Rules for performing manicure at home. Classic manicure technology

Manicure at home is not a difficult test, but quite an easy and pleasant procedure, if you know some subtleties and tricks.

Any nail care involves several stages:

  • shaping;
  • removal of cuticles and burrs;
  • strengthening the nail;
  • varnishing

Each of them has its own rules, we will consider them in the order of execution.

Rule #1

The best shape is oval or square nails. On any hands, such a manicure will look advantageous and neat. Stilettos on long or thin fingers will look awkward, and owners of short or puffy fingers should avoid a square shape and stop at an oval one.

You can shape it with nippers or scissors, then bring it to the desired contour with an abrasive stick.

Rule #2

When starting to file, visually imagine the intended edges. Drive the nail file in one direction only: start from the edge (corner) and move towards the center. No need to perform multidirectional actions - this spoils the nail plate. Try to keep the tool perpendicular to the nail.

At home, it is most convenient to work with fine-grained nail files with rounded ends on a cardboard or plastic base. They carefully and accurately create the shape you need. Coarse-grained and coarse nail files are used only when working with artificial nails.

Rule #3

Shine and a smooth surface can be given with a polisher - nail files with a "velvet" coating. As a rule, they have 4 different coatings, each of which follows the other when sanding. The sequence is indicated by numbers on its faces. It is not necessary to treat nails with ordinary files, since the effect of them is short-lived or non-existent.

Proceed to manicure only with dry hands: wet or wet nails are easily injured and deformed. Because of what, both the form and the top layer can suffer.

Rule #4

Removing the cuticle requires preparation: it should be softened and moved to the edge. Anyone can help special remedy(liquids, oils) for the cuticle and a spatula, with which it is carefully shifted. Before this, you can carry out a light peeling: massage the area at the root with a soft brush with soap or glycerin. A warm bath also perfectly softens and prepares the cuticles.

As for the spatula, it is better if it is a tool with a rubber tip. Wood and metal are quite rough and can damage delicate skin. Sometimes just shearing the cuticle is sufficient and no further trimming is required. If this is not your case, then use nail clippers and carefully cut off the unnecessary.

Do not use a manicure fork, at home, if used incorrectly, it will only harm.

Rule #5

Deburring is a delicate and responsible procedure, but it can be easily handled at home. To begin, take a bath of hot water with 5 drops of olive oil and a pinch of baking soda. 10-12 minutes after steaming, dry your hands and proceed to removal with tweezers. Pre-treat them with alcohol so as not to infect.

When cutting, do not pull the burr, but gently bite it off with tweezers. Rough skin along the nail can be removed with a nail file.

Rule #6

You can strengthen your nails in various ways: apply oil, make a paraffin bath, use healing varnish. Means for strengthening should contain calcium, fruit acids. Strengthening varnish can also act as a base for regular varnish.

Plays an important role in the beauty of nails proper nutrition which contains sufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals. Thus, vitamins A and B are the foundation for nail growth. Iodine is necessary for strength and strength, while silicon and calcium create a healthy and elastic nail plate. In addition, foods rich in sulfur and iron should be added to the diet.

Rule #7

Short but very important. Manicure at home should be done in good light. This is often forgotten, and it is the lack of light that can spoil all the efforts when you see the result of your work in sunny weather outside.

Rule #8

A base coat always follows before applying color. It performs the function of creating a flat surface, protects against harmful influences. Thanks to the base coat, the main color lays down evenly and has a more saturated color. Be sure to dry your nails completely before the next step.

Rule #9

Before painting, shake the tube of varnish, and wipe the brush on the edge to avoid excess flow. You should start painting from the middle of the nail, smoothly painting over and moving to the edges. Today there is a large number of options for the type of manicure: from simple French to complex patterns and patterns. Color and painting is a matter of taste, choose at your discretion.

Rule #10

It remains to correct and correct those "blots" that have gone beyond the edges of the nail. You can do this with cotton swab, previously soaked in nail polish remover, or a special pencil with a solvent on the rod. For quick drying, you can use a jet cold water or hair dryer.

The final chord in the manicure is the application of a moisturizer on the hands. It will make them softer and more tender, thus completing a pleasant procedure for creating beauty.

The perfect manicure is every girl's dream. The condition of the hands and nails is an indicator of grooming. All fashionistas want to learn how to learn how to do a manicure on their own. This knowledge will save you not only finances and time, but will also allow you to make beautiful manicure at home, introducing their own unique attributes into the design and realizing their own ideas.

Home manicure, subject to the phased technique, is in no way inferior to the salon procedure. Information from articles and video tutorials is enough to master the rules of manicure, and in practice to fulfill the intended nail art.

The basics of manicure include information about the possible forms of the nail plates, how to remove the cuticle, and the features of nail care. Knowing the secrets of manicure, you can bring to life the most daring and original solutions. It doesn't matter if you are doing a manicure for every day or tailoring it for a special occasion, manicure secrets and tricks from professionals will help you achieve spectacular results. All about how to do a manicure at home.

Do you know how to do it step by step beautiful nails at home. Proper manicure includes a number of mandatory steps. Home manicure or salon manicure does not play a special role. They are only distinguished by the greater experience of the master and the availability of professional equipment.

To create a beautiful manicure at home, you will need tools such as:

  • manicure scissors;
  • nail file;
  • tweezers;
  • a wooden stick or a metal spatula to push back the cuticle.

Naturally, you can not do without a decorative coating, but better not one. The richest assortment of varnishes can turn anyone's head. Everyone wants to know how to do nails without using nail polish remover, because even the most experienced and accurate girl can make a mistake and she will need a correction. You also need a base coat and a top coat.

The technique of the procedure is represented by three options for removing the cuticle:

  • Edged (tweezers).
  • European (gel remedy).
  • Hardware (using nozzles).

Gel is the most popular way to make beautiful nails at home without cutting the cuticle. With it, you can quickly and effectively soften the skin and, after the allotted time, simply remove it with the remnants of the product. You will get a neat, light manicure without the risk of infection or damage to the painful area.

If you prefer the hardware method, you need not only to buy a device, but also to master it. But then you can very quickly process the nail plates, rollers, remove the cuticle, etc. without burrs and injuries.

So, how to make a manicure, a step-by-step technique:

  • First of all, you need to remove the remnants of the previous nail art: wipe off the varnish, remove the stickers, etc.
  • Next, make a hand bath to steam the skin. Water should be warm, close to hot, but comfortable temperature. Enter a few tablespoons of vegetable and essential oils, this will help soften the cuticle.
  • The next step is to remove the cuticle in any way you choose.
  • After, you need to move on to the shape of the nails.

What to build on when choosing the shape of nails?

The answer to the question of how to make a beautiful manicure at home is impossible without a story about choosing the shape of the nails. The shape of the nail plates is one of the mandatory steps in the process of creating the right manicure. It depends not only on the individual characteristics of a person, personal preferences and fashion trends play a significant role. Depending on the season, one form or another becomes a trend. Do you know what forms are?

There are the following types:

  • pointed.
  • Almond-shaped.
  • oval.
  • rounded.
  • Square.

The basics of manicure say that the choice of form is influenced by self-awareness. It is the pointed form that is preferred by self-confident women, quite powerful and characteristic. The correct manicure for such persons is a geometric design that emphasizes the shape of the nail plates.

The almond shape is typical for flirtatious young ladies. She was popular throughout recent years. The secrets of an almond-shaped manicure are that absolutely any design looks advantageous on such plates, creating a real testing ground for fantasies and creativity: from the simple to the most interesting.

The oval shape is characteristic of conservative girls. How to make the perfect manicure is not a problem for them. They stand firmly on their feet and rarely make changes. Harmony and naturalness are their main principles, including the issue of nail art.

They will repeat their favorite design from time to time until something new sinks into their hearts.

The rounded shape of the nails is considered the most versatile and traditional. Girls who give preference to her are considered to be romantic natures. This form adds charm and femininity. How to make nails rounded? It is necessary with the help of a nail file only to round off the corners at the ends, and leave the top straight and even. The rounded shape is a cross between oval and square variations.

Making a manicure at home with this form is as easy as shelling pears, because even a simple transparent coating will look great on them. Can choose solid color design or gradient, intricate pattern or cool pattern. Rounded shape is good for new ones too fashion trends, so with it it will be possible to create even the most original manicure at home.

As for the square shape, it is considered the most favorite in Lately. It goes great with nails. different lengths and width. For lovers of French manicure, this form is especially close. This design is quite simple, so a beautiful DIY manicure is quite doable, even if you have little skill. French is a great manicure for beginners, allowing you to get stylish nails with a minimum of skills.

Keep in mind that when shaping the nails, you need to wield the file in one direction, this will save them from foliation. Agree, why then painfully treat the nails, if you can prevent this unpleasant phenomenon. File movements in both directions are one of the most common mistakes that girls face when carrying out the procedure on their own.

The right coverage

After shaping, it is the turn of the coating. There are a lot of subtleties in this process. It is necessary to go through the nail polish remover again in order to degrease the surface immediately before the new coating. The next step is the base layer. As a rule, such a varnish not only prevents the yellowing of the nail plates, but also levels them, preparing them for further actions.

Now distribute the selected decorative varnish over the nail. You can learn how to do a manicure so that the varnish lies perfectly evenly by mastering the technique of applying a decorative coating:

  • Attach the brush to the base of the nail in the center and move it to the edge.
  • Returning to the starting point, move the brush to the side with arc movements, covering the space of the nail on the left side.
  • Repeat the manipulation with the right side of the nail plate.

You need to do this quickly, until the varnish has time to grab, then you get an even layer, without roughness. Do not forget that you will need to go through the fixer from above. It will help keep it presentable. appearance created nail art for a longer period, and also provide it with an attractive shine.

Now you know everything about how to make a beautiful manicure without leaving your home. Your nails will always be well-groomed and elegant, subject to the proposed recommendations.

Not every woman can afford a manicure in expensive beauty salons, but everyone wants to have beautiful and well-groomed nails. Therefore, it is simply necessary to know how to make a beautiful manicure on your own, without resorting to the help of a specialist. On this moment There are two main types of manicure: edged and unedged. The first is quite complicated and requires certain skills, the second is available to almost everyone.

We do trimmed manicure at home

You will need:

  • set of tools;
  • bath bowl;
  • essential oil;
  • liquid soap.

Girls often ask themselves the question: how to make a beautiful manicure without visiting beauty salons and without resorting to the help of a professional? After all, learning to do edged manicure at home is not such an easy task, but if you know some secrets and practice a little, then your nails will always look stunning. Every woman who wants to have beautiful and well-groomed hands should know the basics of manicure. The first step is to get quality tools. It is advisable to purchase a ready-made set, but if this is not possible, then buy only barb and nail scissors or tweezers, as well as a cuticle spatula (replaced). For beginners, these tools will be enough.

The technology for performing a manicure includes several stages. First of all, you need to steam the cuticle well: take a bath bowl, pour warm water into it, add a little liquid soap and a few drops of essential oil (fir, juniper, lavender or tangerine). In order to make the procedure more effective, use the following method: take gauze, pour a little sea salt into it, drip essential oil, tie it in a knot, dip it in a bath of water - then all the components will be distributed evenly, and oil drops will not float on the surface.

Instead of water, it is advisable to use an infusion of chamomile or calendula. As you know, these herbs have an excellent antiseptic effect, which in this case is simply necessary. Dip your hands in the bath for 10 minutes (this time is enough to thoroughly steam the cuticle). Take your hands out of the bath, push back the cuticles with a special spatula. Then take barbed scissors or tweezers, cut off the retracted cuticle. It is important to cut smoothly, avoiding jerky movements, otherwise you will end up with a ragged edge. Don't cut the cuticle too close to the skin or you could hurt yourself. After you have trimmed your cuticles, rub essential oil into them. Using this technique will help you make a cool manicure without resorting to the help of a master. With a little practice, you can easily trim the cuticle on your own, thereby saving a lot of money and time.

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See also: gel manicure

We do unedged manicure at home

You will need:

  • cuticle removal gel;
  • orange stick or curette;
  • nail file;
  • nail scissors.

Many women are interested in: how to make a beautiful manicure without cutting the cuticles, is it possible to learn this on your own at home? Manicure technologies are constantly being improved, at present there is no need to think about how you can make your nails beautiful and well-groomed. After all, there is a wonderful tool that will help get rid of the cuticle without resorting to painful and difficult pruning.

The technology for performing an unedged manicure is quite simple, but there are nuances that you need to know. The first step is to cut the nails with special scissors. Never use nippers for this purpose, this can damage the nail plate. Shape your nails with a nail file.

It is important to file your nails in only one direction - then they will not exfoliate. The glass nail file must be moistened with water.

After you have shaped your nails, apply a special gel to the cuticle, hold for the time indicated in the attached instructions. If your skin around the nail plate is too rough, then one softener will not be enough. In this case, it is advisable to first make a bath, then use the gel to remove the cuticle. Apply the product only on one hand, otherwise the gel will simply dry out and not give the desired result.

Next, take an orange stick or a special curette for unedged manicure,. When using a wooden tool, it is not always possible to completely get rid of the cuticle, you may form a “fringe”, which is removed with barb scissors. Using a curette will help avoid such problems.

Manicure always looks beautiful on well-groomed nails. Therefore, it is important to know a few secrets that will help reduce the growth of the cuticle and make it softer. Rub in essential or olive oil into the skin around the nail at least once a day, take baths with herbs, use a special brush when washing your hands. These simple secrets will help you prevent the appearance of burrs, make the cuticle more accurate.

Hands are the calling card of a woman. Well-groomed fingers with soft skin, clean neat nails will never go out of fashion. Unfortunately, the pace of life, the sea of ​​household chores, weather conditions can lead to skin damage, brittle nails, burrs and other unpleasant manifestations. Hand care takes a lot of time and effort. Therefore, in recent years, the fashion and health industry has been developing many means to simplify the life of a woman.

The nail industry is developing so rapidly that some women do not have time to follow the changes and continue to use old methods that are ineffective and inconvenient. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the trends in nail art and nail care.

Types of manicure

Manicure is the basis of hand care and we consider it from several angles. This is both decorating nails and caring for the nail plate.

First, let's look at what are the types of manicure care, which is also preparatory stage for covering and decorating nails.

In our article, we give examples of types of manicure and their description with detailed photos that will help you understand the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

manicure techniques

There are 5 main techniques:

  • - this is when the master cuts the cuticle with scissors or manicure tweezers. This type of care is simple in technology and can be easily done on your own at home by buying inexpensive equipment. The disadvantage of this process is a high risk of injury, especially for people whose capillaries are very close. Therefore, proceed very carefully and do not allow other people to use your inventory.

  • - a more gentle technique that requires special equipment and work skills. With the help of rotating nozzles, the cuticle and keratinized skin around the nail plate are removed, after which polishing is carried out with a soft nozzle. This procedure is more gentle and suitable for people with thin and brittle nails. There is also no risk of damaging the capillaries and causing infection. But to use it, you need to either purchase a special device or visit a salon.

  • European is the safest technique. It does not use metal tools for cutting keratinized skin and cuticles, but only an orange stick and a special pumice stone. It is absolutely painless and safe. First, an emollient is applied to the cuticle and the area around the nail, after a few minutes it is wiped off, and the cuticle is pushed back with an orange stick, after which it is brushed off with a pumice stone for a European manicure. Suitable for everyone, except for people with very rough skin around the nail area.

  • SPA manicure- a complex of relaxing and caring procedures. Aromatherapy, massage and water procedures with the use of oils, makes this nail care the most enjoyable of all. The master carries out a series of actions by which he softens the cuticle and rough skin, and then removes it with tongs or pumice. This is followed by massage and moisturizing treatments for your hands. The only disadvantage of this technique is the duration of the procedure.

  • - the most popular type, since the effect of it lasts the longest. The wizard uses the classic and hardware types, adding some elements of SPA procedures to it. It is better to do it with a specialist, which is not always convenient in time for some women.

Types of nail art

After we have prepared our pens for decorating nails, you can choose from several types of nail art that you like best. We offer to consider and adopt types of manicure using gel polish:

  • Classic style. French manicure and pastel colors always remain relevant and in demand. They are characterized by elegance and sophistication, which is suitable for any event and activity. Pairs with any outfit making it versatile.

  • . It can be used as a base for any tone from pastel to acid, and decorate nails on top. geometric shapes(diamonds, lines, circles) that fit your length and shape of the nail. You can decorate not everything, but one or two nails with a geometric pattern.

  • Gradient. Gorgeous finish using a special light to dark lacquer technique with blurry transition lines that looks great on long and long hair. short nails any form. The color scheme is not limited, which makes it in demand and popular this season.

  • Manicure with rhinestones. By using different stones, rhinestone, bouillon your nails will become more elegant and brighter. It is used as an additional decor for the main manicure. You can decorate both all nails, and focus on a few fingers.

  • - a real hit of the season. It is created using a special technique that imitates stains on a top background. Malachite marble broke all records in terms of demand. This is the epitome of elegance.

  • – remains in demand for several seasons in a row. Women love him for his simplicity and neatness. The most popular is the hole near the cuticle in a nude color, but more and more often, representatives of the younger generation choose bright and contrasting tones for coloring the hole.

  • - a kind of light manicure using translucent tones that give the hands clean and fresh. It is very relevant for business women, as well as modest and elegant girls who do not want to attract attention with bright colors.

Video: how to make a classic manicure

As we can see, there are many modern types of manicure. Some of the species, having existed for a couple of seasons, simply disappear, and are replaced by fashion trends. But there is a classic that is timeless, simple and elegant. Therefore, we suggest that you learn how to make a classic design that you can perform even at home quickly and efficiently.

And if you have an emergency when you have to look simply stunning, use the recommendations given in the video, and you will always be sure of the beauty of your nails.

The fashion world does not stand still. We understand that soon the types of manicure designs we have presented may disappear, leaving us with only memories or even nostalgia.

And others, on the contrary, will improve and flourish, giving us rainbow emotions. But this is life, and most of us quickly get bored with even the most beautiful designs and, in order to avoid routine and routine, designers and stylists come up with new types of manicure for us.

But only you, dear readers, decide whether they deserve your attention or not. We are very interested in your experience of using this or that method of hand care. Share with us in the comments what manicure technique you prefer and what attracted you to it.

I love to experiment. Therefore, inspired by the article, I will try all the techniques. Thank you!

Manicure is a cosmetic procedure for the treatment of nails on the fingers and the fingers themselves, or even the entire hand. Manicure is performed as in beauty salons or beauty parlors by qualified specialists. manicure pedicure make-up tattoo

Manicure may include:

  • Hand massage
  • Baths for the skin of hands and nails
  • Nail care, polishing, shaping
  • Decoration of nails with varnish, rhinestones, etc.
  • Nail extension

From the point of view of processing the cuticle, there are two types of manicure - edged and unedged. When trimming a manicure, a special tool is used to cut the cuticles - cuticles (they are also sometimes called cuticle nippers; tweezers, tweezers are their incorrect name and refer to the tweezers tool for plucking hair on the eyebrows), when not trimmed, wooden sticks are used or polished with a special electric manicure device. In public manicure, increased hygiene requirements are necessary to avoid instrumental infection with fungal diseases.

There are more than 16 types of manicure, for example:

  • 1. Classic or cut manicure: the cuticle is trimmed with special tweezers or burr scissors.
  • 2. European or unedged manicure: the cuticle is not cut off, as with the classic one, but is pushed back with orange sticks; gentle manicure.
  • 3. French manicure: differs in the way varnishes are applied - soft (pale pink or beige) on the finger plate, white on the outer tip.
  • 1. American manicure: the color of the varnish and lipstick are the same.
  • 2. Spa manicure: with related spa treatments - soaking, massage, etc.
  • 3. Hardware manicure: the cuticle is polished with a special machine.
  • 4. hot manicure: at the beginning of the procedure, the hands are placed in an electric bath with warm cream or oil. During the procedure, nourishing and softening compounds are rubbed into the skin of the hands. The skin after a hot manicure becomes tender, smooth, the nails are strengthened, their appearance improves.
  • 5. Japanese manicure: a kind of "cover" is created around the nail plate, protecting it from external influences. A distinctive feature of Japanese manicure is the use of only natural compounds and tools. First, the cuticle is softened, and a special preparation is rubbed into the nails, which is identical in composition to the nail plate. Then the nails are polished and polished with a special powder.
  • 6. Spanish manicure: differs in depth and color saturation, layering. Several layers of varnish are applied to the nail, each different color. Each layer can cover both the entire surface of the nail, and only a part. This creates multi-colored stripes that visually lengthen the nail.
  • 2. Nail extension technologies: acrylic, silk, gel

Acrylic (some cunning craftsmen came up with the name "porcelain", but it's the same thing) nails can be built up in two ways: - on forms- special flexible plates on which an artificial nail is formed; -and on tips (from the English tip) - plastic nails that are glued to yours, and material is already applied to them. (I prefer to work only on forms). Type acrylic nails less beautiful than others, but more durable. Nails have greater elasticity, resilience, do not crack with strong bends. They are suitable for those women who lead an active lifestyle and the likelihood of damage to the nails is quite high.

SILK (synonymous with FIBERGLASS) The technology of silk nail extension is as follows: the nails are shortened, tips are glued to them, then shreds are cut out of silk or other similar material (fiberglass, linen) according to the shape of the nails. They are impregnated with a special composition and superimposed on the nails. After hardening, the procedure is repeated, that is, several layers are applied. Then the nails are processed, they are shaped, they are polished.

Extension technologies using different gels differ slightly. The bottom line is that the gel is a material that hardens under the influence of ultraviolet rays. Gel nails have a more festive look - they shine, they are transparent. But, in my opinion, gel nails have two main disadvantages compared to acrylic:

  • - they are more fragile;
  • - they are afraid of a significant temperature difference (in winter - from the street to a warm room, for example), from which they crack; - they are beyond repair, i.e. If gel nail cracked, then it must be removed and a new one made, and acrylic can be repaired.

The process of nail extension can be divided into five main stages:

  • 1. After examining the hands, the nail plates are processed with a file or a special machine - the fat layer is removed, the surface is leveled
  • 2. A special “form” is put on the finger. After the acrylic hardens, the mold is removed. When working with tips, tips are glued instead.
  • 3. Using a special brush, a two-component polymer - acrylic is applied to the nail plate. A nail of the chosen length and shape is formed.
  • 4. When all the nails are formed and the acrylic has hardened, the final shape and length is given with a special file, the surface is processed.
  • 4. Grinding, polishing, varnishing.

A pedicure is a therapeutic practice, as necessary as any other element of personal hygiene, and requires a serious approach.

With a pedicure, you can use the tools that make a manicure.

Exist different types pedicure: classic (cut), European (dry), hardware, nail pedicure, SPA pedicure, Japanese, French and fish peeling.

Classic pedicure.

The classic cut or wet pedicure is the most common nail care procedure due to its affordability. The age of the procedure is more than a hundred years old, the history began with this type of pedicure professional care behind your feet.

During the procedure, piercing and cutting tools are used: scissors, tweezers, etc., which is why the classic pedicure is called edged.

European pedicure.

This type of pedicure has several names: dry pedicure, unedged pedicure. During the procedure, baths and piercing-cutting instruments are not used. This is its main advantage over other types of pedicure.

Hardware pedicure.

Foot care procedure, during which a special device is used. Instead of water, special softening creams are used, which reduces the risk of fungal infection. They affect only the coarsened layer of the skin, while the healthy one is not damaged by scalpels and files.

Hardware pedicure, being sparing, has practically no contraindications and is recommended for persons of any gender. The only contraindication is a thin nail plate. But it is worth consulting with a specialist: this is not a strict ban for everyone.

Nail pedicure.

Tight shoes, high heels, nylon tights- These are just a few of the reasons that affect the condition of toenails. Under the weight of the body, they deform, exfoliate, acquire a yellowish tint.

Pedicure is aimed at removing these defects and includes the following types of procedures: cleaning the skin of the feet from calluses and rough skin; removal of the upper layers of the epithelium; correction of ingrown and deformed nails, giving them the correct shape; removal of calluses; antifungal treatment of nails; cuticle treatment; foot massage.

SPA pedicure.

This is an elite treatment that allows you to achieve excellent results in any condition of the skin of the legs. Especially for this procedure, quite a few preparations have been created that contain high-quality natural ingredients to soften and moisturize the skin of the feet. The presence in the complex of products containing fruit acids and sea salts allows you to painlessly remove calluses and dry skin. Mineral-rich algae, aromatherapy oils and plant extracts nourish the skin of the feet and give them a truly childlike softness. The composition of the preparations, as a rule, includes fruit extracts, as well as essential oils citrus fruits, extracts of medicinal plants. But truly childlike softness to the soles can be returned by paraffin foot wraps (paraffin therapy).

Japanese pedicure.

This procedure is becoming very popular, as it allows not only to give the legs and nails an attractive appearance, but also to prevent many diseases. Japanese pedicure is a comprehensive foot care session that includes classic and hardware types of pedicure. Such a session begins with a diagnosis of the condition of the feet and nails, as a result of which the master determines the correct sequence cosmetic procedures. Depending on what kind of foot care is required and nail plates master chooses special cosmetical tools. All materials and preparations used in Japanese manicure are made exclusively on a natural basis and are rich in nutrients and vitamins.

French pedicure.

This is not just a nail care technique, but also a special design style, known throughout the world, which came from manicure. The procedure is painless and completely safe, as the cuticle is removed without damage.

Usually French pedicure is performed according to European technology, but there are other options. Possible initial combination with classical technique, which after 5-6 procedures can be completely eliminated.

Fish Pedicure.

This procedure consists in the fact that small fish take care of the client's feet. The fish pedicure is recommended for those who wish to make traditional foot care procedures more gentle. Doctor fish can cure skin conditions such as eczema, dermatitis, and psoriasis. To do this, not only the client's legs, but also his entire body are immersed in the aquarium.
