Military pensioners of Belarus are outraged by the incompetence of deputies. Pension to the military of Belarus Increase of military pension in Belarus

In Belarus, as in most other states of the former Socialist camp, 2 types of pensions are used: social and labor. The military pension in Belarus also belongs to the second type.

Panoramic evening view of Independence Square in Minsk

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A pension is paid to a citizen subject to certain conditions:

  • Citizens who are unable to engage in labor activities receive a social pension. These are disabled people who became so in childhood, disabled children and families who have lost their breadwinner.
  • Labor. To accrue it, you need to have seniority and deduct to Pension Fund states a statutory percentage of their income.

Indexation of pensions

An important point is the annual indexation of all types of pensions, produced by the government of the Republic of Belarus. This measure makes it possible not to throw the population of the country below the poverty line. Thus, the Belarusian pension is protected from inflation.

All citizens of the Republic of Belarus, including military personnel, can take advantage of the program, which makes it possible to accumulate additional funds in addition to the state-appointed pension. Participation in the program is optional. Everyone has the right to decide whether to connect to it or not.

Labor pensions in Belarus as a result of recalculation since August 1 have increased by an average of 10%.

Additional funds are accumulated in the funds of insurance companies, at the choice of the payer. The deductions themselves, at his request, are made by the employer from the employee's salary.

Several types of Belarusian pensions

In the Republic of Belarus, you can retire on:

  • old age. According to the law of the country, women have the right to finish their labor activity and monthly receive material remuneration at the age of 55, men at 60. In some areas, the age threshold is lower (agriculture, textile industry, transport sector, etc.).
  • Loss of a breadwinner. Only those who are disabled or underage can count on this payment.
  • Disability. For those who are not disabled since childhood, it is important to have at least a short work experience.
  • Years of service. Representatives of some professions become pensioners not by reaching a certain age, but by the number of years worked in the field. The list of professions is approved by the government of the country.
  • Service to the country. This preference is given to holders of titles, medals and orders.

Learn more about pensions in Belarus in the video below.

Conditions for the retirement of the military of the Republic of Belarus

Military personnel of Belarus retire according to:

  • length of service;
  • disability;
  • for services to the fatherland;
  • old age.

To retire as a military man, you need to work, or rather serve, in the field for at least 20 years. The age of a military pensioner is 45 years (from 2033 - 48 years).

Some categories of military personnel are entitled even after reaching retirement age serve the country. For example, colonel generals can remain in the ranks up to 60 years, colonels - up to 50 years.

What affects pension payments

An important condition for obtaining a pension is permanent residence in the territory of the Republic. Pension benefits are affected by:

  • experience;
  • salary received in accordance with the title;
  • allowances;
  • salary received in accordance with the position.

In the Republic of Belarus, military pensions are increased annually. The indexation stated above applies to this category as well.

If, as a result of fulfilling a military assignment or 3 months after entering the reserve, a serviceman becomes disabled, he is entitled to receive a disability pension. In this case, the following conditions must be met:

  • military experience of at least 1 year;
  • age at least 23 years;
  • residence in the country (permanent).

The decision to retire a military man for services to the state is made at the government level.
The standard charge is as follows:

  • Officers, contract servicemen, midshipmen and warrant officers with 20 years of experience - 50% of the allowance corresponding to the category. For every additional year another 3% is charged, but not more than 75% in total. Upon retirement due to age or health - 60%.
  • With an experience of 25 years, if at least 12 years and 5 months of them are in military service or service in the internal affairs bodies - 50% and for each additional year 1%.
  • With a length of service of 15 years - 40% plus 3% for each additional year.

In 2019, the accrual scheme has changed somewhat.

Military pensions of the Republic of Belarus in 2019

This video compares the pensions of the three countries.

In 2019, military pensioners receive a pension in accordance with the changes that took place in September 2017. An increase in pensions was made for all categories of the population of Belarus.

Servicemen's pensions have been increased in line with the increase affecting all pension payments. According to the decision taken by the President of the country, from September 1, a gradual increase in pension payments to the military will begin.

Recalculation of pensions

Until July 2019, pension payments will be accrued on the basis of temporary adjustment factors. The recalculation will be done in 4 steps:

  1. 09.17 - 01.12.17 coefficient - 0.83;
  2. 12.17 - 01.07.18 - 0,85;
  3. 07.18 - 01.01.19 - 0,9;
  4. 01.19 - 30.06.19 - 0,95.

Starting from 07/01/19, the coefficient will be equal to 1.00.

By the end of the year, Belarus plans to raise pensions once again.

The average pension in the Republic of Belarus before the amendments to the legislation was 398 rubles.

Introducing amendments to pension legislation, the country's government was guided by the Russian experience, which can already be considered time-tested.

In Russia, the scheme taken as a guideline began to operate in 2012. Then the president called the additional payment to the pension in the amount of 240 Russian rubles insignificant and changed the figure to 1,000 rubles. Since 2012, the accrual of pension payments has not only depended on salaries, but has also been revised along with them. That is, if salaries were raised, the pensions of those who had already retired were raised along with them.

After a significant increase in military pensions, from 2013, only that share of allowance that affects the calculation of pensions is subject to increase. Its annual growth is 2% or more, depending on inflationary processes in the Russian economy.

Colonel Leonid TSYGANKOV, candidate of historical sciences, associate professor, addressed the editorial office with such a problem on behalf of the officers.

Not so long ago, the officers of the Central District of Minsk discussed their pensions at a meeting. Then a plenum of veterans of war and labor, the union of officers took place, at which we formulated our problems and sent them to the authorities. Analyzing the approach to assigning pensions to military personnel, we have identified many inconsistencies and questions, - said Leonid Tsygankov.

Incomprehensible salary

The main problem is the salaries that are used to calculate pensions for military personnel. According to the Law “On Pensions for Military Personnel…” dated 12/17/1992, for calculating our pensions, the salary for the full-time or last position occupied, the salary for the military or special rank, the allowance for long service, monetary compensation in exchange for food rations, including payments related to indexation of monetary allowance. Art. 61 of the law says that pensions assigned to military personnel are subject to recalculation from the month from which the change in the monetary allowance of military personnel occurred. That is, the size of pensions for all categories of military personnel regardless of the date of their dismissal from military service calculated on the basis of currently the size of the allowance military personnel serving on a contract basis. In practice, retired and retired military pensioners are accrued pensions not from the current salary for positions of senior officers, but for positions with salaries in the amount of 1,200,000-2,000,000 rubles. Where these figures come from, the military registration and enlistment offices do not tell us. This fact raises doubts about the legitimacy of determining the amount of military pensions, since in Belarus even the minimum wage today is almost 1.4 million rubles. Is the salary of an officer below the "minimum salary"?

At a meeting of officers of the Central District, we interviewed colonels: regiment commander, brigade commander and his deputies, deputy division commanders, senior teachers, heads and deputy heads of departments, faculties of higher military educational institutions, heads of departments and departments of the headquarters of the KBVO and the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Belarus. In the USSR, they received 180-230 rubles according to their position. For officers with an academic rank and degree, another 50-60 rubles were added to the salary. Based on the fact that salaries were different, the amount of pensions today should differ in accordance with the tariff category, coefficient and tariff rate. Today, all of the above positions exist, they have different salaries. Meanwhile, all of us today are accrued pensions from a salary of 1,200,000-2,000,000 rubles. (less than the cleaning lady). Where did such an official salary for colonels come from? According to national statistics, as of January 1, 2013, the lowest salary was for teaching staff - 3 million 59 thousand rubles, for teachers - 3,279 thousand rubles. It is hard to imagine that the salary of a colonel was two times lower than that of a school teacher. In January 2013, the average salary of the teaching staff was 5.2 million rubles. And for military teachers, senior teachers, deputies and heads of departments (colonels), when calculating pensions, a salary of 1.2-2 million rubles is set. Why?

Reducing allowance

There are also questions about seniority bonuses. According to Art. 15 of the Law on Pensions for Military Personnel, a seniority pension is assigned in the following amounts: for 20 years of service - 50%, for each year of service over 20 years - 3% of the corresponding amounts of monetary allowance, but not more than 75% of these amounts. That is, the coefficient and amount of payments are personal in nature, depending on the length of service. But in practice, as shown by a comparative analysis of our pensions, everyone, regardless of the number of years of service, is paid only 40% of the allowance. Yes, the pension itself is assigned depending on the length of service: for me, say, for 29 years of service, it is paid in the amount of 75%, but the average bonus for the length of service reduces its final size. Why?

On food rations, the military in the USSR could support a family of 4 people. Today, monetary compensation instead of this ration is 58,500 rubles (until 2005, this amount was 71,000 rubles). What can you buy with this money? Why is this amount not indexed due to inflation for many years, but, on the contrary, is also decreasing?

Did you study hard?

We are also outraged by the fact that the amount of additional payments for academic degrees and ranks is not taken into account to calculate the pension for military personnel. These additional payments are not included in the law on pensions for military personnel. Why? This also significantly reduces the size of our pensions, and we paid taxes on these additional payments. Meanwhile, the way to protect the applicant for a scientific degree and title, approval in the Higher Attestation Commission under the Council of Ministers of the USSR was the same as when conferring the rank of colonel and general. And there are not so many surviving officers with academic degrees and titles.

Also, military pensioners are infringed on their rights, since civilian pensioners are given an additional pension payment from the age of 75, and military pensioners from the age of 80.

As a result, today the colonel receives 3.2-3.7 million rubles in his hands. * Personally, in the USSR, I have a total amount of money allowance, taking into account an additional payment of 60 rubles. for an academic degree and title was about 600 rubles. This is more than the chairman of the Minsk City Executive Committee received. Is it possible to think that in 2013 the mayor of Minsk receives 1.6 million ex officio?


The officers did not receive a clear answer to the question about the amount of salaries for calculating pensions. The military commissariat of Minsk only replied that the right to establish the size of official salaries for calculating pensions for certain positions of military personnel in relation to the official salaries of the Armed Forces is within the competence of the Ministry of Defense. Currently, the official salaries approved by Presidential Decree No. 218 of May 5, 2012 are used to calculate pensions. On September 1, 2012, new salaries for military ranks were revised and approved, which made it possible to recalculate and pay pensions in new sizes. On average, the size of pensions in September increased by 18% compared to August.

Why the seniority bonus is averaged and amounts to 40% for all, is not explained in the official answers of the Ministry of Defense. Just as there is no substantiation in the answers to the fact why additional payments for a scientific degree are excluded from the calculation of pensions. With regard to additional payments to pensions in the amount of 75% and 100% of the minimum pension by age for pensioners who have reached the age of 75 and 80 (established by Presidential Decree No. 35 of January 16, 2012), which affected only labor pensioners, the Ministry of Defense, together with interested government agencies developed an appropriate draft Presidential Decree providing for similar payments to pensioners of the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the KGB. However, this project was not supported by the government.

The Minsk Military Commissariat clarifies that in order to partially compensate for losses caused by inflation, the next payment to military personnel will be made in March this year (indexation of monetary allowance for January 2012).


Pension of Tsygankov Leonid Methodievich in 2012 (pension granted in 1987):

ration- 58 500 rubles.

Official salary- 1,685,000 rubles.

Salary by military rank- 1,500,000 rubles.

Seniority bonus (40%)- 1,274,000 rubles.

Total- 4,517,500 rubles.

Total on hand:

Calculation of the basic size of the pension for service at the age of 29 75% of the content - 3,388,125 rubles.

For comparison: the size of the pension of a lieutenant colonel with a length of service of 28 years, who retired in 2011, is 3,100,000 rubles. The average size labor pension in February-March 2013, according to the Ministry of Labor, - 1,917,133 rubles.

From January 1, Belarus will recalculate the size of pensions for military pensioners. The increase in payments will be approximately 6%, according to the publication of the Ministry of Defense "For the Glory of the Motherland."

The picture is illustrative. Photo: Anzhelika Vasilevskaya, TUT.BY

As of January 1, 2018, the number of military pensioners was 77.1 thousand people.

According to the Ministry of Defense, as of January 1 this year, the number of military pensioners in Belarus amounted to about 79 thousand people. For comparison: two years ago there were 82.8 thousand of them.

“The increase will ensure parity in the growth of pensions for long service to military pensioners compared to pensions for long service for civil servants and labor pensions by age,” the Defense Ministry’s main financial and economic department told the publication.

The ministry notes that Presidential Decree No. 314 of August 31, 2017 “On Pension Provision for Certain Categories of Citizens” established a gradual increase in pensions for military pensioners.

Recall that the base salary, on which the size of the monetary allowance of military personnel and military pensions, last time in September 2017 depends. But the growth of pensions is a corrective factor.

Thus, pensions were recalculated using adjustment factors in 4 stages: from September 1, 2017 - 0.83; from December 1, 2017 - 0.85; from July 1, 2018 - 0.9. From January 1 to June 30, 2019, this figure will be 0.95. From July 1, 2019, the adjustment factor is intended to be canceled altogether.

In 2019, the authorities will significantly increase the cost of paying salaries to state employees and pensions to military personnel. “The share of expenditures on salaries and pensions of military personnel in the structure of budget expenditures is significantly increasing - from 35.3% to 37.5%. The payroll fund is more than 12 billion rubles and is growing by 1.2 billion rubles, or almost 11%, compared to the current year,” First Deputy Finance Minister Yury Seliverstov said, presenting the draft law on the republican budget in the first reading in parliament.

Meanwhile, in Ukraine, a decision was made from January 1, 2019 on the salaries of the military. In Russia, from October 1 next year, the monetary allowance of military personnel will increase by 4.3%, and military pensions will be additionally indexed by 2%. That is, the overall increase in military pensions will be 6.3%.

Recall that in Belarus earlier to revise the amount of pensions for working pensioners from among the former military personnel. At the same time, from August 1, 2017, there was a duration of work experience with the payment of mandatory insurance premiums for citizens who for a long time (at least 10 calendar years) have completed military service (service in paramilitary organizations), but are not entitled to a pension under the legislation on pensions for military personnel. The right to a labor pension by age was granted to this category of citizens if they have at least 10 years insurance experience and a total work experience of at least 25 years for men and 20 years for women.

Sep 1 - Sputnik. Pensions of military personnel and employees of paramilitary organizations will begin to increase in Belarus from September 1, Sputnik was told on Thursday in the press service of the head of state.

The corresponding decree No. 314 "On pensions for certain categories of citizens" was signed by President Alexander Lukashenko on August 31.

"The implementation of the norms of the decree will ensure a systematic increase in pensions for military personnel and employees of paramilitary organizations, starting from September 1, 2017," the press service said.

They also reported that the size of the increase would be comparable to the increase in pensions of other categories of Belarusian citizens. To do this, corrective coefficients are introduced to paid military pensions - they are temporary and will be valid until July 1, 2019.

How were military pensions calculated before?

Previously, military pensions were recalculated following the change in monetary allowance, which is calculated from the corresponding salaries for the last position held, military rank salary, seniority allowances, monetary compensation instead of food rations, including payments related to the indexation of monetary allowance.

The recalculation of pensions for other categories of citizens - recipients of minimum social pensions, labor and other pensions - is based on the size of the subsistence minimum budget, on the average wage in the republic and other parameters.

The average size of assigned pensions in Belarus in July amounted to 298 rubles. Minimum labor and social pensions in Belarus last time they increased since August 1 - in connection with a change in the average salary in the country.

How was it in Russia?

The press service of the Belarusian president noted that the increase in military pensions will be based on the same approaches that have already been applied in Russia. There, the monetary allowance of military pensioners began to increase in a similar way since 2012.

For the first time, the increase in pensions for the military was announced in June 2012 by Vladimir Putin, who at that time held the post of Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. At a government meeting, he suggested thinking about reforming the system of monetary allowances for military personnel and increasing their material security. At that time, certain advances had already taken place in the civilian sector, and military pensioners found themselves in a disadvantaged position.

Then Putin announced the need to increase the additional payment to pensions for military pensioners to 1,000 rubles, while at the time of his statement this additional payment was only 240 Russian rubles.

It was decided to allocate 7.9 billion rubles for additional payments to military pensions. Putin instructed to make appropriate changes to the budget and regulations.

Later, these acts were adopted, and according to the law on pensions for the military, their pensions must be reviewed annually simultaneously with the indexation of the monetary allowance (salary) of the military. In 2012, military pensions increased significantly, but since 2013 in the Russian Federation only the share of monetary allowance, which is taken into account when calculating pensions for military personnel, has increased annually.

According to the law, this share of allowances must grow by 2% annually (taking into account the forecast inflation for the next year, the increase may be even higher) until it reaches 100%. The effect of this provision has been frozen for the time being, while the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation proposes to extend the moratorium until January 1, 2018.

How much do Russian military pensioners get?

The average size military pension in Russia after the increase at the beginning of 2017 will amount to 21.3 thousand Russian rubles per month, which is significantly more than the average civil pension.

In 2017, military pensions were indexed twice in the Russian Federation - in February by 5.4% and in March by 0.4%. In the fall, military pensioners expect to receive an indexation of 2% - it is expected that this will happen on October 1.

The amount of pensions for military personnel in 2017 is regulated by articles of laws 166 FZ and 4468-1 FZ, according to which various accrual mechanisms are provided depending on the reason for retirement and many other factors. When calculating military pensions, the rank, position held, as well as the length of service, participation in hostilities in hot spots and in counter-terrorist operations are taken into account.

The military pension is calculated according to the following formula: base x (50% + 3% for each year of service after 20 years of service, but not more than 85%) x reduction factor), where 50% is a part of the amount of the average weighted salary. But for certain categories of military personnel, allowances are laid.

  • from September 1, 2017 - 0.83;
  • from December 1, 2017 - 0.85;
  • from July 1, 2018 - 0.9;
  • from January 1 to June 30, 2019 - 0.95.
  • From July 1, 2019, the adjustment factor does not apply, i.e. will actually become 1.0.

In accordance with the third part of Article 42 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of December 17, 1992 “On pensions for military personnel ...”, before the Decree (No. 314 of August 31, 2017) came into force, the following were taken into account for calculating pensions for military personnel:

  • salaries for a full-time or last position held,
  • military salaries,
  • seniority allowance,
  • monetary compensation in exchange for food rations, including payments related to the indexation of monetary allowances.

Now military pensioners are waiting for a reduction factor.

Will they increase or cut down? we figure out how military pensions will change

It was decided to allocate 7.9 billion rubles for additional payments to military pensions. Putin instructed to make appropriate changes to the budget and regulations. Later, these acts were adopted, and according to the law on pensions for the military, their pensions must be reviewed annually simultaneously with the indexation of the monetary allowance (salary) of the military.
In 2012, military pensions increased significantly, but since 2013 in the Russian Federation only the share of monetary allowance, which is taken into account when calculating pensions for military personnel, has increased annually. According to the law, this share of allowances must grow by 2% annually (taking into account the forecast inflation for the next year, the increase may be even higher) until it reaches 100%. The effect of this provision has been frozen for the time being, while the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation proposes to extend the moratorium until January 1, 2018.

Military pensions in Belarus in 2017

  • Pensions for military pensioners
  • military pension calculator
  • Military pensions in 2017
  • An example of calculating payments to a military pensioner
  • The procedure for obtaining military pensions
  • List of required documents
  • Conclusion
  • The most popular question and answer on military pension

Pensions for military pensioners Military pensions are paid to certain categories of citizens, which include: Dear visitors of the portal "Pension Expert"! Studying the information on the pages of our project on issues pension provision, registration of maternity capital, remember that in the articles we try to describe the basic aspects that are based on legislative framework. Each situation, problem in matters of pension provision is individual and requires legal support and advice.

How will pensions be increased for the Belarusian military?

The employer is obliged to make monthly contributions to the pension fund for them. When calculating a labor pension, the length of service is necessarily taken into account. Every year, the country's government indexes pension payments. Indexing applies to everyone social payments, including pension allowances for servicemen.

The country has a program on the basis of which citizens of the country can accumulate additional funds. These services are optional. These opportunities are provided by insurance companies. If a citizen chooses any insurance company for savings, then his employer must make contributions to this fund for him.
Types of pensions in Belarus 1. By old age The retirement age of citizens of Belarus has been preserved since Soviet times and has not changed since then: men - 60, women - 55.
For services to the state The accrual of pensions to citizens awarded state orders and titles is the responsibility of the government. On the amount of pensions for military personnel Minimum size old-age pensions in Belarus is focused on the level of the consumer basket and is 25% of its average. The retirement pension is calculated at a rate of 55% of the average monthly earnings in the country.


Its size is affected by the amount of earnings, the presence of experience in excess of the prescribed norm, the scope of the employee's professional activity. The scope of pensions for military personnel is regulated state laws. The accrual of allowances to the military takes place according to the same parameters that are provided for civilians: by length of service, old age, loss of a breadwinner, disability.

The size of the minimum allowances for the military is 1,474 thousand Belarusian rubles, in terms of Russian money - 4,422 rubles.

military pensions

  • If a soldier was the only source of income in the family, then minor children or disabled dependents who were in his care are paid a pension for the loss of a breadwinner.
  • A citizen who received a disability group during service or within 3 months after dismissal has the right to receive a pension. If the problems appeared later than 3 months, but it is proved that they are related to the service, then the pension is also paid. To receive a pension, a conclusion of a medical commission is required.

The prospect of increasing the pension allowance of military personnel in Belarus will depend in the future on the state of the economy during 2017, on the level of the subsistence minimum established for each category of the population.

In Belarus, from September 1, the military will begin to increase pensions

How much do Russian military pensioners get? The average military pension in Russia after the increase in early 2017 will be 21.3 thousand Russian rubles per month, which is significantly more than the average civilian pension. In 2017, military pensions were indexed twice in the Russian Federation - in February by 5.4% and in March by 0.4%. In the fall, military pensioners expect to receive an indexation of 2% - it is expected that this will happen on October 1. The amount of pensions for military personnel in 2017 is regulated by articles of laws 166 FZ and 4468-1 FZ, according to which various accrual mechanisms are provided depending on the reason for retirement and many other factors. When calculating military pensions, the rank, position held, as well as the length of service, participation in hostilities in hot spots and in counter-terrorist operations are taken into account.

How will the pensions of the reduced military be recalculated?


And now the starley will receive up to 70% of his salary by position and rank. Considering that, as a rule, they were fired from primary positions (up to the company commander) - the salaries are small, therefore, the allowances will be small, although there is already talk of "care" - so it is possible that this decree was specially timed for the elections. Reference Leonid Spatkay is a military expert. Leonid Spatkai graduated from the Chernihiv Higher Military Aviation Pilot School named after Lenin Komsomol, served in flight positions in the aviation units of the Air Force of the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany (Western Group of Forces), the Far Eastern District, and from November 1993 -

- Air Force of the Republic of Belarus. From July 1998 to July 2004 he served in the border troops of the Republic of Belarus. Full member of the All-Russian Heraldic Society since 1991, in 1999-2002. — Military Heraldic Commission under the Security Council of the Republic of Belarus.
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At the same time, the size of their pensions for August 2017 cannot be lower than the size of pensions paid in July 2017. The implementation of the provisions of the Decree will ensure a systematic increase in pensions for military personnel and employees of paramilitary organizations, starting from September 1, 2017, in amounts comparable to the growth pensions of other categories of citizens of Belarus The official website of the president states: “The implementation of the norms of the Decree will ensure a systematic increase in pensions for military personnel and employees of paramilitary organizations, starting from September 1, 2017, in amounts comparable to the increase in pensions of other categories of citizens of Belarus.” You need to understand that first they lower it by 17%, and then within 2 years they will raise it in four stages, restore it to 1 (one), to the previous level. As it becomes clear from the document, this phenomenon is temporary and will be valid until July 2019.
As for calculating the size of the pension, the “mechanism” here is simple. For example, an officer retired to the reserve, having "behind" 25 years of service, i.e. the size of his pension is 65% of his monetary allowance (50% for 20 years + 5x3%), after reaching the current retirement age of 60 years, 1% is added to these percentages for 1 year of “civilian” work experience, but in total - no more than 75 %. That is, he worked at an enterprise or organization for 20 years, but they will add only 10 - 10%. — How many such pensioners in our country are “reduced workers” who are subject to the decree? - It's hard to say exactly, you have to contact the pension departments. But, I think, about 200-250 thousand.

  • a certain length of military service, the duration of which is 20 years or more;
  • the presence of a work experience of 25 years, of which 12.5 years were spent in the performance of official duties (if the reason for dismissal is reaching a certain age, health problems, reorganization of the department).

A serviceman can become a recipient of one of the following types of pension provision: Disability payments are made in the event that health problems arose while a citizen was in the service or up to three months after its completion. It is allowed to assign payments if the disability was recorded later than the specified dates, if it was caused by an injury or illness acquired during the service. The category of citizens under consideration can receive a second pension.
