The Tale of Neptune and the Mermaid. Raduga-class - Celestial tales

A long time ago, when the sea was just born, it was not at all salty. And there were no storms at sea. It was quiet and calm, like a big pond.

One day the sea king Neptune was sitting with his beautiful daughters- there were only forty of them - at the bottom of the sea. Ten girls had yellow hair, ten more had black hair, another ten had white hair, and the last ten had red hair. And all magpies have very pretty shiny fish tails.

A herring swam past, and Neptune noticed that she was crying. Then a striped monkfish and a few seahorses swam past - all in tears too! And crying halibut. Neptune looked at his feet and at the bottom of the sea he saw a crying starfish, and next to her sobbing lobster.

What's up, lobster buddy? Neptune asked him.

Ah, sir! snorted the lobster. - Those whales again. They drink the sea.

Oh, how angry King Neptune was! He floated to the surface of the sea, looked around, and wherever he looked, everywhere he saw large and even huge whales. And they all drank the sea. And the sea sank right before our eyes.

Here are the bastards! Neptune said. - We need to stop this nonsense.

He again dived to the bottom and called his daughters to him.

Swim, my babies, to the palace kitchen, ”he said. - There in the cupboard you will find bags of salt. Take a sack each and get back as soon as possible.

And all the forty daughters of the sea king swam into the palace kitchen and each returned with a large bag of salt.

Then Neptune said to his yellow-haired daughters:

Swim, my little ones, to the east, sprinkle salt along the way and wave it in all directions with your tails.

And to the black-haired daughters he said:

Swim, dear ones, to the south, scatter salt from bags and wave it in all directions.

To the white-haired daughters he said:

Swim, kids, west and do the same.

To the red-haired he said:

And you, my good ones, sail north and, sparing no salt, salt the sea.

And all his daughters sailed away in all directions and did everything as their father told them.

The next day the whales, as always, began to drink the sea.

Oh, they said, it's salty!

They were disgusted to swallow salt water, and they released it back in a mighty fountain. And out of chagrin, they beat the water with their tails, which caused a terrible storm to rise on the sea.

And King Neptune laughed.

That's great, he said. - Now the sea will always be salty, and the whales will not drink it, but will beat their tails in frustration, and a terrible storm will rise. But sometimes a storm on the sea is better than no sea at all, right?

You are right, dear father! - said all forty daughters, and each kissed him.

That is why the sea is salty and storms happen on it.

That's great, but I didn't know, - said the tiger, when the writer finished the fairy tale about the sea. - And now draw, please, a bath.

Yes, a bath cold water. Tigers love to swim in cold water.

The writer drew a bathtub with water, and the tiger climbed into it.

Are you happy? - asked the writer.

I think it's time for you to get out.

A little more.

Get out, get out, or I'll have to take an eraser and erase the tub. - And the writer took an eraser and erased a piece of the bath.

Oh what have you done! cried the tiger. - Look, the water is pouring right on the page. You will fill the whole book.

Nothing, I'll wipe both the water and the bath.

Well, you erased half of my stripes.

Don't worry, I'll draw the stripes again now. Like this! - And the writer drew stripes for the tiger.

Why are tigers striped? asked the tiger.

Hmm... why... maybe because it was easier to play hide-and-seek. In the jungle where tigers live, everything is golden yellow in the sun, and everything is black in the shade. And it is very convenient for the yellow-black tiger to hide.

An interesting and exciting scenario for schoolchildren from 8 to 13 years old. Scenario for summer holidays.

1 option

Characters: Neptune, Water, Sea Wave, Bat, Goldfish, pirates, mermaids, devils.

The song of the Waterman sounds (“I am the Waterman, I am the Waterman”) from the cartoon “Flying Ship”.

Water: Hello, dear surface and underwater inhabitants, representatives of clean and evil spirits! Today we have a holiday in the Underwater Kingdom - the Water State. And do you know, in honor of whom?

It is he who threatens the sea,

Leads the waves in space.

Sinking ships in the abyss

Hoards accumulate for no reason.

Who is this? That's right - King Neptune.

And as the story goes,

King Neptune decided to marry.

Today is the wedding of Neptune and Goldfish. And here he is! Meet!

Solemn music sounds. Neptune appears, accompanied by a retinue of devils and mermaids, and sits down on the throne.


I am the lord of the seas, oceans,

Large rivers and small streams,

All swamps, pools and backwaters,

All lakes and ponds.

Hello guys! You respected me. Thank you for coming to my holiday. And where is my bride - Golden Fish?

Sounds "Song of the Robbers" from the cartoon "The Bremen Town Musicians". Pirates appear to the screams and whistles.

Neptune: Woo-hoo-hoo-hoo-oo-oo-oo!!! Who dared to disturb the peace of the kingdom subject to me? Who disturbed my wet soul?

1st pirate: Are you really old, Neptune? Do you recognize pirates?

2nd pirate: You didn't invite us to the party?! Not invited! So, I hasten to please you - there will be no wedding!

Neptune: Why is it "not going"?

3rd pirate: Yes, because we stole your bride and hid it on one of the islands! Ha ha ha!

The pirates run away.

Neptune: Woo-hoo! This is grief, so grief ... What to do? Come on, my faithful servants, calm your lord, cheer my damp soul! And you, Vodyanoy, think for a while how we can save the Golden Fish!

Mermaid dance.

Water: I know, I know what to do! The guys will help us. They will set sail on two ships and save your bride. goldfish.

Neptune: But in order for the ships to successfully sail, they need to be equipped with experienced teams of sailors, which we will do now.

The song by Yu. Antonov "The Sea" sounds. The mermaids offer the guys a lottery: each draws a boat from the envelope, on the back of which its name is written. Thus, two teams are formed.

Water: So, the draw is over! These guys will go on a trip on the Cruiser ship, and these guys on the Destroyer ship.

Neptune: All hands on deck!

Teams gather near two painted ships.

Neptune: Now you need to choose a captain, boatswain, mechanic, pilot. The rest are sailors.

The song of O. Gazmanov "Sailor" sounds. The children assign roles.

Neptune: Here are the crews. Now it remains only to fill the tanks with fuel, and you can hit the road.

Water: Let's see how the mechanics of our crews will cope with this task.

mechanics competition

Each mechanic must fill his tank (glass) with fuel, transferring water from the tank (plate) into it with a spoon. The distance between the plate and the glass is 5-6 meters, the water is tinted. Cheerful music sounds, mechanics perform the task - who is faster.

Neptune: Well done mechanics! Now everything is ready to sail. It's time to hit the road! Prepare to release the mooring lines!

Captains: Prepare to release the mooring lines!

Teams: Got ready!

Neptune: Right aboard ten points!

Captains: Right aboard ten points!

Teams: There are ten rhumbs!

Neptune: Raise the sails!

Captains: Raise the sails!

Teams: Got to raise the sails!

Neptune: Full speed ahead!

Captains: Full speed ahead!

Teams: There is full speed ahead!


Captains lead boldly

ships on the oceans,

It's fun to swim

Through the expanse of blue.

Day and night, day and night

The course is laid accurately

And drop anchor

In oceans and seas.

Water: Attention, our ships are approaching the fiords. Guys, do you know what it is? Fjords, or skerries, are narrow bays and bays, and all around are rocks pitted with cracks, high and impregnable.

Neptune: Maybe this is where the treacherous pirates hid the Golden Fish! Attention teams! Get ready to enter the Fjord of Musical Minutes. Now a lot depends on the pilot, on his ability to navigate the ships along a difficult fairway.

Pilot Competition

All team members, except the pilot, are blindfolded. The guys stand in a column one by one, putting their hands on each other's shoulders. At the head of the column is a pilot. He must lead his team between the set pins without knocking them down and thus "running the ship aground".

Water: Here, guys, we are in the fjord!

The soundtrack of the sound of the surf sounds, the Sea Wave appears.

Sea wave:

Good afternoon dear friends!

Greetings Sea Wave.

In my fjord of musical minutes

Children play and sing songs.

Neptune: Tell us, Sea Wave, do you have a Golden Fish here?

Sea wave: I won't tell until you sing me a song.

All together they sing a happy song about the sea.

Sea wave: Thank you! But, unfortunately, there is no Golden Fish here. Look elsewhere.

The ship's bell rings.

Neptune: Teams, attention! Raise the anchor!

Captains: Raise the anchor!

Teams: There is to raise the anchor!

Neptune: Raise the sails!

Captains: Set sail!

Teams: Got to raise the sails!

Neptune: Full speed ahead!

Captains: Full speed ahead!

Teams A: There are full speed ahead!

The phonogram of the noise of the sea, the cry of seagulls sounds.

Neptune: Good at sea! No wonder the ancient Greeks said that the sea washes away all adversity from the human soul.

Water: On the left side of the board I see a cave!

Neptune: Our ships are approaching the Grotto of Useful Inventions.

Water: Give away the moorings!

Captains: Give away the moorings!

Teams: There is to give mooring lines!

Water: Teams go ashore!

Captains: Teams go ashore!

Teams: Got to go ashore!

Lyrical music sounds, the Bat appears.

Bat: Hello guys! What wind brought you to my magical grotto?

Water: We are looking for Neptune's bride, the Goldfish. Can you tell us where she is?

Bat: Look what you want! If I know, I just won't say it! Here fulfill my desires, then we'll see ...

Neptune: Of course we will!

Bat: First, I want to check if your boatswains are good. The boatswain must be dexterous, courageous and skillful. The work of the entire crew depends on it. I offer the boatswains the following task.

boatswain competition

Blindfolded boatswains should put shoes on the stool, who is faster.

Cheerful music sounds, boatswains carry out the task.

Bat: Well done, boatswains! Wow, what brave guys!

If you can do it

Mind and courage to prove -

You can become a captain.

The captain must be the smartest on the ship. Come on, captains, try to answer my questions.

Captains competition

How many oceans are on the globe? Name them. (Pacific, Arctic, Atlantic, Indian)

What kind of "colored" seas do you know? (White, Black, Red, Yellow, Marble)

Which lake is the deepest in the world? (Baikal, its depth is 1620 meters)

Bat: Well done! Made me happy! Here is my last assignment - for the sailors.

Sailors competition

At the Bat's command, "Man overboard!" the first sailor takes a life buoy (hoop), puts it on himself, passes through it, passes it to the next sailor. The team that does it faster wins.

Bat: Now I see you are a real invincible and fearless team. Therefore, I will tell you a secret: the sea robbers hid the Golden Fish on a coral island, locked it in a tower behind five locks. But I will help you unlock the locks - here are the magic keys to each lock. May good luck accompany you, many more trials await you.

Water: Thank you, Bat! And it's time for us to go! Teams take their places! Full speed ahead!

Teams A: There are full speed ahead!

The phonogram of the noise of the sea, the cry of seagulls sounds.

Water: We are sailing ... Silence ... Only the waves rustle along the sides and the mast creaks. But then the wind began to freshen, the lambs went along the waves.

Impact sound.

Water: What's happened?

Neptune: The ships hit the reefs. A leak appeared in the bottoms, water poured into the holds. Badly! Now everything will depend on how well the teams organize the work of the pumps.

Competition "Pumps"

The players of each team are divided into pairs. Couples stand with their backs to each other and clasp their hands under their elbows. Without separating the hands, it is necessary to sit down and stand up, and so on until only one, the most persistent pair remains.

The song "Apple" sounds, the teams perform the task.

Neptune: Well done! The leak was blocked, the water was pumped out, the swimming continues.

Water: And here is the coral island!

Neptune: Attention, prepare for mooring!

Teams: Got ready!

Neptune: Teams get down!

Teams: Got off the ground!

The “Song of the Robbers” sounds, pirates appear with shouts and whistles.

1st pirate: Wow! We finally made it to the island!

2nd pirate: But we will not give you Rybka so easily!

3rd pirate: We challenge you to an almost fair duel!

Neptune: Okay, we agree. Really guys?

1st pirate: Now we'll see which of us is stronger!

Cheerful music sounds. Between the pirates and the guys are competitions in tug of war. The pirates are losing.

1st pirate: Well, okay! But we are the smartest!

Neptune: And now we'll check it out!

Relay race

Pirates and two crews of ships line up in columns. The first participants are given tennis balls and spoons. The guys, holding a spoon with a ball in their hands, run to the flag, run around it, return and pass the spoon and the ball to the next participant. The team that completes the task the fastest wins. The pirates are losing.

1st pirate: Wow, well done guys! We surrender to the mercy of Neptune.

2nd pirate: We are not that bad. We just really wanted to go to the party!

3rd pirate: Take, Neptune, your bride. She's sitting in this tower. We just lost the keys!

Pirates(in chorus): Excuse us!

Neptune: Forgive them guys? And we invite you to join us for a holiday. And we have the keys!

Water: Look, the keys are bewitched! To disenchant each key, you must solve the riddle.


In the old days, it was decorated with carvings.

Anyone knows his name.

Wherever the wind takes the ship,

Ahead, anyway, there will always be ... (nose).

A mighty wave hits the board,

The back of the ship is visible,

Every ship has it

And they call her ... (stern).

Without it there is no ship

It is difficult to be called a ship without it.

The word is consonant with the word "port",

All ships have ... (board).

At sea, a storm or calm,

The wave under the ship cuts ... (keel).

A vertical pole in the middle of a ship

From the top you can see the earth

He is not afraid of light pitching,

And they call it ... (mast).

Lyrical music sounds, the Golden Fish appears.

Gold fish: Hello guys! Thank you very much for rescuing me from captivity.

Neptune: Well done boys! And now let's have fun - I have a wedding today after all!

Gold fish: Let's do the boogie-woogie dance together.

Everyone is dancing.

Neptune: For your help, I, guys, will thank you.

Fanfare sounds. Neptune unfolds the scroll, reads the order.


I am the lord of the seas and oceans,

Large rivers and small streams,

All swamps, pools and backwaters,

All lakes and ponds...

I order... (Pause). Swimming season is open from today!

Well, it's time for us to go to the abyss of the sea, to our Underwater Kingdom - the Water State.

Gold fish: And we wish you happiness and health. Good luck friends! Goodbye!

Water: See you next year!

Solemn music sounds. Neptune and his retinue leave, the holiday ends with a bath.

Option 2

Roles can be played by older teenagers or parents. The children participating in the holiday are divided into two teams.


The sun laughs, the wind plays

The waves are merry.

On a visit to Neptune they walk together

Everything is behind the detachment detachment.

Let's call Neptune guys! King of the seas, Neptune, come to us!

Pirates run out. They sing to the tune of "Songs of the Robbers" from the cartoon "The Bremen Town Musicians":


They say we are byaki-buki,

How the earth bears us!

Give, or something, cards in hand -

Fortune telling on Neptune!

Oh-la-la! Oh-la-la! Eh-ma!

Today is a long road

Dropped by Neptune.

He has a lot of money

And I love money!

Wu-lu-lu! Wu-lu-lu! Eh-ma!

Pirates look at the guys with surprise.

1st pirate: What are you gathered here for?

2nd pirate: Are you also waiting for Neptune?

3rd pirate: Well, well, wait, wait, and we'll wait.

The pirates are hiding. Neptune appears with mermaids.

Neptune: Hello guys!

The herald brought me a message -

Today is a holiday in my honor.

I am Neptune, the king of the seas, I have come to you for a holiday.

Suddenly, with a whoop and shots, pirates jump out of the ambush, grab Neptune, and tie him up.

1st pirate: Carramba, a hundred devils and one witch! You will not see a holiday, like your lop-eared ears!

2nd pirate: We won't give you Neptune.

3rd pirate: Scary?! As long as Neptune is with us, there will be no holiday.

Leading: Well, dear pirates, give us Neptune. Look how many children have gathered for the holiday. Guys, let's politely ask the pirates, maybe they will understand that they are behaving badly.

Every child calls pirates an affectionate word.

2nd pirate: Look, how polite! All right, we'll give you your green one, but first, a ransom.

Leading: What ransom? It's children. They don't make money!

3rd pirate(scratching head): Yeah! Well then, let them entertain us!

1st pirate: I want a song.

The guys sing a song about friendship.

2nd pirate: And I want to dance.

The little mermaids are dancing.

3rd pirate: And I want to play.

The game is being played.

1st pirate A: How cool you are, how fun! Let's not spoil the holiday guys. Let's release the sea king.

The pirates release Neptune.


Well thank you guys

Released, well done.

Both girls and boys

All well, just daring.

Well, you live well

Songs are fun to sing

But pirates need to be punished

To be disrespectful

Kidnap kings.

Bathe the pirates!

The guys throw the pirates into the water. Pirates, coming out of the water, ask for forgiveness.

Neptune: Goodbye friends! You can enter my domain and continue the holiday!

Sports competitions in the water are held between two teams. Two participants are selected from each team, one of which sits on the shoulders of the other. The task is to push the opponent into the water. The second competition is who will inflate the swimming facility faster (circle, vest).

Summing up, awarding the winners.


Vasilyeva Anna Alexandrovna

Markova Svetlana Yurievna

Subject: "Journey to the underwater world!"

Cspruce: To expand the knowledge of children about the sea and marine life. Develop visual and auditory memory. Figurative and logical thinking. Cultivate love and respect for nature. Involve children in wonderful world art. Create a joint composition in accordance with the plan. Use the acquired knowledge and skills in creating an artistic image. Develop a creative interest in new technology in drawing. To develop the processes of attention, thinking, imagination, speech, independence, creativity.
Activate dictionary. To cultivate a culture of activity, to form the skills of cooperation. Improve children's physical activity. Raise the child's faith in himself, that they are wizards.
Conduct form: game.
Decor: Children's work and harvesting of fish.

Material: small hoop. Pictures depicting marine animals (seahorse, starfish, crab, jellyfish, sea turtle, octopus, whale, dolphin). Shells. Blue ribbons according to the number of children. Camera. Neptune costume, spray bottle. Goldfish. Plastic containers.

Musical arrangement: sounds: the sound of the sea, whale, dolphins, splashing water.
Methods and techniques: demonstration and explanation of the educator, game situation, monitoring the work of children, analysis of the work of the educator and children.
Stages of preparation: Reading the fairy tale by S. Sakharov "Sea Tales"; S. Voronin "Good shell"; A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish"; Fairy tale "At the command of the pike." Teaching children poems, riddles about fish. Modeling by children of fishes and pearls from plasticine. The task of the educator in the preliminary work is to prepare for each child a container with his fish (at the bottom of the container is placed sea ​​shell with a plasticine pearl, a thread is attached to it and a fish from floating plasticine is attached to the thread).

vocabulary work: bathyscaphe, porthole.
Organizing time:

caregiver: Guess the riddle:
And who is the ruler of the seas and oceans?
He has a trident without flaws.
Wizard, he, but not a sorcerer,
He is the king of the undersea. Who?

Children: Neptune.
caregiver: Guys, it was not in vain that I asked you this riddle, because in the morning I received a letter in an unusual subject.
Shows a big shell.
caregiver: What do you think it is?

Children: Shell.
caregiver: That's right, but on the shell it is written from Neptune, there is a letter inside, let's read it?
He takes out a letter and reads:
"Greetings from the depths of the sea!
The King is writing from the bottom of the sea.
I cry and there is a reason
Unfortunately not alone.
Lonely, I'm bored.
At sea depth.
Wouldn't mind meeting you
I'm bored day and night!
Maybe you will come to me?
And will you bring some fun?
Pamper the king
To know all the seas
How they can have fun
And towns and capitals!
caregiver: Guys, well, what do you want to go to visit the sea king? Children stand in a circle. They take the "porthole" - a hoop and hit the road.

caregiver: And who - neither - be, of you was at sea?

Children: answers……
caregiver: Tell me, what can you use to travel by sea?

Children: On a ship, on a yacht.
caregiver: And what do you think with the help of which you can sink to the seabed?

Children: With Submarine
- That's right, and you can sink to the bottom of the sea with the help of a bathyscaphe. Repeat, please.
caregiver: A bathyscaphe is such a large iron ball with portholes, inside it has a lot different devices to observe marine life.
Shows a picture.
- And in order to better remember how it looks, I propose to complete the task:
"Fold the picture"
Offers puzzles, looking at the picture you need to assemble a bathyscaphe.
caregiver: On the first underwater trip, it is better to sail together in a large submarine. Let's take a camera with us to photograph everything that we see interesting. We have to learn and see the sea, its underwater inhabitants, the wealth of the seabed.
Take your seats!
The submarine is ready to sail!
- caregiver: (to the sound of a sea wave).
"All the girls and boys,
We know they love books.
They love fairy tales about the sea,
about the underwater king.
Where the sun doesn't shine
The underwater world lives.
But no one knows about him
Everyone wants to go there."
caregiver: What animals live in the sea?

Children: Shark, dolphin, sea urchin, seahorse…
- Can marine animals live in a dirty sea?

Children: No
- Why?

caregiver: That's right, you can not litter the seas, oceans, rivers, reservoirs. After all, it will be difficult for the fish to swim and breathe.
caregiver: Guys, are there waves on the sea?
What do you think about waves?
caregiver: That's right, there are. Sometimes small and calm, sometimes tall and foamy. Oh, our submarine raised such waves at sea ...
Exercise "Waves"
The teacher distributes ribbons to name the nature of the waves. (Joy, sadness, peace)

caregiver: Guys, attention! Our boat sank to the bottom of the sea.
1-2-3 - we'll all freeze!
Let's go to the underwater world.
Miracles are about to begin!
You just have to close your eyes.
At this moment, the light in the group room is dimmed, the illumination of the “seabed” panel is turned on. Sounds of underwater water are heard.
caregiver: You and I ended up on seabed.
Look how beautiful it is here! Let's watch the marine life together. Oh who is it?
Shows medusa.

Finger gymnastics "Medusa"
: Jellyfish move by contracting their umbrellas. Connect the fingertips of both hands and round your palms so that you get a hemisphere - that's the jellyfish umbrella. Now try to show how it shrinks. Here the jellyfish swims slowly, but faster. And now the jellyfish is swimming fast.

caregiver: Well done, here are some amazing animals we met, and now let's play.
A game: "Seine".
At the request of the children, he chooses two players - fishermen, take each other's hands, forming a "net". The rest are fish. The fish swim with smooth hand movements.
Under cheerful music the fish scatter across the carpet, and the fishermen catch them. It is impossible to catch with a “broken seine”, i.e. disengage hands. Whoever is caught joins the fishermen, increasing the "net".
caregiver: And now let's have a little rest and guess riddles.

Neptune appears.
- Proud I am the ruler of the seas,
Fish, dolphins master.
My palace at the bottom of the sea
All strewn with amber.
Neptune: Hello my friends! I see the shell delivered my message to you. And you are here! I am very happy!
caregiver: Dear Neptune, we welcome your invitation and will play and have fun with you!
Neptune: In my country, there is a maritime law, there is a long tradition that those who are on the seabed for the first time must go through the sea water.
Neptune sprays children with a squirt bottle.

mobile game"The sea is agitated".

Educator:- Neptune, what is your favorite thing to do in your underwater kingdom?
Neptune: I like to draw. But I was already tired of painting with paints, mixing them, and I gave all my brushes to my little mermaid daughters.
caregiver: King of the Sea, the kids and I also drew and painted a lot. And the guys are also learning to design, look what kind of octopuses they got.

Neptune: And then I think, where did the guests come from in my sea, so it's with you.

Presenter: The king is Neptune, and the kids and I are learning to work with plasticine in the classroom and made fish, but they can’t swim, do you know any magic words to make our fish swim.

Neptune: Of course, I know and will help you, but not just like that. For this, I want to listen to poems, you know poems about fish.

Presenter: Of course, we know, sit down, rest, we will read to you.

Neptune: Well, well done, they deserved the magic words “Waves of the wave rise, fish - fish come to life”.

The children have a glass of water next to their container, after the magic words, the children pour water from the glass into the container, and a miracle happens, the fish come to life (emerge).

Presenter:- And now it's time for us to say goodbye to Neptune and return to kindergarten.
Neptune: I want to give you gifts, for a long memory that you were visiting me.

presenter: Thank you King Neptune for the miracle, for the gifts. Goodbye.

Neptune: Goodbye (leaves)

presenter: Waves, waves part! Back to Kindergarten!

They sit motionless with their eyes closed. They open their eyes. Looking around the room.

They take pictures, look at each other's drawings.

caregiver: Tell me guys, where did you and I travel today?

We were at sea, at the bottom of the sea. Meet Neptune.

caregiver: What is the name of the submarine?

Children: Bathyscaphe.
caregiver: And what marine animals do you remember the most, why?


caregiver: Which animal sounds do you remember?


Presenter: And so our magical journey ended.

The children take the fish home.


Across the sea-ocean
A giant swims.
There is a crane on his back:
A fountain runs from it.

This beast is fanged
Instead of legs - flippers,
Tail dragging on ice
The beast is not afraid of frost.

Like a goose flippers. On his feet,
He is usually wearing a mask. Or glasses,
Behind - two balloons,
In cylinders - oxygen,
And like a fish
He swims in the water.
scuba diver

The blue sea is beautiful.
Only swimming in it is dangerous!
No matter how you are "grabbed"

Like a huge ship
He swims in the ocean
No pipe and no screw,
On his back is a fountain.

Mushroom transparent water,
Sailed along with the wave.

There is a horse that does not plow,
"I-go-go" she will not say,
Silently floats in the water
Hiding in the sea grass

Is it a fish or an animal?

Who is this?…
(Sea Horse)

We have one employee -
A master carpenter of all trades.
Though he drank it in the water -
Never rust!

How they swim beautifully -
What is still famous.
Of the sea animals to whom
Is there a monument in the world?


From sea water ... (dolphins)

Very fast and playful!

We are shown backs

In the stormy sea-ocean

A terrible fish lives.

She has a big belly
Fall with terrible teeth.

I am famous in the Black Sea
The fact that I walk near the bottom
And poisonous with you
I carry a bone dagger.


Poems about sea creatures

Sea Horse.

How do I look like a horse?
Neck, mane I have ...
There is some error here:

I'm actually a fish! Far from the wave
Moving unhurriedly
Crab foot on the sand
Makes patterns.

A star lives at the bottom of the sea
And stubbornly repeats to everyone,
As if she were there
To the bottom, from heaven fell.
Fell from the sky!

Sea urchin.
Make friends with sea ​​urchin
We need to be careful.
It's no secret that he comes from
From predatory echinoderms -
Insidious echinoderms!

Outside, a formidable octopus,
In the soul - the kindest fellow:
He made us a cake
With coral filling -
From soft coral!

Moray - the fish is just horror,
We have not seen these:
The character is evil, the mind is a little bit,

And her teeth are like steel.
From the strongest steel!

He is the smartest of animals
At sea and on land.
Rescues drowning people.
He is the best in this business.
Dolphin is the best lifeguard!

Shark - all the seas are in trouble,
The culprit of the revelry.
She is not hungry right now.
The shark ate the mule
Huge mule!

Sea Horse.
Seahorse like a hunchback
He froze with a dumb question:
Will he get his scallop
He has a long pointed nose.
With your long nose!

Electric Stingray.
Among the fish of the ocean
He stands sideways
And called electric
For the fact that it beats with current -
Imagine electric shock!

I listened carefully
About life in the depths -
Marine life
Now familiar to me!
Yes, yes, I know!

A long time ago, when the sea was just born, it was not at all salty. And there were no storms at sea. It was quiet and calm, like a big pond.

One day, the sea king Neptune was sitting with his beautiful daughters - there were forty in all - at the bottom of the sea. Ten girls had yellow hair, ten more had black hair, another ten had white hair, and the last ten had red hair. And all magpies have very pretty shiny fish tails.

A herring swam past, and Neptune noticed that she was crying. Then a striped monkfish and a few seahorses swam past - all in tears too! And crying halibut. Neptune looked at his feet and at the bottom of the sea he saw a crying starfish, and next to it a sobbing lobster.

What's up, lobster buddy? Neptune asked him.

Ah, sir! snorted the lobster. - Those whales again. They drink the sea.

Oh, how angry King Neptune was! He floated to the surface of the sea, looked around, and wherever he looked, everywhere he saw large and even huge whales. And they all drank the sea. And the sea sank right before our eyes.

Here are the bastards! Neptune said. - We need to stop this nonsense.

He again dived to the bottom and called his daughters to him.

Swim, my babies, to the palace kitchen, ”he said. - There in the cupboard you will find bags of salt. Take a sack each and get back as soon as possible.

And all the forty daughters of the sea king swam into the palace kitchen and each returned with a large bag of salt.

Then Neptune said to his yellow-haired daughters:

Swim, my little ones, to the east, sprinkle salt along the way and wave it in all directions with your tails.

And to the black-haired daughters he said:

Swim, dear ones, to the south, scatter salt from bags and wave it in all directions.

To the white-haired daughters he said:

Swim, kids, west and do the same.

To the red-haired he said:

And you, my good ones, sail north and, sparing no salt, salt the sea.

And all his daughters sailed away in all directions and did everything as their father told them.

The next day the whales, as always, began to drink the sea.

Oh, they said, it's salty!

They were disgusted to swallow salt water, and they released it back in a mighty fountain. And out of chagrin, they beat the water with their tails, which caused a terrible storm to rise on the sea.

And King Neptune laughed.

That's great, he said. - Now the sea will always be salty, and the whales will not drink it, but will beat their tails in frustration, and a terrible storm will rise. But sometimes a storm on the sea is better than no sea at all, right?

You are right, dear father! - said all forty daughters, and each kissed him.

That is why the sea is salty and storms happen on it.

That's great, but I didn't know, - said the tiger, when the writer finished the fairy tale about the sea. - And now draw, please, a bath.

Yes, a cold water bath. Tigers love to swim in cold water.

The writer drew a bathtub with water, and the tiger climbed into it.

Are you happy? - asked the writer.

I think it's time for you to get out.

A little more.

Get out, get out, or I'll have to take an eraser and erase the tub. - And the writer took an eraser and erased a piece of the bath.

Oh what have you done! cried the tiger. - Look, the water is pouring right on the page. You will fill the whole book.

Nothing, I'll wipe both the water and the bath.

Well, you erased half of my stripes.

Don't worry, I'll draw the stripes again now. Like this! - And the writer drew stripes for the tiger.

Why are tigers striped? asked the tiger.

Hmm... why... maybe because it was easier to play hide-and-seek. In the jungle where tigers live, everything is golden yellow in the sun, and everything is black in the shade. And it is very convenient for the yellow-black tiger to hide.

Cleverly thought out, - said the tiger. - And now let's go to the next page, and you will tell me another fairy tale.

You can't go to the next page, there's a Humpley-Bumply.

And you draw a train, we will sit in the car and go quickly, quickly, then Humpley-Bumply will not catch up with us.

The friends boarded the train and

Anastasia Pranovna Yanch
Heavenly tales for the gnome

A small but very inquisitive Gnome lived in a magical forest. More than anything, he loved to look at the sky. The sky also loved the Gnome, and every time the Sun hid behind the forest, and the stars and the Moon appeared above the trees, the sky told him its tales. With each new fairy tale the sky for the baby was getting bigger and more beautiful.

The first story. Moon.

A long time ago, the beautiful planet Earth appeared in the Universe. She had enough of everything, both water and air. The outfits were so luxurious that everyone could envy. Yes, but there was no one around. The sister planets lived very far away, and the Earth had no close friends.This upset the beauty - there was no one to be sad with and rejoice together, there was no one to show her magnificent outfits. From loneliness, the Earth began to get angry, red-hot and throw up clouds of smoke and pillars of fire. Often her outfits caught fire from this - trees, flowers and herbs, and the poor thing grieved even more. It is not known how it would have ended if mother nature had not taken pity on the beauty. On one of the birthdays of the Earth, when all the new outfits were tried on and it was already possible to go to sleep, a voice was heard from above:

These outfits really suit you. You have become even more beautiful.

Hello! Who are you?

I am your companion, and I hope to become a friend. And my name is Luna.

You are my new gift for your birthday?

This is probably what it is. Only you will see me not during the day, but at night.

That's fine. Now and at night, my beauty will be visible far, far away, because your light is so bright that it eclipsed many stars in the night sky.

This is not my light. This is the light of the sun. I only reflect it. You won't always see me so big and bright, and sometimes you won't even see me at all.

Why are you leaving me?

No no. I will always be your companion, even when you don't see me.

It's sad that you, so beautiful, almost like me, will hide. Maybe it won't happen often?

But then a pink dawn appeared in the sky and the Moon went beyond the horizon, without having time to answer. And the next night it appeared in the sky again, but not very round.

Now I can answer.- She said - Every 29 nights I will change: from completely round and bright to completely invisible.

Yes, I understand now. - The saddened Earth answered.

29 days and nights have passed. During this time, the Moon was both round like an apple, and similar to half a cheese, and shone with a thin crescent, but the Earth always felt its presence next to it, even when the companion was not visible at all. The earth has become more cheerful and even more beautiful. The moon became her best and closest friend.

The second story. Mercury

Uncle Bright Sun had a nephew, Mercury. He was small and round. Uncle really wanted this baby not to get lost in our big world, therefore, the Bright Sun did not let him go anywhere from himself. Uncle gave his pet all his warmth.

Mercury liked such a life under the constant protection of the wise and caring Bright Sun. He even became lazy and lying down rolled around his uncle. The only thing the baby did not like very much, although the uncle warmed him as best he could, nevertheless it always happened only from one side, while the other at that time was very, well, just terribly strong, cooled. And willy-nilly, the sloth had to turn around to warm himself to everything.

Bright Sun began to notice that His dear nephew was very clumsy and decided to make Mercury move faster by pushing and pushing him. Sometimes Bright Sun muttered displeasedly:

- If you are so lazy, you will turn into a completely ugly one.

- Why do I need beauty? Nobody sees it except you. You burn so brightly that all our neighbors, when they look in my direction, see only you.

- You're wrong, baby. Everyone who likes to look at the sky in the early morning, when I have not yet appeared above the horizon, sees you against the pink background of the dawn.

- Oh, so it's only in the morning, and even then, probably, not always.

- In the evening, you can also admire, in the rays of the sunset. True, sometimes only one of your half or even the edge is visible.

- Uncle, dear, because if I am crooked or one-sided, then it will immediately become noticeable to everyone? -


- I don't want that. I will move a lot, I will even run around you.

- To run, you must first stand up, and you are always on your side.

- Then I will roll, but very quickly and remain round and beautiful.

Since then, Mercury has been moving around the Sun very quickly, faster than around its own axis. In its three years, it only rotates around its axis twice.

The third story. Venus

In the vast and unusually rich kingdom of the Solar System, the bright king of the Sun has a daughter, Princess Venus. Like all princesses, she is very beautiful and graceful. Father always rejoices, looking at her - such perfect forms, such dexterous movements... Although ..., here it is necessary to dwell in more detail.

The movements of Venus are really very dexterous, even too much. The fact is that all the other brothers and sisters of her rotate around their axis from west to east, and the Sun above them in the morning rose in the east, and in the evenings hid behind the horizon in the west. Venus is an incorrigible stubborn. Nothing can give up her whim to meet the Sun in the west in the morning and see it off in the east in the evening. The father loved his princess-daughter so much that he forgave her even this prank.

But Venus is not only a prankster, no, no. She is shy. Hard to believe!? But it is so. She never throws off her thick, thick veil. And when they tell her that you can suffocate like that or get sick somehow, Venus only blushes from embarrassment, and maybe from the heat. True, pimples-volcanoes sometimes burst on her skin-bark and leave ugly scars, but dangerous celestial stones, large and especially small, do not reach the delicate skin. A dense blanket-atmosphere reliably covers Venus from prying eyes, so as not to jinx it. To the ubiquitous paparazzi, she says:

If you want to take a picture of me, then warm up properly in the bath of my atmosphere, and if you stay alive, you can take a few pictures.

There were many people who wanted to see the touchy beauty. But most of them are already gone, burned down, never seeing the face of Venus. And those who managed to touch the surface of her face took photographs, but they themselves remained forever in captivity of this naughty. And yet, every year there are more and more people who want to, because mystery is always very attractive. And Venus is still mysterious and beautiful. When it appears on the morning or evening horizon of the Earth, the sight of its bright brilliance sometimes even causes objects to cast shadows.

Oh yes, Princess Venus!

The fourth story. Mars

Red, but not a tomato, round, but not an apple, a planet, but not the Earth - What is it?

Cheerful Mars liked to ask such riddles to his friends. Of course, they always immediately guessed and shouted cheerfully:

It's you - Mars!

Certainly! It's not hard to understand, but can you guess why I'm Red?

Good question. Only those who knew our hero very well could give an answer to it. So what's the secret? Where is the clue? Maybe Mars himself will tell us what's what?

Yes, it’s very simple - it’s all about silica, which I have so much in me that I blushed willy-nilly.

And tell Mars why don't you wash yourself? Isn't it possible to wash off this silica of yours with water? - the neighbor Earth once asked.

You can probably wash it off with water. But where can I get it?

You don't have water? - The Earth could not believe it - she perfectly sees the ice caps at the friend's poles.

With such water that covers me, you can’t wash yourself, it’s hard.

What a pity. She, hard water, does not scratch you?

Well, it scratches a little, but that's not the point. Now, if I had liquid water, like, for example, You, Earth, I would not only be cleaner, but also richer.

Like this?

Trees could also grow on me and animals could live in the forests, and wonderful birds would sing in my sky. And all that is needed is that they warmed me ... - and Mars became sad.

Don't be discouraged. You do not have forests and birds, but there are always two faithful companions next to you. Friendship is the greatest wealth. But you don't seem to understand it. Why do you call your companions "Horror" and "Fear"?

Well, firstly, not Horror and Fear, but Phobos and Deimos, and secondly, they are not offended.

I would be offended.

So they're not some tearful girls. They are hard as a rock, real blocks of stone.

The earth was angry for the "tearful girl", but did not show it. She is kind and friendly and is already considering how to help Mars warm up and become more beautiful and kinder.

And you, Gnome, can you tell me how to add heat to our red neighbor?

Fifth story. Jupiter

Would you like to hear a story about the biggest spinning top in the world? Yes?

Well, listen.

I can’t say for sure who and when made this giant spin, but I know for sure that it will hardly be possible to stop it in the near space time. I'm talking about Jupiter. In the black space of the universe, it hangs and does not fall, huge and heavy. All the planets in the solar system combined would be lighter than Jupiter. But he doesn't fall... Where? Yes, even in the sun.

Where is the fairy tale?

Listen. A bun rolls along the sunny path. Unusual such - kolobok. If you look at him properly, then he is some kind of undercooked, or what? And it’s not worth touching it at all, you can ... drown. In a word, it is not solid. Moreover, its substance is also moving at great speed, and, even more strange, in different directions. So it turns out that it is striped - a dark stripe, a light stripe and again a dark stripe, a light stripe, and a spot in the middle. This spot is special, it is red, and the substance in it, like a tornado, spins counterclockwise. The spot is larger than the Earth.

The gingerbread man rolls and rolls, and is not afraid of anyone. And who should he be afraid of when he is so big and strong, he will grab anyone and will not let go. Here are rolling next to Jupiter four small koloboks, his eternal companions. Maybe they are his prisoners, who knows? Such a giant can do anything.

Do not get in the way of stone blocks, neither small nor large, Jupiter will capture you into eternal slavery. You will circle around him for the whole century, like dozens and dozens of his tiny, in comparison with him, irregularly shaped satellites.

However, the giants sometimes get "for pies." Because of its greed, Jupiter sometimes grabs a comet that is too large and fast. From such a delicacy, his stomach hurts and sparks pour from his eyes. It's my own fault, you have to be more modest !!!

Story six. Saturn

The rings of Saturn, the satellites of Saturn and the clouds of Saturn argued - which of them is more important for the planet, and so quarreled that Saturn hardly reconciled them again.

Rings were the first to start all the fuss.

We are the most visible, we are the brightest, we are the best decoration our great planet. - They exclaimed. - It is only thanks to us that everyone will recognize Saturn from far, far away. Look at our correct forms. Look......

And for a long time the rings intended to talk about their charms, but the companions could not stand it.

Stop it. - They were indignant. - Yes, you are just a scattered pile of small stones and ice. Here we really mean a lot. We are huge compared... to some, and we are many. What can I say, just look at me, - says Titan. - I am the largest satellite in the entire solar system. I'm almost like a planet. Yes, I could be a planet, and independently circle the Sun, if not for my strong attachment to Saturn. I...

The clouds couldn't stand it anymore.

What is it all of you really? Yes, you are just braggarts! You might think that our beautiful planet would not do without you. What nonsense! Here we are, Saturn really needs us, if only because we are its integral part. Look carefully and you will see that we crown our planet like a magnificent six-sided crown. No planet has such decoration, except for our dear Saturn. How can you, you rings that are so far away, or, you satellites that run around the planet, as if playing hide and seek, how can you compare in importance to the clouds ...

The dispute would have continued for a long time and would have resulted in a real quarrel if the wise Saturn had not reconciled the disputants.

All of you are very important to me. - He said. - All of you are very dear to me. I protect all of you and am not going to part with anyone. But you must make peace, otherwise there may be trouble, and not only for you, but also for me. I demand both peace and obedience! The main thing here, nevertheless, is me!

And the dispute subsided, for allI immediately felt ashamed of my boasting. How could they stick out their significance if there was a huge and powerful planet nearby, their beloved Saturn.

Seventh story. Uranus.

In the distant, black space, a huge rocky-ice block was lost. Only ordinary blocks - all sorts of curves, but this one is even, round and not even ordinary at all.

For a long time, except for the Sun and its nearest neighbor, Saturn, no one knew about Uranus. He is far. True, this hermit and proud man is not very worried because of the lack of attention to his person. He surrounded himself with a flock of loyal companions. And together, He and 21 His companions make their journey around the luminary, our mighty Sun. The journey is long. Uranus is so tired that now it is already lying down making its traditional 84 Earth year round.

Layered clouds moisten and cool it.

What are they cooling off from?

From your own warmth.Uranus is so far from the Sun that any other planet in its place would have frozen over long ago. Any other, but not Uranus. This giant knows his own worth - he keeps his warmth far in the depths and does not allow the Cosmos to destroy this precious hearth.

They say that Uranus has a cherished secret. A long time ago he had a friend-companion. For a long time, friends lived in perfect harmony. But something happened, no one knows what, and the satellite broke into small pieces. Fragments are now flying around, encircling the planet in a ring. The remaining friends all the time bother Uranus with questions about that distant tragedy, trying to find out something. But our giant never reveals this secret to anyone. Who knows, maybe he feels some kind of guilt behind him? Maybe. Who knows who knows? Majestic proud people often do not value friendship and are very unrestrained. Maybe Uranus is? How to know? How to know? He's too far away...

Story eight. Neptune

The inhabitants of the Earth have learned to make flying machines. Every year these devices became more and more. Each time they got better and better. At first people flew balloons, then - on airplanes, and finally - on spaceships. The whole Earth, like a huge ball, was surveyed by astronauts from the windows of rockets. However, this was not enough for the people. And so spacecraft flew from the Earth to other planets in order to find out more closely what was there and how.

People were very surprised when spacecraft began to fly to places that on Earth were only guessed at. One such place was Neptune.

This huge ball is very far from the Earth and, moreover, from the Sun. If he could talk, then he could tell a lot about himself, and it would be something like this:

I am Neptune. I am the most mysterious of all the planets in the solar system. I am the most mysterious and distant. I am very cold outside. But you don't know what's inside me... you never dreamed of such heat. And what winds are above me. Nothing can stay on the surface, everything is rushing, everything is spinning. Just look at my blue spot. You think I got smeared, nothing like that - it's a huge tornado. Oh-oh-oh, you will not see this anywhere else, but I have several of them. I do not advise you to fly too close to me, I will circle and catch a cold-oo-oo! Fly, better pass! Unless, of course, you still have the strength to fly somewhere. And for the time being, I'm not going to reveal my secrets to anyone, fly, fly! Woo!!!

Only in vain did Neptune try to scare the Earthlings away. Sooner or later, people will study it in the same detail as all other planets. And it does not matter that he is far away, so far that he goes around the Sun in 60190 Earth days and surrounded himself with 12 satellites. The curiosity of people knows no bounds. The inhabitants of the Earth can do everything, if they want, they can do everything! And fly to Neptune!

Do you think that dwarfs are only among people? Nothing happened! Listen to the whisper of space and you will get acquainted with dwarf planets. One of them is Pluto.

How, where this dwarf came from, it is difficult to guess. However, it exists and deserves our attention.

Small and distant, he lived for a long time in complete obscurity for the inhabitants of the Earth. But that didn't bother the little one at all. And even then ... - it is difficult to make a stone rock feel emotional. Pluto is stone, this is true, but his character is not like his appearance and structure. Sometimes in conversation with his closest neighbor, also a dwarf,he reveals his soul.

Do you know, my friend, why my path around the Sun is not like the path of other planets? After all, who, no matter how you know that I am. either I approach our luminary closer than Neptune, or I run away into the black expanses of the universe twice as far. Don't you think that this kind of running gives me pleasure? No, I'm not running from happiness and joy... They don't want to take me into their company. It hurts me and I leave. These are not very fun things, my friend. And I so want to be the same planet as the others. So what if I'm small. For some reason, I am hardy, fast, and maybe the smartest, like all little ones. I believe: my hour will come! you just have to know how to wait.

And Pluto again went into the distant darkness of space.
