Check watch by number online. How to distinguish a fake Swiss watch from the original? Where and how to buy original watches

If the car has long turned from luxury into a means of transportation, then wrist watch, on the contrary, since the time of full telephonization, they have become a confirmation of wealth, status and style and serve more like very expensive jewelry than for their intended purpose. In this regard, a lot of fakes and imitations of branded watches have appeared.

General requirements for originals

  1. In favor of the fact that you have the original in your hands, says the presence of a plastic card on which the name of the company, serial number, and sometimes even the contact numbers of manufacturers are engraved.
  2. Packing, box necessarily made of expensive material. It cannot be simple rough cardboard or cheap plastic.
  3. Luxury brands do not use gold-plated coating in the manufacture of the case. Watches that were made some time ago should not have scuffs with the presence of other metal underneath.
  4. Gold watches must have hallmarks (750) on the case and on the clasp.
  5. Sapphire glass is a must for luxury watches. You can determine the material using an electromechanical detector, which is used to identify the authenticity of diamonds.
  6. The glass must be adjacent to the body along the entire diameter at the same level from the edge. This is easy to determine if you turn the clock on edge.
  7. From the same angle, you can easily track the position of the arrows. In the original, they must be even and move around the axis strictly parallel to the plane of the dial.
  8. Be sure to pay attention to the quality of the strap. Expensive branded watches can only be attached to the best belts.
  9. Never on a Swiss watch and packaging will it say "Madein ...", only "Swiss ...".
  10. The code numbers on the tag, warranty card (necessarily plastic) and instructions must match.
  11. by the most in a simple way to expose the fake is to use the Internet. Each manufacturer places a catalog of their products on the Web with detailed description and photographs. Any discrepancy with the image of the original is a fact indicating that you have a fake in your hands.

Watch "Rolex»

One of the most prestigious watch brands has, like banknotes, many degrees of protection.

  1. The glass is made of polished sapphire crystal. A drop of water will help to distinguish it from ordinary glass, which will not spread, but will gather into an oval.
  2. A small lens enlarges the image of the date by 2.5 times and is located in the center of the numbers.
  3. Directly below the number 6, the engraving in the form of a crown, the symbol of the company, is very detailed using a laser. It is impossible to see it with the naked eye.
  4. The watch has a holographic sticker with a crown and number.
  5. In many models, an additional ring is installed between the winding wheel and the case, which serves as insulation.
  6. Rolex knockoffs always weigh less than the original because they use cheap materials.
  7. The second hand in a real watch rotates smoothly, without jerky ticks
  8. There is an embossing on the case. With a high magnification, you can make sure that the letters have clear edges.
  9. The digits of the serial number of the watch must also be clearly and neatly engraved on the side edge of the case.

Watch "Tissot»

This is another branded Swiss watch that starts at $200.

First of all, their authenticity is confirmed by packaging and equipment. The clock is attached to a white cushion rigidly fixed in the box. The set includes a suede case and a branded package. There are also documents, a warranty card, instructions for use and even booklets with the history of the plant.

On the winding mechanism, on a metal bracket, you can see the letter “T” extruded by the factory.

The original number must be applied on the back cover, which consists of numbers and letters and starts with 13.

Watch "hublot»

Anna Lyubimova

Swiss watches are considered the best in the world. They are expensive and luxurious, chic and prestigious, status and refined. They are worn by wealthy people from the Forbes magazine list, popular athletes, movie and television stars, ruling politicians and oil magnates. However, modern manufacturers, for the purpose of easy money, do not disdain to fake genuine chronometers from switzerland. In order not to deceive yourself and not waste money, you need to know how to distinguish the original swiss watches from a fake.

Types of fakes

Nowadays, craftsmen have learned to fake watches so carefully that it is difficult for an inexperienced person to distinguish real clocks from genuine products. In addition, there are two types of fakes on the market: copies and replicas. Copy is cheap low quality models With big amount shortcomings that can be seen even with the naked eye.

For the straps, low-quality materials are selected, there are dents or distortions on the cases, the mechanism is disposable and cannot be repaired

A replica is an acclaimed copy that is of excellent workmanship. The straps of such models are made of good materials, and the mechanisms are characterized by reliability and quality factor. However, the replicas are not made by Swiss companies and they are located in other states. Such watches inlaid with stones although precious, they are not of the highest quality, and their fastening leaves much to be desired. Replicas are produced by professionals.

Stylish Men's Watch with Roman dial

Making chronometers requires quality materials, so the cost of products will be more expensive than copies, but cheaper than original chronometers. Egypt and Türkiye produce the most replicas. To determine them allows the only criterion - the number of models available in the assortment of the store. If you only have a choice multiple watch options and they are all gold, be sure - these are not original products. The manufacturer of real walkers supplies certified stores and boutiques with a more diverse assortment.

Choosing a genuine chronometer: what to immediately pay attention to?

It should be remembered that high-quality and genuine watches from Swiss manufacturers can only be purchased in branded boutiques. In ordinary stores or by hand, they usually sell replicas or, even worse, cheap Chinese fakes.

If you saw a beautiful chronometer at a point of sale, and the seller assures you that it real swiss quality, then the first thing you should pay attention to is the inscriptions present on the products. So, often on the dial and sometimes on another visible element of genuine Swiss clocks, there should be an engraving of Swiss Made or Swiss.

If you saw the phrase Swiss Parts, then this indicates that only Swiss parts were used for the production of watches.

The inscription Swiss Movement or Swiss Quartz is evidence that the chronograph was made in another country, but used in its manufacture Swiss mechanisms. In this case, the model can be considered Swiss conditionally, however, the quality of such chronometers is better than that of many popular manufacturers.

Whatever the seller tells you, remember that genuine Swiss chronographs are assembled exclusively in Switzerland. There, each product is subjected to rigorous quality control. The clock mechanism must also be Swiss, but it is allowed to use about half of the components produced in another country.

If you were shown a piece engraved with the word Geneva, it means that it is an extremely expensive exclusive chronometer of the highest quality. For such hours no action promotions, discounts or discount programs.

Swiss watch engraving

How to distinguish an original Swiss chronometer from replicas and cheap fakes?

Buying indecent expensive watch, make sure that this is really a model made by Swiss watchmakers in Switzerland, and not the cheapest copy masquerading as a priceless branded item:

  1. Frame. Usually world famous brands for its production use silver or gold and never use brass or any other cheap alloy.
  2. Bracelet. Its quality, shade and texture must be at the highest level. If the model is equipped with a leather strap, then it must be resilient, durable, elastic and natural. Pay attention to the color - it should be uniform. On such bracelets you will not find any defects.
  3. stones. Originals are inlaid exclusively with precious or semi-precious stones, impeccable in hue and cut and set at the same depth.
  4. Mechanism. Genuine chronographs have an automatic movement, while a fake is equipped with a quartz one.
  5. Marking. good fakes label according to all requirements, however, there are products that do not have a catalog number. If you intend to buy the original of a particular brand, then study exactly how its marking looks like, what features it differs in.
  6. Emblem. Popular brands have a unique logo that is recognizable among users. It is placed directly on the watch case. You can distinguish a copy from a fake only after carefully studying the original emblem on the Internet or in the company's catalog.
  7. Protection. Some well-known watch manufacturers provide their authentic models with special protection marks, similar to how money is protected. banknote watermarks. Whether the watch of your chosen brand has any protection, you need to study before making a purchase.
  8. Package. Original chronometers are always packed in a branded box with a full package of accompanying documents. For the production of the box, gold embossing, morocco is used.

In addition, the bottom of the package is provided with information about the manufacturer.

What else to pay attention to?

When choosing a real watch from Switzerland, pay attention to its functions. Fakes are devoid of some of them. Therefore, first find out what options the chronometer of the label you decide to buy should have. Besides, quality chronograph hands float on the dial, and do not jump, like spears.

Authentic Swiss watches are stylish and versatile

Characteristic features of counterfeit Swiss watches

Inexperienced buyers often confuse low-grade Chinese knockoffs with quality replica Swiss watches. There are significant differences between these categories. If you can’t afford a genuine chronometer, but you can afford an expensive and good replica, then you should know how to distinguish it from cheap ones. disposable watch made in China.

Chinese models can be seen with the naked eye, because they have huge amount shortcomings. Often they have brass bodies, notches, the numbers on the dial are displaced, the inscriptions have uneven edges, you can see smudges of paint or glue. Looking more carefully, you will see irregularities and distortions on the product.

On Chinese watch there is either no engraving at all, or they say Made in Switzerland, which is absolutely unacceptable for real Swiss chronometers

Straps are made of budget alloys or leather substitute, which in some cases is unnecessary treated with flavoring genuine leather. Examine a Chinese fake bracelet and you will notice that it is heavily stamped and poorly polished. Since the mechanisms of such clocks are also produced in the Celestial Empire, they do not last long.

More important points

To make sure that you are buying a real replica, and not a copy from China, inspect the body of the proposed product. Its processing will reproduce the original almost exactly. Cases are made of expensive metals and decorated with precious stones. The only difference here may be in their location. IN original product stones placed on one level, in a replica, some elements may be located higher. It is enough to run your palm over the surface of the replica Swiss chronograph case to be convinced of this.

The replica differs from the original in that it integrates a low-quality clockwork, due to which the model will not work for a long time. However, unlike a copy, such chronometers can be repaired.

replica swiss watches

How to protect yourself from buying a fake?

Even after carefully studying the information on recognizing original watches and fakes, you can make a mistake and purchase a copy. If you are not sure what to do right choice, then first go for a consultation with an uninterested specialist, for example, a watch lover or a collector.

Going to the boutique, take with you latest releases catalogs of Vacheron Constantin, Cartier, Rolex and other brands to compare the proposed model with the original. Do not buy watches from unknown places. It is better to do this in the official stores of the company.

September 3, 2018, 21:31

[as well as any other direction of Casio] in Russia [for Ukraine and other countries - the situation is very similar]. In 99% of cases, you can avoid buying a fake choosing the right store as well as knowing and following some basic rules. Telling how this or that fake differs from the original is not always correct: there are millions of fakes, new ones appear every day, they are of varying degrees of quality and similarity [you understand, the information is updated daily, so it’s almost impossible to keep up with all the “achievements” of Chinese needlework].

So let's start with the basics...

Skmei brand with G-Shock GR-8900 design

I. When buying jishoks in Russia [Ukraine, etc.], you should always go with the watch Casio official warranty card a new sample (with a hologram) for 2 years. If the store offers you “its own warranty card” - this always means that the store is not an official reseller [seller] of Casio products in the Russian Federation. This store does not have a supply contract with the only Casio distributors in the Russian Federation and the origin of watches in such a store is unknown. You may be sold a fake or problematic model. Casio in every possible way does not recommend buying products in these stores and, moreover, is fighting these stores in the legal field [did you notice how often they close?].

II. All stores always use abbreviated model names jishokov [general article]. For example GA-700-4A is the general article number of the model. However, for each market, whether it be Japan, Europe or the Asian region, each model has a regional ending. For official hours, which are supplied to Europe by Casio [Russia belongs to the European market], this ending is - ER[check your watch by serial number and you will know if your model is gray or not. If imported unofficially, then do not rely on a guarantee and any official service].

Thus, you can always look at the box [or check before buying and check upon receipt] the full name of your model. If it sounds like GA-700-4AER - another point in favor of buying a real Casio watch. If the model ends with the ending: DR or JF or CR - you buy a gray watch that was imported into Russia [Ukraine, etc.] by no one knows who and how, it is not known how their logistics, storage took place, whether they are new, whether they were repaired earlier and etc. As a rule, such models do not have an official Casio warranty card and a manual in Russian [check all your watch packaging components]. End hours must be either ER or VEF or VUEF, for example: EQB-510D-1AER or EFR-510L-5AVEF or EFR-539D-1A2VUEF. Next to these endings on the box or tag must be the EU marking:

The endings VUDF, VDR, UDR, DR, VCB, DJF and others indicate that the watch arrived in Russia not from Europe in an unknown way and is at best just gray.

Bottom line: ER on the box are our bros, DR/JF/CR and others are not bros.

III. The next paragraph is simple and in short it sounds like: free cheese only happens in a mousetrap. The official Casio market in Russia is designed in such a way that only Casio itself sets prices for products. Stores cannot list watches below these prices, this is called RRP [Retail Recommended Price]. This is one of the most important rules Casio and all stores that violate it lose their supply contract. In other words, this means that if you see prices somewhere below the RRP, this is 100% not official store and there they can sell you a fake and anything. You can always check the current official prices in the official online store.

When buying expensive watches, many people ask themselves: “How to distinguish a fake Swiss watch from the original?”. Nobody wants to pay for a fake. Let's start with the simplest, price.

· Rough copies are sold at an average price of 100 - 600 rubles

This watch has a lot of obvious flaws. The dials are made carelessly. Numbers and serifs are shifted, slightly rotated along the axis. The edges of the inscriptions most often slightly "float", that is, they have irregularities. But on the other hand, if a small amount of water or even steam accidentally gets into the watch, the flaw will be detected instantly.

On the case of such watches, there is usually no engraving at all. Sometimes very rude inscriptions "Made in Swiss" or "Made in Switzerland" come across (such marking is not provided by Swiss manufacturers. Original watches contain markings: "Swiss Made" or "Swiss Movement"), in more detail, we will return to marking later. The case may have a coating that "peeled off" from the very beginning. In such watches, the straps are made inaccurately and are made of leatherette. Pronounced folds and wrinkles are formed when the strap is bent. Uneven stitching, threads sticking out in places. On the inside, there is either nothing at all, or obscure inscriptions are applied. Steel bracelets also bear traces of handicraft production - rough stamps, poor polishing of the inside. Their outer side is often covered with paint, which, due to carelessness, also falls on the inside.

The mechanism of these fakes is usually Chinese. Breaks down quickly. Often, products of this quality are not even tried to fake well-known watch brands, but invent their own. However, we have seen 100 ruble Rados and 200 ruble Tissots and Rolexes. It is not difficult to distinguish such a fake.

· Solid copies are sold at an average price of 700 - 2,500 rubles

Similar fakes can already be compared with the original. The property of copies of this group consists in outwardly insignificant deviations from the original and, of course, in the quality and origin of the mechanism.

You can always identify a fake by the location and style of the marks, if you have repeatedly seen original watch. The location of the inscriptions and the shape of the arrows may differ from the original, and the paint

marks may be slightly worn or uneven in some places.

Often noticeable is a heterogeneous printing of inscriptions on the cases and bracelets of such watches. Counterfeiters use flat dies to print on curved surfaces. This does not allow printing to the same depth. Manufacturers rarely change stamps, their edges are erased from time to time. Why is it noticeable that the extreme letters of the words, the protruding elements of the letters are squeezed out indistinctly.

Cases of gold watches of such fakes are usually made of brass and with poor quality gilding, which, over time, the gilding will begin to peel off. This shortcoming is difficult to detect at first. On the original watch made of precious metals, there is always a test (18 carat gold is used as standard). Such fakes are rarely produced under fictitious brands, but they often misrepresent models of famous brands or have no branded prototypes at all. For example, there is a well-known case of selling a 1932 Franck Muller watch. However, Maestro Frank Muller himself (the founder and chief designer of the company) was born in 1958, and the company that received his name was established in 1992.

The mechanism of such watches, depending on the price, can be either Chinese or Japanese, and even partly Swiss. (It is not uncommon for the basic mechanisms to be smuggled out, resulting in a significant reduction in their value.) Often there are cases of substitution of the nature of the mechanism. For example, the original watch has an automatic movement - a copy of a similar model is equipped with a quartz movement. Sellers of such fakes usually insist that this is "such a modification" of the original watch. At the same time, they will confidently tell you that the watch was produced "under a Swiss license" in Dubai or possibly in ... Finland ... It is not difficult to determine which mechanism is installed in the watch you are considering: the second hand is in mechanical watch it smoothly shifts, and in quartz watches it moves in jumps from division to division.

Straps and Bracelets of such watches can be both good enough and very rough. You need to understand that the better the copy is made, the more expensive its production is. Naturally, manufacturers of fakes are trying to save on everything, which certainly affects the quality.

· Exact copies are sold at an average price of 3,000 - 10,000 rubles

Replicas - this is how it is customary to call high-precision copies of elite watches. They are almost indistinguishable from the original, except that they are not made in Switzerland at their own factory. The production of an exact copy costs more than cheaper fakes, their price is usually quite high.

The case usually accurately reproduces the characteristics of the original, and parts of it that should be polished are polished, and the sanded ones are buffed. Replica bodies can be made from precious metals(more often - silver, less often - gold), there are fakes inlaid with precious stones. Jewelry replica watches are usually of low quality inlay (stones often fall out, do not hold). To reveal such defects, it is enough to run your finger along the rim with diamonds. The original watch has all the stones set to the same depth. None of them sink in or protrude. Diamonds in counterfeit watches are poorly cut, may have a grayish yellow tint and contain inclusions. The color of the stone, of course, is not easy to determine by eye. Not every person is able to do this, even with the original in front of him. The specialist recognizes such a substitution at one glance. The marking of the replicas meets the requirements of the original, but there are also copies without a catalog or serial number. The crown of most expensive

models contains an embossed emblem of the brand or a specific series. The crown, obligatory for Rolex, is modified on fake watches. In the Flagship series, Longines has the image of a frigate on the crown, which is repeated on the case back, while other models have the logo of the company engraved on the crown.

Good familiarity with the original can help you recognize an exact copy. According to experts, there are few copies that would be impossible to distinguish. Such a fake would be too expensive. And savings in production always affects quality. Some companies mark their watches with security features, like watermarks. So, Breguet makes cryptography on the dial, which can only be seen at a certain viewing angle. original watch Frederique Constant have markings that are only visible in ultraviolet light. The platinum Heart Beat Day-Date and Heart Beat Retrograde models feature an invisible issue number on their dials. Original Frederique Constant watches have silver dials with an Arabic index at 10 o'clock and reflect the limited edition number. The words "S wiss made" will appear on the bottom and top of the watch with a black dial. But these and many other signs are kept secret, and are not even available to all professionals. In general, for a non-specialist, it is extremely difficult to distinguish a high-quality replica from the original. Without a thorough examination, with opening the case and inspecting the mechanism, the probability of error is extremely high, even for a specialist. An autopsy, however, reveals everything. Manuel Emsh CEO Jaquet Droz, an old Swiss watch company, says that the easiest way to determine the authenticity of a Swiss watch is to open the lid. "The elegance and beauty of the mechanism is what confirms the originality." Also, the details of the original mechanisms are branded with brand marks. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you purchase watches in specialized stores. Do not risk your money and your status!

Swiss watch markings

Several departments are involved in the protection of marks of origin in Switzerland, the main one is The Federation of the Swiss Watch Industry (Federation of the Swiss Watch Industry), which issued the Verordnung Swiss Made (a list of Swiss quality compliance parameters). To be fully eligible for the Swiss Made label, a watch must: 1. Have a Swiss movement. 2. Be assembled within Switzerland. 3. Pass the final quality check in Switzerland. Now about a hundred watch companies produce products that meet these requirements, which are allowed to be labeled Swiss Made. Many watches are labeled Swiss movement (Swiss movement). This marking means that the watch mechanism is made in Switzerland, from original components, has passed the quality control, but the case of the product and the final assembly are of a different origin. Honest manufacturers indicate the country and the name of the company where the watch is made. The "Swiss quarz" marking is placed only on Swiss watches, which is fully consistent with the meaning of the Swiss made marking, and not the Swiss movement. The bracelet can also be marked "Swiss made". What does it mean - it is the bracelet made in Switzerland, and not the watch itself (naturally, if there is no such inscription on the watch itself). The inscription "Swiss wristlet" (Swiss bracelet) can also confirm the Swiss origin of the bracelet. The Swiss case marking on the back wall means that only the watch case is made in Switzerland. Swiss made or swiss parts markings (Swiss parts) are also applied to individual Swiss-made parts, but these inscriptions are affixed to the parts themselves, and not on the watch dial or the back of the case. These inscriptions should not be visible to the buyer, because they do not guarantee that the watch as a whole conforms to the Swiss canons of quality. Markings on the watch case, dial, or bracelet may be translated into other languages, but in any case, they must correspond to the information contained in the certificate, which must be attached to the branded watch. When buying a watch, you should pay attention to the box: genuine watches are always very well packed: moire, morocco, gold embossing. The box, of course, can be stolen or even faked, but the real one at the bottom must have detailed details of the manufacturer.

The article was written for the Portal

Indeed, buying a real Swiss watch is happiness! Do you think we are talking about status, design and amazing accuracy? Unfortunately no. At present, if you managed to avoid a fake, consider yourself very lucky. Judge for yourself. Swiss Foundation Haute Horlogerie shares the following statistics: fraudsters earn from $ 250 to 300 billion a year from the sale of fakes, which is 7% of the world's trade. As you might guess, Swiss watch brands are most in demand among criminals. Original manufacturers turn out 26 million watches a year, and are countered by 40 million counterfeit movements in the consumer market. Sometimes only a professional can distinguish a fake Swiss watch.

Vocabulary: replica, copy or fake

Internet marketplaces that specialize in selling luxury watches are often full of trendy terms, offering replicas(copies) of famous brands. In times of crisis, assurances that a replica watch is no different from the original, except for the price, seem to many buyers not without common sense. “Why pay more?”, you might reasonably ask. The choice is always yours.

Replica- This is an expensive and high-quality copy of the original watch. As a rule, in the manufacture of a replica, identical materials and mechanisms are used, as for a real model. But there are always subtle nuances by which a competent expert can distinguish a replica watch from the original. For example, these can be hazy diamonds, cutting flaws, or a poor fit. precious stones into nests. Replicas are significantly cheaper than genuine "Swiss", but much more expensive than fakes.

It's a shame when you buy a replica thinking you're giving money away for an official brand. According to statistics, 5% of owners of elite watch movements do not even suspect that they were deceived in a boutique and purchased a very accurate copy.

When we talk about fakes watches, most often we mean low-quality imitations made in China. They are issued, first of all, by the “special” price - several times lower than the market price and the place of sale - a clothing market or a small kiosk. An elementary visual inspection will reveal signs of underground production: a cheap strap, scratches, misspelled inscriptions.

Time Signals

DAT brand control system experts will help you learn how to distinguish a real Swiss watch from a fake.

  • Glass. Swiss watches have a sapphire glass that fits perfectly to the watch case. Carry out a test - look at the watch from the side, check the quality of the connection between the glass and the case. If there is a difference even in millimeters, you are faced with a fake.
  • Arrows. Fake watches often give out ill-fitting hands. We look at the clock from the side and check the hands: if the hands are not fixed in parallel, then this is a fake. Next, we compare the shape, thickness and tips of the arrows with the original photo. All details must match.
  • date window. Real watches have a shallow date window for easy viewing. The number in the box must be located strictly in the center.
  • The quality of the engraving. Take a photo of the original watch and arm yourself with a magnifying glass. Consider all the smallest details: inscriptions and markings that are present in the model you are interested in. At the same time, check the quality of the engraving - letters and numbers should be clear, proportional and at the same distance from each other.
  • Watch packaging. Real Swiss watches are elegantly packaged with expensive materials. The box must also contain a certificate or passport, which contain an individual watch number, an indication of the time and place of sale, and the seller's stamp.
  • Marking. One of the main ways to check watches for authenticity is to control the markings. Only the phrases "Swiss Made" and "Swiss Quartz" indicate that both the case and the movement were made in Switzerland and are subject to quality control. The phrase "Swiss Case" means that only the watch case comes from Switzerland. If a Swiss manufacturer only produced and tested the movement, and the case and other assembly was carried out elsewhere, then the watch will be labeled "Swiss Movement". A frank fake will be given out by the phrase Made in Switzerland.

Letter to Switzerland

When buying fakes, many only want to save money, and do not think about supporting scammers with their ruble. But the proceeds from counterfeiting are used to finance criminal activities. Clandestine factories employ modern "slaves" or children who are paid a penny for hours of work.

This criminal chain can be stopped if the goods are marked with a special code. This technology is offered by the interactive brand control system DAT. If you want the Swiss watch of your dreams to have an additional degree of protection, write a letter to the manufacturer. After all, having a unique verification code, you can check the watch for authenticity online in a matter of moments!
