minimum pension. The minimum pension in the Moscow region What is the minimum pension in

At the end of 2017, the Mayor of Moscow announced a development strategy for the coming years, which is aimed at strengthening the social sphere. One of several target categories was pensioners in Moscow and the region. The list of groups that can count on financial improvement includes both working and non-working representatives of the older age group.

A number of additional payments and other social subsidies have been developed, which are planned to be introduced at the beginning or throughout 2018. Traditionally, the largest percentage of pensioners are those who receive the minimum allowance, so the issue of raising the minimum pension in Moscow in 2018 is very relevant for huge amount of people.

The amount that is considered the minimum allowable for pension payments is determined for each region separately. The territorial affiliation of Moscow, the Moscow region and the Moscow region provides for an increase in this amount in comparison with the previous year by 366 rubles.

From the beginning of 2018, the minimum pension will be 9,527 rubles.

The categories for which payments will be increased include non-working pensioners and persons whose only source of income is a social pension. Working pensioners are not eligible for this type of supplement.

Even though the people who fall into this list, more than 1 million, the budget has already planned additional costs for the implementation of these measures.

Additional payments to Moscow pensioners

Muscovites who have an official residence permit receive differentiated pension payments of two types, depending on the duration of registration in the capital:

  • Registered in Moscow or the Moscow region for less than 10 years. For them, accrual is carried out taking into account the average annual living wage in this region. If the amount does not reach this limit, then the budget allocates the Regional Social Surcharge to cover the difference. For pensioners of this category next year minimum pension will be 11816 rubles, which will be 255 rubles. more than in 2017.
  • Registered in Moscow or the Moscow region earlier than since 2007. For this group, pension payments are determined by the City Social Minimum Income Standard. Monthly payments for them from the beginning of 2018 will be at least 17,500 rubles, which will exceed the previous minimum amount by 3,000 rubles.

The launch of the mechanism for receiving these additional payments in the new amount is planned during the first two months of 2018, since it should be implemented before.

Citizens who have a temporary residence permit in Moscow are not subject to the City Social Standard and the Regional Social Supplement.

Minimum pensions for residents of the region

Additional payments to residents of the Moscow region are somewhat different from the amounts that pensioners in the capital will receive. The mechanism for determining the size of such subsidies is more complex, its algorithm is individual, so citizens receive additional payments of different sizes.

Residents of the region, who became Muscovites after the increase in the boundaries of New Moscow, were equated with Muscovites, so they were in an advantageous position compared to residents of neighboring settlements.

Citizens living in the Moscow region in settlements that are not attached to the capital have found themselves below the line of providing preferential payments - their pension social supplements are inferior to those dictated by the City Social Standard.

Veteran's Retirement Benefits

The Moscow government rightly ruled that inflation has significantly reduced the actual amount of benefits that are provided for veterans. Therefore, for 2018 it is planned to increase the monthly payment for preferential categories of the region, which include:

  • labor veterans;
  • rehabilitated persons;
  • rear workers.

Such monthly payments will reach a level that exceeds the existing minimum by 2 times. In addition, veterans of the Second World War and participants in the defense of Moscow will receive one-time grants in the amount of 10,000 rubles.

Anniversaries will also receive cash prizes married life who celebrate the anniversary of 50 years from the date of the wedding. Further, such incentives are awarded to anniversaries with an interval of 5 years.


Non-working pensioners, who are monthly transferred insurance pensions and seniority pensions, in 2018 will be able to receive indexed payments once. The indexation percentage included in the annual budget will be 3.7%. For the year it will be expressed in the amount of 14.1 rubles. for people on the minimum pension.

citizens retirement age who are still working will not qualify for this allowance.

Despite the fact that previously indexed payments were accrued to pensioners during February, in 2018 this is planned for January.

military pensions

Muscovites involved in work at any level in the Ministry of Defense are entitled to receive military pensions. In 2018, if they have 20 years of service, they can still receive severance pay while taking a well-deserved rest.

If there are medical reasons, confirmed by official documents, this experience can be reduced to 12 years.

Thus, Muscovites-pensioners receiving minimum pensions should expect an increase in accruals from the beginning of 2018, which will be able to improve the financial situation of each individual citizen who is on a well-deserved rest.

See also what Sobyanin says about social support measures for Muscovites:

Reading time ≈ 4 minutes

On the Internet and in life, you can increasingly find various rumors that in 2018 the social minimum pension will fall in relation to the subsistence minimum. interested in a natural question - how then to live on this money? Let's find out more about the additional payments to the pension, the planned minimum wage for the next year and what inflation will be.

News: what is the minimum pension set in Russia from January 1, 2018

On the eve of the New Year, many residents of our country are interested in how much the pension will be next year, whether it will increase and what size it will take. This indicator depends on the subsistence minimum, and it is individual for each region and is set on the basis of prices for goods present in the consumer basket.

The size of the minimum pension by regions of Russia

The highest living wage non-working pensioners recorded in Moscow. After looking last news, pensioners, for sure, heard the words of the mayor of the capital, Sergei Sobyanin, at the beginning of 2018, its value, and hence the size of the minimum pension benefit, will increase to 11,500 rubles. The mayor is sure that the city's budget allows to increase the amount of pensions and guarantees timely payments to the residents of the capital.

Other regional leaders are not always able to find funds for such support and hope for help from the state budget and for the money released from cutting payments to working citizens of retirement age. The Government, in turn, has many other social programs, therefore, it invites the districts to solve problems on their own

Sergei Sobyanin

The size in Russia in 2018 for all regions for clarity is presented in tabular form:

Table of the minimum pension in Russia

Who will receive the minimum pension benefit

Minimum pension benefit will be received by those who have not earned insurance experience or have not scored the required number of points. The right to receive it arises in three cases:

  • old age,
  • on the loss of a breadwinner,
  • by disability.

Additional payments to the minimum pension and indexation percentage

In 2018, pension payments will be made. Its size will be 3.7%. If the pension is below the subsistence minimum, its size is increased to this indicator through special social supplements. Thus, the minimum pension will be set at the subsistence level in a particular region.

Minimum Retirement Points

Preferential pension - the amount in rubles and the documents required to receive

A preferential pension is understood to mean a pension that is assigned ahead of schedule to a regular one. The Government of the Russian Federation approved the list of positions that have the right early exit retirement (Federal Law No. 173, art. 27, 28).

But there are also industries with harmful working conditions that allow you to retire:

  • women aged 45 with 7.5 years of experience in hazardous work and a total work experience of 15 years,
  • men aged 50 years, with 10 years of work experience and a total work experience of 20 years.

We list some categories of citizens with early retirement:

  1. Divers.
  2. Theater artists.
  3. Pilots GA.
  4. Drivers of trams, buses, trolleybuses.
  5. Subway workers, railway.
  6. Emergency workers and firefighters.
  7. Working in places of detention.
  8. Working in the Far North.
  9. Women tractor drivers.
  10. Women employed in hard work in the textile industry.
  11. Lumber workers.
  12. Court workers.
  13. Employees involved in hydrological, geophysical, exploration and other works.

To calculate an early pension, you must apply to the FIU with the following documents:

  • application for early retirement,
  • employment history,
  • passport,
  • insurance certificate,
  • clarifying certificate with information on bonuses, other payments and the right to a preferential pension,
  • certificate of average salary in 2000-2001 or 60 months before 2002,
  • military ID (for men),
  • birth certificates of children.

Minimum pension: basic accrual parameters

An example of calculating a preferential early pension.

Pensioner B. has a total work experience of 25 years, 15 of which he worked in the Far North.

81.49 rubles - the cost of a pension point in 2018

4982.9 rubles - the amount of a fixed payment

1.5 - the coefficient of increase in the fixed payment for the length of service in the Far North

172 points - the number of all individual pension points.

Having received the right to early retirement in 2018, citizen B applied to the FIU at the age of 55. His pension was:


So the size preferential pension for each case is considered individually.

In conclusion, it is worth recalling that the minimum is not the only issue that worries pensioners. Recently, the Government has been actively discussing an increase in the retirement age. It is quite possible that a new reform awaits our country.

How will the indexation of pensions in Moscow in 2019

In general, the annual process of increasing pensions in Moscow takes place in the same way as in all of Russia - in three stages.

1 . As you know, the indexation of the old-age insurance pension for non-working pensioners in 2019 took place not from February 1, as many are used to, but from January 1, as was the case last year. Vladimir Putin outlined the main parameters of the increase in his televised address. The President said that "in 2019, the indexation of old-age pensions will be about 7 percent." On average, the pension will increase by 1,000 rubles per month.

The indexation details were specified by the Pension Fund. As follows from the press service of the Fund, since January 1, 2019, the old-age insurance pension for NON-working pensioners has been indexed by 7.05 percent. This resulted in an average monthly increase in the insurance pension by 1,000 rubles. Working pensioners did not receive this increase. But many pensioners were dissatisfied with the January indexation. After mass appeals to Putin, it was decided to recalculate. Read about the situation with indexation and recalculation of the insurance pension

2. From April 1, 2019, in Moscow, as well as throughout Russia, social and state pensions will increase. Putin did not say anything about them in his televised address. The prospects for the growth of social pensions in 2019 were outlined by the Pension Fund itself. So, at first, it was planned to increase social pensions from April 1, 2019 according to the growth index of the pensioner's subsistence minimum for the previous year, namely by 2.4%. But then plans changed. To date, social pensions are planned to be increased by 2.0% from April 1, 2019. Learn more about social pensions

3. In August 2019, insurance pensions for Muscovite pensioners who worked in 2018 will also increase. The maximum increase, most likely, will be the same as before - the cash equivalent of three pension points.

Now let's recall two types of minimum pension in Moscow.

Minimum pension in Moscow in 2019

As you know, older people in Russia cannot receive a pension below the average annual subsistence level for a pensioner in the territory of residence. If the accrued pension turned out to be less than this bar, then the Regional Social Surcharge (RSA) is additionally paid from the budget to the pension.

In 2017, the subsistence minimum for a pensioner in the city of Moscow was set at 11,561 rubles. Thus, the minimum pension in 2017 in Moscow, taking into account the Regional Social Surcharge, was 11,561 rubles.

In 2018, the living wage for a pensioner in Moscow was set at 11,816 rubles.

For 2019, the living wage for a Moscow pensioner is set at 12,115 rubles. Accordingly, such a figure can be considered the minimum pension in the MSC this year.

But this "minimum wage" is set for those pensioners - Muscovites who are registered at the place of stay / place of residence in Moscow for a total of less than 10 years.

There is a different minimum pension for Moscow old-timers. It is adjusted to the City Social Minimum Income Standard.

Supplement to pension in Moscow in 2019 up to the size of the city social standard

An additional payment to a pension up to the amount of the City Social Standard (SCS) is established for non-working pensioners and certain categories of working pensioners and disabled people registered at their place of residence in Moscow and having such registration for at least 10 years in total (including the time of residence in the territory annexed to Moscow) .

In 2017, there was no increase in the GSS, and the minimum pension in 2017 in Moscow for recipients of the City Social Standard was 14,500 rubles.

But in 2018, the size of the GSS was increased. Thus, the minimum pension for non-working pensioners with more than 10 years of residence in Moscow amounted to 17,500 rubles this year.

Plans for the growth of the City Social Standard for 2019 have not yet been announced.

Increasing the amount of payments to beneficiaries in Moscow

In 2018, monthly payments to citizens of preferential categories also increased. Below is the size of some of them.

Monthly city cash payments to preferential categories

Payments to families of disabled people and families raising disabled children

Plans to increase payments to beneficiaries for 2019 have not yet been officially announced.

The minimum pension in the Moscow region in 2019

Elderly people in Russia cannot receive a pension below the average annual subsistence level for a pensioner in the territory of residence.

The size of the minimum pension in the Moscow region in 2017 was equal to the subsistence minimum for a pensioner in the territory of the Moscow Region and amounted to 9161 rubles. In 2018, the minimum wage in the Moscow region was increased to 9,527 rubles, and in 2019 it was increased by the amount of inflation - by about 4%.

As a result, the subsistence level for a pensioner on the territory of the Moscow Region, and, accordingly, the size of the minimum pension in the Moscow Region for 2019, was set by the Moscow Regional Duma at 9,908 rubles.

Follow this publication, correspondents of the ​​business information agency will definitely supplement it as soon as more latest news about increasing pensions in Moscow and the Moscow region in 2019!

Welcome to website. By law, every citizen who lives in the territory of the Russian Federation and reaches a certain age is entitled to an old-age pension. This type of payment is assigned for material support of citizens who, due to age or for other reasons, are limited in their ability to work. But in order for at least the minimum pension to be assigned in 2019, it is necessary to comply with a number of additional conditions that are established at the legislative level.

To assign a pension, you must have a minimum length of service, this is the main condition. A pension payment can also be assigned to citizens who do not have the required amount seniority. The size of the pension is affected a large number of factors. But it can only be compared with the subsistence level of the region in which the pensioner lives.

Depending on what conditions for the appointment pension provision corresponds to a pensioner, one of the following types of pension can be assigned:

  • Insurance pension payment. Its formation and payment is made with the help of mandatory insurance payments, which are deducted by the employer for their employees to the pension fund.
  • Social pension payment. It is formed and paid from the state budget.

It is worth knowing that the appointment and payment of old-age pensions is made to the recipient, regardless of the fact of his labor activity.

While the social pension is the minimum old-age pension and is paid to those pensioners who have no employment. That is, in this case, the pensioner does not have an official salary or income from any other activity, as a result of which he is subject to mandatory pension insurance.

About the insurance part of the pension

The appointment of an insurance pension in our country is made much more often than other pension payments. According to statistics, about 83% are recipients of this particular type of pension provision. The conditions under which it is established, as well as the size of the minimum pension in Russia, are regulated at the legislative level by the Federal Law “On Insurance Pensions”. In accordance with this law, they are entitled to this pension payment in 2019 subject to the following conditions:

  • Reaching the retirement age of 55.5 years for women and 60.5 years for men.
  • Insurance experience of at least 10 years.
  • The presence of a pension coefficient, that is, pension points, of at least 16.2.

All these parameters work for pension appointments in 2019, and every year these parameters will increase. The experience requirement will increase by 1 year each year until the minimum experience reaches 15 years, and the points requirement will increase by 2.4 each year until the minimum number reaches 30.

Those citizens who carried out their labor activity in the regions of the Far North, as well as in heavy and hazardous industries, there is the right to retire earlier than the retirement age, that is, ahead of schedule. The conditions under which a person may be entitled to early retirement are prescribed in the Federal Law "On Insurance Pensions".

How the minimum pension will increase in 2019 in Russia and Moscow

The minimum pension is a concept that in the legislation implies the size of the subsistence minimum. Its payment is made on a monthly basis to those categories of citizens whose work experience and age fully comply with the conditions of the law, including those citizens who do not have other pension payments.

The calculation of the subsistence minimum is based on the parameters of past inflation for the past year, the level of increase in prices for the consumer basket and other indicators of the state economy. Each region of the country has its own subsistence minimum, and if the pension does not reach the subsistence minimum, the difference is paid from the regional budget.

But the question of how much the minimum pension will be in 2019 is differentiated for each category of citizens separately.

As already said, insurance pension by age is assigned to citizens upon reaching the retirement age of 55.5 years for women and 60.5 years for men. It is also necessary to have at least 10 years of work experience, this indicator is set for 2019, it will increase until 2024 until it reaches 15 years. The amount of the minimum pension for the category of citizens who have fulfilled these conditions will be 8846 rubles in 2019. Under the same conditions, pensioners in Moscow will receive twice as much, their pension will be 18,800 rubles.

Social pension payment is a benefit that is paid to citizens who do not receive an insurance pension, but they need state support for other reasons. This may be disability, loss of a breadwinner, or lack of the required amount of seniority. In 2019, this payment is expected to be indexed by 0.4% and the minimum amount since the beginning of April was 8,846 rubles.

Indexation, 7.05%, is also expected for insurance pensions from January 1, 2019 for non-working pensioners. From February 1, it is expected to index the monthly cash payments of the UDV, burial allowance, a set of social services of the NSO by an indexation coefficient of 3.1%.

The following formula is used for the amount of the minimum pension:

Fixed amount + insurance premium, where:

The insurance premium is the sum of accumulated points multiplied by their value. In 2019, the cost of one point is 87.24 rubles.

Social pension in Moscow

The cost of living for a pensioner in Moscow in 2018 was at around 11,816 rubles. This amount is the minimum pension in Moscow, taking into account additional payments from the regional budget. In 2019, there was an increase in the subsistence minimum by 299 rubles, in accordance with this, the size of the minimum pension payment also increased, it amounted to 12,115 rubles.

This minimum amount is set for the category of pensioners who are registered and have lived in the capital for less than 10 years. For pensioners who have lived in the capital for more than 10 years, the amount of the pension corresponds to the City Social Standard.

That citizen who, upon reaching retirement age, has lived in Moscow for less than 10 years, is a visitor, and he does not have the right to a Moscow allowance. The calculation of the pension for this category of citizens is based on the lowest subsistence rate in the region. In other words, if at the time of the appointment of a pension, a pensioner has lived in Moscow for less than 10 years, then only the subsistence minimum will be paid to him.

But, if a citizen has lived in the capital for more than 10 years at the time of reaching retirement age, then the calculation and assignment of a pension will be made according to other parameters. To receive an old-age insurance pension, a pensioner must have at least 10 years of work experience. The appointment of such a pension during temporary registration is impossible, you must have permanent residence permit. The period of residence in the regions that are equated to Moscow is also summed up.

Raising the minimum pension in Moscow since the beginning of 2019

On this moment It is known that the minimum pension in Moscow in 2019 will be increased. The calculation of the insurance pension is made with the sum of pension points: the difference between the achievement of retirement age and the actual exit to a well-deserved rest. When applying for a pension in later periods, the pension coefficient will be increased. That is, according to the GSS in 2018, it was already 17,500 rubles, and in 2019 it will be 18,800 rubles.

The cost of one pension point also falls under indexation, but there are a number of important nuances:

  • The increase in pensions for Muscovites took place on January 1, 2019.
  • The amount of pension paid to pensioners amounted to 18,800 rubles.
  • The difference in the amount is 1300 rubles, such an increase is very significant for a pensioner.

In 2019, the minimum amount of Moscow pensions was affected by a decrease in the real incomes of poor citizens, in addition, food prices increased due to the past level of inflation. As a result, the amount of the minimum allowance ceased to cover the needs of pensioners. Also, by order of the mayor of the city, 43,000 citizens will be assigned new payments that were not there before.

Pensioners living in Moscow, as well as pensioners from other regions, enjoy all the benefits based on regulatory documents. When determining monetary payments, officials rely on various prescriptions. The calculation of the minimum pension for Muscovites is based on the following documents:

  • For 2018, Federal Law No. 805-PP “On setting the amount of certain social and other payments for 2018”.
  • In 2019, the GSS coefficient increased, on the basis of which an additional payment to pensions of up to 18,800 rubles is determined for those living in Moscow for more than 10 years.

The increase in the GSS, as well as the increase in benefits, will affect 2 million people this year. In order to protect the population, benefits that are paid to privileged categories of citizens are also subject to an increase - these are:

  • Large families.
  • Low-income families with children.
  • Families with disabled children (new annual allowance for the purchase of school uniform in the amount of 10,000 rubles).

The amount of pension for working and non-working pensioners

In Moscow, in addition to the social part of the pension, pensioners are also entitled to regional supplements. The final amount of the supplement is determined by how long the pensioner has lived in the capital. If the duration of residence is 10 or more years, then the pensioner is entitled to receive an additional payment according to Moscow indicators. In the country base size is equal to 8860 rubles, in Moscow this figure for 2019 is 12115 rubles.

For unemployed Muscovites, the minimum wage will increase by 7% this year. According to the pension fund, such an increase will cover the cost of living. What will be the minimum pension in 2019? the amount of the pension will be equal to 12,115 rubles.

From August 1, 2019, the insurance pension will increase for working pensioners due to an increase in the size of the IPC (pension points increase). However, this will only affect recipients of insurance pensions for disability and old age and will be limited to 3 points.

Indexation of pensions for working pensioners has not been carried out for a long time. The planned pension increase did not happen, and indexation will not be carried out for this category of citizens in the near future. But if a pensioner stops working, then the indexation of the pension will be carried out in accordance with the law.

Additional benefits for Moscow pensioners in 2019

Despite economic improvements in the capital, this minimally affects low-income families and pensioners, the law clearly states what the minimum pension is now in Moscow. That is why we increased additional subsidies to these categories of citizens. At the beginning of 2018, Muscovite pensioners began to receive new compensation, which had not been available before. The increase in these compensations was almost 5 times, 47 billion rubles were allocated for this.

There are several separate categories of citizens who are entitled to receive new monthly supplements to pension payments:

  • Citizens of the defense of Moscow - 8000 rubles.
  • Veterans of labor and service - 1000 rubles, home front workers - 1500 rubles and rehabilitated - 2000 rubles.
  • Participants and invalids of the Great Patriotic War up to 2000 rubles, food compensation.
  • Heroes of the Russian Federation, the USSR, labor of the Russian Federation, socialist labor, holders of orders of glory and labor glory - 25,000 rubles.
  • Widows of the Heroes of the Russian Federation, the USSR, the Labor of the Russian Federation, socialist labor, cavaliers with orders of glory and labor glory who have not entered into another marriage - 15,000 rubles.
  • Citizens with the title of "Honorary Citizen of Moscow" - 50,000 rubles.
  • Pensioners with the titles "People's Artist of the USSR", "Honored Artist of the Russian Federation", "Artist of the People of the RSFSR", "People's Artist of the Russian Federation", "Honored Artist of the RSFSR" - 30,000 rubles.

Citizens who are considered long-livers of Moscow are also entitled to material compensation. Additional payments are made to citizens who are 101 years of age or older. This category of citizens receives lump sum payment for a birthday from the state in the amount of 15,000 rubles.

The minimum pension in the Moscow region in 2019

The pension legislation establishes what is the minimum pension in Russia in 2019. In accordance with it, a pensioner cannot receive a pension below the subsistence level established in the region.

The size of the minimum pension payment in the Moscow Region is also equal to the subsistence level for this region and

The subsistence minimum for the 2nd quarter of 2018 amounted to 11,120 rubles. In Moscow, the living standard at this time is 18,781 rubles. This amount will be the minimum wage in Moscow from September 1, 2019.

Which pension is more profitable - Moscow or the Moscow region

Native Muscovites living in the capital receive a pension supplement up to the city social standard, which since the beginning of 2019 amounted to 18,800 rubles. In the region, such additional payments also work, but the minimum pension in the Moscow region in 2019 is significantly lower than the capital one, and the algorithm for calculating it is much more complicated and individual for each pensioner.

The minimum pension in the Moscow region in 2018 was 9527 rubles, in 2019 it will be increased by 381 rubles, i.e. planned 9908 rubles.

It is more profitable to be a native pensioner in the capital than in the regions. But here it could be lucky for those pensioners who live in the region, but are registered in the regions of the new Moscow, which entered the boundaries of the city. Since, together with joining the capital, they received the right to receive exactly Moscow supplements to pension payments and all Moscow benefits.
