Re-pregnancy as quickly. Repeated pregnancy, features of planning and course

« hello 1st grade»

1. Organizing time.

The song "What is taught at school" sounds (lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky, music by V. Shainsky). The first graders enter the classroom and sit down in their seats.

Teacher. Hello adults!

Hello children!

An unusual day today in the world -

Music everywhere, smiles and laughter -

The school opened its doors to everyone.

And do not be sad, girls, boys,

By games, undertakings and fairy-tale books,

It all starts with school life

We are going to the Land of Knowledge!

I wonder if everyone is here? Let's check.
- Hardworking girls here?
- Smart boys?
- Caring moms?
- Smart dads?
- Kind and affectionate grandparents?
- Then you can start.

Teacher. Dear Guys! Today is your solemn and important day: you came to study at school. Yesterday you were called children, kids, and from today they will say about you "This student, student, schoolchildren and schoolgirls."

The school will become your second home, you will find many new friends. In this room, which is calledclass, you will receive special gifts every day. But these are not toys or candy. This is knowledge.

Student. Is in the year various holidays,

And today we have a holiday:

The first graders came

To your friendly school class.

And parents are on the sidelines

And look at them with excitement,

It's like everyone saw it for the first time

Their matured children.

Teacher .

Today is Knowledge Day. Here, children, the time has come for you to become disciples.

- Together we have to learn not only to read, write and count, play and have fun, but also play rejoice, to rejoice in one's successes and the successes of one's comrades, to think, to meditate.

- And in order to cope with all this, we probably need to get to know each other.

2. Acquaintance.

- Let's all call our name on the count of 3 (they call) It didn't work out.

- Let's all whisper our names (calling) It didn't work out again.

Tell me, guys, did the acquaintance take place? ( Children answer no

There was noise. There is a rule in school: you must speak alone. You don't have to talk to everyone together. Neither whoever does not understand will not hear.

Let's meet differently. I call the name, and whoever is called that, they get up! ( Zara's children's names given to her) Dasha, Sasha, Alina, Vadim, Magamed, Vladik, Bogdan, Savely, Nastya, Akim, Vadim, Ro man, Vasya, Varya, Polina

Well, now we've met. I am very glad that the best, the most weight lame guys. But I have a question: who is more fun in this room: girls or boys? ( children you shout)

I'll read the poem now and start showing

And you guys, repeat, warm up your voices.

Shout who at the end is friendly,

That one will be more fun.

And the words are very simple and the movements are as follows:

    2 swoop, 2 swoops. Hedgehogs! Hedgehogs!

    Forged, forged knives, knives!

    Run in place (2 times)

    Bunnies (2 times) Come on, together! Come on, together! Girls! Boys!

Good start! But let's try again! (the game is played again )

We are almost deaf now.

But I confess from the bottom of my heart

Both girls and boys

All of you were good!

Teacher . Today you are first graders. Student! This honorary title is worn by all residents of the country Znany.
From tomorrow you will need school items. Guys, a guest from the Sunny City
the knower thinks that you don’t know the name of the school subjects and you won’t be able to guess the riddles. Bytell him it's not?

I carry a new house in my hand,
The doors of the house are locked,
And they live in that house -
Pens, books and an album. (briefcase)

Tell me first grader
What do you wear to school with an eraser?
What are colored markers
And the pencils? (pencil case)

I'm ready to blind the whole world -
House, car, two cats.
I am the master today
I have - ... (plasticine)

Now I'm in a cage, then in a line,
Feel free to write on me
You can also draw
What is me? Notebook

Doesn't look like a human
But he has a heart.
And work all year round
He gives his heart.
He writes when they dictate
He draws and draws
And tonight
He will color the album for me. Pencil

I love directness
I'm the straightest
Make a straight line
I help everyone. Ruler

Your pigtail without fear
She dips herself in paint.
Then a dyed pigtail
In the album leads on the page. tassel

I need you to order
Don't flip through the pages.

Where I lie, read. Bookmark

What is the wand in hand
Quickly draws on a piece of paper?
Did you write everything you need?
Put her in a pencil case! Pen

I know everything, I teach everyone,
But I am always silent.
To befriend me
Need to learn to read. (book)

Teacher. Well done! You proved to a stranger that you are already real students. I would like to give you all a book as a keepsake.

- Game "Collect a portfolio"

textbooks and books,

toy mouse,

clockwork steam locomotive,

Colored plasticine,

brushes and paints,

New Year's masks,

Eraser and bookmarks,

stapler and notebooks,

Schedule, diary.

Collected to school student!

Teacher. Well done! You passed this test.
I believe that all of you can be accepted into the school fraternity and given the proud title of FIRST GRADE. And now the moment has come for the solemn pronunciation of the oath of the first grader, after which younote members are big and friendly school family schools ……………………..
I recite an oath
. You repeat in chorus« We swear»
Learn the letters, learn to read... We swear!
Learn to write and count by summer... We swear
Try hard in class and don't count the flies... We swear!
Take care of the textbook, do not throw it away and do not tear it ... We swear!
Do all your homework... We swear
Coming to school on time... We swear
Become smarter and mature in a year ... We swear!
Become the pride of parents and teachers... We swear!

And during the change
We promise not to make noise
Don't knock down people and walls
Don't push like a bear. We swear!

Like real first graders, you must also be attentive

Teacher. Let's see how careful you are. Repeat with me both the movements and the words.

We all have fun

We clap our hands.

Clap, clap, clapclap their hands )

I take myself by the forehead (and she takes her nose ) The kids are wrong .

Haha! This is what you have on your nose. Here I played you. Be careful! Take what I call, and I will confuse you further.

We all have fun, We clap our hands. Clap, clap, clap

I take myself for ... ( shoulder, elbow, ear)

Clip « For the first time in first class ».

Teacher. Do you remember the fairy-tale hero who also went to the land of knowledge?


The wooden man

On water and under water

Looking for a golden key

Everywhere the nose sticks its long

Who is this? ( Pinocchio)

Yes, our beloved Pinocchio will also go to the land of knowledge. You can only open the door to the land of knowledgeto the magic key that Pinocchio asked me to give you, but only if you guess the riddles.)

Return lost items to their owners:

Monkey - banana

Hare - carrots

Fox - rooster

Dog - bone

Hedgehog - mushroom.

Name the story.

A girl appeared in a cup of a flower,

And there was that girl no more than a fingernail.

Who read this book

Knows a girl - a baby. ( Thumbelina).

Near the forest on the edge

Three of them live in a hut.

There are three chairs and three mugs,

Three beds, three pillows.

Guess without a clue

Who are the heroes of this tale? (Three Bears).

There is no river, no pond,

Where to drink water?

Very tasty water

In the hole from the hoof. (Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka).

He is kinder than everyone in the world,

He heals sick animals.

He is famous, famous.

Good doctor ... (Aibolit).

The red girl is sad

She doesn't like spring

She's hard in the sun

Tears shed, poor thing. ( Snow Maiden).

Well done. You did it and the key of knowledge rightfully remains with you - students of the first A class.

Teacher: Of course, school will not be easy. But we always have reliable friends-assistants. Who are they? Yes, they are our parents. Well, dear parents, you ready to help their first graders to study?
- And you children, turn to your parents and listen, what they promise you.
We will always help children in their studies,
To make the school proud of the children.
We are not afraid of leapfrog tasks,
Formulas to remember are nonsense for us.
Let's be calm, like water in a river,
We will be wise, like a star in the sky.
We will get up in the morning in the cold,
To be in time here and there. Yes!
Delicious meals will always be prepared,
Pamper sweet children sometimes.
When will the study of suffering be completed,
Let's go for a walk with the kids. Yes!

It's hard to raise your children

There is a lot to know for this.

I would like to wish my parents:

Always help children in everything,

To collect the child to school in the morning,

Good parting words to give in time,

Smart book to have time to read,

Don't forget to take a walk on the weekend

To avoid all diseases,

We need to toughen up more children,

Meetings also all attend,

Help the school as much as you can.

And most importantly - without a doubt -

I wish you patience!

- Each of you has a small ray of our warm cool sun. And so that you know that this ray is yours, take a pencil and draw any small drawing or write your name.

- Look what a radiant sun we got.

The radiant sun is not divided into parts.

And the eternal land cannot be divided.

But a spark of happiness - a ray of silver

You can, you are able to give to friends.

- From today day you enter a cheerful, ebullient and not very easy school life. And this day on your first school day, I want to wish you great success in your studies. I wish you to love your school dearly. Good luck, my dear friends.

In any case, he knows what to expect from his own body in this difficult and exciting period. However, in reality, it turns out that the second pregnancy can be quite different.

Are planning

Of course, not everything in life always happens according to a verified pattern, but it is still better to plan such important events as the birth of children in advance. It is desirable that the time interval between pregnancies be at least one and a half to two years. This is just the period in which the body has time to recover and prepare for a new motherhood.

And so that a new pregnancy does not come earlier than you planned it, take care of contraceptive methods. Alas, for some reason, there is a widespread belief among the broad masses of the people that breastfeeding and the absence of menstruation is a reliable means of protection. In fact, this is not true at all. After the first ovulation, fertilization can occur, and menstruation in this case will not come - and a woman sometimes does not immediately notice a new pregnancy, especially if it is not accompanied by toxicosis, malaise, weakness, etc.

getting ready

Even if your first pregnancy went perfectly, this is not a reason to refuse traditional examinations before the next conception. Moreover, if you had, for example, cervical ruptures or other gynecological problems during childbirth, the examination becomes even more necessary.

You have to do :

  • Ultrasound examination in order to determine the condition of the uterus, cervix, ovaries
  • Vaginal swabs. Indeed, during pregnancy and childbirth, microcracks, ruptures, injuries can occur on the cervix, and infection can accumulate. The doctor must make sure that you do not have erosion, and the cervix is ​​​​not deformed. These problems are easier to deal with before a new pregnancy than during it.
  • Check the condition of the whole organism. Repeated pregnancy can dramatically increase the general somatic problems. Therefore, if you have chronic diseases (heart defects, blood diseases, lung diseases, etc.), before pregnancy, be sure to consult with the appropriate specialist - a cardiologist, hematologist, endocrinologist.

Second pregnancy - six differences

  • Varicose disease. Even if this misfortune did not touch you during your first pregnancy, now you need to be especially attentive to the vascular "asterisks" on your legs. For prevention, you can use special compression stockings for expectant mothers.
  • Risk of miscarriage. Increases if there were problems with the cervix. The cervical canal expands, and the fetal bladder can get into it.
  • Scar on the uterus. If you gave birth to your first child with caesarean section, then this does not mean at all that all subsequent births are possible for you only with the help of the same operation. But special attention should be paid to the scar on the uterus (especially if it was not transverse, but longitudinal, along the line of the middle of the uterus). In this case, a low attachment of the placenta, a threat of abortion, placental insufficiency is possible (in this case, the fetus does not receive enough oxygen and nutrients, since the uteroplacental blood flow decreases).
  • Anemia. During a second pregnancy, it happens more often than the first time. If in previous births you had heavy bleeding and now hemoglobin is significantly reduced (below 70), then the body needs serious recovery work. A new pregnancy in this situation may cause progression of anemia or other significant complications.
  • Lactation. This is also a severe test for the female body, it is desirable that by the time of the next pregnancy the previous lactation has already ended, because during breastfeeding there is a large consumption of vitamins and trace elements in order to meet the needs of the baby. That is why during lactation, many women complain of increased hair loss and tooth decay. And the new pregnancy only increases this burden. In addition, during stimulation of the nipples, the production of the hormone oxytocin is stimulated, which causes uterine contractions (this mechanism is provided for the uterus to contract faster after childbirth, but such contractions are not necessary at all for a new baby). By the way, nature is wise, and often when a new pregnancy occurs, the first-born often refuses mother's milk himself, because it changes its taste dramatically.
  • Early dates. The second pregnancy itself becomes noticeable earlier than the first. This is due to the fact that after childbirth, the uterus does not shrink to a girlish state, but remains slightly enlarged. Therefore, the second pregnancy becomes noticeable about a month earlier than the first. The mother herself feels the second child in her womb earlier. After all, she already knows well how his first tremors and movements are felt, she will distinguish them from the contractions of the digestive tract. If you most likely felt the movements of the first baby for a period of about five months, then you will feel your second baby as early as four months of his intrauterine life.

Repeated births

  • Repeated births generally last less than the first. On average, this exciting process takes about 10-12 hours for primiparous women, about 4-5 hours for multiparous women. At the same time, the painful period of preparatory fights is reduced most of all. The cervix and vaginal muscles have become more elastic, because they were once stretched by the head of your first child, so it takes less time and less effort to open them again.
  • false contractions before the second birth are more common. To determine if it's time for you to go to the hospital (link "Birth begins"), try to change the position of the body, take a warm shower. False contractions during these manipulations will subside, but true ones will continue.
  • Occurs more often weakness labor activity during the push. This is due to the fact that the tone of the anterior abdominal wall weakens as a result of a previous pregnancy. To prevent this phenomenon from the twentieth week, wear prenatal bandage It will help support the abdominal muscles.
  • More common in multiparous bleeding in postpartum period . Especially if, after a previous birth, a scar remains on the uterus or a second caesarean section is planned. Bleeding after childbirth is sometimes provoked by inflammatory diseases of the uterus.

Between first and second

If your first child is not yet two years old, he, of course, still requires a lot of care and attention from you. However, it is also very important not to forget about yourself now. Here are a few simple tricks, which will reduce physical activity on your body.

  • Try to carry the baby in your arms as little as possible. Actively use the stroller-cane, teach your baby to climb into the crib or bath by himself, using a small stable bench and your support by the hand.
  • If you are sitting and the child wants to climb into your lap, do not pick him up - let him climb himself.
  • If you still have to lift the baby in your arms, do not bend over, but bend your knees, keeping your back straight. After lifting the child, gently straighten up by straightening your legs.
  • If your older child is still sleeping with you in the same bed, it's time to move him to a separate bed or room. Keep in mind that this should not be done immediately before the birth, but at least a few weeks in advance so that the little stranger does not supplant its predecessor at one moment. Arrange with your child his new "home", make it cozy and calm.

And in any case, do not panic - despite all the difficulties, not a single mother has yet regretted that she gave birth to such wonderful babies. Experienced parents find that life becomes easier with two or three children. Your children will have the most reliable support and support for life.

Inessa Smyk

Pregnancy is a huge event in the life of every woman. This is a special state with which many emotions and experiences are associated. Many people think that a woman is very worried when she is pregnant for the first time, and a second pregnancy is already much easier. But this is a big misconception, and every mother who has already been a member will confirm this.

There are more than enough reasons for unrest during the second, third and so on pregnancies. And although, on the one hand, a woman who has already given birth knows how it is to be in a position, knows all the symptoms, knows how her body tolerates this condition, what fetal movement is and how childbirth goes, on the other hand, there are many reasons for concern. Firstly, it often happens that the first pregnancy proceeds completely differently from subsequent ones.

It is not necessary that the first pregnancy will be the most difficult. It happens that during a second pregnancy a woman feels worse, toxicosis is more difficult, bearing a fetus is more difficult. Secondly, re-pregnancy after a caesarean section or after a difficult birth, IVF and other complications and features is of particular concern. Also, pregnancy, which follows after an abortion or miscarriage, that is, if there was an abortion, requires special attention.

Thus, there are a number of objective factors why it cannot be considered that the second or third pregnancy is easier than the first. These are good reasons why it is imperative for a woman to pay maximum attention to her health during pregnancy, starting from the planning stage.

What is special about re-pregnancy

Re-pregnancy is the name for the second, third and all subsequent pregnancies. Doctors know that pregnancy and childbirth can proceed in completely different ways, different reasons contribute to this. A huge influence on the condition of a woman is her age, general condition of the body, lifestyle and other factors.

Very often there is a difference in the attitude of the woman herself to her condition and to the condition of the fetus during the first and second pregnancy. If a woman is in position for the first time, she devotes a lot of time to her unborn baby and herself, monitors her diet and regimen, and pays attention to all the symptoms. But if she has in her arms Small child or several children, then there are no such opportunities even purely physically. Also, the attitude of others towards a pregnant woman often changes. During the first pregnancy, everyone takes care of the girl, and during the second one they may not show much interest. All these points are the reasons that a woman pays less attention to re-pregnancy and the condition of the fetus.

It also happens vice versa. Often, during the first pregnancy, a girl worries a lot, because she is worried about all the changes and signs that are taking place, she is afraid of future childbirth, and during the second she is much calmer, knows and understands what is happening to her, is not afraid of childbirth. This gives her the opportunity to take care of herself and her baby as efficiently as possible. She is more attentive to her health, pays attention to all signs of changes in the body and her lifestyle.

Planning and preparing for a second pregnancy

Ideally, pregnancy should be prepared in advance. Not all of us lead a healthy lifestyle, but even those who monitor their health regularly should pay special attention to themselves before having a baby. Moreover, this is necessary for both women and men. We live in a time when there are a lot of factors that negatively affect health. This is environmental pollution, and an unstable daily routine, and bad habits. It is good to conduct a general examination with qualified doctors, because not all signs and symptoms of malfunctions in the body are visible. There are diseases and conditions that are asymptomatic, but which, nevertheless, can harm your unborn child. You need to be careful about yourself if a woman is after an abortion, caesarean section, miscarriage and other complications, if there has been a repeated miscarriage.

Planning is ideal. But it is far from always possible to plan everything, so you need to carefully monitor your health and visit doctors regularly. This will help you immediately notice unpleasant signs and avoid possible problems. This is especially true for a woman who already has a child, but who still plans to have children in the future, and she had some health problems, for example, a pregnancy is planned after an abortion, a miscarriage when there was an interruption, complications during childbirth, caesarean section if the first pregnancy was with the help of IVF. This is a special category of women, and they should be especially attentive to themselves.

((banner2-left)) There is a lot of advice from experts on what is the best time interval between pregnancies. A separate aspect is what is the best age difference between children. But this issue is dealt with more by psychologists and teachers, and from a medical point of view, there are recommendations and signs.

The birth of a child changes a lot in a woman's body. Pregnancy and childbirth is a big burden, and after them there are many different changes. It does not matter which way the child was born - it was a natural birth or due to a caesarean section. After all, when a woman bears a child, the work of various organ systems changes, as well as changes in the hormonal background. After childbirth, the body returns to its normal state, and this process is again accompanied by changes. Re-pregnancy is not recommended too soon after childbirth, especially if you have had IVF, because everything internal organs and systems should bounce back and resume normal operation. Experts in the field of women's health argue that it is necessary to wait for the body to fully recover and not to load it again with pregnancy and childbirth until it has returned to normal. The best option for a break between pregnancies is from two years.

Among other things, a woman also needs to recover psychologically and prepare for a new pregnancy.

What to do before getting pregnant again

So, before getting pregnant, the following is extremely important and recommended:

  1. Consult a doctor in order to make an ultrasound of the organs of the reproductive system - the uterus and ovaries.
  2. Take vaginal swabs for analysis, so that the specialist can determine if you have erosion, if your cervix is ​​in order. Such problems are best detected before pregnancy. This will avoid many troubles during gestation.
  3. Inspect the whole body, treat chronic diseases. Pregnancy is a load on various organ systems, so it is better to eliminate existing problems to the maximum.

An important point: with each pregnancy, you must attend courses or a school where they prepare for childbirth. It would seem that after giving birth, a woman already knows everything about this process, but in reality this is not so. Second births are often more difficult than the first, especially after a caesarean section or other complications. Therefore, expert advice is very important.

The preparation process is extremely important for both the woman and the fetus. Unfortunately, women's health problems are not uncommon these days. It is not easy for the body to recover from a difficult birth, abortion, miscarriage or caesarean section if there was an abortion. Pregnancy with the help of IVF is also quite common now. To avoid complications, you need to reasonably and balanced approach to the issue of pregnancy.

And even if the first pregnancy was easy, without side effects, it is better for you and for the fetus to undergo all the necessary examinations on time, then there will certainly be no reason for concern.

Distinctive signs of re-pregnancy

What is the difference between a second pregnancy and the first? There are a number of differences, unfortunately, not all of them are pleasant.

  • The risk of miscarriage increases if a woman had problems with the cervix during a previous pregnancy. To prevent a miscarriage, you need to pay special attention to your health, listen to your body, pay attention to the movement of the fetus in order to minimize the risk of miscarriage.
  • The risk of developing varicose veins increases.
  • If during the first birth the baby was born by caesarean section, then a scar remains on the uterus. This does not mean that in the future childbirth will only be by caesarean section, but health should be treated with great attention.
  • Repeated pregnancy is more often accompanied by anemia than the first.
  • Sometimes there are problems during lactation. It is important that by the time a second pregnancy occurs, lactation after the first one is completely over and the body is restored.
  • Another difference is that a repeated pregnancy becomes noticeable and tangible for a woman much earlier, for about a month. And visually it is noticeable earlier, and the woman feels the movement of the fetus sooner.

Re-pregnancy after a difficult first

If the first pregnancy was difficult, if the woman is after a caesarean section, abortion, miscarriage, difficult birth or IVF, then the conditions are special. Now a lot of questions are raised by such a procedure as eco. IN Lately couples who can't get pregnant naturally, and there are various reasons for this, they are increasingly resorting to it. There are many misconceptions associated with eco. Women are often interested in what is the probability of getting pregnant after IVF without the intervention of doctors. Practice shows that the probability is quite high, cases are not uncommon, this can happen immediately after childbirth, but you need to be attentive to your state of health. Therefore, eco is not at all a hindrance to getting pregnant in the future on your own.

You should also be careful about pregnancy after an abortion, when there was an interruption. After an abortion, you can get pregnant almost immediately, it is physically possible. But it is better to wait for some time for the body to recover after an abortion. The same goes for a miscarriage. Any termination of pregnancy is a huge stress for the body, and then it needs time to recover. After an abortion, the body also needs to recover.

Repeated pregnancy has its own characteristics and signs. You need to know about them, take into account all the moments, then both mother and baby will be healthy.

The probability of conception after childbirth is mainly of interest to those who are in no hurry to immediately acquire the next after the birth of one child. However, there are (although much less often) other situations: parents want the difference between children to be as small as possible; unfortunately, tragic circumstances occur (for example, artificially induced premature birth due to severe fetal deformity or a high risk to the life of the mother). Regardless of the reasons for which you are interested in the likelihood of conception after childbirth, it is useful first of all to understand what happens to the ovarian-menstrual cycle of a woman in the postpartum period.

Even during pregnancy, the pituitary gland of a woman begins to actively produce the hormone prolactin, which prepares the mammary glands for lactation, stimulates lactation and at the same time suppresses ovulation. At the moment when the baby suckles the breast, the secretion of prolactin intensifies, and as the time between feedings increases, it falls. As a rule, while a woman is breastfeeding only, prolactin completely suppresses ovulation - lactational amenorrhea occurs (absence of menstruation during breastfeeding). However, there are, and often, cases when, with quite sufficient lactation, the menstrual cycle is restored relatively quickly.

Concerning the probability of conception, the following can be stated.

When can you get pregnant after giving birth?

Firstly, it is almost impossible to establish any patterns in the timing of the restoration of the ability to conceive. That is, of course, it is known that breastfeeding causes a delay in ovulation, but it is impossible to accurately predict the time of the first postpartum ovulation. The timing of the resumption of ovulation after childbirth is very individual. Moreover, they can be different in the same woman after different births, so you should not rely on your previous experience in this matter. The main indicator of ovulation recovery is the first postpartum menstruation. Non-breastfeeding women begin menstruation earlier than breastfeeding women. It is known that the earliest ovulation was registered on the fourth week after childbirth in non-lactating women and on the seventh week in lactating women. In order not to miss the first postpartum ovulation, it is recommended to use a temperature test1. Start measuring lactating women should be from the 6th week after childbirth, and non-nursing - from the 4th: in order not to miss the moment of its increase, indicating ovulation.

Secondly, anovulatory cycles (i.e., menstruation without ovulation) may occur after the return of menstruation.

Thirdly, the absence of menstruation does not mean at all that a woman cannot conceive a child. The fact is that the moment of conception may fall just in the middle of a newly restored cycle.

It is noticed that at the onset of the next pregnancy, the child often refuses mother's milk. It is assumed that one of the mechanisms of the child's refusal to breastfeed in this situation is the following. At the moment when the baby begins to breastfeed, the mother reflexively releases the hormone oxytocin, which stimulates the contraction of smooth muscles. This leads to a reduction in the terminal ducts of the mammary gland (milk is, as it were, "injected" into the child's mouth). At the same time, the muscles of the uterus also contract. This is very useful after childbirth, but in the case of a new pregnancy, an increase in the tone of the uterus can lead to a miscarriage. Therefore, apparently, at the onset of the next pregnancy, the secretion of oxytocin is suppressed, and it becomes unusually difficult for the child to suckle. In addition, under the influence of hormonal changes in the body that accompany the onset of pregnancy, the taste of milk may change. However, there is no natural connection between the refusal of the child to breastfeed and re-pregnancy.

How long does it take to recover after childbirth

Modern medicine claims that for the complete recovery of the female body after childbirth, the interval between childbirth and the next pregnancy should be at least two years, although, of course, this should be considered more of a recommendation than an immutable rule: many women have successfully given birth and give birth to children of the same age.

Mom, don't rush. How long should I wait before planning my next pregnancy?

Agree, if there are certain WHO medical recommendations on the interval between births, then it was not without reason that they were developed and written? In addition, unfortunately, not all women who want to have a bunch of children can be called practically healthy. For them, a certain period of break between children is far from the last thing.

Why is the term measured: what should be the interval between pregnancies?

From the point of view of physiology, nothing prevents a healthy woman from becoming pregnant again literally immediately after childbirth (as you know, lactation does not prevent this at all). Often this is how it happens, and weathers are born - brothers and sisters with a difference of only a year or so. If the mother is healthy, the previous pregnancy went well, then everything will most likely go smoothly this time.

Although, probably, there are very few parents who consciously plan exactly the weather. Because, having barely given life to one baby, immediately carrying the next one is far from being a lifting burden for all modern women (and their husbands). And the reasons do not always lie in the fatigue of the body after a recent birth. The fact is that both physically and psychologically the female body at this time is not yet fully adapted to external life. A woman who has given birth, together with a child, has been in a rather closed system "mother - child" for a long time. All the forces and feelings of a woman are directed to the baby, for whom, in turn, the whole world is concentrated for a long time in one single person - mother. This relationship continues as long as the baby is breastfed, which means at least a year or two.

Officially, doctors believe that the optimal interval between births should be at least two years. Note that this is the period between childbirth, that is, before the next conception and pregnancy, the body needs to rest for a little more than a year. A number of anatomical, biochemical, hormonal and other studies served as the basis for such medical recommendations. According to doctors, the body must be given at least a year and a half (before conception) in order to finally restore the work of all organs, the vascular system, blood flow, and return to normal hormonal levels.

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All the will of God?

It is quite natural that women who intend to endure a certain period of time and how to recover properly need to be protected. However, there are many in Russia who do not do this for fundamental, most often religious, reasons. Some of these women are already experiencing their sixth or seventh birth by the age of 25. Unfortunately, almost all of them are at risk. In practice, this means the threat of bleeding during childbirth and the postpartum period, the development of diseases such as anemia, thrombophlebitis, thrombosis of the lower extremities and external genital organs (since the veins that are at the same level with the inferior vena cava experience constant compression syndrome).

Due to the short break between pregnancies, the uterus does not have time to build up the necessary basal layer, to which the placenta should normally attach. As a result, fetoplacental insufficiency, or impaired blood flow between the placenta and the baby, is formed. Children born to such mothers are often prone to malnutrition (growth retardation in the womb and low birth weight).

And all these problems are caused by one thing - insufficiently sustained period between births. After all, even if an absolutely healthy body is not given rest, at some point it will not be possible to avoid violations. Someone may object that earlier children were born one after another, without thinking about the timing. In general, it was believed: if a woman is able to become pregnant immediately after childbirth, this is normal. Let it be. However, it is also known that not all children survived, and many were born weakened. It would seem that in our days certain hopes are inspired by the progress of medicine. But on the other hand, the ecological situation and living conditions leave much to be desired. All this does not make a person healthier.

What questions need to be addressed before re-pregnancy

Of course, plans to expand the family are a purely personal matter. And yet, the recommendations of doctors should not be neglected. They are usually based on how your first pregnancy went. When making predictions for the future, doctors always take into account the difficulties that a woman faced the previous time. Perhaps the patient suffers from a general disease. In this case, they need to be eliminated and only then think about a new pregnancy. If serious anomalies have affected labor activity, it is necessary to carefully understand the reasons. Women who have undergone surgery during childbirth are automatically at risk. For them, there is a certain order of mandatory examinations. It also applies to those who suffer from chronic somatic diseases, blood diseases (clotting disorders, chronic anemia). Patients with nephropathy require special attention. Against the background of this disease, in the last trimester of pregnancy, pressure rises significantly, edema and adverse changes in the urine appear. If a woman is not cured, or at least has not undergone the necessary examination, her new pregnancy will be more difficult than the previous time. Old sores inevitably pile up on the problems of the new. And of course, it is better to get rid of them before the onset of the next pregnancy.

When to wait before planning another pregnancy

When preparing to become a mother again, a woman with a Rh-negative affiliation should be especially careful. It is not uncommon for the first child to be born with a positive Rh factor. And doctors do not conduct the necessary examinations, in the first 24 hours after childbirth they do not administer the anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin necessary in this situation. The consequences of such mistakes are quite serious. Firstly, antibodies that enter the child's body through mother's milk can cause serious changes in him. nervous system up to nuclear jaundice. Secondly, if antibodies are detected already during the next pregnancy, it is necessary to induce artificial labor ahead of time so as not to aggravate the situation.

With a caesarean section, doctors recommend keeping at least 2-2.5 years, in order to then conceive and carry the next child normally. Whether the mother will be able to give birth naturally this time depends on the reason for which the caesarean was performed. It's one thing if a woman had large fruit, foot presentation, or fetal weight did not match the size of the mother's pelvis. In this case, after passing the necessary examinations, she can give birth herself. If we are talking about diseases in which it is impossible to independently endure such a load as childbirth (indications of a neurologist, traumatologist or ophthalmologist), then it will not be possible to avoid a second operation. It is clear that chronic diseases of the spine, an obliquely displaced pelvis or a fracture of the spine will not get better for the next birth.

Extensive ruptures of the cervix that occur during childbirth also limit a woman's desire to become pregnant again as soon as possible. In this situation, cervical plastic surgery and an appropriate adaptation period are necessary. In addition, in this case, natural childbirth is impossible. The only thing left is a caesarean section.

At multiple pregnancy the uterus of a healthy woman returns to normal at the same time as during normal childbirth. However, according to the observations of doctors, mothers of twins do not soon decide on a second birth. They have a lot of workload.

If a woman has suffered diseases such as syphilis and hepatitis, then several years should pass between the present and future births.

The golden mean: the optimal break between pregnancies

The break between births should not be too long. After all, when a woman decides to have a baby 15-20 years after the first birth, it is hard for both doctors and her. Over time, as a rule, sores appear in the form of an infection, inflammatory processes in the appendages, often,. Often, abortions are added to this. Age cannot be discounted. The woman has become older, which means that in addition to medical problems, psychological ones also arise.

After so much time, they decide on a second baby, as a rule, for the sake of a new husband. It is fair to assume that a woman is tormented by questions throughout her pregnancy: how the stepfather will treat the first child, and the eldest child - to the newborn, etc. A woman is often forced to resort to the help of a psychologist.

Of course, it is better to stick to the golden mean. However, it is quite obvious that you need to prepare and plan for a new pregnancy in the same way as the previous one. Again, you will have to take the same tests and undergo all the necessary examinations.

By the way, in schools for future parents you can often meet experienced mothers who decided to have another baby in our difficult time. They want to do well this time as well.

Elena Petrovna Ozimkovskaya, chief physician of the maternity hospital

No matter how difficult the first pregnancy was, no matter how many complaints from young mothers came: about toxicosis, heartburn, pain, fatigue, it seemed what a terrible state pregnancy was, but very little time passes - six months, a year, the first-born grows up a little and mom thinks about second. Yes Yes! Again about this terrible state of health, which they are ready to experience again and again! These women are amazing creatures.

When is the best time to have a second baby?

The first question that may arise when planning a second pregnancy is? Experts recommend not to rush to re-pregnancy, ideally, after the birth of the first child, at least two to three years should pass. During this period of time, the weakened body of the mother after the first pregnancy and childbirth is able to fully recover. In addition, postponing your next pregnancy for several years will benefit not only your body, but also your first child, because then you can extend the period of breastfeeding your baby, which will undoubtedly have a positive effect on his health. While at the onset of a new pregnancy, continue breast-feeding more difficult: the body has to "work on two fronts" - to spend energy on the development of a new life and maintain the proper composition of milk. As a result, it may turn out that the mother will be left with nothing: the older child will independently refuse to breastfeed due to the fact that the milk has become tasteless, while the unborn child may suffer from a lack of essential substances, which may result in hypotrophy. Mommy herself can acquire a whole range of diseases, one of which is anemia.

In addition, when observing pregnant women who give birth in the summer, doctors managed to find out that during repeated pregnancy, women suffer toxicosis not only in the first half of pregnancy, but also in the second, and iron deficiency is also likely. On later dates pregnancy, there is a risk of miscarriage or premature birth. And since the pregnancy period does not always go well, the babies are born weakened and underweight. That is why it is better not to rush with repeated births.

If the interval between the first birth and the second, on the contrary, is large and is more than ten years, then in fact the second pregnancy can be called the first. For such a long period of time, the body has already forgotten all the skills of childbearing. And in most cases, the general state of health of the mother at the age is no longer as good as before. Therefore, there is a high risk of pregnancy with unpredictable consequences. Often, women over the age of 35 also have gynecological problems, such as uterine fibroids, endometriosis, and others, which can also affect the course of a second pregnancy.

Experienced Mom

Many doctors note the fact that mothers who give birth again are much more responsible and disciplined than primiparas. They do not need to be regularly reminded of the obligatory observance of the correct daily regimen, nutrition, rest, they independently follow diets, spend a lot of time outdoors, regularly visit a doctor, pass all the necessary tests on time and undergo examinations on time. Women who give birth again are psychologically ready for changes during pregnancy. It is during re-pregnancy that mothers become more liberated, are not ashamed of their interesting position and gladly show their belly to others.

Moms with experience are much less nervous and afraid during pregnancy. In addition, the experience gained during the first pregnancy helps the mother better navigate during the second pregnancy, better feel and understand the unborn baby.

Features of repeated pregnancy

Re-pregnancy is quite problematic for a long time to hide from the rest. Since the abdominal muscles, as well as the ligaments that hold the uterus in place during the first pregnancy, are stretched, during a second pregnancy, your stomach will increase before your eyes. That is why expectant mother in case of repeated pregnancy, already from the 20th week, it is recommended to wear a prenatal bandage, which relieves the load on the spine and legs. For many women with re-pregnancy, a prenatal bandage is a mandatory attribute not only at work, but also at home, during the period of rest and rest.

Another feature of repeated pregnancy is that the first movements of the fetus, giving birth to mothers, I feel already at the 18th week of pregnancy, since mothers who have given birth again already know what exactly to listen to, while primiparous mothers can confuse the movement of the fetus with peristalsis intestines.

If during the first pregnancy a woman had toxicosis, it is possible that during the second pregnancy the symptoms of toxicosis will increase. In addition, if during the first pregnancy you were diagnosed with “high blood pressure”, “protein in the urine”, you were tormented by edema, then during a second pregnancy you need to regularly take blood and urine tests, measure blood pressure, follow diets and monitor possible excessive weight gain, observe the salt and water regime. And of course, it is necessary to warn the doctor observing you about past problems, he will help you avoid them, tell you what to do, that the pregnancy went smoothly.

During the first pregnancy, the bottom of the uterus, or, as they say, the stomach, descends about two weeks before childbirth, i.e. the child prepares for the final stage in advance, then with a second pregnancy it is more difficult to notice the lowering of the abdomen: the baby's head is pressed against the pubic joint of the mother already directly during childbirth.

The cervix during repeated pregnancy may be shorter. But only a doctor can determine this, and the doctor must also check how tightly it is closed. Closure of the cervix must be complete in any pregnancy, no matter what the number is.

If during the first pregnancy there was a Rh-conflict, then subsequent pregnancies will make you bother. After the first pregnancy, antibodies remain in the mother's blood that tend to destroy the erythrocytes of the fetus and can develop hemolytic disease of the child. To avoid this, you need to go to a specialized hospital for examination and for further observation even before conception. Mothers will have to monthly take a blood test for antibodies, with the help of ultrasound to monitor the number amniotic fluid(there should not be polyhydramnios) and the size of the placenta, which should not be thickened. All these problems can be solved if you know about them in advance.

Most importantly, if a woman knows in advance about possible complications during pregnancy, she is less nervous, and in any case, this has a positive effect on the course of a second pregnancy. But the expectant mother needs to be nervous and worry as little as possible.

Often in women, the second pregnancy is much easier than the first. This fact can be explained by the fact that children are of different sexes: it was found that in women expecting boys - toxicosis, for example, is less common. Sometimes children from different fathers behave differently.

Some mothers are convinced that the first pregnancy is always "walking", while the second, on the contrary, is a couple of weeks shorter. But this is only a delusion. Childbirth occurs at the same time as before.

Re-pregnancy after caesarean section

If your first baby was born as a result of a caesarean section, mom should think about re-pregnancy no earlier than a year later: it is necessary to allow the scars on the uterus to heal. However, if you want a second baby, then you should not delay a second pregnancy: it is believed that over time, the scar loses its strength and elasticity. The optimal difference between the first and second pregnancy should be 2-3 years, but preferably no more than 5 years.

It is the strength of the scar on the uterus after cesarean section that will become the main problem of repeated pregnancy. Even before conception, the expectant mother needs to undergo an ultrasound examination, which can objectively assess the condition of the scar.

The scar tissue from a caesarean section is different from the inner layer of the uterus, the myometrium. As a result, if the place of attachment of a fertilized egg becomes on the anterior wall of the uterus, close to the scar, then theoretically this can lead to various unpleasant consequences, for example, to subsequent placental insufficiency. But only theoretically: the placenta is an organ with great compensatory capabilities. For example, she can "grow" another additional share, which will provide the fetus with everything necessary. Therefore, if the problem is only in the scar, then the placenta will cope with it. In addition, a pregnant mother can always count on the help of doctors who, during each visit to the antenatal clinic, will do appropriate examinations: ultrasound fetal biometry and placentometry, in which case any deviation will be immediately noticed. The mother herself also needs to monitor her well-being, it is especially worth paying attention to the painful movements of the fetus, which are often associated with the divergence of the scar. However, even a very difficult pregnancy in a hospital, doctors will be able to "hold out" until the moment of functional maturity of the fetus.

The time when, after a caesarean section, a woman was categorically forbidden to give birth in the future, is left behind. Now it is not uncommon for cases when, with the help of a cesarean, not only the second baby, but even the fifth, is born. As they say, the main thing would be desire, but you can cope with difficulties.

Preparing an older child for a new family member

In addition to preparing for the upcoming happy event of the mother herself, the spouses need to prepare in advance for the appearance of a new family member and an older child. This is a rather crucial moment that needs to be approached wisely. It is necessary to prepare the child for the appearance of a brother or sister gradually throughout the pregnancy, the most important thing in the process of preparation is to make it clear to the child that he is still loved. This moment is very important for the older child, he should not feel that with the advent of the little one in the family, he will be loved less. If the child feels this, then the appearance of the baby will be the same long-awaited event for him as for the parents themselves.

The course of pregnancy is inherent in the genetic program of the female body. But, fortunately, modern doctors have learned to interfere with certain aspects of this program. If your doctor has information about the first pregnancy, and ideally he led it himself, he will help prevent possible problems during a second pregnancy, which means only one thing that you will have a healthy baby very soon.

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