Poems dedicated to an adult daughter from a mother. Congratulations in your own words to your daughter happy birthday Gentle words on your daughter's birthday

Dear daughter, my baby,
The sun is three times clearer,
If you throw it to any edge,
You come back.

It's just that without a daughter it's triple boring,
Just sadness came
Well, as a woman, there is no one for me
Throw out what I've got.

The daughter has a feminine essence,
Women's logic too
It's just a little bit difficult without a daughter,
We can't live without each other!

Oksana Varnikova

When I'm not on earth
When I Can't Help
You, my daughter, in silent silence
Read my left commandment ...

Do not rush to discard the book
Sighing in our hearts, the world is different now
Its pages are part of my soul...
Don't leave, talk to me...

Don't say that the world is not the same
That even a friend does not remember the good ...
The grain is well-groomed, yet it will sprout
And fill the spikelets to the brim ...

Don't think about the bad you never
After all, the path of life is not the Paradise road
There are failures sometimes
Behind the night is day, behind the sun is bad weather

Resentment bag, do not rush to carry
Their life itself will load a lot for you ...
If the path is difficult, try-smile
And immediately it will become more fun road.

Do not chase after wealth in the world
In the afterlife, you can't sum them up.
You are proud of the gold of your soul
I know you're good and you can.

Let your house be a haven of warmth,
Full of happiness and friends,
Then you won't be alone in life
Beloved, remember my words ...

And if you become a mother, a thousand troubles
Let children's laughter rush through the rooms,
Like a bird builds nests for babies,
And so will you, my love...

IN family life, not always easy
Take your mistakes seriously...
And for your patience and kindness,
May the Almighty help you.

Lyubov Sabeeva

Well, that's grown up, baby,
And fading, the heart beats
Have you been reading books lately?
And I drew wherever I could.
You argued with your mother growing up,
Adding sad wrinkles
And clung to her, regretting
With love, gently hugging.
Eyelashes tremble with tears,
This is often the case with brides...
And our children are like birds,
They fly away from their nests
Let us not be forgotten for a long time
Giving your love and happiness
Just to keep each other warm,
Protecting from bad weather…

Roman Ivanovich Mironov

Don't bother me with questions.
I can't find answers to them myself.
Maybe fate, or maybe just a case,
But I cherish every moment...

Why should I know if we'll part tomorrow
Or we will live in an embrace all our lives ...
No, it's not a moment of insane excitement,
In my dreams I thought about him...

Forgive me, mom, my tone, I can't
The soul trembles, thoughts are a mess ...
I ask only one thing to let go ...
Well, I can't live without him...

Daughters, daughters, adult daughters,
Let the Guardian Angel protect you!
Whatever life we ​​prophesy for you,
An adult daughter will fly away from the nest ...

Lyubov Sabeeva

You live your life
And you build your nest.
My dear daughter,
For me, you are dear.

Happy birthday, congratulations
And I will send all success to you.
Everything you can achieve in life
About you, only thoughts.

I want to smile a lot
And problems, so as not to be afraid.
Happy birthday,
And all success, I will send to you.

Happy birthday my daughter
For you, congratulations line.
You will be my baby
And as in childhood, I call the mouse.

Let change not scare
But only strength, they add.
Happy birthday, have fun
And fate, you smile.

I only wish the best
And I bless you for good luck.
May the Lord help you
And protects everything.

Time flies so fast
And it reminds us.
How dear to each other with you,
I'll tell the whole area.

Happy birthday dear daughter
For me, you are precious.
I just want to smile
And problems not to be afraid.

Let them pass by
And happiness will only bring.
Know that we are always with you
Even in summer, even in winter!

How many words I want to say
To you daughter, I'm flying.
To congratulate on your birthday
And wish you a bright life.

How you grew up and did not notice
Only with a glance, met with one.
You are our queen
And the daughter is just class!

I know you'll get a lot
And you can't go wrong anywhere.
Accept congratulations,
And you live happily.

I congratulate you
My unearthly.
You are like a friend to me
And I know for sure.

There is no dearer in the world,
Than my daughter.
And no for me
It's more beautiful than the day.

I want to congratulate
Happy birthday to you.
Let adult life
Gives only inspiration!

My girl, adult daughter,
For you, endless anxiety
May the road not be hard
I pray for you day and night...

To troubles, hardships and sadness
Bypassed you
So that you were saved by fate,
I ask and pray for you...

My wise adult daughter
You and I are similar in many ways
I may have given you
Your character to overcome everything ...

You have a secure berth
Father's house, where you are always welcome,
Where is your love - the highest reward,
Where they will understand ... and sadness will recede
Ovsey Fola

We were sitting in the kitchen, and my daughter
She told me, jokingly, in between times:
“Here, we are conducting a survey on the subject of being -
Would you like to be a grandmother?

“I would like to, but it will completely change
Your life forever, drastically." -
"Yes, I know. Well, I won’t sleep, I won’t finish it, ”-
My daughter answered me mechanically.

But, after all, this, well, how to put it mildly,
It's not that, not a soldier's courage.
I was looking for words to convey to her
All responsibility of this step.

I would tell her: “Wounds from your birth
You will heal very quickly.
But a new wound will appear - love,
What gives only one motherhood.

It's a wound of emotion, anxiety, shame
For the child you made.
And about life you won’t say “Nonsense!”
You will never return what was!

And no matter how exquisite you are,
An alarmed cry of a child - "Mom!"
Quit urgently will force any business,
From simple to the most cash.

I wanted to say that her career
Will suffer with the birth of a child.
After all, more than once she will fall into oblivion,
The smell of feeling a child's head.

I wanted to tell her that the weight gained
Can be reset by diet, exercise.
But miracles have not yet happened in the world,
Motherhood to dump stealthily.

And such an important life for you
No, it will not be so significant soon.
You will forget about everything, gently tugging
This little one is both in joy and in sorrow.

You will learn, daughter, to forget about the dream,
Make a choice whose happiness is more precious.
Do not regret the beauty that has long gone,
Ask philosophically: "Maybe ..?"

I want you to know that love is for a husband
There will be one and not the same at the same time.
And you will love him, as if again,
As with you sharing this burden.

And I also wanted to talk about feelings -
Feelings of joy, feelings of delight!
Only a mother can experience them
And keep them for a long time.

The first step, the first laugh, the first joyful look.
A new day is like a new era.
The first experience in communicating girls, guys,
Indispensable search and faith!

And the birdhouse is taller, and the ball is in the yard,
New Year and mushroom picking.
And stories about this to friends, kids,
As he stomped half the forest with his feet.

I wanted to say ... But a tear is only in response
Turned up in front of my eyes.
"You will not regret that instead of the word" No "
"Yes!" said that life unfolded.

Stretching out his hand across the table to his daughter,
When I met her, I whispered:
“I pray for you, for myself, for all women,
Whose calling is just to BE A MOM!”

My daughter, I can't believe you've grown up so fast. It seemed to me that I would enjoy your childhood for a long time, but the time flew by very quickly. Right now I'm just enjoying the memories. My dear, I congratulate you on your birthday. You know that this holiday is special for me too, so I rejoice no less than you. I want to wish you good luck and happiness, my beloved girl. You are a very determined, very strong girl, so you will need luck to achieve everything you dream of. I have always said that my daughter will reach the most significant heights, and now I do not refuse my words. I see that you have already achieved a lot, but this is not the end. My dear, I want your eyes to always shine! I want to hear from you only good news and pleasant words. Happy holiday!

My girl, I look at you and understand that I see my reflection. I just see myself at the same age. I am incredibly glad that I gave birth to my copy. Today is my copy's birthday. My girl, I want to wish you a happy birthday, and also wish you everything that you yourself dream of. I can talk about your qualities for hours because you are the kind of girl who never gives up. I really like that you are so strong, hardworking and purposeful. I wish you to always remain just like that, because these qualities will help you to be fully realized in this life. My girl, I will never tire of repeating that you are my pride. You are getting better day by day, you are improving. Happy holiday to you, my beloved daughter! Remember that your mother can help you in any situation.

My daughter, I remember very well the feelings that seized me when I first saw you. I remember that I constantly repeated that you only look like me, although, in fact, you became like me much later. My girl, I want to congratulate you on your birthday, and also wish you all the brightest, kindest and most positive. You are such an incredible lighter, who knows how to find a common language with people, who can always support her loved one. I am very proud that you grew up with me and became such a wonderful girl who is distinguished by her upbringing and kindness. I have always invested in you just such qualities, and now I see that you have absorbed them perfectly. My dear, let no worries stand in your way. You are quite a responsible girl, so you should not be afraid of anything.

My girl, I look at you now and remember what you were when you were just born. I remember very well how you looked in the first minutes after birth. I remember that for several days you practically did not cry, but smiled all the time. And now you are like that too - smiling, cheerful and funny girl who is incapable of conflict. I like that you are also a very responsible girl who knows perfectly well what she wants in this life. Since childhood, you have left yourself one task, which you are going to even now. You always knew who you wanted to be in the future, and you haven't even changed your mind since. My girl, I really want you to achieve your goal in the end, because I know how important it is for you. You know that I am always ready to support you, so I always look forward to when you turn to me for advice. I wish you well, my baby!

My girl, I wish you a happy birthday. I dreamed about my daughter so much that after your birth I hurried time to quickly start going shopping with you, watching movies, and keeping secrets. And now I would give anything to go back to when you were very young. I really want you not to rush the time when you have a daughter. The relationship between mother and daughter is completely different, so I really want you to be able to establish the same one that we have established with you in the future. My daughter, I want to wish you on your birthday only everything that you yourself need. May all your dreams come true, may all ideas and plans come true, so that you achieve all the heights that you have been dreaming of for so long. May your health never let you down, because health is very difficult to restore. I wish you happiness, my girl.

My daughter, your birthday has come. I love this holiday very much, because this day gave me my incredible daughter. My dear, I want to wish you happiness first of all. I really want you to do right choice in life, so that you find a person who will love you more than dad and I, although I think that this is impossible. We really want you to be happy, to be comfortable with this person, then we will be happy. I wish you a sea of ​​positive emotions, many joyful moments, happy events that will cheer you up. I get very upset when you are not in the mood. My dear, never be sad, because everything in this world can be solved. You know that I am always there, I will do everything for my one and only daughter.

My girl, did you really grow up so fast? I just can't believe it, because it seemed to me that time would drag on for a very long time. I enjoyed your childhood, but I didn't even notice how fast you grew up. Now we have a completely different relationship with you, already like girlfriends. I like that you and I, daughter, were able to become close friends. I really want you to never hide anything, because you know that I can support you in any situation. I really want to congratulate you on your birthday, and also wish you all that you yourself need to feel happy. I know that at times you are sad, you are scared, but you cope with these situations and moments. I'm proud of you, daughter. You are an incredibly independent girl, but do not forget that your mother can always help you.

My baby, my daughter, I love you very much! I congratulate you on your holiday, today you are one more year older. Very soon you will have a family yourself, and it seemed that you were born yesterday. I want to wish you, my dear, a sea of ​​good luck, a sea of ​​happiness, love and patience. Do not forget that not everything turns out the way we want, but all this can be achieved, you just need to be a little patient. I want to advise you to appreciate every moment, because it is unique, it will not happen again. It seemed to me that you would remain a baby for a long time, and now I really regret that I did not record every moment. My girl, I want to wish you also health, because it is never superfluous. Let no anxieties and problems interfere with you, do not make you sad. Remember that I am always there, I am ready to support you and help you, my daughter.

Congratulations to your daughter on the phone

Daughter! Honey, happy birthday to you. You are a bright flower that decorates our house. Let there be no dark stripes in your life, let everything shine and sparkle bright colors and emotions. Be the happiest, our dear girl!

On your bright birthday, all your friends will arrange carom, they will sing and have fun, congratulate you, daughter, and frolic, they will all be glad that they have such a girlfriend! Mom wishes you, kitten, a successful ending school year, I wish to enter the university, master your chosen profession, become an excellent specialist! In the meantime, have fun and do not think about anything!

That's twenty-five years old. At this age, the girl really blossoms. She is still young and looks great, but already has her own position in life and little experience behind her back. May this path through life be filled with unexpected and new meetings, cheerful and cheerful moments, true friends, great and strong family happiness. For such a person, filled with light, dear to the heart and soul, no time or effort is spared. Congratulations, daughter, on this important day for both of us. Let everything work out, longing and sadness do not come to your house, and people meet only with a big soul, ready to help at any moment. On this bright holiday, it remains to wish a sunny, bright, positive mood and the same weather. What else is needed for happiness?

Our sun, we congratulate you on your birthday and wish you - let happiness rock you on a calm emerald wave, in a cozy, comfortable, magical world. May luck become your friend, and love be sweet, pleasant - like honey!

Dear daughter! I congratulate you on your birthday, I hug you tightly and kiss you with all my heart, my dear child. If you knew how deep my love for you is, how much I want to wish you all the best. Not a single word can express my quivering parental feeling, which I wish you to know too. With all my heart I want you to grow up as smart, sensitive, beautiful girl which you are now, my baby!

My most beloved and dear girl, happy birthday to you! This is my holiday, because once you brought new meaning and a lot of happiness into my life. Be healthy, beautiful, loved and respected by everyone around!

My baby, I wish you a happy birthday! I wish you to be healthy and the happiest. Always remain a beauty queen, and no matter what happens, be on top. Be always the same sweet, smart and kind. I wish that your dreams and innermost desires always come true, and your life is like a kind fairy tale.

Daughter, happy birthday to you! On this bright day, we want to wish you joy, happiness, fulfillment of all your desires! May your whole life be filled with warmth and light, may you be surrounded by the attention and participation of loved ones!

Beloved, my daughter! This is your big day in life. Your birthday! For one more year you have become older, wiser, more experienced and more beautiful. Now you are walking with more confident steps through adulthood. On this day, I want your eyes to sparkle with happiness, a smile never left your lips, and your hands were busy with gifts and bouquets of flowers. Huge unearthly happiness, family comfort, well-being, great love. So that in all the things you start, success and good luck accompany you. I wish you a sunny mood, new, vivid impressions, ideas and emotions. Never lose heart and do not rush to give up when faced with trouble. Do not forget about the family that loves you, ready to turn its shoulder at any moment, to come to your aid.

To my daughter on her birthday, the most beautiful, gentle and cheerful, wishes and congratulations. Be always loved and in love, with an eternally young soul, with fire in your chest, with a dream in your heart, inextinguishable like a star. I love you so much! Happy Birthday, my dear.

Words of congratulations to mother on the birthday of her daughter

Daughter, happy birthday to you! May there be as many bright, carefree days in your life as possible. Love and be loved. Good luck to you, my sunshine! I want you to succeed in everything you have planned. I wish you carelessness, security, kindness, peace, prosperity, good luck, harmony, creativity, peace and wonderful impressions!

Our dear, beloved daughter! On this sunny holiday, your closest ones, your parents, are in a hurry to congratulate you. There are not enough words to express all our love. You are only crossing an invisible line into adulthood, and our parental heart is torn from experiences. Before your childish, still dreamy personality, the whole world is open. We wish you not to lose your subtle, creative nature, but only to develop. May your life path be bright and rich, and maybe only a little thorny. Of course, you want a daughter of family comfort and hearth, longevity, happiness and health for you. We believe that you will endure all trials and tribulations with dignity, and we, of course, will always be by your side.

Daughter, you are the dearest person in the world to me. Therefore, I want to wish you all the best on this beautiful birthday of yours! Let life do not skimp on joy for you, and let sorrows and failures bypass you!

Our dear daughter, our flower. Be always young and beautiful, desirable and dear. Let everything be fine in life: love and friendship, happiness, and good luck. May your young soul never grow old and be always kind and responsive to any trouble. Happy Birthday to You.

Our beloved daughter! We hug you, kiss you and sincerely wish you happiness, because perhaps no one else deserves it just like you. You brought so much joy, smile, beauty and kindness into our lives. So let all this in life return to you with a double return! Happy Birthday Sun!

My daughter, you have become quite an adult. It is a pleasure to look at you - because you are beautiful! Your beauty is complemented by the highest spiritual qualities. I wish that all your girlish dreams come true and you will definitely meet your fairy prince! Happy birsday, my dear!

Daughter! Our treasure and our bright ray! Happy birthday! For parents, there is no better gift than such a wonderful daughter. We wish that your most secret desires and dreams become a reality, and we will do our best to contribute to this. Happy holiday, our girl.

Beautiful words of congratulations on the birthday of your daughter

Daughter! If you only knew how proud I am that you have grown up to be such a beautiful, smart and interesting girl! If you could only imagine how nice it is for me to see my features in you and watch you grow. Therefore, on this day, I wish you never to betray your heart and, as a result, get all the best that is possible from life!

Happy birthday, my sweet and beautiful daughter! I wish you to be yourself beautiful girl in the world, the smartest, most successful and kindest! There are many things that can decorate and diversify our lives. Use them and you will understand how amazing and beautiful this world is. Dear, may everything be fine with you. May there never be fear in your heart.

Happy is the mother who managed to raise a worthy daughter. The daughter who made her mother happy with her successes is worthy of praise. Thank you, my daughter, for having you! My happiness knows no bounds, you are my joy and consolation. I wish you a happy birthday and I want you to feel the taste of a truly happy life.

Dear daughter! Today you are one year older. I remember when you were born very small. Now you are quite an adult, but for me you will still remain a small, fragile girl. I wish you all the best in your life. You are a clever beauty, and besides this, I wish that on your way you meet a person worthy of you. May your family be strong and happy. And you already congratulated your daughter on her birthday. And I also wish you good health, because it’s not in vain that they say that you can’t buy health for any amount of money. Good luck and victories to you in all your undertakings and deeds. So that your work brings you real pleasure and is well paid at the same time. Believe in yourself and you will definitely succeed, you deserve the best!

I congratulate you on the main holiday in your life, happy birthday! May everything always be fine with you! Today you have become one year older, one more moment closer to adulthood! Health, happiness, family well-being, great love and Longevity! Always please your parents and study well!

Dear daughter, happy birthday to you. I wish you, sun, to shine like a bright star in the sky, to believe in a dream and strive for success, I wish you to always be surrounded by happiness and love, to confidently move forward and conquer new peaks.

My dear daughter, my dearest little man, happy birthday to you! May the sun shine brightly in your life, and it will always be warm and cozy! I love you very much, and therefore I wish you only the very best! Good health to you, cloudless happiness. And so that today, when you blow out the candles, on a beautiful birthday cake, in no case forget to make your most cherished wish. Indeed, on this magical holiday for you, much is possible, the main thing is to believe in it, and much will come true! May your Angel keep you! And stay the same, my beloved, dear daughter!

My beloved daughter, I am proud that you combine best qualities women: kindness, affection, tenderness, and all this is complemented by amazing beauty and prudence. I wish you to meet a man who will be as perfect as you.

My girl, let every year be an occasion for you to discover yourself and your abilities. Everything that you conceived will certainly come true and give you only positive emotions. Happy birthday, daughter!

Dear daughter! I clearly remember the day the angel was born. I always knew that you would grow up beautiful, smart and talented, that you would have enough strength and diligence to find your way in life, and that you would definitely be happy. On this birthday, I want to say that I wish you to become even more beautiful and happier every year, may sadness never look into your family, and the sun always shines through the windows of your house!

My precious daughter! Even now I remember very well the day when you were just born, then life was played with new colors for me. I know, believe and hope that you will grow up to be a beautiful, wise and gifted girl, that you will have enough desire and strength to find your own path in this life, to find an interesting and useful occupation for yourself. And you will definitely be happy! I wish you to become more beautiful and wiser every year! May clouds of sadness never cover your cheerful sky, and may the sun of positive and joy always shine on it!

Dear daughter, I congratulate you on your birthday and wish you clear and cloudless days. May your life be filled with pleasant little things, kind people and happy times! Let everything that you have in mind, what you dream about - everything will surely come true. Always be in a great mood, experience only positive emotions. Be happy!

My dear, daughter, my heart, I am happy to congratulate you on the day of your birth! As one instant, years have flown by since the moment you were born, our desired child. I, as now, remember the day when for the first time, with tears in my eyes, I pressed this bundle of happiness to my chest. I wish you to experience this incredible universal joy of the birth of your baby. I wish you healthy and happy children. May your house always be in abundance, peace and prosperity. I wish to always be by your side loving man on whose shoulder you could lean with your eyes closed. You have a long life ahead of you, full of wonderful events, and let everything work out in it. Less disappointment for you and more bright and happy days.

My dear, dear daughter, happy birthday! Today is a holiday not only for you, but also for me! After all, you are my most joyful and long-awaited gift! On this wonderful day, I wish you with all my heart warmth. Sincerity and love, so that you succeed in everything that you decide to do. I wish you true friends and loved ones loving people near. May the most faithful companion walk hand in hand with you through life! Be happy and make your loved ones happy! Be loved and desired. May every day be a holiday for you, and every moment bring you joy! I love you very much! Happy birthday!

My beloved, my dear daughter! Over the years, you have grown and become an independent, responsible, purposeful and reasonable person. Your development as a person cannot but delight us, your parents. We are proud of you. We wish you to preserve and increase your consciousness, responsibility and reasonableness. We wish you never to forget the good and joyful moments, and erase the unpleasant twists of fate from memory as carefully as possible. Each person builds his own happiness, and we believe that you will cope with this task. And we will always be there and support you when you need it.

my wonderful and loving daughter I want to wish you a good wife and a wonderful mother on your birthday. So that you know true female happiness, so that you are always cheerful and beautiful. So that the eyes burn and shine. I wish you to flourish every year!

How cool you are that you have gathered all of us here today! What a fine fellow you are that you were born to me on this day! You chose a good, fine day for your birthday! You always know what people need! And I want to wish that my dear would understand what you need yourself! Feel yourself, trust your heart! Being in harmony with others is good, but if you are not in harmony with yourself, it will not bring happiness. Think of yourself, do not try to please everyone, which is impossible. Remember that happy you - happy me! My kindred! Be happy and loved by the people around you! Be a little selfish in order to love yourself! This is what I wish you!

My sunshine, you still have your whole life ahead of you. Life saturated with bright colors, and nothing else! I want the colors of the traffic light to be with you through life! Let all your actions be green light! I wish you to realize everything conceived on your way! And yellow will help you think at a crucial moment, so as not to make an unconsidered decision! Let the red color be your conscience, and take you away from a bad deed, stop you from doing something bad. Remember that in this life it is very important to stop for a moment and look around, think and think of something good, and then act! I know that you are a stubborn girl, and you will achieve even more than you think! Appreciate yourself, because you are worthy, get everything from life and to the maximum!

My daughter! I wish you in my life to be burned in my youth! This is how you will become wiser, more experienced, and besides, when, no matter how young, do rash, risky acts? I really want your life to be full, varied, rich! To live it to the fullest, when, if not now, my baby! Be groovy, agree to all sorts of adventures, but do not cross the line of the law! Be alive, in the full sense of the word! So that you charge everyone with your unquenchable energy! She gave everyone a positive vibe. Go headlong into solving the tasks! Do them with enthusiasm, with desire. Remember that fate does not always give a chance, and in order not to regret what has not been done, it is better to do something bright and grandiose in your destiny!

My daughter is the best in the world - every mother thinks so. But you're the best of the best and I don't care if anyone disagrees. You are kinder, more beautiful, more caring and more perfect than all the daughters of the planet. Today I wish you endless happiness. You deserve it more than anyone else. May your shining eyes bring good light to the world. I love you very much and congratulate you on our common holiday - your birthday (I also have something to do with this ...).

Today I am absolutely happy, because I see that I have raised a wonderful daughter. Your birthday is a wonderful occasion to tell you that I am proud of you. Sometimes I even allow you to brag to your acquaintances about your achievements and successes. Forgive me this innocent maternal weakness. I hope that your success in the profession and in your personal life will not be a reason for people's envy, but will only become an example to follow. I thank God that I have you. Be happy.

What do you usually wish on your birthday? That for which we live - bright, serene, kind and pure, like a blue sky, like a gentle sun, like a multi-colored rainbow. We call it happiness. And my happiness is you, my daughter. And my happiness today turns ...... years old. I wish you a long, serene and love-filled life. Let your dreams always become a reality, troubles bypass your house, and only kind and sympathetic people will be around you. Happy birthday!

Dear daughter, there are many more birthday holidays ahead of you, you will receive a million flowers, the most desired gifts and hear thousands of wishes and congratulations, meet new friends and be truly happy! I wish you to spend every year between these holidays better than before, fulfilling your dreams, rediscovering, it would seem, a familiar world and meeting every day with a smile, because such beauties should not be sad!

My dear, beloved, gentle and smart daughter, I congratulate you with all my heart on your birthday! I wish you white and fluffy clouds, a yellow sun, a joyful warm mood. So that your friends warm you with smiles. So that you are always surrounded by care, attention and understanding.

My dear, beloved, gentle and smart daughter, I congratulate you with all my heart on your birthday! I wish you white and fluffy clouds, a yellow sun, a joyful warm mood. So that your friends warm you with smiles. So that you are always surrounded by care, attention and understanding

Daughter, we wish you to always remain the same purposeful, never give up on the intended path, find solutions even in the most peculiar situations, and then fate will reward you for your perseverance.

Today such wonderful holiday- your birthday! May the magic fairy fulfill all your wishes on this day! Let your friends be true and real, and always be an example at school! I love you very much, my beautiful birthday girl!

Dear daughter, happy birthday to you! Every time I see your smile, my heart is filled with immense happiness. Light up the whole world with your smile and make it better and happier! I want to find my soul mate and my happiness. Love you!
