Funny faces drawing in the middle group. Drawing by poking in the middle group in stages with a photo



a) to consolidate the skills of working with scissors, glue;
b) involve children in working with a variety of materials, including junk.
c) develop the ability to describe your craft.


a) learn to objectively evaluate the work performed;
b) to consolidate the skills of collective work.


a) develop the imagination of children, supporting the manifestations of their imagination, courage in presenting their own ideas.

Equipment: drawings of funny faces, old colorful magazines, paper plates, pieces of fur, woolen yarn, braid, scissors, PVA glue, napkins, the Bag of Laughter toy, double-sided tape.

Music line: funny funny music.

Lesson progress

1. Organization of the beginning of the lesson.

Children enter, sit down at the tables. Time is given to look at the pictures on the board.

2. Work on the topic.

Teacher: - Guys, have you already considered these funny faces? Did you like them? How? (children's answers). Yes, looking at them lifts the mood. I want to tell you a story about how my mood lifted. I decided to clean up my bookshelves. I collected old, unnecessary magazines for throwing away. But first I decided to cut them so that they take up less space. And I don’t know how it happened, but I cut out one eye from the cover of a magazine. He seemed very funny to me! I cut out the other eye, nose, mouth and began to lay out a face, and then glued it on. Here's what I got. (the whole monologue of the teacher is accompanied by actions).

Teacher: - You can also glue hair from woolen threads or pieces of old fur. Want to try making a funny face? But before you start studying, I want us to amuse each other with funny poems. I'll start first. (After each read poem, the “bag of laughter” quietly turns on)

I do not praise myself in vain,
I say to everyone and everywhere
What any offer
I'll repeat right away.

“Vanya rode on a horse,
Led a dog on a belt
And the old woman at this time,
Washed the cactus on the window.

Vanya rode on the window,
Led a dog on a belt
Well, and the cactus at this time
I washed the old woman on the window ...

I rode a cactus on the window,
Led an old woman on a belt
And the dog at this time
Soap Vanya on the window”

I know what I'm saying
Did you say I'll repeat?
It came out without errors!
Why boast in vain?

Teacher: - Who next wants to tell?

The children take turns reading the verses:

An old woman lived on a mountain,
What the frog taught to dance.
But for everything "one and two"
He answered "qua-qua!"
Oh, and that old woman was angry!

There lived a boy near Thermopylae,
Who screamed so loud
That all the aunts were deaf,
And the herrings died
And dust fell from the rafters.

Strange things happened to me all day yesterday:
I came to the mailbox with a letter in the morning.
And the box smiled at me, and from under the visor
Suddenly reached for a letter - do not believe me? - hand!

One old woman from Loch
I did not entertain myself badly:
I've been sitting all morning
And in the tune of the dude
On a thistle bush.

I made myself a cup of tea, buttered a sandwich,
He sat down by the fire, took off his shoes - and opened his mouth again!
Imagine my slippers - like in a fairy tale, like in a dream -
Across the room - slap, slap! - slapped me!

I went to the park, sat down on a bench, looked around
And not seeing anyone, he unfolded the newspaper.
And suddenly a pleasant voice from a newspaper sheet
I began to read aloud all the important passages!

Teacher: - Well, did your mood rise? Then get to work! But first I want to ask you how to work with scissors?

In what order will we start doing the work? Let's choose the pages we like from magazines, cut out parts of the face. Without glue, we will lay them out on the base (paper plate), combining the cut out elements in different ways, including fur pieces or woolen threads. Do not be afraid, try, fantasize! The more unusual the face, the funnier it will be! (Cheerful music plays during operation)

3. Summing up.

Teacher: - Let's, guys, look at the faces that you got! They are all different, not similar to each other! Guys, imagine what their characters are, their mood, what they like, what they don’t like.

Children talk about their crafts. If the child finds it difficult, the teacher helps to reveal the image of a funny face with leading questions.

4. Organization of the end of the lesson.

Children are photographed for memory. Hang crafts in the parent corner.

Used Books: S. G. Martynyuk “Costume and mask” LLC “Publishing house Astrel”, 2002

Natalia Samsonova
Synopsis of GCD in educational field"Artistically aesthetic development" in the senior group "Funny faces"

Program tasks: to consolidate the ability to conceive and create new funny images, use different art material(colored pencils, markers, oil pencils, gouache, develop children's imagination and sense of humor, activate attention and the ability to concentrate on auditory images, reinforcing their movements, to form communication skills.


Physical Culture





Material: lid; sheet of paper with painted jars in different positions (neck up and neck down); picture of funny faces; different art material; a stencil of a lid for each child.

Lesson progress

caregiver: Guys, today I will tell you one funny story. Lived in a village old woman, her name was Daria Ivanovna. And she had a cow Dawn. Darya Ivanovna milks her cow and pours delicious fresh milk into jars (the teacher shows the pot) Krynka is a vessel for storing milk and water. Previously, people used pots, because the milk in the pot did not turn sour, the water remained clean. Krin means spring, source, spring of pure water.

In the summer, a grandson from the city, Alyosha, came to Daria Ivanovna. He was a cheerful, mischievous boy and loved to draw, especially and loved to draw, especially something funny. Once Grandma had washed all her jugs, put one on a bench to dry in the sun, and hung the others on fence pegs so that the water would glass, and she herself went to milk her Zorka. (Places a sheet of paper with painted lids on the easel)

Alyosha went out into the yard and saw many jugs. Some stood on benches with their necks up, others hung on stakes with their necks down.

Alyosha looked at the jars, and they seemed to him very similar to the heads of people. Alyosha ran to fetch his paints, and on each pot he drew a funny face. On one lid portrayed a pop-eyed chef in a cap. Here it is! On the other - a crybaby. Here's one! And on the third lid - a cheerful toothy boy with freckles and many, many others funny faces. And now you children draw funny faces, which, in your opinion, Alyosha also drew. (The teacher removes his sheet with drawings)

caregiver: Guys, choose on the table, art drawing material. And to cheer up your imagination and mood, I will include funny, comic songs. (Plays, not loud music while children draw).

In the process of drawing, the educator, with his remarks, questions, awakens the children to invent and portray faces with funny features and additions: different hats, jewelry, glasses, bald, shaggy, etc. At the end of the lesson, the teacher develops drawings on easels and gives children the opportunity to look at them, exchange impressions, and laugh! caregiver:

Children, which ones seem especially funny to you and funny? What do you think, will Darya Ivanovna do or say when she sees what her lids have become?

Physical education minute: "There was a goat in heels"

There was a goat on heels in fashionable crane boots (walking on tiptoes)

On the path - tsok-tsok-tsok!

Broke a heel.

(Let's go limping)

Here is a goat on one leg

Jumped up the track:

Jumping gallop! Jumping gallop!

(jumping on one leg)

Broke the heel again!

(fall to the floor)

Here the goat took off her boots and played merrily track:

Top - top! Top - top!

(joyfully walking)

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Funny faces. Senior group.

Tasks: Develop children's imagination and sense of humor.

Material: Tables of varieties of eyes, noses, mouths, hairstyles, accessories.

Album sheets. The children and the teacher have silhouettes of a jug. Felt pens, colored pencils, wax crayons.

Previous work: Didactic game"Both fun and sad", a lesson in drawing various emotions.

Lesson progress:

In one village lived an old woman, her name was Daria Ivanovna. And she had a cow Dawn. Darya Ivanovna milks Zorka and pours milk into jugs (I show the image). In the summer, a grandson from the city of Vanyushka came to Daria Ivanovna for the holidays. He was a cheerful, mischievous boy. That time, the grandmother washed all the jugs and put them on the bench to dry, and she herself went to milk Dawn. Vanyushka went out into the yard, saw the jugs, and they seemed to him like people's heads. Vanyushka ran for paints, plasticine and made faces out of each jug.

I show samples with an explanation of what is finished, what is worn.

Let's draw funny faces today.


  1. Outline the silhouette of the jug.
  2. We draw eyes (I put a table with varieties of eyes)
  3. Nose (I put a table with varieties of noses)
  4. Mouth (I put a table with varieties of mouths)
  5. Hairstyles for boys, girls, women, men (I put a table with varieties)
  6. Hats (I put a table with varieties)
  7. Decorations, additions (I put a table with varieties)

Fizminutka: "Do what I say"

Children's work.

Evaluation: Several people find the funniest faces.

Synopsis of GCD on art activity in middle group on the topic "Drawing a clown"

Gordeeva Anna Gennadievna, educator for fine arts activity of MBDOU "CRR-kindergarten No. 172", Ivanovo
Description of work: this summary will be useful to educators of the secondary DOW groups as well as parents and teachers additional education. This abstract is aimed at developing the ability to portray the face of a clown, cultivating interest in drawing.
Target: the formation of the ability to depict a person's face.
- continue to master the action of modeling and detailing;
- name the main parts of the face and their location on the face;
- create a picturesque image of the clown's face.
- develop a sense of composition;
- develop fine motor skills, hand coordination, attention, observation.
- to cultivate interest in drawing, depicting a person;
- to cultivate accuracy, perseverance, the desire to bring what has been started to the end.
Materials and equipment:
A3 sheet, gouache, brushes No. 6.3, palette, jar of water, napkin; image of clowns (photo selection); Klepa clown doll, laptop.; recording of a song from the cartoon " Cheerful clown"(music - A. Zahlevny, lyrics - O. Belousova) 1.Motivational moment.
Children sit at the blackboard in a semicircle. At this time, a recording of a song from the cartoon "Merry Clown" sounds.
The teacher draws the attention of the children to the clown doll.
-Today we have a guest. Do you recognize him?
-This is a clown, his name is Klepa. Do you know where Klepa performs?

Who was in the circus? Did you like clowns? Why? What are they doing in the arena?

2. Physical education "The clown came out"
The clown entered the arena (Walking in place)
Bowed to everyone from the stage (Stand straight)
Right, left and forward (Bows.)
Bowed to everyone as best he could (Raise their hands above their heads and clap their hands)

3.Image analysis
How do clowns make the audience laugh?
-Do you want to meet Klepa's friends?
The teacher demonstrates photographs and drawings of clowns.
-Look how different clowns are! Tell me what they are. (Attention is drawn to clown costumes, clothing details, wigs, painted faces)
Klepa says that all clowns are artists. Before the performance, they carefully prepare. First they put on a costume, and then they paint a bright face with special face paints.

4. Independent creative activity of children
-Do you want to play the role of a clown and draw a face before the performance?
That's just how to draw a face, we will learn first on a piece of paper.
First of all, we will draw the face itself. What color is it? (light orange)
Do we have this color in the paint set? Who can guess how to get this color?
Children make a guess and empirically find a combination of orange and white or red and white.
-To get the face right, let's name all the parts of the face. (Children name all parts of the face)
What colors will we use to draw the eyes? Nose? Mouth? Cheeks? Brows?
-How to draw a wig?
-Remember, guys, about the rules for using a brush and paints. What kind of brushes do we paint with? Tell me how to mix paints in a palette? How should you draw so that the drawing turns out beautiful, neat?
During independent activity, individual work is carried out. The teacher reminds the parts of the face, corrects the actions of the children.

5. Analysis of finished works.
All drawings are posted on the board and reviewed.
-Look, guys, what kind of clowns you got. Even now to the circus arena!
Which one is the most fun? The funniest? Maybe there is a sad clown here? Why is he sad?
The teacher asks some children to talk about their drawing or choose the one they like and explain their choice.
Klepa is very pleased with your drawings of clowns and invites you all to the circus!

And here are our clowns:

1. Organizational moment

On April 1, April Fool's Day is celebrated all over the world: they joke, come up with funny jokes. Let's laugh and have fun today. Don't forget to take with you good mood and wicked laughter?

And let's say hello so that our mood improves, and to make the greeting even more fun, imagine that cows came to us. (Onomatopoeia of cows)

What about small dogs or cats?

And even better frogs!

2. Contests

And now I'm announcing a funny competition "Who sings how."
Girls and boys will compete. To the motive of the familiar song of the Lion cub and the Turtle, the girls will take turns singing, then the boys. But you will sing not with your own voices, but with the voices of animals and birds. What - I will prompt.

Do you like to play? If you like to play - clap once!
If you like cartoons - stomp once!
And who loves cakes - stomp!
And who likes to indulge - stomp!
And who loves pears - stomp!
And who does not wash his ears - stomp!
You love candy - clap!
Salty cutlets - clap!
Play hide and seek - clap!
Ride a horse - clap!
Gnaw drying - stomp!
Break toys - stomp!
Bathe in the bath - stomp!
Somersault in the mud - stomp!
Do sports - stomp!
Have fun laughing - stomp!

And now I'll tell you something

And I will make you all laugh.

And you add words to them!

  • The hostess abandoned the bunny.

A bunny was left in the rain.

I couldn't get off the bench.

... Danced us a hopachok!

  • Fly-fly Tsokotuha, gilded belly.
    The fly went across the field
    ... She brought us gifts!
  • * The grandmother of the goat was very fond of
    ... And in the mornings she beat him with a stick!
    4. Contests

2 chairs a short distance apart. A rope is stretched under them. Two children need to run around these chairs, each sit on his own and pull the end of the rope, whoever pulls first wins.

2 children stand at a short distance from each other. On the floor next to each child in a piece toilet paper(or napkins). Children need to blow on the paper until it reaches the chair. Whoever finishes first, wins.
5. Cheerful dance

Several children sit on chairs, dance to the music and make funny faces.
6. Physical Minute

We are funny monkeys

We play too loud.

We clap our hands, we stomp our feet,

We puff out cheeks

Jumping on toes

And even to each other

We'll show you the tongues.

Together we jump to the ceiling,

We raise the finger to the temple,

Let's stick out our ears,

Tail on top.

Let's open our mouth wide

We'll build all the grimaces.

As I say the number "three" - all freeze with grimaces!

(Children must make movements that are pronounced)

Look guys, what a beautiful and magical box I have, and there is a magic golden mirror in it (Takes out a cardboard mirror covered with gold foil, with a cutout for the face)

My light, mirror, tell me

Yes, tell the whole truth:

Am I the worst in the world

All the more terrible il funnier?

The game "The most, the most" is held a) terrible; b) funny


Draw a funny clown (you can use plasticine)
