Pedagogical project: "My beloved mother". Project in the younger group of the preschool educational institution with a presentation

Project for younger preschoolers in preschool

How was the project born?

Reading the book by D. Nepomnyashchaya "Mom for Mammoth", the children asked the following question: - "Why did Mammoth go to look for his mother?" Then we decided with project activities explain to children that everyone needs a mother.
Project relevance
Due to the employment of parents, modern children know little about the interests of their parents, their hobbies, dreams ... They have no idea about the professional activities of their parents, they cannot understand that parents get tired at work. Children are naughty, do not obey their parents. You can often see how a child begins to act up, throw tantrums at the sight of his parents. And the parents, in turn, tired after work, do not have the strength and desire to delve into some subtleties of the “gardening” life of their child. At best, they will ask what they gave for lunch, what they did in class, and whether they had a walk.
For each of us, the dearest and closest person is our mother. Mutual understanding between the child and the mother is very important for the development of the personality of the child. Mom's love is care and help in everything. Despite this, more and more often, children associate love for their mother only with material values, and not with spiritual ones. Due to age, it is difficult for children to understand that their mother needs gratitude, help and care.
That's why kindergarten should become a link between children and their parents, should help them to know, understand and accept each other, educate the child in love, respect, a sense of empathy and mutual assistance close person- mom. This is a necessary ingredient in moral education children.
Project Hypothesis
If, in the course of project activities, we arrange the moral and patriotic corner “My Family”, organize a matinee together with parents, organize reading and learning songs and poems about mother, this will contribute to the formation of children's ideas about the role of mother in the life of a child, building parent-child relationships.
Objective of the project
Creating conditions for expanding children's ideas about the role of a mother for a child through project activities.
Project objectives
to consolidate children's knowledge about cubs and mothers of animals;
to form the ability to call your mother by name;
contribute to the creation of family traditions, warm relationships in the family;
encourage children to express gratitude to their mothers for their care through productive activities (application, drawing, modeling);
promote the development of emotional responsiveness in children;
develop communication skills of children, the ability to find a way out of problem situations;
develop feelings of love and respect for the mother.
Project stages
1) Preparatory
2) Main
3) Final
Project result
During the project activities, children will take part in:
- learning poems and songs about mother;
- in the manufacture of postcards for mom;
- in conducting the outdoor game "Bird and Chicks";
- in the entertainment "Let's help the Bunny find his mother."
Also, children will receive knowledge about their mother:
- What is the mother's name?
- why you need to obey and help your mother;
- why you need to protect and love your mother.
The group made:
- a corner on moral and patriotic education "My family";
- exhibition "Golden hands of my mother";
- design of a wall newspaper for mothers;
- consultation for parents "Talk to me mom";
- design of a folder-slider by March 8.
Parents will be involved:
- in the collection of family photos;
- in the manufacture of crafts with their own hands for the exhibition;
- in holding a joint matinee.
Project Implementation Strategy
Stage 1 preparatory
Date Work with children Work with parents Registration subject environment Teacher activity
Acquaintance with the literature on the topic of the project.
Preparation of project documentation.
Creating a problem situation:
Reading a fairy tale - "Mom for a mammoth"
(Watching a cartoon)
Using laptop to watch cartoon.
Organization of a surprise moment: the appearance of a mammoth, which helps to find the hare's mother.
What is my mother's name?
family photo album.
Replenishment of the musical corner with a CD with songs about mom.
What is my mother?
Why do I love her?
Looking at family photo albums.
Reading and learning poems about mother.
Listening to songs. Organization
work with parents to collect family photos.
Replenishment of the book corner with fiction:
A. Borto; A.N. Tolstoy; K. Ushinsky
Stage 2 main
Examination of illustrations - the world of animals.
"Moms and Cubs"
Design in the group of a mini-exhibition: "Moms and their cubs" (illustrations, models of animals)
Advice for parents: "Talk to me mom"
Making masks for outdoor games:
"Bird and chicks".
Conducting an outdoor game: "Bird and chicks"
20.02.15.- 24.02.15
Cooking greeting cards for mothers by March 8.
25.02.15.- 26.02.15
Wall newspaper design for March 8: "Mom dear mom"
Making a folder-slider by March 8.
Involving parents in making crafts for the exhibition. Exhibition: "My mother's golden hands" - crafts and products made by mothers. Design of the exhibition: "My mother's golden hands".
3 stage final
Entertainment: "Let's help the bunny find its mother."
Reception and playroom decoration balloons.
Making a presentation.
Showing a presentation at the meeting of the pedagogical team
Show presentation at the final parent meeting.

Presentation on the topic: Different mothers are needed

Download Project "We need different mothers"

Pedagogical project in the second junior group

“Family is very important for everyone! »

Educator MBDOU Educators: Razenkova A.A., Andreeva I.A.

February – March 2017


Family is very important!

Family is very difficult!

But it is not possible to live happily alone!

Over the thousand-year history of mankind, two branches of the upbringing of the younger generation have developed: family and public. It has long been argued what is more important in the formation of personality: the child's family or public education?

The development of a child's personality is impossible without family education. It is in the family that he learns to love, endure, rejoice, sympathize. In the conditions of the family, emotional and moral experience develops, the family determines the level and content of the emotional and social development child. Parents are the first teachers, they lay the foundations of the physical, moral and intellectual development personality of the child from an early age.

Therefore, it is so important to help parents understand that the development of the child's personality should not go spontaneously, since its strength and effectiveness are incomparable with any, even very qualified education in kindergarten.

To ensure favorable conditions for the life and upbringing of the child, the formation of the foundations of a full-fledged, harmonious personality, it is necessary to strengthen and develop close ties and interaction between the kindergarten and the family. What is one of the points of GEF DO.

Parents often experience certain difficulties in that they cannot find enough free time to work with children at home, they are not sure of their abilities, and also often fix their attention only on negative manifestations of the development and behavior of the child.

Therefore, we decided that we need to use various forms of cooperation with parents, which make it possible to form their interest in the issues of education, arouse a desire to expand and deepen the existing pedagogical knowledge, and develop the creative abilities of their children. We expect our partnerships with parents to have a great impact on the development of our children. They will help children to more easily and visually master the concept of "My family".

Objective of the project: To form the concept of "Family" in children, show its value for each person, cultivating love for their close relatives and attract parents to cooperate with the kindergarten.

Project tasks:

    To form in children an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe family;

    To instill in children love and respect for their family members;

    Involve parents in cooperation and joint activities with children in preparation for the holidays;

Project type: educational, creative, within the kindergarten.

Project type: group, short term.

Project participants: Teachers, parents, children of the second younger group.

Problem: Some children do not know their family members by their first names. They talk badly about their family. When they come to kindergarten and go home during dressing and undressing, there is often dissatisfaction with something, resentment and conflicts between children and parents. There is no warm understanding when communicating with each other. There are parents in the group who do not want to take part in common activities, they believe that this is not so important for their child.

Expected results for the project:

Children will be able to talk about their relatives, their family and their family traditions;

The relationship of children to their parents will be more respectful, they will be less capricious and scandalous when communicating with close relatives

On the holiday "March 8" we and the pupils will make gifts together with dads for our beloved mothers;

Location: MBDOU Kindergarten No. 85

Dates: 24 .02-24.03 .2017

Conduct form: Game activities, situational conversations, reading literature, memorizing poems for the holiday "March 8", watching cartoons "Mom for a mammoth",

Productive activity:

Materials and equipment: colorful fabric handkerchiefs different sizes, attributes for role-playing and didactic games, sets of demonstrative pictures, Books for the exhibition, thematic week plan, GCD abstracts.

Project Implementation Plan.

I Preparatory stage:

1.Development of the project;

2. Selection of relevant literature and information on the topic.

3.Drafting perspective plan events, preparation for events;

4. Communication with parents and discussion of work on this topic.

5. Involving parents in productive and creative activities:

    Creation of family albums "Our friendly family" or "Our family traditions" from drawings or photographs;

    Production of the leaflet "Palms of our family";

    Drawing up a poster "The family tree of our family."

    Joint activities of children with dads “My dad and I made a gift for mom and surprised mom with this”;

    Festive concert with gifts for mothers.

IIactive stage:

Theme week"My family"


    Reading the fairy tale "Three Bears ».

    Examining family albums that parents made and brought to kindergarten;

    Finger game "This finger is grandfather ..."

    Conversation on questions using family albums “Tell me who you live with”;

    Didactic game“Pick up a handkerchief for each of your family”;

    cognitive development. Developing educational situation on the basis of the game "My family";

    Game-staging " Good evening, mommy ”(daddy or other relatives).


    Reading the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids";

    Finger game "Finger, finger, where have you been";

    Didactic game "Moms and kids";

    Examining the leaflets "Palms of my family", which were brought by the parents. Listening to children's stories

    Didactic game "Find the palms of your family";

    • Artistic and aesthetic development. Design "Let's build a house for our family." Games with building materials and cardboard figures that parents brought;

    Situational conversation on the questions "What does your family do in the morning (in the evening)"

    Board game "Photobot";

    Game situation "Caprizul".


      Situational conversation “Who do you look like? And why?";

      Musical didactic game "Where are my kids";

      The game "Find out who I'll tell you about";

      Finger game "Building a house";

      Situational conversation "Where does your family live";

    Speech development. Developing educational situation on the basis of the game "Stories about your family" using family tree brought by parents

    Artistic and aesthetic development. Drawing "Dad, mom, I am a friendly family"

    • Reading the fairy tale "Three Little Pigs";

      Role-playing game"Mom's and Dad's Helpers"


      Conversation on the questions “What are your grandparents like”;

      Communicative game "Old grandmother";

      Artistic and aesthetic development. Music. Developing educational situation based on "Grandma put on glasses";

      Problem situation “And you have a friendly family”;

      Mobile game "Friendly family";

      Artistic and aesthetic development. Modeling "House for three bears"

      Reading a poem by I. Kosyakov “She is everything”;

      Role-playing game "Cooking dinner like mom"

      Integrated lesson together with dads “My dad and I made a gift and surprised mom with it.”


      Situational conversation "What games do your parents play with you";

      Cognitive game "Mom's beads";

      Didactic game "Add a word";

      Mobile game "Do it quickly, like a mother";

      Conversation "I love my mother because ...";

      Social and communicative development "Adults and children";

      Festive concert “For our beloved mothers”, presentation of the presentation “We dedicate our achievements to mothers”.

IIIFinal stage:


Children can talk about their relatives, their family and their family traditions;

We designed exhibitions from the works brought by the parents:

    "Me and my friendly family";

    "Palms of my family";

    "Together with dad they made it."

Relationships between children and their parents have become warmer, parents and children have become more attentive and fastidious to each other. Many parents became more interested in the affairs of the group. Many offer their help, and some sometimes show their initiative in organizing group affairs.

At the Mother's Day holiday, my pupils and I presented gifts made together with dads to our beloved mothers


    Arnautova E.P. Basics of cooperation with the family of a preschooler M., 1994

    Doronova T.N., Zhichkina A.E. preschool and family - a single space child development. M., 2003

    Zvereva O.Kh., Krotova T.V., “Communication between a teacher and parents in a preschool educational institution”: -M .: T.Ts. Sphere, 2005.

    Svirskaya L., "Working with the family: optional instructions": -M .: Linka - Press, 2007

    Shneider LB Psychology of family relations. Lecture course. - M.: April-Press; Publishing house EKMO-Press.

Application No. 1

Synopsis of an integrated lesson for childrenIIjunior group together with dads.

Topic: “My dad and I made a gift and surprised my mom”

Purpose: To evoke in children and dads a sense of joy and pleasure from joint productive activities in preparation for the Mother's Day holiday.

    Involve parents (dads) in the educational process of MBDOU;

    Arouse interest in the independent choice of visual means for making a gift to your mother

    to introduce children to an unconventional way of application and drawing;

    develop fine motor skills fingers

    To form communication skills, enrich the experience of cooperation and creativity (dads and children).

Equipment and materials: scissors, trash can, glue, cloth, oilcloth; finger paint, sponge; 1 large blank in the form of a bouquet of cardboard, 5 blanks in the form of squares different colors, decoration ribbon for flowers Green colour.

Preliminary work: Didactic game "Whose mother?". Purpose: to consolidate children's ideas about animals and their cubs.

Educational game "Mom". Purpose: to teach children to perform movements in accordance with the text.

Mobile game "Mom's beads". Purpose: to teach children to move slowly, to repeat the movements of the teacher without breaking the chain.

I Organizational part

The teacher invites children and dads to play finger game

"My family"

This finger is a grandfather

This finger is a grandmother,

This finger is daddy

This finger is mommy

This finger is me

And this is my whole family!

Dunno enters the group and cries loudly.

Educator: Hello Dunno! And why are you crying so loudly?

Stranger: How can I not cry. After all, I again forgot everything in the world.

Educator: And what exactly did you forget?

Dunno: Well, for example, what will be the holiday soon. And who needs to prepare a gift

Educator: Guys, what holiday are we preparing now, do we teach poems and songs?

The children answer.

Educator: That's right, we are now preparing for the holiday for our loved ones and dear mothers. And now let's read to our dads the verses that we learned for the holiday.

Children read poetry.

Dunno: And what gifts have you prepared for your beloved mothers?

Educator: But we will only prepare gifts today, and for this we invited our beloved dads.

Stranger: What about me? My dad didn't come.

Teacher: It's okay. I will show and tell how and what to do, and you will help me. Fine?

Dunno: (agrees) I really want to give my mother a lot of flowers at the holiday, such a huge bouquet, but where can I get it, because everything is already frozen on the street, the flowers do not grow and do not bloom

Educator: Do you guys want to give your mother a bouquet of flowers?

Children's answers.

Educator: Now tell me, where can we get them?

Children's answers.

Educator: Let's make a bouquet like mine today with the help of our beloved dads (shows a sample of a gift). Do you agree?

Children's answers.

II Practical part.

Educator: Well then, I invite you and our dads to the tables. Here on each table I have prepared everything necessary for making a gift. Dads, please sit down with your child. And you, Dunno, come to me. We will show you what to do and how to do it.

Gift making explanation:

    I - dad spread paint on my child's palm, then print his palm on a blank in the form of a bouquet of cardboard on the white side. The child goes to wash his hands with Dunno. And the resulting print, let it dry on cardboard.

    I, Dad, cut out 5 circles for flowers from blanks of napkins in the form of squares, then for each circle I make cuts for the fringe of the middle of the flower. Now we will fluff up the fringe a little. The flower is ready.

    The child, under the guidance of his father, glues ready-made flowers onto a cardboard bouquet blank on the other back, that is, on the colored side. The gift is ready.

During work, music is turned on, children with dads make gifts Dunno and the teacher help. Whoever does his job is invited to be photographed with his gift as a keepsake.

III Final part.

Educator: What wonderful bouquets we got, they will probably make our mothers very happy. And now we will play the game "Musical Orchestra" with you and dads. The teacher opens a box with musical children's instruments. Children and dads choose their favorite toy musical instrument. And to the song in the recording "A grasshopper was sitting on the grass ..." the game of the "Musical Orchestra" is performed together. At parting, Dunno gives each child balloon.


1. Zvereva O.Kh., Krotova T.V., “Communication between a teacher and parents in a preschool educational institution”: -M .: T.Ts. Sphere, 2005.

2. Svirskaya L., “Working with the family: optional instructions”: -M .: Linka - Press, 2007.

3. Kozlova A.V., Deshulina R.P. "Working with the family": -M.: T.U. Sphere, 2004.

4. Kolentyeva O., Kalemullina S., "Holidays in kindergarten": -M .: Education, 2001.

5. Shorygina "Conversations about the basics of safety with children 3-8 years old."

6. Shorygina “Conversations about etiquette.

MDOU "CRR - kindergarten "Smile" senior group No. 2 (10) "Spring" PEDAGOGICAL PROJECT "My mother is the best in the world!"

Kachkanar 2017 "My mother is the best in the world!" Mom means tenderness, This is affection, kindness, Mom means serenity, This is joy, beauty! Mom is a bedtime story, This is the morning dawn, Mom is in difficult hour clue. This is wisdom and advice! Mom is the greenery of summer, It's snow, autumn leaf Mom is a ray of light, Mom means LIFE! The authors of the project: educators Yakontseva Lyudmila Vladimirovna and Solovieva Olga Vasilievna, music director Zhideleva Natalia Vasilievna. Project name: "My mother is the best in the world!" Type of activity: creative, productive Duration: a month Quantitative typology: within the group Nature of the child's participation in the project: participant from the inception of an idea to the receipt of a result Age group: average preschool age(child 4 - 5 years old) According to the content of educational activities: integrative Relevance of the topic (goal setting): Everyone has one mother. And it is she who does everything to ensure that we are happy. We go to her with our problems. She will always understand everything, comfort and reassure. No matter how much we talk about mom, it will not be enough. It is important that children understand

what does mother mean in the fate of each of them, what role does she play in the family. In conditions when most families are concerned about solving the problems of economic, and sometimes physical survival, the tendency of self-withdrawal of many parents (including mothers) from solving issues of upbringing and personal development of the child has intensified. Parents, not possessing sufficient knowledge of the age and individual characteristics of the development of the child, sometimes carry out education blindly, intuitively. All this, as a rule, does not bring positive results. Article 18 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” states: “Parents are the first teachers. They are obliged to lay the first foundations for the physical, moral and intellectual development of the child's personality in early age". Family and kindergarten are two public institutions that stand at the origins of our future, but often they do not always have enough mutual understanding, tact, patience to hear and understand each other. The misunderstanding between the family and the kindergarten bears the full burden on the child. Project goal:  Creation of a socio-cultural environment around the project.  Generalize the social experience of the child through his creative and speech activity, positive attitude towards his mother.  Contribute to the rapprochement of the family with the kindergarten, increasing the role of the mother in the upbringing of preschool children.  Introduction to the elementary generally accepted norms and rules of relationships with peers and adults (including moral ones). The hypothesis of the project is that if a kindergarten helps bring mothers and children closer together, families will establish close, trusting and warm relationships. Project objectives: 1. To instill in preschoolers love and respect for oneself 2. To acquaint children with the fact that there are common qualities, a dear person - for a mother, the desire to help her, to please her. characteristic of all mothers (tenderness, affection, love for children, patience, etc.). 3. To develop the speech of children: dialogical, monologue, the ability to answer questions with a detailed answer;

5. Contribute to the formation of a positive attitude, 6. Through a joint musical-theatrical, game, make up a coherent story from your personal experience and based on previous knowledge; the ability to expressively read poetry; enrich children's vocabulary. 4. Cultivate love for mother, grandmother; teach them to provide all possible assistance, to show care; encourage the desire to please mom, grandmother with an unusual gift. respect, love for mom, her work and profession. cognitive activity to increase the creative activity of children and parents, their success and initiative. experiences of children and parents from the joint celebration of the event. 8. Enrich parent-child relationships with the experience of dialogic emotionally rich communication. 7. Contribute to the creation of positive emotional Object of study: the relationship between mother and child in the family. Subject: the process of the relationship between mother and child. Expected results:  Children will acquire new knowledge, gain experience in creativity, learn more about the professions of their mothers.  Parents will have the opportunity to rationally use the family, intellectual and creative potential for the education and upbringing of children.  For teachers, the opportunity will expand for the development of pedagogical creativity, the achievement of educational results through productive and creative methods; collaboration with parents is activated. Stages of project implementation: I stage. Organizational. 1. Make a work plan. 2. Questioning of parents. 3. Selection of didactic material. 4. Selection of methodological material. 5. Selection of material for productive activities. 6. Familiarization of parents with goals and objectives. 7. Drawing up abstracts of GCD, entertainment script.

II stage. Project implementation planning. 1. To convey to the project participants the importance of this topic. 2. Create a developing environment: select materials, toys, attributes for gaming, theatrical and artistic activities; didactic games, illustrated material, fiction on the topic. 3. Pick up material for productive activities. 4. Make a long-term plan. III stage. Project implementation. Educational "Socialization" area Events Plot - role-playing game "Daughters - mothers", Plot - role-playing game "Mother and daughter at the doctor", Correctional and educational game "Masha Doll", Conversation "The best". NOD “Different mothers are needed”, NOD “Tell me about your mother”. Game exercise "Mom's helpers", "Let's set the table for mom." Conversations “If mom is not at home”, “How do you and mom go to kindergarten?” (according to the maps of the individual route) Exercise “Pick up a word about mom”, Pronunciation of the tongue-twister “Mom’s pies”, Conversation on the topic “My beloved mom”, Conversation on the topic “The best grandmother in the world” E. Blaginina “That's what mom”, Learning poems by G. Kodinenko “Mom cooked a pie”, Reading a poem by L. Nikolaenko “Knowledge” “Labor” “Safety” “Communication” “Reading fiction”

"Artistic creativity" "Health and physical development" "Music" "Working with parents" "Kindness", Reading the poem by V. Berestov "Holiday of mothers", Reading the poem by M. Druzhinina "Mother", Reading the poem by E. Grigorieva "Grandmother", "poetic moments" Outlining stencils “Beautiful flowers for mothers and grandmothers”, Application “Congratulations to mother on the holiday”, Drawing with a stick in the snow “Picture for mother”, Making origami toys as a gift for mothers and grandmothers, Examining illustrations about mother and grandmother in the “Book Center” , exhibition of drawings "My beloved mom". Physical education, breathing exercises, eye exercises, finger games. NOD "Lullaby of my mother", Learning the repertoire: Songs "The radiant sun", "Song about mother", "Young grandmother", dances "Tumblers", "Kindergarten", "Dance with mothers", Individual work with girls. Listening to musical works. “Mom” (music by P.I. Tchaikovsky) Making elegant hats for girls. Preparation of theatrical "Family Scenes": the Borundukov family "Ulya and Filya" and the Tupolev family "Mom comes home from work" Rehearsals with the mothers of the dance "Quadrille" Cafe "Mom's sweets" Stage IV. Presentation of results.

 Exhibition of portraits "My beloved mother" with the application of the child's story about his mother.  Opening of the cafe "Mom's Sweets"  Defile "Hat for Daughter"  Dance "Tumblers"

 Theatrical scene "Ulya and Filya" performed by Tasia and Marina Vladimirovna Borundukov

 Dance with mom  Theatrical scene "Mom comes home from work" performed by Kirill and Irina Zaurovna Tupolev

 Charm for mother  Poems for mothers Stage V. Activity analysis. The project was a success. For children:

climate. For parents:  Got the opportunity to show activity, curiosity, initiative and independence in actions,  Gained new knowledge about the role of mother in the life of every person, about the professions of mothers,  Emotionally positive attitude developed in the group  Parents' subjectivity in matters of joint creativity with children increased , the creative potential of mothers has been revealed,  The possibilities of parents' influence on the processes of raising children have expanded,  The psychological and pedagogical atmosphere has normalized. For teachers:  The opportunities for the development of pedagogical creativity, the achievement of educational results through productive, creative methods have expanded,  The level of cohesion of the teaching staff has increased.

My mom is the best in the world. She shines for me like the sun in my life, Mom is the best friend in the world, How I love the warmth of her hands.

Thu, 11/17/2016 - 00:39 | admincgmiideia

MDOU "D / s No. 28" Republic of Komi, Ukhta

Pedagogical project "My friendly family"

Kaneva Julia Anatolievna

Sergeeva Natalia Nikolaevna


Family is a source of inspiration

Where adults and children are nearby,

In the family, salvation from all adversity,

Here everyone is responsible for each other.

O. V. Tokmakova

Project type: creative

Project type: group.

Location: MDOU "D / s No. 28", middle group № 4.

Working mode: during and outside of directly educational activities.

Number of project participants:

Two educators: Sergeeva Natalya Nikolaevna, Kaneva Yulia Anatolyevna, children - 20 people, parents - 20 families.

Children's age: 4-5 years

Relevance of the project implementation:

Family always comes first for every person. In conditions when the majority of families are concerned about solving the problems of economic, and sometimes physical survival, the tendency of self-withdrawal of many parents from solving the issues of upbringing and personal development of the child has intensified. Parents, not possessing sufficient knowledge of the age and individual characteristics of the development of the child, sometimes carry out education blindly, intuitively. All this, as a rule, does not bring positive results. A family for a baby is a world in which the foundations of morality and attitudes towards people are laid. Family members are united by blood relationship, love, common interests. Article 18 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” states: “Parents are the first teachers. They are obliged to lay the first foundations for the physical, moral and intellectual development of the child's personality at an early age. Family and kindergarten are two public institutions that stand at the origins of our future, but often they do not always have enough mutual understanding, tact, patience to hear and understand each other. The misunderstanding between the family and the kindergarten falls heavily on the child.

In order to study the family, to find out the educational needs of parents, to establish contact with its members, to harmonize educational influences on the child, we had an idea: to create the project "My Family". After conducting a survey of children in the form of a conversation, it turned out that not all children know about their family, who their parents and grandparents work for, few of the children know their ancestry, they are becoming a thing of the past family holidays and traditions. How to change this situation?

Therefore, we, adults, must help children understand the importance of the family, educate children in love and respect for family members, instill a sense of attachment to the family and home.

And most importantly, the project will help strengthen the family, which in itself cannot be overestimated.

Target: expanding children's ideas about the family through the organization various kinds activities.

Tasks (in work with children):


To form in children an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe family, about the moral attitude towards family traditions, to expand knowledge about the immediate environment, to learn to understand family ties, to take care of loved ones.


Develop curiosity, observation, creative imagination pupils in the process of joint activities with adults.


To educate children in love and respect for family members, to show the value of the family for each person.

Tasks (in work with parents):

Create conditions for the active participation of parents in the life of the group.

Enrich the parent-child relationship.

Develop Creative skills parents and children in the process of joint activities.


Children do not have sufficient knowledge about their family members, about the importance of the family in the life of each person.

Expected results:

From children:

1. Children know their family members and are proud of them.

2. Know their family history, family traditions and holidays.

3. Show responsiveness, love, care, attention to the family.

From parents:

1. Increasing the pedagogical culture and knowledge of parents.

2. Establishment of trusting and partnership relations between the family and the kindergarten.

3. Acceptance by parents of the truth: "The rights and duties of raising children belong to the parents themselves."

From teachers:

1. Increasing the professional competence of teachers.

2. Acquisition of practical experience in choosing adequate methods and forms in working with each family.

Conduct form:

Work with children:

1. Poll in the form of a conversation.

2. Directly educational activities.

3. Game activity.

4. Conversations "My friendly family", "How I help at home."

5. Drawings of children on the theme "My family", "I am like this today."

6. Reading: poems, proverbs, riddles about the family.

7. Theatrical activity.

8. Board-printed games: "Family", "Who to be", "Who needs what for work?".

9. Listening to recordings of songs (discs).

10. Watching the cartoons “Masha is no longer lazy”, “Meet your grandmother”, “A fire is burning in the yaranga”, “The smallest dwarf”, “Naughty bear cub”, “Colorful family”, “Beware of monkeys!”, “Mom for a mammoth ".

Working with parents:

1. Exhibition creative works Coat of arms of my family.

2. Exhibition-competition of creative works "The name of my child."

3. Vernissage photo collage "My family".

4. Craft competition - "Our hands do not know boredom" - a joint activity of children and parents.

5. "Hands of dads" (as part of the event "My dad is the best!") Making bird feeders.

6. Consultations for parents.

7. Creation of a group family newspaper “Dad, mom, I am a friendly family!”, “I am the best child for mom!”.

8. Group parent meeting "Evening family talents».

Stages of project implementation:


Familiarization of children and parents with the goals and objectives of the project

Homework: joint finding and reading literature about the family, drawings, selection of illustrations, sayings, riddles

Selection of artistic material (poems, riddles, stories, proverbs.) by teachers

Selection of didactic and methodological equipment for the project


Game exercises, games, dramatizations, role-playing, book exhibition, children's creative work

Events with parents, folders for parents on project implementation


Parent meeting(the whole family is present: mom, dad and child)

Issue of a photo newspaper

Craft Exhibition

Report on the implementation of the project (material received on the project)

Project presentation

Project Implementation Plan:



Results registration forms

Directly educational activities on the topic: "My family", "Holidays in the family circle."

Lesson summary

Conversations “My friendly family”, “How I help at home”, “A day off in my family”, “I am for my mother best child»

Drawings of children on the topic of conversations

Visual activity: "Family portrait", "This finger is grandfather, this finger is grandmother ..."

Creative product - drawings

Exhibition-competition of creative works: "The name of my child", "What's in my name!"

creative product

Vernissage photo-collage "My family".

Photo exhibition

Artistic creativity: designing "The house of my dreams", application "Gift to the most beloved", flat modeling "May there always be a mother, may there always be a father, may there always be me!"

creative product, photos

Role-playing games "Home", "Family", "Birthday", "Shop", "Day off with Mom"

During the project


Board games: “My apartment”, “Whose baby”, “Find a mom”, “All professions are important”, “Our moms”, “Who needs what for work”

During the project


Stages of project implementation.


Formulation of the problem. Preparatory.

They offered the children to look at the picture, which depicts a family: dad, mom, grandmother, grandfather. children).

Name who you see here?

How can you call it in one word?

How many people are in your family? List.

Do you know your close relatives?

How should you treat your family members?

Introducing children to the game situation.

Planned activity.

And the Brownie Nafanya will help us figure it out (a toy Brownie appears, which is present throughout the project). He lives in our garden, guards and guards it. Nafanya is very kind and wants to get to know you better, learn about your families and relatives. We will play games with him, read poems and stories, and your parents will help us. Together with them you will do a lot of interesting things: draw the coat of arms of your family, make family albums where you put your favorite and interesting photos, and we will also host an evening of “Family Talents”.

Introducing parents.

Parents are informed about the project, an announcement is posted with a plan for the implementation of the project, with its conditions.



Organization of project activities.

1. NOD. " My family",

Purpose: Formation of ideas about the family.

(see photo in Appendix No. 1)

2. Game activity.

1. Role-playing game "Family", "Hospital", "Shop".

Purpose: to develop independence in children in the game, to teach them to imitate adults: mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather, to cultivate love for the younger and respect for the elders; to teach a collective game, attentive attitude towards each other; develop a love for work.

(see photo in Appendix No. 2)

2. Board-printed games: "Family", "Who to be", "Who needs what for work?".

Purpose: to cultivate love and respect for one's family, broaden the horizons and enrich the vocabulary of children in terms of family relationships, develop coherent speech.

(see photo in Appendix No. 3)

3. word games“Who is older?”, “Who is younger?”, “Correct Dunno”, “Give me a word”, “Kinship”, “One, two, three, four, five… who I want to talk about.”

Purpose: to expand children's knowledge of the immediate environment, to learn to understand family ties, to develop speech, memory.

3. Artistic and speech activity.

Purpose: to form the concept of "family" in children, to cultivate love and respect for family members, to take care of loved ones, to teach to listen carefully, to develop speech and memory.

1. Reading and memorizing poems and fairy tales about the family:

E. Blaginina "Let's sit in silence", Agniya Barto "Malyar", O. Chusovitina "The best!".

2. The story of L. N. Tolstov “Grandmother and granddaughter”, fairy tales: “Geese-swans”, “Cuckoo”, “Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”, “Morozko”.

3. Conversations: “A day off in my family”, “How I help at home”, “Where do my parents work”, “My friendly family”

4. Reading and memorizing proverbs and sayings about the family, riddles.

(see photo in Appendix No. 4)

4. Musical and theatrical activity.

Purpose: to teach to listen to music, to perform movements to the beat of music, to skillfully enter the role of heroes of fairy tales, to develop friendliness towards each other.

1. Listening and learning songs about the family.

2. Dramatization based on the fairy tale "Turnip", "Little Red Riding Hood".

(see photo in Appendix No. 5)

5. Artistic and aesthetic activity.

Purpose: to develop the creative abilities of children, to teach to bring joy to another, to bring the work begun to the end, to instill accuracy in work.

Making gifts for mothers (application); for the presentation "Evening of family talents" (drawings).

(see photo in Appendix No. 6)

6. Survey of children "My family".

Purpose: to reveal the knowledge of children about their family: the name, profession of mom, dad, grandparents.

(see photo in Appendix No. 7)

7 . Exhibition "Coat of arms of my family".

Purpose: to develop the creative abilities of adults and children in the process

joint activities.

(see photo in Appendix No. 8)

8. Album "What's in my name"

Purpose: to familiarize children with the meaning of their name, to reveal their individuality.

(see photo in Appendix No. 9)

9. Exhibition "My name"

Purpose: development of interest in one's name, obtaining satisfaction from the joint creativity of parents and children.

(see photo in Appendix No. 10)


1. Parent meeting (together with children)

"Evening of family talents".

Purpose: to increase interest in family traditions and customs, to cultivate love and respect for loved ones and relatives, to create a warm festive atmosphere, to bring children and parents closer.

2 . Drawing up a family newspaper "Dad, Mom, I am a friendly family"(traditions, hobbies of children and adults on weekdays and holidays).

Purpose: to draw attention to the family, to show its value and significance in the life of every person, to involve parents in joint activities with children.

(see photo in Appendix No. 11)

3. The world of family hobbies.

Exhibition "Our hands are not for boredom".

Purpose: to reveal and show the existing talents in the family: making crafts, embroidery, knitting, quilling, macrame, beads, etc.

(see photo in Appendix No. 12)

Evaluation of results.

As a result of the active creative work of families in the group, the album "My Family" appeared, which is especially popular with all children. Every day is repeatedly viewed and each "author" proudly talks about his wonderful family. With special interest, children began to display the interaction and communication of family members in games. Various new ideas appeared: “The house that we built”, “A day off with mom and dad”, “Home”, “Birthday”, “Guests”.

As a result of the activities that were carried out during the project: talks, exhibitions, leisure, joint activities of children and parents, we received a positive result. Children's knowledge about the family has increased, parents have become more actively involved in the activities held in kindergarten.

Parents are the dearest and closest people! They saw that the children are proud of them, they want to dance with them, sing songs, play. Years will pass, children will forget the songs that sounded at the holiday, but in their memory they will forever keep the warmth of communication, the joy of empathy.

Parents became active participants in all activities in the group, indispensable helpers, learned to interact with each other.

Joint preparation for the events brought us and parents, parents and children closer together, made families friends. The atmosphere of benevolence became characteristic of other common activities in the group. Many parents have discovered hidden talents that they did not suspect until it was time for creative work. There was a lot of enthusiasm, a lot of surprises.

The activity of parents in creating a photo newspaper, exhibitions suggests that these forms of work are in demand. Visually - the informational direction makes it possible to convey any information to parents in an accessible form, to remind tactfully about parental duties and responsibilities.

The leisure direction in work with parents turned out to be the most attractive, useful, but also the most difficult to organize. This is due to the fact that any joint event allows parents to: see from the inside the problems of their child, difficulties in relationships; test different approaches; to see how others do it, that is, to gain experience of interaction not only with your child, but also with the parent community as a whole.


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