Anita Tsoi now. Anita Tsoi: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo

There is no lover of Russian pop music in Russia who would not know the popular singer Anita Tsoi. The girl once conquered many hearts with her atypical and attractive Asian appearance and low timbre of her voice. The contralto of the performer fascinates with its sound, it is a rather rare type of voice on the modern stage.

Today Anita is a well-known personality, whose songs are featured in popular charts throughout the country. During her career, the singer has collaborated with six music record labels.

Height, weight, age. How old is Anita Tsoi

Anita's appearance is not typical for a Russian performer, which her listeners really like. Any woman will say with confidence that at 47, Anita looks just wonderful, so many girls are interested in her methods of self-care and facial skin. All categories of admirers of Anita's work are interested in her height, weight, age. At first glance, you can’t even tell how old Anita Tsoi is, the performer looks much younger than her years. Today, the singer has a slender body and a toned figure, but all fans know how hard and hard Anita Tsoi worked on herself. Before losing weight, Anita's photos were not at all so attractive, the not tall girl was very full for her miniature height of 157 cm.

Biography of Anita Tsoi

Anita was born in Soviet Moscow in 1971. The performer will celebrate her birthday on February 7th. Since childhood, the girl showed interest and ability in music, so her parents sent Anita to a music school, where she learned to play various instruments. With all her dedication, little Anita played the piano, violin, guitar and even the flute. Due to her Asian appearance, which during the years of the Soviet Union was not uncommon in multinational Moscow, Anita suffered bullying from her classmates, and was practically not friends with anyone. Therefore, music lessons became for her a salvation from an unfriendly childhood reality.

Studying at school was easy for Anita. She loved to study, and with a good certificate she graduated from school in the hope of becoming a good lawyer. Anita studied at Lomonosov Moscow State University for two years. Having met her love in her second year, Anita quickly got married, left the institute, and gave birth to a child.

With good vocal skills and musical ability, Anita became one of the members of the choir in the Korean Church. Probably, at that time, the future artist realized that she wanted to become a singer. A properly educated girl could not imagine a career without a specialized education, so she finally decided to enter GITIS and study music further. Real fans know how hard the career of the singer Anita Tsoi was. In order to earn money for education, today's star traded Korean condiments in the market at that time. In her interviews, Anita always said that she was never shy about her past work.

The difficult biography of Anita Tsoi did not prevent her from becoming a real singer and receiving the title of Honored Artist Russian Federation. Anita participated in a festival aimed at supporting Korea, where she received a commemorative award - a badge from the founder and head of the North Korean state.

Over the years of her work, Anita Tsoi has released eight solo albums, had small roles in four films, and also became main character documentary film about his work, which was released in 2012.

Anita Tsoi's personal life

The personal life of Anita Tsoi makes you believe in true love. In our time of short marriages and fleeting romances, a strong family Anita is a good and correct example of real human relationships. True, the singer herself says that this was not always the case. When the adult 33-year-old Sergey began to care for the young 19-year-old Anita, she had absolutely no plans to get married and build a family. However, the traditions of the Korean people spoke completely differently, and the student Anita was safely married off. The wedding was celebrated in two cities at once - in the homeland of the bride and groom. The first years of marriage, as Anita herself says, were difficult - the young people got married too soon and had not yet had time to get used to each other. However, in later life, Anita's marriage became stronger and stronger. In the family, the couple reigns happiness and understanding.

Anita Tsoi's family

With its roots, Anita's family comes from distant Korea. The singer's grandfather immigrated to the Soviet Union as a fourteen-year-old boy. The man, who in those days went through a difficult path from a laborer to the chairman of a collective farm in Uzbekistan, together with his wife gave birth to four children. So the father of Anita Tsoi, Sergey Kim, was born. Anita's most difficult emotional upheavals are associated with the name of this person. The singer's parents divorced, and Anita Tsoi's family broke up when she was still very young. All her life, the girl in Anita's soul, growing up without a father, dreamed of finding him and just talking. In her interviews, the singer shared her pain from the memories of their first and only meeting.

Anita's mother, Yun Eloise, raised her daughter alone, and was able to develop the best human qualities in her and instill in the singer a love of music.

Children of Anita Tsoi

Young Anita, getting married, did not yet know that soon she would not only have a legal husband, but also a child. A nineteen-year-old university student, perhaps, was not ready for such an early family life, but she accepted the news of the unborn child with joy.

For the sake of the role of a mother, Anita left the institute, where she studied as a lawyer, and devoted herself entirely to her husband and child. Today Anita says that she would have gladly given birth to a second child in those days, so that Anita Tsoi's children would grow up together, but it did not work out. Marriage in the life of the singer underwent various difficulties, the couple lived separately and even thought of getting a divorce, but the common son saved the family.

The son of Anita Tsoi - Sergey

The son in Anita's marriage and life played a decisive role. The singer is very grateful to fate for the fact that she has a child. The son of Anita Tsoi - Sergey is already an adult young man. The young man inherited from his mother the desire to study, so he successfully graduated from two prestigious educational institutions and has a master's degree. Sergey studied in turn in two cities: first in Moscow, and then in London. Having a penchant for economic sciences, Sergey decided to get an education in the field of economics and finance. Today, Anita is very proud of her son, who walks through life with confidence and moves forward on the career ladder. Sergei Sergeevich is worthy of his father's namesake.

Anita Tsoi's husband - Sergey Tsoi

When young Anita met Sergei Tsoi, he already had a good education and a political career. A journalist by profession, Sergei Petrovich never rested on his laurels, he studied and discovered new opportunities for himself.

public service led Sergei Petrovich to the post of press secretary of the mayor of Moscow. Sergey Petrovich worked in the energy sector, aviation systems, and has been working at Rosneft since 2016. Just like a lover of various martial sports, Anita Tsoi's husband, Sergey Tsoi, is the president of the Russian public organization "Karate Federation of Russia"

Instagram and Wikipedia Anita Tsoi

Anita Tsoi has done a lot in her long career as a singer. Many solo concerts around the world, participation in various TV shows on federal channels, clips, as well as many photographs of her personal life and travels - all this is reflected on the singer's pages on Instagram. And Wikipedia Anita Tsoi and her husband carry a lot of the most diverse information that will be of interest to lovers of her music and numerous fans.

Anita Tsoi is a very beautiful singer and real example modern successful woman.

The host of the show "Wedding Size" told how excess weight can destroy a family.

On November 7, the third season of the program begins on the Domashny TV channel, in which the singer Anita Tsoi, nutritionist Ksenia Selezneva and fitness trainer Eduard Kanevsky help couples get back not only slim figure but also love and even passion in family life. On the eve of the premiere, the host of the show, Anita Tsoi, told Woman’s Day about how she herself fought for harmony.

Team "Wedding Size"

Can excess weight destroy a family? Yes! I would never have believed it if it hadn't happened to me in a similar situation. I got married at the age of 19, two years later I gave birth to a son and gained a lot of weight, lost 110 kilograms. But to be honest, I didn’t notice that I somehow changed or began to look worse. It seemed to me that my husband loves me, everything is fine: the house is clean, tidy, washed and ironed. However, the husband increasingly began to stay at work. One meeting, another, a third... Since we women have incredible intuition, I felt that something was wrong. As a direct person, I decided to just ask my husband what happened. To which he answered exactly the same in the forehead: “Did I marry such a woman? Have you looked at yourself in the mirror? To say that I was offended is to say nothing. I did not understand why I was so humiliated. At the same time, my husband continued to say that if I lose weight, he will run after me, carry me in his arms ... I went and told my mother and friends about my tragedy. But the more I spoke, the more I understood that even though close people are trying to support me, nothing changes in our relationship with my husband. I had the sense to carefully reevaluate his words once more. I decided to leave the grievances behind, go to the mirror and carefully examine myself. I closed all the doors in the room, curtained the windows, took off all my clothes and came to the terrible conclusion that I wouldn’t even go on a date with myself! Where's the athletic lighter girl my husband courted? I was never thin, I didn’t have a waist, but at that moment I was just a pig standing in front of me. No manicure, no pedicure, something incomprehensible on the head. This is where I had an epiphany. I realized that I should not be offended by my husband, I should thank him for the direct hint. Then I really took care of myself. Today we have been married for 27 years, and everything is fine.

Husbands bring their wives to us at Wedding Size. I shake out of men the confession that plump spouses do not cause them any desire. We, women, always think that we meet by mind, by character, but in life everything is simple - they are met by clothes. And we have to take care of ourselves.

Of course, the third season of the program will be different from the previous two, for that there was a production need. During our project, people lose a lot of weight, many of them begin to sag their skin. Women immediately pay attention to how their face changes. That's why we decided to introduce a plastic surgeon into the program! Plus, over the past two seasons, it became clear to me: psychological problems in families are so deep that professional help is needed here. Therefore, couples are consulted and guided by psychologists.

Often, our wards lose the first five to ten kilograms and return to old habits. And here the specialists of the program stand up like a mountain and try to return them to the true path. I faced this problem myself. It seems to you that you have already lost weight well, nothing bad will happen and in the end you will get back on the rails. Only we forget that, once yielding to our desires, it is very difficult to return.

Many participants are concerned about a salt-free diet. A small use of salt causes them an unpleasant sensation, everything tastes bad to them. It is also hard for those with a sweet tooth, who used to eat several chocolates a day. They could not imagine how to live without them, but it turned out that everything is possible and real without sugar and salt. Of course, part of the difficulty, as always. connected with training, because when there is a trainer above you, especially one like our Eduard, you have no chance to survive! All these painful symptoms that accompany you in the hall seem completely unbearable the next day ... But in fact, all this is great. This means that you are alive and feel your body.

I started losing weight a long time ago. I used to believe that you can lose weight one day and never gain it again, the main thing is to find the right magic method - a nutritionist, a pill. But as it turns out, we have genetic codes. And if your parents were chubby, big-boned big people, then this can also affect you. I lived life balloon: lost weight, gained weight, lost weight again and gained weight again. But at some point I managed to get used to eating fractionally, often and correctly, that is, to maintain the principles of separate nutrition. However, I ran into another problem. I will not prevaricate. You know that women have a transitional age, it starts after about forty-five years, for someone later, for someone earlier. I didn't understand what was happening to me. I felt strange, I got tired quickly. I went to the doctor, and they told me that I need to restore hormones. They prescribed pills. I think most women go through this period just like me. I began to take these hormonal drugs and began to swell by leaps and bounds. That is, no matter how I kept the diet and all my diets, weight and volume only increased. When will you look new season“Wedding size”, you will see that I am not small there, not that Anita Tsoi. And the main thing is that by the end I'm getting bigger and bigger! At first I was very worried, I even wanted to quit these pills, but I realized that I had to think about my health. And now the shooting of our show has ended, literally two more months have passed, the hormonal background has recovered, and in a month and a half I have already lost six kilograms with the usual diet and physical activity.

I dream of the time when finally the models on the catwalks will be normal. Not skinny and not fat. When it comes out fat woman and demonstrates how to dress properly, walk and feel free, I can’t help feeling that this model hasn’t gotten rid of her complexes. She just does not hide them, but along with the plus-size movement, which is supported by many designers, she takes a step against everyone. Friends, let's be normal, the way nature created us, it seems to me that this is the most correct thing. I lost weight and up to 48 kilograms, I was just like a wand girl in 2005, but I realized that I still feel uncomfortable. Yes, I can put on any clothes, but I can’t sing and breathe calmly. With gusts of strong wind I was blown away! It was not the same Anita Tsoi, but someone else. My height is 157 centimeters and my ideal weight is 60 kilograms. And I think that it is women like us who should be taken to the podiums. No need to be different fashion trends. It is clear that thin beauties are printed in magazines, and on social networks, many of our stars have already lost weight to XXS sizes. But if you see them in reality, you will understand how scary it looks, especially without clothes. Don't go to one extreme or another.

Anita with her son Sergei

Competent weight loss is a whole cycle of procedures. It is clear that everyone has different financial capabilities, but the minimum should include proper nutrition by routine and training. Honestly, no matter what our Edik Kanevsky from Wedding Size says about how he loves Gym, I feel awkward there, I get claustrophobia. Moreover, it seems to me that when the weather is fine outside, it is simply a sin to practice in the gym. Love to run? Run, dance, climb with your child on the playground, run like crazy. Your enemy is the sofa. The most difficult thing is to tear off the fifth point from him.

When you know how many vegetables, fish, meat you eat per day for lunch and dinner, then come to the store and very accurately buy exactly as much as you need. And don't overspend. We teach all this in our program. In everyday life, I don’t even always eat meat, only on special occasions, for example, when I’m cold. We do not live in the warmest region on earth. I can eat chicken, veal, lamb with pleasure. But not pork. And, of course, fish. Now on the market for sale great amount lean fish, very tasty. For example, cod.

We train our participants to eat five to six times a day. Every two and a half hours. And in no case do we make you starve! Another thing is to drink plenty of water. No one can convince me of this truth. I drink at least two liters of pure water a day. It removes everything unnecessary from the body, including fats. But I try to drink before five in the evening, because if you do it closer to the night, you will wake up with swelling in the morning.

What about bouts of hunger? If you have had dinner around 7 pm, and closer to 11 am you feel like you are dying to eat, take a glass hot water, add a couple of lemon slices, a teaspoon of honey and drink in slow sips. Literally after 10 minutes of hunger as it had not happened.

"Wedding Size", "Home", from Monday to Thursday at 23:00

The famous singer Anita Tsoi admitted that she gained 8 kilograms during the Wedding Size project. As it turned out, the reason for the dramatic weight gain was hormonal changes caused by age.


Anita Tsoi in social network Instagram published a short video dedicated to the release of the new season of the show “Wedding Size”, in which she admitted that she gained 8 kilograms as a host helping her participants to lose weight. The singer explained that such a jump in weight is associated with age-related hormonal changes, because she had already "passed" over 45. Tsoi frankly stated: "While everyone was losing weight, I was gaining weight," but despite this, the singer was able to pull herself together and bring her body into norm.

Anita Tsoi said that today the audience is waiting for the premiere of the new season of "Wedding Size", in which she, on a par with her characters, will keep her shape and control her weight. Fans of the singer on the Web admitted that they did not notice the moment when she recovered by 8 kilograms.

Posted by Anita Tsoi / Anita Tsoi (@anitatsoy) Nov 6, 2017 at 2:39 PST

Admirers of Anita's work believe that she did just incredible - she recovered as part of the show, which, on the contrary, helps participants lose weight.

The TV presenter admitted that at first she did not notice changes in the body. Subsequently, Anita confirmed the information about the change in the parameters of the figure. The woman promised that fans would not recognize her soon. Anita is going to take hold of her body and regain her slender figure.

Some fans believe that the celebrity gained 8 kilograms not just because she likes to eat well. Admirers of Anita Tsoi attribute changes in the figure to age. This year, the woman turned 45 years old. Perhaps a sharp weight gain was provoked by hormonal changes in the body. Anita herself did not even expect that this would happen right now.

How did the fans of the TV presenter react to the change in her figure

Fans are divided into two camps. Some constantly leave angry comments on Anita's page like this: “how could you let yourself go like that ???”. Others, on the contrary, try to cheer up Anita, telling her that she will quickly cope with excess weight. The main thing is to take care of yourself and not let everything take its course.

How Anita Tsoi relates to excessive fullness

Presenter and singer Anita Tsoi told reporters more than once how she herself had to fight for harmony. The feelings of the participants who came to her for the Wedding Size program are familiar to the woman firsthand.

Anita Tsoi before and after losing weight

Anita Tsoi is convinced that being overweight can really destroy a marriage, even if the spouses love each other very much. It was with this situation that the TV presenter herself faced in her younger years.

Anita got married at 19. Two years later, her first child was born. The weight of the woman exceeded 110 kilograms. Anita herself did not understand that she began to look worse. It seemed to her that everything in the family was the same as before. She tried to maintain a life, cooked and cleaned, fiddled with the child. The TV presenter was sure that her husband still loves her, even despite the changed figure.

After some time, Anita felt that something was wrong in her relationship with her husband. She openly asked her husband what happened. He replied that he had not married the woman she had now become. Anita Tsoi was very offended by this conversation. The husband said that their relationship would be the same as before, subject to her weight loss.

Of course, Anita immediately told her friends about what had happened. She knew that talking alone would not change anything. You really need to take action. And Anita took care of herself. Subsequently, she realized that she was sincerely grateful for her husband's words. Looking at herself from the side, Anita saw what she had become - with such a woman in the place of a man, she would definitely not begin to live together.
