backs. The teacher puts vegetables and fruits in their hands, then shows something from vegetables or fruits, and the children must determine by touch which vegetable or fruit is in their hand. Those who have the same object run up to the teacher.

Who lives in the forest

Target: consolidate knowledge children about wild animals; develop memory, speech; develop a love for animals.

Material: sets toys: "Wild animals" And "Pets".

Game progress: The teacher invites the children to choose among the toy animals only those that live in the forest.

"Magic bag"

Target: pin skill children name vegetables and their color; develop visual memory, attention.

Material: "magic bag", vegetables.

Game progress: The teacher invites the children to take turns extracting from « magic bag» vegetable, name it and color. The teacher can offer, without looking into the bag, to find what he says. Alternately all children play.

"Who is superfluous"

Target: learn children choose from a number of animals superfluous, explain why it is superfluous; develop logical thinking, mindfulness.

Material: pictures with wild animals and one domestic animal, bird, flower, insect, type-setting.

Game progress: The teacher invites the children to look at the pictures on the typesetting canvas, find the excess from a number of wild animals and explain why this or that object is superfluous. For example: "An extra cat because she is a pet".

"Find a Leaf"

Target: distinguish and name the leaves of familiar trees, remember the names of trees, develop speech children; educate them in attention and aesthetic feelings.

Material: each child has the same bouquets of 3-4 leaves (maple, oak, ash, birch, one bouquet from the teacher.

Game progress: The teacher distributes bouquets to the children, and keeps one for himself. Then he shows some leaf, for example, maple and speaks: “One, two, three - show the same leaflet!” Children raise their hands and show maple leaves.

"Trees and their fruits"

Target: learn children pick the fruits of trees, develop visual memory, attention.

Material: tree illustrations (spruce, mountain ash, chestnut, linden, maple) Pictures (cone, rowan, chestnut, linden seed, maple lionfish).

Game progress: The teacher offers to name the exposed trees, and then find their fruits.

"Name the Bird"

Target: learn children recognize and name birds; develop visual memory, thinking; develop a love for nature.

Material: pictures of birds (sparrow, dove, crow, swallow, starling, titmouse).

Game progress: Birds are displayed in front of the children, and the teacher invites them to name them. The child names the bird, shows it, the rest of the children show signs whether they agree or not.

"What flower is gone"

Target: learn children name flowers"corner of nature" (Tradescantia, violet, Amazonian lily, begonia) develop visual memory, cultivate a desire to take care of plants.

Material: flowers "corner of nature".

Game progress: The teacher puts plants on the table from "corner of nature", children name them. The teacher invites the children to close their eyes and hides one plant.

Children open their eyes, they must guess: which flower is gone, name it.

Lead 2:


All of us have worked fruitfully today and now we offer you to choose a stone that matches your mood on this moment. And if it's not difficult to express your opinion and wishes.

Business game for preschool teachers: "Early age teacher - what is he?"

Purpose: to improve professional skills and competencies of teachers in early childhood development, establishing a connection between the theoretical knowledge of teachers and practical experience in the upbringing, education and development of young children, creating conditions for professional self-improvement and self-reflection of teachers, creating a comfortable, friendly atmosphere during the game, appropriate conditions for stimulating cognitive interest and creativity of teachers.

Material: demonstration material - a model of children's footprints, a country of childhood, a silhouette of a child; handouts - stickers, pedagogical situations, A4 paper, drawing paper, felt-tip pens.

The course of the psychologist's event for kindergarten teachers

Psychologist. Hello dear guests! I am glad to welcome all of you in the walls of our kindergarten. Today we have gathered with you in order to think about the question of the role of the educator, to find out the importance of his activity in the most important period of human life, in the most beautiful and unforgettable time - the time of hope for the fulfillment of cherished desires - in the country of childhood. It's no secret that we all come from the country of Childhood. And therefore, we often want, at least in our thoughts, to be carried away into those cloudless, happy moments. After all, at that time, every day is a fairy tale. And it is on who will lead the baby by the hand in this country, what he will receive from the world around him, which largely depends on what kind of person he will become in the future ...

Exercise "Introduction" (5 min).

Dear Colleagues! Let's get to know you! Please, on the stickers that are in front of you, first write your name, and then on the first letter of your name, the action or object that you associate with childhood and stick it written on an imaginary baby - on the symbol of childhood.

Psychologist. Early age is a conditional corridor that a child passes from birth to 3 years. Early age is an extremely important and responsible period of a child's mental development. This is the age when everything is for the first time, everything is just beginning - speech, play, communication with peers, the first ideas about oneself, about others, about the world. In the first three years of life, the most important and fundamental human abilities, cognitive activity, curiosity, self-confidence and trust in other people, purposefulness and perseverance, imagination, creative position, and so on, are laid. All these abilities do not arise by themselves, as a result of the small age of the child, they require the indispensable participation of an adult and forms of activity appropriate for the age. During this period, everything that is connected not only with physiology, but also with emotions, intellect, and behavior is actively developing. Therefore, it is important how the child will develop and be brought up during this period. Therefore, dear colleagues, let's take a closer look at the children's steps of early childhood, consider the periods of development of a young child; consider what exactly a teacher should be next to a child who is actively developing.

First step. I was born! What is this happening to me?

(Crisis of the 1st year).

(The psychologist places an inscription at the first print of children's feet).

Early age- a period not only of the rapid development of all body systems, but also the stage of accumulation of experience, strength and opportunities for the beginning of personality formation.

The mental and physiological development of the child is striking in its intensity. As L. Tolstoy noted, up to 3 years a person masters the same amount of experience, which then during the rest of his life. Therefore, it is quite important who is next to the child in this, on the one hand, difficult period, and on the other hand, a happy period of his life. Therefore, dear colleagues! It is necessary not just to master the categorical-conceptual apparatus and terminology on this issue. Let's check with you your knowledge of the developmental features of the child from the moment of birth - up to 1 year.

Test knowledge test "Early age - what is it like?"

Download at the end of the lesson

Second step. My first steps. My first words...

(The psychologist places an inscription at the second print of children's feet).

Dear Colleagues! The next important step in the life of a small child is the appearance of the first steps and the first words. That is, the main events of this age interval are:

1. Walking. The main thing in the act of walking is not only that the space of the child expands, but also that the child separates himself from the adult.

2. The appearance of autonomous speech, situational, emotional, understandable only to those close in structure - fragments of words.


There are also behavioral changes:

1. Stubbornness, disobedience, demanding increased attention.

2. Increase in new forms of behavior.

3. Hypersensitivity to the remarks of adults - touchiness, discontent, aggression.

4. Increased moodiness of the child.

5. Contradictory behavior in complicated situations.

Thus, during this period, the primary connection with the adult develops and the autonomy of the child from the adult arises, which increases his own activity. But this autonomy is relative. The kid can't do anything by himself. That is, the baby requires a fair amount of attention from others, because it absorbs information like a sponge.

Exercise "Associative Series"

Psychologist. Colleagues! Let's remember the associative chains on the topic "Speech of a young child" and "Physical development of a baby", which you actively use in your work with children.

"Speech development of the child". Listening and understanding of small folklore genres.

Nursery rhymes. "Magpie-crow", "Finger, finger, where have you been", "Okay, okay"

Songs….. .


Stories. ……

"Physical development of the child".

Mobile games and game exercises…….

Games with walking, running, balancing. “To visit the dolls”, “Catch up with me”, “Catch up with the ball”, “Walk along the path”, “Across the stream”, “We lived with granny”…….

Crawling and climbing games. “Crawl to the rattle”, “Crawl through the gate”, “Don't touch”, “Climb over the log”, “Monkeys”, “Kittens”, “Collect toys”……..

Ball throwing and catching games. “Roll the ball”, “Roll down the hill”, “Throw over the rope”, “Aim in the circle”……..

Jump games. “Springs”, “Get out your palm”, “Ring the bell”, “White Bunny is sitting”, “Birds are flying”, “Catch a butterfly”……..

Orientation games in space……..

Third step. I'm getting ready to go to kindergarten.

And again some changes! (Crisis of 3 years). (The psychologist places an inscription at the third imprint of children's feet).

The third year of life is a crisis. Having acquired a certain "baggage" of knowledge and skills, the child begins to feel the need for more independence than he is given. The baby begins to realize that he is a separate being with his own desires and needs, which do not always coincide with what mom and dad offer. The child tries to compare himself with other people.

Awareness of one's "I" in the third year of life is a neoplasm. And, as with any achievement, the actions that secure it are the most important. Therefore, a three-year-old baby perceives lack of independence in some types of self-service (allows him to feed himself), in movement (asks for his arms) more calmly than dependence in the right to choose.

Each child has his own terms of development, therefore, the formation of personality also occurs at an individual pace. Most often, the age of 2-2.5 years is a transitional stage from active knowledge of the surrounding world to knowledge of oneself. This is a stable period during which the child is especially successful in mastering speech, which is the main means of communication in human society. So, our baby already has some success: he has mastered the basic macro movements (walking, running, etc.), acquired elementary self-service skills, mastered objective actions, speech. And now he strives for independence in everything, requires the recognition of adults, is preparing to enter kindergarten. How will these adults meet him there - his inner circle for the next few years?

Exercise "Pedagogical scales"


What features were the most difficult to describe?

How did you feel about it?

How do you think children feel next to such a teacher?

Is describing positive traits the most pleasant thing?

How do you think the adaptation process will go for children next to such a teacher?

Fourth step. Good afternoon, I'm here! Help me adapt!

(The psychologist places an inscription at the fourth print of children's feet).

Kindergarten - the first experience of "immersion" of the child in public life. If he is simply "thrown" into a new social circle, he can get a lot of stress. The social factor is the main and most important argument in favor of kindergarten. The complex work of all specialists, and first of all, the educator, contributes to an easier adaptation of the child to the conditions of the kindergarten, strengthens the reserve capabilities of his body.

Exercise "Psychological knots"

Psychologist. I suggest you, dear colleagues, solve psychological knots, that is, determine the state of the child during the period of adaptation to kindergarten by providing recommendations and ways to solve typical situations that arise during this period of the child’s life (the psychologist distributes cards to teachers on which the situations are written):

The child is afraid of a new room, unfamiliar adults and children;

The child, crying, cuddles up to the mother and does not leave her a single step;

The child is not interested in anything, does not approach toys;

The child avoids contact with other children;

The child refuses to contact the teacher;

The child does not let go of the educator, strives to constantly sit in his arms;

The child refuses to eat;

The child stops talking, although he knows how well;

The child is constantly crying;

The child begins to get sick often;

The child plays with only one toy;

The child refuses to sleep

Child refuses to attend kindergarten

Fifth step. And finally I am here - in the country of childhood ...

Exercise "Treasure Cache" (parable)

“Wise people say that since ancient times, people and gods lived side by side, like neighbors (it was only later that the gods chose their life on Olympus). Here, as is usual then and now between unfriendly neighbors, they somehow quarreled in earnest - and let each other arrange various dirty tricks, and every time it gets worse and worse ... And no one wants to give in!

Discord came up, they say, already to the fact that the gods decided to punish mortals worse than ever, so that they would not be so impudent.

They thought - and decided to steal from people the most expensive, most valuable, most important thing that they had.

Love will be stolen from one, mind from another, a dream from someone, happiness from others ... And so it is all over the world ...

They inflicted a bunch of human treasures. They began to consult again: “What to do with them? Where to hide it now? It was difficult for them to come to an agreement in choosing a reliable hiding place for the collected treasures.

And suddenly someone said: “What if we hide their treasures under their very noses?! They will never be found!" And offered a hiding place... a human heart.

"Yes Yes!" Everyone around was talking approvingly. “People will never guess to look there...”, “They only occasionally and mostly carelessly look in there...” “Oh, the heart is really the most secret place for them...”

Therefore, since then it has become the custom among people: we are ready to give up our whole life for the sake of obtaining the once lost treasure, which is so close by.

And everything is much simpler: dear colleagues! Each of us has it - our own, our own, dear - you just need to be able to find it in your heart. And if this treasure is real, it will surely multiply ... "

Psychologist. We all come from childhood, a child still lives in each of us. Moreover, we work in the country of Childhood! Each time, looking into your heart, give your children all your love, sincerity, warmth, which is so important for them. After all, the motto of a teacher in life is: “I give my heart to children.” Good luck to all of you!

Thank you for attention!
