Congratulations on your promotion. Beautiful and funny congratulations on promotion Congratulations on a new position

Each person, working in some institution for a certain time, hopes that the management will appreciate his work and promote him. Someone manages to move up the career ladder, someone not so much, but in any case, having received the desired position (even if not a managerial one), people rejoice wholeheartedly. A friendly team usually also happily perceives the news about the new appointment of someone from the team, and often arranges even small receptions in honor of this. Accordingly, the team should prepare original and cool congratulations in prose or verse.

A friendly team is a second family for everyone, because a person spends almost as much time at work as at home. Therefore, it is so important that relations between colleagues are warm, and mutual understanding reigns between superiors and subordinates. Often, having received a new position, a person learns about it not from the director, but from his colleagues in the shop. And if the team is young and cheerful, then they are unlikely to want to report such news calmly. Basically, colleagues prefer to announce the appointment in a playful way, in order to please and amuse the lucky one. If the new appointment is expected, then congratulations on such an event are prepared in advance. Say beautiful words in prose it seems possible, but this is clearly not enough.

How to originally congratulate on the appointment to a new position

Whatever position a colleague gets - head of department, secretary, assistant manager, etc., this cannot be ignored. That is why you need to prepare unconventional funny congratulations. Below we present interesting options.

If the head of the institution in which the pleasant event took place, a person with good feeling humor, you can do the following. Colleagues should gather in the boss's office. The lucky one, who was promoted, needs to be called what is called "on the carpet." When a colleague enters the office, both the manager and the whole team should be very serious, you can even look upset. The director must first scare the newcomer in some way, demand a work report, etc., and then reveal the secret - announce a new appointment. The team, in turn, should join in and loudly and cheerfully congratulate their colleague in prose or in another form. A person will definitely remember such a congratulation on a new position for a long time. In youth teams, this option will meet with a bang and will cheer everyone up.

You can also use the old version, a telegram, as a congratulation. You can, of course, not use real mail - every PC user is able to make a small old telegram on their own. To do this, you only need a printer, a computer and a sheet of A-4 milky paper. If the telegram is ready, you can play the situation in a fun way. To do this, the telegram must contain the first threatening words. The telegram should approximately have the following meaning:

“Dear (Name)! Something terrible happened today. Hold on. We are always with you in any situation. You can count on us. From now on, you are the director of the department! Congratulations!!! your colleagues."

A good option for congratulating a colleague is the presentation of a comic diploma. You can buy it at the gift shop or at the stationery store. You can also make a comic diploma or diploma with your own hands. The last option is even more interesting, since it can be made original - stick a photo of the hero of the occasion on the diploma, write congratulatory words in prose or poetry.

Whatever option the team chooses to congratulate a colleague on his appointment to a new position, the main thing is that everything be said or done sincerely and from the heart. You can not only say beautiful words, but also reinforce what was said with small gifts. You can give a colleague a beautiful wall calendar, office supplies, an alarm clock, and even a houseplant in a beautiful pot. It is important not to forget about such an important event, to show respect and attention. Then the microclimate in the team will be warm and pleasant.

Taking off a career - isn't it a miracle?
How nice to know everything!
So people really appreciate you
Everything is fine. What more could you want?

Congratulations on your promotion today
We hug very warmly.
We wish new promotions.
Remember, we are a reliable shoulder!

Let the work move as it should,
And the authorities highly appreciate
There will be a bonus with a salary on time,
And it works simply and easily!

Today is an important holiday, without a doubt,
There is no place or reason for sadness here.
I hasten to congratulate you on the promotion,
It deserves such a big feast!

Another star plus for shoulder straps.
In honor of exploits and wisdom, of course.
I wish that today and in the future
Everything in life was just perfect!

I also wish you health, patience,
Good luck, happiness and forward movement,
So that the mood does not leave the house.
Let luck accompany everything!

We congratulate you on your promotion
And a fair appointment.
Let luck await in business,
Let the task always be on the shoulder.

Your work will be a joy
And burden will not touch the heart.
Let peace and comfort surround.
And may you always be welcome at home!

Congratulations on your appointment
With a long-awaited promotion,
And we wish that a career
Served as an example for everyone!

For employees to love
Everyone praised for the work,
So that there is order in the family,
You lived in love, contentment!

Subordinates - only obedient,
And you are not indifferent!
Toast like brandy
And you - our congratulations!

Congratulations on your promotion
This can, of course, be considered
A real cool achievement!
You're a big lad! Keep it up!

Let success await you at work,
Do your duty well!
Raise yours on income
Let it reflect well!

Waiting for a raise
This is better than a birthday!
Higher and the salary became,
So she missed you.

May every day bring joy
The disgust will leave you in tears,
Friends so that the house is full nearby,
The smile is bright.

Your career is growing rapidly
And there is nothing surprising in this.
Your charisma, intelligence, talent
It will make its way everywhere!
The blind will just not notice the gift -
Solve cases confidently and quickly!
It will take quite a few years -
Get your Master's degree!
People like you can be counted on fingers -
You do not know the word flattery!

Let this day shine with mood
You can boldly be proud of him,
We congratulate you on your career advancement,
May the new rank bring joy and honor!

Let the subordinates bow obediently,
In a new position, everything will turn out easily,
And let the bright memory remain in the soul,
That moment when you ascended high!

Career growth is important for life
And so today we
Congratulating you on your promotion,
We wish you a new height!

Achieve in the shortest time
And do not lower the bar in life,
On this our congratulations to you
We'll read early.

We also remind you, our friend,
So that friends are not forgotten
Let a lot of people around
Only with them is not afraid of sadness.

What happened in heaven
In an inaccessible height it happened,
What took, finally, and rightfully
This post, (which is doubly nice!),
Our erudite, silent workaholic,
And not someone's brother, godfather and not a matchmaker?!
Eco, guys, is this going to happen?!
So let's shout: "Vivat!"
And let our friendly congratulations
Rushing above the rooftops
And let everyone know in advance
How strong you stand!

Career growth is an incentive for many people, and therefore many seek a promotion or promotion. After all, an increase in salary is a very tangible bonus at all times. Such a significant event as a promotion is invariably accompanied by congratulations from colleagues, friends and relatives. You will find a variety of congratulations on promotion on our pages. They will help you congratulate the person who received the promotion in a defiantly bright manner, convey your wishes and parting words to him. You can convey your emotions to a person who has stepped up the career ladder in various ways - for example, collective congratulations on promotion can be issued in the form of a poster or a wall newspaper. Congratulations on career growth, collected on our website, make up an impressive collection. They will help you not only convey wishes and emotions orally, but also arrange them in any way.

Congratulate a colleague, friend or relative – our promotion congratulations will suit every taste. The main thing in this kind of congratulations is that it should be kind, sincere, without a hint of envy and sarcasm. And we offer you the most diverse congratulations and wishes - both targeted and universal. warm, soulful words you can decorate a postcard, send them to mobile phone, memorize and voice during a festive banquet organized on a solemn occasion. If you maintain a cordial relationship with a person who has received a promotion, he will no doubt be happy to receive from you sincere wishes. Do not leave this fact unnoticed, find beautiful words on our website and convey them to the addressee - such a pleasant surprise will pleasantly surprise and show your goodwill.

We hasten to congratulate our colleague,
With your promotion!
We wish you great work
We will support you, of course, at the beginning!

And peace bright colors let it play
Let the soul sing with happiness.
And we wish you further increases,
Grow in your career every year!

Congratulations, colleague
Now with a raise.
Positions worthy of this,
I know without a doubt.

Bring a new post
nice ideas,
Let your income only grow

Let there be enough patience
Strength and will to you.
Joy is given by labor
Just let the corns.

Colleague, from the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your promotion and I want to wish you to confidently take new positions in your activities, boldly move towards success and achieve your goals, perfectly cope with new responsibilities and tasks, have high prosperity in life, true love and undoubted happiness.

With a new position, colleague,
With promotion!
Let there be enough bread with caviar,
There will be peace and friendship in life!

Everything is running smoothly
And the tops give in
Everything in the family will be all right
And success is pouring into your hands!

You got promoted - hooray! We congratulate you on your promotion and wish you further career advancement. But do not be arrogant and remember us, your faithful and sincere friends! We are happy for you, friend!

Dear, diligent colleague!
We all appreciate your great work.
Congratulations on your promotion! Victory
Let your long journey illuminate.

There are failures in life
But you can easily deal with them.
On a different career ladder
Earn money, get points.

Let everything turn out in the best possible way,
And the new work brings success!
Will you be in the position of that leader
No drop and no big hitches.

With the rise of you
Colleague, congratulations
Growth I your career
I wish you fast.

Let luck lead you
Straight to the top
Competitors on the road
Let them not breathe in the back.

I wish you success
You achieved everything
To the goal, so that your road
It dwindled day by day.

You are my dear colleague,
With your promotion!
Even though sometimes we fought
Know that I am loving.

Congratulations, may victory
It won't be the last one here.
Let those close to you be proud
Let comfort reign in the house.

You are an ace, everyone knows it
Easy way for you.
May all troubles and hardships
You can easily pass.

Sincere congratulations to our friend! A new step up the career ladder has been made, and now we can only wish that the further path was not difficult and thorny. With a promotion, and let it be just the beginning. Good luck and all the best in your new role. And with a new salary!

You did a great job, my colleague,
You were promoted - and this is the highest class,
There is no better and stronger strategist in the world,
Why are you so pretty with us!

We wish that in this new chair,
You did not sit for long, but you went forward,
So that they write about you with might and main in the press,
The enthusiastic people applauded!

We sincerely congratulate you on the promotion,
Let the new team shout "Hurrah!".
We wish you happiness and love,
What a pity that it is time for us to part!

Hooray, finally you got the long-awaited and well-deserved promotion! I congratulate you with all my heart! I hope you don't turn up your nose and we'll all be spending our Friday nights at the bar over a glass of beer.

Moving up the career ladder is what many people look forward to when applying for a job. Often in order to achieve desired result, a person has to work long and hard, thereby proving to his superiors and colleagues his professional viability. A colleague is promoted at work. Now he is becoming an important bird. Well, he worked hard for this, now his efforts are crowned with success. Perhaps this stage has been passed thanks to you as well. In any case, such an event is an occasion to rejoice for the one to whom luck favors. Congratulations on a new position at work is a way to express to a person your feelings and emotions about his promotion. Having received them, he will be grateful to you for your ability to rejoice in other people's victories and support in any situation.

Your promotion is not news to us,
We knew you would be appreciated and understood
You stay at work until the night
Entertainment then, in the first place work.
Allow me, my friend, to congratulate you,
Postpone everything today
I wish you happiness and good luck
Have fun, party with friends until the morning.

You were promoted today
Deserved, tried, worked after all knowingly.
On the corporate ladder you are one step higher,
Your friends are disinterestedly happy for you.
I congratulate you on your career advancement,
I wish, my friend, happiness, peace and kindness,
At your height, you will never be arrogant,
Always be fair to your colleagues.

You were promoted by order,
After all, the authorities know better there from above,
You climbed the career ladder not in vain,
May you have a lot of luck and success.
For you, my friend, I am happy and congratulations,
Never be arrogant, I beg you
With colleagues, you always be simple,
And remember where your roots come from.

As a team, we offered your position to all,
So that everyone appreciates the top with dignity, approves,
After all, you deserve a promotion for a reason,
You have always achieved your goal.
Congratulations on your promotion, colleague,
We wish you success and luck in your new position.
So that the career step is not the last,
May you have a lot of joy, prosperity.

In a new position, you are a colleague,
With you now we whisper, to you,
But it's all a joke, we believe in you,
With his work, diligence, he got out to the authorities not in vain.
On the promotion of you, we congratulate the team,
We wish you even more career growth.
Let any difficulties be solved easily,
And in personal life everything will be fine and bright.

You gave yourself constantly and entirely to work,
And this is the result -
What is the offer for a new position,
With dignity, colleague, you are ready to accept.
I am very happy for you and congratulations,
I wish you always strive upward
Don't stop there, you never
May luck always accompany you.

Many years of work was not in vain,
You have been promoted
Colleagues and friends are happy for you,
May the increase be a success for you.
You are in command, and we congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,
Let the power of a colleague not scare you,
Let everyone appreciate you, respect you,
And they are rewarded for merit.

There are no barriers to your career growth,
You yourself managed to achieve sky-high heights,
The whole team, colleague, is extremely happy for you,
You have overcome another rung of the career ladder.
With great success, I congratulate you,
I wish you to gain new high speed,
Happiness in personal life, good luck and kindness,
So that fate be favorable to you.

You have earned the trust of the authorities in full,
You gave yourself completely to work,
Today you got a new position
God grant that you do not become conceited with a new change.
Congratulations on your new position

Prosperity, prosperity and kindness,
Family comfort and warmth.

You always aspired to the sky, and did not achieve the goal,
And at the top, your zeal, colleague, was able to appreciate,
Let you be a small boss, but still in power,
We wish you to be just in power.
Congratulations on your new position
I wish you great success in your new position,
So that the step of growth is not the last,
May your cherished dream come true.

Your work is appreciated
The new position has found you
With joy, we congratulate you with the whole department,
Homegrown you are our boss, honor and praise to you.
We congratulate you on a joyful event,
Good luck, we wish you joy with all our hearts,
Great success in the field of labor,
May your guardian angel always be with you.

You climbed up the service ladder,
Now you are on it for a long time, hold on tight,
May you have many successes
May good luck always accompany you.
Let me congratulate you on the position,
Well-being, wish prosperity,
I always want to be honest and fair,
Go through life boldly, never lose heart.

A promotion is always an exciting and pleasant event. We wish that your worries were only pleasant, the work brought a stable income and moral satisfaction!

We wish you success in your professional field everywhere. May all creative ideas always be successfully implemented and appreciated by the authorities. So that colleagues respect and listen to your opinion. With promotion!

We sincerely congratulate you on your promotion. We wish you enthusiasm and inspiration. Develop creatively and never get upset over trifles!

We sincerely congratulate you on this joyful event. Thanks to your persistent patience and impeccable work, you have become a step higher. We wish that with the promotion of your position, your faith in yourself will grow, working conditions will improve, and your salary will reach unprecedented heights. So that the bosses are favorable, and the work team becomes a second family for you!

No matter what the weather is outside, let it always be clear and sunny in the heart, warm and cozy in the family, and comfortable and safe at work. Let health allow you to work to the fullest, achieving excellent results!

Congratulations on promotion in prose

Well, you have achieved your goal, you have been promoted! Let me congratulate and rejoice with you. I would like to wish that the authorities would always appreciate your professionalism, relatives and friends would support and help you grow further in every possible way. So that you always go to work with pleasure, and from work with a sense of accomplishment. Let a good salary inspire you and allow you to spend unforgettable holidays in the most wonderful corners of our planet!

We wish this promotion to be the starting point on the way to your amazing career! May every day be easy and joyful. The work environment is inspiring and stimulating. Good luck in your new position!

Someone will say that this is how fate decreed, but we know that your promotion is the result of fruitful work and extraordinary determination. We wish you not to lose your grip, to move on, conquering new heights. Let inspiration never leave you for a minute, and your strong-willed character will never be broken by difficulties and obstacles. Only the best get a decent job. You are the best in your business! Congratulations!

With promotion! Be always optimistic and charismatic. Charge your colleagues with positive, please your bosses with new achievements. Health to you and prosperity.

Congratulations on your promotion! You honestly and fairly deserved this position. Work is not always easy, but let it be feasible for you. I wish you Have a good mood, cheerfulness, prosperity. Let your favorite business bring you joy and a considerable salary!

It's nice when your irrepressible thirst for work, talent and perseverance are appreciated. Let this be only the first step of your career ladder. Fear and uncertainty are left far behind, and ahead are experience, success and new achievements. I wish you more such rapid rises.

Congratulations on your promotion. Let the work be a pleasure - easy and interesting, and pay - always on time and on top. Strive for new horizons, create and develop. I wish you patience, fortitude and eternal success on the way to your dream.

There is reason to congratulate you today. Finally, your painstaking, diligent and selfless work has borne its sweet fruits. Never rest on your laurels and boldly move forward, crushing all visible and invisible obstacles on your way.

Congratulations on entering a new serious chapter of your life - a new position. I hope this chapter will be the most exciting and interesting page in your life. Just do not linger on it for a long time, gain experience and boldly flip through to the next one. Let your self-improvement and self-development know no boundaries.

You have worked long and selflessly before achieving such a high result. And those who believe in themselves and work with such dedication cannot go unnoticed. I really want to congratulate you on your promotion and wish that this lightning dash was just a warm-up before a serious climb up the career ladder.

Congratulations on the appointment to the position of the head

You are now the leader
Congratulations, that's cool
Let the guardian angel protect
Every minute will be good!

You now have an important post,
It's not easy being a boss
It's a bold path, a brave one,
I wish you only continued growth!

And I want justice
Never left
Drive away the blues, drowsiness,
There is a lot of work ahead!

Congratulations on your appointment
With a new position big,
Let doubts dispel
Your mood will be cheerful!

My dear colleague, congratulations on a pleasant event in life - with an increase, so to speak, with career growth! I wish you further successful progress in your work, high achievements and good luck, fruitful activities and high salaries, luck and respect, great happiness, prosperity, love and inspiration.

Congratulations on your promotion, colleague. I want to wish you to always remain an enthusiast in life. Let this promotion become your runway to new successes and achievements. I wish you never lose your confidence and courage, I wish you always maintain your fighting spirit and stubbornly achieve success! Good luck in all your affairs, good friends and support of your loved ones.

Hooray! You managed to reach a new peak, with which I heartily congratulate you! I wish you never stop there, but confidently step forward and move only up the career ladder!

Colleague, congratulations on your promotion. May this achievement be far from the last, may there be many more victories and stages of glory ahead of you, may there be no obstacles for your hard work and the implementation of wonderful ideas, may a ray of good luck and goodness constantly shine in your life.

Sincere congratulations to our friend! A new step up the career ladder has been made, and now we can only wish that the further path was not difficult and thorny. With a promotion, and let it be just the beginning. Good luck and all the best in your new role. And with a new salary!

With promotion, colleague. May there be many more such victories and achievements in your life, may every day be a kind of promotion, a kind of advancement both up the career ladder and on the road to cherished dreams. I wish you, colleague, health, patience, strength, good luck, support from your beloved family and only an optimistic attitude both to work and to life in general!

Colleague, I congratulate you on the promotion and from the bottom of my heart I want to wish good luck, patience, strength and brilliant ideas. Let the path to success be without obstacles, let each rung of the career ladder submit to you easily and confidently. I wish you all the best, health and constant improvement.

Dear Colleague, we are honored to work side by side with you, and we are very pleased with your promotion. Thank you for your honest attitude and great respect for your work, new successes and new heights! Congratulations!

Congratulations, dear colleague, it's finally happened, with your promotion. Let the new position mark a new stage in your work and life. I wish you brilliant prospects, good ideas, great success and undoubted victories, excellent health, self-confidence, high prosperity and an excellent reputation.

Dear colleague, congratulations on the long-awaited and well-deserved event in the professional field - promotion. We wish you willpower to conquer new heights, the joy of work, a close-knit team and health.

Taking off a career - isn't it a miracle?
How nice to know everything!
So people really appreciate you
Everything is fine. What more could you want?
Congratulations on your promotion today
We hug very warmly.
We wish new promotions.
Remember, we are a reliable shoulder!
Let the work move as it should,
And the authorities highly appreciate
There will be a bonus with a salary on time,
And it works simply and easily!

We congratulate you on your promotion
And a fair appointment.
Let luck await in business,
Let the task always be on the shoulder.
Your work will be a joy
And burden will not touch the heart.
Let peace and comfort surround.
And may you always be welcome at home!


Today new star
Your shoulder straps are added,
And we wish that always
Such updates were pouring in.
Our congratulations are the sweetest of all,
He gives happiness and good luck.
And gives joy, and success,
And maybe a general's dacha!

Today is an important holiday, without a doubt,
There is no place or reason for sadness here.
I hasten to congratulate you on the promotion,
It deserves such a big feast!
Another star plus for shoulder straps.
In honor of exploits and wisdom, of course.
I wish that today and in the future
Everything in life was just perfect!
I also wish you health, patience,
Good luck, happiness and forward movement,
So that the mood does not leave the house.
Let luck accompany everything!

Congratulations on your appointment
With a long-awaited promotion,
And we wish that a career
Served as an example for everyone!
For employees to love
Everyone praised for the work,
So that there is order in the family,
You lived in love, contentment!
Subordinates - only obedient,
And you are not indifferent!
Toast like brandy
And you - our congratulations!

For the fact that he was given to work entirely,
For the fact that he worked for a common cause,
Found, finally, the hero's reward,
And we are all overjoyed for this!
Colleague, please accept congratulations
With your well-deserved promotion.
To be a “fish in the water” in a new position,
I got used to it quickly and was “on horseback”!

Career growth is important for life
And so today we
Congratulating you on your promotion,
We wish you a new height!
Achieve in the shortest time
And do not lower the bar in life,
On this our congratulations to you
We'll read early.
We also remind you, our friend,
So that friends are not forgotten
Let a lot of people around
Only with them is not afraid of sadness.

Your career is growing rapidly
And there is nothing surprising in this.
Your charisma, intelligence, talent
It will make its way everywhere!
The blind will just not notice the gift -
Solve cases confidently and quickly!
It will take quite a few years -
Get your Master's degree!
People like you can be counted on fingers -
You do not know the word flattery!

What happened in heaven
In an inaccessible height it happened,
What took, finally, and rightfully
This post, (which is doubly nice!),
Our erudite, silent workaholic,
And not someone's brother, godfather and not a matchmaker?!
Eco, guys, is this going to happen?!
So let's shout: "Vivat!"
And let our friendly congratulations
Rushing above the rooftops
And let everyone know in advance
How strong you stand!

Let this day shine with mood
You can boldly be proud of him,
We congratulate you on your career advancement,
May the new rank bring joy and honor!
Let the subordinates bow obediently,
In a new position, everything will turn out easily,
And let the bright memory remain in the soul,
That moment when you ascended high!

Congratulation on promotion in prose

Sincere congratulations to our friend! A new step has been taken
career ladder, and now we can only wish that
further path was not difficult and thorny. With a raise and let
it will be just the beginning. Good luck and all the best in your new role. And with a new

Finally, the management appreciated you. We sincerely
congratulations on your promotion and wish your career growth not
stopped at this stage. With the rise of you, our most
fair and good boss!

You got promoted - hooray! We congratulate you on your promotion and wish you
further career advancement. But don't be arrogant and
remember us, your faithful and sincere friends! We are happy for you

Congratulations on your promotion! It's always nice to know that bosses -
People are people too and can get a promotion. Let it not be
the last and humble our chief will become the Biggest Boss.
Good luck moving forward and, of course, don't forget about us,
mere mortals.

Hooray, finally you got the long-awaited and well-deserved promotion!
I congratulate you with all my heart! Hope you don't get bullied
nose, and we'll all be spending Friday nights at the bar for
a glass of beer.

Congratulations on your promotion

Congratulations on your promotion

And if there are troubles and worries

With the long-awaited promotion!
Accept my blessing:

Rapidly from year to year
Fly to rest on the Riviera,
And the path in love is lucky for you!

We want to gain momentum
And enthusiasm at work

One more step up
And the pay went up...
And today we are all of you
Congratulations are very welcome!
Let the new position bear
You have a stable income
Let success come to you
Rapidly! Stay strong,
Assertive and businesslike.
Let the boss be proud of you!
Let bad luck go up in smoke
Today will turn!

And in everything to succeed!
To further appreciate you
And so that this step is yours

Don't forget about those

We are in a hurry to congratulate you
There are reasons for this.
That's the way it is among men.
To receive rank after rank.
That's why they are men.
Important tasks to solve
You have been given a due.
Another big step
To shining heights!
Well, it's cold on the skin!
When it gets really heavy
Up to sky-high heights
You look at the beauties from the mountains
On the Teze, who is at the foot,
On those who live in the wilderness,
Involved in your fate.
You just wave your hand
And smile at us from the bottom of our hearts
And we will die of happiness!

New congratulations on promotion

Congratulations on your promotion.
And I wish you to gain a foothold in a new place.
Let the team respect you
Your boss approves of your advice!
May you have the strength to deal with everything.
Let work not let you get bored.
Let your salary grow all the time
And may a new promotion await you soon.
You are one of those people who should not stand still.
Try to conquer new peaks all the time.
And then all your dreams will come true.
I wish that happiness and you are inseparable!
I wish you were less disturbed.
And not to stand in your way.
Confidently always walk towards your goal
And don't give up your positions!

One more step up
And the pay went up...
And today we are all of you
Congratulations are very welcome!
Let the new position bear
You have a stable income
Let success come to you
Rapidly! Stay strong,
Assertive and businesslike.
Let the boss be proud of you!
Let bad luck go up in smoke
Today will turn!

With the long-awaited promotion!
Now you are the boss, the big boss!
Accept my blessing:
May it come true what you dreamed of
Climb up the career ladder
Rapidly from year to year
Fly to rest on the Riviera,
And the path in love is lucky for you!

Hooray, it's done! That's it, luck!
Luck smiled! With a raise!
You proved to everyone with your work:
You deserve a raise more than anyone else!
But, with a rapid upward movement,
Don't forget about those
Who once started next to you,
Shared the joy, and worries and salary!

Congratulations on your promotion

In career growth, you again do not know the barriers!
And again you have achieved new heights!
Today you are extremely happy about this!
We wish you only striving forward!
Not to stop on the road
Always strived upwards and only upwards!
And if there are troubles and worries
We give you one advice - always hold on!

Congratulations on the promotion in verse

You diligently worked hard.
We missed this time
After all, you rarely went out with your friends.
Bottom line: he deserves a raise.
We want to gain momentum
Climb even higher in your career.
And enthusiasm at work
Yours is getting stronger!

Congratulations on your new position

Your work is appreciated -
Congratulations on your promotion!
So that you do not know problems at work
And in everything to succeed!
To further appreciate you
For your work and success in work,
And so that this step is yours
Was not the last in your rise!

Congratulations on the promotion of a man

We are in a hurry to congratulate you
There are reasons for this.
That's the way it is among men.
To receive rank after rank.
That's why they are men.
Important tasks to solve
You have been given a due.
Well, comrade, keep it up!
Another big step
To shining heights!
But is it a step? Yes, it's a takeoff!
Well, it's cold on the skin!
When it gets really heavy
Up to sky-high heights
You look at the beauties from the mountains
On the Teze, who is at the foot,
On those who live in the wilderness,
Involved in your fate.
You just wave your hand
And smile at us from the bottom of our hearts
And we will die of happiness!

Congratulations on your new position at work

P Career advancement is what you're looking for
many, getting a job. Often in order to achieve
desired result, a person has to work long and hard,
thereby proving to the authorities and colleagues their professional
viability. A colleague is promoted at work. Now he becomes
important bird. Well he worked hard for it, now his
efforts crowned with success. Perhaps this stage was passed thanks to
including you. In any case, such an event is an occasion
to rejoice for the one to whom luck favors. congratulations on the new
position at work is a way to express to a person your feelings and
emotions about his promotion. Having received them, he will
I am grateful to you for your ability to rejoice in other people's victories and support
in any situation.

Your promotion is not news to us,
We knew you would be appreciated and understood
You stay at work until the night
Entertainment then, in the first place work.
Allow me, my friend, to congratulate you,
Postpone everything today
I wish you happiness and good luck
Have fun, party with friends until the morning.

You were promoted today
Deserved, tried, worked after all knowingly.
On the corporate ladder you are one step higher,
Your friends are disinterestedly happy for you.
I congratulate you on your career advancement,
I wish, my friend, happiness, peace and kindness,
At your height, you will never be arrogant,
Always be fair to your colleagues.

You were promoted by order,
After all, the authorities know better there from above,
You climbed the career ladder not in vain,
May you have a lot of luck and success.
For you, my friend, I am happy and congratulations,
Never be arrogant, I beg you
With colleagues, you always be simple,
And remember where your roots come from.

As a team, we offered your position to all,
So that everyone appreciates the top with dignity, approves,
After all, you deserve a promotion for a reason,
You have always achieved your goal.
Congratulations on your promotion, colleague,
We wish you success and luck in your new position.
So that the career step is not the last,
May you have a lot of joy, prosperity.

In a new position, you are a colleague,
With you now we whisper, to you,
But it's all a joke, we believe in you,
With his work, diligence, he got out to the authorities not in vain.
On the promotion of you, we congratulate the team,
We wish you even more career growth.
Let any difficulties be solved easily,
And in personal life everything will be fine and bright.

You gave yourself constantly and entirely to work,
And this is the result -
What is the offer for a new position,
With dignity, colleague, you are ready to accept.
I am very happy for you and congratulations,
I wish you always strive upward
Don't stop there, you never
May luck always accompany you.

Many years of work was not in vain,
You have been promoted
Colleagues and friends are happy for you,
May the increase be a success for you.
You are in command, and we congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,
Let the power of a colleague not scare you,
Let everyone appreciate you, respect you,
And they are rewarded for merit.

There are no barriers to your career growth,
You yourself managed to achieve sky-high heights,
The whole team, colleague, is extremely happy for you,
You have overcome another rung of the career ladder.
With great success, I congratulate you,
I wish you to gain new high speed,
Happiness in personal life, good luck and kindness,
So that fate be favorable to you.

You have earned the trust of the authorities in full,
You gave yourself completely to work,
Today you got a new position
God grant that you do not become conceited with a new change.
Congratulations on your new position
Prosperity, prosperity and kindness,
Family comfort and warmth.

You always aspired to the sky, and did not achieve the goal,
And at the top, your zeal, colleague, was able to appreciate,
Let you be a small boss, but still in power,
We wish you to be just in power.
Congratulations on your new position
I wish you great success in your new position,
So that the step of growth is not the last,
May your cherished dream come true.

Your work is appreciated
The new position has found you
With joy, we congratulate you with the whole department,
Homegrown you are our boss, honor and praise to you.
We congratulate you on a joyful event,
Good luck, we wish you joy with all our hearts,
Great success in the field of labor,
May your guardian angel always be with you.

You climbed up the service ladder,
Now you are on it for a long time, hold on tight,
May you have many successes
May good luck always accompany you.
Let me congratulate you on the position,
Well-being, wish prosperity,
I always want to be honest and fair,
Go through life boldly, never lose heart.

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With promotion in prose, we present you with congratulations in prose, and we wish that in your life there will be as sharp a rise as in your career. It is with such or similar words that you should begin your congratulations for a colleague with whom you communicate closely. After all, this is an event that, probably, every person who is not indifferent to his own life and his own success awaits with trepidation. And if the long-awaited promotion has already come, then you should be sincerely happy for your colleague. We are glad enough to work hard and pick up beautiful congratulatory words right now.

Do it the best way our site will help you. On Vlio, we have collected the most extensive collection of congratulations in Runet, each of which can be exactly your ideal option. You just need to work hard and find it among other works.

Give this event at least a little time, and you will be rewarded. Especially if a colleague will soon become your immediate supervisor. However, the most important thing is to sincerely rejoice and just as openly congratulate the person! Find us and act!

We wish you success in your professional field everywhere. May all creative ideas always be successfully implemented and appreciated by the authorities. So that colleagues respect and listen to your opinion. With promotion!

Sincere congratulations to our friend! A new step up the career ladder has been made, and now we can only wish that the further path was not difficult and thorny. With a promotion, and let it be just the beginning. Good luck and all the best in your new role. And with a new salary!

We sincerely congratulate you on this joyful event. Thanks to your persistent patience and impeccable work, you have become a step higher. We wish that with the promotion of your position, your faith in yourself will grow, working conditions will improve, and your salary will reach unprecedented heights. So that the bosses are favorable, and the work team becomes a second family for you!

Congratulations on your promotion! It's always nice to know that bosses are people too and can get promoted too. Let it not be the last and our modest boss will become the Biggest Boss. Good luck moving forward and, of course, don't forget about us mere mortals.

We wish this promotion to be the starting point on the way to your amazing career! May every day be easy and joyful. The work environment is inspiring and stimulating. Good luck in your new position!

Congratulations on your new position! Take this promotion as a well-deserved reward for your hard work and striving for victory. Let this step not be the last pinnacle of your success, but only the beginning of your career growth. I wish you to remain as simple and persistent in your work. And may fate save you from wrong decisions and stupid actions!

Congratulations on your promotion! You honestly and fairly deserved this position. Work is not always easy, but let it be feasible for you. I wish you good mood, cheerfulness, prosperity. Let your favorite business bring you joy and a considerable salary!

Promotion often promises big changes in life. But with pleasant bonuses and privileges come new responsibilities. The closest people, relatives, friends and colleagues understand and appreciate the promotion in a career best of all. If someone in your environment has received a new position or promotion, then by all means select for this person beautiful congratulations in verse or prose (to a loved one, girl), as well as thematic pictures to support him in a new role and wish him to achieve even greater heights in his work.

Universal congratulations on promotion for men and women in prose

(Formal letter or verbal congratulations) A job promotion is more than just a new open door to a better life. This is the discovery of new opportunities, stricter requirements for oneself, other boundaries and completely new concepts. These are changes that often serve as a test of character, the desire to win and the ability to change yourself. We wish you to find the strength in yourself for new changes and overcoming any difficulties.

There is no net benefit in a new position. Any money plus is divided by a minus of free time, a plus in status by a minus in responsibility. But there is one indisputable plus - self-development. New stage gives an incentive to develop skills, to comprehend knowledge and overcome difficulties. Such experience will be the most valuable acquisition, and I wish you to easily cope with your new job responsibilities and quickly settle into a new place.

They say movement is life. Moving up the career ladder is, perhaps, one of its most pleasant manifestations. Everything you have achieved in your work is the result of hard work, perseverance and self-confidence. We wish you prosperity, an easy way up without unnecessary and wrong turns, as well as good luck in your personal life - without it there will be no incentive to work.

Best congratulations on promotion to the boss in verse and pictures

Congratulations boss!
Rise to mercy
Good luck, success
Deserved, did not fall.
Long work, responsibility,
fatigue, perseverance,
Directness and honesty
Without lies and pretense.
All this is character
Leader from God
Let it be yours
Easy road!

With a promotion, chief,
Smart, understanding
Difficult decisions
Faithfully accepting.
For your flair and strength
We respect you so much
Plans all and all forecasts
We are ahead of you.
Let them open
Horizons and latitudes
In the new armchair interesting
We want work!

Promotion, our boss!
May good luck and income
Will bring you into a new
Position transition.
Let work interesting
Become an adventure
A bit of a serious matter
More fun.
Let it be easy top
Each one is given
Being a boss is successful
Lho succeeds!

Sincere congratulations on the promotion of a woman in prose

Contrary to all myths and prejudices, a female boss is the ideal leader. Economic nature, the desire to do everything right and on time, attention to detail and amazing female intuition - all this reinforces your unique leadership skills and makes you special, the most intelligent leader. With promotion! Let only new heights await you beyond the horizon!

A new position for a woman promises not only an improvement in well-being. This is a sure sign for you that you have mastered one stage of your career and moved to a new level. You are properly appreciated and noticed, which means that you are doing everything right. Let new pleasant acquaintances, good events and good changes come into your life with a new position!

They say that a successful woman should be successful in everything. You are an example of such feminine perfection: active, cheerful, purposeful and persistent. All this helps you build your life brick by brick and at the same time feel happy. I wish you every success in your new position and continued growth to new heights!

Funny congratulations to a colleague on promotion in verse

Congratulations our colleague
You with a promotion.
We consider this news
The right decision.
You deserve to take a step
Up the career ladder.
Let the new position become
Happiness is only a harbinger.
Let the paper work
And the reports don't scare
Everyday worries
Let them not stress you.

With your promotion!
This path was not easy
Before a new life whirlwind
Need some rest.
Let's sit in a familiar circle
We forget about work
Discuss these issues
We will not be with colleagues.
We wish you better happiness
Everyone is not afraid of change
And the same true friend
And stay nice!

With promotion, colleague!
How happy I am for you!
Get a new position
Above money and awards.
For you, this is the stage
new, unknown,
And he is only open to that,
Who is dedicated to work!
Let it be easy for you
new thresholds,
Let them pass by
Any worries!

Original congratulations on promotion in prose

How is service different from work? The fact that in the service, in addition to the workload, in the first place there is always a sense of duty, an obligation that cannot be refused: work in the police, tax administration or any other state structure. To serve means to live the work that you do professionally. A promotion is a big step forward for you, the result of a lot of hard work and dedication. Let your work continue to be highly appreciated, and it helps you realize your talents and opportunities in life!

The service brings together thousands of people and hundreds of different professions. Only those who do everything right, who give themselves completely to work and are not afraid to take on more responsibility, succeed in getting a promotion. We wish you to continue with the same enthusiasm for work and realize your dreams, both in your career and in your personal life!

Service is the readiness to devote oneself and all one's thoughts to an important profession. This is overtime work, creativity and the ability to find a way out of any situation, the ability to join any team. Only the strongest in spirit, like you, reach new career heights. Let pleasant discoveries await you ahead, and all difficulties turn into easily solved trifles!

In the morning I sewed shoulder straps,
I painted lampas on my pants,
Now I don't drink moonshine
Cognac should bring me!

  • Congratulations to the head of the city administration on his appointment

    We congratulate you on your appointment,
    We wish you success in your hard work.
    You have a lot of strength, and do not relax,
    With all the problems to deal with.
    We wish to create such a team,
    Any questions are skillfully solved.
    The mayor of the city is always a wise master,
    And he will never fail.
    Under your command - the city will be,
    And the townspeople - worthy of all to live.

  • Congratulations on promotion

    Chiefs - a big hello,
    And there are no better wishes
    Than good luck wishes
    And release solutions to the light!

  • Congratulations to Leonid on promotion from colleagues

    Dear colleague Leonid,
    You are still the individual
    What you don't know sometimes
    How to approach you
    Asking which one.
    But with an increase
    Don't congratulate you
    We can not,
    After all, you are just an ace!
    We wish you from the bottom of our hearts
    And further along the career
    The stairs go up
    Reach those heights
    Where does our boss live?

  • Congratulations on your promotion

    Dear Our team sincerely congratulates you on your promotion. No one else is more deserving of this position than you. You have done so much for our company. Thanks to you and your work, our agency occupies an honorable leading position among competing firms. Thank you, darling. We wish you not to stop there. Be energetic and active. Health to you for many years, good luck, luck and insight

  • Congratulations on promotion

    ____________(Name)! Congratulations on your long awaited promotion! You worked hard and finally your efforts were noticed and appreciated! I wish you to achieve even more in your new position, but not to lose what you have gained earlier!

  • Congratulations on your new position

    Today we congratulate you on your "new shoulder straps", on promotion, on a well-deserved award! May many worthy people rejoice at your victory, and work in a new post will bring a feeling of complete self-realization and spiritual harmony, as well as an increase in well-being and qualification abilities!

  • Congratulations on promotion to a colleague

    Congratulations on your promotion! You worked for this company for so long, you gave so much time and effort to work! And so! The long-awaited hour has come - you have been promoted! We congratulate you and wish you well-being in business, health and success to you!

  • There are people for whom career growth is very important in life. And they sacrifice a lot to achieve success in their work. But how difficult it is sometimes to go without looking back and plunge into the routine of working days.

    And having received a new position, the world becomes more beautiful.

    Congratulations for the alumni meeting

    After all, you know that everything is not in vain. All hard work has paid off!
    And when your loved ones are still happy for you, then there is no chapel at all!
    That is why, you will not be mistaken if, at the moment when your loved one has established himself in a new position, you congratulate him bright congratulations. Here you will find various congratulations on promotion. And then both you and your careerist will be extremely pleased.

    With a position of a new
    I congratulate you!
    A long time ago
    You dreamed about her.
    Implement your plans
    I wish you - Boldly go to your goal!
    There is no need to be afraid of new worries - With them
    You can do it very easily.
    Work itself let
    You will be rewarded - You will advance in the service
    You are far away!

    Post congratulations

    Congratulations on your appointment
    Dear colleague. Please accept my sincere congratulations on your appointment.
    you to a new position. Convinced that
    Your professional experience, energy, managerial talent and organizational skills will allow
    You will achieve significant achievements in this high and responsible position.
    With all my heart I wish
    Good luck to you in
    Your hard and responsible work! Poems congratulations on the appointment of the head
    It's not easy to be a boss, a boss
    Pull the entire load, which are few.
    Overcoming all obstacles
    Without resting legs and arms,
    He works like a plow ... Congratulations on the promotion
    It's great that the position has become higher,
    You found your niche at work!
    Success was achieved and sometimes
    Worried and you did not spare your strength,
    He conquered all obstacles, overcame!
    And here you are, now you have a reward,
    Career went up, and that's the way it should be!
    And this, believe me, suits you,
    I also want to get out!
    The salary is more, and the honor is growing,
    With a smile, the boss will come!
    On an equal footing he will ask: “How are you?”,
    And brighter - a guiding star!
    Well, well, you prosper and do not grow old,
    And let the door open in happiness!
    Good luck, achievements, new meetings,
    Achieve a lot and only succeed! Congratulations on taking office
    Today is one of the most important days
    in your destiny and
    your career. Let today be a holiday
    From now on, open
    You all the doors!
    We wish you prosperity in everything
    To accompany success in life.
    We know that everything will be just fine,
    After all
    You are great with us
    You are the best! Congratulations on the promotion of a colleague
    Rising higher and higher
    And what advice would you give!
    Everyone respects opinion
    Be what you dream
    At work - love it! Congratulations on your appointment
    You have received your position by right,
    You are worthy of a high post.
    We all noticed your successes,
    Now it's time to harvest your fruit.
    In a new place, we wish you
    Success is achieved without problems.
    Everything will be right, we all know about it,
    You can get everything you wanted! Congratulations on the position of chief
    The long-awaited day has finally arrived!
    The day of summarizing the work, determining and evaluating the results.
    It's nice to know that
    You have been noticed, appreciated and duly rewarded. Let's drink to justice, determination and the right choice!
    Let the new position bring a sense of satisfaction and self-sufficiency! Congratulations on your promotion
    Yesterday we ran together to the dining room, sat in the smoking room, and today you are the boss, you have been promoted. It must be admitted that communication skills, responsibility, a businesslike approach to the assigned task, thoughtfulness, the ability to think analytically, to be principled and objective - all these qualities contributed to your appointment to a new position. No fawning - congratulations on the promotion. Don't turn up your nose, don't put on airs, and don't be arrogant. Stay the same - sweet, kind and cordial, new job will not replace your old and trusted friends. I love you! Congratulations on getting the desired position
    Dear colleague, congratulations. You have been dreaming of getting this position for so long, but if you really want it, you will always succeed. Let this new step become happy for you, and you will be able to step further, higher and higher, to the very top of your dream. Congratulations on your appointment
    Congratulations on your new position
    We are a colleague with an open mind!
    Let there be no mistakes and abrasions,
    Let him boldly go through life! Congratulations on promotion to a colleague
    We all appreciate your great work.
    Congratulations on your promotion!
    Let your long journey illuminate.
    There are failures in life
    But you can easily deal with them.
    On a different career ladder
    Earn money, get points.
    Let everything turn out in the best possible way,
    And the new work brings success!
    Will you be in the position of that leader
    No drop and no big hitches.
    Never bored under your wing
    You led the whole department forward without a doubt,
    Worked great, not knowing laziness
    And you got a promotion...
    We wish you a loud and glorious career,
    And meet a lot of luck along the way.
    And even if you are not the main one yet,
    But surely success awaits you ahead!
    Today is an important holiday, without a doubt,
    There is no place or reason for sadness here,
    I hasten to congratulate you on the promotion,
    It deserves such a big feast!
    Another star added to your shoulder straps
    The merit of your exploits and wisdom, of course,
    I wish that in the future
    Everything in life was just perfect!
    I also wish you good health, patience,
    Good luck, happiness, progress,
    So that the mood does not leave the house,
    So that luck accompanies you in everything!
    You did a great job, my colleague,
    You were promoted - and this is the highest class,
    There is no better and stronger strategist in the world,
    Why are you so pretty with us!
    We wish that in this new chair,
    You did not sit for long, but you went forward,
    So that they write about you with might and main in the press,
    The enthusiastic people applauded!
    We sincerely congratulate you on the promotion,
    Let the new team shout "Hurrah!".
    We wish you happiness and love,
    What a pity that it is time for us to part!
    You are a master of difficult professions,
    Alas, this is how you were born
    And according to the laws of all
    Your work has been well rewarded.
    In the morning we learned the solution
    Our bosses!
    You were a little lower yesterday,
    Well, today they have become taller,
    Stepped up a step
    Congratulations on your new place
    Let success continue! You have been striving for this for a long time - Your every dream was about this; Your mind is not eclipsed at all - No, no, you're just inspired!
    And I grew one step ... You with a new career take-off
    I hasten to congratulate you on this day! Congratulations on your promotion Today there is a reason for congratulations,
    And that's just the super news of the day!
    You got a promotion today!
    And of course we are happy for you!
    Your virtues and achievements
    Your finest hour has come!
    May victory and accomplishment await you!
    We will celebrate them with you more than once! With a position The time has come - the boss noticed you,
    That you work without bending your back.
    And your glorious work noted with a new position,
    So generously and worthy of rewarding!
    And let there be more responsibility
    Responsibilities. Get it right!
    We believe!
    To a career wide open all the doors! Let a raise at work

    Promotion through the ranks - isn't that a reason to congratulate loved one with a new position! On our site you will find many different original, funny, touching and sincere congratulations in prose with promotion. Rejoice for the success of your friends and relatives with them. Prepare a congratulatory text for them that will fully express your respect and respect for their achievements and new achievements. For many, career advancement is an extremely important event in life, which they will enjoy for a long time to come. May this day be remembered for a long time.

    Beloved son! Please accept our congratulations on your promotion! We are very proud of you and glad that you are so smart, diligent, hardworking. Since childhood, we thought that you would occupy some responsible position. And so it happened. From little boy you have turned into a solid man, and your new the appointment perfectly harmonizes with your image!

    Dear husband! We are pleased and proud to congratulate you on your promotion! You went to this for many, many years, gaining experience and knowledge. Now all this will be very useful to you. We wish you creative success, financial prosperity in a new place and good mood! We will support you at any stage of your career and will be happy to help with advice and a kind word!

    Congratulations on your promotion! We wish such an excellent specialist to strive for even greater achievements in his work. To do this, you have everything you need: knowledge, experience, the ability to build relationships with colleagues, a creative approach to solving various kinds of problems! Let health and good mood be added to this! And we will be a good support for you!

    Dear colleague! On behalf of our entire team, congratulations on your promotion! You stood at the origins of our company, went from a simple employee to a leader. Who better than you knows all the processes in our work?! This position is fully consistent with your experience and length of service, your knowledge and ability to achieve your goals! Keep it up!

    Dear colleague! Please accept our congratulations on your promotion! You are a wonderful employee, you perfectly understand the tasks set, you competently find solutions and your work is delivered on time. With your hard work and perseverance, you have achieved this promotion! We wish you to remain the same executive employee and, of course, even greater success awaits you in the future!

    Let this position not stop you from striving to rise higher, but only become an incentive for that very, yet distant goal - to be at the very top! I sincerely congratulate you on your success in your work and wish you not to rest on your laurels in any case. Let wise decisions come immediately, and not over the years, let loving people help and support in everything! And strong nerves and a steel character will be a sure help for successful progress towards your goal!

    At this solemn moment of your life, let only those people who are sincerely happy for you be around! Only those who from the bottom of their hearts will rejoice at the next success in their work and their rapid ascent up the career ladder. I wish you a cloudless life full of joyful moments, serious decisions and great happiness on the personal front!

    Himself successful person- Happy Holidays! This is a very important and touching moment in your life. A new position is your next victory in the fight against competitors. I wish you to climb to the top that you want. And may your path be straight and simple, without winding, difficult paths! You are an honest, kind and purposeful person and deserve respect from both your boss and colleagues.

