Abstract of the lesson on ecology in the second junior group on the topic “Journey to the winter forest. Abstract of the lesson in the younger group "winter-winter" Abstract on ecology in the younger group winter

Zulfiya Mezentseva
Lesson on ecology in the second junior group"Zimushka - winter"

Subject « Zimushka - winter»

1. Generalize and systematize children's knowledge about the season - winter; noting characteristic signs: cold, snowing; the sun is shining but not warm, people are wearing winter clothes

2. Clarify and expand children's understanding of appearance and lifestyle of forest animals winter: hare, squirrel, fox, wolf, bear; How did you adapt to the harsh conditions: what they eat, where they hide from the cold - dwellings;

3. Reveal and expand children's ideas about properties snow: cold, white, from heat - melts

4. Develop attention, thinking, imagination, coherent speech, skill

listen; expand vocabulary: stock children: "snowfall", "snowflakes".

5. To educate in children a caring attitude towards nature, animals and

birds; contribute to the creation of a positive emotional mood in group.

preliminary work: Observation on walks for the weather, for birds; Work with the calendar of nature; Examination of illustrations, paintings "Winter landscape"; Reading fiction

Di "Who lives where?", "What can you feed the birds?"

Snow games; Ecological hour- experimentation: "Properties of Snow" Conversations: "Like animals in winter hibernate

Material: Painting: "Children in Winter", cards - winter and summer phenomena; Di "Who lives where?", silhouettes of trees, branded by the number of children; Feeder, plates with grains, seeds, millet, bread crumbs, buttons, plasticine; bird silhouettes wintering: sparrow, dove, titmouse, bullfinch. A tray with carved snowflakes, a bowl of snow.

Guys, join us today occupation came guests, say hello to them, give them your smiles, good mood and now all eyes are on me

Listen to the riddle:

Snow on the fields, Ice on the rivers,

Blizzard walks, When does it happen? (in winter)

Well done, right. Guys, do you want today occupation to tell"Pro Zimushka - winter» to our guests? (Yes)

And now I ask your attention, I want to give you task: I have a lot of cards on the table, pick up those cards that fit this picture (pictures signs of winter)

Semyon, what does your card mean? (the sun is shining, but it does not warm)

Veronica, what's up? (the trees are bare, covered with snow)

Denis, what did your card tell you about? (in winter the days are short and the nights are long)

Clever, think about what season the artist depicted in the picture? (winter)

How did you guess? (Because it's snowing; a lot of snow is drawn)

If it's cold outside, then winter, which? (cold)

If there is a lot of snow, then winter, which? (snowy)

Guys, look at the picture, where is the snow? (On the ground, on the roofs of houses, on the fence, on tree branches ....)

And if it's cold outside, what kind of air? (frosty)

Guys, what has changed in the clothes of children? (children put on winter clothes)

What do children do in winter? (make a snowman, ride a hill)

Look at the hill. If the hill is covered with ice, then what kind of hill? (icy)

Right. It is cold in winter, so we wear warm clothes and shoes. But what about the animals in the winter forest? (children's answers are heard).

Let's go with you to winter forest!

Our feet are walking on a flat path

And then jump-jump and we got into the woods!

So you and I ended up in the forest, let's sit on stumps and chairs and behave quietly so that the animals are not afraid of us.

Now you have to see who is hidden winter? Who do you see, Sophia? (I see a face)

Why, Sophia, did you think it was a fox? (the fox has a fluffy red tail)

What does a fox do in winter? (she catches a bunny, mice)

Kolya, who hid behind a bush? (bunny).

Why do you think it's a rabbit? (He has long ears and a short tail)

What does a bunny eat in winter? (tree bark)

Who is standing near the birch? (wolf)

And who is hiding on the branches, Veronica? (squirrel)

Why do you think it's a squirrel? (she is small, red and has a fluffy tail)

What does a squirrel eat in winter? (she finds her supplies)

Guys, where is the bear hiding? (He sleeps in a den)

Right, how can they be called in one word? (wild animals or beasts.)

Why do we call them animals? (They live in forest: they get their own food, build their own dwellings, no one cares about them.) (recording starts).

Guys, hear the blizzard, all the tracks are covered. How will the animals find their homes? Let's help them, lead the path from the animal to its house. Kolya, where does the squirrel live? (in the hollow)

Winter- a very serious test for forest animals. It is very difficult for animals to live in the winter forest, winter: cold, frosty, hungry. And who else has it hard in winter? (to the birds)

Yes, right, but how can people help the birds? (make and hang feeders; feed the birds)

Well done, let's fall to our feeder and feed the birds (come to the table)

What can you guys make a feeder out of? (out of the box, out of the bottle)

What birds come to our feeder? (sparrows, pigeons, titmice, crows)

These birds are called wintering birds why do you think? (they stay with us for the winter)

Pour the guys into the feeder, the food that we can feed the birds in winter.

Kolya, what do birds eat in winter? (grains)

Yaroslav, what did you pour? (bread crumbs)

Guys, why didn’t they put plasticine in the feeder? (birds don't eat plasticine)

Well done! Protect birds, animals and always help them!

Now come with me to the meadow

What, the stars are through, on a coat and on a scarf,

All through cutouts, and you take the water in your hand.

What kind of stars are we talking about? (about the snowflake)

And when a lot of snow falls from the sky, what is it called? (snowfall)

I have a lot of snowflakes on my tray, take one snowflake

Tell me, Denis, what kind of snowflake do you have? (white, carved)

What helped you, guessed that it was white and carved? (my eyes helped me see it)

Guys, throw up your snowflake and look at it. What snowflake? (light)

How did you guess? (felt with a hand that it is light)

What's a snowflake to do? (fly, spin, fall, melt)

And now we'll have a little rest, physical education minute we will spend:

Snow, snow swirl, the whole street is white

We gathered in a circle. Twirled like a circle.

We are snowflakes, we are fluffs, we are not averse to spinning,

We dance day and night, we will all stand together in a circle,

it makes snow"

Guys, look, now we have snow everywhere on the floor and even on the table, and in my basin. - Let's play a little, but first tell me, what are your hands? (dry)

Take some snow and hold it in your palms.

What has become of the snow? (water)

And now the palms, what? (wet)

Where did you get your water from? (snow has melted)

And why? (because the palms are warm)

What about snow? (cold)

What can be molded from snow? (OD)

Well done boys. What did we talk about today? (about winter)

Why do we love winter? (OD)

What did you do today? (examined the picture, picked up cards, examined snow, snowflakes, played)

Whom did we help? (animals, birds)

Guys, did we manage to tell our guests about winter? (Yes)

Thank you, I really liked how you talked about winter

Abstract of a lesson on cognitive development in the 2nd junior group "Gifts of Winter".

Alena Gennadievna Pochaeva, educator, Kindergarten No. 1 "Rainbow", Krasavino.
Description: the summary of the lesson is useful for educators, parents for memorizing poems with children.
Target: consolidation of ideas about winter based on the most vivid impressions of children.
Educational: enrich and consolidate knowledge about winter, its characteristic features; to clarify knowledge about winter clothing and footwear.
Developing: develop the skills of expressive reading of poems, songs, games, the ability to listen to the teacher.
Educational: to cultivate the ability to see the beauty of winter nature.
Materials:“box of sensations”, the painting “Winter landscape”, a drawing of a girl in winter clothes, snowflakes, sweets, a box “Gifts of winter”, in which there are models: a red palm, a branch of a Christmas tree, a paper snowflake.
Educator: Guys, I came today to kindergarten and I have a beautiful box on my desk. I don't know who brought it. Haven't you seen? I really want to know what's inside. There are holes on the sides of the box, I looked in, nothing is visible. And let's try to find out by touch what's inside. Who wishes? (the child comes up and puts the handles in, determines by touch what is inside).

Child: Snow.
(the teacher opens the box and shows the children. There is snow inside the box.)
Educator: Guys, when does it snow?
Children: In winter.
Educator: This is probably a gift from winter. And we still have winter gifts. Let's take a look at them. They are in this box. We collected them together.

Falling from the sky in winter
And circle over the earth
light fluff,
White .... (snowflakes).
Many snowflakes fell to the ground and it was covered with a snow blanket.
Look at the picture, how beautiful it is in winter. Fluffy snow covered the ground, houses, trees. Immediately it became light and festive. The snow shines especially beautifully in the sun, which, although it shines in winter, does not warm much.

Snowflakes everywhere winter scatters,
Gives everyone a silver outfit.
It's like a fairy tale comes alive.
And the snowflakes are spinning and flying.

Educator: What snow games do you like to play?
Children: Sledding, making snowballs, making a snowman, building a slide.
Educator: And when can you ski, sled, skate, build a slide?
Children: In winter.
Educator: Why can't you go sledding in summer?
Children: No snow, it's warm outside.
Educator: Do you know poems about snow? Read please.

Snow, snow is spinning
White all street!
We gathered in a circle
Rolled up like snow.
A. Barto

It is snowing.
Quietly, quietly it snows
White snow, shaggy;
We'll clear the snow and ice
In the yard with a shovel.
M. Poznanskaya

Everywhere snow.
Everywhere snow, in the snow at home
Winter brought him.
Hurry to us
She brought us snowmen.
From dawn to dawn
Glory to the winter bullfinches.
A. Brodsky

I didn't notice.
Little snowflake
Fell on the city
And I didn't notice
Getting off the sled.
Where did she go in white viewing ...
But it became in the world as if brighter!

Mom carries a sled, and I sit on the sled.
And I look with pleasure at the white snowflakes.
Suddenly a fluffy snowflake falls on the nose
This winter gift is sent to me by Santa Claus.
I take off my mitten and want to take a snowflake.
It is no longer on the nose ... It is a pity that it has melted again.

Educator: When a snowflake melts, what does it become?
Children: In a drop of water.
Educator: Let's look further gifts of winter.
Listen to the riddle:
I come with gifts
I shine bright lights.
smart, funny,
On New Year I'm in charge! (Christmas tree)
(the teacher shows a branch of the Christmas tree)

Educator: On what holiday do people decorate the Christmas tree?
Children: For the new year.
Educator: When is the new year?
Children: In winter.
Educator: Winter gave us the biggest and most joyful holiday - the New Year. And in our kindergarten in the hall a tall lush Christmas tree was set up and decorated. Remember? Nastya, please tell us the poem about the Christmas tree that you read at the New Year's party?

Our tree.
Our tree is big
Our tree is high.
Above dad, above mom -
Reaches the ceiling.
How shiny her dress is
How the lanterns burn
Our Christmas tree
Congratulations to all the guys.
Let's dance merrily
Let's sing songs
For the tree to want
Come visit us again!
3. Petrova

Educator: Do you guys like the New Year holiday? For what?
Children: Santa Claus comes with the Snow Maiden, they give gifts.
Educator: Let's look into the box again and see what other gift winter has prepared. (model - red hand) What is it?
Children: Red palm.
Educator: Why do you think she blushed?
Children: Frozen.
Educator: She froze because winter gave us frost. Look at the picture. This is Verochka. What is she wearing?
Children: Fur coat, hat, scarf, felt boots, mittens.
Educator: Why is she dressed like that?
Children: She's cold.
Educator: Winter gave us frost and therefore this girl, you guys and all the people put on warm clothes. Verochka is not afraid of frost, but are you afraid? And I'll check now.

Game "Winter Dance".

We warm up a little
We clap our hands:
Clap, clap, clap, clap!
(Children stand in a circle and clap their hands.)

We will also warm the legs,
We'll sink faster:
Top, top, top, top!
(Standing in a circle, the children stomp alternately with one or the other foot.)

We put on gloves
We are not afraid of blizzards:
Jump, jump, jump, jump!
(Children jump on two legs.)

We made friends with frost
Like snowflakes, swirled:
Yes Yes Yes Yes!
(Children spin and “scatter” in different directions.)

Educator: What fun they played! Winter gave us frost, and we dressed warm, nice clothes and they weren't afraid of him at all.
Let's say "thank you" to Zimushka-winter for her wonderful gifts.
And in parting we will sing a song about winter.

Already you, winter-winter.
Already you, winter-winter.
The winter was snowy
The winter was snowy
All roads covered.
The winter was snowy
All roads covered
All roads covered
All roads, all paths
Do not pass, do not pass.

Let's take a look at our box again.

And here is a surprise paper snowflakes on which sweets are glued with adhesive tape).

Abstract of the lesson on ecology in the 2nd junior group of the kindergarten "Journey to the Winter Forest"

Program content:

Educational objectives: to contribute to the deepening and generalization of children's knowledge about wild animals, birds, trees, fish; expand ideas about the forest and its inhabitants; continue to acquaint with the characteristic features of the season; to introduce the properties of ice and snow; continue to teach to understand and use words denoting the ratio of objects in size: wide - narrow, high - low.
Developmental tasks: to develop in children a cognitive interest in the life of the forest and its inhabitants; develop memory, coherent speech, the ability to analyze, draw conclusions; develop the ability to listen to each other.
Educational tasks: to cultivate children's interest in the life of the forest, the ability to behave in the forest; to cultivate love, respect for nature, to show care and attention to all living things, to form goodwill.

Preliminary work:

Examination of visual and didactic aids depicting wild animals, trees, birds, examination of the album "Seasons"; conversations about winter, reading poems about winter, riddles about birds, animals; reading fairy tales about animals; didactic games"Wild Animals", "Birds", "Animal World"; work with parents - we made feeders together with the children; We fed the birds on the walk.

Equipment, material:

Path (2 cords = 2 meters), river (fabric white color, canvas cloth blue color, plastic fish 5 pieces), artificial Christmas tree, birch branch, cotton wool, bear den (white fabric, chairs, toy bear), snowdrift (white fabric cloth), feeders (according to the number of children), food (sunflower seeds, cereals millet), a forest laboratory (2 tables, a sand-colored cloth, a white cloth), ice, snow, 7 trays, cloth napkins according to the number of children, a tape recorder, red cardboard, the “Howl of the Wind” phonogram.

Lesson progress:


Guys, do you want to go to the winter forest?


Yes, we do.


Tell me, please, what time of year is it?



How did you know it was winter?


It is cold outside, there is a lot of snow, the sun is shining, but it is not warm, the trees are bare, there are no leaves, they are dressed in warm clothes(fur coat, felt boots, warm hat, mittens, warm pants), you can go sledding, skiing, skating.


Well done boys. To get into the forest, we need to go along the road. The road lies ahead of us. What is its width?


Wide. (Children walk in pairs along the road).


Here we are together on the road. See where this road has taken us?



That's right, we went to the river. In winter, the river freezes and is covered with ice. Who is under the ice?



Fish do not freeze in winter, they fall asleep. And when spring comes, the ice melts and turns into water, the fish begins to swim again. What do you think, is it cold under the ice?



The whole body of the fish, and the head, and fins, everything is asleep, it does not feel cold.


To get to the forest, we need to cross the river on the bridge. What a beautiful bridge. We have to cross the river over the bridge. What is its width?




Well done. In order not to fall into the river, let's grab the railing with one hand and cross the bridge to the other side. (Children pass one after another across the bridge).


Guys, we came to the forest. Look what a beautiful winter forest. It is covered in white snow.

Enchantress Winter
Bewitched, the forest stands,
And under the snowy fringe,
Motionless, dumb
He shines with a wonderful life.
And he stands, bewitched,
Not dead and not alive -
Magically enchanted by sleep
All entangled, all bound
Light chain downy...

(A bear snores.)


And who is snoring? Listen.



Right. What does a bear do in winter?


Sleeping in his lair.


What other animals that live in the forest do you know?


Hare, fox, squirrel, wolf.


Bear, hare, squirrel, wolf, fox live in the forest. What is the name of the animals that live in the forest?



Well done. What migratory birds do you know?


Tits, bullfinches.


That's right, blue breams and bullfinches come to us.
(The howl of the wind is heard, the Mistress of the Forest enters).

Lady of the Forest:

Hello guys!



Lady of the Forest:

My name is the Lady of the Forest. I heard someone's voices in the forest and came to see who is making noise here?


The guys will be quiet, they will not make noise. Mistress of the forest, the children and I brought gifts. These are bird feeders. They were made by children with their moms and dads. We also brought food with us to feed the birds in the forest. It's winter now, the birds have nothing to eat. And the worst thing for them is hunger. (Children give feeders and food to the Mistress of the Forest).

Lady of the Forest:

Thanks, well done guys. What beautiful feeders you made together with dads and moms. I will hang feeders on the trees and fill them with food, our birds will not go hungry. And now I want to remind you of the rules of behavior in the forest.

If you came to the forest for a walk,
Breathe fresh air
Run, jump and play
Just, mind you, don't forget
What you can't make noise in the forest:
Even sing very loudly.
Animals get scared
Run away from the forest edge.
Do not break oak branches
Never forget.
There is no need to catch everyone here,
Stomp, clap, beat with a stick.
You are just a guest in the forest.
Here the owner is oak and elk.
Save their peace
After all, they are not our enemies!


Mistress of the forest, we will definitely remember these rules.

Lady of the Forest:

Look how many trees are around: spruce, birch. My forest is called mixed because different trees grow mixed here. Trees are both low and high. Do you know the names of the trees? What is the name of this tree?


Lady of the Forest:

What does a birch have?


Trunk, branches.

Lady of the Forest:

Birch is a tall tree. And what kind of tree is it, strewn with white snow?


Lady of the Forest:

What does the tree have?


Trunk, branches, needles.

Lady of the Forest:

You know everything. Fresh air in my forest. Let's breathe together. (Children do a breathing exercise).

Breathing exercise

1. Deep breath through the nose. Exhale through the mouth, lips with a tube. (3 times)
2. Hands behind the back, chest forward, back straight, head up. Inhale through your mouth. Exhale through the nose. (3 times)

Lady of the Forest:

Well done, get some rest. And now I invite you to my forest laboratory. We will be experimenting with you.

Experience in determining the transparency of snow and ice

Experience progress:

In front of the children there is one tray with ice and another with snow. First, consider the snow with the children.

Lady of the Forest:

What does snow look like and feel like? Touch it and take a look.


Cold, wet, white.

Lady of the Forest:

Well done. What ice? Reach out to him.


Cold, wet.

Lady of the Forest:

Fine. And now I will put a red sheet of paper under a piece of ice and a lump of snow. What did you see under the snowball?


Lady of the Forest:

So the snow is not transparent. What did you see under the piece of ice?


Red paper.

Lady of the Forest:

We will conclude that ice is transparent.


Today we learned about the properties of ice and snow. From our experience we see that ice is transparent and snow is opaque.
We learned a lot at your place, Mistress of the Forest, thank you. Something we are very cold, it's time for us to return.

Lady of the Forest:

Since you are so cold, I will help you to find yourself in kindergarten faster. I will blow, and the wind will carry you to the kindergarten. (Children sit on chairs).

Educator: How happy we are to be in kindergarten. It is very warm, bright and comfortable here.

Lesson analysis:

Where did we go with you today?
What did you see along the way?
Who met in the forest?
Katya, what did you like the most?
How about you Daniel?


Well done boys. Today we went to the forest: we walked along a wide road, along a narrow bridge, saw a bear's lair, we met the Mistress of the Forest, we learned from experience that ice is transparent, and snow is opaque. Our lesson is over.

About everything in the world:

In 1930, the film "The Rogue Song" about the kidnapping of a girl in the Caucasus mountains was released in the US. Actors Stan Laurel, Lawrence Tibbett and Oliver Hardy played local crooks in this film. Surprisingly, these actors are very similar to the characters...

Section materials

Abstract of the lesson on environmental education in the second junior group "Journey to the winter forest".

Purpose: to know and name wild animals, their habitat and what they eat in winter.

    To expand children's understanding of the appearance and lifestyle of forest animals in winter (hare, squirrel, bear).

    Exercise in the selection of characteristic features for an animal, as well as select verbs denoting the characteristic actions of an animal.

    Enrich and activate the vocabulary in accordance with lexical topic"Beasts in Winter"

    Continue to develop the ability of children to coordinate words in a sentence.

    Develop the ability to participate in a conversation.

    Cultivate a friendly, caring attitude towards animals, nature.

Vocabulary work: forest, wild animals, dwelling, hungry.

Equipment: snow crunch recording; picture of a forest clearing, subject pictures; Stuffed Toys: hare, squirrel, bear; handout: mushrooms, cones, carrots; hare tracks; semolina in a tray for each child; modules, ropes.

Preliminary work: conversations about wild animals; guessing riddles about winter, wild animals; viewing illustrations of wild animals; d\games "Who lives where", "Whose children", "Unusual lunch".

Course progress.

Organizing time.

Circle of Joy:

Our smart heads Will think a lot, deftly.

Ears will listen

Mouth speak clearly.

Hands will clap

Feet will stomp.

The backs straighten

We smile at each other.

    Guys, look, we have guests today, they are glad to see you, they smile at you. Let us give our guests our smiles and say hello to them.

    Guys, guess the riddle:

time of year, time of year

When nature sleeps

With golden shores

Under the fluffy snows (winter)

    What signs of winter do you know? ( it's snowing, it's cold, dress warmly,...)

    I wonder what is happening in the forest now. Do you want to go on a trip? (Yes)

    Just remember the rules of behavior in the forest first.

(the teacher shows the cards, and the children explain what is shown on them)

    Well done! Now I am sure that you are ready for a journey into the forest.

    Guys, is it warm or cold outside? (Cold) What do we need to do before heading into the forest? (dress warmly)

(children imitate dressing process)

We put our feet in warm boots,

Hat on the head, warm jacket,

Gloves on hands.

Let's go for a walk in the forest, we'll walk merrily.

(Snow crunching sounds)

    These are the snowdrifts the blizzard has swept. Step over the drifts (children step over the modules lying on the floor) and cross the magic bridge (jump ropes), that leads to the winter forest.

    Here we are in the forest!

Listen to the silence in the snow kingdom. What wonderful frosty air. Can you smell what the winter forest smells like? Smells fresh, clean and cool.

Breathing exercises.

    Children, who lives in the forest? (...)

    lives on trees and gnaws nuts (squirrel),

    who walks angry hungry in the cold winter (wolf),

    white in winter, gray in summer (hare),

    cunning cheat, red head, fluffy tail - beauty, and her name is .. .(fox)

    this animal sleeps in a den, licks its paw and grumbles (bear),

    like a Christmas tree, covered in needles (hedgehog).

    What are these animals called? Why are they called that? (they get their own food, build dwellings, take care of the cubs)

The game "Who lives where."

    Guys, do you know who lives where? (...)

    Do you think it is easy for animals in the forest in winter? (No) Why? (cold, hungry,...) Well done! You said everything correctly.

    Guys, look, someone's footprints. Who do you think left them?(...)

(if the children do not guess, then make a riddle):

Cross-eyed, small, in a white fur coat, in felt boots.

Gray belly, long ear)

    That's right, these traces were left by a hare. Let's follow them and see where they lead us.

    What is this tree? (herringbone)

    And who meets us under it? (hare)

What is he? (white) Why is he white? (...) And what will it be like in summer? (...)

    What does a bunny like to eat? (...) And what does he eat in the winter forest? (...)

    I have a carrot in store for a bunny. Let's read a poem about carrots and treat the bunny:

I'm useful delicious vegetable.

Juicy and smooth.

Bunnies love me.

I am a sweet carrot.

(put carrots in a basket and put under the Christmas tree)

    See what it is? (nut shell)

    Who could leave her? (squirrel) Where is she? (on the tree)

    Let's stand in a circle and talk about the squirrel. Answer the questions, pass the bump to a friend. (Where does the squirrel live? What animal is it? What is the name of her house? Does she stock up for the winter? What does she stock up? Who does she have cubs? What can the squirrel do?...)

    Well done! Something I'm frozen. Let's play with you to keep warm. Fizminutka "Squirrel".

(the teacher says the words, laying out the mushrooms and cones from the baskets)

We recognize the animal by two such signs

He is wearing a gray coat in winter, and a red coat in summer.

(children speak in unison)

Squirrel dries russula, tears nuts from a branch with a paw.

All the supplies in the pantry will be useful to her in the winter.

(collect mushrooms and cones in different baskets)

    Let's leave these mushrooms and cones to the squirrel, (the teacher puts baskets under the Christmas tree) And let's move on.

    How much snow has fallen (raises the edge of the fabric - a sleeping bear is visible) Who is this? (bear) What is the name of his dwelling? (den) What is he doing there 7(sleeping) Why? (...) And what does he eat when he sleeps? (sucks paw) What does the bear like to eat? (honey, raspberries, fish,...) Guys, can you make noise near the den?(...) Why?(...) And when you sleep, can you make noise? (…) Everyone who wants to sleep needs to be taken care of. Let the bear sleep in the den until spring, gain strength, wake up strong and rested. I also have a gift for the bear - a barrel of honey. Wakes up - eats.

(the teacher leaves a barrel of honey near the den)

    Guys, help baby animals find their mothers.

The game "Whose children."

(lay out cards of mothers to children, work in pairs)

The game "Unusual lunch".

    The animals sat down together to dine at one large table, but what is it? Obviously, someone deliberately mixed up the plates with food. Help the animals find what each of them eats.

    Well done boys. Done with this game.

    Look at our clearing someone came. The sun came to us for a while. In winter, it rarely visits us, and even less animals in the forest. Let's draw the sun and give it to our forest animals (children draw on semolina). Animals will be happy with our gift.

    And it's time for us to go back to kindergarten. On the bridge, through the snowdrifts. Here we come to kindergarten. Undress - mittens, hat, jacket, boots.


    Where did we go with you? Whom did you see? What did you do?

    If you liked our trip, take funny snowflakes. What did you like, Eva? And you, Roma? How about you, Kira? I will also take a snowflake for myself - I liked traveling with you, you did a good job. Say goodbye to our guests.

Publication date: 01/30/18

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Sineglazka"

Municipal formation city of Noyabrsk

NOD classes on (OO " cognitive development").. second junior group


Vasilyeva Galina Vasilievna

Theme: "Journey to the winter forest"

Purpose: to know and name wild animals, their habitat and what they eat in winter. development of activity and curiosity of younger children preschool age in progress cognitive activity.

To consolidate children's ideas about forest animals; enrich and activate the vocabulary of children on the topic "Winter".

Cultivate accuracy; cultivate a sense of friendship.

Preliminary work: looking at winter illustrations, playing with grits “Find what is hidden”, guessing riddles; viewing illustrations of animals; reading fiction on the topic "Winter".

Equipment: multimedia equipment, presentation "In the winter forest", small toys "Forest animals", a snowflake with a task, wet wipes, strips of blue paper, gouache plates, a letter from the Snowman.

Lesson progress

The children are in the group.

Educator: Guys, guests came to us today, let's say hello to them.

Children: Hello.

Knock on the door.

Teacher: Oh, what is it? knock on the door.

Educator: Children, we received a letter. (From whom is this, this letter)

Educator: Right! Guys, this letter was sent to us by the Snowman, he wants to play with us, hid in the forest and can't wait until we find him. From playing the game……

"The snowman is gone" - a poem with movements.

The snowman disappeared in the forest - (raise your hands up, depicting trees).

He ran away somewhere - (depict running).

Maybe he was scared of the wolf - (we hug ourselves, depicting fear).

Maybe the bunny knocked off the road - (we show the ears).

And the legs are sinking in the snowdrifts - (alternately we raise our legs high).

How can we save him? You need to follow him into the forest.

Educator: shall we go look for the Snowman?

Educator: And to make it easier for us to look for him, the Snowman left us clue snowflakes (The teacher takes out a snowflake from the envelope, draws the attention of the children).

Educator: Look, a magical snowflake, it is written on it, in order to get into the winter forest, you and I need to turn into small fluffy snowflakes ... and we will find ourselves in the winter forest. We will say magic words and fly into the winter forest.


turn around yourself

And turn into a snowflake.

Snowflakes flew over fields, over forests, over tall houses ... (Children repeat the words and depict the flight of snowflakes, moving around the group).

Educator: Here we are in the forest (Slide winter forest)

Educator: What forest are we in?

Children: In winter.

Educator: Why do you think this is a winter forest?

Children: The season is winter

Children: Lots of snow.

Children: All the trees are in the snow

Educator: What snow?

Children: White, cold, fluffy, soft.

V. - Look how many footprints there are in the snow. Whose are they?

D. - (Look at the footprints). These are animal tracks.

V. - So not only trees live in the forest. But also animals (animals). Let's follow the footsteps of our snowman.

Q. - Guys, who do you think we can meet in the forest?

Educator: Look, another snowflake. The snowman left us riddles about forest animals. If you guess them correctly, you will see a riddle on the screen (Riddles are made for children).


Long ear, ball of fluff,

Jumps smartly, loves carrots.

Children: Hare (Slide show).

Educator: Yulia, what color is the hare, what does the hare eat.

Educator: Emil Bunny is building a house for himself?

Educator: “Jumping along the branches, but not a bird. Red and not a fox.

Children: Squirrel (Slide show).

How did you guess?

What does a squirrel eat?

Where is the squirrel's house?

What helps her deftly jump from branch to branch?

Does she stock up for the winter? What does it store? Who are her babies?

Educator: Who is cold in winter

Walking angry, hungry?

Children: Wolf (Slide show).

Educator: She is more cunning than all the animals,

She has a red coat on.
Lush tail her beauty,
This is a red...

Children: Fox (Slide show).

Q. - How did you recognize her?

D. - Red, and the tip of the tail is white.

Educator: What is the name of the fox's house; what does a fox eat

Educator: In the summer he walks in the forest, in the winter he rests in the den.

Children: Bear. (Slide bear lair).

Educator: But the bear is not visible. Why?

Children: He sleeps in a den under the snow. (Slide bear in the den).

What does he eat when he sleeps? (sucks paw) What does the bear like to eat? (honey, raspberries, fish,...) Guys, can you make noise near the den?(...) Why?(...) And when you sleep, can you make noise? (…) Everyone who wants to sleep needs to be taken care of. Let the bear sleep in the den until spring, gain strength, wake up strong and rested.

Q. - And who else sleeps in winter?

V. - We will not wake them up, let them sleep until spring, and we will go further.

Do you think it is easy for animals in the forest in winter? (no, why? (cold, hungry, ...) Well done! You said everything correctly.

Educator: What, you are my good fellows! Have you guessed all the riddles correctly, but the snowman is nowhere to be seen?

Educator: Oh guys, look, who walked in the forest and left such interesting traces?

Our Snowman, look, he is standing far away. (Slide - The snowman is standing in the distance).

Educator: But how can we get there, because there is so much snow in the forest? Let's pave the path.

Raise your legs higher, you walk through the snowdrifts.

Top-top, top-top and the snowdrift ended.

(Children imitate the movement, how they walk in deep snow, we approach the tables on which there are jars of white paint and strips of blue paper)

Educator: Guys, let's draw a path to our Snowman.

Children's answer.

Educator: And our fingers will help us draw a path.

(I explain and show how to draw with fingers).

Educator: Look how we will draw. I'll dip my finger into a jar of paint, and then I'll put a footprint on my path and draw many, many more footprints. When I finish painting, I will wipe my fingers with a damp cloth so that my hands are clean.

Teacher: Get to work.

The children are doing the work. (I help those who are in difficulty)

Educator: What wonderful tracks we have got. Let's lay out the paths next to each other to get long track.

Educator: Look, guys, so we got to the Snowman. (Slide - Snowman waving to the children).

Educator: Well done! guys, today you played together, you guessed all the riddles, you found the Snowman, we did it! If you do something together and together, then everything will work out, and you will cope with everything. Well done, clap your hands and each other. (Children clap their hands) I am very pleased with you. It's time for you and me to return to our beloved kindergarten, we say the magic words:

Turned around themselves

And turned into kids


Where did we go with you? Whom did you see? What did you do?

Say goodbye to our guests.
