Lesson in the educational area "Child and nature" in the second junior group. "In the world of nature" outline of the lesson (junior group) on the topic Lessons about nature 2 junior group

Olesya Ryabukhina
Project "Child and Nature". Second junior group.

Objective of the project: introducing children to the seasons.

Project objectives:

1. To acquaint children with the nature of their native land, through acquaintance with the natural phenomena of each season (autumn, winter, spring, summer).

2. To form in children an emotional-figurative perception through an artistic word.

3. To involve parents in the life of children in kindergarten.

4. Raise interest in the labor process, desire to work, help adults.


1. Books about animate and inanimate nature.

2. Methodological literature on the topic of the project.

3. Demonstration equipment of the group.

4. Camera.

5. Computer.

Project product: COR "Seasons".

Development line: ecological.

Age: the second junior group (from 3 to 4 years).

Project typology: creative, group, informational, individually oriented, long-term.


The role of nature in the spiritual life of society is great. Nature is the whole Universe with the organic (living) and inorganic (non-living) world existing in it. Since time immemorial, mankind has valued nature and sees in it not only its breadwinner, but also a wise educator and mentor.

Communication with nature, knowledge of its secrets ennobles a person, makes him more sensitive. The more we learn about the nature of our land, the more we begin to love it.

Knowledge of nature, penetration into its causal relationships between objects and phenomena develops thinking and the ability to form a scientific worldview. The educational value of nature can hardly be overestimated.

Many great thinkers and educators have written that the development of a child in the first years of life is largely dependent on the natural environment. The cause of nature protection depends to a greater extent on the consciousness of each person, his civic responsibility for the fate of his native nature, and this, in turn, requires increased attention to educating people, respect for nature, starting from preschool age- the period of formation of the foundations of the future personality.

The upbringing of a careful and caring attitude towards animate and inanimate nature is possible when children have at least elementary knowledge about them, master simple ways of growing plants, caring for animals, observing nature, seeing its beauty.

On this basis, children's love for nature, their native land is formed.

Acquired in childhood, the ability to see and listen to nature as it really is, arouses in children a deep interest in it, expands knowledge, and contributes to the formation of character and interests.

Familiarization of preschoolers with nature is a means of educating in their minds realistic knowledge about the world around them, based on sensory experience.

In kindergarten, children are introduced to nature, the changes taking place in it at different times of the year. On the basis of acquired knowledge, such qualities as curiosity, the ability to observe, think logically, and treat all living things aesthetically are formed.

However, far from everything can be correctly understood by children when they communicate independently with nature; right attitude to plants and animals. To introduce a child into the world of nature, to form realistic ideas - knowledge about its objects and phenomena, to cultivate the ability to see the beauty of native nature, love, careful and caring attitude towards it - the most important tasks of a preschool institution.

Communication with nature, knowledge of its secrets ennobles a person, makes him more sensitive. The more we learn about the nature of our Motherland, the more we begin to love it.

Planning and organization of activities:

Stage 1 - preparatory

1. Selection of methodological literature.

Purpose: Replenishment of methodological material.

Dates: August

2. Design and equipment of a natural corner.

Purpose: Replenishment of didactic material.

Dates: August.

3. Decoration parent corner(consultations according to the season).

Purpose: To educate parents.

Dates: Sep. 1 Week; dec. 1 Week; March 1 week; June 1 week.

4. Making the experience of family education.

Purpose: Introducing parents to the life of the group.

Dates: September.

Stage 2 is the main one.

The first season "Autumn".

1. Observation on the site for seasonal changes in the fall.

Purpose: Enriching children's knowledge about autumn phenomena.

2. Cleaning the leaves on the site.

Dates: September, October, November.

3. Conversations on pictures.

Purpose: Enriching children's knowledge about changes in wildlife in the fall.

Dates: September, October, November.

4. Lesson "Golden Autumn".

Tasks: 1. Introduce children to the autumn concept of leaf fall.

2. Learn to answer with full answers.

3. Develop children's attention, thinking and memory.

4. Cultivate the ability to transfer the knowledge gained in the lesson on a piece of paper.

Dates: September 3rd week.

5. Lesson "Autumn gifts".

Tasks: 1. Clarify children's ability to recognize and name vegetables.

2. Introduce the general concept of vegetables.

3. Learn to compare objects (vegetables) by size (bigger, smaller) by weight (lighter, heavier).

4. Develop children's attention and memory.

5. Cultivate a love for work, a desire to help elders.

Terms: October 1 week.

6. Lesson "Animal world in autumn."

Tasks: 1. Learn to establish cause-and-effect relationships.

2. Fasten:

children's ideas about the habits of animals in the fall;

children's knowledge of natural changes in autumn;

the ability to solve riddles about wild animals (hare, squirrel, bear,

focusing on characteristics appearance or behaviour.

2. 3. Develop:

the ability to express their thoughts, feelings with the help of words;

attention, memory, thinking.

3. 4. Cultivate respect for the nature around us.

Dates: November 1 week.

7. Excursion to autumn forest(with parents). "Collecting a herbarium."

Dates: October 2nd week.

8. Systematization of the material.

Terms: November 4-5 weeks.

The second season "Winter".

1. Observation on the site for seasonal changes in winter.

Purpose: Enriching children's ideas about winter phenomena.

2. Snow removal on the site.

Purpose: Introduction to the work of adults

Dates: December, January, February.

3. Conversations on pictures.

Purpose: Enriching children's knowledge about changes in wildlife in winter.

Dates: December, January, February.

4. Lesson “Viewing the picture. "Winter walk".

Tasks: 1. To teach children to understand what is shown in the picture, to answer the teacher's questions;

- draw simple conclusions;

Listen to the teacher's story;

2. Encourage the educator to finish the individual words when repeating the story.

3. Exercise in a clear and expressive reading of the poem.

Dates: January 3rd week.

5. Lesson "Zimushka winter".

establish simple patterns and dependencies (cold - you need to dress warmer);

Express your thoughts and feelings in words.

2. Fasten:

the sequence of dressing for a walk in winter using the scheme;

denominations winter clothes generalizing word - clothes.

3. Develop speech, attention, thinking.

4. Cultivate interest in the world around.

Dates: February 1 week.

6. Excursion to winter forest(with parents).

Purpose: To continue to form in parents the desire to take part in the activities of the group.

Dates: January 3rd week.

7. Systematization of the material.

Terms: February 4-5 weeks.

Third season "Spring".

1. Observation on the site for seasonal changes in the spring.

Purpose: Enriching children's ideas about spring phenomena.

Dates: March, April, May.

2. Conversations on pictures.

Purpose: Enriching children's knowledge about changes in living and inanimate nature in the spring.

Dates: March, April, May.

3. Lesson "Journey to the spring forest."

Tasks: 1. To form children's ideas about spring changes in nature: more

sunny days, it becomes warmer, snow melts (thawed patches, people's clothes change.

2. Show the connection between changes in inanimate nature and changes in the life of plants and animals (buds swell on the branches of trees and bushes, and the first grass, the first flowers appear, animals in the forest change color, wake up after hibernation, insects appear, fly from warm regions birds).

3. Activate the mental activity of children by solving logical problems.

4. Develop memory, attention, imagination, activate vocabulary ("spring", "thawed patch", "Icicle", "starlings", "rooks").

Terms: April 1 week.

4. Labor in nature "We are planting a vegetable garden."

Goal: Introduction to the work of adults.

Terms: May 1 week.

5. Lesson "Spring is red."

establish causal relationships;

make a whole out of parts.

2. Fasten:

children's knowledge of natural phenomena in spring;

the ability to solve riddles, focusing on characteristic features.

3. Develop: speech, attention, memory.

4. Nurture:

a sense of compassion for animals in distress;

desire to help animals in need.

Terms: May 3rd week.

6. Excursion to the spring forest (with parents).

Purpose: To continue to form in parents the desire to take part in the activities of the group.

Deadlines: April 3rd week.

7. Systematization of the material.

Terms: May 4-5 weeks.

Fourth season "Summer".

1. Observation on the site for seasonal changes in summer.

Purpose: Enriching children's ideas about summer phenomena.

Dates: June 1 week.

2. Conversations on pictures.

Purpose: Enriching children's knowledge about changes in wildlife and inanimate nature in the summer.

Dates: June 1 week.

Stage 3 - final

1. Presentation of the electronic version of the project.

Purpose: Report on the work done.

Dates: June 1 week.

NURSLU Satanova
Abstract of entertainment in the second junior group "Children and Nature" "Journey to visit the Fairy of Nature ..."

Subject entertainment in the second junior group No. 6: Children and nature


1) Consolidate children's knowledge about nature, seasons and their signs, children's ideas about animals and birds of the forest, about their habits and characteristics, about careful and caring attitude to nature.

2) Develop Creative skills children, the ingenuity and ingenuity of children, their erudition, communication skills and the ability to clearly formulate answers to the questions posed.

3) To instill in children love and respect for nature, the ability to see and respond to the beautiful in natural environment.


Flower with tasks, cardboard flowers, medals, cards "What was what".

Entertainment progress:

Children sit on chairs

The teacher tells the children that we received a letter from a fairy nature

"I am a Fairy nature. I heard that you are very good, smart children and I really want to get to know you better and invite you to my guests. In my natural the state has an amateur club nature. Do you want to visit there? But for this you must pass the test. Aren't you afraid?"

The teacher asks children:

Guys, do you want to go to natural state?

And now look at my wand in my hands, but not simple, but magical. Close your eyes and I'll cast a magic spell.

I'll take a wand in my hand

I'll draw a magic circle

I'll knock softly one, two, three,

Relive the magic!

I will say the magic words, and you perform all the movements and immediately find yourself in the forest ...

To Kingdom Nature is easy to get into,

You don't have to travel far.

Close your eyes and take a step

Now let's clap our hands So:

One clap, another clap

And now a haystack is visible,

And now the field is earing

Noisy-worried wheat,

The skies are blue above her

Open your eyes quickly.

caregiver: Here we are in the kingdom nature.

caregiver: So we ended up in the Fairy State nature. Where is she herself? Let's eat her. Oh, look at the magic flower - Flower-Semitsvetik. He fulfills every wish. Guys, there is something on the petals. Yes, these are assignments. Let's read.

1. Red petal. "Name the artist".

Children, take the cards on the chairs. Now I will read lines of poetry, and you must raise the card. If the poem is about winter, you should raise a white square, about spring - green, about summer - red, about autumn - yellow.

four artists,

so many pictures.

Painted with white paint

All in a row one.

Forest and field are white,

white meadows,

At snow-covered aspens

Branches like horns...

At second - blue

Sky and streams.

splashing in blue puddles

A flock of sparrows.

transparent in the snow

Ice pieces are lace.

The first thawed patches

First grass (Spring)

In the picture of the third

Colors and do not count:

Yellow, green, blue is.

Green forest and field

blue river

White fluffy

There are clouds in the sky (Summer)

And the fourth is gold

Painted the gardens

fields are fruitful,

Ripe fruits...

Everywhere beads - berries

Ripe in the forests

Who is that artist?

Guess yourself! (Autumn)

Well done! You know the seasons well. What's on the orange petal?

2. Orange petal. The game "Whom (how) was who (how) became".

The children are given cards. The reverse side of cards of a certain color. Children are grouped according to the color of the cards.. Picture on the back.

You must consult and lay out the chain. What he was and what he became.

Egg - fry - fish.

Egg - Chicken - chicken.

Egg - tadpole - frog.

Seed - sprout - plant (dandelion).

Acorn - sprout - oak.

The good guys got the job done. Let's see what's on the yellow petal.

3Quest Yellow Petal

"Picture a forest figure"

A game of low mobility is being played

"The trees are swaying, since...".

Target: Develop in children, the ability to perform movements on a signal, on a word. develop initiative, ingenuity.

Game progress: During the game children say such words:

The trees are swaying...

The trees are swaying, two...

The trees are swaying, three...

Forest figure freeze in place!

After the end of the words, the leader chooses the figure he likes, after which this child assumes the role of the leader. A game repeated several times.

4 Green petal.

Now we will check how you know the rules of behavior in the forest. To do this, we will play a game with you "If I come to the forest". I will tell you my actions, and you will answer if I do well, we say "Yes" if it's bad, then we all shout together "No"!

If I come to the forest

And pick a chamomile? (No)

If I eat a pie

And throw out the paper? (No)

If a piece of bread

Will I leave it on the stump? (Yes)

If I tie a branch,

Shall I put up a peg? (Yes)

If make a fire,

Am I not going to simmer? (No)

If I mess up a lot

And I'll forget to remove it. (No)

If I take out the trash

Shall I dig a bank? (Yes)

I love my nature,

I help her! (Yes)

5 Blue Petal

Held "Dance Competition".

Game progress: children put large cardboard flowers on their heads, and at the signal of the Host, they begin to dance to the music, without touching the flowers with their hands. The winner is the one who dances the longest without dropping the flower.

6. Blue petal.

Blitz questions.

We answer quickly.

- Who wears a house? (Snail)

- Not a bird, but with wings. (Butterfly)

What animal has a bush on its head? (Elk)

What animals hibernate? (Badger, bear, hedgehog, gopher, hamster)

What animals change color for the winter. (hare, squirrel)

What bird does not build nests and breed chicks? (Cuckoo)

What bird is called "forest doctor"? (Woodpecker)

What animal is called "ship of the desert"? (Camel)

What can't a plant grow without? (Light, water, heat).

You know everything, well done!

And now the purple petal.

7 Mobile game "At the bear in the forest"

Here comes the fairy nature:

Hello guys, you did a very good job, and I can safely call you my assistants.

Let's play a game with you "Fruits vegetables"

You need to put fruits in one basket and vegetables in another. Fairy nature chooses those who wish.

Children to the music, vegetables and fruits are laid out in a basket. Fairy nature checks if done correctly children task. A game repeats several times with other children.

Fairy thanks the children:

Thank you guys, you did everything right.

take care nature, and she will always reward you with delicious berries, vegetables, fruits and fresh air.

Fairy nature giving children medals "Best around the world" And "Best around the world"

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Lesson progress

We always speak beautifully

Not hastily, boldly

We have a tongue in our mouth

Lu-lu-lu I love nature

And now we will say everything:

Why is there ice on the river

And the snow fell to the ground.

Yes, children, look out the window, a real winter has come to us, there has been a lot of snow. Why do we need snow?

(Play snowball fights, sledding, making snowmen….)

Where did snowflakes come from? (from the sky)

Did a snowflake sit on your nose, cheeks, hands? And what was left instead?

Children, what is a snowflake made of?

And who turned the water into a snowflake? And now I will tell you how it happens.

When clouds gather in the sky, they let the droplets walk, or give water or water the ground, and the frost is right there. Freeze a droplet and make a magic star out of it, just like mine (showing a paper snowflake cut out). And when there are a lot of such snowflakes, then such a phenomenon in nature is called snowfall. Snowfall gives nature a special beauty. And we will make a snowfall in a group.

Exercise for the development of speech breathing "Snowflakes"

The kids walked, walked, walked

And they found snowflakes.

They blew and went again.

Children, who knows poems about snowflakes?

Would you like to become snowflakes? I have a magic wand that can make you snowflakes, just wave it and say the magic words.

Wand, wand:

One two Three.

Show the children a miracle

Boys and girls

Turn into snowflakes

So we became snowflakes.

Small snowflakes descended from the clouds (running around the room). A breeze blew and snowflakes swirled (circling around themselves). The wind subsides and snowflakes fall to the ground (squat, hands under the cheeks). And in the morning the sun warmed, the snowflakes woke up.

Do you know what will happen to snowflakes when the sun warms up?

Knock on the door. (the captain comes in, carries a snowball and cries)

Hello! What is your name? And why are you crying?

Kapitoshka. I am a cheerful Kapitoshka,

I was in a hurry to visit you, but when I went to you, I got lost in the clouds. Frost came, froze all the sisters and brothers. How to save them?

Educator. Do not cry, captain, we will help you and your brothers and sisters. Yes, kids? The kids know how to do it. (Kapitoshka distributes snowballs to children. Children warm the snow and droplets of water appear)

You see Kapitoshka from the warmth of the snowflakes melt and turn into water.

Kapitoshka. Thank you guys (leaves)

Educator. Why do we need water?

Children, now we will play with you.

D / and "Find by color"

Educator. Well done! You played well, now sit down.

Without water, a flower, animals, birds will die. Every living thing on earth needs water. Every drop of water is a precious gift of nature. Water feeds the earth, and the earth feeds all living things, people, animals, plants. Water must be conserved.

Save the rivers, save the water

Take care of nature

Take care of grass and flower

After all, we are all nature

Particles native

Everything around needs to be protected and loved.

It is necessary not only to protect and love nature, but also to be able to rejoice.

Smiling sun:

Hello gold!

I smile at the flower

Let it bloom!

I smile at the rain

Lei like from a bucket

I smile at my friends

I wish them happiness.

We also wish happiness to all the guests present and give them our smiles so that they become warmer, happier, happier.

Irina Balybina
Abstract of the lesson on life safety: "Friends of nature" second junior group



1. Enrich children's vocabulary.

2. Teach children to notice the mood and emotional state of the participants in the situation.

3. Teach children to help animals in trouble.

4. In game form reinforce children's knowledge of the rules of conduct in nature.

5. Show the children what troubles wild animals get into because of people who pollute nature.


1. Cultivate love for the animal world.

2. Provide a positive emotional mood in order to create motivation for success.

3. Cultivate a sense of mercy and compassion.

4. Cause emotional responsiveness of children, the desire to participate in solving the problem, the desire to find and implement specific actions of care and assistance.


1. Develop children's speech activity and interaction.

2. Develop cognitive interest.


To form an understanding of the relationship between elementary behavioral skills in nature and human health.

Integration of educational regions: "Knowledge", "Communication", "Socialization", "Work", "Health", "Music".

Types of children's activities: communicative, productive, playful.

Didactic support Key words: developmental education technology, socio-game, health-saving technologies.

Location: group room

Duration classes: 15 minutes

Equipment for occupation:

Fox Floor Doll

Signs: "rules of conduct in nature» , magnets

Medical supplies

Tape recorder, song recording "Song friends»

Various garbage: papers, candy wrappers, plastic bottles, corks, etc.

Handle bag

Activity progress

1. The phone rings in the game room. The teacher answers the phone and it turns out that Aibolit is urgently needed. There is misfortune in the forest, the fox got hurt. The teacher invites the children to go to the forest and help the fox. Journey on a magical train to the soundtrack "Song friends» . (Children form a train and go to the forest).

2. Forest, and a wounded fox sits on a stump. (Several Christmas trees, a stump and a fox floor doll, a glass wound on the paw).Educator. What's happened? Why are you moaning? (children's answers).The teacher offers the children to provide first aid to the fox, to use Dr. Aibolit's medical bag. Children provide assistance (lubricate the wound with iodine, seal it with a band-aid, pity and wipe the tears of the fox). The fox thanked them and decided to tell what happened to her. Fox story. I was walking through the forest and stepped on something terrible. It sank into my paw. I couldn't take a step. Thanks to the heron, she pulled out a sharp fragment from the bottle with her beak, and blood flowed. The paw still hurts, I can hardly walk. I had to call Dr. Aibolit, but he did not answer, but then you and I were delighted.

3. Work with cards - signs "rules of conduct in nature» (on the carpet).Educator. Let's look at the signs and draw up rules of behavior for them in nature. What should be done with garbage? Can it be left in a forest clearing? Why not cut and break branches? How to help a wounded tree? Can you pick flowers? What can you do with flowers? (Examine, smell, draw.) Why can't you explore the anthill like that? How do ants feel when a person violates their home? And what can be done useful for the protection of anthills (children's answers).Task for children: Lay out cards on one table - how you can act in nature, and on the other - as impossible. The fox will see if we know how to behave properly in the forest. Educator. Children, let's take these cards to us in kindergarten and tell other children and parents about these rules.

4. Educator. Guys, look what a clearing is here. Probably, the fox was walking here and hurt his paw. Here rested people who do not know how to behave in nature. What can we do with you so that other animals do not get hurt? (children's answers). Let's get out on the edge (put garbage in a bag) The fox is very pleased that we have cleaned the clearing, now no one will get hurt. The fox goes off into the woods.

5. Educator. We helped the fox, cleared the clearing, and now it's time for us to go back to kindergarten on our magic train (tape recorder accompaniment).

6. Bottom line classes. What new have we learned? (children's answers). Let's stick our magic cards on the board so that everyone can see and learn how to behave in nature. The rubbish that we collected in the clearing, we will throw into the container when we go for a walk.
