Maternity ward GB 4. Here are the examinations performed on the child

The institution has well-equipped wards for mothers and their children. For women, it is possible to choose a single or double room. But it will be comfortable not only for them, but also for their relatives, because in the corridors and halls they tried to create maximum comfort. Therefore, even the waiting time will be brightened up.

Maternity Hospital No. 8 is equipped with high-tech equipment that allows for accurate diagnosis. Therefore, both women in labor and women in conservation can be sure that their health will be taken care of at the highest level. Ultrasound machines are available around the clock, whenever the patient arrives. The main plus is instant computer data processing. Therefore, the doctor will always be aware of the condition of the mother and her baby.

In 2004, an intensive care unit for newborn babies was opened in the maternity hospital. Its capacity is 6 seats. To provide assistance, including emergency, specialists have at their disposal not only all the necessary tools and equipment, but also special wards. It is they who provide the opportunity to use the "Kangaroo method", in which a premature baby will have maximum contact with his mother. Every day, the baby is given to the mother so that she can hold him on her chest. This option is feasible with the father. This approach allows premature babies to gain weight faster and get used to the world around them.

The staff of the maternity hospital consists only of highly qualified specialists who know and love their job. That is why little patients and their mothers feel care and experience even from the very first moment of their joint stay. The institution actively practices laying the baby on the mother's stomach or chest immediately after birth, even if the baby was born full-term. Every nurse and doctor tries to make every effort to keep mother and child calm.

The institution has a department of obstetrics with paid services. It has been operating for over 10 years. It provides personalized pregnancy management services, especially when it comes to a difficult pregnancy or childbirth. This department has a high-precision technique that allows you to identify even the slightest pathology. Here, an obstetrician-gynecologist is consulted, who prescribes ultrasound, laboratory diagnostics, dopplerometric and cardiomonitoring studies. Based on the results obtained, conclusions are drawn about the condition of the fetus. You can contact the department from almost any period, as there are programs for the integrated management of pregnancy from 12, 20, 28 weeks. Also, if desired, you can conclude a contract with a specific specialist who will take delivery and provide postpartum care.

Not every woman can easily endure labor pains. Therefore, on the basis of the maternity hospital there is a wide range of painkillers, including epidural anesthesia. Depending on the wishes of the woman in labor, as well as her individual characteristics of the body, the specialist will select exactly the type of painkiller that will help her calmly endure the birth. In addition, during the entire process, the attending physician, anesthesiologist, neonatologist will be present next to the woman, who will control the entire process. And if we also take into account comfortable and soundproof maternity boxes, it becomes clear that in such conditions the expectant mother will feel much more comfortable. At the service of young couples is the opportunity and partner births. After the baby is born, he and his mother are transferred to a single room. Young parents have everything they need in the room to learn how to properly care for their child. In addition, during the day, specialists visit the ward to check the condition of the woman and the child. Each room is equipped with a baby changing table, a baby carrier, a bathroom with a shower and toilet, a refrigerator and a kettle, and a TV. Relatives can come to the mother with the child at any time. And when the time comes, the young family will be discharged, but this event is accompanied by photo and video shooting, so that in the future the baby can see, and the parent can remember, the first days of his crumbs.

- Both the hospital and the staff are mostly good

Advantages: Staff, doctors, conditions in the maternity hospital. Honesty and integrity.

Cons: not significant

Good day, to all readers who have looked at the light on this page. I want to dedicate my review today to the 8th maternity hospital at 24 gkb. (Perinatal center GKB 24 m.

Dynamo) and my experience of successful childbirth there.

I gave birth to my youngest daughter there in August last year. I gave birth there for free, with a birth certificate. I chose this maternity hospital based on reviews and the fact that it is closest to my house on Savelovskaya (near the Dynamo metro station). So the husband and family did not have to travel far. So, the first time I visited this maternity hospital, when I was sent for preservation for a period of 22-23 weeks. After lying there, I decided that I would give birth in this maternity hospital, I liked it so much there, the atmosphere and the doctors. I also lay there several times for preservation, as I had severe swelling.

By the way, do not confuse maternity hospital No. 8 on Vykhino and this maternity hospital on Dynamo. These are two different nursing homes. Maternity hospital number 8, in fact, is the mountains. hospital No. 8, and maternity hospital No. 24! A maternity hospital number 8 is located on Vykhino. This former maternity hospital number 8, and now it is called the perinatal center at 24 GkB, branch number 2.

All things are accepted exclusively in packages, visits to the ward are allowed only for those patients who are in the maternity hospital on a paid basis. The rest of the women in labor meet with their husbands and relatives in the corridor on the ground floor. During visiting hours, there are a lot of people there, so do not overcrowd.

The environment in this maternity hospital is very spartan, but the attitude of doctors and nurses towards patients is very good. My midwife was just super, and I also liked the anesthesiologist. In the postpartum, everything is very vain, although children's doctors try to tell everything in detail. Nurses are different. The food we were fed was quite edible. No frills, of course, mostly simple soups and cereals. But my relatives brought me almost all the food from home, so I didn’t starve on hospital grubs.

Now I will tell you a little directly about my birth. I arrived at the hospital on my own with contractions. The epidural anesthesia was delivered very well. Unfortunately, I do not remember the name of the doctor (it was a woman). The brigade itself is good, excellent obstetricians, but I didn’t like the doctor - he was kind of rude. It seems that she perceives all childbirth and women in labor as a conveyor belt. And yet, on their website they write a lot about free behavior in childbirth, it turned out that this is not true. I was refused a request to walk around, they don’t accept childbirth vertically, there is no fitball (although they all promise this on the site). But in general, everything went well, the baby was born healthy and everything is fine with me. I gave birth myself, didn’t even tear, although my daughter was born, quite large, almost four kilograms of weight.

In the post-natal block, staying with the baby, all the medical staff are friendly, helpful and attentive. They help a lot with the kids and explain everything in detail, especially to first-borns.

In the postpartum wards, stay together with the child, there are two people, although there are also single wards. Each room has a sink, shower and toilet. The hospital promotes breastfeeding and on-demand feeding. Teaching mothers how to do it right. An artificial mixture is supplemented only when the baby loses more weight than is normal. but I was lucky, and I fed my bead with breast milk myself. They are discharged quite quickly, on the third day we were at home with my baby.

The birth of a new life is an important event not only for parents. The newborn, as the "hero of the occasion", plays a key role in this process, understands, experiences and feels everything. And future parents take care in advance that their baby is born in the best maternity hospital. GBUZ "Branch No. 2 GKB 24", located in a cozy area of ​​​​the capital, has long established itself as a proven medical institution, in which thousands and thousands of newborn babies were born.

The history of the maternity hospital at City Clinical Hospital No. 8 of Moscow tells that even in Soviet times, this maternity hospital was the only medical institution in the country in which ideal conditions to provide effective care for preterm birth and the organization of quality care for premature babies.

And today the maternity hospital at GKB 8 is the largest and best institution in Moscow, which provides full and comprehensive obstetric and pediatric care.

Perinatal center GKB 24 (maternity hospital)

The modern and highly equipped DZM perinatal center at Dynamo helps all women experience the joy of motherhood. Today, within the walls of the 24 maternity hospital in Moscow, any woman has the opportunity to receive the necessary advice and comprehensive treatment.

The health of a woman preparing to become a mother is monitored by highly qualified medical personnel in the GKB 24 perinatal center. At his disposal modern techniques early diagnosis, high-precision equipment that allows you to make a complete overview of the condition of the pregnant woman and the fetus. But above all, the employees of the Maternity Hospital 24 conquer with their kindness, responsiveness and care.

The maternity ward GB 8 offers patients separate maternity boxes. Comfortable conditions have been created here in which a woman stays throughout the entire process of delivery.

Specialists of the State Clinical Hospital 24 branch No. 2 understand that in modern conditions Pregnancy does not always proceed without complications. Therefore, the medical staff of the perinatal center is always ready to help patients with various pathologies of pregnancy. Timely diagnosis and adequate health care allow minimizing the various risks that a future mother and her unborn child may face.

The consultative and diagnostic department of the 24th maternity hospital provides assistance to all patients on various issues of gynecology and delivery. When contacting the maternity hospital GKB 8, a woman is provided with comprehensive obstetric and gynecological care, at the same time she can get advice from other specialists: an endocrinologist, an ophthalmologist, a phlebologist, a therapist, and ultrasound specialists armed with the latest equipment.

If an expectant mother needs inpatient treatment, she can receive it in a day hospital, which has been operating in the 8th maternity hospital at the 24th hospital for several years.

The maternity hospital at GKB 8 “gives” every woman with a caesarean section the opportunity to give birth to a child naturally. To do this, hospital 8 is equipped with the necessary equipment, and the specialists of the maternity hospital have sufficient experience in conducting natural childbirth with a scar on the uterus. Before giving birth, the patient is "subjected" to a thorough examination, throughout the entire period of pregnancy, she is under the close attention of the chosen doctor. When delivering through the natural birth canal after caesarean section, the medical staff of the 24th maternity hospital in Moscow adheres to a special methodology.

The cost of the contract for childbirth in the maternity hospital at 8 GKB

The city hospital maternity hospital 24 offers services that are provided both on a paid basis and within the framework of the CHI system.

When planning a birth in maternity hospital 8 at GKB 24, each woman can choose “her own doctor” who will conduct pregnancy with early dates and before delivery, or will provide assistance in the last stages of pregnancy and during childbirth.

Paid services of all specialists of the perinatal center can be obtained at any stage of pregnancy.

Having decided to conclude a contract for childbirth in the maternity hospital GKB 8, you must contact our medical center before the 36th week of pregnancy. Future mom she chooses a doctor who will accompany her during childbirth. In advance, before entering the maternity hospital for childbirth, the conditions of stay, the type of anesthesia and other important issues are discussed. The cost of childbirth depends on the chosen type of delivery: natural childbirth or "caesarean section".

The maternity hospital of GKB 24 branch 2 of the DZM has all the necessary conditions for providing additional prenatal care after 36 weeks to patients who wish to receive highly qualified care on a paid basis. Delivery and further stay in the 8th maternity hospital at the 24th hospital on a paid basis implies a stay in the GBUZ in conditions of increased comfort and the provision of comprehensive and comprehensive medical care.

From the very first hours, mother and baby can be together in the joint room, where comfortable conditions are created for postpartum rest and communication with the newborn.

The maternity hospital has a team of experienced and qualified specialists who can provide assistance in any, the most difficult and non-standard situations. In order to always be aware of what is happening with the baby, the mother can be with him even in the intensive care unit.

To minimize all unwanted risks of delivery, we invite all pregnant women to receive high-quality and professional care in the perinatal center from the first weeks of the “interesting situation”.


Management of pregnancy and childbirth from 36 weeks* (duty team)

Cost: 100,000 rubles.

Name multiplicity
Primary doctor's consultation 1
childbirth 1
Epidural anesthesia 1
up to 7
Fetal cardiotocography 2
Doppler 1
until 3

Individual management of pregnancy and childbirth from 36 weeks* (specialist doctor)

Cost: 107,000 rubles.

Name multiplicity
Primary doctor's consultation 1
Epidural anesthesia 1
Daily observation of the patient in the 1st local ward up to 7
Fetal cardiotocography 2
Doppler 1
Ultrasound of the fetus with an assessment of its organs for pregnant women from 36 weeks 2
Clinical blood test (determination of hemoglobin, the number of leukocytes, platelets, erythrocytes, HCT, MCV, MCHC, MCH; leukocyte formula, ESR) 1
Clinical analysis of urine (color, relative density, pH, urine volume, protein, glucose, urobilinogen, bilirubin, microscopic examination of urine sediment) 1
Microscopic examination of vaginal smears 1
Consultation of a specialist doctor: Ph.D., associate professor, head of department, highest qualification, responsible doctor-specialist on duty until 3

Individual management of pregnancy and childbirth from 36 weeks* (PhD doctor, head of department)

Cost: 123,000 rubles.

Name multiplicity
Primary doctor's consultation 1
Childbirth individual, incl. C-section 1
Epidural anesthesia 1
Daily observation of the patient in the 1st local ward up to 7
Fetal cardiotocography 2
Doppler 1
Ultrasound of the fetus with an assessment of its organs for pregnant women from 36 weeks 2
Clinical blood test (determination of hemoglobin, the number of leukocytes, platelets, erythrocytes, HCT, MCV, MCHC, MCH; leukocyte formula, ESR) 1
Clinical analysis of urine (color, relative density, pH, urine volume, protein, glucose, urobilinogen, bilirubin, microscopic examination of urine sediment) 1
Microscopic examination of vaginal smears 1
Consultation of a specialist doctor: Ph.D., associate professor, head of department, highest qualification, responsible doctor-specialist on duty until 3

City Clinical Hospital No. 8 is a state medical institution of the Health Department of the capital. It combines a maternity hospital and a hospital for nursing children with low weight into a single functional and administrative system. It was this maternity hospital that was the first large medical institution in the USSR for premature babies and premature birth.

Currently, City Clinical Hospital No. 8 of Moscow is one of the largest obstetric and pediatric complexes in Russia, specializing in the management of preterm birth, the treatment of miscarriage and nursing of infants with low body weight.

Structure of the 8th City Clinical Hospital

The 8th City Clinical Hospital of Moscow includes the following departments:

maternity ward;
· 2 departments of pathology of pregnancy;
obstetric physiological;
maternity unit
· children's;
Intensive care and resuscitation of newborns;
Children's Corps.

In the maternity ward of the city hospital No. 8, there are individual maternity boxes, in which women are directly in the period of childbirth.

Conditions of stay in City Clinical Hospital No. 8

Among the main advantages of the City Clinical Hospital No. 8 of Moscow, it is worth noting the fact that only experienced, highly professional specialists work here. It is thanks to the highest professionalism of the medical staff in the maternity hospital of the 8th City Clinical Hospital that even those patients who do not have pregnancy pathologies and factors that aggravate the course of childbirth strive to give birth. To receive qualified assistance, any woman who does not have indications for childbirth in a specialized maternity hospital can apply here. For those who want to see an individual doctor, the clinic offers antenatal care from 36 weeks.

After the birth of the child, the mother with the baby is moved to the room for joint stay, for 1-2 people, with a toilet and shower.

In 2 departments of pathology of pregnant women, patients with various deviations in the development of the fetus and the threat of miscarriage are assisted. In addition, here they prepare women for an adequate delivery.

The composition of the children's building of the City Clinical Hospital No. 8 of Moscow includes an intensive care unit and 2 departments for nursing premature babies. Newborns who require treatment after the discharge of the puerperal from the hospital are transferred to the second building, where the child is with the mother.

Among other things, the medical institution also has a specialized consultation "Family and Marriage", which provides assistance in the treatment of the reproductive system in women with infertility and miscarriage.

Obstetric Physiological Department of the 8th City Clinical Hospital

The obstetric physiological department of the 8th City Clinical Hospital is distinguished by a calm, cozy atmosphere and a friendly atmosphere. Here, medical care is provided to patients after caesarean section and natural childbirth.

The unit has all the conditions for the comfort of the mother and her baby. Not so long ago, a major overhaul was completed and a complete re-equipment of this unit was carried out. At present, all halls and wards are equipped with new furniture, and the unit itself is provided with modern high-tech equipment and the necessary medicines.

Postpartum women in City Clinical Hospital No. 8 of Moscow are provided with single or double rooms equipped with toilets and showers. In addition, the rooms have a cot for a baby, a comfortable sink for washing a newborn and a changing table.

Doctors monitor the health of the patient and her baby around the clock. The medical staff conducts conversations with mothers and provides methodological recommendations on hygiene, nutrition, gymnastics, contraception in postpartum period and about the rules of conduct after discharge and maternity hospital. Particular attention is paid to support breastfeeding.

City Clinical Hospital No. 8 - effective assistance to women with pregnancy pathologies and newborns with low body weight.
