Hot process technology. Technological techniques and methods of hair styling





2.1 Laying curls

2.2 Types of curls

2.3 Ways to style hair in curls

2.4 Hair styling in curls in the "Down" way

2.5 Laying curls in the "Up" way

2.6 Laying curls using the "Eight" method



4.1 Blow-drying for low volume hairstyles

4.2 Blow-drying when doing hairstyles with the effect of sticking out hair

4.3 Blow-drying for high volume hairstyles

4.4 We style curls with a hair dryer



Curling hair for a short time is called styling. Hair styling consists of many operations with which hairstyles of any shape are performed. Hairstyles resulting from hair styling are short-lived. They retain their shape for a maximum of 3-4 days. When wetted with water, the hair develops and takes its original shape.

The styling retention time depends on the shape of the hair and its cross section, which different hair are not the same. The shape can be round, oval or ribbon-like. How more shape the cross section of the hair is different from round, the hair is more curly. This type of hair, when styling, keeps the hairstyle for a longer time compared to straight hair.

The physical properties of hair that affect the safety of hairstyles include their tensile strength, elasticity, elasticity. The strength and elasticity of the hair when wetting is significantly reduced, and the elasticity increases. In addition, when wetting the hair, their length also increases. When dried, they return to their original state. These properties are very important. Hair styling is cold and based on these properties.

For example, if wet and, therefore, elongated compared to dry hair is wound on curlers, then during the drying process, compressive forces act on them, which help to reduce the length of the hair. But since the hair is not in a free state - it is wound on curlers - it will not be able to fully restore its length. The action of compression forces arising during the drying of hair will lead to a temporary and slight change in the shape of their cross section and an increase in the length of the hair.

Hair of medium thickness and stiffness returns to its original state, usually after 5-7 days. This period of time varies accordingly depending on the properties and condition of the hair.

To date, hair styling is carried out in several ways:

In a cold way - without the use of curler clips;

With the use of curlers and clips;

With the use of a hair dryer;

Using hot curling irons.


Cold styling lends itself well to hair that is elastic and soft, and also with an oval cross-section. It is very difficult to style hard and elastic hair in a cold way, and a hairstyle made on such hair lasts much less time.

Let's master the technological process of cold styling with the direction of the hair and the first wave to the right (Fig. 1).

After combing the strands, the hair is pressed on the right side with the middle finger of the left hand 3-4 cm from the base. Then they take the comb in the right hand in the third way and insert it with the frequent side of the teeth into the hair close to the middle finger and parallel to it. In this case, the teeth of the comb are located perpendicular to the strand of hair. Further, by moving the comb along its plane, the hair of the captured part of the strand is shifted to the right by 1-1.5 cm. When the hair is moved to the right, the first wave line is formed between the middle finger of the left hand, pressing the hair, and the comb. After the formation of the crown, without removing the teeth of the comb from the hair, tilt its butt to itself by about 45 °, and with the index finger of the left hand, firmly press the hair between the comb and the already formed wave line. At this moment, the index finger of the left hand should slide along the outer side of the comb from the master from its butt to the ends of the teeth. Given that the comb is at an angle of about 45 ° to the strand, the index finger of the left hand, sliding down along its plane, will simultaneously compress the wave line so that the latter will be between it and the middle finger. Next, comb the hair located below the index finger of the left hand.

The left side of the strand is pressed with the middle finger of the left hand at the same distance from its base. This is necessary so that the wave line of this side of the strand coincides with the line made.

After that, a comb is inserted into the hair and by moving it to the right, the crown formed in this case is connected to the strand on the right side. After that, as in the first case, the head of the comb is tilted towards itself, and at this time, with the index finger of the left hand, they press the hair between the comb and the wave line and comb the hair from the finger. After the formation of the first line of the wave over the entire width of the strand, they begin to complete the second line.

Start the second line from the left side of the strand. To do this, step back from the first line by 3-4 cm and pinch the hair with the middle finger of the left hand. Then the teeth of the comb are inserted into the hair close to the middle finger and with its movement to the left form the second wave line. Then they press it with the index finger of the left hand and comb the hair, starting from the finger. After that, they move to the right side of the strand and finish the second line of the wave with the same techniques. Thus, the first wave is obtained, limited by the upper (first) and lower (second) crowns.

Subsequent waves are processed in similar ways. Moreover, each next wave starts from the side of the strand where the wave will be directed.

The direction of the wave itself depends on the direction of movement of the hair with a comb during the formation of the first crown of any wave in a row.

The last wave is treated differently: after the formation of the last crown, the ends of the hair are combed from the index finger of the left hand not down, as usual, but in the direction where it would be necessary to move the hair with the comb to form the next crown.

Now let's get acquainted with the technological process of performing hairstyles with a side parting. After wetting the hair with a special composition, they are combed and parted. If the parting is on the left, processing starts on the right, and vice versa. Particular attention must be paid to the location of the protruding waves. Given that the side (oblique) parting divides the scalp into unequal parts, the number of waves on them will not be the same.

Having roughly determined the required number of waves and the order in which they are placed on the scalp, proceed to styling. They retreat from the parting by 3-4 cm and pinch the hair with the middle finger of the left hand. If it is necessary to obtain a sharper reverse frontal wave, its processing begins 5-6 cm from the parting. Then the teeth of the comb are inserted into the hair at the middle finger and by moving it to the left, the hair is given the desired direction from the forehead. Next, tilt the butt of the comb towards you, and with the index finger of your left hand, press the hair at the formed wave line. After that, carefully comb the hair, starting from the index finger. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the lower layers of the hair are well combed. Then the middle finger of the left hand is moved 3-4 cm from the resulting crown and the strips are pressed with it. Insert the teeth of the comb into the hair at the middle finger and give them a direction to the right. In this case, it should be remembered that when moving the comb to the right, it is advisable to start processing the hair head area on the right side of the area.

Completing the processing of the second crown of the reverse frontal wave, they practically begin to perform a protruding frontal wave. It is on it that the index finger of the left hand is located at this moment. All methods of its study are similar to those discussed above.

When performing a cold wave hair styling in waves, special attention should be paid not only to the order of the waves on the scalp, but also to the exact connection of the wave lines of the left and right sides of the head. Depending on the hairstyle model, these lines are connected in various ways. In a hairstyle with a side parting, the waves, as a rule, are connected at the back of the head. In this case, the second crown of the first wave of a larger section of the scalp is connected to the first crown of the first wave of a smaller section. Thus, the first wave of the smaller section will be connected to the second reverse wave of the larger one, and the second wave of the smaller section will be connected to the third reverse wave of the larger one. Therefore, if the wave on one part of the head is protruding, then on the other it will be reversed.

If the hairstyle is parted, then the location of the waves is completely different. A straight parting divides the scalp into two equal parts. Therefore, the number and arrangement of the waves should be symmetrical, i.e. the waves on the left side of the head should not differ from the waves on the right side, but connect the waves on the back of the head. In this case, the first reverse wave of any side of the head is connected with the first protruding wave of the opposite side.

The process of performing waves in hairstyles without parting is no different from that discussed above. The waves on the back of the head are connected in the same order: the protruding waves of one side of the head are connected to the reverse waves of the other side. The main direction of combing hair is from the face to the back of the head.

In a hairstyle without parting, the shape of the waves in the sections of hair that frame the face is different from the shape of the wave at the back of the head. The waves coming out to the face have a more narrowed shape and expand in the occipital areas.

Considering that a hairstyle without a parting is usually characterized by a sharp bend in the crown line of the first wave, it should not be performed with the entire plane of the comb teeth, but only with its end.

After performing waves in all areas or parts of the hair, a net is put on the head, which will protect the shape given to the hair during drying.


In order to learn how to perfectly master the curling iron, long systematic training is necessary. The master must be able to properly hold the tongs in his hand, as well as quickly and easily turn them in the palm of his hand both clockwise and counterclockwise while simultaneously squeezing and unclenching the working parts.

It is necessary to hold the tongs with the right hand, and the handle of the tongs lies in the palm of your hand, being placed between the thumb and forefinger. The working part of the forceps should be located on the side of the thumb and forefinger.

If you need to turn the tongs clockwise, they are placed in their original position in the right hand and begin to turn with the whole brush right hand.

So, it is necessary to master the techniques of using tongs so that you can easily, effortlessly turn the tongs in any direction, leaving the working part closed, and also open and close them simultaneously with the turns.

2.1 Laying curls

Despite the huge variety of existing hairstyles, their main elements are waves and curls. Changes in their appearance or relative position lead to changes in hairstyles.

The hairstyle is made only from waves or only from curls - in any case, it can be original and original. But the most popular hairstyles are those that combine waves and curls. The alternation of these elements, as well as their modification in certain areas of the scalp, give each hairstyle its originality and originality.

2.2 Types of curls

According to their shape, the curls are divided into several types: straight, or simple, oblique, descending, vertical, crumpled and parallel in several rows.

Straight curls are considered to be curls located horizontally. If they are arranged in several horizontal rows, they are already called parallel.

Oblique curls. On the scalp, the heads are usually located at an angle of about 45 ° to the vertical or horizontal.

Crumpled curls when making hairstyles are laid in such a way that their base looks like a wave, passing further to the ends of the hair strand into a curl.

Curls, the ends of which descend from their middle in the form of a spiral, are called descending curls. To perform such curls, long hair is needed - at least 20-25 cm.

2.3 Ways to style hair in curls

The way the curls are curled "down" allows you to perform a variety of hairstyles, although they all look a little heavy and monotonous. When curling in the “down” way, it is recommended to make curls smaller and lighter, because with big curls the hairstyle will look rough.

Curling curls in the “up” way, on the contrary, gives the hairstyle lightness and airiness.

But due to the fact that curls curled up when combing give a big wave, it is not always convenient to use this method alone.

Curling curls in the "figure eight" method allows you to perform hairstyles only from fairly long hair. This curling method provides the hairstyle with the greatest strength.

by the most ideal conditions for curling hair are those in which the hair is twisted on the tool, whether it be tongs, curlers or bobbins, perpendicular to the axis of its rotation. The curl in this case is elastic.

For curling into curls, the thickness of the base of the strand of hair should not exceed 4 cm. This condition must be met in order for the hair to warm up evenly. At the same time, the strand of hair should not be too thin. When curling hair into curls, you have to take into account not only the thickness, but also the length of the strand. How longer hair strands, the thicker their layer when winding on tongs. In this regard, it is necessary to be able to adjust the length and thickness of the strand depending on the length of the hair. The longer the hair that needs to be twisted into curls, the thinner the strand of hair needs to be taken for winding.

Before you start curling your hair with tongs, you should prepare necessary tools and fixtures. To perform it, you need: tongs of the desired diameter; a metal or horn comb, that is, one that does not melt from the action of high temperature.

To wind the hair into curls, you will also need thin hairpins or clips to secure each curl after curling. Before curling, apply styling mousse to the hair along the entire length of the hair.

Have you ever wanted to get a new, amazing hairstyle for a special occasion? It is very easy! Prepare heated electric hair curlers - and a cascade of falling curls is provided (Fig. 2).

Before curling, apply styling mousse along the entire length of the hair - and you're good to go!

1. Heat up the tongs first. Then divide your hair into sections, starting at the back of your head. Take a strand of hair 4-5 cm wide and wind it with tongs.

2. Carefully release the spirally wound strand and secure it in the middle with an “invisible” one. Continue in the same way until you wind the last strand.

3. Release the strands of hair, starting from the back of the head. To give the hairstyle more volume and naturalness, separate the curls with your fingers along the entire length.

4. Grab a large strand of hair on both sides of your head with your fingers and twist them loosely to the very ends.

5. Now connect both strands and fasten them with “invisibles” at the back of the head.

6. Lay the rest of the hair in such a way that it falls on the back.

7. Take a little wax with your fingers and, pulling a few curls, run your hands along their entire length.

2.4 Hair styling in curls in the "Down" way

Curling hair into curls in the “down” way is performed as follows. A fourth part is separated from the total mass of hair. This is done in this way: first, the entire strand is divided into two parts in width, then one of the halves is divided again in half, but not in width, but in thickness. The first top curl should be curled from the outer layer of hair. When curling hair in curls in the “down” way, the roller of the tongs is located at the bottom, and the groove is at the top. In this position, the forceps are brought to the base of the strand.

At the moment the strands of hair are captured by the working part of the tongs, they must be turned halfway towards you. With this position of the tongs, the strand will not break at the place where it is gripped by the tongs, i.e. the edge of the groove of the tongs will not leave a transverse mark on the strand. It must be remembered that this position of the tongs during curling is mandatory at all stages of hair processing with tongs.

A strand of hair must be grasped with forceps directly at the place where they want to place the curl. As soon as the hair is inserted between the trough and the roller of the forceps, it is necessary to slightly squeeze the handles of the forceps and pull them back. During the pull, hot tongs seem to smooth the hair and slightly warm it up. As a result of this procedure, the hair becomes more plastic. Usually, the forceps pull the strands from the place of capture to a distance corresponding to one or two of their turns. Immediately after this, it is necessary to make one or two turns with them, so that the tongs are in the place of the strand where the curl should be located. The fingers of the left hand at this time hold the ends of the hair, slightly pulling them.

Now the twisted part of the hair is being processed. The forceps are opened and then closed. This movement, repeated often and quickly, contributes to the uniform distribution of the hair over the working surface of the tongs and warms them up to their entire thickness.

The forceps must be pulled to such a distance that it will allow them to be returned to their previous position in one full turn, i.e., to the place where they originally captured the strand of hair. These movements should be repeated in the same order until the ends of the hair are caught between the groove and the roller. At this point, no stretching should be done.

The curling of the curl is completed as follows: the tongs are turned towards themselves in the direction of twisting the curl until they begin to scroll freely in the curl, without resistance. At this point, they can be carefully removed. In this case, you need to ensure that the ends of the hair remain in the middle of the curl.

To prevent the curl from developing, it must be secured with a clip. If this is not done, then under the influence of its own gravity, it, being still hot after curling, will surely sag.

After that, you should start curling the next curl. Thus, the entire strand of hair is curled. In this case, the main attention should be paid to the fact that all the curls of the first row are located on one straight line (horizontally), and the curls of the second row are under them.

Depending on the pattern of the hairstyle, the curls can be located in different ways. But at the stage of mastering the skills of curling with tongs, first of all, it is necessary to achieve the ability to arrange them symmetrically.

2.5 Laying curls in the "Up" way

Curling curls in the “up” way differs from the described method of curling curls “down” only in some details. The main difference is that the forceps should be brought to the strand with the groove turned down and the roller up. At the moment of grasping the hair strands with forceps, the forceps must be turned so that the groove is located on the outside, and the roller is on the side of the base of the strand.

In the process of grasping the strands of hair with forceps, you need to turn them up one full turn, and then start working out the curl, while making a pull. Curling the curls in the “up” way, they are divided into strands in the same order as described above.

2.6 Laying curls using the "Eight" method

To curl your hair into curls using the figure-eight method, you need a hair length of at least 20 cm. The hair is carefully combed until the teeth of the comb begin to pass freely from the base to the ends of the strand. After that, it is necessary to determine the number of curls and their location on the strand.

A strand of hair is taken in the left hand. Forceps heated to the desired temperature are brought to the strand. The groove of the forceps can be both above and below, depending on which direction the curl is curled. If the curl is twisted in the “down” way, then the groove is located on top, and the roller is on the bottom.

Just as when curling the hair in the “down” way, then they grab the strand with the working part of the tongs, turning them halfway towards themselves. Immediately it is necessary to make a full turn with the tongs, stopping them in such a position that the roller is turned towards the base of the strand. With your left hand at this moment, you need to slightly pull a strand of hair.

After that, the curl is processed in the same way as when curling in the “down” way.

When the tongs begin to turn in the right hand, with the left hand they bring the ends of the hair down on the other side of the strand, making it like a figure eight.

It turns out that if at the first turn of the forceps the ends of the hair, wrapping around them, were on the left side of the strand, then at the second turn they will be on the right. With each new turn of the forceps, the ends of the hair change their position, being either on the left or on the right relative to the twisted strand.

With this method of curling, the ends of the hair are constantly in the middle part of the working surfaces of the tongs, which provides the most favorable conditions for twisting them. The ends of the curl are processed in the same way as they were done with other methods of curling curls.

The figure-eight curling method can be performed by holding the tongs vertically, and the hair is wound around them in a spiral.

Curls are made out only after they have completely cooled down. First, the curl is combed with a comb with rare teeth, and then with frequent ones.


Women's hairstyles can be done with curlers, clips, brushes with a hairdryer. The main attention in this type of styling should be given to winding hair on curlers. various types, since the quality of the resulting hairstyle depends on the performance of this operation.

When winding on curlers of any type, it must be borne in mind that the width of the hair strand should not exceed the length of the curler. If this condition is not met, it will be violated very important rule winding, which lies in the fact that the hair should be perpendicular to the axis of rotation of the tool. The thickness of the twisted strand of hair (at the base) should correspond to the diameter of the curler. This is important for doing next rule winding, which consists in the fact that a strand of hair should be pulled perpendicular to the treated area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe scalp.

Before winding on curlers, the hair must be washed, applied with a special styling compound and combed thoroughly. From the whole mass of combed hair, you need to separate a small strand, the thickness of which should not exceed the diameter of the curler, and the width - the length of the curler. To perform this operation, it is convenient to use a comb with a ponytail. The hair of the treated area of ​​the head is combed in the direction in which they will lie in the hairstyle. The comb is turned with the middle finger of the right hand with a ponytail to the hair. When separating a strand of hair, the comb is held in the same way as a pencil or pen. The tip of the comb is inserted into the hair and the desired strand is separated with a parting so that it lies on the surface of the ponytail. After that, index and thumbs with the left hand, the separated strand of hair is removed from the surface of the ponytail.

If you didn’t have a comb with a ponytail at hand, then you can use an ordinary comb with rare and frequent teeth to separate a strand of hair. As with a comb with a ponytail, comb the section of hair intended for winding with the right hand with an ordinary comb in the direction that it will have in the hairstyle. Then this section is separated from other hair with partings, and it is desirable that its width corresponds to the length of the curler. This will allow you to separate the strands for winding only in thickness, which will facilitate further operations.

After parting the section intended for winding, the hair is taken with the palm of the left hand and, slightly pulling it away from the scalp, is held in this position. Then, a strand of the desired thickness is separated from the hair held in the hand with a comb. To do this, the teeth of the comb are inserted into the hair. In this case, the comb should move to the left parallel to the upper parting, which limits the treated area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hair. Moreover, the distance between the existing parting and the newly formed when the comb moves to the left should correspond to the thickness of the strand required for winding on curlers. Thus, when the comb is moved to the left to a vertical parting that limits the treated area of ​​​​hair on the left side, a strand intended for winding will appear on its head.

After that, with the index and thumb of the left hand, a separate strand is removed from the back of the comb and at the same time the rest of the hair is released. Then comb a strand of hair and start winding it on curlers.

This described method of separating the strands for winding is used on the temporal and occipital areas of the hair. But when processing the frontal or parietal areas of the scalp, they use a different technique. The strands are separated so that they do not fall on the back of the comb, but in its working part, that is, between the teeth. Then the strand is combed and transferred to the left hand. After separation, the strand of hair should be held directly at its ends in a slightly taut position between the index and middle or index and thumb fingers of the left hand.

The comb must also be transferred to the left hand between the thumb and the base of the index finger.

This position of the hair strand and comb is considered to be the initial position for any type of horizontal winding.

Winding hair on curlers with a clamping bar is carried out as follows. Curlers are taken with the index and thumb of the left hand from the side where the elastic is located. Thus, the curler will be turned with the right end to the strand of hair. Further, slightly holding the body of the curler with the palm of the right hand, slightly open the clamping bar and hold it in this position with the index and thumb of the right hand.

Between the body of the curler and the clamping bar, a strand of hair is inserted by moving the right hand from the curler to the left.

When the strand is between the clamping bar and the curler body, with the thumbs of both hands, the hair is pressed with the bar to the curler body. At the same time, with the index fingers of both hands, the curlers are supported from below. Then the curlers are pulled back so that the ends of the hair move under the clamping bar and are clamped by it. If this condition is met, then there will be no creases in the ends of the hair. After that, the fingers of the left and right hands make the first turn of the curlers.

Usually, the strand is wound until the curler touches the surface of the head. Do not pull the hair strand too much in the final stage of winding, otherwise it can damage the hair follicle and even hair loss.

A strand already wound on curlers is fixed with an elastic band with the fingers of the left or right hand. It is more convenient to perform this operation with the index and middle fingers of the right hand, holding the curlers in the left hand, and stretching the elastic band with the finger of the right hand and hooking it on the special ledge on the left side of the curler, try not to wring the hair when fastening with an elastic band.

If you have curlers without a clamping bar, then from the starting position, a strand of hair is placed on the body of the curler. The role of the pressure bar is performed by the index finger of the left hand. The curlers should be pulled back as usual. When the ends of the hair are pinched with the index finger of the left hand, you can start winding.

As you wind, the middle and ring fingers of the left hand follow the index, which presses the ends of the hair to the body of the curler. As soon as an almost complete turn of the curlers is completed, i.e., the ends of the strips approach the place where they are captured by the strand, the index, middle and ring fingers of the left hand begin to slide through the hair towards their ends. At the same time, the fingers of the right hand wind the curlers so that the ends of the hair are sandwiched under the strand.

The sliding movement of the fingers of the left hand towards the ends of the strand of hair must be carried out simultaneously with the twisting movement of the fingers of the right hand. By performing this operation in this way, you will be able to avoid creases at the ends of the hair.

When one turn of the curlers has already been made, the winding is continued with the fingers of both hands, slightly pulling the strand. In the absence of an elastic band, the curlers are fixed in the wound position with a special hairpin or clip (Fig. 3).

If you have spiked curlers on the work surface, then winding is done as follows. From the starting position, a strand of hair is placed on the body of the curler. With this design of the curler, it is impossible to completely clamp the ends of the wound strand of hair with the index finger of the left hand. Therefore, a uniform distribution of strips on the working surface of the curlers is achieved by simply pulling the curlers from the middle of the hair strand to their ends.

The spikes on the body of the curler, as it were, additionally comb the hair, straighten their ends and give the hair a perpendicular position with respect to the axis of rotation of the curler. Further winding is carried out in the same order.

Vertical winding of hair on curlers is performed, unlike horizontal, in a slightly different way. A strand of hair with a base in the shape of not a rectangle, but a square is separated from the main mass. Moreover, it is desirable that the sides of this square be no more than the diameter of the curler and, in extreme cases, only slightly exceed it. When using curlers of this design, it is necessary to ensure that their end part with teeth is always on the left. Only in this position can they be fixed, since the configuration of the teeth allows you to hook the elastic in one direction - opposite to winding.

As you approach the base of the strand, gradually turning the curlers, they are transferred to a vertical position. At the very base of the strand, before making the last turn of the curler to the stop, it is necessary to slightly hold the hair with the index finger of the left hand so that it does not jump off the curler, and at this time put it in a vertical position. After that, with the index and thumb of the right hand, you should “tighten” the curlers to the end, then lightly press against the scalp and then make a slight movement in the direction of unwinding. In this case, the teeth on the curlers will enter the hair of the base of the strand and thus the curlers will be fixed in a wound position.

Currently, flexible curlers are very widespread. With their help, you can achieve almost any effect. It is necessary to start sewing by dividing the hair of the face into three parts.

After that, wind the curlers in the backward direction (Fig. 4 a). When you have finished winding the strands around the face, separate the next section of hair and wind the curlers in this row, but in the opposite direction (Fig. 4 b). In this order, continue to separate the hair and wind the rows of curlers, alternating the direction of the curl (Fig. 4 c).


If on short hair ah, it is necessary to make some sections of the female hairstyle more magnificent, the hair in these places needs to be raised. It is impossible to wind such short hair on curlers. In this case, only a hair dryer will help to give the hair the desired shape.

When styling hair with a hairdryer, use a comb or brush. Using a brush is preferable, as you can comb your hair more thoroughly than a comb, while the hair is strong and beautiful.

Laying stripes in the background makes it possible to obtain hairstyles of various shapes and patterns. The most difficult operation when working with a hair dryer is hair styling in waves. When doing hairstyles in waves, you can use both a brush and a comb. But if you want to make the wave lines sharp, then it is more advisable to use a comb.

First of all, you need to thoroughly rinse your hair, as even a small amount of oil on them will make styling difficult. After wiping and combing the hair, moisten it with a decoction of flaxseed or other styling composition. After combing the hair again, they are given the direction required for the hairstyle.

When starting to perform waves, you need to take the comb in your left hand, and the hair dryer in your right. Wave styling is usually done by moving the comb and hair dryer away from you.

Now insert the teeth of the comb into the hair, retreating from their base by 3-4 cm. Holding the comb so that its teeth are directed perpendicular to the strand, move it to the right by 1-1.5 cm. which forms the first line of the wave (crowns).

After that, the comb is turned with the teeth towards itself so that the wave line is on the teeth of the comb. Simultaneously with the rotation of the comb, move it towards you by 0.5-1 cm,

After that, direct the hot air jet to the left to dry the resulting wave line. To make it look more natural, repeat grabbing the hair with a comb and drying it several times. Now step back from the first line of the wave by 3-4 cm, make the second line. Its implementation differs from the implementation of the first crown only by changing the direction of movement of the comb and hair dryer. So the second line of the wave is formed by the movement of the comb to the left and its turn not towards itself, but away from itself. At the same time, direct the jet of hot air to the right side. These movements of the hair dryer and comb must be constantly repeated.

Hair treatment with a hairdryer and a brush should start from the parietal area. Moreover, if the hairstyle is parted, then the styling starts from the parting, and for the hairstyle without parting, from the hairline on the forehead.

Let's say you need to do a hairstyle with a parting on the left side. To do this, they take a brush in their left hand, and a hair dryer in their right hand (Fig. 5).

Holding the brush with the bristles down, it is inserted into the hair from the parting on the left side.

As soon as all the bristles enter the hair, the brush must be lifted along with the hair. At this moment, it is necessary to turn the brush a little so that the right edge of the bristles comes out of the hair, and the left one remains in them. After that, you should slightly move the brush towards the parting and at the same time along it to the left or right. Thus, it is possible to lift the front edge of the hair from the parting. A wave line is formed in its upper part.

A jet of hot air from a hair dryer should be directed from the side of the parting under the brush, but do it in such a way as not to burn the scalp. To dry the hair more evenly, you need to move the hair dryer along the parting in the opposite direction from the direction of the hair that was given to them by the brush to form a wave line. Moving the hair dryer along the entire brush, it is removed from the hair.

This drying process must be repeated several times until the desired shape of the hairstyle is obtained at the parting, after which the treatment of the frontal part can begin.

Capturing the hair with a brush and drying it in each area must be repeated several times. With such coordinated movements of the brush and hair dryer, all hair is treated, and you can comb it in any direction.

After blow-drying all the hair, comb it with a wide-toothed comb and fix the hair with varnish.

Short hair will benefit from some volume. Apply a small amount of mousse evenly to damp hair. Firmly squeezing and lifting your hair with your hand, dry it with a hair dryer using a crevice nozzle with a hole. Continue until your hair is completely dry and you have a stunning full volume hairstyle.

4.1 Blow-drying for low volume hairstyles

Hair styling with a hairdryer when performing hairstyles of small volume is performed as follows. Comb your hair and outline the direction of the main lines of the future hairstyle. Hair styling with a hairdryer should start from the lower occipital area of ​​the head. Holding the brush with the teeth down, insert it into the hair strand from the inside. The width of the strand should correspond to the dimensions of the working surface of the brush. Grabbing the strand, slightly lift it up. In this case, the hair tension should fall on the first row of brush teeth from the inside of the strand. A jet of air must be directed to the strand and fix the hair that has formed. Allow this section of the strand to cool on the brush until completely dry. Pull the end of the strand with a brush and dry with a hair dryer in the direction of the lines of the planned hairstyle. After that, remove the brush from the dried strand of hair. Continue styling in the same way on the rest of the head, gradually moving from the occipital zone to the front (Fig. 6 a).

A b

4.2 Blow-drying when doing hairstyles with the effect of sticking out hair

Hair styling with a hairdryer when performing hairstyles with the effect of protruding hair (Fig. 6 b). Comb your hair and outline the direction of the main lines of the future hairstyle. Hair styling with a hairdryer should start from the parietal area of ​​​​the head, from the hairline above the forehead. Holding the brush with the teeth down, insert it into the strand of hair (the width of the strand corresponds to the working surface of the brush). Grab the strand with the teeth and lift it perpendicular to the surface of the head. Dry the root part of the strand by directing a hot stream of air at it from the inside or outside. Holding the strand in an upright position, dry the ends of the hair. After the strands are completely dry, remove the air stream and allow the hair to cool in an upright position in the brush. Remove the brush from the cooled strand of hair. Thus, style the hair on the area of ​​​​the head where it is necessary to create the effect of protruding hair.

4.3 Blow-drying for high volume hairstyles

Comb the hair and outline the direction of the main lines of the future hairstyle (Fig. 7).

Hair styling with a hairdryer should begin from the parietal region of the head from the hairline above the forehead. Holding the brush with the teeth down, insert it into the hair strand from the inside (the width of the strand corresponds to the size of the working surface). Pull the strand captured by the brush in the opposite direction to the hair of the future hairstyle. Direct a stream of hot air to the root part of the strand and dry it. Move the brush along the strand with a movement away from you, and then rotate it towards you with the teeth up so that the ends of the strand are on the teeth of the brush. Gently bend the end of the strand in the direction of combing the hair and dry it by changing the direction of the air stream. After drying the strands, remove the air stream and allow the hair to cool on the brush. Pull the brush out of the cooled strand of hair. Thus, make hair styling in areas of the head where the hairstyle should have an increased volume.

Romantic style in women's hairstyles is reflected in the implementation of models with waves. The technology for performing waves can be different. Waves are performed using electric tongs, a hair dryer, using electric tongs of a special design - "new wave" or the traditionally known cold method.

Hair styling in a cold way lends itself to hair of any structure. To create a beautiful wave on coarse and straight hair, it is suggested to perform a light perm or use a hair styling product. To perform a wave, comb the hair from the face in the direction of the lines of the intended model. Insert the comb into the strand and with combing movements move it away from the hairline. Leave the comb in the strands in a position perpendicular to the surface of the head. At a distance of 2-3 cm from the hairline on the forehead, press the strand with the middle finger of the left hand to the head. Move the strand of hair with the movement of the comb from left to right along the blade of the comb. The strand of hair that forms the crown is clamped between the middle and index fingers of the left hand. Comb out the hair located below the index finger with several movements. Fix the wave line with a flat clamp. Now we execute the second line of the wave. Step back from the first line of the wave by 2-3 cm and press the hair with your middle finger to the head. Insert the comb into the hair and advance with combing movements at a distance of 2-4 cm. Leaving the comb in the strands in the 1st position, move it from right to left along the working surface of the comb to obtain the second crown. With your index finger, press the strand forming the crown to the middle finger. Fix the concave part of the wave between the crowns with a flat clamp. If necessary, continue the execution of the waves to the end of the strand.

Use a diffuser to dry long hair.

What is a diffuser?

The bowl-shaped hairdryer attachment is indispensable for drying curls without additional curling. It works on your hair more gently than a direct blow dryer. Some hair dryers are sold with such diffusers. If you buy them separately, make sure they are compatible with your hair dryer.

4.4 We style curls with a hair dryer

1. Choose your styling mousse carefully: strong hold mousse is ideal for fine to normal hair, normal hold mousse is ideal for thick or permed hair.

2. Rub half of the mousse into the hair roots, spread the remaining amount with your fingers along their entire length.

3. Move your hair forward and blow dry from the bottom up.

4. When drying, lift the strands of hair. And on the top of your head, hold the hair dryer a couple of centimeters above your hair. Continue until you achieve the desired effect - many soft curls (Fig. 8).

5. This operation is good not only for creating waves, but also for styling natural curls and chemistry.


Each person has his own type of hair: some are long, some are short, some are thin, some are thick, and so on.

All people want to be beautiful, to have their own “zest”. And in order to become beautiful, you must first of all put your hair in order: make a fashionable haircut, make a perm or styling. All this can be done independently, but at home without the necessary and special tools it is almost impossible. That is why people turn to hairdressers.

Hairdressers can be compared to magicians because they create beauty, they make the impossible possible. To do this, they need to know all the subtleties and features of hairdressing.

In order to make hair styling, the master must know all its features. They need to know:

That styling can be done in a cold way;

That you can style your hair with tongs;

That you can style your hair with curlers;

That you can style your hair with a hair dryer.


1. Gutyrya L.G. “Hairdressing”, M., 2000

2. Olin P.T “Hairstyles and hair care”, K., 1995

3. Konstantinov V. P. “Hairdressing”, K., 1987

4. Album "Zachiski for girls", K., 1997.

5. Dobina N.S. “Home hairdressing salon”, M., 1996

Hair styling is called curling them for a short time. Hair styling consists of various operations, with the help of which hairstyles of any shape and pattern are performed.

Styling is carried out in several ways: blow-drying, styling with tongs (hot styling), styling with curlers and clips and cold styling with a comb and fingers.

Blow-dry hair styling It is widely used not only in women's, but also in men's hairstyles. If the hair is short, then a hair dryer will help to give the hairstyle the desired shape.

Before blow-drying your hair, apply a fixative to your hair. Grab the ends of the hair and pull, directing the air stream tangentially to the head from the roots to the ends of the hair. Pull short hair vertically relative to the surface of the head. Use your fingers or a comb to wrap the ends of the hair according to their direction in the hairstyle. When using a hair dryer, strands of hair are pulled back with an ordinary comb or brush (Fig. 270, a).

Rice. 270. Hair styling

Hair styling with a brush and a hairdryer should begin from the parietal zone of the head or from the parting, if any. The brush should be held parallel to the parting, grabbing its strand, then lift it at the roots and turn it slightly towards you. Move the brush away from the parting and simultaneously along it to the right or left. Direct the air jet under the brush from the parting side. Gradually dry the hair along the brush. Do this several times until you get the desired shape. Next, process the remaining areas of the head. If the hair is styled with a comb and hair dryer, then the comb should be held in the left hand perpendicular to the strand, then the teeth of the comb should be inserted into the hair at a distance of 2-3 cm from the root and moved slightly to the right. Get the first wave.

Turn the comb with the teeth up, take it on yourself and dry the hair with a stream of air, directing it to the left. Repeat the operation, but in reverse. Then treat the rest of the head in this way.

It is best to use a hair dryer with adjustable airflow. After blow-drying, to get clear waves and curls, the hair can be treated with tongs and fixed with varnish.

Hair styling with tongs, or hot styling, is performed only on dry and clean hair, since it is dangerous to use electric tongs on wet hair, and if varnish or another fixative was applied to the hair the day before, this will greatly damage the hair structure. Hair will lose its shine, become dry and brittle.

Separate the strand with a comb, grab it at the hair root with tongs, place it between the tongs roller and the clamp, warm it up by moving the tongs along the entire length of the strand, and wind the hair onto the tongs roller. Hold for 20-30 seconds and carefully pull the tongs out of the curl. In order not to burn the scalp, it is necessary to put a comb under a strand of hair, which in this moment wind (Fig. 270, b).

Do this operation on all parts of the head where it is desirable to get curls.

Having received curls, you can proceed to the final styling, applying, if necessary, blunting, bouffant, using hairpins, hairpins, etc. Fix the hairstyle with varnish.

It should be noted that everyday use of forceps is not recommended, as the hair is very dry and breaks.

Hair styling with curlers and clips lasts longer than all other styles.

Now there are curlers of various designs, different diameters, sizes and with various methods of fastening. Hair is always wound perpendicular to the surface of the curler, pressing firmly against the scalp. Curlers are wound from the middle of the head, from front to back (Fig. 271).

Rice. 271. Hair curler

The location of the curlers and clips, as well as the direction of their winding, affects the pattern of the hairstyle. There can be many options for combining curlers, clips and straight hair when performing model hairstyles.

After winding on curlers, the hair should be dried. It is not recommended to unwind the curlers immediately after drying, it is necessary to let the hair cool for 10-15 minutes.

Then you need to remove the curlers and comb the curls, starting from the back of the head and moving up, giving them their final shape. If necessary, fix the hairstyle with varnish.

Cold styling hair with a comb and fingers been used for a very long time. This styling does not harm the hair.

Moisten hair with styling fixative and carefully comb from forehead to back. If there is a parting, then comb from the parting in the direction of hair distribution in the styling.

Insert the comb at the hairline above the forehead or parting and move the comb to the side. Get the first wave. Hold the comb in your right hand.

With the index finger or edge of the palm and the little finger of the left hand, press the half-wave hair along the comb to the scalp. Move the comb in the hair a little forward and move it in the opposite direction without removing your hand (Fig. 272, a).

Rice. 272. Hair styling

Remove the left hand from the pressed half-wave strand and press the second half. You get one wave. Then again, with your left hand, press the half-wave hair along the comb to the scalp, move the comb to the side. You will get the third half-wave, and so on. Repeat the movements of the comb “back and forth” and pressing the hair with your hand until you get the desired number of waves.

Having laid one section in waves, move on to another and so finish styling the hair of the entire head. To prevent the waves from shifting, they are fixed with clips and hairpins, but it is necessary to ensure that there are no hair creases left.

For very short hair at the back of the head, styling can be done in the form of flat rings (Fig. 272, b). Fix the rings with one or two thin hairpins, clips, invisible hairpins, but so that the hair does not get creases.

When styling hair in a hairstyle, the method of combing strands or their blunting.

Hair combing is done for the entire width and thickness of the strand. The comb moves from the end of the strand to the roots (Fig. 273). The teeth of the comb pierce the strand through and through. You can bouffant on both sides of the strand, holding its end with your fingers.

Rice. 273. Hair blunting

Blunting is part of the pile, as it is done only from the inside of the strand. The strand is pulled in the direction it will take in the hairstyle. The comb does not pierce the strand through and through, but beats it from the inside.

After blunting and combing, the strands can be smoothed with a brush or comb from the outside and laid on the head in a hairstyle. Fix with varnish or other means.

Hair of any length needs shaping and additional volume. There are various hair styling methods that every woman can do on her own without using the services of a professional hairdresser.

There are technologies that do not involve exposure to high temperatures. For them, various devices are used (hairpins, etc.). It is difficult to give the desired shape to a hard thick "stack", therefore, in this case, it is recommended to give preference to hot techniques.

On curlers

For a long “mane”, plastic products are suitable, which are fixed with ordinary rubber bands. They are easy to use and do not require special skills:

  • Apply styling product. It is best in this case to choose a mousse or gel.
  • Divide your hair into 4 sections.
  • After winding a thin strand, secure with an elastic band.
  • Do this with the whole "mane".
  • Leave it like this all night.
  • In the morning, carefully remove the curlers.

Another option involves the use of large diameter Velcro. They are great for creating volume in the root area. It is enough to process only this part, without affecting the tips. Dry naturally. Carefully remove the Velcro.

Greater popularity among women different ages got boomerangs. They are simple and convenient. In addition, no additional rubber bands or any other devices are required.

Instead of classic horizontal curls, you can make vertical spirals. Separate the strand. It is important that it be square at the base. Screw first as in classical procedure. Slowly, moving towards the base, move the boomerang or Velcro to a vertical position. Use your index and thumb to twist as far as possible so that they fit snugly. Then, in order not to feel discomfort from a lot of tension, slightly unwind the curl (make a slight movement in the direction of unwinding).

Side parted waves

First comb your hair and apply styling product. Step back from the roots 3 cm and press with your hand. Place a comb over it so that the teeth point towards the head. Move it left or right at a 45 degree angle. Then move on to the next section. Of the styling preparations, it is best to use a gel. Hold the comb in the offset position to allow the gel to dry.

When making "curved" lines with a scallop, make sure that they join from the right and left sides. Give the same direction of bends from the forehead to the back of the head. Fix the result with varnish.

This effect can be done with a straight parting. The main thing is that the waviness is the same everywhere. To decorate and complete the look, put on a thin elegant headband.

hairpin curls

To do this, use hairpins and a styling preparation of strong fixation. Form "flagella" by twisting it around your finger. Fasten. Repeat the same with the rest of the "mop". Wait until your hair is dry. Spray with varnish before unrolling. Then remove all hairpins and straighten your hair.

Some modern hair styling methods involve the use of tools such as a blow dryer, curling iron, or flat iron. They are very popular because they allow you to create a beautiful stylish image in a matter of minutes.

Curling iron or tongs

It is worth immediately clarifying that such a device requires certain skills. Therefore, you will have to practice several times to create a certain shape before you get the perfect result. In addition, like any method that involves thermal exposure, this one also requires the preliminary application of a thermal protective spray or cream. In any case, it is not recommended to use the curling iron too often.

After placing the strand between the plates, wrap it around the device and leave it in this position for several seconds. Keep it horizontal if you want classic curls. For spirals, place the device vertically. Holding it at an angle of 45 degrees, it will be possible to form oblique curlers that look original and stylish.

For curling, separate bundles up to 3 centimeters wide. Otherwise, they will not have time to fully warm up, which will not allow them to achieve the desired result.

For long lasting results, after warming up, do not straighten the curl. Fix it in this position. When the latter has cooled, carefully remove the clamps. Adjust with your hands and sprinkle with varnish.

Scroll "down"

This technology is also quite simple, but requires skill. For winding, you will need tongs or an iron. The roller should point down and the chute up. Bring the device to the base of the strand. Clamp it and turn the device, making half a turn inward. Squeeze the handles of the styler and pull them back slightly, as if ironing. At the same time, hold the tips with your other hand, slightly pulling them. This will give the curls a natural look. appearance. Repeat grips as you move down.

To ensure a long-lasting result, it is better not to loosen the resulting curl after winding, but to fix it with a clip while it is still hot. As in the previous method, you can remove the clamps only after cooling.

Scroll "up"

This technique has several differences. The heated styler must be brought up with the roller. After the beam is clamped between the plates, turn the device so that the groove is located on the outside. Make one full turn while scrolling up. You don't have to start from the very roots. On the contrary, it is better not to touch this area.

Don't set too much high temperature. Optimum heating 180 degrees.

Hairdryer and brushing

Regardless of the haircut, this option will definitely suit you. The only exceptions are pixies or bob. You will need a round brush. Instead, you can purchase brushing with hard or soft bristles. First you need to apply a thermal protective spray or emulsion.

The process itself goes like this:

  • Divide your hair into sections. Stab each one so that they do not interfere with you.
  • Separate thin strands by twisting them.
  • Direct the air flow from the outside.
  • Create tension.
  • Twist the lower part inward, blowing from top to bottom.
  • After that, repeat the same, setting the cold mode.

You can use a regular comb with frequent teeth and a hair dryer to create a beautiful wave effect. This method is similar to the one described above (with a side parting), but in this case it is possible to provide a lasting result and make the wave more pronounced. Position the comb so that the teeth are perpendicular. Retreat 2-4 cm from the beginning of growth. Swipe the brush to the side, blowing warm air. Then move down, repeating the same steps. Apply mousse beforehand to ensure a secure hold.

For well-defined lines, dry several times and repeat the grip with the comb in the same place. Start processing from the parietal region.

This styling is performed only on dry and clean hair. If hairspray or some other fixative was previously applied to the hair, this will damage the hair structure. Hair may lose its shine, become dry and brittle.

Separate the comb strand. Grab it at the roots of the hair with forceps. Place the strand between the roller of the tongs and the clamp, warm it up, move the tongs along the entire length of the strand and wind the hair onto the roller of the tongs.

Exposure time - 20-30sec. Then carefully pull the forceps out of the curl. To avoid burning the scalp, do not bring the electric forceps close to the skin. The direction of winding with the help of electric tongs is determined desired result future hairstyle. Having received curls, you can proceed to the final styling. In this case, you can apply hair blunting, bouffant, use hairpins, hairpins, invisible. For greater stability, the hairstyle must be fixed.

When using electric tongs, the hair is very dry, so it is not recommended to use them every day.

Safety engineering.

Electrical equipment, electrical equipment and power tools must be kept in good condition, be safe in operation and have protection in case of accidental contact with current-carrying elements. If any malfunctions are found, work with the equipment must be stopped until these malfunctions are eliminated.

The hairdresser is prohibited from:

1. Disassemble electric devices, other electrical equipment and make any repairs yourself.

2. To clean electrical appliances with heating elements, use alcohol or products containing alcohol.

5. When leaving his workplace, the hairdresser must turn off the local individual lighting and heating devices.

6. All electric heaters must have fireproof supports.

Technology of hair styling on curlers.

1. Comb your hair.

2. Wash your hair.

3. When performing a daily hairstyle, at the request of the client, apply a hair styling product, after which comb the hair evenly, distributing the product.

4. Give the hair with a comb the direction of the line of the future hairstyle.

5. Starting from the fronto-parietal zone, wind the hair on curlers along the line of the future hairstyle.

6. In order to avoid creases, they are fixed with an elastic band at the place of the parting or noticeable details of the hairstyle, we fix the curlers with a clip.

7. Under the metal parts of the curlers in contact with the skin of the forehead, neck, ears, put pieces of cotton wool, if the hair is short, then put on a hairnet on top.

8. Dry your hair under dryer.

9. After the curlers and hair strands have completely cooled down, carefully remove the curlers, carefully comb the hair with a comb with rare teeth and a brush.

10. Arrange hair in a hairstyle, at the request of the client.

curlers - the most common hair styling tool, both in hairdressing salons and at home. Professional hairdressers use up to six sets of curlers with a diameter of 1 to 5 cm, a length of 8-10 cm. Curlers are made of metal, rubber and plastic, they have a number of minor differences in design - hair is attached to them with elastic bands, clips, clamping bars, special hairpins. Inside the curlers, there are sometimes tweezers - brushes made of bristles: it protrudes from the holes on the sides of the curlers, this makes their surface rough and makes it easier to wind the hair.

Bobbins - used in perm hair. Made from wood and plastic. Bobbins are easy to make with your own hands, for example, a piece of rubber hose on a wire frame. The diameter of the middle part of the bobbin is 1.5-2 times less than that of the ends. The longer the hair, the more convenient the bobbins with an oblong working part. Bobbins for vertical perm more complicated than usual, they have a conical shape, equipped with a spring to secure the twisted strand of hair. So far, such bobbins have not been widely used.

Hair styling on curlers.

There are 4 types:

1. Metal curlers with a stick.

2. Metal curlers without sticks.

3. Curler with a brush.

4. Curlers for vertical styling.

Hair styling on curlers can be both an independent type and an additional type of hair styling. Curlers are used to create everyday and evening hairstyles. The diameter of the curler is from 1 to 5 cm or more, it is selected depending on the structure of the hair, the purpose of the hairstyle, and if curlers of different diameters are used, then depending on the location.

Rules for winding curlers.

The length of a single strand should be the length of the working surface of the curler. The width of the strand should match the width of the curler. When winding, the strand should be located strictly perpendicular to the surface of the head.

Curlers after winding, in a fixed state, should clamp the place from which the strand was separated. Before winding, the strand should be well wound, and the hair in it should be parallel to each other.

hair dryer designed for styling and drying hair with hot air. The hair dryer is a design of an electric fan and heating elements enclosed in a plastic case. It dries hair quickly and helps to style it in any hairstyle with the help of attachments attached to it.

Distinguish pencil hair dryers And hair dryers-guns - L-shaped. At work it is better to use hair dryer. When using a hair dryer, you should not dry your hair with a very hot jet of air, as they begin to split.

Professional the hair dryer must have a power of at least 1500W, have a long cord, several nozzles, and there must be a narrow nozzle - nozzle, which is used for drying individual strands and sections of strands, for drying the hair roots when performing styling that visually increases the splendor of the hairstyle (the hair from the root is rotated in a position perpendicular to the skin and dried 1-1.5 cm from the root).

For the fastest and most reliable hair treatment, two-sided hair treatment with a hair dryer is possible. It dries the hair faster.

During installation, give great attention the necessary direction and complete drying of the base of the strand, this affects the strength and volume of the hairstyle.

To speed up hair styling with a hairdryer, it is advisable to use several round brushes. The hair, wound on the first brush and treated with a hairdryer, cools down, the processing of another strand of hair immediately begins, with this method, the elasticity of the hair is restored faster and more efficiently.

At the end, with the help of a comb, styling is done in the hair. If necessary, emphasize individual strands or to create a smooth hairstyle, apply wax to the strands with your fingers and shape the hairstyle.

Hairstyle can be fixed with varnish.

Required prior knowledge:

Hair styling with tongs can be attributed to hot styling. The curl is formed due to temperature.

The result of styling depends on the diameter and shape of the tongs, the length and thickness of the hair, the time of exposure to heat on the strand and the hairstyle design. The thicker and longer the hair, the thinner the strands need to be separated in order to make a quality curl.

With the help of tongs, you can perform voluminous styling of all hair, partial curling of strands, or create curls only at the ends of the hair.

Preparatory work:

    Wash and dry hair.

Technology for performing curls in the “down” way:

    Comb your hair;

    Separate the first strand of hair in the lower occipital area in size: the length of the base of the strand is 2–4 cm, the width of the base of the strand is 1–4 cm (depending on the length and thickness of the hair);

    Bring the tongs to the base of the strand and grab the strand, warm the strand, passing it through the tongs several times;

    Pull the forceps from the place where the strand is grasped by 1 - 2 turns;

    Make 1 - 2 turns with tongs towards the base of the strand, holding the ends of the hair with the fingers of your left hand and slightly pulling them;

    Forceps often open and close, continuing to pull them from the base of the strand so that untreated sections of hair fall into the working part of the forceps;

    When the ends of the hair are caught between the groove and the roller, the pull should be stopped, the forceps should be carefully removed;

    Secure the finished curl with a clip.

Technology for performing curls in the “up” way:

    Grab the strand with tongs so that the groove is located on the side of the master, and the roller is on the side of the base of the strand;

    Warm up the strand and pull the tongs from the place where the strand is grasped by 1 - 2 turns;

Technology for making curls using the figure-eight method:

    This method is used for hair 20 - 35 cm long. Comb the hair thoroughly;

    Separate part of the hair for curling one curl;

    Warm up the strand and grab it by turning the tongs half a turn towards you, while immediately making a full turn with the tongs. When stopping, the roller should be turned towards the base of the strand, and the groove towards the master, left hand slightly pulls a strand of hair;

    Pull back the forceps, make the next turn;

    With your left hand, bring the ends of the hair down on the other side of the strand;

    Thus, with each new turn, the ends of the hair change their position, being either to the left or to the right of the twisted strand.

Technology for making curls using the “spiral curls” method:

    Comb hair, divide into strands;

    Warm up the strand and pull the tongs from the place where the strand is grasped by 1 - 2 turns, hold the tongs with an inclination of 45 ° to the base of the strand;

    Wind the hair in a spiral, holding the end of the strand with your left hand and slightly pulling it;

    Continue winding until the end of the strand is between the groove and the roller.
