Hypnosis to study well. Effective hypnosis for study


Raising children is “difficult, distressing, but also rewarding. As a rule, both parents are busy at work. Not all families have grandparents, loving aunts and uncles who partially take care of the children. It is in our days that parents especially need support and understanding.
To a much greater extent than adults, children are open to hypnotic influence. They have an unusually rich imagination, they live in their own fictional world and are easily amenable to positive self-hypnosis. See how they are turned into their inner world when they are sitting at the TV, at the dinner table, passionate about the game, or just meditatively silent, immersed in their dreams. During the day, children repeatedly fall into a short-term trance.
Research scientists show that children of preschool and school age are most open to hypnotic influence, until they begin to grow up. Entering the life of society requires boys and girls to take a more rational and realistic view of the world, resulting in growing skepticism and a greater isolation of the inner figurative world.
Mastering the technique of self-hypnosis will help both parents and children learn to control themselves and open the doors to the subconscious realm of images. We hope that these skills will be useful to children when they become boys and girls, and then adults.
In clinical cases (bedwetting, hyperactivity, a significant learning gap, unbridled and aggressive behavior, etc.), the child should be shown to a specialist. In these cases, self-hypnosis is suitable only as an aid, after an accurate diagnosis has been established.
Hyperactivity, for example, is associated with increased irritability of the central nervous system complicated by metabolic disorders, past infectious diseases and even toxic effects on the body. It is necessary to clearly distinguish between psychological and physiological causes before proceeding with the treatment of the child.
informal hypnosis and suggestion Everyday life can help parents to establish contact with children, improve their academic performance, instill in them the necessary skills, relieve anxiety, etc.
As for children, self-hypnosis will help them relieve anxiety before exams and tests; increase success and attentiveness in school; improve sleep; do not be afraid to visit a doctor or dentist; get rid of the fear of the dark, animals and other fears; correct behavioral flaws, such as whims at food or a constant finger in the mouth.
You will be amazed how quickly even young children master the technique of self-hypnosis, because they trust you, love and respect you. Most importantly, be patient with yourself and your child.

Self hypnosis for parents

Before you begin to engage with a child, learn self-hypnosis yourself. To do this, read the first section of this book, if you have not already done so.
When either parent is upset, the condition is passed on to the child. You must have noticed how observant children are. They follow you even when you do not notice their presence. Your Bad mood transmitted to the child, causing him stress. The child can release this stress in the form of some desperate act that further upsets you and causes your resentment in return. Vicious circle locked in and it's hard to get out of it.
Chapter 12 will tell you how to cope with stress. Your peace of mind is the peace of your children. Here is how Sam, a thirty-six-year-old father of two sons, ages six and eight, used self-hypnosis.
When Sam came home from work in the evenings, the boys literally attacked him, tugging at his hands and demanding that he play with them. He barely had time to throw off his coat and catch his breath. In the end, with each evening, as he approached the house, irritation and nervous tension grew more and more in him. He entered the house wound up like a spring.
Sam went through several explanations with the children in his mind. He imagined that he paid off them with gifts, sweets and concessions, if only they would not bother him so mercilessly. Then Sam imagined that he was seating them and they were all discussing his condition and how the boys should behave. Sam imagined how his sons would react to his words, thought that he should enlist the support of his wife. In short, Sam gave himself room for choice. After several rehearsal sessions, Sam came up with the best and most easily feasible solution: when he got home, he would first play with the guys, and then be rewarded if they gave him time to change and catch his breath. Encouragement will be a session of self-hypnosis, when they all come up with different things together. Of course, Sam will not say that this is a session, but he will explain that this is a game and it is called “Make it Yourself”.
Now, when he got home, Sam would play ball with the boys for twenty minutes, play video games, or participate in one of their other activities, and then announce that it was time for him to change and have dinner. If they behave well, they have an interesting game ahead of them called “Invent It Yourself”. Taking advantage of the natural childish curiosity at first, Sam fascinated the children with the game, and the more they got into the taste, the more time he had for himself and his wife.
The game consisted of everyone sitting on the floor in the boys' room (Sam wanted them to stay there even after the game was over) and Sam invited everyone to imagine themselves as their favorite cartoon, comic book or fairy tale character. For himself, he chose Zorro, the hero of his childhood. Then he came up with some difficult task for everyone, for example, to save someone's life, say, a beautiful princess, or mother, or beloved dog, protect a magical kingdom, and the like. To do this, everyone closed their eyes, took a deep breath, held their breath, then made three “magic” exhalations, and each in turn began to fantasize.
As we have already found out, deep breathing helped the boys to relax and calm down. Everyone has the opportunity to speak out and dream aloud. Sam did not even expect that he would be so interested in listening to his sons' stories about their amusing adventures. The game went on for a quarter of an hour, then Sam wished the guys Good night. By this time they were quite calm and ready for bed.
Self-hypnosis helped Sam get rid of his nervous state before coming home and taught him to enjoy the upcoming meeting with his children and wife. The red traffic signals that had irritated him before now suggested that he should stop and take a few deep breaths and exhalations in order to relieve the stress and tension accumulated during the day. The remote-opening garage doors were reminiscent of his boys' remote-controlled toy car and set them up to play with them.
Now he approached the door of his house in a completely different mood and was glad to play with his sons for about twenty minutes.
Since children do not like monotony, the “Think It Up” game had to be constantly modified, but the main element was always deep measured breathing.

Use of self-hypnosis depending on the age of the child

Interesting studies on this issue were carried out by clinicians Karen Olness and Gail Gardner (1988). They found that, for example, children from two to four years old can be hypnotically suggested by telling stories on behalf of their favorite plush animal or blowing soap bubbles together.
Children from four to six years old respond well to music, like to look at clouds floating in the sky, imagine flying on a magic carpet, or remember visiting favorite places. For older children, the same images that you use for yourself are suitable.
As an example, let's talk about Kelly, a sixth grade student. Together with her parents, she moved to another city, finished the sixth grade in new school and fearfully thought about the beginning of a new school year in September. Shy by nature, Kelly was afraid that her classmates would tease her and not accept her into their team, as is often the case with newcomers.
The school psychologist counselor introduced the girl to “guided fantasy” techniques to relieve her of the anxiety associated with her new environment. Kelly learned to relax quickly. Closing her eyes, she imagined that in front of her was a TV screen or a movie screen. Here she turns on the “school channel”, plays all kinds of school situations and invents his own.
Kelly endlessly recalled how, during recess, one of her classmates walked by without calling out to her or even noticing her. The girl could not understand how she offended her friend. Frustrated, she tried to avoid another meeting for the rest of the day.
Turning on her hypnotic screen that evening, Kelly rehearsed how she would ask her friend to explain what was going on the next day. This helped her feel more confident the next day. It turned out that the girlfriend had the player's headphones on her head and she was so carried away by the music that she did not notice anything or anyone. The explanation calmed Kelly.
Now her attitude to school affairs began to change. If earlier she would have experienced the insult for a long time and figured out what to do in response, now during the session she reassessed the situation and found the most successful form of behavior. She became more self-confident and began to do better.

Child learns to relax

Self-hypnosis classes bring parents and children closer together in the process of co-creation.
Let's talk about eight-year-old Sarah, who suffered from allergies and headaches. The symptoms appeared after the death of the father, and there was a clear connection between the onset of the disease and the sad event. Some improvement came after classes with a professional psychotherapist. Then the girl was introduced to the techniques of self-hypnosis.
Together with her mother, Sarah began to conduct self-hypnosis sessions for a total of two hours a week. By adjusting their breathing, they let their imagination run wild. Sarah loved to draw, and they translated their fantasies into paper in the form of drawings. The girl really loved these quiet moments with her mother, her breathing evened out, and the symptoms of allergies became less pronounced. On one very touching drawing she depicted herself on the top of a mountain talking to her father, who looked at her from the clouds. So she was able to express her longing for her father.

Changing Behavior with Informal Hypnosis

In the eyes of children, the authority of parents is so great that sometimes there is no need for hypnotic influence, just one word is enough. However, in educational process there are times when it is impossible to influence a child's behavior except through hypnosis.
For example, it costs a lot of effort for parents to put their child to bed. Especially often children from two to six or seven years old experience the patience of parents. To prepare the child for sleep, you can read a book to him, inserting where you can the words “sleep”, “tired”, “eyes stick together” and so on. Such inserts are most effective when the child is passionate about what you are reading to him.
You can offer your child the game "Booty with a closed mouth." First show how to play it. You need to take a deep breath, hold your breath for three seconds and buzz as you exhale, either at low or at high notes. The game must be made interesting and funny in order to keep the attention of the child. Let him depict either a singing bird, or a musical note, or the rumble of the wind, etc. The main goal is to “enable the child to relax, breathe deeply and calmly and help him develop post-hypnotic signals.
Many children love it when their parents stroke their back or tummy, especially if they are lying in front of the TV or with a book. In such cases, ask the baby to take a deep breath and hold it while you massage the back. Massage more energetically on the inhale and weaker on the exhale.
Four-year-old Taylor seemed too timid and shy for his age. A year ago, he quickly learned to speak, but gradually fell silent, however, he listened very carefully and understood everything. The pediatrician did not find any physical abnormalities and recommended to see a hypnotherapist.
The session began with Taylor being allowed to talk to himself whenever he so desired. Then he was taught to watch All About Taylor with his eyes closed, and then "draw" everything he saw, any scribble was fine. True, not all children willingly respond to the offer to “draw”.
In his film, Taylor could do anything and be anywhere. If he heard music, he could sing out loud. Soon, the parents noticed that, playing in her corner, Taylor hummed quite loudly. Appeared new model behavior. Gradually, the baby began to talk more and more, and after three months his speech was quite consistent with his age. His silence, as it turned out later, was due to the fear of saying something wrong and angering mom and dad.

Self-hypnosis for older children

Children perceive self-hypnosis as a playful activity, as a funny story or a game of “freeze”. Therefore, you can honestly say that all this is nothing but the art of directed self-hypnosis, which they already master. The children of the authors of the book took the term "self-hypnosis" without much surprise.
Six-year-old Adam learned self-hypnosis from his father, who took classes at his workplace. Since the beginning of the school year, for several weeks now, Adam has suffered from bedwetting. The pediatrician did not find any physiological reasons and suggested that the boy may have been adversely affected by the environment in the new classroom.
Together with his father, Adam began self-hypnosis classes. Soon the boy learned to control his breathing and relax. His favorite image was a truck, and not even one. Here they are rushing “and suddenly instantly slow down. Their motors are so strong that it costs nothing for them to climb the mountain.
In fact, it is not so important what the child dreams of, you just need to support and praise him. For a week, Adam worked on his trucks. During this time, they learned from him to fly, stop at his command and overcome obstacles.
Soon Adam noticed that he was calmly falling asleep (switching on the brakes), getting up when necessary and going to the toilet (squeezing full throttle), and the bed remained dry. Three weeks later, he completely calmed down and got rid of his trouble.
You are most likely to help the child if you captivate him with a fairy tale in which his problem will appear in an allegorical form. The child can begin to invent his own fairy tale with both open and closed eyes. Telling the child this or that turn of events, you can close your eyes. Children love to imitate adults, and especially their parents, so they will soon begin to compose with their eyes closed too. In the course of fairy-tale events, tell the child the solution to his problem, ask him leading questions and listen to his answers without any comments or ratings.
The most important thing is “to achieve the complicity of the child in this game (skill).
If you succeeded and the child is keenly interested in the proposed game, positive results will not keep you waiting.
There are no parents who would not wish all the best for their child. By teaching him the skills of self-hypnosis, you will give him a gift for life. He will grow up a happy man, confident in his abilities, with a sense of dignity. And this is the cherished goal of all parents, because, having been embodied, it gives them reason to believe that their educational work was not in vain.

Everyone knows about the existence of hypnosis. However, only a few are interested in how to learn hypnosis on their own. If you fall into this small category of people, today's article will be interesting.

Hypnosis - the impact on the human psyche. People who are fluent in this art use special techniques and sound effects to introduce the client into this state. The impact brings a short-term stop of the activity of consciousness, which changes the behavior of a person. While in this state, it can execute various commands.

There are three types of hypnosis. I will briefly describe each. I note that the impact on consciousness can be harmful and beneficial.

  • Classic hypnosis . It provides for the impact directly on the human mind using clear guidelines and formulations. The classic version of hypnosis is used on stage and in medicine, it helps to normalize sleep, treat phobias and neuroses, and fight addictions. The classic version helps to stop drinking and smoking.
  • Hidden hypnosis . It implies an indirect effect on the psyche and consciousness. A covert form of hypnosis is used in business, advertising, and politics for a specific benefit.
  • Psychotropic hypnosis . It is based on the use of various narcotic and psychotropic substances and drugs that strongly affect the psyche.

Hypnosis is a procedure in which a person, under the influence of medications and monotonous stimuli, plunges into a trance. In turn, trance is a concentration of attention on an internal or external stimulus. Being in this state, a person cannot rationally analyze and control the information that enters his consciousness.

Where to begin

There are a variety of reasons why people want to learn hypnosis quickly at home. Some like experiments with consciousness, others are attracted by a pleasant state of trance, which helps to solve mental problems.

  1. If you really decide to learn hypnosis, first of all, understand that while comprehending the basics of this art, you will put yourself in danger. There is a possibility of falling into a trance, from which one cannot get out without the help of an expert.
  2. To achieve the goal, read thematic material, learn to strengthen and fix the state of trance. Remember, the ability to fall into a trance without help will only come with time.
  3. Some people do not need to be trained, because they can from birth subconscious level hypnotize others. Remember merchants who provoke a client to buy unnecessary things.
  4. If you want to become a professional hypnotist, believe in yourself. It is recommended to develop this feeling gradually, trying to protect it as much as possible.
  5. The ability to hypnosis detract from some qualities. We are talking about insincerity, nicotine or alcohol addiction, regular consumption of coffee and other stimulating drinks.

You've got the first idea of ​​how to learn hypnosis on your own. Over time, gain experience and master complex versions of the impact on consciousness, including waking suggestion. This technique is like magic. With its help, you can hypnotize a person without immersion in a state of sleep, it allows you to penetrate into the subconscious, overcoming consciousness.

How to learn hypnosis at home

Hypnosis has been around for a long time. It used to be an element of occult science, and is now considered part of psychotherapy. In ancient times, any information related to putting a person into a trance was considered secret knowledge owned by the chosen ones. Nowadays, everyone can learn to hypnotize people if they learn how to learn hypnosis at home.

Studying hypnosis at home has many advantages - it allows you to independently set the training regimen, choose the training system and trance technique.

  • Find out what can get in the way of learning hypnosis. We are talking about various forms of addiction, irregular use of stimulating drinks, inconsistent activities and lack of faith in one's own strengths.
  • Any specialist must possess certain qualities, and the hypnotist is no exception. A hypnotic person is a reserved and confident person, characterized by the ability to concentrate and control himself.
  • As you move towards your goal, develop the listed qualities. As a result, this will have a positive effect on willpower, concentration and self-control.
  • Literature will help speed up learning. Books and printed publications are sold in specialized stores. It is enough to look into the nearest bookstore and purchase a few tutorials.
  • To obtain the result, theoretical knowledge is not enough. Constantly perform exercises of varying difficulty that will help you master the skills.

I shared a brief instruction on how to learn hypnosis at home. Before you begin to actively act, decide whether such abilities are needed. If you are guided by curiosity, you will not get a good result, as this requires perseverance and constancy. However, this will allow you to become smarter and increase intelligence.

If you intend to master the technique of manipulating people, I'm afraid you will be disappointed in the end. The fact is that such skills, coupled with great knowledge, are accompanied by great responsibility. Therefore, when studying hypnosis, strive for self-development for the benefit of society.

Secrets of hypnosis with the eyes

A look can attract, suppress, bewitch and even burn through. Any serious hypnotist is fluent in the technique of hypnosis with the eyes. It is safe to say that the look is the strongest tool of influence.

According to experts, only a person who is able to concentrate, focus and transmit thoughts at a distance can hypnotize people with their eyes. Such a skill will not appear on its own. It must be trained and developed.

The method of hypnotizing people, which I will share, in the old days gained immense popularity in Europe. Even modern experts use it widely. To master the technique will require patience, perseverance, a couch and an assistant.

  1. The assistant needs to sit comfortably on the couch, and the hypnotist needs to bend over his head and look into his eyes. All thoughts should be concentrated on the assistant's sleep. Carry out the procedure in complete silence.
  2. If you want to master the technique, prepare yourself for the fact that in order to achieve the result you will have to sit over the subject's face for several hours. In most cases, the result is shown after thirty minutes of exchanging glances.
  3. Initially, the helper may resist. But, after a few minutes, you will notice that his efforts gradually weaken. He will eventually fall asleep.

Gaze Concentration Exercise

An effective exercise will help speed up learning hypnosis with a look. On a piece of paper, draw a small circle with a diameter of about three centimeters. Fasten the sheet in front of the eyes when you take a sitting position.

Having taken a comfortable position on a chair, carefully look at this circle. During the process, imagine that rays come out of your eyes, which close in the drawn figure. Keep exercising until tears appear. Do the exercise for several days in a row.

With the help of this exercise, master the technique of focusing your gaze at a certain point, which is important for achieving your goal. Remember, a focused eye can even be felt in the back. You don't even have to become a psychic.

History of hypnosis

The history of hypnosis is as interesting as the history of the New Year. Therefore, I dedicate the final part of the story to her.

The discoverers of hypnosis are ancient shamans who lived on the planet many centuries ago. In those days, people widely used the technique of immersion in trance. This state was used by shamans for various purposes.

With the help of trance, they raised the morale of warriors, treated the sick and predicted the future. At the end of the 19th century, the study of phenomena related to hypnosis acquired a scientific character. Among the people who made a huge contribution to the development of hypnosis, there were also scientists from Russia.

The domestic history of hypnosis was accompanied by ups, downs and high-profile scandals. For example, in the middle of the 19th century, a visiting hypnotist named Gensen was popular. The cost of the session, which was held in a small apartment, was 200 rubles - at that time a huge amount of money.

Domestic scientists in the field of neurology and psychiatry, who managed to visit the sessions of a specialist, strongly criticized him. Later, public hypnosis was banned by the Medical Council. It was allowed to use the technique only for healing people, provided that another doctor was present at the session.

Since that moment, the development of hypnosis in our country has slowed down greatly. According to patients, they did not seek help from specialists, since they had to pay for the services of two doctors at the same time.

I wonder if there will be at least a thousand people on the planet who love the learning process? For most, tedious duties evoke boredom.

I want to throw everything into the far corner, no matter how the mind insists on new workouts. Reading books is boring when there are more interesting things to do. Magic comes to the rescue here too. And both the students themselves and their caring parents.

It turns out that there are spells for a good study. Most often, they are used by those who want to get a result. The formulas for close students are somewhat more complicated. After all, they contain a certain element of enslavement, turning off the will of the individual.

It is clear that this is almost black magic. Therefore, they are not recommended for use. If the parents of the students are so worried, then. Don't practice spells.

They will force you to study, but in life they will create many additional difficulties for you. young man. Do parents want this?

Good study spell

Any textbook should be taken early on Monday morning. Lay it on the floor. Stand with bare feet on top. So say:

“What is under me, then carries up! Push off from him, I'll get to the stars! The mind perceives, the will confirms, laziness runs away! I remember, I understand everything, I can speak, I answer boldly! Every wise guy is dumber than me, and my mother's teacher is kinder. Amen!"

Leave the book on the floor until the next day. And then be sure to carry it with you to class every day. It happens that the first time the effect is difficult to achieve. This is the evil eye. It should be removed and the ritual repeated on another Monday.

A spell to do well in school

Students are encouraged to learn (albeit laziness), no, not lessons, but a short spell. It should be read on the way to school. If you do not forget, then in a month the situation will change dramatically. You yourself will feel that gaining knowledge is a joy, and not a cruel test for the mind and will.

Here are the words:

"Jesus Christ! I strive according to Your will. Running or walking, to the sciences and magicians. I develop talent, I sing of you. I go smoothly and smoothly, the results are in order. I understand everything, I answer notably. I will overcome difficulties, by Your will! As You saved people, so I will fulfill Your order. Amen"

Spell to study well

You know, the previous formula contributes to the creation of such conditions under which a person receives exactly what is due to him by the Higher powers.

That is, if talents do not allow winning Olympiads in subjects, “excellent” in every lesson, then there will be nothing like that. What is given from birth will develop. It's just that a person will have a different attitude to the process itself. Learn to enjoy it.

There is a different formula. It opens the way to the rapid development of talent. Under its influence, abilities are strengthened, memory is strengthened, working capacity is growing. But, there are some limitations here.

The spell, of course, will affect anyone, however, temporarily. It does not change the laws of the universe. If it is not destiny for a person to become a scientist, his task is something else, then the sciences will “get out” of his head just as quickly as they began to strengthen there. Don't defy the will of the universe.

It is supposed to study mediocrely, look for yourself in a different matter. For every nation it is written in bright, fiery signs.

But those who from birth should bring intellectual gifts to people, they will definitely become an excellent student and a medalist. Such a selective action has a spell. His words are:

“Three bridges, seven ways, the wise youths walked. Gold bags were not carried. Everyone had a knapsack, but they managed them deftly. Whatever happened on the road, everything about experience and mind was broken. Bring the boys to me knapsacks. Let them settle in a violent little head, and spread knowledge along the roads. In order for the tasks to be solved, the answers themselves fell from the lips. Let them set me as an example, and praise me for my success! Amen!"

These words should be read by the student himself. The ceremony is held only on the thirteenth day on the growing moon. Conjure something. For example, a talisman, decoration or. Then you should carry it with you at all times and make sure that it is not lost.

No one should give the charmed thing. Don't even let me touch it. Otherwise, luck will leave you forever.

Spell for good grades in school

Do you know that before negligent youths were flogged with rods? Do you think, as a punishment, that the thought of the upcoming pain, in which case, would add zeal to them?

And this, of course, cannot be denied either. But there is a magical meaning in that ritual. Do you want the grades in the diary to be only excellent and good? Check it yourself.

By the way, this ritual can be performed by one of the parents. This does not apply to black magic; it does not deprive the will of the child.

You need to go to the forest and cut rods from living willows and willows there. Just do not take dry branches in any case. Bring the rods home. Remove leaves and hang in a conspicuous place.

On Saturday, before going to bed, the student should be whipped (symbolically, of course). In the process, you need to say the following words:

“I beat the slave (name) not out of boredom, but so that science climbs. I hit on the body to argue the case. I beat on the hands, I will teach science, I beat on the legs, so that the ignoramuses do not know the shame. So that everyone around is not praised in vain, so that the answers are always simple and clear. To have enough strength for learning. So that there were few bad marks! Amen!"

Symbolic execution is carried out for at least fifteen minutes. If the student himself becomes involved in the ritual, then it is imperative to touch every piece of skin, on the back too. And yet, many people forget about the heels. Then they complain about deuces. Sit down and pass the rods on the feet, beat on the heels. The whole body must be covered.

spell for good luck in studies

Sometimes a person knows a lot, and learns and does everything, but something prevents a good result from showing. Luck turned away from him, they say in such cases. The following spell will help fix the matter. It is read under the full moon, on the street. The words are:

“The face of the moon appeared above me. Give me back my luck! Give joy without crying. Let the strict teacher, the tormentor of the students, not praise me. Let the flow of fives fall into my report card! Amen"

The spell is cast seven times in a row. If the clouds do not close the moon during this time, then all the troubles will go away. Your studies will improve and the results will be excellent. And the moon will hide from sight, to know there are envious people in your team. Before from them, therefore read the spell for good luck.

Hypnosis to study well is the most modern method of increasing motivation for learning. However, it should be correctly understood that hypnosis only speeds up the process of mastering any skills. For example, a person is studying a foreign language, in order to form a vocabulary, he needs to memorize 20 words a day, which will double this number, or even more. But you can’t not be able to do anything and, suddenly, after the session, you can instantly learn everything. That doesn't happen. Indeed, strong hypnosis is used to study well, but only to create motivation, an incentive to study. Any mental activity must have a goal. Powerful hypnosis to learn well just creates this goal and helps to concentrate on it.

Have you tried hypnosis to improve your memory?

Many pupils and students complain about bad memory which prevents them from remembering what they have read. As a result, instead of understanding the material, schoolchildren and students are forced to “cram” it, which is also not a panacea. Without understanding the material, “learning by heart” does not give anything - after all, it is worth forgetting some detail from a “memorized” lesson and you get incoherent nonsense. Hypnosis, to study well helps to significantly improve memory. And, which is especially important for distracted and easily distracted students, hypnosis increases the ability to concentrate and sweeps away weedy thoughts and consolidates knowledge at the subconscious level. The systems of memorizing facts, faces, figures, established with the help of hypnosis in studies, contribute to learning well.

Watch the video on how to learn to study well

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Have you tried hypnosis? — S. Gorin

Psychotherapist Sergei Gorin wrote 18 scientific articles on the treatment and prevention of drug addiction and alcoholism, on setting up an anti-drug block, on psychological opposition to the influence of various religious sects. Sergey Gorin is the author and co-author of a number of books on hypnosis, neuro-linguistic programming and mind manipulation. His most famous book Have you tried hypnosis?. Unlike most publications Have you tried hypnosis?, despite the fact that the book contains enough difficult material It is easy and pleasant to read. Life examples, which abound in a book about hypnosis methods, even better help to understand and assimilate what you read.

If you want to know how to learn hypnosis and master the science of putting a person into a trance, get ready for a long training. From the first attempt to master this skill is almost impossible. But there are many exercises that can lead you to the desired result.

Hypnosis is a special way of influencing the human psyche, which involves turning off consciousness and immersing in a complete trance. When consciousness is clouded, it is possible to influence the work of the subconscious - that part of the psyche that cannot be controlled independently.

Therefore, hypnosis helps to get rid of addictions, cure depression, get rid of complexes and limiting attitudes that prevent a person from living. Hypnosis also helps to lay certain programs in the subconscious mind, in accordance with which a person will act in later life.

We will talk about how to learn hypnosis yourself at home. Perhaps with the help of exercises you will be able to master this difficult science. Don't expect instant results, and be prepared for things that won't work right away.

How to master hypnosis: exercises

If you are determined to master hypnosis, you need to know about the following:

  • Remember that the person you try to put into a trance will be in a very dangerous state. If you fail to bring him out of this trance correctly, his psyche will suffer.
  • Before training, thoroughly study the theory of hypnotherapy. It is worth reading the works of well-known psychotherapists in order to understand what hypnosis is, what is useful and dangerous, what problems it helps to solve, and which only aggravate
  • Not all people have hypnotic abilities. Be prepared for the fact that you may not succeed at all, because there is no innate talent
  • During training and hypnosis sessions, you need to be self-confident, focused and extremely attentive.
  • Remember that a person who is addicted to anything is a bad hypnotist. If you smoke, abuse alcohol or drugs, are addicted to coffee or something else, it is better to abandon the idea of ​​mastering hypnosis.

Train your magnetic gaze

The main weapon of the hypnotist is his gaze. The hypnotic gaze technique can be mastered with the help of special exercises.

What you need to know:

  • Concentrate and abstract from extraneous thoughts. You must learn to look at one point for a long time, completely without thinking about anything. It is not simple. Practice in front of a mirror or with an "experimental" person. When you learn to look into his eyes for a long time without a single thought, the exercise is mastered. Tip: so that your eyes do not “run”, look strictly into the pupil of your right eye
  • After you learn how to concentrate, train to convey thoughts with your eyes. Focus on one mental message and try to convey it with your eyes to another person. For example, say to yourself: "Get up and walk around the room." If the person guesses what you want from him, the exercise is mastered.

Training should go like this:

  1. The test person must be laid on the couch. And you should sit as comfortably as possible above his head so that you can look eye to eye.
  2. The room for the session should be quiet - no extraneous sounds, movements, pets
  3. The subject will subconsciously resist being introduced into his consciousness. Therefore, the first workouts can be very long - be prepared for this.
  4. Success can be considered the moment when, under the influence of your gaze, a person can fall asleep, relax, plunge into a detached state

This is the simplest exercise with which you can learn hypnosis yourself.

Draw a circle

After you master the previous exercise, you can proceed to more difficult workouts.

Special items will be used to help immerse the subject in a trance:

  • Pendulum. It can be a metal object dangling on a thread or a thin rope. The monotonous movements of the pendulum will help to quickly plunge a person into a trance. It is important that the subject, without looking up, follow the pendulum, be relaxed and not think about anything.
  • A circle drawn on a piece of paper. It must be fixed in such a way that the subject can look at the center of this circle without interruption. During the session, he should also imagine how rays come out of his eyes, which close in the center of the circle.

When using these items, it is important to agree with the subject that you will have some kind of signal, after which he will come out of the trance. For example, snapping fingers or clapping.

The exercise goes something like this:

  1. You put the person on the couch, talk to him for a while in a quiet, calm voice. Make sure he is completely relaxed.
  2. Then say that as soon as you clap your hands, he will wake up and do what you order in a state of hypnosis
  3. Begin swinging the pendulum in front of the subject's face. He must follow the movements without taking his eyes off. Gradually, his eyelids will begin to get heavy, he will close his eyes and fall into a hypnotic state.
  4. At this time, you can say a simple program that the subject will have to perform after exiting the trance. But first, make sure that he is unconscious - ask: "Can you hear me?". If there is no answer, everything is fine.
  5. Say a simple command. For example: “When you hear a pop, you wake up, get up and open the window.” Say three or four times
  6. Make the agreed signal - clap your hands
  7. We are waiting for what the awakened person will do. If he gets up and opens the window - the exercise was successful

With each workout, you can complicate tasks.

Watch a video about hypnosis and how to learn to hypnotize people:

If you decide to learn hypnosis on your own, the following tips will help you:

  • Go to a session with a good hypnotherapist. Watch a specialist to understand how he works
  • Learn the theory - the writings of psychotherapists on hypnosis will help you understand the topic deeper
  • Engage in meditation and spiritual practices to get closer to the state of awareness yourself, learn to control your unconscious
  • Look for hypnosis courses in your city - professional training will give a much better result than independent attempts

Believe in yourself, train hard, and you will succeed!

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:
