Effective conspiracies for the return of love. A conspiracy to return love and a loved one: a strong and always working ritual

When relations between spouses or just loving people are destroyed, and nothing can be done by conventional means, you should not give up.

In this thread:

Indeed, for a long time, women have used conspiracies to return their husbands who left them and resurrect lost love.

Return a loved one or love?

There is some difference between what needs to be returned. If there is a need to return a loved one, then magical ritual will help with this. However, we must remember that the returned man will not burn with his former passion for you. Love and respect in a relationship may never be again.

Therefore, the conspiracy should be focused not only on the return of a person, but also on the return of past feelings. To do this, during the ceremony, one must clearly imagine harmony, mutual love and happiness.

A conspiracy to return a loved one is read with deep conviction in its effectiveness, the ability to give you what you want.

Popular conspiracies to return a loved one

Undoubtedly, a conspiracy can return a loved one and his tender feelings, if everything is done strictly in accordance with the rules. The plot below must be read several times, namely 7. Moreover, they do it at dawn during the week. Like other magical actions, this conspiracy is performed on the days of the growing moon. During the pronunciation of words, they stand facing the sunrise.

The Lord my God, You are my Protection, in which I trust and place my hopes, Mother of God Holy Mother of God and all Saints! I offer my prayer to you and ask for help in a bitter moment, in the return of my beloved servant of God (name). Do not leave my prayer without attention, hear the prayer of my sinful servant of God (name). Lord, Mother of God and all the Saints, please return your beloved (name), return your heart (name) to me. Amen!

If after life together the man left the family or began to change, in order to regain his location, you can resort to the magic of the conspiracy below. He also suitable for girls who had in the past serious relationship with a young man, but who lost them due to the cooling of the guy's feelings.

To perform the ritual, you will need to say certain words to the bed on which there was a sexual relationship with the lost man. You must be alone in the room. With witnesses, the ritual is not performed. So, you need to stand facing the bed and say these words:

You are the only bed, and there are two of us with my husband, the servant of God (name), and if with you, then three! Like God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. As they are inseparable and one, so we all three will be one! Our bed, you are smooth and soft, bring peace to our life, carry betrayal into the distance! Let it be so. Amen!

Strong conspiracies that return a loved one

If the separation happened not so long ago, they perform a ceremony to return the boyfriend or husband. good helper in this is the young month. When the moon is just beginning to grow, at midnight you need to open the window or go outside and say the following:

Young month, the strongest month, help me. Make sure that the servant of God (name) returns to me, the servant of God (name). I can’t live without him, I don’t live without him, I gather sadness, grief, my heart hurts from misfortune. Bring him back to me so that we don’t grieve, we don’t know troubles, we don’t know sorrows. Help me, moon, help me!

These words must be repeated 9 times, then immediately go to bed and fall asleep. Do the same the next evening. So 7 times. This magic begins to act after a few weeks, the result is stable.

The rituals performed with the use of the things of a person who needs to be returned to the family are characterized by the greatest power. You can also refer to photographs. The power of the rite on a thing is based on the energy of a person that this thing absorbed when he used it.

Therefore, it can become a link between your desire and feelings, the energy of a loved one. You have to wait until midnight. Moreover, they choose midnight precisely during the period of the growing moon. Approach the thing and say this:

Love is strong, love is eternal, conquer the servant of God (name), return him to me the Servant of God (name). So that with me he can raise small children, wait for grandchildren, and overcome all obstacles. Let our feelings not go out, but only flare up. So that in his heart I was alone, thoughts about me are all. So that he thinks, misses, does not see life without me, only thinks and dreams of me alone. I will speak to him, I will make him drunk, I will please him. My words are powerful. Do not remove them to anyone, neither a slave, nor a healer, nor a sorcerer. It will be so forever and ever. Amen!

The words are spoken three times. Then it is better to make efforts so that the thing returns to the man. Then the conspiracy will work for sure. If it is impossible to give a thing to a man, then one conspiracy will not be enough. You should repeat these steps seven times. Nobody but you should see this thing, so they take it out only for the ritual, and then hide it away.

If you don’t have the things of a loved one, but only a photo, then the conspiracy is read on him. First, candles are lit. There may be 3, but it is better if there are 12, because a large number of candles in this ritual enhance the result. Candles are needed by all means church. A photograph of a loved one is placed between the candles. Looking at him, they read the plot. The words are:

I got up, the servant of God (name) in the morning, washed my face with icy water, wiped myself with a white veil. Bowing to Christ, she walked through the door, from the door to the gate into the street under the red sun, under the bright moon, into the open field. In an open field stands a tree from earth to heaven. That tree has branches from east to west. Under that tree stands a church with an altar. At the throne of that there is a board, on that board there is longing. Throw, longing, throw, longing, on the servant of God (name) in a violent head, in a zealous heart, in hot blood, in bones, in one hundred and seventy joints, in one hundred and one veins. It would seem to him that the servant of God (name) is redder than the red sun, brighter than the bright month, dearer than the father-mother, dearer than the whole clan-tribe, dearer than the free light. The servant of God would have stood by the water - drowned, by the fire would have stood - burned. About me, about the servant of God, have pity and remember the age after your death. The servant of God would get up and in the morning wash herself with icy water, wipe herself with a white veil. Bowing to Christ, she walked through the door from the door, through the gate to the street under the red sun, under the bright moon, into the open field. In an open field stands a tree from earth to heaven. That tree has branches from east to west. On that tree sits Solomon's daughter. I will come closer to her, bow to her lower. My mother, Solomon's daughter, take my conspiracy to the ocean-sea, put my conspiracy under a white-flammable stone so that no one will dissuade him: neither the priest, nor the deacon, nor the simple peasant, nor the simple-haired girl. Amen. Amen. Amen.

This conspiracy is read for three evenings in a row, then they take a break for three days and read again for three days. These words have a special power, they work great.

Birch - an assistant to girls in matters of the heart

Birch - an assistant to a girl

The dreams of Russian beauties about family happiness are associated with the image of a birch. Rites for braiding and breaking birch trees were aimed at attracting marriage, good luck in love. Wreaths of birch branches were floated along the rivers in the hope of finding out their future. On Semik, the branches of this white-trunked tree were used to decorate houses to bring harmony and happiness into the house.

The image of a birch is captured in many works of Russian folklore, and especially in girls' songs. After all, this beauty often dressed up with the people as a girl: in a scarf, sundress. Its seeds are called earrings. During the festivities, the birch was portrayed by the most stately girl in the village, who was beautifully dressed and decorated. Russian beauties washed themselves with birch sap to preserve youth, attractiveness and health.

This tree was considered alive, spiritualized, capable of fulfilling desires. The girls even carried treats into the forest and asked the birch for help in matters of the heart. It is to the birch that women turn with a request to return their husband who has left. In the spring, at the time of the revival of nature, a conspiracy is read to return a loved one who has left a woman or girl. He is turned to a lonely birch, which must be found in the field. She is addressed as a friend, senior adviser and assistant.

Birch, beauty. Lonely you. Help me not to be lonely. Help bring back the servant of God (name). So that we can be together, happiness to see and joy to know. Help, birch. Amen!

After these words, spoken 9 times, they leave this place and go towards the house. You can't talk to anyone along the way. The plot begins to work literally in 7 days. After all, it was not without reason that birch was considered a receptacle for spirits. This is what explained the fact that it is in this tree that lightning most often strikes.

Morning dew as the basis of love magic

Often in folk conspiracies, the use of the power of dew is found in creating, strengthening or returning a love feeling. To activate the energy of dew, collect it in a clean place and wash your face.

You need to do this in a secluded place, where no one can catch you doing this activity. After all, rituals are not designed for the presence of prying eyes. All words should be pronounced with great faith and conviction in the effectiveness and power of their words. Conspiracy text:

Clean water, help me, bring back my beloved to my family. As the dew on the skin dries quickly, so my beloved will quickly remember me. Our love burns stronger, and my beloved runs quickly to me again. By the forces of nature I will bind you, I will awaken your love for me for life.

It is better to learn the text by heart, but not from the monitor, but from handwritten text. It is necessary that it be rewritten on a sheet of paper, where there should be nothing but a conspiracy.

Parting with a loved one is one of the most dramatic events in life. The end of a relationship with a beloved boyfriend or girlfriend is always stressful for someone whose deepest feelings have been hurt or even betrayed.

Many people who have had to go through a divorce or parting with a significant other eventually accept the end of the relationship and strive to find new love. However, a person is not always ready to come to terms with the departure of a loved one or loved one, so he tries with all his might to return the lost relationship.

Since ancient times, powerful conspiracies and prayers have been used to restore former love, allowing you to renew relationships. There is an opinion that only women resort to love magic, but this is not so. Representatives of the stronger sex are also interested in magical rituals that allow you to return a loved one.

Before using conspiracies to return love, you need to carefully consider your decision. If a person ended the relationship voluntarily, because he does not have past feelings for his former lover or lover, then the use of love magic can only do harm.

For a person who does not feel love and passion for an abandoned partner, conspiracies can cause great harm. For example, a man or woman affected by love magic may suffer from health problems, bad habits and other troubles.

Performing magical rites and reading prayers for the return of a loved one has its own characteristics:

  • all rites are performed for the growing month;
  • magical rituals must be combined with real work on building relationships;
  • visualization of the achieved result will make it possible to translate the plan into reality;
  • it is necessary to get rid of pessimistic thoughts, as this interferes with the realization of intentions.

If a woman or a man who conducts magical rituals for the return of a soulmate experiences negative emotions in relation to her beloved (beloved), then love magic will not only not be beneficial, but also harmful.

Ritual for the growing moon

Such a magical ritual will be effective if the loved one has left relatively recently. You need to read the plot exactly at midnight, when a young month barely appeared in the sky. Looking at the moon, you need to read the following plot 9 times:

“Young month, the strongest month, help me,
Make sure that the servant of God (name) returns
To me, the servant of God (name). I can't live without him
I don’t live without him, I gather sadness and grief, my heart aches from misfortune.
Bring him back to me so that we live and do not grieve,
They did not know troubles, they did not know sorrows.
Help me, month, help!

Immediately after the ritual, you need to go to bed. The rite of love magic is carried out for 7 days in a row. Esotericists are confident that the result of a magical rite can be seen in a few weeks.

A conspiracy for two candles so that a loved one returns

You can hope for a return of love if you perform a ritual for two candles. For the ceremony you will need thin church candles. At midnight, you need to sit down at the table and light candles, and then put them next to each other. You need to read the plot without taking your eyes off the flame of candles.

At the same time, you need to imagine yourself with your loved one. The spell text looks like this:

“Like wax candles together and side by side.
So that the servants of God (your names) are together.
So that partings and sorrows do not know,
Only happiness and joy were their companions.
So that the servant of God (man's name) misses
And yearned for the servant of God (your name),
I did not know a quiet life, only I stood at its threshold.
My word is law, it cannot be removed.

After reading the text of the conspiracy, the candles are left to burn out. If the object of love does not show a desire to renew the relationship, after 2 weeks the ritual must be repeated.

Rite with the use of personal belongings

One of the most powerful magical rites is one that involves the use of personal belongings of the object of love. It is believed that underwear or clothes of a person are inextricably linked with the energy of their owners.

Exactly at midnight, a conspiracy is read over the thing of a loved one:

"Love is strong, love is eternal,
Conquer the servant of God (name), return him to me
Servant of God (name). So that with me he can swing small children,
Wait for grandchildren, but overcome all obstacles.
Let our feelings not go out, but only flare up.
So that in his heart I was alone, thoughts about me are all.
So that he thinks, misses, he never saw life without me,
He only thought and dreamed of me alone.
I will speak to him, I will make him drunk, I will please him.
My words are powerful
Do not remove them to anyone, neither a slave, nor a healer, nor a sorcerer.
It will be so forever and ever.

The conspiracy over the thing is read three times, after which the thing is returned to its owner. However, it is not always possible to return underwear or clothes to the owner, since former lovers may not intersect with each other and not communicate.

In this case, the conspiracy to return love is read 7 times. After the ritual, the thing is hidden in a place inaccessible to the eyes of strangers.

Conspiracy to return a husband with a birch

An effective love ritual can be performed in the spring. To do this, you need to find a young birch, near which there are no other trees. You need to approach the birch at dawn, hug the tree and say the following words:

“Birch, beauty. Lonely you.
Help me not to be lonely.
Help bring back the servant of God (name).
So that we can be together, happiness to see and joy to know.
Help, birch.

The plot is read 9 times, after which they leave. On the way home, you can not communicate with any of the people you meet. The effect of the ritual can be seen in a week.

Dry your lover

In ancient times, drying was a ritual that allowed you to bind a loved one to yourself and turn him away from other people. This ritual allows you to return even hopelessly lost love. However, it makes sense to perform such a ceremony if you manage to treat your loved one with food or drink.

Before pronouncing the conspiracy, you need to cross food or drink three times, and then read these words:

Three girls were sitting, they are all sisters. Serve me faithfully. There is a board, and under this board lies longing. You put this longing into the slave (name), so that he loves me, so that he follows me, in my footsteps, in my footsteps. So that he doesn’t get steamy in the bath, he doesn’t get stuck in food, and he doesn’t drink anything, but he loved me and followed me.

After that, food or drink should be treated to the object of passion. Such a ritual helps not only to return the departed lover, boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife, but also to fall in love with the chosen person.

Return the husband to the family

Divorce is a serious shock for every person, especially if he was abandoned. What should I do to get my husband or wife back?

  • Powerful will come to the rescue magical rite, for which you need a bed on which former spouses had an intimate relationship. However, only the husband and wife were supposed to sleep on this bed in the past.
  • If on the bed one of the spouses had sexual intercourse with strangers men or women, the rite should in no case be performed, since its consequences can be extremely negative.

Above the bed read these words:

“You are the bed, my bed, you are alone, and my husband and I are two, and there are only three of us with you. Three as God, the Son of God, and the Holy Spirit. As the Holy Trinity is inseparable, as they are one, so the three of us will be one and inseparable. You are our bed, you are smooth and soft, you bring peace to our life with my husband, return peace, and remove betrayal. I will have no one but my own husband (name), so he will have no one but his lawful wife (proper name). My word is strong, as I said, so be it.

Such a ritual is allowed to be performed not only married women, but also to girls who had a serious relationship with a guy, while not being in a registered marriage.

Rite for the return of a spouse

If a woman feels that her husband treats her without much awe and attention, she can resort to the following effective ritual to attract love. To perform the ceremony, they buy a handkerchief, carry it to church and sanctify it.

Also in the temple you need to purchase 7 thick red candles and the Save and Save ring. After midnight, you need to light 7 candles and pass the scarf through the ring 7 times. In the meantime, they pronounce the following conspiracy:

I will go out, the servant of God (your name), I will go to the open field, Through the doors, through the gates, I will look for my happiness.

On the ring is a handkerchief, On the handkerchief is a ring, Help the ring, the servant of God (his name). Settle down, fall in love with me.

The word is lock. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Immediately after the ceremony, you need to go to bed. Before falling asleep, a woman reads the prayer “Our Father” 7 times. In the morning you need to get up on your right foot. A charmed handkerchief is placed in the husband's personal belongings, bag or pocket.

The woman puts the ring on the ring finger of the left hand and does not remove it for 7 weeks. After this time, the ceremony will bear fruit, and relations in the family will improve.

It is believed that such a love plot is harmless for both the woman and her husband.

Return the passion and love of her husband

It will help to return the passion of the husband and the charmed wine, which will need to drink the spouse. A glass is filled with a drink and wine is spoken in complete solitude using the following words:

“I, the Servant of God, (proper name), I speak intoxicated red wine, with a strong spell. My beloved husband, the Servant of God (the name of the spouse) will drink a sip of wine and want me, he will not be able to live without me anymore. His thoughts day and night will be only about me. My body will be like it, I will always awaken a strong passion in it. Amen".

This strong conspiracy is enough to pronounce once, but at the same time puts maximum feelings into it.

Morning dew

A magical ritual is performed at sunrise in a field or garden. Collect the dew with your palms and wash your face with it. After washing, you need to read the following conspiracy:

“Clean water, help me, return my beloved (name) to me. As the dew on my skin quickly dries up, so my beloved constantly remembers me. His love for me will flare up, his soul will turn to me. How stronger love he burns to me, the sooner he will come running to me. The forces of nature will help me bind you to me, kindle your love for me for life. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

It is advisable to carry out the ceremony far outside the city, where it is impossible to meet strangers.

Conspiracy for sadness

Every girl in love with a certain man would like the object of her adoration to constantly think about her.

  • Also, many ladies are flattered that their beloved man yearns for them.
  • Among the rites of love magic there is a ritual that allows you to cause sadness in your lover.

To perform a magical action, you need to look out the open window at night and pronounce the following conspiracy:

“Servant of God (name of the object), go to my porch, to my palace, to the hallway, to the threshold in my footsteps. I won't give you up to anyone. Word, castle, language. Amen".

Words are read 9 times.

After the ceremony, you need to immediately go to bed.

Conspiracies against a rival

The appearance of another lover in a beloved man is a real tragedy for many women. Most ladies are trying with all their might to ward off their mistress from a boyfriend or husband, and love magic allows you to effectively do this.

A powerful rite that helps to ward off a mistress is one that requires incense to perform. On the eve of the ritual, a woman must visit the church, stand the entire service and confess. Before you leave the temple, you need to buy incense and a candle.

The ritual is performed at night in complete solitude. The woman should light a candle and an amulet. Windows and doors must be opened and all artificial lighting turned off. After that, you should read the following text:

“Smoke - smoke, from a candle and incense, creep under my feet - spread out! Leave the room and go outside. Find my husband, the Servant of God (husband's name)! Look for it wherever you want, even in high mountains, even in quicksand, even in deep seas, even in dense forests, even in noisy cities. And if you find it, make sure that my husband stops walking and returns to his family. Let him ask for forgiveness from me for sleeping with the other, I will forgive him and we will live happily, not remembering the past. Amen".

When performing the rite, you need to drive all bad thoughts away. If a woman presents a picture of a happy future with her own husband, then her plans will definitely come true.

What to remember

  • The effectiveness of love spells is time-tested, and every girl can expect desired result deciding to take such action.
  • However, there is an opinion that the ceremony may be useless if outsiders know about it.
  • Conspiracies and prayers for love should always be read with sincere faith in the desired result.

If the rituals are carried out with the aim of destroying the relationship that a man has, or with the aim of teaching a lesson or punishing someone who did not reciprocate, then all this can lead to extremely negative consequences.

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Surely, every girl has been in an unpleasant situation when feelings young man they temporarily cool off to her - the reason for this may be the appearance of a homeowner, or the occurrence of certain life problems in him, which can attract a lot of attention.

Most subsequently regret the decision they made once, but it’s impossible to quickly return everything to its place - after a painful break, it can take years to restore wounded feelings. To avoid falling into such traps of fate, you should use reliable and proven means, thanks to which your loved one will come to you again, and you will be able to build a strong, reliable family with him, which no adversity can destroy.

Most effective method- a conspiracy to return a loved one, which can be carried out in various options. Regardless of which one you choose, you can quickly get out of a situation that can give you a lot of frustration.

As in other cases, the most effective is the use of consecrated objects that have very strong positive energy.

Church candles and a small amount of holy water will help to return a loved one - it is advisable to use spring water, then the conspiracy will gain additional strength that nature will give it.

To achieve the desired result, wake up before dawn and find the most secluded corner of the house or apartment - no one should approach you during the ritual - such conspiracies react very painfully to the presence of someone else's energy.

Put in front of you a photo of the loved one you want to return, place church candles on both sides, and right in front of you - a deep bowl of water.

A very strong effect will be achieved if you read the plot in complete darkness - this technique helps to release the spiritual principles.

To get your loved one back, take a candle, and start dripping wax into the water until a large enough cold lump forms in it - after the first burns to the middle, do the same with the second.

As you do this, say the words:

“I pour cold, clean water on the water, my vein, my blood, how it drains, how it stretches, it contracts, so my husband, the servant of God (name) in the veins of his living, will feel the craving for me, the servant of God (name), longing my native will hear for me.

As spring birds return to their old nests, so he will return to me, he will come back by a straight path, but with a pure heart, but by his will. He will not hear bad words about me, he will not want languid kisses from others, but he will not be afraid of loud cries.

As the wax hardens, so will my husband, the servant of God (name), return to the threshold of our house.

Remember that this conspiracy, uttered at dawn, is the most powerful - regardless of whether love is alive, you can return your loved one, and if the problems remain unresolved, you will not be able to achieve anything good. It remains to finish the ritual - take out the resulting wax ball, roll it up with your hands, closing your eyes and imagining how your loved one is talking to you - it is important to catch the slightest shades of his voice.

If you want to return your loved one, the conspiracy can act as quickly as possible - go outside and throw a ball out the window, which will symbolize the unexpected appearance of a long-awaited guest. To leave time for solving urgent problems, the balloon must be carefully rolled over the threshold - then the beloved will appear after a few days, and you yourself can decide whether to accept it or leave the situation unresolved.

Ritual on a mobile phone

What object listens to all our feelings, accompanies us at any moment of life, absorbs all the energy of a person? Certainly, mobile phone- many modern conspiracies use a similar tool to personify a specific person.

To make your loved one call, you can use the original plot, which has been tested by many people - it is not as strong as the previous one, but with good intentions it can produce the strongest effect.

If the person did not return on their own, take your mobile phone, on which you spoke with him, and hold the device between your palms, repeating the following plot loudly and clearly:

“As now your words are heard by the servant of God (name), so in reality they sound like these words. As in my dreams your voice (the name of the target) moves, so it will appear in reality. Let the loud bell wake the silence, let my innermost desire come true about your voice. Amen".

The conspiracy will help very well if you imagine the voice of your loved one - this will enable you to tune in to his energy and establish an invisible connection with his consciousness.

To get back a guy who left you after a long enough relationship, try to perform the ritual several times in a row, choosing for this the late evening after the onset of complete darkness. The negative energy accumulated over months and years forms a kind of shield against which some conspiracies are broken.

The best way to increase the effectiveness that a conspiracy has - to return a loved one in a few days, is to use his personal belongings. Conspiracies can be read on subjects such as:

  • cloth;
  • books;
  • phone, headphones and other personal electronics;
  • bags, backpacks and other accessories;

How to return a loved one in this way is a topic for a separate conversation. However, the conspiracy must be read with a pure heart so that the person returns with good intentions - otherwise you yourself will not want to take your loved one back and destroy the relationship completely.

Even in the most sincere and beautiful love relationships, there is never a guarantee that they will last forever. Lovers break up, it happens. It also happens that one of the couple then regrets that he let go of a loved one. In this situation, it is very suitable to apply a conspiracy to return a loved one.

How does a conspiracy work?

A conspiracy to return a loved one will make it so that the information field in which you are with your former lover will change. If now the biofield of your couple is charged with some information that contributed to your departure from each other, then a magical love ritual will change everything. Just do not rely on the fact that the return plot will work so that you will feel like at the beginning of the novel. It is impossible, that moment has passed irrevocably. But this is no tragedy, because there is a great opportunity at the moment to create a completely new atmosphere for your relationship.

Strong conspiracy the return of a loved one will update the girl and the guy, as a result they will have the opportunity to look at each other in a completely new way. This means that the girl will also need to work on getting rid of the negativity in relation to her beloved or idealizations in relation to him.

When can a conspiracy be used?

  1. A conspiracy to return a loved one can be used if you broke up with your loved one and regretted it quickly enough. I must say, honestly, that the sooner after parting you apply this love plot, the sooner after the slander it will be possible to get back together again.
  2. The current conspiracy to return the betrothed can be carried out if your loved one, very unexpectedly for you, left for another woman. The return then will be that with the help of magic you will form a completely new image of yourself in him. By the way, it is more effective to carry out such a conspiracy on a church holiday, for example, on the Annunciation. Then it works as strong as the rituals of the famous Natalia Stepanova. IN church holidays white magic intensifies.
  3. At home, a strong conspiracy to return a loved one can be read if you yourself abandoned your boyfriend and now want to return him, but he does not want to return out of pride.
  4. There are situations when a beloved man is somewhere at a distance for a long time. And suddenly, for no apparent reason, he ends the relationship with you. The girl, of course, in this situation will be stunned. But the action of the slander will help correct the situation and at least bring the beloved to an honest conversation, where the couple will find out the relationship.

It is clear that in similar situations, a conspiracy is being carried out to return a beloved girl.

Conspiracy for the wedding hour

You were together for a long time, it was a great pleasure to love him, as well as to receive love from him. But it happens that a man sometimes leaves his wife for the sake of a random woman. But this does not mean that your missus has left you forever. There is an opportunity to influence this situation with the help of a rite. This ceremony is called the "wedding hour." It must be performed at 12 days, it is believed that those marriages that were concluded at this hour are very strong. The ritual must be performed at this hour. It doesn’t matter at all that you and your missus were painted at a different time. So, if you want to take your loved one away from another, then take a red thread at twelve in the afternoon, stand by the window and say the following plot for his return:

“The servant of God (his name) I need, the one who is my husband. In the light of day, we promised each other's fates. That promise I resurrect with magic. Who has forgotten, let him remember it again. The thread of passion does not break, it will not remain outside of marriage. To make sure that you are near helps me higher powers. At the next dawn you will come to me, you will be next to me again. Come back home, love your family. The soul of my man will not be near the other, only he will be next to me. Everything sacred was returning home tonight.”

While you are saying this text, you are winding a red thread around your finger. You can do this by looking at a photo of a man, but not necessarily. Then this thread must be placed under your family bed. Thus, love can be returned. The ritual is effective even at home. For a faster effect, you do not need to sit and shed tears for your spouse. Better clean yourself up before he returns. To restore relationships is very good when a woman takes care of herself. Go to a beauty salon new hairstyle. All this is not just for distraction.

The fact is that all these women's events increase women's energy. A wife and husband have a very strong energy connection. This means that he will definitely feel your feminine power. So, such women's events are very capable of strengthening this love magical conspiracy. The consequences of this will be that the husband will return home even faster.

Conspiracy for a new lover

A conspiracy on how to return a loved one should be sought based on the present situation. It happens that a guy leaves a girl almost at the very beginning of a relationship. A month has passed, which was full of passion and love. And suddenly the guy decided to part with the girl, said that it was better for them to remain friends. And the girl has already managed to become very involved in relationships, this is especially true for women. If this happened, then the girl, instead of shedding tears about the fact that she was abandoned better in the morning conspire to return a loved one. Such a ritual will help both get out of the relationship more worthily or continue them in a different context. To carry out this conspiracy, in order to return a loved one, you must go to the first intersection, which is located near the house, and say such a strong conspiracy to return it:

“He touched my heart, he did not regret his feelings for me, biting his tongue, he listened to you, whoever loved understands. And then he broke his heart and left. Love remains, but there is no heart. I want to return you, to call you for a conversation. Help me, out of love for the past, restore my heart. Don't kill the woman in me. Come from any direction, I will accept, come and speak, come back.”

Then you need to silently, without looking back, go to your home. And at home, you still need to stand in the middle of your apartment and say these words of a conspiracy in order to return your loved one:

It is important to say this very energetically so that the energy echo reaches the man. With the help of such a conspiracy, you will be able to return the man at least for the main conversation, in which you can clarify everything. Most likely, he will come to you in a few days. This conversation can end with a very different ending, but your relationship will never be the same. In a conversation, a woman can also sincerely talk about her resentment towards a man, but you should not throw a tantrum at the same time. It is also important during this period to read prayers to the Mother of God for the restoration of her female heart.

Conspiracy with candles

To return a loved one, you can use a ritual with three church candles. Such a conspiracy works like standard love spells. Therefore, it is imperative to carry out such a ritual during the growing moon. In the evening, be alone with yourself. Light all the candles, and all electrical appliances, on the contrary, must be turned off. Candles should be placed in the shape of a triangle. Look at the triangle with candles and imagine a loved one you want to return. It is important here to allow yourself to experience the full range of feelings that you have for this person. It can be both negative experiences and positive ones, let them all freely come to life in your soul. Only after that, look at each of the candles and say such a conspiracy to return your loved one:

“Just as a candle does not live without a flame, it does not live its life. So I, the servant of God (my name), do not live without the servant of God (name of the man), my life is full. You are my fire, you are my life, be with me, believe me, as I believe you. I want you back, I always dream of you. The flame of my life does not burn without you. I ask the higher forces that your candle only burns together with mine. You get up in the morning, you will see my image in front of you, but you want to see me in reality. See the woman of your life in me in me, come to me, love me, to return you means to return your life. I am with you, you are with me, we are together forever.

After that, let the candles burn out to the end. At the same time, prepare yourself mentally for the arrival of your loved one. You should go to bed, imagining that he is about to come to visit you. This feeling should be as realistic as possible. Do not be surprised if your loved one comes to you in a dream this night, this means that very soon he will appear in your life and in reality.

Conspiracy to return from a mistress

If you and a man are not married, but live together, it is also quite painful if he suddenly finds another woman for himself, in fact a mistress. In this case, the girl does not have the power that the legal spouse has, but in order to restore relations and return her man, you can still spend next rite.

To return the sweet girl, you will need a new pack of salt, a cast-iron frying pan and a linen bag. You will also need one church candle. It is desirable to perform this ritual on the full moon, the closer to twelve at night, the better. It must be done in the kitchen. Stay alone in the kitchen, it is necessary that there are not even pets in this room for the period of the magic ritual. Light a candle. You can read a prayer. Prayer will help raise the vibrations of the body to subtler levels so that the ceremony is even more successful. Then put a cast iron skillet on the fire. Pour seven tablespoons of salt into it. Stir salt with a wooden spoon and say a conspiracy at the same time to return your loved one:

“My heart is as hot as this frying pan. Your heart is inflamed with love for another. But I didn’t leave your heart either, it can’t be like that. I need to bring you back. Forgive me, darling, I'm pouring salt on your heart. It’s not salt, it’s memories of me. As this salt warms up in a pan, it will warm up your heart to me again. When you get up in the morning, you won’t be able to think of anyone but me. You will come back to me, this cannot be avoided. And I burn the other from your heart with the same salt. Your passion is gone, your love is gone. No more of you, only separately now. Only you need me, only I matter to you. You won’t stop thinking about me until tomorrow night, you will return to me, you will forget her.

Actually, this rite works to ensure that the period of passion for a young man with a girl ends as quickly as possible. He would have ended anyway, and at the end of all this he would still have remembered you, and this will happen much faster. But this is not the end of the ritual. Now this fried spelled salt needs to be collected in a linen bag. Take this bag of salt out into the yard and bury it under a female tree. That is, it can be birch, aspen, willow. When you dig, then say the following part of the plot:

“Return it to yourself, take it away from her. You are a tree friend, help your female power me to win back from someone else. As it is said, it will be so, but it cannot be otherwise.”

After that, go home and immediately go to bed. At heart, the girl will feel better after this magical ritual. As you guessed, it acts like a lapel from another woman.

Conspiracy in the photo

To return a loved one who is now at a great distance from you, it is very good to use this really working ritual in a photo. A photo contains a lot of energy from a person, it is with it that you will work in a conspiracy. It doesn't matter if you do the ceremony in the early morning or late evening, the main thing is that it should be a day of the growing moon. On such days, you need to approach the window with a photo, so that daylight or moonlight falls on it. First, look at the photograph in detail, a woman needs, as if to completely absorb with her imagination all the facial features of her chosen one. Then close your eyes, it is important that at this moment the image of your chosen one emerges in your mind as clearly as possible. If this still fails, then spend a little more time working with the photo, achieve the clarity of the image. And when this is so, then you can read the magic text:

“You are far away, but your love is near. Your love is in me, I remember it, I know it, I will never be able to live without it. Clouded your heart, do not remember me, forgot. I send you the sun, which will take away the fog and remind you of me. May this sun illuminate your soul, may I myself become this sun for you. Be my sky, come back to your sun. Just as the sky cannot be without the sun, so the servant of God (his name) cannot live happily without the servant of God (her name). Come for happiness, come for me. I am your love, hear it, see it, accept it and come back to me with an open heart. I accept, I return, I love.

It is advisable to speak this strong magical text without resentment towards a man. The purer and more open your heart is at this moment, the better the conspiracy itself will work. If so, then you will get the result in just a few days. Your loved one will show up. If before he did not get in touch, then after this conspiracy there is a high probability that he will. Interestingly, such a magical ritual can sometimes even change some objective circumstances. Sometimes it happens that a man had to stay on a trip for a very long time, but thanks to a conspiracy, external circumstances changed, and he came earlier. That's how power works female love. It is only important to properly launch it in action. This conspiracy to return a loved one, it is effective if you clear your heart of resentment.

Ring conspiracy

Women usually want certainty in a relationship, so they often force things. They are very happy to meet the betrothed, and want him to make them a marriage proposal as soon as possible. Men are often afraid of responsibility, so sometimes they are even ready to leave relationships where they are pressured into serious decisions. If your parting with your loved one happened on the same occasion, then you can do the following ceremony. Take a ring that will be very reminiscent of an engagement ring. Light a candle on the evening of the growing moon, sit in front of it and read such a powerful plot:

“A stream of water, a stream of love fell on you. I created that water. My love crushed you. Forgive me, dear, forgive me, my love. Dear, I love, and therefore I want everything at once. I see your return in a dream and in reality. I need you, I don't need a ring. Come in the name of our love. Come hug and kiss. Yours. Wait, come back. Amen".

After that, the ring must be thrown out the window. Yes, that's exactly what you need to do. This will indicate that the woman is ready to give up her expectations about the wedding, and is accepted by her beloved for who he is. By the way, this is one of the conditions of unconditional love. As paradoxical as it sounds, a girl will be able to get almost anything from a man if she does not demand anything. Men are very attracted to independent women. Just they want to give everything, even what they do not ask for. This is a strong conspiracy, but it will only work if the woman is truly able to give up her wedding expectations. If so, then even simple rituals, including this one, will work just instantly.

Very strong conspiracies to return a husband, a beloved guy

Prayer to bring back a loved one


These are all essentially white love spells that you can quickly perform on your own. Choose one plot that is more appropriate for your situation and spend it on the day of the growing moon. Do this and happiness will return to the house. Rites for the wind and rain are also popular for the return of the beloved.
