Sewing dresses for girls 2 years. How to sew a dress for a girl: master classes and patterns

Hello, friends!

IN Lately I receive letters like this:

"Elena, help! I urgently need to sew a ball gown for a New Year's ball for a girl of 12 years old, thin, slender ... Please help with a pattern and fabric calculation. I want to long skirt lush, probably on a nylon lining for volume. I also need advice - how best to make a coquette? Thank you in advance. Elena.

"Hello, Elena.
I really want to sew for my daughter New Year's party dress, but I don’t know how to sew flounces correctly. Do I need to process the top of the shuttlecock? How to apply it in order to sew? I am attaching a photo of the dress. Please tell me how to sew it.
Sincerely, Allah.”

“Elena, hello! I beg you for help. My daughter asked for such a dress for the holiday, but I don’t know how to sew a skirt. Maybe you can advise. Thanks in advance, Ekaterina”

On the eve of festive matinees, I think for many the topic of tailoring a children's ball gown is relevant. This only confirms such letters.

I decided to cover the topic a little in this publication, answering the questions of Elena, Alla, Ekaterina and many other mothers who are concerned about sewing a children's ball gown.

Let's start with the dress that Elena liked.

I will immediately make a reservation about the pattern. I don’t have ready-made dress patterns, but now there are a lot of resources on the net that provide the ability to download and print patterns.

Any search engine will give several options.

For my part, I planned to make a video on how to build basic framework dresses for girls 6 -10 years old. On this basis, you can easily model different variants dresses. Follow the releases on the blog.

By the way, you can see how to build a drawing of a dress for a younger girl.

If you don’t feel like building or searching in search engines and printing out patterns, just buy a magazine with ready-made patterns.

I have already told you how easy it is to reshoot such patterns, just repeat this video:

Let me also remind you that I have a master class on sewing a dress for a girl, where a base drawing is attached, ready-made patterns from 80 to 122 sizes (according to height) and options for modeling dresses. Look.

How to calculate fabric consumption for baby dress I have recorded a short video.

If you have any questions, ask in the comments.
Lots of sewing books - CLICK

As for the coquette, Elena and I figured it out.

There is no coquette in this model. There is a bodice that is stitched to the skirt panel.

In the article, I talked about how to sew a yoke to a product with an assembly. In the same way, you can sew the bodice of the dress to the skirt.

One of the options for assembling the dress:

  • Stitch the side and shoulder sections of the back and front, overcast the sections (leave the middle seam of the back not stitched for the fastener);
  • Stitch and overcast side cuts on the skirt;
  • Stitch center seam along back of skirt, leaving approx. 15cm.
  • Stitch the sections of the sleeve, overcast;
  • Process the sections of shuttlecocks;
  • Connect the flounces with the sleeves;
  • Stitch sleeves, overcast cut;
  • Connect the bodice and skirt, combining the notches (center, side sections, middle seam);
  • Stitch a fastener - a zipper;
  • Treat the neck with a piping;
  • Process the bottom cut of the dress.

The petticoat can be sewn separately and worn with dresses. In my opinion, it's more practical - you can use one skirt for different dresses.

The more fluffy you need a skirt, the more layers it should have.

If you do not want to sew the petticoat separately, then it will need to be prepared in the step between sewing the bodice to the skirt, and then at the same time connected to the bodice along with the main skirt.

I repeat that this is an approximate scheme for assembling a dress.

Depending on the selected technological processing, it may vary.

The second dress looks like this:

The main difficulty of this model is cutting and stitching shuttlecocks.

This topic has already been covered in a series of articles on cutting and processing shuttlecocks, I will repeat the links to publications:

In this version of the dress, the upper frill is inserted between the details of the bodice and skirt, which are ground together. You can stitch the upper shuttlecock, in which case the upper cut of the shuttlecock needs to be processed, for example, overcast and bent.

Important: It is better to start sewing shuttlecocks from the bottom up, that is, first the lower shuttlecock is the first level, then the second level, the third .. and finally the upper one.

You can make this skirt in different ways.

For example, first cut out and assemble the base for the skirt, and then stitch flounces onto it in sequence.

Or sew a skirt from the same fabric as the flounces and sew the rest of the frills on it.

In my opinion, the first option is more practical and economical, especially if the fabric for flounces is not very cheap. You choose.

According to the assembly sequence, the dress is similar to the first, except for the sleeve.

Third dress.

I talked about how to sew a similar skirt in this video:

For the dress, you will need to cut out a long base skirt and stitch on it “feathers” of tulle of various lengths. And then stitch the prepared skirt to the bodice.

This dress uses a bodice as a bodice and the dress is most likely lined.

First, the details of the corsage are assembled (for rigidity, bones or reguilin can be inserted into the seam allowances), then the skirt, then everything is connected together.

The upper cut of the bodice can first be processed with a facing, and then the lining can be sewn to it. You can process the cut immediately with lining fabric or edging.

What processing to use is up to you.

By the way, if you sew a dress from a magazine, then most often the entire sewing sequence is painted there, which is very convenient.

This turned out to be a voluminous publication on how to sew a ball gown.

I understand that those who plan to sew dresses for girls with their own hands still have many questions, but I hope that you have found answers to at least some of them today.

And as always, a few models of children's dresses for inspiration.

For little princesses!

This blue dress I liked it very much!

It seems to be not a very complicated style, but how beautifully the image is composed and the details are selected, it’s a feast for the eyes!

Let's talk about how to sew a beautiful and modern dress for a girl.To sew such a dress, you can use a flared skirt, or you can use several pieces of fabric that are uniform, either in texture or color. Contrasting fabric is best used when trimming the neckline and armholes, and here you can also use ready-made satin braid, which has a pre-folded allowance.

So, how to sew an elegant dress for a girl and what materials, tools do we need? To begin with, you should take a T-shirt and mark the bottom of the bodice line on it. By the way, be sure to take a measurement of the chest volume of the person for whom you are sewing this outfit. After that, fold the front of the shirt in half so that the shoulder seams and side seams are aligned with each other.

Then attach the fold of the T-shirt to the fabric and circle along all cut lines. When cutting, be sure to add about one and a half centimeters of seam allowance in the shoulder area, and on the sides and bottom of the armholes and neck, 1 cm each. Then fold the back half of the T-shirt in half and circle. Along the line running along the middle of the back, add 2 cm for the zipper. If the fastener is on buttons, then in this case it is worth adding 4.5 cm.

Now for the cutting of the skirt. The guideline here for us will be the size of the volume of the bodice, which was removed in advance and which will also be equal to the length of the top edge of the skirt. Further, using the formula, where the value R - denotes the desired radius, L - chest volume, and n - indicates the number of wedges, you can calculate the following: 1) R \u003d L / (2 * 3.14) - the inner size of the circumference of the sun skirt. 2) R=L/3.14 - top size semi-circle of the skirt - semi-sun. 3) L / n - the length of the wedge of the upper edge. 4) (1.5 ~ 3) * n - the length of the upper edge of the skirt - Tatyanka.

Be sure to remember that the formula does not take into account the allowances that were left for the seams. In addition, pre-prepared braid should be no more than 35 cm long and not less than 30 cm long, and two and a half to three centimeters wide, and cutting it for the neck is done along an oblique thread about 50 cm long.

How to sew a beautiful children's dress with your own hands. At the beginning of sewing, a fastener is made. The sections of the fastener should be processed on an overlock or a “goat”. Then they should be bent 2 cm to left side, provided that the zipper, if on buttons, then 3 cm and the folded side should be glued with a strip of interlining about 3 cm wide.
Next, the side seams and shoulder seams should be stitched and then the cuts should be processed. The armholes and neckline are trimmed with oblique inlays.

The canvas of the skirt is prepared as follows: if the skirt has wedges, then they should be sewn together, and the seams should be processed. If it is “Tatyana”, then for a year we simply collect the upper cut. Next, we grind both the top of the skirt and the bottom of the bodice, while necessarily folding them to each other "face". At the end of sewing, we process the bottom of the dress, sew on a button and, of course, make loops for them.

How to sew for a girl beautiful dresses with a pattern and without a pattern. We are watching step by step videos master classes:

Every mother wants her beloved daughter to be the most beautiful and look like a princess. Any image can be brought to life thanks to the dress. But sometimes children's clothes are much more expensive than adult ones. Therefore, the most profitable solution will sew a dress with his own hands.

It will take, of course, more time than shopping, but it will save a lot Money, and mom will be much more pleasant if the dress she made becomes her daughter's favorite. You can create absolutely anything, at your discretion. In the article, anyone will find interesting information for themselves on how to sew the most common types of outfit, and each dress pattern is also described in detail. It will be a good example for a girl to see how her mother needleworks. And if the child is six years old and above, then he will be happy to help you.

A simple pattern of a simple dress for a girl

If for the first time you decide to do sewing business, you should start with the simplest. The version of the dress proposed below, or even a sundress, was created specifically for beginners, and you can show your imagination by choosing an interesting fabric or decorating the product with homemade bows or flowers. This dress is made of two main parts - front and back.

The dress should be loose and light so that the child is comfortable walking in it. Therefore, the main measurement will be the volume of the hips, but you can also with a margin if you want to make the dress looser.

However, if you do not have large stocks of fabric, then take only as much as you need.

As mentioned above, a sundress consists of two parts, for each of them you need to take half measurements. When drawing a pattern, note the length of the armhole. It should be approximately 9-12 cm. It all depends on the height of the child and his physique. The dress pattern for the girl is ready, the main thing is to take measurements correctly. After you have depicted the pattern, we transfer it to the fabric, not forgetting about the allowances for all sections. It remains to cut and sew.

We sew a New Year's dress

Now let's move on to a more complex type of dress - this is new Year costume. In this outfit, your daughter can be a snowflake or a fairy. If you already have a suitable fabric at home, then it can be sewn in one day, especially considering that the dress pattern for the girl is made from a T-shirt. The fabric can be any, at your discretion, but it is advisable to take satin for the upper part (also required for the lowest layer of the skirt), and organza for the skirt.

Easy T-shirt patterns

This will require unnecessary t-shirt or a T-shirt that fits the girl in size. The T-shirt should not be ripped, but you just need to cut it at the seams, starting with the sleeves, and then along the shoulder and side seams.

If your conceived dress is without sleeves, then cut them off and leave two halves (front and back) without them. If you want a dress with sleeves, then leave the halves as they turned out.

The difficult task remains to take measurements from the child:

  1. First, measure from your shoulder to your waistline, this will be the length of the top.
  2. Further - from the waist to the estimated length of the outfit. To make it easier to measure, loosely tie the rope around the girl's waist.
  3. Transfer your measurements to the front of the T-shirt. With a slightly convex line, draw a new line. Don't forget about the seam allowances, cut along it.
  4. Attach the part you just cut off to the back of the T-shirt and draw the bottom cut with chalk. Also cut along the new line.

You don't need to make patterns for the skirt.

Now the dress pattern for the girl for the holiday is ready.

Open dresses

Let's start by cutting the skirt. To do this, you need to cut a strip of 2.5-3 m long and 0.5 m wide from the fabric that you have chosen for the upper part of the dress, for example, satin (0.5 m - this will be the length of the skirt). After that, do the same, only with the fabric you chose for the skirt. Like organza.

Next, we proceed to cutting the upper part. To get started, take the finished patterns of the front and back, attach them side by side and outline on the wrong side of the fabric with a simple pencil. To sew on the fastener, fold the cut-out back lengthwise and cut the fabric down 10 cm down the middle.

It remains only to cut the belt. It is enough to cut a ribbon 20 cm wide from the remnants of organza. Additional elements: a belt, a bow, a flower - it is convenient to make from the remnants and scraps of fabrics, since they are completely free. Do not throw away the patterns of dresses for girls, since with the help of them in the future it will be possible to sew more than one outfit, which differs only in color or material.

We sew a dress

  1. We start by processing the cut under the clasp. It must be sewn up with edging tape or a double stripe.
  2. After you need to grind, overcast the shoulder sections. Don't forget to iron them to the front.
  3. Next, we go in order, you need to turn over the cuts of the armholes.
  4. Let's move on to the skirt. Connect the 2 strips made from different fabrics, stitch, overcast and, of course, iron them.
  5. After that, one of the sections of the future skirt should be stitched from both the first fabric and the second.
  6. Having previously made it on a typewriter so that the upper thread looped, we begin to connect your two skirts. Turn already closed strips right side out. Insert one closed side into the second. Sections that remain unprocessed should be chipped off with pins. Stitch them.
  7. The matter is small. It is necessary to pull off the free ends of the threads at the same time. Assemblies should be distributed equally. Remember that the length of the cut of the skirt should be equal to the length of the incision of the top of the dress.
  8. And finally, you need to connect the top with the skirt. The skirt should be on the wrong side, and the top of the dress should be on the front. When connected, the top should be slightly inside the skirt. The upper part can be decorated with lace.
  9. Process the belt and attach a flower to it.

Now the dress for the New Year is ready.

We sew a magnificent evening dress

Finally, it remains to make a dress, trying on which, the girl will be delighted for a long time. It should be remembered that, as elsewhere, a ball gown pattern for a girl is the main component in tailoring an outfit. If you do it right, and even choose beautiful fabrics baby will feel like a princess. And what girl does not dream of being in a fairy tale?

The most difficult task is to choose the style, fabric and color of the future dress. When choosing a material, you need to pay attention to the fact that the fabric does not prick, but is gentle and pleasant to the touch. If you are going to sew an outfit for a girl school age, then beads and rhinestones are appropriate, and if the child is still very small, then you should not sew on any decorations less bow or a flower, as he can tear them off and start tasting.

After the final choice of color and style, we begin to sew directly. When sewing this dress, as in the case of the previous one, you can greatly simplify your work by making the ball gown pattern for the girl be made from her own T-shirt. Thus, the top will be almost ready.

Plain full skirt

In fact, the pattern of a puffy dress for a girl is no more difficult than a regular one. The main question is how to sew fluffy skirt. In fact, everything is very simple. It is enough to cut out a rectangle four times the width of the girl's hips. Adjust the length of the product to your liking. And for the belt, you need to cut off a strip from the fabric a meter wide, longer than the girl’s waist, and about 10 cm long. The optimal length of the product is the one that reaches the middle of the lower leg. So the girl will look festive, and at the same time nothing will interfere with her at the hem. An outfit must be tried on at any stage, even at the stage of patterning children's dresses. It will be difficult for girls to stand patiently every time mom needs to take measurements. Therefore, you can turn on her favorite cartoon and continue to work calmly.

Possible failures

Do not be upset if you did not succeed in sewing the dress the first time. It is extremely difficult for a girl to make patterns, especially to take measurements. But if you keep working and don't focus on the failures, you and your beauty will end up with a dream dress. The main thing is to remember that the pattern of an elegant dress for a girl takes time and effort. Usually, if you rush too much, then the product turns out to be sloppy and careless.

Do not think that the dress you will sew will not be useful anywhere else. Even if your child won't wear it anywhere else, it will be a great template for making other outfits. Following this example, in the future it will be much easier to sew a new product, especially since you will already have experience. And the daughter will only be happy with a new beautiful dress.

Remember the main thing

I would like to remind you that you are sewing an outfit for your girl, and not for yourself. Therefore, do not forget to listen to the wishes of the child, whatever they may be. After all, it is for him to wear a dress, and not for you. And if the girl does not like it, then her mood will be spoiled, and your efforts will be in vain.

In conclusion, I would like to say: do not be afraid to experiment and try something new. Pattern of an elegant dress for a girl is not such a difficult job as it seems. The main thing is to adhere to accurate measurements and be able to handle sewing machine. For the rest, rely only on your imagination.

Some kind of solemn event or even just a birthday.

I want a holiday and guests.

And if this holiday is for a little girl?
I want a holiday doubly!
I want everything to be perfect and flawless.
I want to organize an event on a grand scale.
Or not even on a grand scale, but just want to give the child a holiday.
But what to do when the prices are elegant dresses just overkill?
I propose to sew a festive elegant dress for the girl ourselves.
It will be better than any purchased dresses!
If you know how to sew or if you have a great desire to learn, then you can handle it!
Sewing such a dress is very easy and fast, especially since the pattern is provided for free.

Dress pattern:

According to this pattern, you can sew more than one festive elegant dress for a girl, but three of these:

True, in order to cut out models No. 1 and 2, you need to model the pattern a little.
Model No. 1
This dress can be combined from two fabrics - checkered and striped. The skirt is flared, on the coquette. The bodice consists of two parts. This dress has a cutout. Sleeve-flashlight, on the bottom of which is a narrow cuff.
Model No. 2
This summer girl's dress is made of patterned fabric and finished with lace and plain fabric. There are small pleats in the front. The dress will look very good with a belt.
Model No. 3
The highlight of this dress is the wings sewn into the relief line. The dress fastens at the front with buttons. On the shelf there are folds-tucks. The skirt is flared to the bottom, the top of which is assembled for assembly. This dress looks great with a belt.
The pattern of this dress is designed for size 34, with a height of 134 cm (without seam allowances).
Fabric consumption per dress: 1 m 55 cm, with a fabric width of 106 cm.
When choosing the style of a children's dress, you need to remember that you can choose the most simple model, but put the whole emphasis on the choice of details (braid, lace, fabric, bows, etc.).

Despite the fact that much less material is spent on children's things than on adults, it is the former that are, at times, more expensive than the latter. And how you want to dress the baby only in the most beautiful and elegant dresses. To make your dream come true and not spend a lot of money on it - you can sew outfits with your own hands, especially since it is much easier than it might seem at first glance. Today we will create, on the basis of which dresses of any style are modeled.

Pattern the basis of a dress for a girl

So, before you start, you need to write down all the measurements. For our case, the following values ​​are useful:

  • back length;
  • length of the future dress;
  • shoulder length;
  • 1/2 neck circumference;
  • 1/2 bust.

This is how our pattern will end up looking. Now we proceed directly to the scheme.

Step 1

Draw a rectangle ABCD. Lines AD and BC are equal to the length of the future dress.

Width, i.e. lines AB and CD are 1/2 of the circumference of the chest + an increase in free fit. The latter is taken depending on what cut of the dress you plan to make: for a tight-fitting dress, take a value of 2-3 cm, for a free one - 4, etc.

From point A, measure the depth of the armhole down and set point G. The armhole is calculated by the formula: one third of the semicircle of the chest + 6 cm. If you want to achieve more accurate measurements, then it is better to measure the armhole on the child.

From the points G and T, draw horizontal lines to the right until they touch the side BC. Mark the docking points with points G1 and T1.

Step 2

Divide the GG1 line equally, set the G4 point and draw a line down from it to the base. On the touch with the DC line, set the point H, and on TT1 - T2.

Then from G4 on both sides, measure the width of the armhole. The latter is calculated as follows: a quarter of the semicircle of the chest + 2 cm. Thus, points G2 and G3 were formed. From each of them draw lines upward until they touch the line AB. Call the points of contact P and P1.

Step 3

From marks B and P1, draw up straight lines 2 cm and name them P2 and P3. Connect them to each other. Divide PG2 equally, and P1G3 into three parts. These are helper lines for drawing the shoulder line and armhole.

Step 4

To the right side of mark A, measure the following: the third part of the semicircle of the neck + 0.5 cm. From the point that has arisen, count 1.5 cm upwards and connect point 1.5 with a smooth line to point A.

From point P down, measure 1.5 cm.

From the 1.5 mark (near the neckline) through the 1.5 mark (shoulder slope), draw a straight line equal to the shoulder measurement.

From G2, dividing the angle equally, measure 2 cm.

Draw an armhole line for the back. It is laid through the marks: shoulder measure - point of equal division (PG2) - 2.5 - G4.

Step 5

From T2 to the right, measure 2 cm. The seam line of the side passes through: G4 - 2 - to the straight line DC, without bringing 1 cm.

Divide the straight line DH equally and join the new mark with a smooth line with mark 1.

Step 6

Next, proceed to "drawing" the front. From P3 down, measure the third part of the semicircle of the neck + 1 cm. From the same point P3 to the left, measure the third of the semicircle of the neck + 0.5 cm. Connect the resulting marks with a smooth curved line, forming a neck.

From P2, measure down 3 cm - this will be the slope of the shoulder.

From point 5 (neck), towards the inclined shoulder (3), draw a straight line equal to the shoulder measurement.

Step 7

Dividing the angle equally, measure 2 cm from point G3. Draw an armhole line, the latter passes through the marks: 9 (shoulder) - lower division mark (P1G3) - point 2 - point G4.

Draw a side seam. From T2 to the left, measure 2 cm. Draw a seam line from T4, after 2 to the DC line, not reaching the last 1 cm.

From T1 down, measure 2 cm and connect the measured point to point 2 of the side seam.

Lengthen the straight line BC from mark C by two centimeters. Dock a new point 2 with the border of the side seam, point 1.

That's all, the pattern of the basis of the children's dress is ready. On it you can cut outfits of any style.
