Presentation on the topic: "Guardianship. Guardianship

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Rights of the child

Rights of the child Rights of the child - a set of children's rights, recorded in international documents on the rights of the child. According to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, a child is a person under the age of 18. The state has committed itself to protecting children, so they have the same rights as adults.

International Instruments on the Rights of the Child The well-being of children and their rights have always attracted close attention from the international community. Back in 1924, the League of Nations adopted the Geneva Declaration on the Rights of the Child. At that time, children's rights were considered mainly in the context of the measures that needed to be taken with regard to slavery, child labor, child trafficking.

Declaration of the Rights of the Child In 1959, the United Nations (UN) adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, which proclaimed social and legal principles relating to the protection and welfare of children.

According to the Declaration of the Rights of the Child: The child has the right: to a family; to care and protection from the state, if there is no temporary or permanent protection from the parents; go to school and study; to equality in rights; express your thoughts freely; to your own opinion; in name and nationality; to receive information; to protection from violence and abuse; for medical care; for rest and leisure; for additional assistance from the state, if there are special needs (for example, for children with disabilities)

Convention on the Rights of the Child Between 1979 and 1989, the UN Commission on Human Rights, in which experts from many countries of the world participated, prepared the text of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Compared to the Declaration (1959), where there were 10 short, declarative provisions (principles), the Convention has 54 articles that take into account almost all aspects related to the life and position of the child in society. It not only concretizes, but also develops the provisions of the Declaration, imposing legal responsibility on the states that have adopted it for actions concerning children.

Countries that have ratified or acceded to the Convention must review their national legislation to ensure that it is in line with the provisions of the UN Convention. The Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted and opened for signature, ratification and accession by Resolution 44/25 of the UN General Assembly of November 20, 1989. It entered into force on September 2, 1990. In Russia, it was ratified by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on July 13, 1990. It entered into force for USSR September 15, 1990

Russian documents on the rights of the child The main document in our country is the Federal Law of July 24, 1998 No. Russian Federation”, adopted by the State Duma on July 3, 1998, approved by the Federation Council on July 9, 1998. It consists of 5 chapters and 25 articles: Chapter I. General provisions(Articles 1-5); Chapter II. The main directions of ensuring the rights of the child in the Russian Federation (Art. 6-15); Chapter III. Organizational bases of guarantees of the rights of the child (Articles 16-22); Chapter IV. Guarantees for the execution of this Federal Law (Article 23); Chapter V Final Provisions (Arts. 24-25)

Russian documents on the rights of the child In addition, the rights of the child are enshrined in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and the Family Code of the Russian Federation. Conventionally, the rights of the child can be divided into 6 main groups: The first group includes such rights of the child as the right to life, to a name, to equality in the exercise of other rights, etc. The second group includes the rights of the child to family well-being. The third group includes the rights of the child to the free development of his personality. The fourth group of rights is designed to ensure the health of children. The fifth group of rights is focused on the education of children and their cultural development (the right to education, to rest and leisure, the right to participate in games and recreational activities, the right to freely participate in cultural life and engage in art). And the sixth group of rights is aimed at protecting children from economic and other exploitation, from involvement in the production and distribution of drugs, from inhuman detention and treatment of children in places of detention.

Children and parents The main protectors of the child are, first of all, parents. It is on parents that the current legislation imposes the obligation to protect the rights and interests of children. Parents are the legal representatives of their children and act in defense of their rights and interests in relations with any individuals and legal entities, including in courts. Parents are required to support their minor children. This requirement of the law is most often fulfilled by the majority of parents who voluntarily provide funds for the maintenance of their children, to provide them with everything necessary for life. If this obligation is not fulfilled voluntarily, then the parents are forced to pay alimony on the basis of a court decision.

Guardianship and Guardianship Bodies In local self-government bodies, in local administrations, there are special departments designed to take care of the protection of children and the observance of their rights - these are guardianship and guardianship bodies. Any child can apply here for help to protect their rights. In addition, such departments deal with adoption problems, take care of children left without parents. Children left without parental care may be adopted or taken under guardianship. Guardianship authorities are looking for people who are ready to take on the responsibility of caring for someone else's child.

Adoption Adoptive parents completely replace the child's biological parents. They have to support him, take care of him. The child is equal in his rights to own child– for example, an adopted child has equal rights to inheritance under the law. However, more often children left without parental care are placed under guardianship or guardianship.

Guardianship and Custody A child under the age of 14 is placed under guardianship, and after 14 years - guardianship. Often, relatives of the child, for example, grandparents, are appointed guardians with the permission of the guardianship and guardianship authorities. In this case, the child lives together with the guardian, who is obliged to take care of the child, his health, education, development, and the safety of his property. Guardians are not required to support such a child - money is allocated for his maintenance social bodies. When a child turns 14, guardians automatically become trustees. Representatives of departments of guardianship and guardianship constantly monitor the living conditions of such children. In the presence of good reasons guardianship may be cancelled.

foster family Many children become orphans for various reasons. The current family legislation provides for the possibility of raising such children in a foster family. Such a family can be created by a husband and wife who have their own children. They take orphans or children left without parental care into their families. A foster family is not an adoption. Parents in this case act as educators, this is their main job, for which they receive a salary.

Foster family The rights of foster parents cannot be exercised in conflict with the interests of the child. In accordance with the Regulations on the foster family, children (children) left without parental care can be transferred to it: orphans; children whose parents are unknown; children whose parents are deprived of parental rights, are limited in parental rights, are recognized in judicial order incompetent, missing, condemned; children whose parents, for health reasons, cannot personally carry out their upbringing and maintenance, as well as children left without parental care, who are in educational, medical and preventive institutions, institutions social protection population or other similar institutions

References “Declaration of the Rights of the Child. Convention on the Rights of the Child "M., Pedagogical Society Russia, 2005. "Family Code of the Russian Federation" M., Legal Literature, 1993. Federal Law on Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation, M., 2007. Kashirtseva E., Shabelnik E. "Rights for Every Day" M., Vita- press, 1995. Nikitin A.F. "Right", M., Bustard, 2009.

Natalia Siluyanova
Round table with guardians "Problems of raising children under care"

Municipal state preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 10 of a general developing type of urban district Novovoronezh city»

Round table with guardians« Problems of education of wards children»

Working with parents (legal representatives)

N. V. Siluyanova educator

Implementation plan round table

1. Acquaintance.

2. Entering those present in the topic round table.

1. Speech by a social educator on the topic "Family, Problems, searching for a solution".

2. Discussion problem situations that occur in guardians(legal representatives) in family (caregiver H. V. Siluyanova)

Outcome round table reminders for guardians(legal representatives) "Basic principles education without punishment»

Explore points of view problem solving caregivers associated with raising children in a foster family.

Discuss different situations together education and ways of resolving conflict situations in guardian families of pupils.

Develop at guardians interest in collaborative discussion problems arising in parenting.

Continue cooperation ward families with preschool educational institutions and social and pedagogical services.


Musical accompaniment.

Drawings children on the topic: "My house".

memo "Basic principles education without punishment»

1 part. Acquaintance

Target: introduce the audience to each other.

The acquaintance takes place circle. Leading starts round table. Calls his name and throws the ball to the next participant. Each one circle does the same.

I propose to announce the rules that we will use during round table.

1. Confidential communication style.

2. Communication by principle "here and now".

3. Actively participate in what is happening, contact as much as possible with big amount group members

4. Privacy (what happens in the class is not taken out of the group)

It is very important for every child to have his own family, and today our state and government are making every effort and developing programs for the development of family homes, foster families, foster families so that the child can fully develop and grow in love, in family warmth and normal human relationships.

In count children- Orphans for every 10,000 child population Russia now ranks first in the world. About 20,000 people are left without families every year. children.

In Russian federation problem the general crisis of the family has led to a significant increase in child neglect and social orphanhood, to a steady increase in the number children living in residential institutions for orphans.

Performance teacher Siluyanova N. B. on topic

"Family Problems, search for solutions"

Recognize your child's uniqueness. The feelings, desires and needs of a child are unique. Before you scold your child for bad behavior, think and try to understand which caused disobedience. Usually, this is based on internal experiences, childhood fears or worries of the child. Try to find their cause and try to fix it.

Respect your child's values. It is necessary to recognize the personality of the child, the presence of his values, which may not intersect with your own. Be interested in what your baby loves, pay attention to what he is fond of, even if it is the most insignificant things. It is important to remember that the child has the right to his own opinion, and if it is erroneous, try to calmly explain to him what he is wrong about. Thanks to this approach, the child will begin to form his own system of values, he will learn to analyze his thoughts and actions.

Recognize your own mistakes. To upbringing the child was effective, parents, and you are now parents, need to admit their mistakes and understand that ideal people do not exist, and they are no exception. You may have to reconsider the system of claims against the baby, to abandon any methods. Try to understand if your requirements in relation to the child are not too high.

Set a good example. From the moment a child appears in your family, you become a kind of authority for him. Try to pass on your knowledge to the child and show how to communicate and behave with other people. For example, you can hardly instill a love of reading in your baby if he has never seen you with a book, and you won’t force him to clean the room if you don’t keep the house clean yourself. To teach him to respect adults, watch your communication with others and how you behave in society. The natural desire of a child is to imitate his parents.

Set family rules. Come up with a list of rules that will be mandatory for all family members, and try to explain their meaning to the child. Make sure that they do not contradict your own actions or words. For example, if a child has to wash their hands before eating, then everyone should do it. Otherwise, contradictions can disorient the child and complicate the formation of self-control. The established rules must be observed not only at home, but also at a party.

Sometimes parents or guardians ask Why is our child not like everyone else? But his parents are not like everyone else. But seriously, each person is unique, and our children are still the only ones! And if we talk about education, then we must remember the folk wisdom that parents raise a child while he lies across the bench, and then the children educate us. And this is a proven truth.

Today we are all here together will try to discuss problems in raising children in your families. We will discuss various situations together education and ways to solve them Let's talk about relationships.

And now our dear guardians will tell how do you live in the family and with what problems in raising children You have to face.

(representing the first guardian; grandmother, who raising a child with a disability)

Please tell me with what problems Do you have to face?

What help do you need

(grandmother answers)

(I present the following guardian who will go to first grade this year)

(the guardian is in charge)

Let's let's try discuss several situations that arise in each family.

1 situation

You are busy, as it seems to you, a very necessary thing. A child comes up and asks you to play with him. What will you answer? Will you be able to immediately drop everything and pay attention to your child?

(answers guardians)

2 situation

You are in the store with your child. We bought everything that is needed and suddenly your baby asks to buy him a small inexpensive toy. You understand that he does not need her, that this is a whim, a fleeting whim. The child yells at the whole store, drawing attention to himself. What will you do in this situation

(Answers guardians)

3 situation

You were wrong about something. For example, you unfairly punished a child for getting into a fight with another child. Your kid claims that he did not take part in the fight and was slandered. You did not believe him, and then it turned out that your child was right. Can you admit your mistake to your child?

(Answers guardians)

We have analyzed a few simple situations that each of you has encountered more than once. I hope that we will all draw the necessary conclusions for ourselves and try to avoid conflicts.

Discussion memo:

"Basic principles education without punishment»

Patience. Parents who dare education without punishment choose a difficult and thorny path. It will have a lot problems, but subject to all conditions, they will grow up a happy and self-sufficient person.

children we must love not for what they give us (a feeling of confidence, worthiness and pride, but to love just like that. Of course, it is easier to punish than to understand the reasons for bad behavior. But this shows the egoism of parents. They make it easier for themselves, infringing on their the child is a small person.

Accept your child for who he is problems, troubles and whims. He needs to feel loved and appreciated.

You need to give your child enough attention. After all, it is his deficiency that causes disobedience.

Recognize the identity of the child. From a very young age, when the little one still cannot speak, he already chooses his own clothes, a toy. He has his own feelings and suffering. They cannot be neglected. After all, it destroys individuality.

Upbringing personal example . If you forbid a child to lie - do not lie and do not embellish yourself. Follow the rules as a family. The child's innate instinct to imitate adults affects subconscious level. Try and you will understand that this is so.

The more pressure, the more resistance. If you constantly saw - remove the toys, do this, do that, don't take it, don't break it, don't touch it, then you can create such a tense atmosphere that the child wants to escape from it. What he will try to do in whims, protests and tantrums.

Punishment confirms that for every strength there is an even greater strength. The kid will grow up and your power and financial authority will disappear. Then the understanding will come that punishment is a mistake education but it will be too late.

Consistency is an assistant in following the rules. They said that if you don't give candy before dinner, don't. If today it is impossible, but tomorrow it is possible, then it is always possible.

Support desired behavior encouragement. Children quickly forget about the punishment that threatens in the event of a prank, but remember about presents for diligent behavior.

The parent must constantly develop, learn, so that the growing baby does not confuse him with difficult questions.

Do not fall for a provocation - tantrums, reproaches, rudeness. Be indifferent to such emotional outbursts.

Many parents doubt the correctness raising your child. The main doubt, of course, always concerns the use of punishments. The conversation is not at all about a belt and spanking, but about punishments in general - such as a corner, deprivation of a computer or personal money.

How does punishment work?

We are confident that we know what is best for our child. This point of view persists throughout life. But, deciding for the baby, we put pressure on his independence, turning a person into a mattress.

It is necessary to listen to the wishes of the child!

Let's take a look at a few situations.

1. Situation. Mom (and wards children are usually guardians are called mothers) dressed her daughter for a walk in bright, Nice dress and she wanted to play in the sandbox. Mom forbids - because the dress will get dirty. But clothes are not important for my daughter, sand is important to her. The girl does not care what to walk in, the main thing is to have fun.

What would you do in this case.

(Answers guardians)

Conclusion: The main thing is not to turn a walk into torture for both. And do not punish your daughter for being bored and wanting to play.

2. Situation. The son played out and scattered all the toys, but does not want to collect.

What to do in this case?

(Answers guardians)

Conclusion: Punishment is an additional motivator that limits the child in some action. But the child should be afraid not of punishment, but of the natural consequences of his actions. I didn’t remove the toys - I didn’t find my favorite soldier. Here it is, the punishment!

3. Situation. The child took someone else's thing without permission kindergarten and put it in my locker.

your actions in this case.

(Answers guardians)

Conclusion:Feel the way out together Problems. It is necessary to explain to the child that the owner of the thing will be upset if he does not find it on the spot. Because she is so dear to him. We must return it to its owner!

Should a child be punished for disobedience? Is it possible to do without punishment?

A parent who voluntarily chooses this path faces many challenges. But it is worth understanding that the absence of punishments is not at all permissiveness. This method education does not deprive a person of the rules and norms of behavior, and does not mean at all that if a toddler hits a neighbor in the sandbox, then he will be patted on the head for this.

Basic principles raising children without punishment

Children who grow up without punishment are known to be less aggressive. After all, rudeness is revenge for pain. Punishment breeds bitter resentment that stifles everything, including common sense.

That is, the child has nowhere to put this negativity, and it burns from the inside. Therefore, children often break into younger brothers, sisters and pets.

Gotta learn the art of growing children. Upbringing without punishment - big and hard work. Mostly, this is work on ourselves - after all, no matter what we do, the children will still be like us

So we all understand that upbringing possibly without punishment!


1. Usefulness of the meeting.

2. Relevance of the discussed situations.

3. The atmosphere of the meeting.

4. Presentation of the memo "Basic principles education without punishment»

Every citizen (individual), regardless of age and state of health, is able to have rights and obligations, i.e. has legal capacity. But not all citizens individuals) are able to independently exercise their rights and fulfill their duties due to a lack of legal capacity or its complete absence. has legal capacity. But not all citizens (individuals) are able to independently exercise their rights and fulfill their duties due to a lack of legal capacity or its complete absence.

At present, the fundamental rules on guardianship and guardianship are contained in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation Civil Code of the Russian Federation (part one) dated November 30, 1994 No. 51-FZ (as amended on July 21, 2005) // СЗ RF dated 05.12.1994, No. 32, art. . 3301, SZ RF dated July 25, 2005, No. 30 (2 hours), art. 3120. (Art. 31 - 40), which at the same time establishes that the activities of guardians and trustees related to the upbringing of minors under guardianship or guardianship, is the subject of regulation of family law (paragraph 1 of Art. 150 family code Russian Federation Family Code of the Russian Federation of December 29, 1995 No. 223-FZ (as amended on December 28, 2004) // СЗ RF of January 1, 1996, No. 1, art. 16, SZ RF dated 01/03/2005, No. 1 (part 1), art. eleven.). According to paragraph 4 of the named article, the civil rights and obligations of the guardian (custodian) are determined by Art. 36 - 38 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Thus, in the course of civil law, the subject of study is the civil law aspects of guardianship and guardianship. At present, the fundamental rules on guardianship and guardianship are contained in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation Civil Code of the Russian Federation (part one) dated November 30, 1994 No. 51-FZ (as amended on July 21, 2005) // СЗ RF dated 05.12.1994, No. 32, art. . 3301, SZ RF dated July 25, 2005, No. 30 (2 hours), art. 3120. (Art. 31 - 40), which at the same time establishes that the activities of guardians and trustees related to the upbringing of minors under guardianship or guardianship are the subject of family law regulation (clause 1, article 150 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation Family Code of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 1995 No. 223-FZ (as amended on December 28, 2004) // SZ RF dated 01.01.1996, No. 1, item 16, RF SZ dated 01.03.2005, No. 1 (part 1), art. eleven.). According to paragraph 4 of the named article, the civil rights and obligations of the guardian (custodian) are determined by Art. 36 - 38 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Thus, in the course of civil law, the subject of study is the civil law aspects of guardianship and guardianship.

The most important issues are decided directly by the head of the district, city, district administration in the city at the place of residence of the person subject to guardianship or guardianship, or at the place of residence of the guardian (curator). The head of the administration decides on the establishment of guardianship (guardianship) on the basis of a relevant court decision and issues a resolution on the appointment of a particular citizen as a guardian (trustee). The performance of other functions in the field of guardianship and guardianship is assigned to the relevant departments (departments), which are structural subdivisions of the local self-government body: in relation to minors - to departments (departments) of public education; in relation to persons recognized as incapacitated due to a mental disorder - to departments (departments) of health care or departments (departments) of social protection of the population. The most important issues are decided directly by the head of the district, city, district administration in the city at the place of residence of the person subject to guardianship or guardianship, or at the place of residence of the guardian (trustee). The head of the administration decides on the establishment of guardianship (guardianship) on the basis of a relevant court decision and issues a resolution on the appointment of a particular citizen as a guardian (trustee). The performance of other functions in the field of guardianship and guardianship is assigned to the relevant departments (departments), which are structural subdivisions of the local self-government body: in relation to minors - to departments (departments) of public education; in relation to persons recognized as incapacitated due to a mental disorder - to departments (departments) of health care or departments (departments) of social protection of the population.

1) An agreement is a transaction (Article 153 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), that is, an action aimed at the mutual establishment, change or termination of the rights and obligations of its participants (clause 1 of Article 420 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). 1) An agreement is a transaction (Article 153 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), that is, an action aimed at the mutual establishment, change or termination of the rights and obligations of its participants (clause 1 of Article 420 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). 2) When issuing such a “permit”, the guardianship and trusteeship body represented by the local government does not and cannot act as an independent party to this civil law transaction, since it does not have its own interest in the object of the transaction (clause 2, article 1 of the Civil Code RF). 2.1. Not in a transaction with a plurality of parties (clause 2, article 420 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, clause 3 of article 154 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). 2.2. Not in a transaction with a plurality of persons (clause 3 of article 420 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, clause 1 of article 308 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). 3) The body of guardianship and guardianship cannot act as a legal representative of a minor, since the direct protection of the rights of minors is entrusted by law exclusively to parents, guardians or trustees (clause 1, article 64 and clause 1, article 145 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation. This function of the bodies guardianship and guardianship can be carried out only in their absence (clause 1 of article 121 and clause 1 of article 145 of the RF IC) 4) Thus, the issuance of such a permit characterizes the existence of a legal relationship, the subject of which, on the one hand, is an administrative body (local self-government), on the other hand, a trustee or guardian (parent).

When appointing guardians and trustees, it is taken into account that they are given great confidence in ensuring the interests and well-being of the wards, their upbringing, and care for their health to the fullest extent. In order to take into account the interests of the wards as fully as possible, the law establishes a number of general requirements for guardians and trustees. First of all, their moral and other personal qualities should be taken into account. They must be capable of a certain self-restraint for the sake of a person taken under guardianship or guardianship, who is socially weakly protected. Also important are the requirements relating to the legal status of a person who has agreed to assume the duties and care of a guardian or custodian. When appointing guardians and trustees, it is taken into account that they are given great confidence in ensuring the interests and well-being of the wards, their upbringing, and care for their health to the fullest extent. In order to take into account the interests of the wards as fully as possible, the law establishes a number of general requirements for guardians and trustees. First of all, their moral and other personal qualities should be taken into account. They must be capable of a certain self-restraint for the sake of a person taken under guardianship or guardianship, who is socially weakly protected. Also important are the requirements relating to the legal status of a person who has agreed to assume the duties and care of a guardian or custodian.

The work can be used for lessons and reports on the subject "General topics"

Many presentations and reports on general topics will help you find interesting material gain new knowledge and answer a variety of questions

Psychological and sociological research. Father image. The role of the father in the upbringing of the child. Three groups of parenting motives. Behavior example. Fatherly love. Ideal father. The father plays the most important role in the assimilation of moral standards by children. The role of the father in the family. domestic teachers. Features of paternal parental position.

"Foster parents" - Gender and age composition of adoptive parents. results sociological research. Marital status of the adoptive parent. Foster families' expenses. Toolkit of sociological research. Adoptive parent. composition of the foster family. Occupational composition of the adoptive parent. Foster family.

"The Parable of Mom" ​​- Mom was getting old. Mom holds a small child in her arms. The baby drives me crazy. Big man. As long as I live, you will always be my child. "I will love you forever". I will always like you. The boy grew up. Grandma came to visit him. He had strange friends. Mom quietly opened the door.

"Songs and poems about mother" - extracurricular activity. Love. Song about mother. Mothers Day. Listening to an audio recording. Student. Installation. Poem in Tatar "Eni". Men. An excerpt from the poem "Barbarism".

"Pedagogical culture of parents" - Topics parent meetings. Typical mistakes of parents. Development of relationships between parents and children. Questions for parents. Pedagogy. period of development. Presentation by subject teachers. Pedagogical culture. Christmas gatherings. Component of the general culture of man. parental responsibility. educational potential of the family.

"Guardianship" - Documents. Guardianship. Guardianship (guardianship) at the request of the parents. Appointment of a guardian. Rules for the storage and transfer of personal files. Appointment of guardianship. Guardianship (guardianship) under the contract. Rules for conducting personal files of wards. Prior guardianship. Forms of the device of children. Placement of children under guardianship.

In total there are 17 presentations in the topic

At the request of the adoptive parent, the date of birth of the adopted child can be changed, but not more than by three months (only when adopting a child under the age of one year), as well as the place of his birth. Changes in the date and (or) place of birth of an adopted child are indicated in the court decision on his adoption (Article 135 of the RF IC)

At the request of the adoptive parent, the adopted child can change the NAME, PATRONYMAL and SURNAME. Changing the last name, first name and patronymic of an adopted child who has reached the age of 10 years is possible only with his consent. The change in the last name, first name and patronymic of the adopted child is indicated in the court decision on his adoption (Article 134 of the RF IC)

At the request of the adoptive parents, the court may decide to record the adoptive parents in the birth register as the parents of the child adopted by them (in relation to an adopted child who has reached the age of 10 years, his consent is required) (Article 136 of the RF IC)

slide number 10

The secret of the adoption of a child is protected by law. The following are obliged to keep the secret of the adoption of a child: the judges who made the decision on the adoption of the child; Officials who carried out state registration of adoption; persons otherwise aware of the adoption (clause 1, article 139 of the RF IC)
